A set of exercises with a jump rope for weight loss. The best jump rope exercise program for weight loss. Exercises with a jump rope for cellulite on the buttocks

A jump rope is the simplest, most compact and cheapest cardio exercise machine. Moreover, one of the most effective. By jumping rope correctly, you can actually lose 5-7 kg in a month, get rid of cellulite, increase the overall tone of the body, strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks and make the figure noticeably more toned.

This type of training is often called skipping (from the English “rope-skipping”, i.e. “jumping over a rope”). How much and how to jump rope to lose weight, the training tables in our article will tell you.

Weight loss machine

When exercising with a skipping rope at a pace of 80-100 jumps per minute, 0.2-0.3 kilocalories are burned per 1 jump. For a 15-minute workout - 200 kcal. Such intensive load encourages the body to more actively saturate the blood with oxygen. Toxins are removed and fat accumulations are broken down.

The most effective fat burning occurs after half an hour of training. For the purpose of losing weight, we include intense jumping rope in the general fitness training program or, if only exercises with a jump rope are chosen, we gradually increase the training time.

First, choose the correct length of the rope. It is determined by the height of the student. Step on the center of the rope and pull it up by the handles. The ends of the rope should end just above your armpits. Or take a rope folded in half by the handles and stretch it with straight arms in front of you at chest level. The rope should lightly touch the floor.

For athletes with a height of 167-183 cm, a length of 280 cm is suitable, for those who are shorter - 250 cm, etc.

Please note: sports uniform. For women, it is advisable to wear a tight top over a special sports bra. If necessary, supplement the equipment by wrapping it with a wide elastic bandage.

You need to choose shock-absorbing sneakers for jumping; they will protect your feet from excessive stress.

You cannot jump on a concrete floor or grass; a flat surface of the ground, a wooden or rubberized surface will do.

Performance technique

jumping technique

First of all, we master the jumping technique. Keep your body straight and jump straight up. We do not move it to the sides, rotating the rope only with the hand. - together. We jump on our toes easily and silently, without landing on our heels.

When jumping, you need to watch your breathing. If it goes astray, we switch to less intense exercises so as not to overload the heart. When muscle tremors appear, we ease the load by jumping alternately from one leg to the other.

Before classes, a 10-minute stretching of the muscles of the whole body is useful.

The workout must be completed with a cool-down in order to smoothly, without wearing out the heart, restore its usual rhythm and stretch the muscles, preventing painful ruptures.

Video training with a jump rope.

How long to jump?

effective training

Start with feasible loads in at a relaxed pace. The body adapts, and the muscles and joints have time to get stronger.

Increase the load gradually. The first week we jump for 5-10 minutes once a day or every other day, pausing 30 seconds between sets to stretch, swing, bend, and twist.

Every next week we add 10-15 minutes, thus bringing the duration of the workout to an hour (with 3-minute breaks for less intense exercises).

It is good to alternate jumping forward on two legs with jumping backward and jumping alternately on each leg.(2 minutes on one, next set - 2 minutes on the other).

It is best to jump to fast, energetic music.

The main exercise is jumping on two legs while twisting the rope forward. To use the maximum number of muscles, alternate different types of jumps (there are about 30 of them). On two legs; landing on each leg in turn; on one leg; jumping from side to side; with knees raised high; turning the rope forward; back; cross. In the high-impact series, we don’t forget about double jumps.

A set of jumping ropes for weight loss

workout program for weight loss

A person jumps approximately 100 jumps/minute. Beginners can do it in 2-3 approaches.

Reference point daily norm, performed in several approaches:

  • for beginner athletes - 1000 jumps/day;
  • for prepared people -1500;
  • for advanced - 2000 jumps/day.

The table below shows the number of basic jumps as the training time increases.

Table 1. Weight loss program for basic jumping rope

Day Number of jumps Day Number of jumps Day Number of jumps
1 100 11 360 21 600
2 130 12 rest 22 630
3 160 13 400 23 660
4 Rest 14 430 24 rest
5 200 15 460 25 700
6 230 16 rest 26 730
7 260 17 500 27 760
8 Rest 18 530 28 rest
9 300 19 560 29 800
10 330 20 rest 30 830

Table 2. Weight loss program

Benefits for the whole body

benefits of jumping

In addition to actually losing weight, regular jumping rope trains the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs and all muscle groups.

