A set of exercises for losing weight at home for every day. Simple and effective exercises for weight loss at home A course of exercises for weight loss at home

The body needs a moderate amount of fat reserves. Health deteriorates when too much fat accumulates. You have to follow various diets and perform special sets of exercises to lose weight. If you direct your efforts and help the body, work with it at the same time, you can naturally maintain a slim body and excellent health.

Why does the body need fat?

Fat reserves help to obtain the necessary vitamins A, D, E, K. Fat deposits concentrate energy reserves. The fat layer protects internal organs from mechanical damage, shock, and injury.

Many people, in order to lose weight and burn excess fat, limit their diet and follow popular diets. Lack of nutrients reduces weight and at the same time causes weakness and loss of strength.

To get rid of excessive fat reserves and achieve a slim body, you should adjust your diet and at the same time give your body enough exercise by regularly performing a set of weight loss exercises. Under these conditions, fat begins to break down.

If you are overweight, you should make sure your thyroid gland is healthy. If its function is insufficient, it is difficult or impossible to remove subcutaneous fat.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

When food is completely digested and absorbed, the speed of metabolic processes increases and energy consumption increases. As a result, you manage to lose weight.

When consuming poorly combined foods, metabolic reactions are insufficient. Undigested substances accumulate in fat cells and cause rotting and fermentation in the intestines.

Some people use a diuretic or laxative to lose weight. If used incorrectly, these drugs disrupt natural digestion, causing body weight to increase.

To restore strength and avoid chronic fatigue, after a grueling workout, the body requires. They are rich in dairy products, legumes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, grapes, pears, dried apricots, and raspberries.

How to do exercises correctly to lose weight

During regular training, body weight decreases because the sports load creates a shortage. Fat reserves and carbohydrates are consumed at the same time.

When training at low intensity, more fat is burned in one session than carbohydrates. But the rate of calorie consumption is low, approximately 4-5 kcal per minute.

Therefore, if your level of physical fitness allows, you should perform the exercises more intensely in order to lose weight faster due to the higher calorie consumption, about 10-12 kcal per minute.

Even though high-intensity exercise burns less fat than carbohydrate as a percentage, the total amount of fat burned is higher than low-intensity weight-loss exercise.

To reduce weight by 1 kg, you need to burn about 8000 kcal.

When compiling a set of exercises for weight loss, it is necessary to take into account the amount of excess fat and the level of physical fitness.

Beginners and overweight people should start training at low intensity. To achieve results similar to shorter intense training, sports movements will have to be performed 2-3 times longer.

A set of exercises for losing weight should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.

When warming up, it is necessary to perform movements at a slow pace, with minimal load, in order to properly warm up the muscles, prepare the joints for stress, lower blood pressure and increase blood flow.

After training, a cool-down is necessary: ​​gradually reduce the pace, normalize the heartbeat. It is useful to bend over and swing your arms, which restore blood distribution in the body, especially after putting stress on your legs. Stagnation of blood in the lower extremities is especially dangerous in the case of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

What muscles to load to lose weight faster?

When creating an individual set of exercises for weight loss, you should first of all load your legs. These sports movements require the consumption of maximum calories.

In terms of the effectiveness of burning fat reserves, they are inferior to exercises for the back, shoulders, and arms.

The last thing you should do is load the abdominal muscles, since contracting them burns the least amount of calories.

Aerobic exercise for weight loss

To lose fat, aerobic exercises are useful: running, cycling. During active movements, enzymes are produced - protein molecules that accelerate reactions in the body, and therefore help to lose weight.

Aerobic exercise stimulates the activity of mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells. Mitochondria oxidize organic matter and use the released energy to synthesize ATP molecules, energy carriers within the cell.

If strength exercises with weights burn fat only after the release of the corresponding hormones 30-40 minutes after completion of the workout, then aerobic exercises allow you to lose weight during exercise.

