Stud farm 39. Projects of JSC Donstroy. Starting price, US dollars

The first stud farm in Altai was founded by the merchant VINOKUROV from the village of Tyumentsevo, this was in 1907.

...Having inherited from his father trading shops, warehouses, and with them three hundred dessiatines (a dessiatine was a unit of area in Russia before 1918, equal to 1.0925 hectares - author's note) of land, a herd of 65 cows, several hundred horses, a merchant Alexander Vinokurov continued the family business with zeal and diligence. He worked hard, was zealous in his work, was a man of outstanding business qualities - he was in charge of construction and trade, took care of feed for numerous livestock, organized the supply of horses for tsarist army. As befitted a Russian merchant, Alexander Adrianovich, as an Orthodox man, did not forget about his soul in commercial matters: he attended church regularly, did charity work, and cared about people.


As contemporaries recalled, Vinokurov often donated to church needs, helped the poor, and contributed to the construction and maintenance of schools, hospitals, shelters, and libraries. A representative of a famous merchant family left behind a good memory; fire victims and newlyweds remembered him with gratitude - Alexander Adrianovich gave them cows and horses to set up a farm; He treated holy fools kindly and always gave them alms. And when many men from the village were taken away during the First World War, Vinokurov provided all kinds of assistance to their mothers and wives: on holidays they brought meat and flour from him, and also paid cash benefits. He did not forget about old people: for those who worked for him, the merchant built a house for the elderly and visited veterans. Thanks to the activities of Vinokurov, a steam mill appeared in Tyumentsevo at the beginning of the twentieth century - a progressive enterprise at that time. Such was the merchant Alexander Adrianovich - a philanthropist and admirer of progressive trends. Everything was done with his hands, the matter was arranged wisely, and Vinokurova forever gave his heart to the horses. It was he who became a horse breeder in Tyumentsevo, establishing a factory twelve kilometers from the village.
The Vinokurov dynasty lived richly, even luxuriously: representatives of the merchant family knew how to earn a living. According to fellow villagers, in Tyumentsevo and at the stud farm, Alexander Adrianovich had solid wooden houses, lavishly decorated with lace carvings. For a merchant, a house was a symbol of wealth and success, demonstrating the strength, reliability and profitability of the business.


In 1907, Alexander Adrianovich decided to found the first stud farm in Altai. The reason for this was the growth in the size of the Russian army, as a result of which the tsarist military department needed more and more horses for artillery and cavalry. I read on the website of the Altai Stud Farm ( “Millionaires” Vinokurovs came from Tyumentsev peasants, at the end of the century before last they became merchants of the first guild, and were engaged in the grain trade. Only Alexander Vinokurov remained to live in Tyumentsevo. For the stud farm, he chose a place on the banks of the Krutishka River, among numerous pegs. From ridge to ridge there is extensive grazing and good watering places. A pond was dug in the estate, 2 stables, a carriage house, an infirmary, barracks for grooms and riders, and various utility rooms were built. But the main building was a unique wooden arena - covered, with two dressage circles. In winter, horses went from the arena to the stable without going out into the cold.
Vinokurov did not understand breeding work at all, and at first he followed the advice of amateurs. He started by purchasing several horses that had been culled from other stud farms. The first representatives of the Oryol trotter breed appeared in 1908. The demand for Oryol horses was very good, and Alexander began to think more and more often about breeding horses of this breed.
By the beginning of 1917, the Vinokurovsky herd numbered half a thousand horses of various types and groups. Only the last purchases were successful. The excellent Oryol stallion Barchuk was purchased for 65 thousand rubles, and the stallion Capital for 35 thousand rubles. Vinokurov assigned a very modest role to the uterus - giving birth to offspring. Responsibility for the quality of the offspring fell entirely on the stallion; as a result, the offspring was insignificant. The process of raising young animals came down to feeding. But the horse breeding business still generated income - the repair commissions of the warring army paid good money for horses. The workers mobilized to the front were replaced by captured Magyars.”

