A set of exercises for losing weight at home for every day. The best training programs for burning fat. For slimming arms

Effective exercises for losing weight at home, which we will share with you, are not just a set of physical exercise procedures.

By regularly repeating these ten exercises and using a diet high in protein and limited in carbohydrates and fat, you will quickly lose weight, build muscle mass and become stronger and leaner.

The rules for doing exercises at home are as follows:

  • Start with fifteen to twenty repetitions each practice and gradually increase their number. Use additional weight only when your regular workouts seem too easy.
  • It doesn't matter that you're not surrounded by shiny equipment and chrome-plated barbells and dumbbells - quite you can lose weight without expensive equipment. The only thing that matters is how carefully you perform each technique and how often you practice. As with many things, the key to success is your motivation.
  • During class, try to put phone on silent mode, turn off the tablet and laptop. It will be great if your children and spouse do not interfere with your activities.
  • Install strict class schedule and stick to it.
  • Consider purchasing a set of dumbbells. If this is not yet possible, replace them with plastic bottles filled with water, sand or pebbles.
  • Keep two journals at once: exercise and weight. Celebrate your progress. These notes will help you have a clear picture of your successes before your eyes, and in days of fatigue and crisis they will lift your spirits. It has been proven that those who keep such journals achieve success much faster. Psychology is a delicate thing.
  • Conduct classes to invigorating, energetic music.
  • If for some reason such wonderful ways to lose weight as cycling and swimming are not available to you, daily walks will be a great addition to your physical education program.

Strength training speeds up metabolism and make it more intense. They work not only during training: for a whole day after training, your body spends calories at an accelerated pace!

10 simple effective exercises for weight loss

Well, now let's get acquainted with ten simple, effective exercises that you can easily do at home, but at the same time you will achieve results no less than when working out in the gym.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. We bend our knee joints and lower ourselves as low as if we were sitting on a chair - our thighs should be parallel to the floor. Your knees should not extend past your toes, keep your back straight and don't hunch your shoulders. We return to the starting position and repeat the procedure.

Place your hands on the floor so that your palms are located under your shoulders. The torso and legs should form a single straight line, palms turned straight. We lower our chest into the space between our hands and return back. If you find it difficult to perform a full push-up, then stand on your knees rather than on your toes. If, on the contrary, you want to make the task more difficult for yourself, then place your feet on a bench or step of a ladder.

We squat halfway and jump to the side, landing on our right foot. Without pausing, we jump to the left. It is important that the movements flow into each other smoothly, without slowing down or taking breaks.

Let's get into a push-up position. Leaning on the right hand, we stand first on the left wrist, and then also on the right. Proceeding similarly, we return to the starting position. In our next set, we switch sides of the body to support the lowering and lifting. If the task seems too difficult, kneel down.

Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. We hold our hands along the body. Take a big step forward with your right foot, lowering your left knee joint to the floor. Your knees should be bent at right angles. The right knee should not extend beyond the toes of this foot! We return to a vertical stance and lunge with our left foot.

We take our right leg in our right hand, move it back to the level of the back of the head, and look straight ahead. Lean your body forward slightly. The left knee should be slightly bent. To make it easier to maintain balance, fix your gaze on some object in front of you.

We get down on all fours - place our hands directly under the shoulders, and the knee joints under the hips. We stretch out our right arm and leg and stand leaning on them. We try not to hunch our backs! We return to the starting position and make a stand on the left half of the body.

It's never too late to start playing sports. will guarantee your slimness, even if you do not follow absolutely all the principles of proper nutrition. Thanks to fitness classes, the body becomes truly beautiful: a defined waist, toned buttocks and hips, smooth beautiful legs, elastic arm muscles.

Weight loss exercises for beginners: what does a beginner need to know?

If you want to have an ideal figure, you will have to exercise regularly. Regularity is the main rule of any training.

Where to start exercising and how often to load yourself? It all depends on your physical fitness, endurance, and amount of excess weight. At first, you will not be able to work through all the exercises, and there is no need to strive for this. Your task is to accustom your body to stress in order to gradually move from basic exercises to a full-fledged weight loss complex lasting an hour or even more.

Any workout, even if it’s a 5-minute morning workout, has a clear structure:

  • warm-up;
  • main complex;
  • hitch.

Skipping one of the stages will make the exercise ineffective and even dangerous for the body. The warm-up allows you to warm up and prepare the muscles for the load, the main complex is aimed at combating fat deposits, the cool-down relaxes and restores the muscles.

A full workout lasts about 45 minutes, 20 of which are reserved for cardio exercises, the rest for strength exercises. As you practice day after day, you should strive to be able to work out all 45 minutes.