First, the body uses up carbohydrate reserves from the blood and liver. After half an hour they end, subcutaneous and internal fat begins to be consumed.

To achieve results as quickly as possible, a certain degree of training is required. To monitor your progress without overdoing it, you need to measure your heart rate (HR), or “pulse.”

During exercise, fat is burned most efficiently if your heart rate is in the range of 65%..85% of the maximum frequency for your age.

The maximum frequency is determined by a simple formula: 200 minus age.

Thus, at the age of 35, the maximum frequency will be 200 – 35 = 165 beats per minute. During training, the heart should contract at a rate of 107 (165*0.65=107) to 140 (165*0.85=140) beats per minute.

One lesson should last approximately one hour. It is optimal to exercise 3-4 times a week.

The simplest exercise that gives the body aerobic exercise is jogging. Aerobic sports movements performed at a tempo to rhythmic music are no less effective.

A similar result can be achieved with the help of home exercise machines - cycling, running, rowing.

The benefits of walking and running

If you are obese or overweight, you should do a simple exercise to lose weight - walking at a moderate pace so that your heart beats at an optimal rate for your age.

You should start with a 20 minute walk. By walking three times a week, in a month or two you will be able to achieve some progress.

Then you can increase the duration of each walk to 45-50 minutes, increase their number.

If your fitness level is high enough and walking cannot achieve the recommended heart rate, you should start jogging.

As your training level increases, you need to increase the distance by 10%.

To avoid injuring your joints, you should perform this weight loss exercise in the park and run on the ground, not on the asphalt.

Using a bicycle or rowing machine

The undoubted advantage of home exercise equipment is the presence of sensors that allow you to monitor your heart rate during exercise.

By regularly exercising on a bicycle or rowing machine, you can get maximum health benefits and lose weight. It is important not to forget to increase the load on the muscles as your athletic capabilities increase.

Unlike a cycling machine, which puts stress primarily on the legs, a rowing machine forces the back, arms, abdominals, and, to a lesser extent, legs to work.

The use of two exercise machines in combination has a greater fat burning effect. Therefore, for more intense weight loss, you should alternate exercises on a bicycle and rowing machine.

Exercises for losing belly fat

Even if your body fat is small, your belly may protrude and sag due to weak abdominal muscles.

When performing exercises, you should maintain balance. The load should be sufficient for the muscles to become stronger. Light exercises, even repeated many times, will not bring results.

To develop the rectus abdominal muscles and lose weight, it is useful to perform the following set of exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair and securing your feet, bend back, trying to touch the floor with your outstretched arms.
  2. Sit on a gymnastics mat with your arms supporting your torso from behind. Raise your closed legs as high as possible.
  3. The starting position is the same. Raise each leg individually.
  4. Lying on the mat, clasp your palms under the back of your head. Bend your legs, touch your chest with your knees, stretch your legs vertically up, return to the starting position.
  5. Lie down with your arms along your body. Raise and lower straightened legs to a vertical position.
  6. Lying down, raise and lower each straightened leg individually to the vertical, simulating “scissors.”
  7. Lie down, raise your straightened legs to a distance of 30 cm from the floor. Perform “scissors” in a horizontal plane.
  8. Having secured your feet, raise your torso to a vertical position. The hands are clasped at the back of the head.

During classes, it is useful to perform 3-4 exercises from this complex. To lose weight, up to 15 repetitions are enough.

Exercises for slimming legs - thighs and calves

To reduce fat deposits on the legs, it is useful to squat slowly and return to the starting position. The hands are clasped at the back of the head or at the waist, the back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart.

To increase the load, hold your hand behind the doorway and squat on one leg, keeping the other parallel to the floor.

To develop leg muscles, move in a goose step, with your palms on your belt or on the back of your head.

The muscles of the legs and thighs are strengthened by alternate swings of the straightened leg up and to the side from a position on all fours.

