Chain catfish species. Chain catfish or Loricariidae. Trying different baits

Of the huge variety of catfishes, perhaps the “loricariid” or chain-mailed catfishes have the most unusual look. Their name originates from the word “lori-ka”. That's what they called it in Ancient Rome legionnaires' armor. The entire body of fish of this species is covered with symmetrically located bone plates that grow together.

Description of catfish

The chainmail family can be divided into five subfamilies, which number seventeen genera and more than two hundred species. Unlike catfish of other species, loricariids are not predators. The basis of their diet is algae and plant leaves.

Now we will take a closer look at the most popular types.

Ancistrus stellata

These chainmail ones are relatively small in size. Their bodies are elongated and flattened, covered with hard scales (only the abdomen remains free of them). The mouth resembles a suction cup. It has horn-shaped scrapers that allow the fish to scrape food from various hard surfaces (such as algae growths).

Pearl chain catfish have a body and fins painted in a thick and rich black color, with a scattering of small blue-white dots, which acquire a light brown tint with age. On the fins of young individuals you can see a wide white edging, which disappears over time.

The male is distinguished by special leathery branched processes that are located on the sides of the head. Experts call them tentacles. In females, such processes are absent or very poorly developed. The male is usually much larger than the female and can reach a length of 8 centimeters.

Ancistrus vulgaris

Chain catfish, the species of which are very diverse, differ from other aquarium inhabitants by their characteristic, somewhat flattened body shape. His body shape is no exception - drop-shaped and flattened. The head is quite large. The mouth is a sucker with horn-like projections (scrapers).

The entire body of this fish is covered with “armor”. The sail-shaped dorsal fin is pressed to the body when calm. The fins are colored in different shades of gray with a light yellowish tint. Light specks are scattered throughout the body.

Externally, males differ more slim body. They have a higher dorsal fin than females, and a much wider caudal fin. Males have leathery growths on their heads that are absent in females.

Hypancistrus zebra

Chain catfish of this species are so brightly colored that it is impossible to confuse them with other species. These are alternating stripes of black and white, which is why the fish was so named.

The head of Hypancistrus is elongated, the eyes are set very high. If you look at it from above, you can see that the eyes are connected by a white wide stripe, from which four transverse stripes extend. The upper jaw has seven to eight long curved teeth on each side, which bifurcate towards the edge. The lower jaw is equipped with only eight deeply forked teeth.

The tail fins of the fish are V-shaped. In adult individuals, all fins are decorated with white and black stripes.

Males are noticeably larger than females. Their ventral fins have spines. The same growths are present in the mouth area. Females have a more rounded abdomen. In a home aquarium, these fish do not grow more than 9 centimeters. They live in captivity for about ten years.

Brocade glyptopericht

These chain-mailed catfish are every aquarist's dream. This is due to their very impressive appearance. Brocade glyptopericht has an elongated and slightly flattened body. Brown spots are scattered on it. The dorsal fin is shaped like a sail. Catfish have well-developed oral suckers, thanks to which they stick to the surface of the glass of the aquarium so strongly that it is quite difficult to tear them away from it. Around the mouth you can see antennae thickened at the base, which are edged with a fold of skin.

Brocade catfish grow up to 60 cm in length. Males are larger, slimmer and their color is much brighter than that of females. The spines on the pectoral fins are clearly visible.

Chain catfish live and develop well in ordinary fresh water with a temperature of +26° C. At the same time, its acidity should be neutral, minor deviations are allowed.

Artificial plants are more often used. Among the living, herbs with a good root system are welcome - cryptocoryne, echinodorus.

Catfish lead a solitary lifestyle, do not like bright lighting, preferring dim lighting. These fish require numerous hiding places. They could be stones, grape roots, where they could retire, relax or just sleep. You need to install driftwood in the aquarium, which is a source of edible cellulose for catfish.


These fish are omnivores, but the basis of their diet is koretra, bloodworms, black bread, tubifex, lean meats, daphnia, as well as special dry food. For complete nutrition, feed your catfish with spirulina tablets.

Some species of chain catfish prefer plant foods. Only pronounced predators require special feeding.

Chain catfish - breeding

During preparation for spawning, fish need varied and plentiful feeding of live food. At this time, it is better to seat females and males in different containers. The spawning tank must have a volume of at least 20 liters and a height of 20-25 cm. Fresh tap water is poured into it. The spawning tank is aerated for two days. Then you can place several bushes of plants with hard and wide leaves in it. The water temperature decreases by 2-3°C, but it should not be lower than +18°C.

Chain catfish are planted in the spawning tank in the evening, at the rate of one female for three males. Spawning usually begins in the morning.