Metabolism accelerates, toxins are removed, the skin becomes more elastic. The body is toned, health improves, and the mood is lifted.

The contours of the body tighten and become clearer, and “looseness” disappears. Posture improves. Coordination of movements develops. A trained vestibular system helps improve memory and get rid of dizziness.

  • In an hour of training with a jump rope, you can burn more than 700 kcal, and with - 600!
  • There is a World Organization of Jumping Rope. And since 1997, skipping championships have been regularly held.


You should not start training with a skipping rope if you have the following contraindications.

    The weight of the student exceeds the norm by 20 kg or more. It’s better to first reset the “extra” in another way, then connect jumps. Otherwise, overload on the body, primarily on the spine and knees, will only bring harm.

    Prolapse of the kidneys. Consultation with a doctor is required. You may have to use a special belt during training.

    Heart disease, high blood pressure. You need to consult a cardiologist to choose a gentle set of exercises.

    Problems with joints and spine.


Modern people, leading an inactive lifestyle, often suffer from depression, excess weight- exercises with a skipping rope will help you cope with this. This simulator has been known to everyone since childhood, but even in adulthood it does not lose its relevance. During training, the physical activity of the body increases, it becomes more resilient, the body tightens, muscles become stronger, excess weight is lost, and the functioning of the lungs and heart is normalized. In this article we will provide special programs for jumping rope for weight loss and general health.

Examples of training programs

Jumping rope can be the basis of an independent training program for weight loss, or combined with other exercises. Even simple basic jumps will be effective, not to mention complex high jumps.

Weight loss course for beginners

The basis of the first week is basic jumping using the interval technique (work-rest). It is recommended to start training in a 1:2 ratio (for example, 15 minutes of exercise - half an hour break). For each working interval, you need to perform 5-25 jumps. You should train 3 times/week.

To warm up the joints and muscles, you should warm up your limbs for 5-10 minutes before performing.

Basic jumping rope technique

In the second week, the number of jumps performed per working interval is gradually increased. The proportion of activity and rest is 1:1. Training is performed 4 times/week.

By the end of the second week, you should be jumping for 2-3 minutes continuously.

In the third and fourth weeks, attention is paid to improving technique and developing speed. You should aim to perform 120 jumps per minute (2 jumps/second). Next, a gradual increase in the time of jumps and a decrease in rest are made. The goal of the workout is 10 minutes of continuous high-frequency exercise. This program jumping rope for 30 days promotes slight weight loss and develops endurance in beginners

At the end of each jump rope workout for weight loss, stretch your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulder girdle- this will help avoid sore throat.

Visual aid on how to perform simple jumps jumping rope - video:

Skiping, intensive 30-day weight loss course

Reviews sports trainers confirm that fat in the body begins to be burned after half an hour of active jumping. Taking this into account, a monthly program for training on a jump rope for weight loss was developed.

The first two weeks of exercise loads are light. Jumping is related to rest in a 1:1 ratio. The training is carried out in the following sequence:

Visualization of a weight loss program using a jump rope - 1-2 weeks of classes

At 3-4 weeks of training, the time for jumping is increased. The set of exercises includes basic jumps and more complex high single jumps, which involve the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and abdomen.

Complex for 3-4 weeks of training

Weight loss program including simple jumping rope for 30 days

Novice athletes often ask how much they need to jump rope per day in order to get rid of extra pounds. Physiologically, a person cannot perform more than 100 jumps/minute. Therefore, a monthly weight loss schedule was developed, taking into account the number of jumps/day.

Note: if it is difficult for you to complete 100 jumps in a row, do them in 2-3 approaches with short pauses.

Jumping rope program for weight loss - table

There is also a graded complex for beginners, trained and advanced athletes. For the first, the load is 1000 jumps/day, for the second - 1500, for the third - 2000 jumps/day.

Monthly Cardio Training Program

The most effective quick way getting rid of fat deposits - interval cardio training. Its essence is alternating high and low intensity. This allows the body to get used to the stress, develop endurance, train the heart muscle, and burn excess fat in a short time.

Note: during high physical activity The body produces growth hormone, intensively burning fat.

The production of the hormone is facilitated by exercises performed at the most intense pace, the cardio load of which is at the limit of a person’s capabilities. Since achieving such a result is physically difficult, a special jumping scheme was developed that allows you to perform the complex with maximum efficiency in a limited time. After this the heart rests, aerobic training resumes.

