Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels 8 exercises. Breathing exercises for cerebral vessels. Exercises to strengthen blood vessels are the best prevention

Sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, vascular tension occurs in the body. This condition is called dystonia. This leads to poor circulation in the system. And the reasons for this may be various factors. Such as stress, low physical and physical activity, smoking, or the presence of a disease. Gymnastics and exercises for the blood vessels of the whole body can help your health and improve blood circulation.

The vessels of the body are all different: the smallest of them are capillaries. They permeate the tissues of the body, passing through every cell of it. They are extremely important because they supply cells with nutrients and at the same time remove unnecessary substances from there.

And if such a capillary is narrowed as a result, then the process of delivery and removal of blood will be disrupted. This means that the work of the whole organism will be disrupted.

Capillaries, just like other vessels, can and should be trained.

The healing system was created by the Japanese scientist Katsuzo Nishi and includes:

  • vibrating exercise for vessels - very simple, but most effective method. Lying on your back, you need to raise your limbs up and shake them for one and a half to two minutes. Vibration massage of small vessels will occur, as a result of which the lymphatic fluid is redistributed, the blood moves more intensively and the process of removing toxins is improved.
  • goldfish exercise When lying on your back, your hands are behind your neck. At this time, the toes need to be pulled towards the head, and the body should vibrate. The consequence of this exercise is the removal of the tone of the spinal nerves, which will lead to increased blood flow.

Gymnastics and exercises for blood vessels will be effective if done regularly, every day. You can train the vessels of the neck, head and lower limbs immediately after waking up and before going to bed, lying in bed.

Brain vessels

Dystonia can also occur in the vessels of the brain. In this condition, nausea may be felt, coordination, memory and speech may be impaired.

The origin of vascular spasm can be provoked by stress, the presence of osteochondrosis or weather dependence.

And there is also a healing system for the vessels of the brain. It includes exercises for the vessels of the head. Tilts in different directions, turns your head. Movements should be smooth and not forceful.

If you experience discomfort or feel unwell, you should stop training immediately. It should be resumed the next day if the sensations are favorable, while reducing activity and time.

Legs are one of the most overworked and fatigue-prone parts of the body. Being in an upright position most of his life, a person relies on his feet. In this case, the vessels become tense more often than in other organs. Accordingly, they are susceptible to dystonia. in the blood vessels of the legs is fraught with serious health consequences.

To treat the blood vessels of the legs, you should also do gymnastics and exercises:

  • It is best to do this in water, it will help relax the muscles, relieve tension and carry out stress-free activities.
  • Even just contrast baths will help strengthen the walls of the veins in the legs, making them more elastic.
  • Bend forward, trying to reach the floor. Don't bend your legs. The muscles and blood vessels will tense, and when returning to their original position they will relax. Such training of the vessels of the lower extremities can strengthen them and restore normal blood flow.
  • Spread your legs wide. Without using your hands, bend forward to the floor.
  • Extend your arms and move along the floor on your knees.

If you feel tired, short of breath or other discomfort, stop the gymnastics. When training again, reduce the intensity and reduce the number of movements.

Neck vessels

The head depends entirely on the neck. This is where the blood vessels leading to the brain pass. There are also extremely important arteries in the neck, in which blood flows to the heart. If the neck muscles are not trained and weak, then the blood vessels will become strained. This will lead to their tone and blood stagnation. This can lead to headaches and back pain.

This means that we need gymnastics for the muscles and blood vessels of the neck, and doing exercises is very important for health:

  • Press the entire surface of your back against the wall behind you, tense all your neck muscles. Feeling of being pushed into a wall. Hold your breath for a few seconds and stand in this position. Then exhale and relax.
  • Use your palm to press firmly on your forehead, tilting your head back with effort. The head should resist movement. Breathing is suspended for the duration of the tension. After exhalation, maximum relaxation of the whole body.
  • Do the same when moving your head to the sides and forward. These exercises train and strengthen the neck muscles. And the vessels will not have to strain during everyday movements.
  • Rotational smooth movements of the head in a full circle. This will also make the blood move more intensely, avoiding stagnation, and the neck muscles will be elastic and elastic.
  • A similar exercise for the neck, but not around the circumference, but from shoulder to shoulder.

With such training, dizziness or tinnitus, even darkening of the eyes, may occur. Stop immediately, relax as much as possible and rest in a horizontal position, breathing deeply.

Of course, you need to heal the heart, the main engine that pumps blood through the veins and vessels.

Gymnastics and exercises for the heart are best done immediately after waking up, thereby charging it with efficiency and active activity:

  • Raise your arms and legs above you and rotate your hands and feet. This way, the blood that has stagnated overnight will resume its daily rhythm of movement. Sitting on the bed, bend forward a few times and lie down again.
  • You can then do some exercises while getting out of bed.
  • Walk on tiptoes, raising your legs like a heron, lifting them high bent knees. Hands clasped above your head, and bend first to one side, then to the other.
  • Raise your arms wide apart, spread them to the sides, turning your whole body in the direction opposite to your arms.
  • Bike. A movement familiar to everyone, but it needs to be done smoothly and not quickly. Try to breathe evenly, without delays.
  • Scissors . Perform by raising your legs high and with a large range of motion.

All these exercises for the heart vessels, when performed regularly, will help strengthen the heart muscle, speed up blood flow and vascular filling. Gradually, your health will improve and then the load can be increased a little.