This variety aquarium fish has interesting feature- they become more decorative with each subsequent spawning. Catfish often spawn in a community aquarium. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the eggs along with the substrate to a separate container.

Plecostomus albino

The chainmail family is divided into 5 subfamilies, in which there are 17 genera and more than 200 species. They are from South America.
They can differ a lot from each other. Various species of this group of fish come in both a reed-shaped form and a more rounded, humpbacked form. But form these fish are always well streamlined, and the body is covered with protective armor in the form bone plates.
Typically, the body width of such fish is greater than the height. The gill openings are located on the bottom of the head.
These fish have a well-developed oral sucker equipped with villi and tubercles, which allows them to easily scrape off algae. The suction cup is also a necessary way to stay on even in very fast currents.
Size chain catfish can reach 60 cm.
Lifespan some species of fish of the chain catfish family reaches up to 15 years.
Today this is a family of chain catfish not fully studied, some species have not yet been identified.
Periodically different kinds these fish are classified differently or the genus name is changed, which also does not add clarity to complete the picture. Chain catfish are often very different from each other in both shape and pattern on the body, which creates certain difficulties for systematizing these fish. There are cases when representatives of the family Chain catfish or Loricariid catfish are very similar to another species of fish, and determining which genus this fish should belong to can be very difficult at times.
Difficulties in classification also occur in the distinction between fish of the genus Farlowella and Sturisoma.

Differences between Ancistrus and Plecostomus and Brocade Glyptoperichthus


You buy an ordinary catfish in a store under one name, but in reality it turns out to be a completely different catfish. The signs listed below may not be 100% accurate, but together they can help determine. All signs of differences are collected from articles and forums on the Internet.

1. The common ans has a white spot on the top of the caudal fin, while the pterus does not.
2. It is not difficult to distinguish the brocade catfish by its dorsal fin. It has 10 or more rays when others have 8 or less.
3. Pteras have a much larger dorsal fin, 1.5 times higher than that of Ants and it turns out almost rectangular shape, because several anterior rays of almost the same length. More rays, i.e. the fin is longer and reaches almost to the tail - only a small adipose fin fits between the dorsal and caudal fin - there is practically no empty space on the back). And, as a rule, they always have it unfolded like a sail, just like the tail - this is just the normal state of the fish.
4. Ants have a triangular dorsal fin (only the first ray is long, each subsequent one is shorter, so it does not even reach the tail in any condition). In addition, Ants for the most part keep their dorsal and caudal fins folded if the fish is calm and spread them only to make an impression when communicating with each other, when threatened, etc.
5. The pattern of the bird is noticeably brighter and more colorful - each spot on the bird is large and clearly drawn, and the whole thing is exceptionally spotted.
6. Angs tend to have small peas on a monochromatic background, which, depending on the mood of the fish, can be whiter and brighter, or they can disappear almost completely.

Pterygoplicht brocade young

7. Pteras may turn pale when frightened, etc. entirely, but the spots do not disappear, but fade in the same way as the general background, i.e. the fish is still motley and never becomes monochromatic.
8. As a rule, pteras have more brown (light to dark, no black pteras).
9. Ants are just black, sometimes with a brown tint, but the main background is still closer to black (unless they are albinos, of course).
10. Further, the birds have a dumber muzzle (like a brick and for this reason the nasal processes (I don’t know what to call them correctly, they generally look like ears on the muzzle) are large and very protruding, as well as the eyes on top and on the sides.
11. The Ants have a longer and flatter muzzle, and on this plane the nose and eyes do not protrude much.
12. Well, pay attention to the mustache: in 4-5 cm males, if you come across a male (which is very likely), you can already see stubble along the edges of the muzzle; in pteras, it does not and does not occur naturally.
13. Besides the fact that Anza can be confused with Pterus (which is quite strange, although now for some reason it is very common), in fact, Anza is easier to confuse with a young Plecostomus - they are much more similar.
14. Pter - light with black specks Antsik - black with light specks. Not counting gold, etc. But this is not an indicator, the spots on a pterygoplicht can be anything - now there are a lot of different colors, in any case, the spots on the pterygos are large and the color is always a clear brown color - of any tone and in any variations, but still brown, not black, common anza (we do not take exotic, expensive and rare species) the background is black (dark gray) and the spots are ALWAYS light.
15. In fact, it’s much easier than looking at the coloring to still pay attention to the structure of the body and fins (especially the dorsal), the shape of the head and the VERY protruding “lop-eared” snout of the Ptera compared to the rather modest nasal “ears” of the Ants - understanding the difference in anatomy, the colors can’t confuse you in any way, especially since the albino “golden” form of both has generally the same color.
16. The main characteristics of a pter are a long fin almost along the entire back, brown spots, a blunt muzzle (sharp bevel angle), eyes on the top of the skull and a sticky nose.