The period of maximum load is 30-180 seconds, it depends on the individual endurance of the person. During one workout, 6-12 such intervals are performed.

Table of jumping rope for weight loss - interval technique

Jumping rope program for weight loss, classic alternation technique

To practice, you will need a watch with a second hand/timer to track time. An approximate diagram of an interval training session with a jump rope looks like this:

During cardio training, you need to breathe correctly - take a deep breath, exhale long through your nose.

According to this scheme, you can exercise 2-3 times/week, losing weight, training blood vessels and heart

15 Minute Cardiovascular Interval Workout with Jump Rope

For those who cannot devote much time to exercise, there are express programs. They allow you to achieve maximum effect in a short period.


Exercises with a jump rope can quickly bring your body back to normal. Exist various programs classes that allow you to lose excess weight, train your heart and blood vessels. They consist of simple or combined jumps, which allows you to choose the appropriate technique for people of different ages, weight, degree of training.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about the desire of every person to have a beautiful and toned body radiating health. Or rather, about a method that allows you to achieve an elegant and sophisticated form - jumping rope for weight loss.

What women are not willing to endure in order to get closer to the cherished standards: 90 – 60 – 90. But dietary restrictions and exhausting diets, not supported by weight loss, practically do not bring the desired effect.

Exercising in the gym and on exercise machines can effectively get rid of extra pounds. But, unfortunately, they are the ones that most often lack time for.

Don't despair! There is a simple and effective method, allowing almost any person to become the owner of an elegant and slim bodyskipping or jumping rope. Are you surprised? Let's look at what makes this method effective.

How jumping rope helps fight cellulite

Skipping is a great alternative to training on simulators. After all, jumping rope, in terms of the number of kilocalories burned in the body, is superior to swimming, cycling and even light jogging. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that such training allows you to effectively lose excess weight.

Why should you choose exercises with a skipping rope?

Why jumping training? The answer is very simple. Skipping involves everything muscle tissue person. As a result, cellulite begins to break down in problem areas. Strengthening the remaining muscle tissue prevents the development of “orange peel” in new areas. In addition, it ensures the harmonious formation of a slender body.

Is there really an anti-cellulite effect from jumping rope?

Nice ladies are sometimes distrustful of skipping. They are ready to agree that it is possible to lose weight with the help of a jump rope. But how can jumping eliminate cellulite?

It is known that " Orange peel"Most often appears on the butt, thighs, and legs. It is possible that it can form in other places - on the arms, stomach. However, the buttocks and legs are the most susceptible to cellulite.

If the muscles are constantly toned, then the process of fat cell deposition is noticeably reduced. In addition, skipping stimulates lymph flow and improves the enrichment of tissues with oxygen. This is what destroys the formed cellulite.

Is it true that jumping rope burns calories?

Skipping is a really great calorie burner. Jumping rope for 1 hour can “destroy” about 1000 kcal.

How long does it take to see the results of jumping rope for cellulite?

Women who regularly spent 15-30 minutes a day jumping rope visually noticed improvements after just 7 days. The cellulite tubercles began to smooth out, and the thighs began to become slimmer.

Contraindications to exercises with a skipping rope

Before starting such a fitness routine, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. After all, jumping can cause harm to some categories of people.

You should definitely consult a doctor for those losing weight who are diagnosed with high blood pressure. After all, the cardio loads that skipping provides can aggravate hypertension.

People with pathologies should avoid jumping:

  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the spine (disc displacement, intervertebral hernia);
  • heart diseases.

Those who suffer from this should approach training very carefully. They should start with minimal loads. Because jumping in such people greatly overloads the joints and spine.

What to do if jumping rope aggravates cellulite

Sometimes beautiful ladies start skipping with great zeal. But after a week they don’t notice any excellent results. Some of them even come to the conclusion that jumping rope has aggravated their cellulite. Is this possible? Unfortunately yes. But it’s not the jump rope’s fault at all.

The problem lies in the wrong lifestyle.

Harmful factors that provoke the formation of cellulite:

  • poor nutrition;
  • worries, stress;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • wearing clothes that are too tight;
  • lack (or excess) of fluid;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • physical inactivity;
  • smoking.

How to choose a jump rope for exercise

In order for your exercises to be beneficial, you need to choose the right exercise machine. So, how to choose a jump rope.