For hypertension

Hypertension, or - a consequence of poor vascular patency. Of course, this can happen due to the presence of a disease. But this does not diminish the importance of gymnastics and exercises in the treatment of hypertension.

Exercises that strain muscles should not be done if you have hypertension. This can lead to even more cramps and a surge in pressure. It is better to perform smooth movements with your legs and arms:

  • Holding onto a chair or table, do a few gentle squats. Walking, bending forward, raising your legs to your chest are all suitable exercises if you have the disease.
  • You can also simply hold your legs raised for a short time. This is best done while sitting.
  • And further good workout for blood vessels - breathing exercises. After all, breathing brings oxygen into the blood, which makes it more mobile. But you need to breathe fresh air and correctly. You need to inhale deeply and forcefully through your nose, trying to fill not only your lungs, but your whole body. Hold your breath a little and exhale through your mouth very slowly, as if prolonging the process.
  • Such exercises should be done several times a day, but little by little, literally for a few minutes. Two or three inhalations and exhalations can complete other exercises. It is good to perform this gymnastics in a ventilated room before going to bed. This will help relax the organs and saturate the blood with oxygen. Your sleep will be smoother and calmer.

The blood vessels need to be healed along with the entire body. This is correct healthy eating, and activity on fresh air, rejection of bad habits. Gymnastics and exercises for the vessels of the whole body will only help strengthen your health.

Cardiovascular disorders vascular system lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s well-being. There is a decrease in vascular tone. The causes of such disorders are diverse: stress, genetic predisposition, various chronic diseases.

To normalize the patient’s well-being, we apply various techniques traditional and alternative therapy. Massage, acupuncture, and breathing exercises can be used as an auxiliary method of influence.

How to ensure vascular health.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels has proven itself well as a method of influence. Sufficient by type simple techniques ensure normalization of blood flow and help establish blood circulation throughout the body. Similar exercises allow you to restore the required tone of the capillaries and give elasticity to the vessels.

A set of training according to the Chinese method always begins with exercises for the capillaries - this is the peculiarity of the method. The main role in the blood circulation process is assigned to small vessels, with their help all cells are supplied with oxygen human body.

If there are any violations in certain areas, the cells will not receive the vital portion of oxygen. Against a similar background, various diseases of the cardiovascular system and others appear. internal organs.

Professor Hu Xiao Fei, the developer of the exercise technique, says that gymnastics for blood vessels is not only a means of treatment, but also a method of preventing the manifestation of various ailments. You need to start implementing such techniques as early as possible - the result will not be long in coming.

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Features of methods and varieties

Chinese gymnastics is the most popular among patients. Patients who have tried the effectiveness on themselves claim that an improvement in well-being occurs after the first session. However, many report certain difficulties - you need to perform the exercises according to a clear pattern, otherwise there will be no result.

The specialist must explain to the patient all the nuances of the exercises

Attention! Chinese techniques for blood vessels help maintain tone regardless of age. Such mastery is achievable by all patients without limitations.

It is possible to master the rules of performing exercises, but it is still better to take lessons on how to perform them from high-level specialists to understand all the subtleties. The price of such classes is high, but the methods can also be learned during video lessons.

The video in this article will introduce patients to some of the features of gymnastics.

Life is in motion.

There are several methods for normalizing the functioning of blood vessels:

  • Niches;
  • Hu Xiao Fei;
  • Yanshen Gong.

The most popular and widespread is the Nishi method. The main exercises are focused on ensuring the processes of supplying the brain with oxygen. The main one is vibration.

The peculiarity of the classes is that you need to start doing them immediately after waking up. The developer assures that it is at this moment that it is necessary to ensure vascular tone and saturate the tissues with oxygen.

Yoga will benefit blood vessels.

For reference! As an effective addition to the described treatment method, many experts recommend yoga (pictured). Simple asanas will help not only eliminate stress and relieve muscle tension, but also help the patient cleanse himself on an emotional level.

During all exercises, you should control your breathing process. The instructions must be followed unquestioningly - only in this case can positive results be achieved. Some experts claim that Chinese gymnastics in combination with yoga can help overcome hypertension.

Principle of the method

The patient should receive only positive emotions from the sessions.

Systematic actions are aimed at dispersing blood throughout the body. The task is to ensure normal blood circulation through the vessels and ensure its flow to the internal organs to supply them with oxygen.

Such actions eliminate congestion and inflammation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and remove cholesterol from the body.

Fact! The advantage of the Chinese technique is the possibility of its use different groups people regardless of age categories.

One should not think that pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are the lot of old people. Young people also face such illnesses.

The effect of Chinese gymnastics on the human body is discussed in the table.

How do the techniques work on the human body?
Action Description
Cleansing blood vessels and strengthening the walls. Processes of cleansing blood vessels from various accumulations take place.
Elimination of varicose veins. By stabilizing the blood supply processes, the manifestations of varicose veins are eliminated.
Stabilization of blood pressure indicators. Helps cope with arterial hypertension stages 1 and 2.
Normalization of heart function. Various abnormalities of the heart are eliminated.
Restoring psycho-emotional balance. Excitability decreases and anxiety disappears.
Elimination of hypoxia. The blood is saturated with oxygen.
Improving blood composition. The qualitative composition of blood changes due to prolonged use of the technique.
Acceleration of regeneration processes. The healing process of abrasions and scratches is accelerated.
Establishing blood supply to parts of the body distant from the heart. Symptoms such as numbness of the limbs disappear.

Proper breathing will ensure success.