Representatives of the Chainfish family, or Loricaria catfish (Loricariidae) has about 630 species. Typically found in the clear waters of South America. May differ significantly from each other. Thus, various species of this group of fish can be either reed-shaped or more rounded, humpbacked. Moreover, the shape of these fish is always well streamlined, and the body is covered with protective armor in the form of bone plates. Typically, the body width of such fish is greater than the height. The gill openings are located on the bottom of the head. These fish have a well-developed oral sucker equipped with villi and tubercles, which allows them to easily scrape off algae. The suction cup is also a necessary way to stay on even in very fast currents. The size of chain catfish can reach 60 cm. The lifespan of some species of fish of the Chain catfish family reaches up to 15 years.

To date, this family of chain catfish has not been fully studied; some species of this group of fish still cannot be identified. From time to time, different species of these fish are classified differently or the genus name is changed, which also does not add clarity to complete the picture. Why is the classification of this fish species so difficult? The answer is quite simple. Chain catfish are often very different from each other in both shape and pattern on the body, which creates certain difficulties for systematizing these fish. There are cases when representatives of the family Chain catfish or Loricariid catfish are very similar to another species of fish, and determining which genus this fish should belong to can be very difficult at times. Difficulties in classification also occur in the distinction between fish of the genus Farlowella and Sturisoma.

Loricaria is not a predatory fish and can get along well with the same types of fish. But in situations where representatives of this family are forced to defend themselves, they use the method inherent in them by nature: just one blow with the tail stalk can be compared to a blow with a whip and, as a rule, this maneuver immediately scares off all potential enemies. Loricaria is a nocturnal fish. When it begins to get dark, its activity reaches its peak. However, you can try to partially adapt these fish to daytime activity. At the same time, pay attention to the light in the room. It should be calm and subdued. It is advisable to use various stones in the aquarium, which the fish will polish over time. You should also take into account the fact that Chain catfish, or Loricariid catfish, can swim into narrow crevices, where as a result they can get stuck and die.

Even if at first glance it seems to you that loricarids do not require a careful approach to maintenance and care, in reality everything is not so simple. It is necessary to regularly monitor the water temperature in the aquarium, and parameters such as water hardness, PH and others must also be taken into account. Every week it is necessary to aerate, filter and replace the water in the aquarium. If you keep small representatives of this family, then purchase an aquarium with a volume of no more than 200 liters, this will be quite enough. In the case of adult individuals, a larger volume will be needed.

As for the nutrition of Chain catfish, these are, as a rule, artificial and plant foods. Plant food is mandatory and should be given immediately before turning off the lights. A certain part of the diet consists of live food, but the share of such food may be minimal. Algae in an aquarium is a favorite food for catfish. Loricarids also feed on various foulings such as hydras, bryozoans and others.

When the maturation period begins, the aquarium must contain glass or plastic pipes, artificial burrows and spacious crevices. When living in water bodies, eggs are deposited in crevices between stones or on plant leaves. Therefore, if you decide to keep such fish at home, you need to approach this issue seriously and create the necessary conditions for representatives of the family Chain catfish, or Loricariidae.

Catfish live in holes and eddies in rivers with soft soil. The best time to catch it is summer, after the end of spawning. Fishing is done using different ways: bottom and fishing rods with a float, spinning rod.

There are many special baits for successful fishing.

What should the bait be?

The choice depends not only on the place of fishing, but also takes into account what this fish usually eats. The catfish reaches impressive sizes and is a predator with a very developed sense of smell. Its diet consists of frogs, small fish, worms, large insects. Therefore, it is advisable to use bait with a smell. Many people believe that they prefer dead, rotten food, but this is not entirely true.

The best bait is the living creatures that live in the pond. The bait must be sufficiently mobile and tenacious. Its weight should be from 60–150 grams. That is, not too heavy and not light. Regarding the size, to catch large fish, a bait about 20 cm long is attached.

Organic baits for successful fishing

The best organic baits for catfish include:

  • Zywiec– Small fish, frogs, and molting crayfish are suitable for this. The latter is the most attractive food. Because it lives at the bottom. The bait must be fresh, caught the day before or before fishing. The advantage of this attachment is its mobility, which the catfish can sense from a distance.
  • - one of my favorite treats. They can be obtained from the bottom of the river; their tracks are especially visible in shallow water. To prepare shellfish, you need to remove them from the shell using a knife, carefully cutting out the flesh. Next, the contents are placed on the hook.
  • Locust– The barbel eats it with pleasure, but it is problematic to prepare such bait in the required quantity.

