A set of exercises for preschoolers to lift their spirits. Exercises to lift your mood, material on the topic. Meditation - static in the fight against bad mood

Bad mood is the scourge of the modern world. For every second person, stress and low self-esteem become a common condition. But there is a way out.

The fact that your self-esteem is approaching zero is difficult to identify in the early stages. The first thing you need to do is analyze your condition. Listen to yourself: if in a few years you have developed an extra dozen complexes, and self-confidence has become something of a legend, you have serious problems. And not only with mood and self-esteem, but also with life in general. You won't be able to return to full life instantly. It doesn't happen that way. To do this, you need to follow a course of getting out of depression regularly. Don't let troubles push you around, start with three daily exercise, which will help you remove this burden of bitterness from your shoulders. Use the balloon rule: throw away everything you don't need to gain height.

The dangers of low self-esteem and bad mood

It's normal to doubt yourself, it's not normal when all you do is doubt and fear. By spending a lot of time thinking, you lose the opportunity to develop. Paradoxically, we subconsciously protect ourselves from the troubles associated with risk. It’s easier for us to convince ourselves that difficult trials are beyond us than to try to change our lives for the better. But constant uncertainty is worse than defeat. It depresses, deprives you of strength and enlightenment in life. Over time, even what you cope with easily becomes unbearably difficult and overwhelming. It is necessary to get out of this vicious circle, and the sooner the better. True, desire alone will not get you far. According to psychologists, low self-esteem develops in three stages:

  • the foundation is self-esteem (what am I like);
  • the core is self-confidence (what I can do, my strengths);
  • the top is the affirmation of my personality (what I can give to the world and people, what is my strength).

Is it possible to achieve success if you constantly doubt your abilities? How can you value yourself without believing in yourself? To assert yourself means to develop faith in your strengths, capabilities, resources and talents. In other words, there is no point in changing yourself without changing your self-image. Here are a few techniques that will help you adopt a constructive approach to your own self, after neutralizing negative attitudes in your mind.

Exercises to improve mood and self-confidence

Exercise 1 - Develop What Works. In reality, it looks something like this: you find only the best in yourself - habits, manners, talents, character traits, and begin to work on yourself in this vein, putting all your resources on the line. There is no point in improving where you are most vulnerable.

Let's say you're afraid of speaking in public, but you decide to enroll in a course theatrical skill. You shouldn't do that. From a psychological point of view, other people's successes will aggravate your already depressed state. It is pointless. Focus on what you already know how to do, improve your talents. Awareness of your own success increases self-esteem due to positive emotions that fall on you like an avalanche. You begin to experience pride, joy, happiness. Let's say you know how to speak in public - so master new techniques or learn new words. Increase your emotional capital every day. This technique will give you self-confidence. And with high self-esteem, as you know, you can handle any mountain.

Exercise 2 - add realism. Many people believe that the ability to bring everything to the ideal is the lot of ambitious and confident people, forgetting one important truth - the ideal as such does not exist. Perfectionism is a disease of the 21st century. And being a perfectionist means focusing on unattainable goals. There is no limit to perfection, there never was and never will be. By striving for “gold standards”, you deny yourself the right to make mistakes. This means that any mistake will hit you where it hurts most - your self-esteem.

Getting out of the dead end into which you have led yourself is not so easy, but it is possible. Draw a clear line between what is desired and what is achievable. For example, in 10 days you need to pay off a loan, money for which you first need to earn (this is a completely feasible task). But the desire to become a millionaire, so as not to take out bank loans anymore, is a goal that this moment desirable for you, but unattainable. Record this division. And don’t stop setting realistic goals for yourself while continuing to dream big.

Exercise 3 - Be yourself. Of course, not everyone can appreciate themselves, especially if their self-esteem is poor. But that doesn't mean you can't try. Start by objectively assessing your behavior. To do this, you don’t need to deny anything or try to justify yourself. Even if you did something bad, don't try to find the positive side of it. All people make mistakes, the main thing is that you understand this and accept yourself. Acknowledge your doubts, do not give up on them, release them into the wild.