To develop the calf muscles, shift your body weight from heel to toe, holding on to a wall or doorway to maintain balance. First, perform the exercise while standing on both feet. As training increases, use one foot.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks

To tighten the gluteal muscles, it is useful to include the following exercises in the training complex:

  1. In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, palms on your waist, perform circular movements with your hips.
  2. While standing, raise your leg bent at the knee as high as possible, move it to the side, and return to the starting position. Repeat for the other leg.
  3. Get on your knees, hips and back in line. Sit down and touch the floor to the left of your feet with your buttocks, return to the starting position, touch the floor to the right of your feet.
  4. Sit on the floor, legs extended in front, torso in an upright position. Move forward on your buttocks.
  5. Lying on your back, bend your legs, arms along your body. Lift your pelvis off the floor, leaning on your feet and shoulders.

Perform each exercise up to 15 times.

Modified: 12/15/2018

Hello everyone, today’s article we will devote to exercises for losing weight at home. Of course, you can go to the gym and do all sorts of exercises with barbells and dumbbells, run on a treadmill or “ride” an exercise bike. But what should those who do not have access to such beauty as a gym do? It is for them that we dedicated this article, and since you are reading it, then you probably do not have the opportunity to visit a gym. Therefore, read carefully and remember everything we write about.

Below we have listed seven for you. effective exercises for weight loss at home, they are all easy to learn and most of them do not require additional equipment. Only two of them will require a Swedish ball, but if you don't have one, you can skip these exercises or find an alternative to this ball.

Of course, an integral part of the weight loss process is proper nutrition, which will help build muscle and burn subcutaneous fat. But we’ll talk about nutrition a little lower, but for now we’ll watch and remember the exercises.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home

Well, are you ready for training? If yes, then remember some rules that need to be followed:

  • train 3 – 4 times a week;
  • perform all exercises one after another without resting between them;
  • do not drink water during training;
  • do not take long pauses between approaches;
  • try to follow the technique and do the exercises efficiently;
  • add running to these exercises. Run 1 – 2 times a week in the nearest park or stadium.

So, let's start with the first exercise.


The exercise will make your abdominal muscles work. Lie on your back, lift your legs and arms slightly (A), this will be your starting position. The next movement will be to lift your legs and torso up, while trying to touch your legs with your hands (B).

In this exercise, especially at the beginning, the main thing is not to rush, do it under control and lower yourself to the starting position as slowly as possible. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise and move on to the next one.

Kick back

Quite a difficult exercise, but extremely effective. Stand in a prone position (A), then push your legs and buttocks up with all your might (B). Push yourself up as high as you can. If at first you don’t do well, don’t despair, do as best you can, “Moscow was not built in a day.”

It is advisable to perform 10 repetitions of this exercise.

Jump Squats

This is a very good exercise for losing weight on your legs at home. Ordinary, at first glance, squats, but with one nuance. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head (A), squat down as if you were doing regular squats that you did at school (B), but don’t stand up, but jump up, and as high as you can ( WITH). Your hands should be behind your head at all times.

Do this exercise 10 times and, without rest, move on to the next one.


Abdominal exercise again. Sit on your butt, tilt your back slightly, hold your arms in front of you, and lift your legs off the floor and keep them suspended (A). While remaining in this position, rotate your torso to the right (B) and then to the left (C), and return to the starting position. You've done one rep.

Do 15 repetitions of this exercise and begin the next one.

Jumping to higher ground

You will need a low chair or stool. Place it in front of you, at a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters (A), jump on it, trying not to swing your arms too much (B). Go back down to the starting position.

Do 10 of these jumps.

Ball boat

Now it's time for exercises with a Swedish ball. The first is a boat. Lie on your stomach, rest your elbows on the floor, and hold the ball between your legs, bending them at the knees (A), this is your starting position. Now we raise our legs together with the ball as high as possible (B), feel how your buttocks and hamstrings work.

Complete 10 reps.