  • Medvedka– very effective. Found in rural areas, orchards, and orchards. Disadvantage: limited numbers. Even with a targeted search, you can catch no more than 2-3 individuals.
  • Crawls– suitable as a donkey attachment. You can collect them after rain in quite significant quantities. Worms of this species reach from 15 to 20 cm. Several are attached to the hook at a time.
  • Leeches– put on as a whole bunch at once. Found in almost most bodies of water. The advantage is that they can live in clean water for a very long time. Therefore, they can be prepared in advance.
  • Bark beetle larvae– have sufficient meatiness and the presence of proteins.

The best artificial baits

If organics are only suitable for fishing rods, in sport fishing with spinning rods there are a number of special baits: silicone baits with jig heads, deep wobblers, heavy spoons (mostly elongated, yellow, orange or silver).

Wobblers are especially popular among fishermen:

Salmo Perch P08SDR– refers to trolling baits. Available in three sizes at once - 8, 12, 14 cm. It has the shape of a perch. Capable of going deep up to 12m. The blade is made of polycarbonate. Equipped with high quality tees. It has a compact size and heavy weight, which allows for long casting and quick penetration.

Dorado Invader 7S- the leader among all models produced by Dorado-Triada. Weighs 44 grams, length – 12 cm. Works at a depth of 8 m. Well used for fishing in still water on all types of rivers.

Liberty BITE 130F– a high-quality wobbler, well balanced, has a bright, pronounced game. Inside there is a chamber filled with metal balls that create a sound effect. Weight - 36 g, length - 13 cm.

Halco Sorcerer 125– when casting, the body moves from one side to the other, making a slight noise. A blade is attached to it to avoid underwater snags. The bow blade can easily be changed from deep-sea to standard, thanks to a special lock. Refers to the floating type. Length - 15 cm, weight - 30g.

Halco Poltergaist 80– a good option for depths of 5 m or more. It makes a lot of noise when wiring. Used for fishing in snags and holes. Weight – 17 g, length – 8 cm. The shape is slightly curved, which makes it possible to enhance vibrations.

Among the oscillating spinners, it is worth paying attention to:

Heintz– heavy bait, from 60 gr. Features stable play that attracts predatory fish. Equipped with a double.

Williams Wabler W50– the most popular among the company’s models. It is sometimes called golden carp. Works at any wiring speed. There is a rib on the body to ensure stable movement of the bait. Made of brass, with 24 karat gold plating. Length – 7 cm, weight – 14 g.

Acme Kastmaster– a universal spoon, used both for bottom fishing and for fishing above the surface. Available in weights of 7-21 grams. Perfectly balanced, has two cuts on the surface.

As for jig fishing, in this case silicone twisters are mostly used. In different regions, the diet of catfish may differ, so it is difficult to determine with which bait in shape and color the fishing will be successful. But, undoubtedly, the most catchy one is the vibrotail.

How to increase your fish catch? ">

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

What is used besides standard drives?

In addition to artificial ones, there are a number of other baits. Successfully used:

  • Pieces of fresh fish.
  • Cancerous necks.
  • Chicken giblets or liver, lightly roasted over a fire.
  • Rotten meat.
  • Dough with the addition of special flavors.

Fishing from a boat using a kwok, a device that produces sound, is quite exciting. Various types of wood or metal are used to make it. Often, to protect against rapid wetting, the tackle is coated with drying oil or varnish.

Seasonal features of the choice of baits

Each season of the year when fishing for catfish has its own characteristics in the choice of baits. In spring, fish awaken from winter sleep. Optimal time to start hunting when the water temperature warms up to + 8° Celsius and above. Also, a lot depends on weather conditions and time of day. To catch large specimens best time- afternoon. Among organic baits, in spring catfish prefer small fish, crayfish and frogs. If fishing is carried out using a spinning rod, then it is advisable to use oscillating spoons.

Summer brings good result Donka fishing. A reel for summer fishing should be quite strong and hold about 200 m of fishing line with a diameter of 0.5 mm. IN summer time catfish often emerge from their holes into shallow water. Large individuals often stay in quiet pools. The best time for fishing is night. Favorite delicacies for this time of year are crawlers, pieces of fish and live bait. They are placed on several donks at once. Casting is carried out from the shore. But it is also possible from a boat using a quok.

In autumn, the catfish rarely leaves its hole exclusively for hunting, and sometimes it waits for prey right in its hole. Around the beginning of October, when the water temperature drops, a period of “anabiosis” begins for this predator.

The most suitable period for hunting this fish is September. For capture are used:

  • Feeder gear (used more often during the day).
  • Donkeys (crawfish and chub are attached to them).
  • Swings (any attachment from insects to worms is suitable).
  • Kwok (bait for it is green frogs, pieces of meat, ram heads, sparrows).
  • Spinning (less effective in autumn than other types). The baits chosen at this time are fish meat, crayfish necks, and frogs.