PLANT No. 39

The first years of Soviet power were very difficult for the plant. Despite numerous requests from fellow villagers, the Reds still shot Alexander Vinokurov. The stud farm was declared, according to the rules of that time, national property. Then requisitions followed - the horses were taken by the White Czechs, Kolchakites, partisans and simply gangs of bandits. But many horses were saved from requisition by peasants who simply took small herds into the forest and waited until the uninvited “guests” left.
After the Civil War, local horse breeding enthusiasts, led by the elected chairman of the board, Sdobnikov, literally bit by bit restored the collapsed farm. Stolen animals were even searched for in neighboring provinces. By June 1920, three hundred horses had been collected. Among them were blood trotters, half-breeds and English racehorses. An order came from Moscow to transfer all thoroughbred horses from the Red Army and partisan detachments to stud farms and state breeding stables. A special commission was created. Since that time, the factory has seriously engaged in horse breeding.
In 1923, the farm was named the “First Siberian State Stud Farm”, six years later it received a new name - “Altai Stud Farm No. 39”. “Thirty-ninth” is his name to this day.


The plant went through a lot - both the revolution and the Great Patriotic War, and felt the realities of today. The centenary of the enterprise, which was celebrated in 2007, was celebrated by its staff without much enthusiasm - the future seemed vague. And did the Altai plant have it? But thank God - an investor came here, passionately loving graceful thoroughbred horses - Anatoly Ostryagin, and the future appeared, sparkling with new colors.
First of all, the new owner invested money - and a lot of it - in the construction of a new complex for horses, which was added to the existing stables. In the village of Zavodskoye, where the enterprise is located, this new beautiful building invariably arouses interest among visitors, and pride and joy among locals. Changes for the better were felt by all residents of the village, and these changes were taken to heart - because the Altai Stud Farm is a village-forming enterprise that provides work.


The new complex is an indoor range for young animals and a modern stable, which is designed to house 53 animals: there are stalls for broodmares, stud stallions, horses from an equestrian school and breeding stock. Everything here is arranged according to the latest technology in horse breeding, for example, two shower cabins for horses are installed, equipped with ultraviolet and infrared lamps; The breeding office is well equipped, even drinking bowls for horses - and those are heated so that the animals do not get cold. The general director of the enterprise, Evgeny Kukovitsky, is confident that in the coming years, the only breeding center for horse breeding in Siberia will be founded on the basis of the equestrian complex. For this purpose, unique, expensive French equipment has already been purchased.
Now that the first stage of the equestrian complex has been commissioned, not only breeding animals will feel the changes - working conditions for people have significantly improved, that’s what’s important! Although working with horses is still considered difficult, mainly due to the fact that the process of caring for trotters cannot be completely mechanized, they need participation and communication with humans.


At the stud farm, the team is mostly female. Groom Tatyana Andreeva, clutching a bouquet and a letter of gratitude, which were presented for conscientious work by the governor of the region, Alexander Karlin, who came to the opening of the complex and the equestrian festival, standing in the new room, where the smell of fresh paint can still be felt, says:
- My working day starts at seven in the morning, but I’m in the stalls even earlier - I have to have time to give the hay. There is a lot of work, but now it will be better, everything is provided for here! The main thing at a stud farm is selection work aimed at preserving the quality of the breed; today the enterprise has everything necessary for this. We are very glad that the newly built complex will be good for both us and the horses!
Among those who received the award from the hands of the governor was saddler Nikolai Safronov. When his name was named among those invited to the impromptu stage, a voice came from the audience: “That’s right! He needs a reward, he deserves it.” Limping, leaning on a stick, Nikolai Ivanovich took the letter of gratitude somewhere into the crowd. Then I saw him - calmly smoking, sitting on a bench, squinting at the bright September sun. I sat down next to him. I wanted to know what it was like to be a saddler? Many people no longer even know what kind of profession this is. Puffing on a cigarette, Nikolai Ivanovich slowly explained that the saddler’s job is to harness the horse.
My interlocutor did not choose this rare profession for himself right away - he loved working with horses, and therefore was both a groom and a foreman. But up to a certain point. Somehow they put drops into the eyes of a young restive horse. The nervous mare was caught and escaped from human hands. Safronova kicked for a long time. She furiously beat her hooves on the head, arms, legs, body... Safronov was saved, but since then his leg has not bent, his health is not what it used to be. Well, who do you want to work with? He loves animals, it’s been a habit since childhood - to be close to them. “I just respect horses,” he explains. So I went into saddlery. There was nowhere to learn and no one to learn from - then he laid out the old bridle in front of him, touched it with his fingers, turned it in front of him, looked at it for a long time - and tried to repeat the same thing. I made special hooks for making horse harnesses in general necessary tool built it myself. Gradually things improved. It’s impossible to count how many of those harnesses have been altered. Work harness requires less time - a bridle and other equipment are sewn for one horse in about a week. But on the road, things are more serious, leather and velvet are needed, almost jewelry work! And it lasts for a month, no less. Several people prepare a horse for a competition, and only one person is responsible for the harness - the saddler. Now, however, there are more representatives of this rare profession, because interest in equestrian entertainment events is growing, and people are appearing who are ready to invest in the development of horse breeding.
How Anatoly Ostryagin continues to do this. His name has already gone down in the history of Altai horse breeding, as the governor of the region Alexander Karlin emphasized, now the plant is experiencing a new period of its development.
And, probably, in many years people will remember the name of Anatoly Ivanovich with the same gratitude with which Alexander Vinokurov, the first horse breeder in Altai, is still remembered to this day.

