Team world championship in skating. New records for Medvedeva and Kolyada: Russia is in the lead at the World Team Figure Skating Championships. Who plays for the Russian national team

The main start of the figure skating season - the World Championships - took place in Helsinki at the end of March, but the competitive program did not exhaust itself there. Crowns her team championship world is a fairly young species, dating back to 2009.

These competitions are held in odd-numbered years, in contrast to the traditional planetary championship. The exception was 2011, when it was decided to move the tournament to next year due to the fact that Japan, the permanent host of the championship, was hit by a powerful earthquake that caused a tsunami. The current World Championship is the fifth in history, and the Americans have the best results, winning three golds and one silver. Russian team can only boast of being a vice-championship in 2015.

The tournament is a competition of six teams having best rating in the system of the International Skating Union (ISU). On this moment these countries are Canada, Russia, USA, Japan, China and France. The competition program itself includes the traditional types for figure skaters - short and free programs, but in women's and men's single skating the country is represented by two athletes, and in pairs and sports dances - by one duet. The point system at the World Championships is simple: in single events, the winner receives 12 points, and the figure skater who takes last place, is content with one point; in pair disciplines, the difference is that the duo that shows the last, sixth result brings seven points to their team.

Who plays for the Russian national team

The Russian team arrived in Tokyo with almost optimal composition. Sports dancing is represented by the best duet in the country at the moment - Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov. This season they came third at the European Championships, fourth at the Grand Prix Final, and fifth at the World Championships. Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, winners of the Grand Prix finals, European Championships and bronze medalists of the World Championships this season, are performing in the pairs competition.

In men's single skating, the honor of Russia is defended by an uncontested pairing - Mikhail Kolyada and Maxim Kovtun. The latter had an unpleasant episode before the start of the competition. The 2017 European vice-champion was late for the plane to Tokyo, leaving with the Russian team for team competition. This happened because his taxi was involved in an accident on the way to the airport. Kovtun had to purchase a ticket worth 50 thousand rubles at his own expense.

The main hope of the Russian national team is Evgenia Medvedeva. The undisputed leader of world women's figure skating, who won every possible title this year, arrived in the capital of Japan for another gold. Anna Pogorilaya was supposed to keep her company, but the Russian Figure Skating Federation decided to “give the athlete time and the opportunity to recover from psychological trauma (she took 13th place at the World Championships.” RT) and calmly prepare for the next season.” As a result, the choice was made in favor of Elena Radionova, who won the Universiade in Almaty this season.

Dance Sport

In the first of three days Only short skates were planned for the tournament. The competition program was opened with a competition of sports dancers. Bobrova and Solovyov showed the third result with a total score of 68.94. Compared to other major starts of the season, they demonstrated worst result: in the Grand Prix final, the couple received 74.04 points for the short dance, at the continental championship - 76.18, and at the World Championship - 73.54.

Nevertheless, Bobrova and Solovyov added 10 points to the Russian team, and the Americans took the lead thanks to Madison Chalk and Evan Bates (79.06). In Helsinki they also beat the Russians in the first event of the program, scoring 76.25, but after the free dance they found themselves behind Ekaterina and Dmitry. Wedged between the Americans and Russians were Canadians Caitlin Weaver and Andrew Poje, whom the judges gave 76.73 points.

Bobrova and Solovyov could easily not have made it into the top three, but for France it was not the vice-world champions Gabriela Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron who performed for France, but Marie-Jade Laurieau and Romain Le Gac, who in Finland did not even qualify to participate in the free dance.


The crowning appearance for Russia, of course, was marked by the superiority of Evgenia Medvedeva. Her performance did not cause any complaints from the judges, and as a reward the judges were generous with high scores, which allowed the Russian to break her own world record in the short program, set at the Grand Prix final in Marseille (79.21). Now the new world achievement is 80.85 points.

Radionova did not disappoint either, taking second place with a personal best. Elena received 72.21 points for her short program, exceeding her achievement shown at the Grand Prix stage in Moscow last November by 0.28 points.

The girls earned 23 points - the maximum possible score, which allowed the Russian team to take the lead. The total was 33 points, and the closest pursuers from Japan had 26.


Representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun hoped to make up for lost time in men's single skating, because the hosts of the tournament were represented by current champion and vice world champion - Yuzuru Hanyu and Soma Uno. While the latter successfully completed the task and brought his team 12 points, Hanyu performed unsuccessfully, becoming only seventh. As a result, the Japanese scored 18 points in total.

The Russians had a chance to remain leaders at the end of the first day of competition, but Maxim Kovtun let his partners down and scored a modest 64.62 points. He took second to last place. Apparently, the incident with the taxi did not pass without a trace, although Kovtun is famous for the fact that he unevenly performs one of the two programs. This happened to him at the Russian Championship, but at major international competitions of the season he pulled himself together and showed good numbers. For comparison: at the European Championships he scored 94.53 points for the short program, and at the World Championships - 89.38.

Mikhail Kolyada did not allow his opponents to take the lead in the overall standings. The judges rated his performance at 95.37 points, which was not only a personal, but also a national record. The previous achievement belonged to Kovtun - 94.53. Kolyada eventually finished fourth, behind not only Hania, but also the American Nathan Chen and the Chinese Jing Boyang. Mikhail brought Russia 9 points, and the total was 44, the same as the Japanese. The Americans are breathing down the backs of the leading duo with 43 points.

On Friday there will also be three events - sports couples will compete, and dancers and men will present free programs. The World Championships will end on Saturday with free skates for pairs and girls.

