Gymnastics complex for finger joints. Exercises for hand joints with arthrosis Warm-up to relieve fatigue from the hands

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French TV presenter and author of the bestseller “In 10 weeks - 10 years younger” Camille Voler has developed a set of exercises for beautiful breasts, which is popular all over the world. No special equipment is required for training, so you can start immediately after reading the article.

The female half of the editorial staff website I have tried all these exercises on myself and invite you to include them in your daily program.

1. Exercise “Star Catcher”

This exercise acts as a warm-up; it corrects your posture and strengthens your back.


    Stand up straight, tilt your head up.

    Alternately pull out the right one, then left hand, squeezing them into a fist each time you “grab” a star.

2. Exercise “Elephant”

Performed to tighten the chest and strengthen the back muscles.


  1. Stand up straight and extend your arms forward, palms up.
  2. Pick up a thick book/dumbbells.
  3. Stretch your arms out to the sides, then bring them forward.

6. Exercise “Scissors”

7. Exercise “Albatross”

This exercise is performed to strengthen the pectoralis minor and major muscles.


  1. Stand up straight with your feet slightly apart.
  2. Extend your arms parallel to the floor and point your palms up.
  3. Move your arms back as far as possible and return to the starting position.

8. Exercise “Pillow”

Just like the previous exercise, the “Pillow” affects the pectoralis major and minor muscles.


  1. Stand straight with your feet together.
  2. Take a pillow in your hands and rhythmically squeeze and unclench it with your palms.

9. Exercise “Cradle”

Every day our hands work. But we pay so little attention to the health, condition of the ligaments and skin of our hands. This comes back to us with cracking joints, a feeling of tension in the hands and deterioration of the skin. Hand exercises will help solve these problems.

Hand exercises are a solution to existing problems, prevention of diseases of ligaments and joints, and for children they serve as a mechanism for the development of speech, fine motor skills, memory and attention. They are also actively used as a method of rehabilitation after strokes and traumatic brain injuries.

To perform joint gymnastics, no special conditions are required. Exercises aimed at strengthening the hand and fingers can be done even at the table. To increase their effectiveness, adhere to the following rules:

  • perform finger exercises regularly and systematically,
  • perform all complexes with both hands and at the same pace,
  • breathe freely without holding your breath,
  • do 2-3 repetitions of the complex during the day,
  • Don't get distracted, concentrate on the exercises.

Tibetan monks did not start the morning without exercising their hand joints. They recognized it as a miraculous way to restore energy and considered it a source of maintaining vitality. Scientific confirmation of this fact is the presence of many reflex cells on our palms.

Warm-up to relieve fatigue from your hands

Such charging will be especially relevant for those who work at a computer keyboard for a long time or fill out a lot of paperwork by hand. More better exercise for the hands should be performed daily by every person to maintain healthy joints and preserve youthful skin. Let's move on to the exercises.

  1. First, clench your hands into a fist and rotate them 10 times in each direction.
  2. Clench your hand tightly into a fist and hold for a few seconds. Relax your hand. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Pull the brush towards you as much as possible, then away from you. Do 5 times with each hand.
  4. Make a fist, open and close your fingers alternately, making sure that the rest remain motionless.
  5. Place your hands on a hard surface and lift each finger one at a time without lifting the others.

These light exercises serve as an excellent prevention of joint diseases and relieve fatigue from the hands after a hard day.

Exercises to strengthen your hands and fingers

Often people who start playing sports notice discomfort in their hands. For experienced athletes are familiar with this problem, they know the importance of strong hands when doing exercises with dumbbells, barbells and push-ups. Next exercises aimed at the hands, their strengthening and mobility.

  1. Gently bend your hands, clenched into a fist, at the wrist joint back and forth until you feel a pleasant stretch. Perform 5-10 times.
  2. With your active hand, grasp the palm of your passive hand and move it to the sides, up and down. Perform 5-10 repetitions for each arm.
  3. Cover the palm of the passive hand with the active hand, bend and straighten it at the wrist joint. Do this until you feel a pleasant stretch in the joint.
  4. Place your elbows on the table, palms together. Smoothly lower your palms down, move your elbows in different directions. Do it 10 times.
  5. Place the edge of your palm on a hard surface. Bend each finger as far as possible. Do it 5 times.
  6. Place your palms together in a horizontal position. Bend the fingers of one hand, creating resistance with the other hand. Repeat 10 times.