Main areas of study

Chinese gymnastics It is not similar to usual physical activity, which is why many patients experience certain difficulties in the process of becoming familiar with the technique.

The action of the complexes is concentrated on achieving the following goals:

  1. Normalization of heart rate. After the first sessions, patients notice a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate.
  2. Improving brain function. Improves concentration and eliminates dizziness.
  3. Improves blood circulation in the legs. The techniques help to cope with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Swelling of the limbs disappears, pain “from fatigue” appears less frequently, and the feeling of heaviness disappears.
  4. Strengthening and healing blood vessels throughout the body. The process of removing fatty alcohol from the body is accelerated, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

The basic techniques are extremely simple.

Gymnastics will be beneficial only if the basic rules are strictly followed. Incorrect actions will not only reduce efficiency, they can also harm the human body. Before starting the exercises, the patient must study the intricacies of their implementation and get ready to undergo a full course of recovery.

What you should pay attention to is that you should stop drinking alcohol and get rid of nicotine addiction for the entire period of training. Normalizing your diet and walking in the fresh air will benefit your body.

What is important to know

It is important to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

The principles of doing the exercises are quite difficult to convey in words. A person must see the correct technique with his own eyes.

However, before you start watching valuable video materials, you should consider the basic rules for using the technique:

  • it is forbidden to increase the load sharply, the patient should not feel severe fatigue;
  • it is important to control your heart rate after completing tasks - it should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  • if you feel unwell, exercise should be postponed; if the patient experiences heart pain after exercise, the doctor will determine the advisability of further exercise;
  • classes are conducted on an empty stomach.

Chinese methods believe that a person’s thoughts and actions must coincide - this is the only way to get results. That is, the patient should perform exercises not only for the purpose of obtaining benefits for his health, he should enjoy the process.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia leads to a sharp decrease in vascular tone, which is why the sick person suffers a lot.

The cause of this disease can be severe psycho-emotional stress, stress, chronic diseases and a person’s genetic predisposition to circulatory disorders.

Treatments for this condition include massage, traditional medication and special gymnastics for vessels.

Using a special system of simple exercises, you can restore blood flow and improve overall circulation in the brain and lower extremities.

Gymnastics also allows you to give the vessels and capillaries the necessary tone.

The complex of gymnastics for blood vessels begins with the training of small capillaries.

They are the smallest blood vessels that are responsible for the functioning of all cells of the human body. With their help, nutrients and oxygen can be supplied to the entire body.

If the blood flow has an obstacle in its path in the form of a narrowed capillary, the person will not receive the necessary substances in time. This can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system and other internal organs and muscles.

Chinese doctor Yanshen Gong has developed a complex of physical movements that have a beneficial effect on capillaries and improve their health:

  • Vibration exercise. It should be performed in the morning, after the person wakes up and gets out of bed. The exercise itself involves raising your arms and legs. Next, they need to be shaken quickly for a couple of minutes. With the help of such training, you can not only improve the permeability of capillaries, but also cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Exercise "Fish". To perform it, you need to lie down straight and put your hands under your neck. Next, pull up your toes, while strongly straining your body. Repeat ten times. This exercise will “disperse” the blood through the veins.
  • Lie flat and raise your legs up. Try to bend your knees several times. Repeat at least eight times.

You need to repeat this exercise every morning and then the health of your capillaries will not let you down.

To strengthen the legs, separate gymnastics for blood vessels is provided. The procedure itself is aimed at reducing the load on the veins that the legs regularly receive when walking. It has a kind of “cooling” effect.

This complex includes three exercises:

  1. Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend forward and down, reaching your fingertips to the floor. Repeat ten times.
  2. Sit down and place your hands at chest level. Bend down, keeping your arms bent. Repeat eight times.
  3. Get on your knees and stretch your arms forward. Walk like this on your knees until you get tired. After a short break, repeat the workout.

The next part of the body that needs vascular gymnastics is the neck. It is in it that extremely important arteries are located, through which blood supply to the brain occurs. If the muscles of a person’s neck are weakened, the vessels are gradually compressed, because the muscles need tension to hold the head. In this condition, poor circulation and blood pressure problems are often observed.

By regularly performing exercises for the neck vessels, you can improve blood circulation and strengthen the neck muscles. The main thing is to smoothly perform all movements, without making sudden tilts or turns of the head. With all this, you should also monitor your breathing.

  • First neck exercise. To perform it, you need to stand near a wall and press against it. As you inhale, lean your whole body against the wall as much as possible, especially tense your neck muscles. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then relax.
  • The second exercise requires sitting position . In this case, you need to place your palm on your forehead and press hard, providing active resistance with your neck and head. Repeat the exercise ten times, then take a break.
  • Next exercise- This circular rotations heads, which needs to be held in the shoulder area. Repeat six times.
  • The last exercise for the neck is tilting the head forward and backward.. It is advisable to repeat them several times a day, especially if a person has a sedentary job.

Gymnastics for blood vessels for hypertension is very important. The fact is that with high blood pressure, the walls of a person’s blood vessels lose their ability to relax, so it is difficult for blood to pass further through the narrowed vessels. This is especially pronounced when, along with the problem of arterial hypertension, a person has atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels.

If active action is not taken in time, this condition of the blood vessels can lead to chronic problems with blood pressure and serious illnesses.

Before considering exercises for hypertension, it should be noted that in this condition a person should not perform sharp bends, movements with arms and legs, since this may increase blood flow to the head. Also, do not hold your breath for a long time, as this can further increase your blood pressure.