As the event begins, the content of this article may change.

Competition type: tournament under the auspices of ISU
Date of: April 20 - April 23, 2017
Location: Tokyo
Prize fund: $1000000
Previous: World Team Championship 2015
Follow up: World Team Championship 2019

World Team Championship figure skating 2017 (English) 2017 ISU World Team Trophy in Figure Skating listen)) is the fifth international team figure skating competition organized by the International Skating Union. The championship will take place from April 23, 2017, presumably in the capital of Japan, Tokyo.

Teams from six countries will compete for cash prizes, the rating of their skaters in the 2016-2017 season, compiled on the basis of the season’s competitions under the auspices of the ISU, will be the highest (the results of the stages of the “adult” and junior Grand Prix series (including the finals), the championship are taken into account World Championships, World Junior Championships, European Championships and Four Continents Championships).

Prize fund

The prize fund of the tournament will be 1,000,000, which will be distributed between teams for their places, presumably as follows:

  • 1st place - 200,000
  • 2nd place - 170,000
  • 3rd place - 160,000
  • 4th place - 150,000
  • 5th place - 140,000
  • 6th place - 130,000


  • Each single player will receive 15% of the team winnings;
  • Each pair gets 20% of the team winnings.

The remaining $50,000 will be awarded to the top two singles ($10,000 each) and doubles ($15,000 each)

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An excerpt characterizing the 2017 World Team Figure Skating Championships

“Merci,” said Pierre. The captain looked intently at Pierre the same way he looked when he learned what the shelter was called in German, and his face suddenly lit up.
- Ah! dans ce cas je bois a notre amitie! [Ah, in that case, I drink to your friendship!] - he shouted cheerfully, pouring two glasses of wine. Pierre took the glass he had poured and drank it. Rambal drank his, shook Pierre's hand again and leaned his elbows on the table in a thoughtfully melancholy pose.
“Oui, mon cher ami, voila les caprices de la fortune,” he began. – Qui m"aurait dit que je serai soldat et capitaine de dragons au service de Bonaparte, comme nous l"appellions jadis. Et cependant me voila a Moscou avec lui. “Il faut vous dire, mon cher,” he continued in the sad, measured voice of a man who is about to tell a long story, “que notre nom est l"un des plus anciens de la France. [Yes, my friend, here is the wheel of fortune. Who said I wish I would be a soldier and captain of dragoons in the service of Bonaparte, as we used to call him. However, here I am in Moscow with him. I must tell you, my dear... that our name is one of the most ancient in France.]
And with the easy and naive frankness of a Frenchman, the captain told Pierre the history of his ancestors, his childhood, adolescence and manhood, all his family, property, and family relationships. “Ma pauvre mere [“My poor mother.”] played, of course, an important role in this story.
– Mais tout ca ce n"est que la mise en scene de la vie, le fond c"est l"amour? L"amour! “N"est ce pas, monsieur; Pierre?” he said, perking up. “Encore un verre.” [But all this is only an introduction to life, its essence is love. Love! Isn’t it so, Monsieur Pierre? Another glass. ]
Pierre drank again and poured himself a third.
- Oh! Les femmes, les femmes! [ABOUT! women, women!] - and the captain, looking at Pierre with oily eyes, began to talk about love and his love affairs. There were a lot of them, which was easy to believe, looking at the smug, Beautiful face officer and the enthusiastic animation with which he spoke about women. Despite the fact that everything love stories Rambal had that character of dirty tricks in which the French see the exceptional charm and poetry of love, the captain told his stories with such sincere conviction that he alone experienced and knew all the delights of love, and described women so temptingly that Pierre listened to him with curiosity.

A whole scattering of star skaters will gather in the capital of Japan, Tokyo, because the World Cup starts there Team Figure Skating Championships 2017. This World Cup, the final season in this sport, will be held from April 20 to 23. It is worth noting that the tradition of holding team figure skating championships began in Japan about two decades ago. Next, we will talk about the 2017 World Cup calendar, as well as the composition of the participants in the Russian team.

Figure skating World Team Championships 2017: schedule

Taking into account the fact that the competition is taking place in Japan, most of the skates will take place in the first half of the day, Moscow time. So, on April 20, the program of the world team championship The 2017 figure skaters will open with a short dance from the dancing couples. It starts at 9.15 Moscow time. A little later, at 10.35, the women will skate a short program, and at 12.40 the men’s short program will start.

The competition will continue on April 21. On this day, sports couples will be the first to take to the ice - their short program will start at 10.00. Then at 11.25 the baton will be taken over by the dance pairs, who will begin the free program at 11.25. The men will finish this day with free skating (it starts at 13.00).

Finally, on April 22, free programs will be shown by sports pairs (starts at 9.15) and women (10.15). Well, on April 23 at 8 a.m. Moscow time, demonstration performances will begin, which will conclude the figure skating festival in Tokyo.

Let us add that the 2017 World Cup will be broadcast in full by Match TV and Eurosport.

Composition of the Russian figure skating team for the 2017 World Team Championships

In conclusion, about the composition of the Russian team participants at this world team championship. For Russian fans figure skating good news: Evgenia Medvedeva is participating in the World Championship. Let us immediately note that the captain of the Russian national team will be Ekaterina Bobrova, who, together with Dmitry Solovyov, represents our country in ice dancing.

Maxim Kovtun and Mikhail Kolyada will perform in men's single skating, and Evgenia Medvedeva and Elena Radionova will perform in women's singles. Finally, Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov are entered in the sports pairs competition.