Various devices will also help strengthen your hands. For example: expander, tennis ball, special elastic bands that need to be squeezed or stretched. Activities such as jumping rope, hanging on a horizontal bar, or modeling from plastic materials act as excellent gymnastics for the fingers.

Gymnastics to improve finger flexibility

Most of the time, joints work monotonously, not realizing their potential. As a result, movements lose speed, flexibility and agility. If you are faced with a loss of former hand mobility, exercises aimed at the hands and fingers will help you regain it.

  1. Perform a light brush massage using cream or oil.
  2. Clench your hands into fists and make circular movements in one direction 10 times and in the other.
  3. Make an imaginary “snap” with each finger. Repeat 5-7 times.
  4. Make circular movements with the pads of your fingers, pressing the pad of one finger tightly against the other. Start with the thumb and index finger and work your way up. Do 7 reps.
  5. Alternately press the pads of one hand onto the pads of the other hand. Do 10 reps.
  6. Smoothly clench your hand into a fist, then slowly unclench it. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Alternately rotate each finger in one direction or the other. Do 5 times.

Children's finger exercises

The development of the hand in a child from 1 to 5 years old is facilitated by modeling from clay or plasticine, tying knots, assembling mosaics, and playing with a ball. With kids school age In connection with preparation for school and the heavy load on the hands while writing, it is important to do exercises for the fingers.

  1. Exercise "Cockerel". Clasp your palms together. With your left hand, press the back of your right hand. You should extend your palm, imitating the comb of a cockerel.
  2. Exercise "Path". Place the thumb of one hand, nail side down, on thumb the other hand, it turned out to be two steps. Next, place all your fingers one by one with your tips on top of each other, simulating walking along a path.
  3. Exercise "Centipede". Place your fingers on the edge of the table and, moving them, run to the other edge of the table.
  4. Exercise "Elephant". The index and ring fingers, the thumb and little fingers are the legs of an elephant. Extend your middle finger like a trunk. The elephant must walk slowly, stepping with each foot in turn.
  5. Exercise "Flashlights". Make a fist. Straighten your palm and spread your fingers, clench and unclench them.
  6. Exercise "Dough". We imitate the process of kneading the dough with our hands. The exercise is aimed at developing the hand.

To make finger exercises interesting for children, accompany the lesson funny stories or sounds.

Hand massage

Massage will be an excellent addition to exercises aimed at hand mobility. It produces positive effect on joints, muscles and skin.

When starting a massage, you should apply cream or oil to the skin of your hands. Start with light stroking of your hands. Then in a circular motion massage each finger and joint. Bend your index and middle fingers as if squeezing each finger. Make a circular stroking of the wrist joint. Finish the massage with light strokes.

Massage should be done in the evening, preferably before bed. Contraindications to massage are wounds, cracks in the skin, fungal diseases and increased body temperature.

By performing the exercises described above, you can maintain the health of your joints for a long time, prolong the youth and beauty of your hands. Fresh thoughts and vigor will be a pleasant addition. And our site will provide you with the opportunity to be healthy to your fingertips.

Each person has to perform many operations with his hands, and especially with his hands, every day. And there are a number of professions where the mobility of the finger joints plays a particularly important role. These are artists, musicians, illusionists, gamers, etc. Today, when each of us works at a computer, finger exercises become especially relevant. Hands and fingers get tired during the day.

Each person has to perform many operations with his hands, and especially with his hands, every day. And there are a number of professions where the mobility of the finger joints plays a particularly important role. These are artists, musicians, illusionists, gamers, etc. Today, when each of us works at a computer, finger exercises become especially relevant. Hands and fingers get tired during the day. To relieve tension and improve performance, you need to exercise your fingers.

For children finger gymnastics It is especially important; it develops fine motor skills and trains the areas of the brain responsible for speech.

In order to relieve fatigue, increase the performance of the hands and improve their shape (what girl or woman would not want to have beautiful hands?), you need to exercise them regularly. We offer you a set of exercises for fingers that will help you increase their mobility, increase finger strength, and also maintain high performance, prevent occupational diseases joints.