Sit down, calm down and write down everything in Everyday life makes you feel weak. Then try to describe in one succinct phrase why this happens. On another piece of paper, write about those moments that, on the contrary, gave you confidence. Ask yourself: why did this particular event cause these feelings in me? For comparison, you can describe how you felt.

Final step: re-read both lists, trying to objectively build a picture of your strengths and weaknesses. This exercise should become a habit, and over time you can learn to mentally focus your attention on the nuances, moving away from the obsessive “I’m good for nothing” to the more realistic: “I had difficulties today, but I coped with them.” .

Although the comfort zone reflects a person’s psychological comfort, we should not forget that our consciousness constantly deceives us. You need to keep yourself in good shape, and you should always start your day with the most important thing. It is difficult activities that force us to gather our strength. Psychologists advise starting your day with something that you would like to put off - this way we deprive ourselves of an “escape route”. In addition, after completing such work, we get a feeling of relief and pride in ourselves, which means our self-confidence grows. We wish you success. Be happy, believe in yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

People who are optimistic about the world and humorous about themselves are much more attractive and more accepting. right decisions than those who do not possess these qualities. We offer you exercises to create and maintain a positive attitude in any situation. When working with Western companies, one feature stands out: positive attitude is the same necessary part business man, like his suit. Sometimes, in order to make a decision, you need to defuse the situation, take your mind off serious problems, and improve the mood of yourself and those around you.

There are moments in everyone's life when luck deserts us. The only thing that consoles us is that such moments pass quickly, without leaving even a trace - if, of course, you know how to deal with them. Optimism and humor help to endure failures easily, playfully, without severe shocks and mental trauma. People who approach the world with optimism and themselves with humor are much more attractive and make more good decisions.

Exercise No. 1

How to learn to create a good mood at will?

If sad thoughts come up, remember something funny, go into the state when you were happy and laugh heartily.You have known for a long time that a good mood brightens life and has a positive effect on health.

Exercise No. 2

How can you learn to find something good even in the most difficult and unpleasant situations?

If you are in a difficult situation or in a state of depression, sadness, melancholy, look at the situation from all sides and remember the proverb: “If there was no happiness, but misfortune would help.” Try to look at the current circumstances from a different point of view, think about what positive aspects can be found in them.

For many years of my life, I worked in a closed Moscow research institute to develop methods for activating the brain. And one day my colleagues and I decided to check how smiling and laughter affect certain brain structures. Studies have shown the following: brain activity immediately after a person laughs heartily increases several times: memory sharply improves, blood pressure and heart rate normalize. If a person often smiles and laughs, then this, better than many other ways, relieves stress, restores health and, moreover, helps improve the mood of others.

In Western countries, scientists, having conducted research using modern medical equipment, have found that just frowning eyebrows and tightly compressed lips significantly worsen the cardio- and encephalogram. However, as soon as you change a sad way of thinking to a joyful one, solve a problem or remember something pleasant and smile, all indicators show positive dynamics.

The brain, as a well-organized system, is capable of constant progress and increased efficiency. This allows us to grow and improve spiritually. Conclusion: since every person, regardless of age, can learn to think effectively, remember better, and create, they can also master the method of laughter therapy!

Agree that with an employee who knows how to make everyone laugh and cheer up, and who meets any situation with a smile, we find it easy and pleasant. Everyone in the team feels warm feelings towards such a person; he can help when you are lonely, support you in difficult times, and find a way out of a difficult situation. Each of us laughs with pleasure at a joke or anecdote. Why do people love jokes so much? Because they like to experience positive emotions, be happy and smile.

Is it possible to learn to be cheerful and happy?

The ability to perceive the most difficult situations, illnesses, and one’s own shortcomings with humor is not an innate quality. The ability to make a humorous assessment of oneself and circumstances comes to a person only over the years, when he has a large supply of internal strength and positive emotions. How is such a resource created?