The length of the jump rope can be determined by the following method. Stand in the middle of the rope with both feet. Hold its ends in your hands. Pull the exercise machine along your torso. The best option is handles that reach the armpits.

You should not purchase a jump rope that is too long. It is difficult to control your movements on it. A short jump rope won't do either. To jump on it you will need to tuck your legs tightly.

Jump rope with kilocalorie counter

A jump rope with a calorie counter has become very popular. This trainer is very convenient. You will no longer need to constantly count calories. After all, the monitor screen will show whether you still need to exercise or whether it’s already enough.

Choosing clothes for jumping rope

It is important to choose the right one not only the jump rope. Pay attention to your clothes. After all, while playing sports, you should not feel discomfort.

  1. It is comfortable to jump in tight-fitting clothes. Avoid unnecessary details. Since any ruffles or bows can create inconvenience and cling to the jump rope. It is better to prefer a regular T-shirt, tank top and sweatpants, leggings.
  2. Girls should not forget about making the right choice bra. It should support the chest well so that jumping does not cause sagging or the formation of stretch marks.
  3. You can jump barefoot. For some people this is the most comfortable option. Because the lower leg does not strain during exercise. If you prefer shoes, they should be soft and provide good ankle support. Choose sneakers that are non-slip and lightweight. The sole should be a little springy. This will reduce the stress of landing sometimes.

Secrets and techniques for performing jumping rope for weight loss

Initially, you should remember how to jump rope correctly. After all, wrong actions will not only not help you achieve what you want, but will also disappoint you.

How to learn to jump rope?

So, to learn skipping, do the following exercises:

  1. Take both handles of the jump rope in one hand and spin it in the air for a while, describing circles. This way you can catch the rhythm of the movements.
  2. Now, having felt the necessary amplitude, try to just jump in one place. It’s not worth using a jump rope yet. When you feel that the rhythms of the movements (your jumps and the jump rope) match, you can move on to the final stage.
  3. Take a jump rope and try to combine both exercises.

Jump rope for weight loss. What muscles work?

Jumping rope will bring very tangible benefits. This has been proven by the example of many people.

During skipping, various muscle groups are used:

  • calf;
  • dorsal;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • muscles of the arms and hands;
  • abdominal Press;
  • gluteal

It is important that such tissues work together. Unfortunately, many people visiting GYM's, work each muscle separately. This is not entirely the right approach. After all, the body must develop harmoniously.

How to jump rope correctly for weight loss?

Having thoroughly prepared, you can begin your studies. Let's look at how to do skipping:

  1. Be sure to warm up before training. You can walk around the room or run. It is recommended to bend over and sit down several times. Such simple exercises warm up the body, set it up for the load. After the warm-up, your heart will be ready for an intense workout.
  2. Jumping should start at a slow pace. Start with short but frequent approaches. For example, jump for 20 seconds, then rest for the same amount. Gradually the pace should be increased. However, you should not expect great results after the first lesson. Get ready for fruitful long-term work on your body.
  3. The first workout should not exceed 5-10 minutes in duration. Increase each subsequent session by 1 minute. As a result, your workout will gradually reach the required norm and will take 30-40 minutes.
  4. Be sure to monitor your pulse. To determine the maximum allowable indicator, use the formula: 220 – (your age). Intensive combustion fat tissue occurs at the moment when your heart rate is within 70-80% of the maximum value. For example, age – 25 years. Maximum value: 220-25=195. Required pulse: 136 – 156 beats. (195*70/100 = 136).

Jump rope training program for weight loss and cellulite

To get rid of cellulite and excess weight you need to exercise regularly.

It is very important that training occurs daily. And you shouldn’t look for excuses, because you want to make your body beautiful.

Initially, your workouts will be short in duration - 10-15 minutes. Once you feel that they are coming fairly easily, it is time to start increasing their duration.

Jumping rope for weight loss - activity table

Days Morning workout, min Evening lesson, min
1 15 15
2 16 15
3 16 16
4 17 16

You can easily extend this schedule yourself.

However, watch your health. If at one of the stages you feel very tired, then you can stay at this amount of load for several days. And only after overcoming it, proceed to further increasing the load.

The best exercise with a jump rope for cellulite

To get rid of cellulite and effectively lose weight, you can perform the simplest movements. You need to jump on two legs. But it is very important to do it correctly.