Crunches on the ball

Another exercise with a ball. Stand in a lying position, with your legs thrown over the Swedish ball, so that your shins are on it, not your feet (A). Then begin to twist the ball towards you with your feet, lifting your hips and buttocks up (B). Go as high as you can and then slowly return to the starting position (A).

Do as many repetitions as you can. Then rest for a few minutes and repeat all the exercises from the beginning. This is only a small part of the effective exercises for losing weight at home, there are many more, and we will talk about them in the following articles.

In the meantime, let's talk a little about nutrition.

Nutrition for weight loss

Of course, physical activity is a great way to keep your figure in excellent condition, but if you add proper nutrition to it, the process of losing weight will be quick and, most importantly, effective for you. You don't need to stick to some hellish diet, starve yourself, or, worse, take some pill that you saw in the "Shop on the Couch."

Want to add variety to your workouts? Then for you. All about weight loss exercises with fitball in this article.

Your main task is to reduce the consumption of all kinds of buns, chocolates, sugar, fast food, in general, you need to completely eliminate “bad carbohydrates” from your diet. Instead of all this, start eating oatmeal, buckwheat or some other porridge. Instead of sweets, eat fruits, start eating more vegetables. Steam, grill or oven the meat. Drink as much water as possible. Water speeds up your metabolism, allowing your food to be digested faster.

These are the simple exercises and tips that you can follow to easily lose excess weight without putting much effort into it. Train, eat right and you will succeed.

Physical activity and exercise are one of the main conditions for proper and rapid weight loss.

Moreover, they will help you not only in burning calories, but also in improving your health.

But, if you don't know where to start?

Then you are in the right place.

Today you will learn the most effective exercises for weight loss for several parts of the body.

In addition, I suggest you find out the reasons why fat accumulates. You will also learn why exercise helps you lose weight. And you will understand under what conditions exercise does not help you lose weight, so that you can avoid this in the future.


However, before moving on to the article, let’s go over the reasons for excess weight.

After all, without getting rid of some old habits and foods, no amount of exercise will help you.

Therefore, first things first.

The most common causes of excess weight

A small amount of fat in the body is normal for its existence.

But excess fat should be a cause for concern. As indicated, a large amount of fat in the body is very dangerous. This can lead to serious health problems.[

Health problems associated with obesity:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease and strokes
  • some types of cancer
  • osteoarthritis
  • fatty liver
  • kidney disease
  • pregnancy problems (high blood sugar during pregnancy, high blood pressure and increased risk of caesarean section)

And there are a number of reasons why it accumulates in both children and adults. Let's check out the infographic below...

Although the picture is beautifully executed and clearly drawn, it seems to me that not everyone understands the seriousness of it.

Let's go into a little more detail...

1. Too large portions and overeating

If you eat too much, then you can't even dream of having any waistline. People have long begun to lose control over their diet.

It's simple...

Our modern food contains a huge amount of additives, sugar, salt. All these ingredients make us eat.

In addition, people do not let go of their gadgets. They can't focus on food. Therefore, they eat everything in a row and in large quantities, without thinking about portions.

But after eating you should feel a slight feeling of hunger!

2. Weak metabolism

Since we're talking about supplements, it's already clear why you have a poor metabolism. In addition, people today drink too many sugary sodas and juices.

Also, people do not eat enough vegetables, greens and fruits. And many also consume too many medications.

Many experts call all these “ingredients” in your life drugs. They negatively affect your metabolism. Food is not absorbed properly, and even if it is absorbed, it is not what is needed.

3. Stress

Many people do not perceive stress as a cause of excess weight.

But stress often leads to you often skipping some meals. It also happens that you choose the wrong products.

In addition, stress can cause you to completely lose the desire to eat. You will not get enough sleep and rest properly.

This all greatly increases the likelihood of excess weight.

4. Diseases and medicines

Inflammation is associated with headaches, joint pain, heart and vascular diseases. And taking medications, you change many body functions.

As a result, metabolism decreases and appetite increases, and cravings for sweets also appear.