In the winter season, a predator such as catfish does not leave its hole, actually freezing. During this period it is quite difficult to catch it. To arouse interest in the bait good option will use long silicone fish up to 17 cm. If the water is cloudy, a yellow bait is suitable, in clear water - golden or silver with a shine.

The bright color of the bait can arouse the interest of the catfish and provoke a bite. The best live bait is live fish - crucian carp, rudd, bream, asp. That is, those that constitute the main food of this predator and are able to actively move in a reservoir at sub-zero temperatures. Live bait is attached to a fishing rod installed in a holder. For successful hooking, you need to properly loosen the cord and tighten the reel.

Another successful method of fishing in winter is fishing with lead heads. The hooks on them are located at an angle of 45°. Their weight ranges from 20–35 grams. They are similar in shape to an olive. This type of bait slides along the bottom, raising a ball of silt, thereby arousing the interest of the fish. If you put worms on a hook as bait for hunting, then it would be advisable to use an attractant to enhance the smell.

  1. The predator has impressive dimensions. Therefore, you need to select durable and strong gear. A regular fishing rod with a float is not suitable for this purpose.
  2. Hooks are selected in large sizes based on the shape of the fish’s mouth and must be the same color as the bait.
  3. Before you start fishing, you should find a suitable and comfortable place, since the catfish can offer resistance with its entire mass.
  4. It is convenient to use a landing net or hook when fishing. Sometimes, if the catfish is too active, it is stunned.
  5. Even if the fishing line is strong, you should never lift the fish on a leash, it can cause a break.
  6. Do not store bait in the refrigerator with food. Even though the container is closed, the smell may penetrate into the food.

Selection of fishing gear

Fishing for catfish is not an easy task. This activity cannot be compared with regular fishing for buckwheat or minnows.
The choice of gear and fishing rods must be approached very carefully, without missing even the slightest subtleties. It is best to catch catfish using bottom rods. It’s not at all difficult to tell how to catch catfish on a donk, but fishing experience comes only after periodic practical skills. They have the main difference from ordinary fishing rods, which is that these fishing rods do not have a float, and the bite alarm is the flexible tip of the fishing rod, with a bell installed on it. The fishing line and reel used when casting bottom gear must match the strength of the intended catch. It is worth considering that some catfish specimens can reach a weight of three hundred kilograms or more, and the length of such individuals is about five meters.

Such large catfish, of course, are rare; mostly experienced fishermen catch two-meter specimens weighing about thirty kilograms. For catching large catfish, it is also necessary to use special hooks designed specifically for this fish.

Amateur fishermen, before going fishing, need to understand how to catch catfish. All rivers and reservoirs have frequently changing bottom topography. This means that if one year you find a catfish place and often and regularly pull prey from this hole, then next year at this point in the river bed there may not be not only a place for the catfish family to stay, but also the hole itself. Therefore, novice fishermen should not stubbornly and persistently fish last year’s place for a long time, but it is better to initially examine the bottom for new holes and pits. Catfish are large predators that do not feed on bread, corn or worms. Your daily diet will tell you what is best for catching catfish. It mainly eats fish, frogs and molluscs. The greatest appetite of catfish is observed during the period after spawning. The rest of the time, catfish are active late in the evening and at night, until the morning. Its zhor gradually subsides with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, it is best to fish for it on a warm summer night, using pieces of various meats or a frog as bait.

The meat can be fish and chicken, as well as river shellfish. It is recommended to hook small frogs alive, hooking them onto the skin of the back. If there is a large frog, then it is cut into pieces. In addition to the sense of touch, catfish have a well-developed sense of smell, so before cutting the frog, it is better to first fry it so that its smell is released.
Amateur fishermen should remember that before going to the river, it is necessary to prepare several types of bait, because it is impossible to guess which one will work today. Catfish are known for hunting from cover while lying low. Waiting for the moment when inattentive prey approaches the required distance or swims past, it attacks. Therefore, the bait must be placed on the hook so that it looks natural and does not cause mistrust in the fish.

Catching prey with a kwok

Quakers are usually called those catfishing enthusiasts who use a special tool that makes a certain sound when it hits the water. This sound imitates the croaking of a frog, which a predator likes to feast on. How to catch catfish using kwok has been known for a long time. There are two generally accepted methods, the use of each of which depends on certain fishing conditions.

Fishing with a quok from an anchored boat is effective when it is necessary to fish one compact place that potentially has a fairly attractive appearance in terms of catch. Before lowering the anchor, first use an echo sounder to survey the bottom and anchor the boat a little higher from the found hole. Lower the line with the bait and quack the water five to seven times so that there is a pause of about one second between strokes. Then wait about ten minutes; if there are no bites, then, most likely, the catfish is not standing in this area. You need to change the place a little and do it all over again.

