When and how often should you take pre-workout supplements? The best pre-workout supplements (reviews). How to take a pre-workout supplement? Pre-workout side effects

– a type of sports nutrition designed to make training more productive and ensure rapid recovery, as well as muscle mass gain. Are you interested in the basic rules and recommendations for admission? Let's figure them out together.

Time of receipt

It is necessary to take the pre-workout complex at least 60 minutes after eating, the optimal time is after 2 hours. Highly recommend consume it only on an empty stomach, because the food impairs intestinal absorption, meaning the effectiveness of the pre-workout ingredients is reduced and your product no longer works as well as it should. It is recommended to drink the complex 15-45 minutes before the start of training. This is necessary so that the active substances of the supplement (as a rule, these are stimulants, etc.) have time to go through all stages of digestion and enter the bloodstream to work just during training.

Take before bed

Do you exercise in the afternoon? If yes, then we do not recommend using the complex 5-6 hours before the expected “departure for the kingdom of Morpheus.” Why? It's all about the main components of the product: among them there are almost always other energy “boosters”. They will really help you cope with an intense, exhausting workout, but at the same time they will stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and simply will not allow you to fall asleep.

Combination with liquids

It is best to mix the product with plain water or juice, since any other liquids (for example, protein shakes or milk) will not provide the fastest and most complete absorption of the components of the pre-workout complex. Moreover, their mixture can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Reception regimen and breaks in it

Please note that the duration of use depends on the recommended dosage and the number of servings per package. We can give you two pieces of advice: start with the minimum dosage and be sure to take breaks between doses, otherwise your body will quickly get used to the selected supplement. Therefore, even if the manufacturer writes that the complex can be taken not only before training, but also in the morning or at any other time, it is still better not to do this. Otherwise, the result will be a decrease in its effectiveness.


The complexes contain a large number of neurostimulants and vasoactive substances, so we do not recommend taking the product to people under 21 years of age and over 45 years of age. And for anyone who is not confident in the flawless functioning of their cardiovascular system, it is better to choose a caffeine-free pre-workout complex. This ingredient is absent, for example, in NO Explode Caffeine Free from BSN and Xpand Energized Caffeine Free from Dymatize.

However, improper use even by the healthiest people can cause them to experience increased blood pressure, headaches, nausea or tachycardia, as well as lead to other negative consequences for well-being. To avoid these effects, do not exceed the dosage indicated on the package and as many servings per day as possible, do not take multiple pre-workouts at once or combine them with or


So, the basic rules of admission:

  1. Take the complex at least 60 minutes after meals and 20-40 minutes before training.
  2. Refrain from using it 5-6 hours before going to bed so as not to cause insomnia instead of sound restorative sleep.
  3. Mix the product with plain water or juice.
  4. Start drinking your pre-workout supplement with small portions and take breaks between doses.
  5. Follow the indicated dosage and do not combine with other supplements that stimulate or affect blood vessels.
  6. If necessary, choose a caffeine-free complex.

The right nutritional supplements taken before exercise can significantly improve athletic performance. Don't know what medications to take before going to the gym? Don't worry - sports nutritionists have conducted all the necessary research and created a special pre-workout complex.

What is a pre-workout supplement?

Supplements from the category of the so-called pre-workout complex are one of the most popular groups of sports drugs. It is a mixture of ingredients that amateur and professional athletes take before training in an attempt to improve the quality and effectiveness of their workouts. The right supplements can increase stamina, increase strength and improve concentration. That is, the pre-workout complex helps to improve athletic performance and achieve an optimal level of physical fitness. Pre-workout helps the athlete, so to speak, go beyond his physical capabilities and become better.

This group of products includes powders, tablets and capsules that are designed to increase concentration, improve blood flow to muscles, accelerate fat burning, reduce recovery time and promote muscle growth.

Sports nutrition includes various complexes of substances useful for athletes, including pre-workout ones. They may consist of a single ingredient or be a mixture of additives.

All pre-workout complexes can be divided into two categories:

  • pre-workouts with creatine and its derivatives;
  • pre-workouts without creatine.

Pre-workout supplements with creatine

A lot has already been said about creatine. Creatine is a widely used sports supplement that improves the body's endurance. Modern supplements may contain different “versions” of this substance. The most common are creatine monohydrate and creatine chloride.

Pre-workout supplements without creatine

Despite the incredible popularity of creatine, as they say, there is life without it. Moreover, manufacturers of sports supplements regularly create hundreds of new options. Many creatine-free supplements are a mixture of ingredients well known in the sports world. There are also so-called proprietary mixtures among them. Most of them are patented formulas, complexes created specifically for certain sports nutrition brands. As a rule, the ingredients of such a supplement are indicated on the label, but the most important thing is that their proportions usually remain a secret from the manufacturer.

Natural pre-workouts

But not everyone (as a rule, this applies to beginner athletes) uses special mixtures and additives before training. Some rely on a specific nutritional pattern. In particular, large portions taken before training also guarantee a surge of energy and the level necessary for effective exercise. Another component of a pre-workout nutrition program can be creatine. In addition, to increase tone, you can drink a cup 15 minutes before training.

As already mentioned, today manufacturers of sports supplements are increasingly entering the market with new products - offering exclusive drugs created using specially developed formulas. By the way, many companies may use similar ingredients, but their proportions may differ significantly.