There are a great many ways. Here is one of them: you keep a diary where you write only descriptions of your life successes and never mention failures. This is your database, developed by your own labor. In difficult moments of life, you open your diary and instantly become convinced that you are still irresistible, lucky and generally created for success. At the same time, the composition of the blood changes, the energy of thought changes, a transition occurs to more high level consciousness, and strength returns to you. You already look at the current situation optimistically and with humor. This analytical approach allows you to take the steps necessary to achieve success.

Exercise No. 3

How can you make a smile and the accompanying good mood an integral part of your life?

Based on theoretical research and experiments, we have developed a technique that, despite its simplicity, quickly gives good results.

It turns out that any human emotion, through nerve impulses in the brain, causes the release of neurotransmitters. To date, scientists have discovered more than sixty of them - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphin, etc. Many of them are associated with positive emotions, for example, a joyful, upbeat mood is supported in the body by norepinephrine. A person experiences a state of happiness due to the release of serotonin. And everyone can trigger the release of large amounts of joy hormones in the brain.

Exercise No. 4

How to learn to develop and maintain a positive attitude?

Place in front of you your favorite photo with which you have very pleasant memories. Focus your attention on remembering where, when and by whom this photo was taken. Recreate this episode in your memory.

Keep a notebook in which you will write down your favorite jokes and funny incidents from life. As soon as you are in a bad mood or feel unwell, then take out these notebooks and start reading, the result will be amazing.

Constantly several times a day you can do one thing very useful exercise- smile. Open the window, straighten your chest, shoulders and imagine yourself as an actor (actress) playing the role of a cheerful and happy person. Try to feel this state with every cell of your body and remember it. Believe me, your body will feel more energetic and energetic, just like after good physical exercise.

The thinking also gradually changes. When refusing the role of critic, a person ceases to be dissatisfied with himself and life. By noting in your diary only the bright sides of life, only the best traits of your character, as a result you will gain peace of mind.

Cheerful people do not think of being afraid of anyone, judging or envying anyone. They calmly accept any points of view, even those diametrically opposed to their own. They enjoy every moment of their life, which means they do not seek to impose their beliefs on others and do not get upset over trifles. If a cheerful person cannot change something, he does not torment himself and his loved ones with reproaches. He changes his attitude towards a given subject or situation with a smile. When you understand and accept this, life becomes completely different. It is advisable for people to say pleasant and truthful things that always lift their spirits. A good mood depends not only on material wealth, and you can smile regardless of external circumstances, conventions and restrictions.

Exercise No. 5

The method by which you can maintain a good state is to analyze the causes of your bad mood and change it. If you are in a bad mood, don’t let it take over you, but switch to something pleasant. Succumbing to depression means wasting your energy potential.

Give yourself little joys and pleasures every day, go through life easily, playfully. Thus, you methodically increase your energy resource and enable your brain to work in its optimal mode. Inner harmony and a smile are the components that allow you to constantly increase your internal energy reserves.

* try to plan your day so that you have free time for pleasure, smile more often and think about the good;

*observe the world around you, nature; enjoy the movement of clouds, sunrise, rainbows;

*tell funny jokes and make up funny stories yourself, hang photographs of happy and joyful people in your apartment;

*in your free time, remember the people with whom you felt pleasant and easy, do not withdraw into yourself, fantasize and experiment more;

* remember, circumstances depend only on you - this is the power of positive thinking;

*optimism increases faith in your abilities and talents, that you can achieve your goal;

*thinking positively gives you a charge of determination, perseverance and confidence;

*evaluate objectively only facts and accurate data;

* look for opportunities in any apparent problem;

*always speak only positively;

*laugh more often, because you can always find a reason to smile;

*get used to a positive mood;

*put yourself on a diet of good news;

*learn to think only positively;

*laugh more often, because you can always find a reason to smile.