Gymnastics for finger mobility

Perform each exercise (standing or sitting at a table) from 10 to 20 times and constantly increase the dosage. After each exercise, relax your hands and fingers and shake them. At the end of the complex, massage your fingers, stroking them from the tips to the wrist.

1. Clench your fingers into a fist and make circular movements with your hands to the right and then to the left. 10–20 times in each direction.

2. Bend and straighten your hands up and down.

3. For “one” - forcefully clench your fingers into a fist, for “two” - spread them apart.

4. Straighten your fingers, move your thumb to the side and perform circular movements with them, first to the right and then to the left.

5. Straighten your fingers. Alternately bend and straighten the first two phalanges of the fingers.

6. Spread your straight fingers and sequentially, starting with the little finger (in a fan-shaped motion), bend your fingers into a fist. Then do the same, but starting with the thumb.

7. Clench your fingers into a fist. Extend and bend each finger separately. Make sure your other fingers remain in a fist.

8. Place your hands on the table and lift one finger at a time. Others lie motionless.

9. Place bent fingers on the table (the hands do not touch the table). On “one” - tear the bent finger off the table, on “two” - straighten, on “three” - bend, on “four” - return the finger to its place. Perform the exercise with each finger separately.

10. Bend your hands so that thumbs reached up to the forearms. Perform alternately with right and left hands.

11. Press your fingers against each other so that your palms do not touch. Make springy movements with your fingers without lifting them from each other.

12. Grasping the fingertips of your left hand with your right hand, slowly pull them. Change hands.

After performing the exercises, lightly shake your hands, then rub your palms together, stroke your hands alternately from the outside and the inside with your fingers.

Gymnastics for the muscles of the hands and fingers

Fingers are a subtle and at the same time powerful instrument in human practical activities and various genres of art. A well-developed hand and strong fingers are also needed in many sports: artistic gymnastics, all types of wrestling, weightlifting, etc.

Perform each exercise from 10 to 20 times and constantly increase the dosage. After each exercise, relax your hands and fingers and shake them. At the end of the complex, massage your hands.

The strength of the fingers depends on the degree of training of the flexor muscles. As shown in Fig. (1-a), to load them you need to grab the thumb of one hand with the thumb of the other, which we use as a fixed support. Now, with force (F), bend the finger, overcoming the resistance of the supporting hand. In the same way, we will load the remaining fingers one by one, and then we will do the same exercises for the fingers of the other hand. The exercise can also be performed by simultaneously grasping the thumb of the other hand with four fingers (1-b). Work the thumb of each hand separately.

When performing the exercise, perform the first finger curls in a light warm-up mode, strengthening muscle tension in subsequent repetitions. This rule applies to all other exercises. To train the finger extensors, we use an open palm as a support with the fingers straightened and joined together. Resting on the palm (or fingers) with a slightly bent finger of the other hand (1-c), straighten it with force, maintaining pressure with your hands in the opposite direction. This exercise can be performed simultaneously for four fingers (1-d).

We train the flexors and extensors of the hand according to the following scheme.

Clench your hand into a fist. Turn it as far as possible toward you, overcoming the resistance created by the other hand. Perform alternately adduction (2-a) and abduction of the hands (2-b) with the appropriate position of the hand that creates resistance.

A more complete complex loading of the muscles that “control” the movement of the hand is shown in Fig. (2-c) (initial position) and (2-d). Wrapping your fingers around upper hand bend the hand of the other hand into a fist, rotate this hand. At the same time, apply pressure with your hands in the opposite direction.

We carry heavy bags, push strollers, and, in the end, just wash the floors - and we don’t even suspect how tired our hands get from this endless load. It's time to pay more attention to them.