Fishing with rafting

The second way to catch catfish using kwok is raft fishing. How to catch catfish in this case is best explained in relation to the river flow. Select a place with a slow current. Fishing is done from a boat that floats past holes, pits and interesting places at the speed of the current. It is important not to scare away the prey with noise, because the catfish is very careful and will hide at the slightest rustle.

Advantages of fishing from a boat over fishing from the shore

How to catch catfish from a boat was described above, and this method is undoubtedly the best. The main advantage of this method over fishing from the shore is that the bait can be lowered exactly to the place where the potential prey is located, having initially examined the bottom topography using an echo sounder. Even a novice angler can fish from a boat, while from the shore you must first learn how to correctly cast the bait to the desired fishing point. Having a boat, you can easily fish the entire body of water and soon find what you need catchable place. Many people know how to catch catfish from the shore, but not everyone can do it. From the shore, you can only be content with the coastal strip that can be reached on foot, and the casting distance depends on the gear and skill of the fisherman.

Proper catching of prey

We have decided how to catch catfish, but that’s not all in the fishing process. Even if a catfish sits on a hook, this does not mean that you have already caught it. Just as important a fishing process as the correct bait is landing the fish itself. Don't do it sudden movements and quickly reel in the fishing line or cord. The catfish usually behaves calmly and all the heaviness during fishing is determined only by its weight, but it can weigh a lot. It is also necessary to take into account that the catfish can swim into snags or underwater thickets, and there the fishing line can break, so fishing skills come with experience.

Dream fish

As for large catfish, there are not too many of them in any of the various reservoirs. The catfish is big - the fish is quite careful. Therefore, experienced fishermen advise before starting fishing to determine possible sites for catfish. Usually you should start with reconnaissance of the area, sometimes long before the time of the intended fishing. If possible, you can spend several days on the shore near a reservoir, studying the situation and without disassembling gear. It is a mistake to think that you just need to throw a bait into the water and you will immediately catch that dream fish.

Where does catfish live?

This fish, especially when it reaches large sizes, reacts rather poorly to light. That is why it is advised to look for it in the depths - in holes and holes, where it loves to hide. Otherwise, it may be after a rainstorm, during a period of high water, when the river is stormy and muddy - then the catfish is active throughout the entire time. This fish has its own routes, paths along which it moves in search of food, leaving shelter for a while. Preference for bottom soil is silty or mixed with sand. If there is a tree fallen into the water, even better. And under the high shore, a habitat for large catfish can be an underwater cave, located almost under the feet of fishermen standing on the ground above. The giant also loves the thickets of the underwater kingdom in a river with a fairly leisurely flow - there he hides and feeds. But most often such a place is an annoying disadvantage for fishermen, since it can be impossible to catch it from the shoreline: muddy soil and hordes of mosquitoes interfere.

Catfish places

Where to catch catfish, a fairly experienced fisherman will always be told by typical signs on the terrain and water:

  1. In the river, the current created holes behind the support of the bridges. This tends to become a habitat for large fish. There are usually one or two in each pit - nothing more. However, this is considered by many anglers to be an unpromising place for fishing, since catfish tend to run away under the bridge, creating difficulties for fishing.
  2. At a distance from the bridge there are discovered water holes (within 50 meters). They are deep and suitable for fishing if trees brought in by the flood do not interfere. Both young and medium-sized catfish usually live there.
  3. A small hole washed out by a tributary current, or a place where a rip current occurs. Catfish use this passage to hunt in the tributary or near the shore. Here you can take them.
  4. Sometimes there is a whole catfish “boulevard” on the river. This is one of the deepest places along the riverbed. And if the depth reaches a high coastal zone, and trees hang over it or have fallen, catfish will obviously live here. For a fisherman, such a boulevard provides the opportunity to use certain tricks: you need to fish from the opposite bank, and also be a professional in precise long-distance casts. In such a place, the boat is very helpful to the fisherman. Only on it you need to approach some distance from the pits so that the fish does not become alarmed.
  5. Near the thickets of river plants there is a hole in the muddy and sandy soil - up to 3 meters long, over a meter deep. If there are no signs of living creatures, a large catfish obviously lives here.
  6. Sometimes a catfish can hide under a pier, under a boat or a pier (few people can look for it here). Sometimes - in the muddy bottom under dams. Sometimes - under islands of floating grass (the sly one uses them as a sun visor in hot weather).

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that catching catfish on a donk from the shore, for example, for the most part consists of a preliminary careful study and research of its habitats in a particular body of water.