The article was written based on materials from websites.

Participants sit in a circle.

Trainer: “I will give you cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says 'elephant' on it, know that someone else has a card that also says 'elephant' on it."

The coach distributes cards (if there is an odd number of participants in the group, the coach also takes part in the exercise).

“Please read what is written on your card. Make it so that only you can see the inscription. Now the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find their match. In this case, you can use any means of expression, you just can’t say anything or make the characteristic sounds of “your animal.” In other words, everything we do, we will do silently.

When you find your match, stay close, but remain silent, do not talk over each other. Only when all the pairs are formed will we check what we have done.”

After all group members have found their pair, the coach asks each pair in turn: “Who are you?”

This exercise is usually very fun, and as a result, the group members’ mood improves and fatigue decreases. It contributes to the further emancipation of the participants.

At the same time, it promotes the development of expressive behavior, encourages participants, on the one hand, to be attentive to the actions of others, and on the other hand, to look for means of self-expression that will be understood by others.

Exercise “Let's compliment each other...”

The presenter tells the guys how important it is to be able to express your feelings, but sometimes we say a lot of bad things and are afraid to compliment each other. The presenter invites the children to each give a compliment to their friend or girlfriend, while passing a ball of thread. Thus, at the end of the exercise, the whole group is “stitched” together. This exercise shows group unity.

After the exercise, there is a discussion about how the guys felt when they gave compliments and how they perceived them.

Exercise "I'm just like you"

Leading: I have a ball in my hands. The one who gets this ball throws it to any comrade, and, calling him by name, explains why he is the same. “I’m just like you because...” The person to whom the ball was thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and throws the ball to the next person.

Exercise “Mutual Presentations”

Target: Get to know each other, remove psychological barriers.

Time needed: 20 minutes.

Presenter's instructions: Now we will split into pairs. You are given 10 minutes to tell each other about yourself in as much detail as possible - after all, you have to introduce your partner to the group. Try to get as much diverse information about your partner as possible. I would like you to reflect the following in your self-presentation important questions:

  • what I can do best.

After this there is work in pairs. After 10 min. The presenter gives additional instructions: “The presentations will be held in the following way: one member of the couple sits on a chair, the second stands behind him, putting his hands on the first’s shoulders. The person standing will speak on behalf of the person sitting, calling himself by the name of his partner. Within one minute, no more and no less! In exactly a minute I will interrupt the monologue; If someone finishes early, we will remain silent until the allotted minute has expired. so your task is to structure your presentation so that it lasts exactly 60 seconds. After this, any member of the group - including myself - has the right to ask the speaker any questions, which he must also answer on behalf of the person sitting. It is clear that you may not know the true answer to the question asked, so you need to understand, feel how your partner would answer.”

The questions that the group members and the presenter ask the speaker begin by addressing him by the in-game name of the person being presented, and can relate to a variety of topics, for example:

  • What qualities do you value most in people?
  • What do you find most disgusting?
  • Is there a person who has had a strong influence on your life? Who is he?
  • Name your favorite cherished wish?
  • What would you like to achieve in life? and so on.

Discussion. Pay attention to the ability to take into account the timing of the presentation; the ability to correctly and concisely convey the information received from a partner about him and the ability to “feel” into another person enough to guess the missing information. The following questions can be used:

  • How did you feel when your partner failed to meet the allotted time (got silent before the minute was up)?
  • Did your partner manage to correctly present information about you?
  • Did your partner manage to become your double?
  • Did he correctly guess the answers he gave on your behalf?

Exercise “I am you. You are me"

Target: Awareness of one's own identity.

Stages of the game: Training participants are divided into pairs and tell each other about everything they consider necessary for a certain period of time. Partners can ask each other any questions. After communicating in pairs, the participants introduce each other, mutually exchanging roles.