When jumping, your elbows should be pressed tightly to your body. When the rope comes to the tips of your feet, you need to jump, letting it pass. Land exclusively on your toes. You should not touch the floor surface with your heels.

With such movements, the main thing is not to stop. A break can be taken only if breathing is lost or the pulse exceeds the permissible norm.

Jumping in the opposite direction is no less effective.

A set of exercises with a jump rope for weight loss

The following exercises are used for weight loss and can perfectly get rid of cellulite in the legs, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen:

  • From 1 to 5 minutes. Jump on two legs.
  • From 6 to 8 minutes. Alternately jump on your left and then on your right foot.
  • 9 to 11. Place your feet together again and continue jumping.
  • From 12 to 15. Perform jumps that simulate running. Alternate legs.
  • From 16 to 18. Jump on two limbs. Try to move forward and then back while doing this exercise. Skip to the left, then to the right.
  • From 19 to 20. Jump back. To do this, twist the rope in the opposite direction.
  • From 21 to 23. Jumping in one place. During the exercise you should rotate around your axis.
  • 24 minutes. Skipping with crossing rope.
  • From 25 to 29. Normal exercise on two legs. But the pace should gradually slow down.

How to do jump rope exercises correctly?

For those who want to improve their results, additional exercises can be used. However, it is worth moving on to them only when the main complex does not cause difficulties.

In addition, you can similarly do jumping jacks to lose weight without a jump rope, but keep in mind that such an exercise is still less effective.

Exercises with a jump rope for cellulite on the buttocks

Lie on your back. Pull one of your knees towards your chest area. Fold the rope in half. Place the jump rope around your shin. Try to pull it very gently towards you. Repeat for the other knee.

How to remove cellulite on legs using a jump rope

Standing position. One leg is slightly forward. When jumping rope, you need to change the position of your legs. Having lowered to the surface, the other leg should be in front. When the exercise is mastered, you can perform 2 swings in the air.

Exercises with a skipping rope for the abdomen

Lie on the floor, on your stomach. Place the rope over one of your ankles. Carefully pull the handles towards you. Try to reach your buttocks with your heel. This exercise must be done for the other leg.

Losing weight with a jump rope - “Everything will be fine”

Literally translated from English, “skipping” means “jumping over a rope.” The innovative technique is a set of specific exercises for losing weight using a professional or regular jump rope, depending on how seriously you decide to take skipping.

Skipping is an effective modern weight loss technique.

Experts note several advantages of this type of weight loss over other methods:

  1. Compact toolkit. The jump rope doesn't take up much space. You can take it with you on trips and on vacation, thereby not interrupting your daily workouts and strictly adhering to your weight loss program.
  2. Low cost of the simulator and related items necessary for classes.
  3. High efficiency. In just 1 month regular training you can lose 5-7 kg. excess weight, completely get rid of cellulite, strengthen all muscle groups and make your figure toned and more attractive.

The main principles of performing jumps

  • The body is straight, all muscles are tense and toned.
  • The arms are pressed as close to the body as possible, and are not moved to the sides.
  • Legs are brought together.

Execution of jumps:

  • Jumps are directed upward.
  • Easy to perform, on your toes, without touching the surface with your heels.
  • Control of breathing and general physical condition.

Efficiency. How many calories are burned in one workout?

With regular training and increasing the load in the program, the effectiveness of skipping is very high. For comparison, jogging can help you lose up to 600 kcal. in 1 hour, and jumping rope loses more than 700 kcal. for the same period of time.

Skipping efficiency table depending on average training time

The number of kilocalories burned directly depends on a person’s weight: than more mass, the higher the rate of lost kilocalories.

The maximum weight loss effect is achieved half an hour after the start of training using a jump rope.

What is the first thing to lose weight?

As a result of intense regular training, there is a reduction in the volume of the entire body. The areas most affected by weight loss are the abdomen, buttocks and calf areas of the legs.

How does jumping affect the body?

Skipping not only allows you to get rid of excess weight, but also has a positive effect on the development of muscles throughout the body, especially the waist and lower extremities.

During the training process:

  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • increasing skin elasticity, eliminating visible signs of cellulite;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • development of endurance, flexibility;
  • development of movement coordination.

How to jump rope to lose weight. Technique

To achieve the maximum effect from each workout, it is extremely important to perform jumps correctly.