Altai means the best

On the one hundred and fifth birthday of the plant, immediately after the ceremonial part, an equestrian festival was held, which became a special tradition; prizes were awarded for winning the races for Oryol trotters, which are not only a decoration of hippodrome competitions, but also a part of Russian equestrian culture.
It only remains to add that the Altai Stud Farm is one of the three best stud farms in Russia specializing in Oryol horse breeding. At one time the stallion Zodiac - absolute champion breed 1992 - was purchased at the Altai plant and presented to the Queen of England. One of the stallions was purchased as a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Vladimirovich himself once donated a purebred horse from Altai to Korean leader Kim Jong Il - a kind of propaganda for beautiful Russian trotters.

Count breed

The Orlov breed, as is known, originated from horses bred by Count Orlov. Excellent trotters, later known throughout the world, were bred by crossing the Arabian stallion Smetanka, Dutch and Danish mares, and the first real Orlov breeder was the stallion Polkan, from whom Bars was born, and from them, one might say, the whole breed originated. “Both under the water and under the governor,” - this is a saying about the Oryol trotters.

Tyumentsevsky district
The article uses information from the website

Address 658590, Altai region, TYUMENTSEVSKY district, ZAVODSKOY village, st. CENTRAL, 23 Telephone Fax 24-3-19

Types of activities of LLC "ALTAI HORSE 39"

Legal information

Organizational and legal form Limited Liability Companies
Type of ownership Private property
CEO Kukovitsky Evgeniy Alexandrovich
OGRN 1052201204978
TIN 2282003723
checkpoint 228201001
OKPO 27077031
Registration date December 14, 2005
Registration authority Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 7 for the ALTAI region

Founders of LLC "ALTAI HORSE 39"

Statregister, January 2010
  • . Citizens of Russia (1) (participation share - 0.02%)
  • . LLC "Kazachya Stanitsa" (participation share - 99.98%)
Statregister, September 2006
  • . RUSSIAN CITIZENS (2) (participation share - 70.1%)
  • . DOVERIE-INVEST LLC (participation share - 29.9%)
Statregister, January 2008
  • . RUSSIAN CITIZENS (3) (participation share - 75.1%)
Statregister, January 2009
  • . LLC "KOZACHYA STANITSIA" (participation share - 50.1%)
  • . DOVERIE-INVEST LLC (participation share - 24.9%)
  • . RUSSIAN CITIZENS (2) (participation share - 25%)
Statregister, August 2009
  • . LLC "COSSACK STANITSA" (participation share - 80%)
  • . RUSSIAN CITIZENS (1) (participation share - 20%)
Statregister, October 2010
  • . LLC "Kazachya Stanitsa" (participation share - 99.97%)
  • . Citizens of Russia (2) (participation share - 0.03%)
Statregister, April 2011
Statregister, October 2011
  • . LLC "Kazachya Stanitsa" (participation share - 99.99%)
  • . Citizens of Russia (2) (participation share - 0.01%)
Statregister, June 2012
  • . Citizens of Russia (2) (participation share - 0.01%)
  • . LLC "Kazachya Stanitsa" (participation share - 99.99%)
Statregister, October 2012
  • . Citizens of Russia (2) (participation share - 0.01%)
  • . LLC "Kazachya Stanitsa" (participation share - 99.99%)
Unified State Register of Legal Entities, February 2012
  • . Limited Liability Company "Kazachya Stanitsa" (participation share - 99.99%)
  • . YAKOVLEV IVAN NIKOLAEVICH (participation share - 0.01%)

Other companies





Hanoverians, Holsteins, Trakens. Kaliningrad region, Chernyakhovsk.

Purebred horses of the Hanoverian, Trakehner and Holstein breeds. Kaliningrad region, Ozersk, st. Bagrationa, 10 a.

Budenovsky breed, Trakehner, Holstein. Rostov region, Proletarsk.