5. Weak muscles

Muscles are one of the main consumers of calories. And, if your muscles are underdeveloped, they will not burn many calories.

You may become completely obese.

Therefore, all you need to do is start doing exercises that help you lose weight and increase muscle mass.

6. Lack of healthy foods and healthy fats in the diet

For example, a sweet cake and a portion of cooked durum wheat pasta. Do you know what I mean?

The fact that wheat will fill you, in addition to carbohydrates, with fiber, and the cake will fill you with sweet and unhealthy mass. Therefore, we can confidently say that calories are not the main thing.

And when you start going to the gym or doing some movement at home, don't skip the basics of healthy eating.

How often should you exercise to lose weight?

If you are just starting out, you must understand that you do not have a large margin of safety yet. Don't fight right off the bat. So after several classes you will get tired. Or you will get injured, both physical and mental.

Start with a few minutes of exercise at a time. Any exercise you choose is better than nothing. And it will help your body gradually get used to physical activity.

Then you can practice a little longer.

Your goal is to work at least half an hour most days of the week. This will give you the maximum benefit from exercise to lose weight.

And it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman, we can confidently say that they will be effective for both. You can easily do most of these exercises at home without the help of any equipment or personal trainer (except cardio, of course).

If you found this post helpful, please share it with others.

Yes, and write down what exercises you have been doing and for how long, as well as how much they help you.

To make the whole day successful, you need to start the morning with something pleasant - for example, by smiling at your own reflection in the mirror. But what to do if the “picture” is not pleasing, the fat folds are visible to the naked eye, and there is no money, time or desire to go to the gym?

An excellent way out would be easy weight loss exercises, which will not take much time, but will allow you to “tighten” your figure, make it slimmer and neater. What exercises are the most effective, how to perform them and what rules to remember when training? This will be discussed further.

What you need to know about such gymnastics

Trainers in different countries are actively arguing which gymnastics is best for losing weight: some argue that you must train for at least an hour, others focus on cardio or strength training. However, the presented complex differs from popular programs in a number of ways advantages:

If you have chronic diseases of the joints, heart, diabetes, or high obesity, consult a doctor before starting training. If you feel unwell, reduce the intensity of your workout or cancel it.

Please note that the complex should be performed regularly: in this case, the muscles will become more resilient, stronger, but not more prominent (without the effect of a “pumped up” body). Fat tissue will gradually “dissolve” (since energy is required to nourish muscles even at rest).

To ensure maximum benefit from your classes, follow these simple steps: recommendations. First of all, adjust your diet: reduce the amount of fat, sweet or fried foods. Add more protein and greens to your diet. Drink at least two liters of water.

It is important to exercise every day, only on weekends you can make an indulgence. Choose the time for training depending on your schedule, but no earlier than forty minutes after a meal and no later than half an hour before it. Try not to overeat after training.

Start with the minimum number of repetitions and only then gradually add load.

Where to start gymnastics for weight loss

In order for the exercises to be beneficial and not cause injury, it is necessary to warm up the muscles before performing the exercises. To do this, do a warm-up. It takes three to five minutes, but allows you to prepare your muscles for intense work.

Exercise "Heron"

Keeping your posture straight, walk in one place. Raise your knees higher, and your arms, bent at the elbows, should move freely and actively. The gaze is directed forward. Take 60-100 steps.


Lie on your back, bend your knees. Place your hands on your stomach. Tighten your abdominal muscles (while pressing on them with your palms), then relax. Repeat 20-30 times.

Vigorous arm swings

Alternately: one hand goes forward, the other back, then spread your arms to the sides. At the same time, do not forget to maintain your posture. Repeat the swings 15-20 times on each hand.


Stand straight, hands on your waist. Bend to the sides, then forward and backward: 15-20 times in each direction.

The best gymnastics for weight loss

Many people believe that morning exercises are most effective for losing weight, but you can perform the exercises at any time of the day. The main thing is to take a pause between training and meals, and also get muscular joy from every movement.