  • “Warm up” your hands: rub them together, first with your palms and then with the backs of your hands, clench and unclench your fists several times and rub each finger successively - from pad to hand. In general, get your hands ready for training.
  • Place the upper phalanx of your slightly bent index finger right hand to the middle of the left thumb. Fix your thumb (it should be motionless) and press firmly on it with your index finger. Then repeat the same with the remaining fingers (5 times, like all other exercises) and change hands.
  • Raise your left palm up with your fingers tightly closed and tighten it. Bend your right index finger, rest the back of the upper phalanx against the fingers of your left and push off forcefully, straightening your finger. Repeat with each finger, and then with all four fingers at the same time.
  • Place your hands with your palms inward and press them against each other simultaneously and alternately so that your hands bend at the wrists.
  • Place your fingers in a lock, squeeze your hands tightly at the base and begin to press the fingers of one hand onto the other.
  • Place your fingers in a lock, hands at chest level. Stretch your arms in front of you, “bend” the lock with your palms forward and stretch your arms properly.
  • Reach your hand forward and grab her fingertips with the other. Gently pull your outstretched hand toward you (palm facing out) so that it bends at the wrist. Switch hands.
  • One arm is extended forward, bent into a fist and turned “fingers up.” Cover your fist with your other hand and gently pull it towards you, leaving it motionless if possible. outstretched arm. Change hand. Then do the same, but with the back of your fist facing up.
  • Make a fist and begin to rotate it around your wrist to the right and left. This exercise can be done with both hands at the same time.

Finger exercises

When exercising for your fingers, you need to observe one thing: most important rule: All exercises should be performed at the maximum speed possible for you. This way you will not only strengthen your joints, but also activate blood circulation.

  • Place your hands on the table, palms down, and begin to raise one finger of each, leaving the rest motionless. Is it difficult to do with both hands at the same time? Alternate your hands.
  • Tighten your fingers, begin to bend and straighten each finger individually (first in the middle and then in the upper phalanx). If your fingers “don’t obey”, hold them with your other hand. Switch hands.
  • Sharply clench your fist and immediately unclench it, spreading and straining your fingers as much as possible.
  • Tighten your thumb, move it to the side as much as possible and begin to rotate it right and left.
  • Connect the fingers of both hands so that your palms do not touch. Now press the fingers of one hand onto the fingers of the other: such springy movements are useful not only for the fingers, but also for improving coordination of movements.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

You can avoid this joint disease, which is otherwise called “computer mouse syndrome,” if you follow simple rules. When working at a computer, the elbow should be bent 90 degrees, and the hand should lie on the table (on the mouse) as straight as possible. It is better that not only your wrist, but also your arm up to the elbow fits on the table - this will help redistribute the load. In other words, if possible, move the mouse as far as possible from the edge of the table. Regularly, at least once every 2 hours, take a break from the computer and do relaxing exercises for your arms.

  • Place the fingers of both hands on the table (do not lower the hands, the hand rests on the fingers) and pretend that you are playing the piano.
  • Sit on a chair, lower your arms down - let them “dangle” freely above the floor. Relax your forearms, and then shake your hands in different directions, trying to use only the shoulder muscles in this process.
  • A simple massage is perfect: apply cream to your hands and, with light pressure, rub it into your palms and fingers in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise.

Hi all!

Do you exercise regularly, but your arms still don't look the way you'd like? Or maybe you just want to lose weight in this area? Change the situation in better side Hand exercises at home will help you. If you have dumbbells at home, take them out; if not, don’t be sad.

As a rule, this problem arises with age, and can affect both women and men. Therefore, if you are embarrassed to wear a T-shirt or short-sleeved dress, then this article is for you. I will try to talk about the reasons for the appearance of excess deposits on the hands and give a set of exercises for acquiring attractive hands.

Extra body fat, saggy and loose skin on the hands - symptoms experienced by half of the population of our planet. After all, usually the muscles of the arms are not so often involved in our daily life.

The main reasons for this problem may be:

  • excess weight throughout the body;
  • age over 20 years;
  • reduction in metabolic rate;
  • lack of physical activity.

Please note that people who are actively involved in swimming, tennis, volleyball or rock climbing always have strong, beautiful arms, without any hint of excess fat. And everyone else just needs regular exercises that will keep their hands in good condition.

The whole problem is that as soon as we reach the age of 20, our muscle begins to decrease, and fat begins to increase. Just like bears hibernating in winter. The resulting calories are burned more slowly, because we walk or run less as we did in childhood.

About muscle training

Exactly strength exercises will help you put your arm muscles into work, and as a result, find the desired relief, get rid of excess fat or vice versa from thinness.

The following muscles will receive a high-quality load:

But, of course, in addition to the main muscle groups, the back, chest and abdomen will be indirectly involved.