Hanoverian and Trakehner, crossbred horses. Samara region, Krasnoyarsk district, Kolodinka village, industrial site 1

Trakens, Hanoverians, Russian riding breed. Bryansk region, Brasovsky district, p/o Lokot

Russian riding breed. Ryazan region, village Starozhilovo, st. Konezavodskaya, 1

Sale of horses from the Rostov region, Donchak, Budenovtsy, Traken, thoroughbred horse.

Budennovskaya breed. Russia, Rostov region, Zernograd district, x. Chernyshevka.

(JSC Kirov Stud Farm) - best horses Old Trakehner lines, jumping and dressage horses for sale. Rostov region, Tselinsky district, village. Voronovo.

Purebred horse breed.

Thoroughbred horse.

Sale of Friesian horses and sports horses (jumping, eventing). Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl district, Svechino village

Sale of sports horses and young animals of Holstein, Hanoverian and Ukrainian riding breeds. Smolensk region, Vyazma, st. Pesochnaya 16

Arabian horses. Krasnodar region, Abinsk, Komsomolsky 70

Breeding and sale of Arabian horses for racing. Penza region, Nizhnelomovsky district, village. Golitsyno.

By purchasing a horse, the buyer takes on a responsibility that he must be aware of. Unlike the purchase of a car, the transaction involves a living creature, which not only becomes at its disposal: on the contrary, the owner must be at the disposal of the animal, providing not only optimal maintenance, care and feeding, but also the necessary movement and activity. A horse should only be purchased by someone who is aware of these aspects!
After this, the buyer must decide what type of horse he wants, whether he intends to compete in tournament sports, engage in hobby riding, or use it for another purpose. Therefore, not only the breed, type, size of the horse, but also the decision in which way to acquire the horse depends on the level of training of the rider.

There are several ways to purchase a horse: buying at a stud farm, at an auction, from a private seller or a horse dealer. Each of these paths has its pros and cons depending on the horse the buyer is looking for and, above all, the personality of the buyer.
When choosing and purchasing a horse, it is best to take the advice of an experienced horse expert. During more substantive negotiations, the buyer should take the time to inspect the horse in motion. A good handler, or the buyer himself, if he is able, should try the horse under saddle.
It is important to check whether the data on age, color and markings in the documents (breeding certificate, birth certificate, horse passport) coincide with the real state of affairs. If this is not the case, you should refrain from purchasing.

A veterinary examination (primarily in the interests of the seller) is also offered in each case. The seller and buyer together should contact a veterinarian or clinic and also agree on who will bear the costs of the research. They must be carried out immediately. If the seller and buyer agree, a contract is concluded, always in writing. When changing ownership (including after purchasing a horse from a stud), all horses in the Russian Federation must have a passport issued.

Altai Stud Farm 39 LLC is considered the oldest stud farm in Siberia. To this day, the plant is one of the leaders in Russian Federation on breeding the Oryol breed of horses.

History of the plant

A hundred years ago, merchant Alexander Adrianovich Vinokurov decided to found the first stud farm in Altai. The Russian army was growing at that time, and the military department needed horses for the newly formed artillery and cavalry units.

After the revolution, in 1923, by order of the Siberian Trust of Stud Farms, the former distillery plant received a new name: “The First Siberian State Stud Farm.”

Throughout the 20th century, the plant grew and developed. Over the decades there have been ups and downs. In the new millennium, in 2006, the horse breeding branch of the plant became an independent enterprise - Altai Stud Farm 39 LLC. People, equipment, horses - everything remained in place. Today, the plant has about 60 mares with an average annual population of 200-220 heads, 1,650 hectares of arable land and the necessary set of agricultural machinery.

Description of the plant

Today, on the territory of the Altai Stud Farm there is one brood stable, there is a department for stud stallions, two training departments, and there is also a separate stable for foals.

At the breeding stable there are cooking facilities for keeping fresh air queens during the stall period.

All horse breeding buildings are concentrated in the village of Zavodskoye, in a single complex.
Adjacent to the complex of factory buildings is a factory hippodrome with a dirt track 1067 m long.

The breeding horse stock of the Altai Stud Farm is provided with green and roughage due to:
1. Natural pastures located 3 km from the estate. Natural grazing is a long-term fallow land with areas of saline soils; the grass is rich in minerals, which contributes to the dryness and strength of the tendon-ligament apparatus.
2. In the second half of summer, natural grazing sharply reduces its productivity due to grass grazing and burning. At this time, herds of pedigree horses graze the after-sown perennial grasses of the hayfields, and at the end of summer - the stubble.
The horses are supplied with grain fodder at the expense of the grain farm of the plant.
The water supply to the stables of the Alata plant is provided by a water pump from an artesian well.