So, let's figure out together what ingredients are most often included in pre-workout supplements and why.

Creatine complex

Creatine is known in the sports world as a substance that gives muscles strength and volume. And most manufacturers add creatine to their pre-workout supplements as an important bioactive ingredient. By the way, more and more often, not one, but several versions of creatine are used in supplements.

Amino acid complex

BCAAs and others are included in dietary supplements to improve metabolism. In addition, they promote the transport of fluid and minerals throughout the body, add energy and improve attention. BCAAs are one of the most useful ingredients in pre-workout complexes, as they improve muscle synthesis.

B-vitamin complex

An important role in pre-workout complexes is also played. Their function is to improve metabolism and supply the body with the necessary energy reserves.

Stimulating complex

Substances with a stimulating effect are included in any pre-workout complex. As a rule, in pre-workouts this group of components is represented by caffeine, betaine and beta-alanine; proprietary formulas may also contain other components. The stimulating complex provides the body with additional energy and strength, which is why it is so important before any workout.

Complex for improving endurance

To withstand a grueling workout, the body needs endurance. This function is performed well by a combination of creatine and citrulline. Meanwhile, many pre-workout supplements lack citrulline, although in fact it is an important ingredient.

Pumping complex

Here the key role is played, which is important for the synthesis of nitric oxide, on which the quality of pumping actually depends. Other ingredients that activate NO production are AKG and L-histamine.

Characteristics of components

These supplements are important for increasing muscle strength. Your pre-workout should include at least a few of these ingredients.

Power Amplifiers and Force Activators


Trimethylglycine is a modified amino acid obtained from beets. Research results indicate that this substance is an effective booster - it increases strength reserves by almost 25%.


This amino acid is important for the creation of carnosine and dipeptide (double amino acid protein), which increases muscle strength. Researchers say that taken before training, it helps increase muscle strength and endurance. By the way, one of the signs that the cocktail contains enough beta-alanine is a slight tingling or itching around the lips (a sign of high-quality beta-alanine).


Some people take creatine as a standalone supplement rather than as part of a pre-workout supplement. But it is also regularly found in pre-workouts.

Energy boosters

These are stimulants that actually increase endurance and affect the central nervous system. By the way, good pre-workout supplements should include at least two ingredients from this group.


This amino acid has been scientifically proven to boost energy without any side effects. In addition, it increases stamina and improves concentration. The body uses it as "raw material" to produce a number of important hormones and neurotransmitters such as adrenaline and dopamine.


Research shows that taurine can increase muscle endurance by up to 50 percent. This is achieved by affecting the heart: taurine helps the heart muscle pump more blood to the muscles. The observation confirmed that athletes who consumed taurine before training were able to perform more repetitions of the bench press than athletes in the placebo group. If the pre-workout complex does not contain taurine, then it must contain other components from this group.

Rhodiola rosea

This herb is also known as goldenseal and in sports nutrition as a stimulating adaptogen. It was included in sports nutrition as a component with a stimulating and tonic effect. Rhodiola extract increases physical endurance and muscle strength, stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate. Many endurance supplements contain Rhodiola rosea.

This component maintains adequate levels of growth hormone, testosterone, dopamine and hormones produced by the thyroid gland. It also inhibits the activity of cortisol, a hormone that reduces testosterone levels, and also causes muscle loss and accelerates fat gain.

Chinese lemongrass

The berries of this plant have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. In sports nutrition, lemongrass extract is useful as a means of increasing endurance, improving brain function and regulating cortisol levels (towards a decrease).

B vitamins


Glycerol typically forms the basis of the triglycerides we get from food. Like other pumping supplements, it enhances muscle pumping. And this happens primarily due to the pronounced osmotic properties of glycerin (the ability to attract liquid). In addition, glycerin prevents dehydration and improves temperature control during physical activity in hot weather. Meanwhile, sports nutrition manufacturers do not often include this substance in pre-workout supplements.

Drugs from this group are also known as “brain doping.” Why is this group important for athletes? Studies have shown that the effectiveness of work in the gym and stimulation of muscle growth directly depends on the functionality of the central nervous system. And for this reason, brain activators have also been included in pre-workouts.


This nutrient contributes to the functioning of muscle and brain cells equally. In particular, it plays a decisive role in the production of one of the most important neurotransmitters, acetylcholine.

Increased amounts of acetylcholine promote stronger muscle contractions for longer periods.

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)

In American and European sports drinks, this substance is presented as Deaner, Deanol or Lucidril. Dimethylaminoethanol was first used in the 1960s as a supplement to improve learning abilities in people with impaired concentration. DMAE is now known to increase choline levels in brain cells. By the way, there is an opinion that it is more effective to take DMAE than choline, since dimethylaminoethanol prevents the breakdown of choline and thereby further increases acetylcholine levels. The result of these biochemical reactions is improved thinking, increased mood, and activation of brain function. In addition, DMAE has pronounced antioxidant properties, removes toxins from the body and prevents sagging skin.


This substance is a moss extract. Its benefits are that it prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain, improves memory and concentration, supplies the body with additional energy and improves immunity.

Even if weight loss is not your main goal, fat burners are beneficial in any pre-workout supplement. These products allow you to preserve muscle mass, since the body uses broken down proteins as “fuel” rather than protein from muscle tissue.