Exercises for beginners to lose weight: video


  • Run in place. This can be a regular run or a difficult one. To make it more difficult, raise your knees high or try to reach your buttocks with your heels.
  • Walk in place with your knees raised as high as possible.
  • Wide circular rotations of the pelvis.
  • Circular movements of the knees, standing on half-bent legs. Palms on knees.

Basic complex: exercises for losing weight at home for beginners

Beginners should start with basic exercises. Carefully study the technique using photos and videos. Exercises performed incorrectly will not bring benefits, and in the worst case, they can cause injury.

  • Push ups.

If you can't do push-ups in the classic position, try doing this exercise by resting on your knees rather than on your toes.

If you are already having difficulty, start doing push-ups against the wall.

  • Squats. As you go down, move your buttocks back, as if you want to sit on a stool. Your knees should be in line with your toes.

In the future, squats should become deeper. You can make them more difficult by picking up dumbbells.

There are combined exercises when during squats you also work your arms, back, and abs.

  • The hula hoop is a great projectile for home use. Turn on the music and spin the hula hoop for 20-30 minutes. Such training every day will allow you to significantly adjust your waist and get rid of several centimeters in volume throughout your body in just a few weeks.

  • Running in place is one of the most effective cardio exercises for weight loss.

  • Jumping rope, like running, can quickly get you in shape. Jumping will not be easy at first, but your goal is to be able to do this exercise for 15-20 minutes.

What interesting things await you in the article?

An ideal figure is not created in five minutes; slimness is achieved through dietary restrictions and constant training of your body. Using a special set of exercises for losing weight at home every day in everyday life is a great way for women to keep themselves in excellent shape easily.

Exercises for slimming arms for women

Beautiful and toned arms are the fruit of intense training. It’s better to start with a light warm-up of your arms, and only then move on to the main strength training. What are some exercises for losing weight on your arms?


Exercises for losing arm weight for women necessarily include various types of rotations. First you need to raise your arms, spread them to the sides and place them parallel to the floor. Move your hands towards yourself 20 times, then twist your hands away from you the same number of times. Without changing your position, bend your elbows and twist them in different directions 20 times. Rotate with straight arms, as if with the “wings of a mill”, in one direction and the other, make 20 rotations in each.

Basic exercises

To perform them you will need to pick up small dumbbells. Feet in all exercises are shoulder width apart.

  • Raise your arms with dumbbells forward, place them in front of you, then take them to the sides and slowly lower them. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Lowering your arms with dumbbells down along your body, turn them palms forward. Bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells. Repeat as many times as in the first exercise.
  • Holding dumbbells, bend your elbows to form a right angle. Slowly raise your bent arms up so that your elbows are at shoulder level. And also slowly, gently lower them to their original position. You can do 15 or more of these exercises.
  • Place your hands with dumbbells at chest level so that they touch. Slowly spread your arms to the sides, straightening your elbows. Then lift it up, lower it forward and press it back to the chest. Do this at least 10 times.

The above set of exercises for losing weight designed for women with average athletic training, so for beginners at the initial stage it is better to increase the load gradually - increase the number of repetitions every day. The most resilient women can perform exercises to lose weight on their arms at home several times a day.

Exercises for losing belly fat at home

A set of exercises for women to lose weight in their legs:

  • Sit on a flat surface, such as a hard chair. Bend your legs and place a not too heavy object (book, dumbbell) on your knees. Slowly raise your knees and hold onto the chair with your hands. Do 30–40 approaches.
  • A chair will help again. Place your straight leg on the back of the chair. Place your hands on your belt. Support on the second leg. You need to squat on your supporting leg, keeping the other one as straight as possible. Do at least 20 squats on each leg.
  • Holding your hands on any fixed object, for example, a cabinet, standing on one leg, take the other leg as far back as possible and lift it up, then to the side. Do 30 approaches for each leg.
  • Standing straight, legs together, straighten your back and rise on your toes as high as possible, then slowly lower. You can do up to 50 lifts.
  • Stand up straight, put your feet together. Raise your legs one at a time, bending at the knee. At the same time, spread your arms to the sides. Raising your leg, you need to stay in this position for 15 seconds. Raise each leg 20–25 times.

The above effective exercises for losing weight on thighs will easily help you return your legs to their former slimness!

Taking time for physical activity is necessary for any woman who does not want to carry extra pounds on her body. Home workouts for weight loss suitable for women who do not have enough time to workout in the gym. If you practice on a regular basis, carry out actions according to the recommendations and do it regularly, then the effect will not take long to appear.