Discussion of the game:

  • What is easier to do: tell about yourself or about others?
  • How did you feel when you introduced your partner?
  • How did you feel when your partner introduced you?
  • In what cases do we feel shy, and in what cases do we feel confident?

Exercise “Our group”

Target: Formation of a team.

This is a rather unusual exercise, more like a ritual. The participants should already know each other, but the exercise will help deepen the acquaintance. In addition, it can help to take a fresh look at internal relationships in the group, feel the energy, and mark new topics and tasks for further work. It is best if the group is not too large - about 8-10 people.

Stages of work:

  1. The group is conveniently located in a circle. Start by getting ready to work. It is necessary to once again state the purpose of our training.
  2. Each participant says their name and the rest of the group repeats it.
  3. Now everyone closes their eyes. The participants again say their names, the rest also repeat it; what is added is that each member of the group accompanies the repetition of the next name with some movement, which in his understanding corresponds to the owner of the name, personifies him.
  4. Next comes the third round. Again, everyone takes turns saying their names. But this time the group no longer repeats the names out loud, but everyone tries to draw a mental picture of what the speaker’s energy of tolerance seems to him personally. The one who saw this picture describes it out loud. For example: “Brown bear, stream in the mountains, coolness, etc.” Allow enough time for this stage. The next name and, accordingly, the following pictures are called only when the description of the previous one is completely completed.
  5. After the energy of tolerance of all group members has been characterized, participants should concentrate on the “center” of the group and try to imagine the interaction of all personal energies: how they relate to each other, how they look, how they move. Each participant describes what he “sees.” In this way, a general picture is gradually formed that reflects the joint energy of tolerance of the group and its action. Emphasize that all pictures should be described, not only those that are beautiful and pleasant to others. After all, it is possible that someone will “see” negative traits, but this is also very valuable.
  6. It will take you a lot of time to create this big picture of the group. Sometimes it happens that a group discovers its common symbol, task, goal, or takes an imaginary journey into the future. If the participants decide that the image of the group has been created, the exercise can be completed. Everyone takes three deep breaths, stretches and opens their eyes. Now we can discuss the resulting image and its significance for further work.

Exercise “Learning to appreciate individuality”

Target: learn to appreciate the individuality of another.

Time spending: 60 min.

Stages of the game:

If we knew how to value our own individuality, it would be easier for us to accept our partner’s otherness.

Group members sit in a circle, each with paper and a pencil.

  1. At the beginning of the game, say something like this: “We often want to be exactly the same as others, and we suffer from feeling that we are different from others. Sometimes it’s really good when we are like everyone else, but our individuality is no less important. It can and should be appreciated.”
  2. Invite each player to write about three characteristics that distinguish him from all other members of the group. This could be a recognition of one’s obvious merits or talents, life principles, etc. In any case, the information should be positive.
  3. Give three examples from your own life so that participants can fully understand what is required of them. Use your imagination and sense of humor to create a gaming atmosphere.
  4. Participants write down their names and complete the task (3 minutes). Warn that you will collect the notes and read them out, and group members will guess who is the author of certain statements.
  5. Collect the pieces of paper and once again note the positive aspects of the fact that people are different from each other: we become interesting to each other, we can find a non-standard solution to a problem, give each other impulses to change and learn, etc. Then read each text and have the players guess who wrote it. If the author cannot be “identified,” he must identify himself.

Exercise “Petals”

Target: This is an excellent exercise that promotes relaxation and increases self-confidence. In addition, everyone can gain a lot of personal impressions from other group members.

Materials: Prepared forms for each participant (with empty petals) and a large sheet of Whatman paper depicting a flower with filled petals.

Stages of work: Participants make notes on their forms on the topics indicated in the sample. They work silently. After ten minutes, you can walk around the room, show others your “flower” and talk about what is written in each petal. Make sure that the participants do not linger and after 2-3 minutes move on to the next partner. After everyone has talked to everyone else, there is a short exchange of opinions in a circle.