The following exercises for blood vessels for hypertension are distinguished:

  1. Sit down and smoothly turn your body. At the same time, make slow swings to the sides with your hands.
  2. Sit on a chair and raise your hands up. Lower them down and move them behind your back, while bending forward.
  3. Sitting on a chair, raise your leg and arm at the same time. After this, change and perform ten times in turn.
  4. Sit down and lift one leg up. Hold it in this state for a few seconds, after which do the same with the second leg.

Gymnastics for cerebral vessels: exercise technique

Due to vascular dystonia, a person's blood circulation in the arteries and the supply of oxygen are disrupted, which can lead to dizziness, decreased performance, deterioration of mental performance, loss of coordination and neck pain.

Also in this condition, a person may suffer from cerebral vascular spasms. Stress, nervous or physical overload, stroke, as well as chronic diseases (hypertension) can contribute to their development.

Signs of cerebral vascular spasm are regular tinnitus, nausea, speech impairment, and fatigue.

Training the blood vessels of the brain will allow them to return the necessary tone and provide optimal load. Thanks to exercises for the blood vessels of the brain, you can improve a person’s general condition and minimize the risk of stroke.

This therapeutic exercise for cerebral vessels involves performing the following exercises:

  1. Stand straight, place your arms along your body, legs shoulder-width apart. Do slow head rotations counterclockwise and then back. The duration of the exercise should be no more than three minutes.
  2. Raise your hands up and cross your fingers. Bend down without bending your legs.
  3. Swing your legs and arms - left leg to the right hand, and the right foot to the left.
  4. Bend your knees and extend your arms to the sides. Rotate your left hand forward and your right hand back. After this, change movements.
  5. Lie on the bed and raise your legs straight up. Hold the rack for several minutes, then return to the starting position.

This training of cerebral vessels should be carried out regularly. In addition, dancing is considered an excellent gymnastics for the blood vessels of the brain. During them, the human brain is enriched with oxygen, and blood circulation improves. Also this great way relieve stress.

In the event that a person has already suffered a heart attack or stroke, it is vitally important for him to carry out restorative physical therapy, namely - physical therapy. With its help, you can restore blood circulation and restore vascular tone.

The main thing is not to do it in such a state sudden movements and severe overloads, since the vessels are very weakened. For this reason, the heart rate should not be more than 120 bpm.

It is best to perform cerebral vascular training after a stroke or heart attack in the morning. Exercise or massage is perfect for this.

If a person develops paralysis after a stroke, he must coordinate all exercises with his doctor.

Gymnastics for cerebral vessels with atherosclerosis includes the following:

  1. Walking over long distances. You can do it regularly, if you wish - at least daily. In general, walking is an excellent way to support normal physical activity.
  2. Stand up straight, lean on the back of a chair. Do alternate leg lifts.
  3. Stand straight. Take a breath. Raise your hands. As you exhale, lower your arms down. Repeat ten times.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels: varieties and features

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels is still considered the most effective. It is precisely this, one might say, precise medicine or science that has been able to develop unique methods with the help of which every person can maintain active vascular tone, regardless of age.

It is possible to learn Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels, but for this it is recommended to take lessons from the masters of this treatment method. You can also learn new things from video trainings, of which there are many now.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels has several directions:

  1. Nishi Method.
  2. Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels by Hu Xiao Fei.
  3. Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels Yangshen gong.

The most popular today is the Chinese gymnast for blood vessels using the Nishi method. It is aimed at enriching the brain with oxygen. The main exercise of this method is vibration (discussed above).

As additional funds yoga can be used for blood vessels. It includes many unique exercises, with the help of which you can relieve not only muscle tension, but also emotional fatigue and stress.

Yoga has long been considered unique for a reason correct execution movements, which is why there is an increase in vascular tone.

While performing yoga exercises, it is also very important to monitor your breathing in order to maintain normal tissue nutrition. This is the only way to achieve it maximum effect and eliminate hypertension for a long time.

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Lately everything more people complain of problems with the cardiovascular system. From our article you will learn how gymnastics is performed for blood vessels and simple exercises Yangshen Gong system. We will tell you in this article how to simply and safely improve blood vessels and improve your health.

How to strengthen blood vessels at home? This question is very important for a person. After all, after 40 years, people feel the first signs of aging. At this age a person begins to search various ways to improve health and replenish energy. Training becomes an important component.

During this period, people experience symptoms such as:

Sharp darkening;



Cold hands at warm temperature;

Blood pressure surges;


Noise in ears.

In general, the body changes completely. Unfortunately, all this leads to a weakened immune system of an adult, and therefore to frequent colds.

The best health exercises
If your blood vessels are elastic, then you will be healthy. Ordinary gymnastics helps maintain this state. Don’t waste time on your health; it’s enough to dedicate half an hour to exercise every day.

Maintaining normal capillaries
The task of capillaries is very important - they are responsible for the development of each cell, delivering useful components to it. Starting from the head to the feet, our entire body is permeated with small blood vessels.

But a malfunction may occur when the vessel narrows greatly, and because of this, toxic products begin to accumulate in the cells. Ultimately, such manipulations will lead to diseases of the heart and other internal organs.

1. There are very good exercise, helping to improve the functioning of small vessels. This kind of gymnastics is done right in bed after you wake up. Raise your arms and legs up and shake your limbs for a couple of minutes to relax. At this moment, lymph is redistributed and cleanses the body.