The Altai Stud Farm is proud of its six All-Union and All-Russian record holders, who have set a total of thirteen records. Ippik is considered the absolute record holder of the breed, one of whose records, set in 1986, has not yet been broken

The advantages of the stud include the fact that in 1993 the stallion Zodiac was purchased by Great Britain directly for the court of the Queen of England, and in 2003 the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin presented the stallion Iplom to the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.

...The territory of the stud farm is simply gorgeous. Magnificent stables, washes and paddocks. The smell is luxurious... Then, leather, hay, manure, love, in the end... :) If you stroke the velvety, delicate upper lip of a horse, and then touch the stallion with the same hand - wow, an explosion of desires occurs, the horse draws in the smell of a horse woman, hits with his hooves, he laughs and laughs loudly, and he begins to drool profusely... At the same time, he himself begins to smell something special, inviting, inviting... they say musk... :). Of course, we would never have stroked it ourselves. But our guide shows us how to do it correctly and makes us not be afraid. And having touched the plush above your upper lip at least once and for a moment, you will never forget these sensations...

Georgenburg - Mayovka village.
~6-7 km from Chernyakhovsk.
123 km from Zelenogradsk.
92 km from Kaliningrad.

As usual, having left the gates of Insterburg Castle, we wondered in which direction the village of Mayovka with its stud farm was located. Having waited for a rare passerby, we received instructions to turn left. That’s what we did, but after driving 6-7 km and not seeing a single sign, we got worried and stopped at some fork in some village near the wall of some house that looked like a store. We gnawed peaches for 10-15 minutes and waited for at least someone to ask. Unable to bear it, I got out of the car and tried to shout at the windows and doors - there was no answer. After shaking the air with unsatisfied questions, I went out onto the road to see if there was a hint of anything moving. The opposite side of the road was the side of some huge, densely and sloppily overgrown hill. I raised my head and was dumbfounded - at the top I could see the wall of Georgenburg Castle, or rather, what was left of it. So it finally dawned on us that we were almost at our goal - in Mayovka.

Back in 2007, this castle was almost intact...

But where is the factory? A car filled with tourists stopped next to us and asked us the same question :). After expert discussion, it was decided to take the left fork. We were not mistaken. But what a mistake the guidebook made, devoting only a small paragraph to the Georgenburg stud farm. Dishonest.
The first thing that catches your eye is the beautiful playpen behind a beautiful wrought-iron grille. The second is that this is a modern and beautiful-looking complex, which includes, in addition to stables, a hotel and restaurant of the same name.

Hotel complex at a stud farm

Behind the gate you can see the arena. Let's go there

It was just not clear how to get inside. The people who were in front of us, after hitting the guard's closed booth and spitting on the asphalt, turned around and left. After watching this scene, we decided not to retreat. And we went to the hotel, at the reception of which we quickly found out that excursions are held almost every 40 minutes - an hour, tickets are sold from them and cost 70 rubles, and that we need to wait for the guide for about half an hour. We were delighted with how well the equestrian excursion solitaire game played out so well and decided to have a quick snack in the restaurant. The interior of which, by the way, like the entire hotel, was English and horse-like. Very pleasant - the predominance of green color and tapestry furniture and the image of who it is:).
Everything would have been fine if the waitress hadn’t warned us that we were in a hurry and couldn’t sit still, said “yes, yes, yes, I understand you,” and, having accepted the order, disappeared in an unknown direction. As we later found out, “she went to the accounting department” :):):(. So we threw ourselves at salads and juliennes almost standing up. They were already waiting for us.

We are not horse people. We are not interested in horse news, we don’t understand breeds, we don’t watch horse races, we don’t attend horse races, we don’t bet on the winning horse.
But after visiting the Georgenburg stud farm, I’m not afraid to say that all this is almost in the past tense. When I hear the word horse, my heart now warms.
After communicating with horses, it is impossible to imagine a different result.

Our excursion is again exclusive - two of us and a guide. A woman, as she told herself, in love with horses and the mother of five children.

The territory of the stud farm is simply gorgeous. A magnificent arena filled with a special mixture of rubber sawdust and volcanic sand, which protects the hooves of the horses prancing here, shining with their muscular sides and fluttering silken manes and tails.

International equestrian competitions are held here

Special sand and sawdust filling of the arena

It's probably a Traken

Lord, what a handsome man!

But this red one is probably a Holstein

Training session

Magnificent stables, washes and paddocks.