Green tea extract

Many complexes include green tea extract because it has many benefits. In particular, the active component of green tea, catechin EGGG, increases fat burning by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down norepinephrine. The result is an increase in adrenaline levels, which in turn stimulates fat burning.


It is an alkaloid found in bitter. Its structure resembles adrenaline and has similar properties. It is included in the pre-workout complex as a substance that promotes the breakdown of fats.


It is an extract of the bark of a plant native to West Africa. The task of this component is to increase muscle endurance, promote greater fat burning, thereby providing the body with more energy. In addition, yohimbe extract has been proven to increase blood flow to tense muscles.

What should not be included

Artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners are something that should ideally not be in a quality sports supplement. Although many manufacturers add these ingredients to sports drinks to mask the bitter or too sour taste. So a perfectly pure complex without impurities is a rare “bird” on the sports nutrition market.

A good pre-workout complex should perform several functions efficiently. Let's look at which ones exactly.

Promote the production of additional energy

B vitamins (specifically B6 and B12), according to researchers, play a key role in energy production at the cellular level, and this supports muscles and increases their endurance throughout training. Creatine monohydrate and caffeine are among the most studied components of the complex. Thanks to creatine, the pre-workout will accelerate the recovery of ATP in muscle cells during and after maximum intense exercise.

Improve blood flow

A good pre-workout should improve blood flow to the muscles, heart and lungs to activate oxygen circulation. Citrulline malate (found in watermelon rind) and pine bark extract do a good job with this task. Pre-workout supplements should also promote vasodilation (by increasing the body's nitric oxide stores).

By the way, improving blood circulation is important not only during strength training, this function of a pre-workout is also important during aerobic activity (useful for swimmers, good to take before running).

Increase resistance to lactic acid

Your workout performance can be greatly improved by not causing your muscles to burn (a side effect of lactic acid produced in your muscles). Thanks to beta-alanine, this unpleasant sensation can be muffled.

Protect cells

Regular intense exercise can make cells vulnerable. Pre-workout complexes with antioxidants (from citrus fruits, taurine) and betaine (found in spinach, beets, quinoa) protect and strengthen the body at the cellular level.

Activate muscle growth

BCAAs are the main component for accelerating muscle growth, and leucine is found to be especially effective in this regard. This amino acid activates muscle protein synthesis.

Burn fat

Pre-workouts containing caffeine have fat-burning properties and stimulate the breakdown of more fat during exercise. In addition, caffeine is not only an active fat burner ingredient, but also a substance that gives vigor and endurance.

The only caveat is that you should not take caffeine supplements at night.

Improve concentration

The quality of training greatly depends on the quality of the emotional mood and concentration. Caffeine and L-theanine (an antioxidant from green tea) are good additions to pre-workout supplements. Well, don’t forget about the benefits of choline, since, according to scientists, it not only improves cognitive functions, but also affects willpower.

Side effects

Insomnia. This is one of the main problems with pre-workout powders. For some people, caffeine consumption disrupts their sleep cycle. Therefore, it is better to take caffeine-containing medications no later than 8 hours before bedtime.

Nausea, vomiting, itching, headaches. These symptoms occur against the background of individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug. When the first signs of an allergy appear, it is important to stop taking the supplement.

Cardiovascular problems. Any pre-workout complex contains various stimulants that are prohibited for people with cardiac diseases. Excessive use of pre-workouts, and failure to comply with recommended doses, can be dangerous for the heart even in healthy people, especially over 40 years of age.

Dehydration. Caffeine has diuretic properties. An overdose of the supplement can cause dehydration.

Some Cautions

Some components included in pre-workout complexes have been studied quite well. Perhaps the least problematic are caffeine, taurine, rhodiola, pine bark, creatine, beta-alanine and some other substances. Meanwhile, among the popular ingredients there are also less studied ones. For example, preparations with geranium were considered safe for a long time, until in 2013 it was discovered that they could harm the heart. Also, some researchers have recently raised doubts about the safety of glycine propionyl-L-carnitine.

Most experienced athletes do not have questions like: “What is a pre-workout for?” or “Should I take a pre-workout supplement?” Only beginners may have doubts about this. But another nuance raises even more questions: how to properly use sports nutrition in tablets, powders or capsules so that the benefits from it are maximum and the harm is minimal. Also, many people are concerned about how to combine different sports supplements so as not to impair their effectiveness. For example, is it possible to take creatine monohydrate and caffeine at the same time, combine caffeine and taurine, or is it better to prefer caffeine-free supplements? Now let’s try to find answers to all these “is it possible...”.

Ideally, a pre-workout supplement will contain expertly selected ingredients in the portions needed to achieve a specific result. Therefore, it is important to choose only high-quality pre-workouts and not experiment by creating your own recipes (especially for beginners).

The benefits and harms of the complex depend not only on the quality of the product itself, but also on the dosage and its combination with other drugs. For example, for any problems with the heart or blood vessels, it is important to choose a caffeine-free complex and not take caffeine with medications for hypertension.

When people talk about combining pre-workout with another sports nutrition, they most often think of creatine. And although this component is included in many ready-made pre-workout complexes, athletes often take additional portions of the substance separately for even greater performance. But here it is important to remember: an overdose of creatine can be dangerous, and the amino acid itself has some contraindications. True, there is a third group of athletes who use either creatine or a pre-workout complex. But both products cannot be considered interchangeable. Pre-workout has a broader effect on the body.