2. You can also apply the following charge. It is also done on the bed. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and pull your socks towards you. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, and blood flows more actively throughout the body.

Helping the brain Sometimes you can notice when something shoots you in the head. At this moment, no blood flows to the brain. This usually happens when a person leads sedentary image life, for example, at the computer. His head is constantly in one position, and the blood stagnates.

Or there may be a moment when a person turned his head unsuccessfully, a malfunction occurred, and blood stopped flowing to the head. But after the massage, everything got better. To prevent this from happening, you need to do gymnastics every day. It can be:

Tilts left and right;

Rotate your head in different directions;


In general, you must constantly be on the move. Required at runtime gymnastic elements watch your breathing.

Try to perform all exercises smoothly. If you notice darkening in your eyes and dizziness, stop the activity for a while to get in shape. Then continue exercising, but slightly reducing the intensity.

1. After warming up, we move on to a set of exercises. First, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Head rotations begin. We do 30 approaches in one direction, then another 30 in the other.

2. We remain in the same starting position. We raise our hands up and make a lock. Lean forward as if you were chopping wood. We do 8 approaches.

3. We remain in the same starting position. We put our hands forward and raise our legs. The right lower limb rises to the left upper, respectively, the left lower to the right upper.

4. Position your legs so that the distance between them is 1 meter, but your knees are slightly bent. We rotate our arms in different directions. For example, left hand moves clockwise, and the right hand swings counterclockwise.

5. The final stage speaks to everyone famous exercise"birch tree". It is done while lying on the floor. We support our lower back on bent arms, and try to stretch our legs as high as possible. Do 10 approaches.

Helping your legs recover Our legs are under enormous stress, as a result of which the veins in the lower extremities weaken. This can eventually lead to blood stagnation. In such a situation, experts advise moving more. As they say: “Movement is life.” Water procedures bring great benefits to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Swimming and water aerobics are great for stimulating blood circulation.

By performing such exercises regularly, you help the veins become more elastic.

1. Get into the starting position (distance between feet = 1 meter). Bend forward and touch the floor with your palms. Then return to the original position. When performing exercises, your legs should remain straight. Do 15 approaches.

2. Sit on the floor and spread your legs in different directions. Cross your arms and fix them on chest. Now lean forward. But you need to make sure that the lower limbs do not bend. Do 8 approaches.

3. Get on your knees and extend your arms to the sides. Now you need to walk in this position.

It is also important to understand that the neck is an important part of our body. The brain is fed through it. Constant tension in the neck leads to compression of blood vessels. As a result, blood circulation is disrupted. It is very important to do exercises daily to maintain our body. This can be all kinds of head turns, tilts and rotations. Try to fulfill physical exercise not harshly.

Stand near a wall at full height. Press firmly against the surface and hold your breath for 5 seconds, then relax. You will feel your neck muscles tense. You can also place your palm on your forehead and push your head back, and stretch your neck muscles in the opposite direction. This resistance is done while holding your breath. Repeat the exercise 7 times.

Gymnastics for cores You must clearly understand that you will not be able to do exercises whenever you want. Gymnastics to strengthen the channels is carried out in the morning after sleep. Start charging by rotating the hands of the upper and lower extremities. Then place your legs so that the distance between them is 1 meter, and bend, squat, and turn your body.

1. Every day, take 10 minutes to walk on your toes.

2. Clap your palms on the opposite shoulder with your body straight.

3. Then lie on your back and do the bicycle exercise. There is no need to hold your breath.

4. After which you need to remain in a lying position on your back and raise your legs up. Cross your legs while doing the scissor exercise.

In fact, people over 40 need exercise to maintain their health. The latest Daoyin Yangshengong technique combines Chinese medicine with modern science and innovative techniques.

The Chinese method believes that in our body there are 12 major active tubules through which blood moves. That is why, to maintain the body in a healthy state, it is necessary to ensure blood flow. But there is one big BUT! It is impossible to clear the channel in one go. This will need to be done regularly.

In fact, active channels are located throughout the body, and it seems impossible to clear each of them to keep the blood moving smoothly. But the Chinese method copes with this perfectly.

It is recommended to massage important points daily. Be sure to massage your head, making a sort of combing motion. Massage each finger and ear. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and jump. Try to relax.

The next exercise is performed on a mat. Stand straight, pointing your toes and heels together. The back should be straight. Exhale sharply several times. Strengthen the manipulations each time. Do 4 sets. This way you can clear your breath.

To strengthen the vascular system and heart muscle, it is important to carry out daily exercise. But this method is not suitable for hypertensive patients. If you have high blood pressure, you should not bend or make sudden movements, that is, anything that helps increase blood flow to the brain. You should not hold your breath, as this can increase your blood pressure even more.

To maintain your body, try to eat right, do morning exercises and spend more time outdoors. Take care of your health and monitor it so that it doesn’t get worse. After all, on initial stage it is easier to treat than in a neglected state.

Hello, dear readers. Do you know from which diseases most people in the world die? These are diseases of the cardiovascular system. External factors, genetic predisposition, pathologies - all this sooner or later leads to problems and visits to doctors. However, if you are reading this article, then I will make you happy: problems of this kind can be eliminated.

And Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels, called “Qigong,” will help you with this. The system originated (according to legends) more than 7,000 years ago, but in countries Soviet Union it came in its full form just after the collapse of the USSR: in the early 90s. In China, the system has been used for thousands of years and brings tangible results: an abundance of long-livers who have retained clarity of mind and good health. physical health in this country it is obvious.