Girls should not be afraid to gain a masculine silhouette by doing exercises at home, because to gain muscle mass needed heavy weights And sports nutrition. But giving muscles tone is exactly what it can give home workout, without going to the gym.

Losing weight or training

There are two options here, depending on what you want to achieve:

  • If your goal is to reduce the girth of your arms and lightly tighten your muscles, then you need to perform the exercises a large number of times (15-30) in one approach, but with a small weight (0.5-3 kg), the pace can be either slow or faster.
  • If you want to pump up your arm muscles, then you will have to work with heavier weights (4-6 kg), doing each exercise slowly for several repetitions, for example 10 times in 3-4 sets. This option is already for advanced ones; a beginner should practice with light weights.

You can achieve the first results within 2 months, but some will have to work out for six months to get fit and toned. strong hands. It depends on age, metabolism, nutrition and other characteristics of the human body.

To make the training as effective as possible, I suggest using the following recommendations from experts:

  1. You need to exercise for 40-45 minutes, but no more than 1 hour.
  2. It is advisable not to eat anything 2 hours before and after exercise.
  3. During exercise, it is better to drink plain water in small sips every 10 minutes.
  4. You need to train every other day, but at least 2 times a week.
  5. Before the exercises, there is a mandatory warm-up in the form of rotating your hands, elbows in a circle, raising your arms, bending your body, or you can jog on or in place.
  6. After training, be sure to stretch to avoid muscle strain. Massage or bathing is also helpful. Such events will save you from unpleasant consequences.
  7. Since the main load goes to shoulder joint, to avoid injury, it is better for beginners to practice all exercises without using sports equipment, only after this you can begin to perform with weights.
  8. Beginners should use small weights of 0.5 kg, these can be dumbbells, if there are none, then bottles of water or sand, thick books can also be replaced elastic band or a tubular expander. You can also exercise with a butterfly simulator.
  9. The maximum number of times and approaches in an exercise for advanced exercises should not exceed 15 repetitions in 3 sets.

The best exercises for hands

You can include the most in your training complex various exercises, and in fact there are a lot of them. Here I will give exercises both with the use of special equipment, which I wrote above to replace it with, and without it. But first, here's what.

Wrists, hands and fingers

To make your workout more successful and effective, you need to train your fingers, wrists and hands. Working them out will help increase arm strength, and therefore all exercises will be easier, and the quality of execution will be high.

To do this, you will need a wrist expander; it can be in the shape of a ring, a ball or pliers. The main exercise here will be to squeeze and unclench the sports equipment as many times as you can. Just don't overdo it, otherwise you may experience problems fine motor skills hands for several hours after class.

With dumbbells

No inventory

Video about how to tighten muscles and make your arms slimmer.

How to eat

If you decide to lose weight in your arms, then exercise alone is not enough. Proper nutrition should go side by side with any training. To see at least some hint of relief, you must first get rid of excess fat. Under thick arms, the muscles will simply not be noticeable.

So, in order to start metabolism and increased calorie burning, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Never skip breakfast;
  • Eat small but regular portions up to 4-6 times a day;
  • Drink more liquid, preferably plain water up to 8 glasses per day;
  • In the morning and throughout the day, drink up to 3-4 mugs of green tea;
  • Avoid fast food and others;
  • Reduce sweets, flour and fried foods;
  • Food should be eaten boiled, stewed or boiled;
  • Slow carbohydrates should prevail over fast ones;
  • Eat protein: lean meats, any fish, eggs, milk, dairy products;
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, fiber.

Such balanced diet will make you feel full and will not add to your weight extra pounds fat Also, do not forget about cardio exercises, this can be a fitness workout or a banal climb to the floor on foot without an elevator, or brisk walking along the street.

Contraindications to training

Doing arm exercises may have a negative impact on your health if you have:

  1. hypertension;
  2. asthma;
  3. menstruation;
  4. heart diseases;
  5. pregnancy.

People with spinal curvature and osteochondrosis should also be treated with caution. To protect yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.

That's all for me. Regular exercise will definitely give you beautiful results. toned arms, which you won’t be ashamed to show to others. And most importantly, you will like yourself.

Happy training! See you!