How to drink correctly

The pre-workout complex is usually taken an hour or two before the start of classes. True, the exact time of administration is a very individual indicator and depends on the metabolic rate. The point of properly timing the supplement is to ensure that it does not stop working in the middle of a workout. In addition, it is important not to combine the drug with food - this will impair the absorption of the pre-workout components. The drug can be diluted cold or with juice (traditional proportions: 150 ml of water per 1 scoop of powder).

Some manufacturers recommend taking pre-workout supplements on non-workout days as well. In fact, this is just a marketing ploy. There will be no benefit from a pre-workout complex without training (well, at least it definitely won’t affect muscle strength and volume).

How to choose correctly

The sports nutrition market offers a huge number of options for pre-workout supplements. Most manufacturers claim that their product is “the most powerful,” “created using a unique revolutionary formula.” Is it possible to somehow understand on your own which complex is worth attention and money, and which is better to avoid?

Before taking a pre-workout supplement, it is important to carefully study the composition and make sure that there is no allergy-causing substance among the declared ingredients. By the way, are you not sure how the body will react to one or another component of the complex? To begin with, you can buy samples from several manufacturers and observe how the body “responds” to different types of pre-workout complexes. This kind of test will help you make a choice: what is better to buy for regular use.

Experienced bodybuilders also do not advise buying drugs whose labels do not contain a list with the exact concentration of ingredients. If this list does not contain information about the exact quantities of ingredients, then most likely the ingredients are listed in descending order of their quantity. This means that the first component can be several times larger than all the others, and besides, proportionality also cannot always be maintained. By the way, it is for this reason that if you want to make a pre-workout mixture yourself, it is better to abandon this idea - at home it is difficult to maintain the correct dosages.

So, the main advice for a quality choice: no “branded” mixtures without information about the exact composition. Next, it is important to study the list of declared ingredients and their dosages. A quality product should not contain untested or ineffective components.

It is difficult to objectively judge which pre-workout complex is the best, since all people are different and each body reacts differently to the components of sports nutrition. But studies have shown that dietary supplements containing adequate amounts of BCAAs, B vitamins, creatine, betaine, arginine and citrulline may be more effective than other mixtures.

Meanwhile, experts have compiled a list of the best pre-workout complexes from leading sports nutrition manufacturers. Among the effective ones are:

  • NO Xplode (BSN);
  • Jack3d (USP labs);
  • Assault (MusclePharm);
  • C4 Extreme NO (Cellucor);
  • Mesomorph;
  • Nitro Pump (GEON);
  • Super Pump (Gaspari Nutrition);
  • Anarchy (MuscleTech).

By the way, according to many bodybuilders, Mesomorph is one of the best sports supplements with a classic list of ingredients.

Looking for a product with a richer chemical composition? Then you can pay attention to the Detonator from Xcel Sports Nutrition. Many also choose Atom pre-workout from Maximal Nutrition, which is suitable for both strength training and aerobic exercise (for example, running). Assault is losing ground a bit in popularity. The peak of his fame came in 2012, but even now, it seems, he has no plans to leave the market. Moreover, MusclePharm is one of the most rated manufacturers of sports nutrition.

Other popular supplements include Ronnie Coleman's Myo-Blitz, created specifically for fighters, athletes and bodybuilders. The manufacturer presents this drug as a powerful complex for increasing endurance and growing lean muscle mass. The supplement is a caffeine-containing powder, which, however, is not suitable for people with diabetes and hypertension, children and pregnant women.

Psychotic Complex from Insane Labz enjoys the reputation of “the most aggressive pre-workout complex.” Great for pumping, improves concentration and increases strength. The side effect (and the manufacturer does not hide this) is a feeling of euphoria.

But you can hear very different reviews about the popular pre-workout Craze. Some call this complex the most powerful, and compare it with the extremely popular Jack 3D. Others argue that the drug gives the strongest effect after the first doses, and then its effectiveness goes to zero. In addition, the use of this supplement is accompanied by unpleasant side effects on the nervous system (insomnia, anxiety).

Experts say that, in principle, any quality pre-workout supplement is safe for both men and women. But still, when it comes to the female body, there are some nuances caused by physiology. As a rule, a women's sports nutrition set is more gentle and includes preparations for joints and ligaments, a complex with a fat burner, a special protein mixture, certain minerals and vitamins. But some people doubt whether pre-workouts are necessary for girls who are in love with bodybuilding. And I must say - very in vain. And forgive feminists, but the female body is still more fragile than the male one. This means that to increase the effectiveness of training, the fair sex really needs pre-workouts.

The female version of the complex should:

  • accelerate metabolism and fat burning;
  • increase energy and performance;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • nourish muscles;
  • do not disrupt hormonal levels.

Pre-workout complexes NO-Xplode, Animal Rage, Nano Vapor, StrongGirl Pre Workout, Olimp Work It Lady, Fitmiss Ignite Musclepharm and others meet these requirements.

Sports and nutrition (more precisely, proper nutrition) are key factors for bodybuilders. Sports nutrition supplements will help restore reserves of nutrients in athletes’ bodies and increase strength. Pre-workout supplements seem to be more popular these days than ever before. Manufacturers are rushing to surprise with new drug formulas. Although, according to experienced athletes, chasing “revolutionary” innovations is not always the right decision. Especially for beginners who do not understand what this or that component of the supplement does. Although, perhaps, you should no longer have problems choosing a pre-workout complex.