Gymnastics for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Exercise No. 1

Lie on the floor on your back, clasp your palms at the back of your head. Bend your legs at the knees, rest on the floor. As you exhale, lift your upper body, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. At the top point, fix the position for two to three seconds and slowly lower while inhaling. 30-45 times in 2-3 approaches.

Exercise No. 2

Sit on a bench or chair, hands on your belt or clasped at the back of your head. Turn to the sides, you can lean a little to the side. Repeat 30-50 times, 2-3 approaches.

Exercise No. 3

Lie on the floor, press your lumbar area against it. Bend your knees and your elbows, placing your palms behind your head. Inhaling, lift your pelvis, head, arms and shoulders. Freeze at the top point, slowly relax as you exhale and lower down. 30-45 times in 2-3 approaches.

Effective gymnastics for losing weight on legs


Take a long step forward with each leg in turn, bending it at the knee and transferring your body weight to the front leg. Note that the thigh of this leg should be parallel to the floor. 30-60 times on each leg for 2-3 approaches.

Side lunges

Stand straight, keep your feet together. Alternately, take a wide step to the side, squatting and trying to reach the floor with your palms.


An exercise that will help tidy up your hips. Stand straight, bring your heels together, and turn your toes as wide as possible. Squat down slowly (knees pointing out to the sides), while maintaining a straight posture.

Gymnastics for losing weight buttocks at home


From a standing position, slowly lower your pelvis down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. After this, return to the starting position. Repeat 40-80 times.

Gluteal Bridge

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, and stretch your arms straight along your torso. Tightening your abdominal and buttock muscles, lift your pelvis until your stomach and legs form one straight line. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds and slowly lower down. 15-30 times in 2-3 approaches.


Lie on your back, clasp one knee with your hands, pull it towards your chest. Stay in this position for half a minute. Perform 10-12 times on each leg (in 1-2 approaches).

Gymnastics for the back and arms

Reverse push-ups

To work your triceps, do reverse push-ups: rest your hands on a bench and your toes against a wall or other support. Slowly lower your torso by bending your arms. Repeat 20-40 times for 2-3 approaches.

Parallel Pulls

Get down on all fours. Slowly straighten one arm and the opposite leg, extending them to a straight line. At the top point, fix the position for one and a half minutes. Repeat ten times.

Jumping "Star"

Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Jump by clapping overhead and spreading your legs wide. Repeat 30-60 times for 2-3 approaches.

In order for such gymnastics for quick weight loss to bring results, complete each session hitch. It is best to perform stretching exercises: slow bends forward with your palms touching the floor, static poses that stretch a specific muscle group. This will calm your muscles and restore your heart rate.

Gymnastics at home for weight loss - reviews


“Great complex! I started with abdominal exercises and gradually added all the others. I feel slim, there is lightness in my body! And the scales show a plumb line of 4 kg per month.”


“I have long been looking for gymnastics for the lazy that would be effective for losing weight. This complex perfectly toned muscles in just half an hour of daily training. In two months I lost 8 kg.”


“A simple complex that can be performed at a time, or in the morning and evening. In seven weeks – minus six kilograms.”

“I’ve only been doing these exercises for two weeks, but I’ve already noticed how my abdominal muscles have strengthened and my thighs have tightened a little. And the scales showed a plumb line of 3 kg.”


“Starting with such exercises in the morning, I literally recharge with energy for the day! The plumb lines are also pleasing - in three months 8 kg were “lost.”

Gymnastics for weight loss - video

If you want to add a few more exercises to the above list, pay attention to the complex presented in the video below. By doing it, you can be proud of your flat stomach, slender hips and toned figure. The trainer not only shows you the exercises themselves, but also tells you how to perform them correctly.

To have an impeccable figure, you don’t have to work your ass off in the gym: just regularly perform a simple set of exercises at home, and you can give your body the ideal shape.