Echo sounder

For a modern fisherman planning to catch a large catfish, good help renders an echo sounder. Using this device and a single seat inflatable boat With some time spent, you can quite confidently find the possible habitats of these fish. By the way, earlier catfish hunters made it simple in the old-fashioned way: using a weighted rope and a boat, measuring the depth and finding holes. The old method is, of course, more labor-intensive, but no less effective for finding habitats. Well, after that you can start fishing!

Summer fishing

Some people, of course, find it more convenient to catch catfish from a boat. But this method, like catching catfish on a donk from the shore, seems to many to be one of the most comfortable. At the same time, avid fishermen use the maximum amount of gear (as much as the coastal zone allows), placing them along the shore. The fisherman himself can sit comfortably by the fire for the all-night vigil. By the way, they catch both with a spinning rod, and with a donk, and with a zherlitsa at once. There are known cases of using float fishing rods. In general, who knows what and what they are most used to. The only disadvantage of this method is some difficulty in fishing, especially large specimens. But even in these cases, folk craftsmen came up with all sorts of “tricks” that help the process.


Catching catfish on a donk from the shore is carried out using familiar gear. Bottom fishing rod(in common parlance - donka) in the global fishing community has long established itself with the most best side. There are its varieties, but for catfish they usually use the “classic”. The design consists of a more powerful rod, a power reel with a fishing line from 100 to 200 meters in length (from 0.5 in diameter). And at the end of the fishing line there is a steel or braided leash with a powerful catfish hook. A weight on the fishing line (50-150 grams, depending on the strength of the current of the selected body of water) is placed about half a meter from the hook.

Donkey modernization

Some craftsmen modify the classic tackle with an underwater float, obtaining a more modern, advanced weapon. Everything else changes little. But the float is tightly fixed 15-20 centimeters from the hook with bait. What is new? This design does not allow the mounted bait to lie on the bottom and cease to be noticeable to the fish. The gear is optimal for reservoirs with good currents. The bait, constantly located above the bottom, playing in the current, attracts fish, and catching catfish on the bottom from the shore becomes more effective. You can make your own underwater float for the tackle from wood and foam (choose the size in proportion to the bait). And one more thing: the donka must certainly be equipped inertial coil so that when a large fish jerks, quite noticeably, the rod itself does not drag to the depths after the catfish. Avid fans of catfish fishing, in order not to “yawn”, especially at night, are advised to tie the butt of the rod with strong twine, for example, to a tree growing on the shore, or to a stake driven into the ground. This will definitely protect you from unnecessary incidents of night fishing, and summer fishing Soma will be the most enjoyable pastime.

What to fish with

It is known that this fish has a very good sense of smell. This allows the catfish to quickly find the delicacy offered to it (by the way, this predator’s hearing is clearly not too bad either: some people build donk balls into underwater floats that act like a baby rattle, luring the fish additionally). Good bait for catfish can be a bunch of crawlers, shell meat, crayfish, fish fillet, frog, cut squid (as for beer), and slightly rotten meat products. It is important that the hook is completely covered by the bait. Otherwise, after being injected, the catfish may spit out the treat, leave and perhaps never return.


Catfish are well caught using live bait in the fall, when the fish fatten before wintering. Then both large catfish and small catfish are taken with live bait and lures. Traditionally, a similar bait is used when fishing from the shore on a girder. It is used to catch predators both on rivers and on waters without a current. Typically, fairly small fish, such as bleak, are used as live bait. Ordinary fish can also be used as live bait. live frog, which catfish readily eats. It is hooked under the skin.

in spring

Catching catfish in the spring with a donk is a little different from the summer. This is due to the behavioral characteristics of this type of fish. Fishing in many areas begins in mid-April. The most fruitful time is at night. The most commonly used bait are crawlers that emerge after spring rains. By the way, experienced fishermen use this to determine the time of the beginning of spring catfish activity.

How to make tackle

To catch catfish you need to make a donk. First of all, you need to purchase all the necessary components from the nearest fishing store, and this may require a considerable amount of money. The rod should be determined by the size of the fish that live in your area. For fish weighing 10 kg you will need a rod up to 2 m long with at least 5 kg of cast. For fish that weigh more than 10 kg, you will need a fishing rod more than 2 m long with at least 10 kg of dough. Longer rods work well for catfish fishing from the shore. Tackle for fishing from a boat should be relatively short.

To make tackle for catfish with your own hands, you need to buy hooks, reels, a float, a leash and other equipment. Most good fishing stores sell starter kits specifically for beginners. These kits include a variety of necessary supplies to create a catfish tackle. Be sure to check that the hook is sharp and the leash is strong. If the hooks do not seem sharp enough to you, then it is better to buy expensive, but good ones (preferably made in Japan).