Some people experience side effects after taking pre-workout supplements. What should you be wary of and how to prevent the harm of a pre-workout complex?

Do you use to recharge your energy before a workout, but instead you get headaches and otherside effects?Research says pre-workouts are safe for short-term use and they actually improve your performance in training. But since they contain a ton of ingredients, it's not surprising that our bodies may react negatively to some pre-workout supplements. Prevent harm You can do it very simply: drink the product with plenty of water or simply choose a different brand.

In this article we will tell you what they areside effects of pre-workout supplementsand why they arise.

Why can pre-workout supplements cause headaches?

Many pre-workouts contain vasodilators, i.e. substances that have a vasodilating effect. Vasodilation can cause headaches.

The specific vasodilator is usually arginine, an amino acid that increases nitric oxide levels in the body.

It is assumed that the vascular bed at rest does not work at full capacity. Theoretically, by maximizing its capabilities, the body improves nutrient delivery and waste removal (due to improved blood flow). Manufacturers of some pre-workouts claim that it can improve anabolism and, therefore, muscle gain.

But if you continue to have headaches, consult your doctor and consider switching to a product that does not contain this ingredient.

Be aware that there may be other vasodilators in this product that may cause a similar problem.

Why can't I fall asleep after taking a pre-workout supplement?

Pre-workouts often contain caffeine, which gives you energy before your workout. We all know that caffeine itself maintains alertness and eliminates drowsiness. In addition, it stimulates the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine, hormones that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

The caffeine elimination period is usually 3 to 5 hours. But some people metabolize this substance over a longer period of time. Chances are, almost everyone will have trouble falling asleep if they take a caffeine supplement before an evening workout. But if the metabolism of the substance is slow, consuming a pre-workout even at lunch can negatively affect sleep.

Why can pre-workout supplements cause tingling and redness in my limbs?

Many pre-workout supplements contain beta-alanine, which buffers muscle acidity, and niacin, also known as the B vitamin. 3 . A large body of research shows that the first component improves performance, meaning you can do more reps per set. Some people have an increased sensitivity to beta-alanine, which manifests itself as a tingling sensation.

This is a harmless reaction of the nervous system and not an indicator of toxicity or anything dangerous, but it is still an inconvenience.

High dosages of niacin (over 500 mg), found in many pre-workout products, can cause redness and itching of the skin. Some manufacturers specifically add it to their products for these purposes (in combination with caffeine, an impressive “energy boost” effect is obtained).

But research has shown that niacin can block fat mobilization. Therefore, if your goal is weight loss (fat burning), you need to look for sports nutrition without this component.

Why can a pre-workout drug lead to intestinal upset?

Gut upset may be a reaction to herbal pre-workout ingredients. But most often this side effect is caused by not mixing the powder with enough water. And this is not a user error - most instructions for using sports nutrition indicate that the product should be diluted in about 200 ml of water. When you consume this thick mixture, your body begins to pull water from your cells to process it.

When water passes through the intestinal wall, it floods the open space of the intestine due to the phenomenon of osmosis. Excessive water in the intestinal cavity causes diarrhea.

Fortunately, the problem can be prevented very simply: mix the product with plenty of water before use.

We all do many different things besides sports. Every day we have to go to work, and then we have homework to do. Most people go to the gym after work, when their strength is running low. At such moments, pre-workout complexes come to the rescue, designed to give you strength and energy.

What is a pre-workout?

Everyone has used energy drinks at least once ( for example: Red Bull, Burn or Adrenaline Rush) - these jars and bottles that make your heart beat wildly, open your eyes on the second day without sleep, and motivate you to move actively - because the energy output is unprecedented.

A pre-workout complex, just like an energy drink, will give you inspiration in the gym. Fortunately, it contains more useful components.

Let's look at the composition and clarify why they became so famous.

Composition of the pre-workout complex

Most pre-workout supplements contain the same ingredients. Some people focus specifically on the energy component, some on pumping, some on the restorative component. But the general principle of operation is the same.

  1. Vitamins. Here, I think everything is clear, but perhaps it is worth taking vitamins based on the reason for taking them, and choosing a complex that is necessary for everyone individually, depending on the place of residence, the personal characteristics of the body and the advice of a doctor.
  2. Minerals. The same as vitamins - the intake complex is possible separately from the complex of pre-workout supplements.
  3. Adaptogens. Herbal anabolics, which have a slight anabolic effect. They increase performance and have a tonic effect on the body. Thanks to its effect on the central nervous system, it increases stamina and improves mood. Due to their natural origin, unlike synthetic components, they are practically non-toxic. These are plants such as leuzea, eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass, radiola extracts and so on. A supplement such as Beta-Alanine reduces muscle pain after exercise and speeds up recovery from injuries. The tingling sensation in the fingertips comes from it.
  4. Anabolic substances. The mixtures use anabolic and restorative components. We know that anabolism is growth. An athlete needs it, so you can find individual amino acids in pre-workout complexes, as well as their groups, for example, BCAA, or the same.
  5. Reducing substances. There is an active complex of amino acids and additives that allow the body to recover after training.
  6. Psychostimulants. Everyone knows about the effect of coffee on the body, and if we enhance this effect, as most manufacturers of energy drinks do, such as Burn, Adrenalin, then we get an explosion of energy due to a not very good effect on the blood vessels, heart and central nervous system. We get a decrease in the threshold of fatigue, as well as an explosion of motivation, a decrease in pain thresholds. Let's add arginine () and taurine here.
  7. Nootropics. Most manufacturers use DMAE and Ginkgo biloba to improve cerebral circulation, drive during training, concentration and memory. Although, these drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the overall picture of your health and body condition.