What problems arise with our blood vessels and why?

Problems with blood vessels can begin from your very birth: some unpleasant features can be inherited (vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension or hypotension, bloating of the veins in the legs). A sedentary lifestyle causes blood stagnation in the lower extremities and can lead to early heart attacks and strokes, and atherosclerosis.

Smoking and drinking alcohol dilates blood vessels and can make their walls inelastic. Varicose veins not only look unsightly, but are also dangerous.

Diabetes reduces blood circulation in the feet, which can lead to gangrene. Remember: what hereditary predispositions do you have regarding the cardiovascular system? How are they influencing your life now?

The most effective method Improving the cardiovascular system is easy regular sports, an active lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. However, not all of us have the opportunity to lead completely healthy life: many professions require sitting postures; in large cities, you involuntarily inhale clouds of exhaust gases and become at least a passive smoker.

And, hand on heart, write: which of you leads 100% healthy image life, while earning his own living and having a family and at least one child?

The total length of blood vessels in the adult human body is approximately 100,000 kilometers. Those. Imagine that if all your vessels are stretched in one line, then they can wrap around the Earth’s equator 2.5 times! This is the route the blood takes in our body every day.

The greatest danger is posed by blockage of the smallest vessels: capillaries. Their length is 60,000 kilometers. Capillaries supply every cell of the body with the necessary oxygen, and if this thread-like vessel becomes clogged somewhere, then part of the body loses vital oxygen and begins to function worse or even die.

How the complex works health exercises for vessels?

Globally, the system is aimed at “accelerating” blood throughout the body, establishing its normal circulation through the vessels and internal organs, and saturating it with oxygen. Acceleration of blood will eliminate stagnant processes and rid the body of inflammation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the appearance of blood clots and the accumulation of cholesterol plaques.

Classes are suitable for people of any age. However, you should not think that young age is a reason not to worry about the cardiovascular system: this is not at all the lot of old people. The sooner you start strengthening your circulatory system, the more problems you will be able to avoid in the future.

If you constantly practice, then gymnastics for blood vessels:

  • clears blood vessels from blockages and strengthens their walls;
  • reduce varicose veins;
  • will normalize the pressure. Will remove such anomalies as arrhythmia, tachycardia, etc.;
  • will give a feeling of lightness to your legs;
  • improves overall blood composition;
  • will eliminate psychological diseases caused by the circulatory system: anxiety, depression, increased excitability;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen, eliminates hypoxia;
  • improves blood supply to the parts of the body furthest from the heart;
  • will improve the regeneration of the body (abrasions, scratches, etc. will heal faster).

Exercises to improve the circulatory system

Chinese gymnastics is not like the physical exercises you might do every day. The principle of operation here is completely different.

In Qigong practices, certain energy points are identified on the human body (top of the head, perineum, forehead center, point between the eyebrows, centers of the palms, centers of the feet) and, accordingly, energy channels passing between them.

All of them form the so-called. "Small Heavenly Circle" In turn, in this circle there are two transverse meridians: the rear one - along the lines of the vertices ears and the anterior one - between the point of the anus and the genitals.

Qigong contains several global sets of exercises:

  • to normalize the functioning of the heart itself (equalize pressure, eliminate arrhythmia, etc.);
  • to improve the functioning of blood vessels in the head (improving brain function, eliminating dizziness, pain, feelings of constriction and heaviness);
  • to improve blood circulation in the legs (elimination of varicose veins and trophic ulcers, elimination of swelling, “diabetic foot”, pain in the feet, heaviness);
  • a general complex for strengthening blood vessels throughout the body (removing cholesterol plaques, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, preventing the separation of blood clots, removing harmful substances);

How should you start exercising?

Qigong is a system that cannot be described in words on paper: you just need to learn it visually. Therefore, either watch the video or sign up for live Qigong groups. It is important to remember the following rules:

  1. increase the load gradually, even if you feel good and do not feel tired;
  2. Monitor your heart rate during exercise. It should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  3. if you have any pain in the heart, temporarily stop or change your activities;
  4. After eating, an hour and a half to two hours should pass before classes: working out on a full stomach is both difficult and dangerous.

Friends, I believe that our eastern colleagues have developed a truly amazing and accessible health system for everyone. Take it, exercise, feel better. It may be difficult for you at first: in normal sports, during exercise, your thoughts can be about anything.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels suggests that thoughts and actions must necessarily coincide. The skill is “here and now” - a difficult skill, but very useful for both the mind and body.

I hope that the information in this article was useful to you, so subscribe to my blog and share the article on social networks. If you have any questions regarding Chinese gymnastics, you can ask them in the comments - I will be happy to answer.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

Many have heard about the miraculous effect of the ancient on the human body. Those who want to join this art often do not know where to start or what set of exercises to choose. Health-improving gymnastics Qigong is exactly the universal solution that includes all the positive aspects of the ancient Chinese healing art and helps you always stay in good shape and in excellent health. physical fitness and good spirits.

What is Qigong

Understanding what Qigong is, on the one hand, is simple, but, on the other hand, it will require enough time and concentration. This ancient Chinese art is quite multifaceted and includes both breathing exercises and a whole range of exercises aimed at improving the health of the body and mind. Qigong represents internal, health-oriented, concentration and external manifestations in the form of exercises. “Qi” is the vital energy in the Universe, “gong” is the development of skill. Simpler is to be able to create energy.