  • Three things I like
  • Three things I don't like
  • A person I admire
  • Three places I've lived
  • What would I like to do
  • What am I proud of

Exercise “Fly-Tsokotuha”

The exercise is designed for preschoolers.

Target: Development and harmonization of the emotional sphere.


  • Identifying yourself with fairy-tale hero.
  • Actualization of feelings: joy, fear, anger.
  • Developing the ability to distinguish between emotional states and associated physical sensations.
  • Development of self-regulation.
  • Stabilization of nervous processes.
  • Development of creative abilities.
  • Resource state disclosure.
  • Group cohesion.

Materials: planar images of fairy-tale characters: clattering fly, mosquito, spider, granny bee, fleas, cockroaches, etc. You can also use planar images of fairy tale attributes: samovar, jar of honey, boots, flashlight, etc.

Short description game content:

The game is based on the poem by K.I. Chukovsky “The Tsokotukha Fly”.

Options for organizing the game:

  1. Actualization of the feeling of fear. An excerpt from a poem is used that talks about how a spider attacks a clattering fly. To act out this emotional state, the child is asked to play the role of a ticking fly and (or) its guests.
  2. Actualization of feelings of anger. A fragment of a poem is used that tells how a spider attacks a fly and the plot of a fight between a spider and a mosquito. To act out feelings of aggression, the child is asked to play the role of a spider and (or) a mosquito.
  3. Updating the feeling of joy. Extracts of the poem are used that depict how the fly found the money, the celebration of the fly's birthday and wedding. The child is offered the roles of a ticking fly, (and/or) a mosquito, and guests.
  4. Expanding children's understanding of emotions. All the above passages of the poem are used. Children are offered roles (determined by the leader or at the request of the children) based on current tasks.

Number of game participants– from 1 to 6 children.

Exercise “My name”


The speaker stands in the center of the circle.

The presenter walks with the player in a circle and talks about his name.

The speaker goes into the circle and chooses a participant to whom he would like to introduce himself. He tells him about the associations his own name evokes in him.

Exercise “Presentation from hearsay”

Target: Introducing training participants to each other.

Each participant characterizes himself on behalf of his acquaintances, relatives, friends (you must choose one person)

Time spending: 30 minutes.

Materials: Paper napkins for all group members.

Stages of work:

  1. Each participant decides in whose words he will introduce himself. This could be anyone who is familiar enough with him: partner, boss, child, friend, client, etc., but he should not be among the group members.
  2. A small figurine is made from a napkin, symbolizing the chosen person.
  3. The one who is ready for the presentation rises from the chair, holding a paper figurine in his hands, “on behalf of” which he says: “I am Max’s friend. I want to say just a few words about him and so that Max himself would agree with me. Max is a very reserved person and is not very willing to be the center of attention...”
  4. After all participants have completed the exercise, it is time for feedback, questions and comments.

Exercise “This is my name”

Target: Introducing training participants to each other.

Participants take turns saying their names and talking about them.

Time spending: 20-30 minutes.

Instructions: Invite the player sitting to your right to stand up from his chair and say both his full name and the name by which he would like to be called in the group. The speaker should then say something about his name. He might, for example, try to answer the following questions:

  • What does my last name mean?
  • Where is my family from?
  • Do I like my name?
  • Do I know who chose it for me?
  • Do I know what my name means?
  • Would I like to be called by another name?
  • Who else in the family had this name?

Each participant decides for himself what to tell and how to comment on his story, but the speaker must do it within 2 minutes.

Having finished speaking, the speaker sits down again. The game continues in a counterclockwise circle.

How can you use the power of thought to improve your mood? Only by constantly exercising it. Any physical exercise serve to strengthen muscles. In the same way, it is necessary to do mental exercises every morning. So, your daily mental exercise.