In general terms, all this is not scary, since all food undergoes sanitary control and is subject to certification, but are you sure that you will buy a quality product? And also, since you consider yourself a healthy person, it’s still worth checking for allergic reactions to new components that you have never taken, and consulting with a doctor who can refer you for a consultation to specialists such as an endocrinologist. He will be able to notice the external manifestations of your incipient diseases, such as goiter, which is associated with iodine deficiency. This is important, since taking anabolic steroids of various origins can significantly affect the diseases dormant in you and activate them.

Who should take it?

  1. For experienced athletes, in training when additional energy is needed to pass the plateau point.
  2. Athletes before competitions, and only after a meeting with the trainer and doctor.

For whom are complexes harmful?

Now is the time to identify a risk group, that is, to identify diseases for which taking pre-workout supplements is not only undesirable, but dangerous! And so, you can’t take pre-workouts:

  1. Persons under 18 years of age! Organs that are not fully formed must develop harmoniously. Do not take these drugs under any circumstances and do not allow your friends to do so.
  2. If you have even the slightest heart problem. There is tachycardia, angina pectoris, and strange tingling sensations for which you do not consult a doctor (but in vain!)
  3. If you have vascular diseases. Any character and complexity. It is forbidden!
  4. If you have hypertension. The components significantly constrict the blood vessels, which will increase the pressure literally several times in a matter of seconds. This threatens immediate problems.

How to take: before or after?

Be sure to check your watch before taking your pre-workout supplement.

It is necessary to take pre-workout complexes exclusively before training, and if you still have 6-8 hours before sleep. Otherwise, you will disrupt your sleep with stimulant drugs and will not be able to fall asleep. you will not be able to work efficiently, you will not be able to fully respond to situations, such as while driving.

Many manufacturers recommend taking pre-workout supplements between workouts. This is due only to the desire to sell the drug - nothing more!

Consequences of taking pre-workout supplements:

In any case, during the course of taking it you will have to increase the dose of the drug, since addiction to it occurs in any case - small, initial doses no longer have the same effect as at the beginning. You have to increase the dose, and then change the course to a stronger one. Does this remind you of anything? That is, you artificially create in yourself a desire to play sports. And nothing else.

All your internal motivations cease to be necessary, and you can, in principle, remain silent about training your will. We get a chain - sport depends on your drive - drive depends on the drug - you no longer depend on the sport, but on the drug. There's a lot to think about.

Taking pre-workout medications by girls:

Here, it is probably clear that most girls are not interested in the explosive nature of these complexes, but in the fat-burning component. Perhaps the combination of some drugs acts on the body as a fat burner, perhaps the metabolism accelerates, but nothing burns fat stronger than the workout itself. And nothing stronger than your desire will force you to work on yourself!

A question that concerns many: how to prepare a pre-workout complex at home?

I guarantee that every good trainer knows a lot of recipes for a complex of vitamins and amino acids for athletes, and will be able to choose the best option for you at a price that is several times lower than the price of ready-made drugs, inflated due to the brand and general confidence in miraculous power.

The doctor to whom you explain what you want to achieve with such complexes will be happy to give you a prescription for all the necessary vitamins, minerals and supplements. This is a moment that needs to be thought through with your head!

Conclusion about harm and benefit

Let's put together all the pros and cons of taking pre-workout supplements, and decide for ourselves whether we need to introduce this complex into our diet.

Pre-workout complexes allow you to:

  1. Be more active in training;
  2. Go through declines in strength exercises by reducing the pain threshold and affecting the central nervous system;
  3. Bring drive and good mood into your training;
  4. Quickly restore the body after significant exhaustion;
  5. Get a complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids important for the formation and gain of muscle mass;

Pre-workout complexes have significant disadvantages, such as:

  1. Addictive effect;
  2. Constant need to increase doses or change medications due to addiction. Hence the significant costs;
  3. Many contraindications for use;
  4. Artificial motivation for training;
  5. Effect on the cardiovascular system and central nervous system.

Just think for a minute - do you exercise for health, or solely for external exposure? Decide for yourself.

“This is how you will feel after taking a pre-workout.”

Determine for yourself, perhaps a complex will be enough for you, which will sufficiently introduce the necessary vitamins into the body and help you recover more easily after training. Choose for yourself the option that is truly necessary for your body. After all, the passion and ambition that you have are the strongest mechanisms for the release of adrenaline and endorphin. Allow your body to produce natural hormones. Serotonin, released in a situation of victory and significant achievement, works wonders and acts for a long time. Be the master of your body, listen to it.

Be sure to read about it

A nutritional supplement specifically designed to improve performance in strength training and other sports is called a pre-workout supplement. The active substances included in its composition help increase muscle performance, improve concentration, accelerate the recovery of muscle fibers after intense physical activity, and saturate the body with additional vitamins and microelements.