A workout program for losing weight at home is perfect for those men who do not have the time or opportunity to visit a gym. By combining strength and aerobic exercise, you will lose excess weight as quickly as possible and become the owner of a beautiful and fit body. For best results, follow a high protein diet. The duration of the program is at least 6 weeks. Exercise regularly and don't stop training to maintain your progress and not stop there!

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, do a set of weight loss exercises at home, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, jog in the fresh air. Sunday is a day off, you can relax and unwind!

We start the workout with a warm-up, no earlier than two hours after eating and finish at least two hours before bedtime.

A set of exercises for losing weight at home:


First, to warm up, squat 15-20 times without weights. Then pick up dumbbells, kettlebells or other weights and do 4-5 sets of 15-25 repetitions each. Rest between sets should be minimal, approximately 30-45 seconds, maximum one minute. When squatting, you should feel a burning sensation in your leg muscles. Vary your leg width with each set to recruit more muscle fibers and burn as many calories as possible. The wider the legs, the more the inner thighs are involved. Conversely, placing your feet together will concentrate the load on the outer thighs. The golden mean is placing your feet shoulder-width apart.

Exercise technique

Take weights in both hands and stand straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend slightly at the waist. Keeping your back straight, inhale and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly lower. Then tighten your caudriceps and rise to the starting position, while exhaling.


Take a long step on one leg, hands on your waist. As you inhale, lower the knee of your back leg to the floor, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Legs need to be alternated.

This exercise makes the hips slimmer and reduces their volume. Note: Start with 1 set of 15 reps and work your way up to 3 sets of 30 reps.

Chest exercises

1. For this exercise you need either a bench or 3 stools covered with a blanket + dumbbells. Lie on a bench with your back, holding dumbbells in your hands. Raise your arms above your head, while inhaling, spreading them to the sides as low as possible, and exhaling, returning them to their place.

This exercise improves the shape of the breasts by causing the muscles underneath the mammary glands to lose weight. Note: start with 1 set of 12 reps, work your way up to 3 sets of 12 reps, increasing the weight of the dumbbells.

2. Lie down on a bench. Hold a dumbbell with both hands and raise your arms straight above your chest. Smoothly move your straight arms back as you inhale, and as you exhale return them to the starting position.

This exercise helps make your breasts appear taller and firmer. Note: start with 1 set of 12 reps, work up to 3 sets of 15 reps.

Waist exercise

Take a long stick (1.5 m) in your hands. Place the stick on your shoulders, grab the edges with your hands and bend forward, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. The torso needs to be rotated so as to twist it as much as possible.

This exercise makes your waist thinner. Note: start with 1 set of 25 reps, work up to 3 sets of 30 reps.

Exercise for losing weight in the abdomen

1. Lie down on the mat so that you can grab a stationary object (for example, a sofa) with your hands. Bend your knees and, as you exhale, lift them above your head. As you lower your legs, inhale. This exercise tightens the lower abdominal muscles and eliminates fatty tissue.

2. Sit with your feet under the sofa. Bend your knees, lower your head to your chest, hands on your stomach. Maintain this position as you exhale, touching the floor and inhale as you rise forward. This exercise strengthens the upper abdominal muscles. Note: you need to start both exercises with 1 approach, performing the maximum possible number of repetitions at a time. It is necessary to bring up to three approaches. For weight loss exercises to be effective, you should take long walks in the fresh air at least 2 times a week, and exclude all flour products, fatty foods and sweets from your diet. You should have a light dinner and eat only raw vegetables and fruits at least once a week. When stressed, it is better to take vitamins instead of sweets.

Carefully organize your sports corner so that no foreign objects disturb you. For exercises performed on the floor, get a soft mat (not necessarily a sports one). You may not need additional equipment, but comfortable clothes and shoes are a must have. Yes, even at home it is necessary to exercise in sneakers to provide support for the foot and ankle. Don't forget about a sports top that securely holds your chest in place.

Exercise at any convenient time - for weight loss, it doesn’t matter at all whether the workout is carried out in the morning, afternoon or evening. Before the main set of exercises, be sure to perform light joint gymnastics. After your workout, do some stretching.

The intensity of the workout depends on your fitness level. Beginners should start with light loads and increase them slowly so that the body gradually gets used to the activity. Overweight girls should avoid high-intensity exercises, as well as jumping movements - they create excessive stress on the heart and joints.