Technique for performing basic exercises

It is quite simple and consists of the following:

  • The rope must be held by the handles, with the arms slightly bent at the elbows and as close to the body as possible;
  • Rotational movements should be performed only by rotating the hand, and not the entire arm;
  • The head, back, legs are on the same line, strictly perpendicular to the ground;
  • When performing jumps, you need to land on the balls of your feet, not your heels. Jumps are performed easily and softly.

Strict adherence to the technique of performing jumps during training with a skipping rope helps not only to lose weight, but also to avoid injuries.


At the beginning of the workout, you should warm up all muscle groups. To do this, it is useful to do a small exercise for 5-10 minutes: turning and tilting the head, rotating movements of the hands, bending the body, squats, lifting and lowering on the balls of the feet, jumping.

Basic training: time, details of exercises

The duration of the workout depends on the level of general physical training wanting to lose weight.

You need to start with low jumps for 5 minutes, then you should take a break so that the body returns to normal.

Increase daily load up to 30 min. you need to gradually, slowly, otherwise the training will not give you pleasure, and the effect of the classes will be exactly the opposite.

After the body adapts to half-hour training, you can increase the training time to 1 hour, dividing the training time into 4 or 5 approaches, between which you need to take short breaks.

It is important to know! Training with a jump rope for weight loss is carried out only in special sports shoes, as well as in clothes that do not restrict movement.

How much should a woman and a man exercise?

By nature, the male and female bodies have different levels of endurance, so the time and intensity of their training is different.

The table presents data for men and women, taking into account their physical fitness:

Fitness level Female body Male body
Training time (min) Intensity /daily number of jumps/ (pcs.) Training time (min) Intensity /number of jumps/ (pcs.)
Short15-20 400 25 800
Average30 1000 40 1500
High40-50 1500 60 2000

Note! The age of the athlete plays an important role in skipping.

When calculating the duration of training and the number of jumps, it is necessary to reduce the load for older people or people in poor health.

Contraindications to skipping

Training with a jump rope for weight loss belongs to the category of increased physical activity, which primarily affects the heart and joints. Due to this feature, skipping has a number of contraindications.


  • heart diseases;
  • high or low blood pressure, its changes;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine and joints;
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity, in which the actual weight is much higher than the acceptable norm.

How to choose the right jump rope

When choosing a jump rope for training to lose weight, you need to pay maximum attention.

There are the following types of sports jump ropes:

  • classical(consists of handles (wooden or plastic) and, in fact, a silicone cord or rope);
  • with weighting(to increase the load during training. Suitable for athletes and for those who have been skipping for a long time);
  • with counter(helps to count the number of jumps during training).

First of all, you should choose the correct length. This value is directly related to growth.

For calculation correct length It is necessary to mark the center of the rope, fix it on the ground, and raise the ends perpendicularly upward. If the ends of the rope are at a level just above the armpits, then the length is chosen correctly.

It is important to choose the correct length of the rope

Table. The relationship between the athlete's height and the length of the rope

Other parameters: the material of the cord, handles, the presence of weights and counters, are selected taking into account individual preferences and level of physical fitness.

Exercises to eliminate belly fat

Exercises that can be performed either separately or as part of a set of workouts for weight loss using a jump rope will help you to make your waist slim and remove excess fat from the abdomen.

Exercise 1

Starting position: sit on the floor, straighten one leg and bend the other at the knee. A jump rope folded to ¼ length is attached under the foot bent leg, and its ends are taken in hand.

Slowly bend back until your back begins to touch the floor. After this, we press the leg, bent at the knee, to the chest using a jump rope. Next, repeat the exercise from the beginning 20-30 times.

Exercise 2

Starting position: become in full height, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms straight up. The rope is folded in half and stretched in the hands.

Procedure for performing the exercise: in the starting position we do 20 to 30 bends to the sides. At the same time, we monitor the position of the arms and body.

Exercise 3

Starting position: sitting on the floor (both legs straight and as close to each other as possible). A jump rope folded to ¼ length is fixed in the hands.

Procedure for performing the exercise: Without bending your knees, you need to bend forward and reach the tips of your toes with the rope.

The exercise is performed 20-30 times.

Exercises to eliminate thigh fat

In order to get rid of excess fat in the hip area, training with a jump rope for weight loss should include the following exercises:

Jumping on one leg

The exercise should be performed in several stages, changing legs.

For example, we start jumping on the right leg for a minute, then we change the leg and jump on the left leg for the same time (1 minute). Next, we restore our breathing, rest, and only then repeat the exercise again.