We go into the stables

Horses from the stables

Horse solarium and horse wash

And these are old sinks

The smell is luxurious... Then, leather, hay, manure, love, in the end... :) If you stroke the velvety, delicate upper lip of a horse, and then touch the stallion with the same hand - wow, an explosion of desires occurs, the horse draws in the smell of a horse woman, hits with his hooves, he laughs and laughs loudly, and he begins to drool profusely... At the same time, he himself begins to smell something special, inviting, inviting... they say musk... :).
Of course, we would never have stroked it ourselves. But our guide shows us how to do it correctly and makes us not be afraid. And having touched the plush above your upper lip at least once and for a moment, you will never forget these sensations... Then he asks a passing dismounted horsewoman to leave us for a while a handsome red Traken in white knee socks, whom we hold by the bridle and take pictures...

Trakens, Holsteins, Hanoverians... This is where we should start.
Trakens are excellent riding horses. Not only are they absolute beauties. But also the owners of “elastic movements with natural impulses,” as well as a “good-natured” character and “energetic and balanced” temperament. Historically, horses of this breed began to be bred in the early 18th century. in the settlement of Gross Trakenen (today it is Yasnaya Polyana, Nesterovsky district, Kaliningrad region). The founding father of the Traken line is the Arabian horse Persianer. Let us not forget that lovers of horse riding, racing and hound hunting there have always been (and are) primarily aristocrats.

The Georgenburg stud farm is the “reproducer” of these horses and the owner of the inviolable Trakehn gene pool. And this plant has a long, ancient and impressive history.
Late 14th century. The Knights of the Teutonic Order build a castle here, which they name in honor of the patron saint of the Crusaders, Saint Knight George, and donate it to the bishop. And here, in this place, they begin to breed horses for the knights. Time flies. And centuries later, Georgenburg naturally changes its horse orientation somewhat - massive carriage horses are now bred here for the royal court and draft horses for crews. And at the beginning of the 19th century. The factory is bought by the Scotsman Simpson, begins crossing purebred English stallions, owners of special “trotting” abilities, with powerful and hardy Prussian horses (or vice versa:)) and gets new breed- Trakens - noble half-breeds, and for a successful experiment also the noble prefix “von” to the surname and the right to brand Trakens - a double elk horn.

In 1899, the stud farm was bought by the state (in the same year it also acquired amber production!). And Georgenburg becomes the largest horse breeding plant in Europe.

In the 1940s the factory ceased to exist, or the breeding stallions dispersed different countries, or died. After the war, all the horses evacuated from the factory became our war trophy. And little by little, various stud farms began to restore the breeding of the Trakehner breed.
Just recently, just a few years ago, the stud farm was almost in ruins. This is as it should be. The name Georgenburg was hidden under the name Mayovka. The bishop's castle, by the way, burned down... a few months ago... - having stood safely for 6 centuries... Just when some organization left there. It is quite possible that she expressed her dissatisfaction in this way...

How it was and how it became

I understand that the question has long been asked: who revived the entire horse industry?
Anatoly Ramazanovich Oruzhev.
Former Minister of Oil and Gas of Bashkortostan and today's businessman and president...

The stud farm now has many outside sponsors.
I think that when money is invested not in personal property acquisitions, but in such a noble cause as the restoration of horse breeding for sports purposes, it is worth more than gold. In 2002 Georgenburg has reclaimed its original name and is now an internationally known and respected venue for all kinds of equestrian show jumping and dressage tournaments, in which “the best riders on the planet” participate. In his stables, about 40 trakens are now chewing hay, kicking and enjoying life.

We were the last ones to close the temporary excursion chain for today, and therefore our guide showed everything and told us about everything in a big way, without rushing or rushing anywhere.
I can write for a long time, but everyone needs to personally experience the magic of horses. I don't know what exactly it is. But here at the stud farm you begin to be enveloped by the invisible warmth coming from these animals. They are so different, with incredibly elegant and perfect silhouettes and lines, colors, hairstyles and characters, but the main thing is that not a single person works here who is not in love with horses... Teenagers, 10-12 years old, also come here, alone, without parents , live here in a hotel and take care of horses... Character is developed from childhood...

We barely left. We stood for a particularly long time in one of the very picturesque inner courtyards; there was a fenced area where touching foal (pregnant) horses grazed. The bright sun was shining, which intensified the blue of the sky and the red of the tiled roofs, and clearly outlined the empty windows in the half-black walls of the ancient episcopal castle nearby.