Have you tried home exercises for weight loss? What exercises do you like best? What results have you achieved? Share your results in the comments!

“It’s time to lose weight” - young women come to this conclusion, looking at their saggy belly, which has lost its flat outline. Most often, extra pounds “settle” in the abdomen, hips and buttocks. The reasons for the appearance of fat folds are poor nutrition, bad habits, a passive lifestyle, and pregnancy.

In order to do this, you don’t have to attend gym classes and “exhaust” your body with excessive loads. It happens that you don’t always have time for training, but you really want to lose weight in a short time.

To quickly bring your stomach and body back to normal, you should follow the following rules.

  • Set a daily routine: get up and go to bed at a certain time.
  • For more effective weight loss, you should reconsider the regimen and quality of your diet. Eliminating fats, sweets, fried and smoked foods will be beneficial. You should include more fruits and vegetables in your diet and limit salt.
  • Be sure to have a full breakfast.
  • Eat small meals 4-5 times a day.
  • Drink a glass of clean water 30 minutes before meals.
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day.
  • Do a set of gymnastic exercises every day to lose belly fat.

We offer you a set of exercises for the abdomen that will not take up much personal time.

Exercises to lose weight in 3 days

There are situations when, on the eve of upcoming events, you urgently need to lose a few kilograms. A wedding, an upcoming vacation, where you want to show off in a fashionable swimsuit and show off your figure, a family celebration, but it’s impossible to fit into your favorite dress. Is it possible to fix the problem in three days?

Let’s make a reservation right away: we don’t promise to lose 10 kg in weight at once, get a flat and “wasp” waist. But you can correct your figure by losing a little weight if you do a daily set of exercises at home.

The workout should begin with a warm-up. It is necessary to warm up the muscles and only after that give them further load. Warm-up exercises begin with the head, then – neck, shoulders, arms, lower back and pelvis, knees and legs. Warm-up exercises include flapping movements, jumping, and running in place. Warm-up should last 10-15 minutes.

So, a small daily set of exercises aimed at correcting the sides and abdomen.

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your arms parallel to your torso. Bend alternately to the right and left sides, sliding your hand along the leg without moving the pelvis in the plane. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

2. Lie down on the mat. Place your arms at your sides, legs together. Raise your legs up and slowly lower them to the floor. Keep your legs together. Gradually increase the exercise to 25 times.

3. The plank exercise, so popular today. It tightens and tones the abdominal muscles very well. Even just doing this exercise every day for 3-4 minutes can achieve amazing results in the abdominal area.

Lie down on the mat. Place your hands on your elbows under your shoulders, forming a 90-degree angle. You can also lean on your outstretched arms. Rest your feet on your toes. Raise your torso parallel to the floor, without arching your back or pushing your pelvis upward. Look ahead. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Maintain this body position for 30-60 seconds. Do 3-5 approaches, gradually increasing the plank time to 3-4 minutes.

3 simple exercises for weight loss

We offer another simple complex for keeping fit. By doing 3 simple exercises to lose weight, you can achieve good results in achieving your goal.

This complex is simple to implement, effective, does not require money to spend on a gym, and saves time, since it can be performed at home at any time convenient for you.

1. Push-ups

  • Take a body position parallel to the floor. Hands are shoulder-width apart and rest on the floor at a right angle. The chest touches the floor.
  • Raise your body by straightening your arms. The torso should be in a straight line in the same plane from head to toe.
  • Lower yourself down to the starting position.

2. Squats

  • Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Extend your arms in front of you, palms down. Slowly squat deeply without lifting your heels from the floor. Keep your back straight.
  • From a sitting position on your heels, slowly stand up and take your starting position.

3. Crunches

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head.
  • As you inhale, pull your right elbow toward your left knee, engaging your entire core. Return to starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise for the left elbow and right knee.

Exercises in the initial period of training should be performed 10-15 times, gradually increasing the load up to 50 times. For an effective outcome, you need to perform 150 movements during training: 50 times each exercise.