For a beginner, it is enough to perform the exercise in 2 steps, gradually increasing the time (up to 2 minutes) and the number of approaches (up to 3-4).

Jumping with alternating legs

The exercise is performed in several stages. The technique is to alternate legs with each jump, thus creating an imitation of easy running.

You should start with a short period of time - 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing this value to 5 minutes.

The number of repetitions depends on the duration of the exercise (time), as well as the level of physical fitness of the practitioner.

For beginner jumpers, it is enough to perform the exercise in 2-3 approaches for 2 minutes each. You should take short breaks between jumps to normalize your breathing.

Jumping with reverse rotation of the rope

The procedure for performing the exercise is no different from regular jumping rope.

The only difference is in the rotation of the rope relative to the body, i.e. When rotating, the rope is wound backward and only after the jump is carried forward, after which the rotation continues in the same sequence.

Beginners should perform the exercise for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 5 minutes.

The number of approaches depends on the time frame of one approach, as well as the level of physical fitness of the person and is determined individually.

Jumping with a slight spread of legs

Procedure for performing the exercise: 1 jump over the rope with your legs brought together and pressed together, 1 jump with your legs spread to the sides to a level not exceeding the width of your shoulders. Next, the exercise is repeated from the beginning.

Duration of the exercise from 1 to 5 minutes. Number of approaches – 2-3.

Sample weekly training program for beginners

The training program is selected for each person individually. It is best if it is compiled by a specialist qualified in this field.

The training program with a jump rope is compiled taking into account the age, health status, physical fitness and other individual characteristics of the trainee

The trainer will select for you exactly the set of exercises that will suit your needs. physical parameters, level of endurance and health, and at the same time the results from training will be maximum.

Knowing the principles and nuances correct execution skipping technique, you can independently create a training program based on an approximate generalized version for healthy adults without contraindications:

Table. Sample skipping training program

The serial number of the training day A set of exercises for training with a jump rope for weight loss Description of the exercise technique Number of approaches Duration of one approach (min)
1,3,5,7 Warm up (warm up muscles)Rotational movements of the head, hands, body bends, squats, etc.1 5-10
Basic jumpsStarting position: legs together, body taut, arms as close to the body as possible.

Procedure for performing the exercise: jumps are performed straight up while supporting the body. Lowering occurs on the half toes of both feet.

2 2,5
Bends to the sides, forwards and backwardsStarting position:

standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up.

The rope is folded in half and stretched in the hands.

: in a standing position, we do 20-30 bends to the sides. At the same time, we monitor the position of the arms and body.

One approach is bending to the sides, the second approach is forward and backward.

2 3
Basic jumps with reverse rotation of the ropeThe same as for basic jumps, only the rope is first wound backwards rather than forwards.2 2,5
Abdominal muscle trainingStarting position: sitting on the floor (one leg is straight, the other is bent at the knee, the foot is on the floor near the knee of the straight leg).

The rope is folded to ¼ length and fixed under the foot of the bent leg. The ends of the rope are in your hands.

Procedure for performing the exercise: Gently tilt the body back until your back touches the floor. After this, we press the leg bent at the knee to the chest using a jump rope. Next comes repetition.

Number of repetitions – 20-30 times.

Jumping with alternating legsProcedure for performing the exercise consists of alternating jumps on the right and then on the left leg, thus creating an imitation of easy running.2 2,5
Exercises to restore breathing and relax musclesBreath: take a deep breath while raising both arms up and on your toes, then exhale slowly while lowering your arms and tilting your body forward.

Muscle relaxation: "stunning" movements with legs and arms.

1 5-7
2,4,6 Rest

How to lose 8 kg weight with a jump rope in 2 weeks. Training program

For intensive weight loss as soon as possible There is a special training system, which is presented in the video:

How to eat while losing weight using a jump rope

To achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time, nutritionists advise adhering to a certain diet while losing weight using a jump rope.

From the diet it is necessary exclude fats and carbohydrates, fast food, fried foods and baked goods.

The diet should not include fast food products

To improve metabolism and digestibility of food consumed, it is necessary to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, juices, fruit drinks, protein foods in the diet, as well as fluid intake.

During active training It is useful to consume vitamin and protein shakes. They are easy to prepare even at home.