12 thinking exercises for every day:

  1. Think of yourself as a person who always achieves success.
  2. Think of yourself as someone worthy of love.
  3. Think of yourself as an attractive person.
  4. Think of yourself as a person who is ready to help others.
  5. Think of yourself as a generous person.
  6. Think of yourself as a person who is able to control himself.
  7. Think of yourself as a strong person.
  8. Think of yourself as a brave person.
  9. Think of yourself as a friendly person.
  10. Think of yourself as an optimist.
  11. Think of yourself as a wealthy person.
  12. Think of yourself as a person who is at peace with his conscience.

Do each of these 12 exercises separately. Spend exactly 1 minute thinking about each thought. So, every morning you have 12 minutes that can significantly improve your mood.

Try to let every thought settle in your subconscious. The eyes should be closed. This way your conscious thoughts will be perceived by the subconscious.

Let's take exercise 1 as an example. Think about the things you have to do today. And imagine that you achieve success in each of them. Drive away thoughts of failure. Focus on images of success.

Very soon subscribers to my newsletter “12 secrets of your great mood!” will receive a link to download my audio cast, which will help you perform 12 mental exercises to improve your mood daily.

Dear Reader! What do you do to improve your mood?

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Natalya Halina
Training for teachers “Good mood is the key to health”

tasks: Organization of conditions conducive to relieving tension.

Unity teaching staff.

Development of trust;

Development of skills of self-analysis and overcoming psychological barriers;


Educational psychologist, teachers of the institution.

Location: Cabinet educational psychologist.

group rules:

Open communication;

Activity and humor;

Non-evaluative judgment;

Here and now.

Progress of the training

1. Greeting exercise "Hello Friend" (participants are divided into pairs)

Hello friend - they shake hands;

How are you here - they clap each other on the shoulder;

Where have you been - they grab your ear;

I missed you - pointing at themselves, crossing their arms over their chest;

You have come - they open their arms to the sides;

Fine– hugging and patting each other on the back.

2. Exercise – liberation “Touch to...”

Educational psychologist: “Touch something high!”. Participants must quickly find something tall in the office and touch it. Below are various options (touch yellow, hard, etc.)

3. Exercise "Sound gymnastics»

Calm, relaxed state, standing, with a straight back. First, take a deep breath in through your nose and, as you exhale, say loudly and energetically sound:

A – has a beneficial effect on the entire body;

E – affects the thyroid gland;

And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;

O – affects the heart, lungs;

U – affects organs;

I – affects the functioning of the whole organism;

M – affects the functioning of the whole organism;

X – helps cleanse the body.

HA – helps to increase mood.

4. Exercise "Pass it around"

The group forms a circle.

Participants take turns pretending to pass a mysterious object around in a circle, and it is necessary to interact with it in some way. After the item has been in everyone's possession, the players guess what it was.

5. Exercise "Live your palms"

Teacher- the psychologist asks the participants to circle the silhouette of a palm on a landscape sheet. Then revive the palm. Draw their mouths, eyes, paint their fingers. Come up with an unusual name for each finger and sign it. Tell why they called him that.

6. Exercise - liberation "Caterpillar"

The group members move around the room, overcoming obstacles and forming a chain, with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, a ball or ball clamped between the stomach of one player and the back of another balloon, when moving, you cannot hold the ball with your hands, the players’ task is to pass obstacles without breaking the chain (caterpillar).

7. Association exercise « Good mood»

Participants stand in a tight circle and everyone expresses what they need to raise mood(chocolate, good music.)

8. Origami exercise "Ladybug" (a talisman for everyone)

Ladybug - the oldest symbol of happiness and good luck

1. Make a square of red paper

2. Bend the sheet diagonally

3. Bend the resulting triangle and then straighten it

4. Fold two corners down

5. Turn the resulting figure over to the other side

6. Fold the top corner down

7. Bend the bent corner so that you get a small accordion

8. Turn the resulting figure over to the other side

9. All that remains is to draw black dots on the ladybug.

9. Exercise "Compliment"

Participants stand in a large circle and take turns giving each other compliments, the one who received the compliment speaks "Thank you".