The fishing line for catfish should be as strong as possible. You can't go wrong with the most durable one available. Leashes are best made from wire.

For fishing at night, special luminous floats, thick leashes and reels with a large supply of fishing line may be useful. Ordinary floats are not needed in this case. Catfish equipment is sometimes sold ready-made, so it’s worth asking if it’s in stock so you don’t have to install it yourself. The leash made should be made of thick fishing line or thin wire. It’s also worth buying special containers for storing bait, spare reels and a reel for leashes. Knitting leashes takes a lot of time, so it is better to prepare them in advance.

Catching catfish on the Don (video)

Trying different baits

For catfish fishing to be successful, you need to constantly experiment with baits. Some anglers who specialize in catching catfish constantly use the same bait. But in fact, Catfish is a true gourmet who eats a lot of things. During your first fishing trips, you will need to test as many baits as possible and find out which ones are preferred by the catfish living in your region. There is no need to be afraid to experiment, because the equipment for catching this fish can be baited with almost any bait.

The first thing to try is whole or cut into pieces dead fish. It can be pre-caught in the same body of water or bought in a store (this is a matter of taste). To create a strong odor that attracts Catfish, the fish can be lightly fried or smoked. In some cases, a donkey with live fish as bait may be more effective. This fish does not smell so strongly, but attracts predators with its movements. Another common bait is crayfish. There are cases when Catfish pecked on other similar crustaceans (for example, shrimp).

This freshwater fish lives in rivers, lakes and ponds of the temperate climate zone

One of the most popular baits are large earthworms (crawlers), which can be collected from the surface of the ground after heavy rain. The disadvantage of this bait is that many other (smaller) species of fish may be attracted to it. Occasionally strange baits such as chicken liver and corn are also used.

In addition to natural baits, you can try artificial ones. Many of them are sold in fishing stores and are marketed as magic baits that catfish cannot resist. However, experienced Catfish hunters find organic baits to be more effective.

The bait needs to be selected so that it matches the size of the fish you want to catch. For catfish, which weighs up to 20 kg, you will need a large bait, a thick leader and reels with a large supply of fishing line. Such large fish usually do not pay attention to small baits like worms.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the bait so that it does not deteriorate from cold or heat. But this rule is not always relevant, because many people know that Catfish has a reputation as a carrion lover, since it willingly eats stale fish and meat. But worms need to be protected, because if they die, they will become too soft and unsuitable for baiting a hook. Ice can be used to store dead fish, but live fish are usually kept in a bucket of cool water.

Catching catfish with live bait (video)

Time and place for fishing

The best time of year for catfish fishing is spring. It is not active when the water is very cold. But after the winter ice melts and spring floods form, the water will become warm enough for Catfish to function normally. After the spills appear, these fish can be caught with varying success until the next freeze-up.

To find out which season is most favorable for catching catfish in your area, you need to experiment. In some places, water warming begins earlier, and in others - later.

It is believed that the best time to catch Catfish is dawn. It is recommended to start fishing in the dark before sunrise. As a rule, at such a time this underwater predator goes hunting, due to which the likelihood of hearing the coveted crack of the reel clutch increases significantly. Fishing in the dead of night can also give big catch. It often happens that the mass release of Catfish to hunt begins after midnight. Bottom tackle for catfish is usually equipped with a bite alarm in the form of a bell or a special firefly. The leader must be strong enough to withstand the strong initial tugs of a large fish.

For catfish fishing to be successful, you need to constantly experiment with baits.

During the daytime, this fish can feed when the sky is covered with clouds that completely block the sun. Fishing for catfish using a spinning rod from the shore is usually effective during the rainy seasons. The spin cast must be as precise as possible to hit the Catfish's intended habitat.

Before casting donks for catfish, it is advisable to study the layout of the underwater landscape. Catfish's favorite habitats are deep pools with tree branches hanging from above. In such pits, river catfish are saved from having to fight a constant strong current. This fish especially loves pools with snags, because they feel safe there. You can also safely throw gear near dams and other artificial structures. In small rivers with shallow depths, Catfish will likely be hiding among rocks or fallen trees.

How to catch catfish

Catfish can be caught using a girder, using bottom and float rods, as well as using trolling and spinning baits (type fishing from a boat with a motor moving across a pond).

When choosing gear, you must remember that catfish are very strong fish, so prepare heavy-duty gear.

The most acceptable method of fishing is bottom tackle. But first, the catfish should be baited, that is, three or four days before the start of fishing, feed this place, teaching the catfish to “eat” in your place.

Catfish begin to peck in the evening, at dusk, and in the dead of night the largest specimens begin to peck. Worms, frogs, crayfish, and live bait are used as bait.

Every fisherman dreams of catching a giant trophy, and catfish fits this definition perfectly.