Protein shake recipes to increase exercise efficiency

Recipe 1: Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie


  • Skim milk – 200ml;
  • Bio-yogurt – 50ml;
  • Banana – 1 pc.;
  • Cottage cheese – 100g;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp.
  • Oat flakes – 50g.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and drink the cocktail instead of breakfast.

Recipe 2: Vegetable smoothie


  • Chopped ginger (root) – 100g;
  • Water – 1000ml;
  • Honey – 4 tbsp;
  • Cinnamon - to taste.

Pour all the ingredients with water and mix thoroughly. The cocktail is ready to drink.

Doctors' opinions on the technique of losing weight using a jump rope

Any weight loss technique sooner or later faces criticism from doctors.

In the prevention department of one of the capital’s clinics, a therapist noted both positive and negative aspects of the technique of losing weight using a jump rope.

Among the advantages of skipping for losing weight and gaining clear body contours, doctors highlight the following: positive features of the jumping rope technique:

  • increased physical activity;
  • improving blood circulation, “training” the heart and blood vessels;
  • increasing the body's endurance and, as a result, developing immunity against most seasonal diseases;
  • maintaining constant body weight, preventing obesity;
  • increased tone of all muscle groups.

Among the shortcomings were noted:

  • insufficient control over the level of physical activity on the body, frequent muscle overload due to improper distribution;
  • lack, in most cases, of medical control over the progress and results of training;
  • a permissive attitude on the part of the practitioner towards his health, failure to comply with existing contraindications for practicing jumping with a skipping rope.

Any physical exercise in a weight loss program should be developed individually depending on the weight, age, characteristics of the body and the health of the person losing weight.

Exercises with a skipping rope are included in the training complex for weight loss

In order for the human body to adapt, the training program must have a gradual increase in loads at a regular pace.

According to many famous European fitness trainers, skipping is one of the simplest and most effective ways to lose weight for ordinary people.

A jump rope can make your body slim and keep your muscles toned, so you can easily achieve an attractive figure in the shortest possible time.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Useful video materials about training with a jump rope for weight loss

Video instructions on how to properly perform exercises with a skipping rope:

Interval training for weight loss, including exercises with a skipping rope:

Technique for performing basic skipping jumps:

In pursuit of beautiful figure and to stabilize general well-being, a lot has been developed effective complexes physical exercise. Of course, everyone is free to choose the most acceptable ones for themselves, the main thing is to take into account contraindications to this or that type of training. One of these training complexes is skipping - these exercises are not at all complicated and require the presence of the simplest sports equipment.

Do you know what skipping is and how to do it? The name of this new, very popular sport in Europe comes from English word skip (“jump”). The notorious skipping is just jumping rope, so beloved by many in childhood, but, alas, a fun activity that is firmly forgotten in adult life.

Contraindications to skipping and choice of skipping rope

When choosing skipping as your training, do not forget about the contraindications:

  • Headache.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Hernia of intervertebral cartilage.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Weight more than 80 kg.
  • Full stomach.

When choosing a skipping rope, you need to determine the optimal length of sports equipment for yourself. This is quite simple to do: fold the rope in half and extend your arms parallel to the floor, holding the handles. The ideal jump rope for your height will barely touch the floor. If it lies freely on the floor, then its length must be reduced, and if, on the contrary, it does not reach the floor, then it must be increased. The optimal diameter of the rope is 0.8-0.9 cm.

A set of exercises for skipping

When doing skipping, the body spends an average of 720 kilocalories in 1 hour of training.

1. Stand straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulders, stomach pulled in. Bring your legs together and bend your knees slightly. Bend your arms at the elbows and press your hands to your body at waist level.

Perform jumps in such a way that only the hands move and the forearms remain fixed.

2. Slightly spread your legs and alternate jumping on your right and left legs.

Perform jumps according to the following scheme: first change legs at each jump, then after 1 jump, then after 2. Having reached 5, do everything in the reverse order.

3. Alternately jump on your right and left legs, raising your hips high.

4. Perform alternating jumps: once - legs apart, second time - legs together.

5. Perform cross jumps: cross your arms together with the rope and jump through the resulting loop.

  • To perform this skipping exercise, you need to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Extend your arms in front of you and bend forward.

This exercise helps get rid of fat folds around the waist.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Roll the rope several times and hold it by the ends.
  • Perform body turns to the right and left. This exercise is aimed at reducing abdominal volume.

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