Thanks to the beneficial effects, pre-workout complexes allow the athlete not only to achieve maximum results during exercise, but also to recover after serious physical activity in a short time. After taking the supplements, athletes note a surge of energy, improved performance and motivation. Regular use of such complexes provides a good increase in muscle mass, development of physical strength and endurance, increases concentration, reaction speed and attentiveness. Let's talk about which supplements are most popular among professional athletes and active sports enthusiasts.

Pre-workout supplements rating

Many sports nutrition manufacturers are working on the chemical content of dietary supplements to increase the effectiveness of their use for training. Every year new formulations are developed, different proportions of time-tested elements are tested, some components are added or removed, etc. All this allows us to offer athletes the most modern and relevant pre-workout complexes that most effectively improve physical results during sports.

According to their intended purpose, dietary supplements can be of two types:

  • low-component, including a limited number of elements that are aimed at developing one quality of an athlete, for example, endurance or strength;
  • multi-component, consisting of many ingredients, which together improve the athlete’s characteristics, for example, endurance, concentration and strength at the same time.

The most popular pre-workout supplements belong to the second type. Such mixtures allow the athlete to solve all problems with just one product, maximizing the effectiveness of sports. This is an excellent option for dietary supplements for both beginners and professional athletes. If you want to improve your results, choose multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements.

  • Jack3D University by USPlabs.
  • Mesomorph APS.
  • N.O.-Xplode New by BSN.
  • NoxPump Dorian from Yates Nutrition.
  • Muscle Pharm Assault.
  • C4 EXTREME from Cellucor.
  • Cloma Pharma Methyldrene EPH.

These types of supplements are the most effective for enhancing performance, according to users and professional athletes. When giving preference to one or another type of stimulating mixture, focus on your feelings during physical activity. Like any other sports nutrition, the best pre-workout complex is selected individually for each athlete. Let's look at the pros and cons of these mixtures in more detail.

Jack3D University

This is one of the best and most popular options for pre-workout supplements. Gives an incredible increase in strength indicators, maximizes energy potential during physical activity. According to user reviews, Jack3D University, in comparison with other dietary supplements, is slightly inferior in pumping and focusing attention. The sports mixture contains optimal dosages of active elements, allowing you to take the complex in small quantities with a constant increase in performance during training.

Main components of the dietary supplement:

  • Schizandrol A (Schisandra) - increases physical strength;
  • Methylxanthine (Caffeine) - stimulates the nervous system, reduces fatigue and drowsiness;
  • Beta-alanine - increases the muscle threshold for fatigue;
  • Creatine - reduces muscle wasting.

Jack3D is the best pre-workout complex based on numerous positive reviews from athletes. It gives an excellent increase in muscle mass and perfectly motivates you to improve your athletic performance as much as possible. By taking this dietary supplement, you will receive an active increase in strength, high concentration without overloading the nervous system, increased endurance and good physical recovery of muscles between approaches.

Much to the regret of many sports fans, this drug was discontinued after being banned by the FDA. A year later, the American company Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals released an analogue called Jack "d Up. According to the manufacturer, the composition of the new dietary supplement is as close as possible to Jack3D, plus several additional components are included that increase the effectiveness of the sports drug.

Mesomorph APS

Mesomorph is an extra-class pre-workout complex. It contains a complete set of elements necessary to improve exercise performance, in full working dosages. The dietary supplement causes a colossal surge of energy and pumping, significantly enhances concentration, increases strength and endurance.

According to numerous positive user reviews, the Mesomorph pre-workout complex improves both physical and mental characteristics. The dietary supplement perfectly increases motivation for training, gives a surge of strength, allowing you to exercise to the limit of your capabilities.

Active elements of the complex:

  • Inkarin - increases libido;
  • Creatine-o-phosphate - increases the duration of the approach from the moment the exercise begins until the muscles completely fail;
  • Creatine nitrate - causes an influx of energy, using hidden reserves, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - increases intensity and performance;
  • Beta-alanine - accelerates the recovery process;
  • Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate - increases strength indicators;
  • Citrulline - improves muscle blood flow, resulting in increased nutrition;
  • Agmantine sulfate - reduces the pain threshold;
  • Taurine - activates energy processes;
  • Geranium extract - increases concentration and gives a powerful influx of energy.

Mesomorph is a pre-workout complex that allows you to maximize the effectiveness of sports. By taking this supplement on a regular basis, you will achieve high performance during exercise. A surge of energy and strength, an increase in muscle mass performance, improved concentration and attention, an increase in reaction speed - all this will allow you to train to the limit of your capabilities, using the hidden reserves of the body.

N.O.-Xplode New

N.O.-Xplode New is a new formula of a dietary supplement from the BSN company, which replaced the pre-workout complex NO Xplode 2 0. The modern version has an even greater concentration of substances that help achieve excellent results during active exercise. It provides an intense surge of energy and drive, increases endurance, causes an enhanced pumping effect, and motivates the athlete to work to the limit of their physical capabilities. This drug has already won the respect of many athletes, allowing them to achieve excellent results during training.

Main active ingredients of the complex:

  • Myogenic Matrix - allows you to increase the duration of your workout by increasing endurance;
  • Endura Shot - helps fight muscle fatigue;
  • N.O. Alpha Fusion - improves blood circulation;
  • Thermic Energy - accelerates fat burning, enhances concentration;
  • Shock Composite - activate the nervous system, increases reaction speed;
  • a balanced combination of vitamins and microelements ensures excellent muscle performance.