A little history

A set of ancient Chinese exercises, consisting of eight stages, was created more than 2000 years ago by a commander from China. He set the task of creating an ideally designed systemic set of exercises for effective training of soldiers.

Did you know? This technique was supposed to help keep soldiers in excellent physical shape while high level fighting spirit so that they can go into battle at any time.

The developed system proved to be so productive and effective that it earned the attention of the ancient Taoists and began to be used by them. They adopted it when training martial artists, tightening it up a little.

Basic principles

Chinese Qigong gymnastics for beginners has a number of principles, they are not complicated:

  • You need to move in class smoothly, in unison;
  • the tongue is slightly raised during movements;
  • eyes remain narrowed;
  • clothes are not restrictive, loose, comfortable;
  • the room needs to be ventilated, or even better, classes need to be conducted outdoors;
  • attention is concentrated entirely on the exercise being performed;
  • When moving, there should be no sweat, only light perspiration. If you still have to sweat, then you need to change clothes so as not to get too cold and reduce the speed of performing the complex;
  • after the end of classes is not allowed;
  • after finishing, you cannot eat for at least another half hour;
  • Qigong exercises are designed to be performed every day.

Important! You need to start exercising immediately after you get out of bed and warm up a little.

Benefits of exercise

A set of Qigong exercises is extremely useful, it reduces the overall sensation, helps strengthen and. This system does not guarantee complete relief from health problems, and the effect, of course, will not occur overnight, but the improvement of the body, its resistance to diseases, and the ability to remain in excellent physical and moral shape will certainly appear with regular classes.

Each of the eight exercises has its own beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Normalization of breathing - has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to avoid stagnation in the blood. People with heart and liver problems and those suffering from high blood pressure experience particular benefits from this exercise.
  2. An exercise that allows you to expand the chest - has a beneficial effect in case of shortness of breath, problems with the heart, lungs, neurotic manifestations, and heartbeat above normal.
  3. Rocking is a positive result for problems with the spine; it reduces the level of fat in the lumbar region.
  4. Circular movements - help strengthen the lower back and hips, heart and shoulder joints.
  5. Swimming movements have a beneficial effect on the hands, joints (shoulder and elbow), asthma and diseases of the upper respiratory organs.
  6. Movements reminiscent of oar rowing help strengthen the nervous and digestive systems, and heart muscles.
  7. Exercises similar to tossing a ball tone up the functioning of all human organs.
  8. Wave-like movements with a scope - help stimulate the functioning of the spleen, kidneys, reduce muscle tension and fat deposits at the waist.

Important!The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong can help overcome significant psychological problems in a person by simply relaxing muscle tension.engaged.

8 simple exercises

First, a light warm-up is carried out, after which you can begin classes. It is recommended to get acquainted with the exercises two or three per day, which helps easy and productive memorization. After a few lessons, they will be systematized and can be done quite easily, bringing pleasure. It is recommended to do them all six times. The next exercise is a continuation of the previous one.

When performing Qigong practice for beginners, it is better to first master each exercise two or three times to avoid muscle pain. A gradual increase in load will relieve painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Qigong exercises for beginners are presented in pictures and video lessons and are carried out in a certain order:

  1. "Stabilization of breathing": standing, arms down, relax, focus on hands. Inhale - raise your upper limbs in front of you at approximately shoulder level (palms down). Exhaling, we bend our lower limbs so that our knees are at the level of our toes (“quarter squat”). The back is straight, the chest is not displaced, the head is tilted. At the same time, the upper limbs slowly lower, approaching the knees, and the lower limbs straighten. Upward movements are carried out when inhaling, downwards - when exhaling.

  2. "Chest expansion": when inhaling, the legs straighten, the upper limbs simultaneously go up to the shoulders (palms facing each other), then move apart with palms up. Focus on the chest. Exhale - we bring our palms in front of us, facing one another, our arms are lowered, turning our palms down, the practitioner takes the “quarter squat” position. Palms at the knees, lower limbs need to be straightened.

  3. "Rocking the Rainbow": inhale - straight arms rise, palms facing one another. We exhale, the body is transferred to the slightly bent right lower limb, the foot does not come off the surface, the left leg is in a straight position, touching the surface with the toe. The body and left upper limb bend in left side, the right hand moves above the head with the palm facing down. Similar movements are made in the opposite direction. You need to monitor your breathing processes.

  4. "Parting the Clouds": The upper limbs are lowered, crossing at the bottom of the body, transitioning into a “quarter squat”. Inhaling, we straighten our knees; The lower limbs, crossing, rise, turning with palms up above the head. The lower limbs are straightened with palms to the sides; exhaling, we lower them. We return to the “quarter squat” and cross our upper limbs in front of us. You need to focus on the thoracic region.

  5. "Shoulder abduction": Continuing to be in a “quarter squat,” we align the left upper limb forward with the palm facing up. The right upper limb is bent and turned with the palm up, then it moves towards the thigh. The right upper limb near the hip - the body turns to the right side, and the arm rises with a swing (slowly) to the ear. You need to focus on your right palm. Next, the right upper limb is bent and the hand is pushed forward (as if with force) to the level of the ear. The left upper limb bends, makes an arcuate movement with the hand and lowers to the thigh. After which all stages are repeated in the opposite direction. You need to focus on your shoulders and arms.

  6. "Boat Riding": legs bend a little more than before, you need to bend forward with your arms down. Then the upper limbs go straight back, palms up, arms raised as much as possible, knees straightened. The lower limbs move in a circle and lower, the legs bend. You need to focus on your back and arms.