Nutrition and women's home workouts for weight loss

To bring your body into the desired shape, you need not only weight loss exercises, but also a well-structured diet. First, calculate the daily caloric intake needed to lose weight. To do this, use a formula or calculator to calculate your maintenance caloric intake (including training) and subtract 15% from it. The resulting number is your daily calorie intake.

To avoid feeling hungry while on a diet, limit your consumption of useless foods - fast food, sweets, processed foods, sugary drinks. Give preference to healthy, natural foods - cereals, vegetables, dairy products, fish, fruits and dried fruits.

Whatever time of day you exercise, try to eat no later than 1-1.5 hours before training - this way you will protect yourself from nausea, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, pain in the side and other troubles. For your pre-workout meal, choose something that is quickly digestible, non-spicy, non-acidic, and not too fatty. Porridge with water or milk, muesli with nuts, boiled or baked potatoes, sandwiches with vegetables or low-fat cheese are ideal.

You should not eat immediately after training, even if you are hungry - let your stomach “calm down” after intense body movements and wait at least 20-30 minutes. But you can and should drink water both after exercise and during it - physical activity removes fluid from the body, and its loss must be replenished.

Workout program for losing weight at home

A set of exercises for overweight girls and beginners

It is designed for 3 workouts per week and, in addition to losing weight, is aimed at strengthening the muscular system and ligaments, improving coordination and posture. The exercises are performed in a circular mode, you need to do 4 circles in total. Rest between sets – 30-40 seconds, between circles – 1-3 minutes.

Day I

  • Squats, 15-20 reps
  • Knee push-ups, 10-15
  • lying down, 15-25
  • "Boat", 10-15
  • Leg raises lying on your side, 15-20 (per leg)

Day II

  • Lunges in place, 10-12 (each leg)
  • Pull your legs back, standing on all fours, 15-20 (per leg)
  • Swing your legs forward, 20 (per leg)
  • "Boat", 10-15
  • Leg raises lying on your back, 12-20
  • , 30-60 sec


  • Squats with wide legs, 15-20
  • Gluteal bridge, 15-20
  • Swing your legs forward, 20 (per leg)
  • Knee push-ups, 10-15
  • "Boat", 10-15
  • Plank, 30-60 sec

A set of exercises for women who want to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, but are not overweight

Exercises develop endurance and agility, improve coordination; They are also performed in a circular mode - do 3-4 laps per workout. Rest between circles – 2-3 minutes, between approaches – 0-30 seconds. For women with problems with joints, blood pressure or heart function, this complex is not suitable.

Day I

  • , 8-15 reps
  • Lying crunches, 15-25
  • Squats, 20-30
  • Plank, 40-80 sec
  • Swing your legs forward, 30 (per leg)

Day II

  • Lunges with changing legs while jumping, 10-12 (on each leg)
  • “Bicycle”, 40-80 sec
  • , 8-15
  • Jumping rope, 20-30 times
  • Plank, 40-80 sec


  • Jumping out of a squat, 10-15
  • Lying leg raises, 15-20
  • Running in place, 20-40 sec
  • Static hold of the body in position, 20-40 sec
  • Plank jumps with alternating narrow and wide foot placement, 16-20 repetitions

A set of exercises for girls to burn fat and create beautiful relief

The exercises work the muscles that form a sexy, proportional female figure - buttocks, hips, back, shoulders, arms. This complex is suitable for those who have a set of dumbbells or elastic bands for fitness in their arsenal. However, dumbbells can be successfully replaced with bottles of water or sand.

Day I

  • Plie squats, 4x10-12
  • Hyperextension, 4x12-15
  • Dumbbell rows to the waist, 4x10-12
  • Dumbbell curls lying down, 3x10-15
  • Extension of arms from behind the head, 3x12-15
  • Lying crunches, 4x15-20

Day II

  • Romanian deadlift, 4x10-12
  • Taking the leg back, standing on all fours, 4x12-15
  • Dumbbell bench press, 4x10-12
  • Standing dumbbell curls, 3x12-15 (for each arm)
  • Raising arms through the sides while standing, 3x12-15
  • Plank, 40-80 sec, 3 sets


  • Walking lunges, 4x10 (each leg)
  • Gluteal bridge, 4x12-15
  • Push-ups, 3x8-10
  • One-arm dumbbell row, 4x10-12 (each side)
  • Seated dumbbell press, 3x12-15
  • Lying leg raises, 4x10-20

Style Summary

The most difficult aspect of home workouts for girls is discipline: either family members distract you from classes, or you yourself want to give up everything and lie on the sofa with a pack of cookies. But if you can motivate yourself and make others respect your decision, everything else will seem simple, and training, even the most difficult ones, will begin to be enjoyable.