Pre-workout complex NO Xplode New is a powerful energy drink that improves the quality and effectiveness of sports. The new formula of the dietary supplement is specially created to increase the strength and endurance of the athlete. By taking this mixture on a regular basis, you will feel a huge surge of energy, get a boost of vigor and drive that will help you go beyond your limits, reaching new heights in sports.

NoxPump Dorian by Yates Nutrition

NoxPump pre-workout supplement contains a unique formula developed with the participation of nutritionists and scientific consultants. It is designed for athletes who strive to maximize their physical performance in training. The complex stimulates the performance of the cardiovascular system, increases the psychological characteristics of the athlete (motivation, willpower, ability to go to the end), and activates the work of muscle mass.

Active ingredients of the dietary supplement:

  • L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate - increases strength performance;
  • Citrulline - improves blood circulation in muscles;
  • Choline - has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • Taurine - stimulates energy processes;
  • Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine - dilates blood vessels, causing blood flow to the muscles;
  • Geranium root extract - improves focus, gives an intense influx of strength and energy;
  • Guarana extract - relieves drowsiness and fatigue;
  • and many other excipients that enhance performance.

Pre-workout complexes with geranium, such as NoxPump, perfectly stimulate both the physical and mental characteristics of the body during intense exercise. Athletes note a sharp improvement in the performance of muscle mass, increased motivation, mood, and endurance. In addition, the active ingredients help to activate the burning of excess fat and reduce appetite.

Muscle Pharm Assault

MusclePharm Assault is a pre-workout complex that charges you with energy and drive. The dietary supplement allows you to increase the effectiveness and duration of exercise, increasing endurance and performance to the maximum level. Active components improve blood circulation, stimulate focus and concentration without nervous overstimulation, and help quickly recover after intense physical activity.

Active ingredients of the proprietary mixture:

  • Anti-Fatigue Adaption Matrix - relieves tension and fatigue;
  • Strength Domination & Recovery Matrix - increases strength and endurance;
  • High Performance Energy & Intensity Amplifier - adds energy, increases the intensity of exercise;
  • other substances that promote better performance.

Athletes who regularly take this pre-workout supplement report increased energy and increased endurance during physical activity. Active substances help not only increase the duration and intensity of approaches, but also quickly recover between sets.

C4 EXTREME from the manufacturer Cellucor

C4 Extreme is an excellent pre-workout supplement. The latest technologies used in the production of dietary supplements stimulate the performance of the entire body, improving physical and psychological reactions. The mixture helps fight fatigue, increases motivation, and causes an intense burst of energy.

Operating elements of the complex:

  • Mucuna pruriens - adds motivation;
  • Synephrine hydrochloride - activates and accelerates metabolism;
  • Creatine nitrate - improves blood supply to muscles, increases muscle mass;
  • Beta-alanine - stimulates endurance, suppressing fatigue;
  • Arginine AKG - increases the pumping effect;
  • other substances that increase performance.

Pre-workout supplements like Cellucor's C4 EXTREME are a sports blend made with the latest NO3 technology. The dietary supplement contains an active energy formula that allows the athlete to quickly increase his training results, maximizing the potential of his muscles.

Cloma Pharma Methyldrene EPH

Methyldrene is an excellent pre-workout supplement for those athletes who are focused on gaining muscle mass and achieving high athletic performance. Gives a noticeable surge of strength, adds vigor and motivates to achieve maximum training efficiency.

Main components:

  • Beta-alanine - increases performance;
  • Creatine - stimulates energy flow and blood circulation;
  • L-leucine - activates the development of muscle mass;
  • DMAE - adds motivation;
  • Beta-P - increases endurance;
  • Ephedra extract - helps burn fat deposits;
  • other elements that improve the athlete’s performance.

Methyldrene is an excellent stimulant for enhancing the performance of sports activities. Such pre-workout complexes, user reviews confirm this, help to quickly activate the athlete’s energy potential, give a charge of vigor and drive. By taking Methyldrene supplement on a regular basis, you will achieve the physical results you desire.

How to take a pre-workout supplement?

Manufacturers of sports drugs usually place recommendations on the packaging about the most effective use of their products so that the beneficial substances act as effectively as possible. There is often advice that the mixture should be drunk both on training days and on days free from physical activity. Experienced athletes take pre-workout complexes, reviews confirm this, based on their individual results and feelings during and after sports.

It is recommended to take mandatory breaks or periodically change medications to avoid addiction to the active ingredients. Two or three types of dietary supplements with different types of action will be enough for you for six months, and such a combination will not reduce the effectiveness of your training. When purchasing mixtures, pay attention to the health safety of the elements that make up the product. For example, Craze, a pre-workout complex, was withdrawn from sale on suspicion of containing prohibited stimulants that caused drug addiction.


Pre-workout complexes are an excellent solution for increasing the effectiveness of sports. They improve both the physical and psychological characteristics of the athlete. The active ingredients included in the mixtures help the athlete quickly reach the maximum working training level, perfectly restoring muscles and relieving fatigue between intense physical activity.

Dietary supplements improve performance, stimulate muscle growth, provide an influx of energy and drive, and help focus during a strenuous workout. After taking the dietary supplement, many users note an increase in concentration, a surge of energy, an increase in strength and endurance, and an increase in muscle mass. By taking sports mixtures on a regular basis, you will achieve excellent physical results in a short period of time.