  7. "Ball Game": we straighten up, the body is directed to the left side, the upper limb (left) is in its original position, the right one is up to the left, palm up. The right upper limb is at the level of the left shoulder, the “tossing the ball” movement occurs, all the weight is on the left leg. The right hand is lowered and the repetition occurs in the other direction. You need to follow the imaginary ball with your eyes, focusing on your lower limbs. Exercise should be fun.

  8. "Admiring the Moon": in the “quarter squat” position, the upper limbs fall further to the left, the knees come into straight position, the left hand is raised, palm up. Bend your right arm in front of the thoracic region, turn your head to the left, and look at the left upper limb. We exhale, lower our arms, and return to their original position. The movements are repeated in the other direction. Upper limbs must move in sync thoracic region both the head and the body need to stretch as much as possible, the heels do not come off the floor, focus on the hands.

  9. All movements are made smoothly and slowly, it is constantly necessary to control breathing, upward movements - inhale, downwards - exhale.

    Video lessons


    Qigong technique is not suitable for everyone. When implementing it, you need to take into account contraindications for its use for people suffering from:

  • diseases of internal organs with a chronic course;
  • mental disorders;
  • pathological heart diseases;
  • spinal injuries;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases of the organs of support and movement;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neuroinfections.

Important! Women should perform exercises with caution during their menstrual periods; performing some of them is not advisable. Pregnant women and people with eye diseases are allowed to conduct classes only under supervision.

Temporary contraindications:

  • taking medications in significant doses;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • state of chronic fatigue;
  • worsened illnesses;
  • state of overheating or hypothermia;
  • indicators of elevated body temperature;
  • heavy physical and sports activities;
  • after eating.

The main goal of the Qigong complex is to benefit the health of the human body. Anyone who decides to take up this system will not only be flexible and better physically developed, but will also become much more resilient both physically and mentally. Regular classes using the Qigong technique can also solve some psychological problems a specific person who began to master the system.

Centuries-old experience of Chinese traditional medicine embodied in a simple but effective system health-improving gymnastics Qigong, which is a set of elementary methods of controlling breathing and body movement.

Back in the 3rd century BC, the Chinese suggested that breathing is what directly connects the human body with its environment (the universe).

Health-improving qigong gymnastics is based on the ancient Chinese teaching about the harmonious relationship between man and nature. One of essential elements this interaction is breathing. According to Chinese sages, many diseases of the human body arise precisely from disharmony with nature. As a result of conscious, harmonious interaction between man and nature, vitality and internal energy are born. The Chinese call this life-giving energy, invisible to the human eye, qi.

Qi is the universal energy that gives rise to all elements of life and nourishes both the physical and spiritual worlds of man.

Qigong teaches that qi is consciously brought into our body through breathing. By receiving the life-giving energy of the Universe through breathing, you can restore the weakened strength of the body, recover from many serious diseases, strengthen the immune system and increase your own energy. Qigong is not only philosophical doctrine, but also a number of specific physical exercises.

Complex therapeutic exercises, which is part of qigong therapy, includes a special diaphragmatic breathing. This gymnastics is based on breathing exercises, which even a child can master.

Health-improving qigong gymnastics is most effective in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system and does not require much time and effort. Qigong therapy exercises not only provide healing effect, but also allow you to relax, “distract yourself” from everything that exists and tune in to a philosophical mood.

A set of introductory exercises

Exercise 1. “Breath of a Toad”

Starting position – sitting on a chair, placing wider legs and bend your knees at approximately 90 degrees. Man squeezes right hand into a fist, which he clasps with his left hand. The woman does the opposite - she clenches a fist on her left hand and clasps it with her right.

Rest your elbows on your knees and tilt your torso forward and bow your head on your fist. Relax, close your eyes a little and concentrate. Breathing helps with this: you need to take a deep, deep breath, as if throwing off all the accumulated burden of life, remember something pleasant and rejoice again.

You should gradually tune out extraneous noises and voices and fully concentrate on breathing. Take deep breaths all the way to the “stomach”, and exhale the air slowly and evenly so that all muscles abdominal cavity relaxed. When breathing, the chest should not rise and fall; you should breathe from the stomach.

Then take a deep breath again, “fill” your entire stomach with clean air, hold your breath for 2 seconds and inhale again, and then exhale slowly.

Do this exercise as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

After completion, do not open your eyes suddenly, as you may feel dizzy. You need to slowly raise your head, rub your palms together in front of your chest, massage your head with your fingers, and only then open your eyes completely. Clench both hands into fists, stretch sweetly, take a deep breath.

Exercise 2. “Lotus”

IP - the same. Place your hands in front of you between your legs near your stomach. The man puts his right hand on his left, and the woman does the opposite. The torso does not touch the back of the chair, the shoulders are straightened, the back is straight. The chin is slightly lowered, the eyes are half closed. The tip of the tongue lightly touches the palate. The muscles of the whole body should be relaxed. You need to try to disconnect from the outside world and think about the good. As you inhale, relax even more, being sure to follow the breathing process. Breathing adjustment is carried out in three stages:

The first stage lasts 5 minutes. Breathing is deep, even, silent. Make sure that neither the chest nor the stomach rises;

The second stage also lasts 5 minutes. Only exhalation is controlled. The inhalation is arbitrary, and the exhalation is smooth, long and silent. All muscles should be completely relaxed;

The third stage is the longest - about 10 minutes. Neither inhalation nor exhalation is controlled. You need to breathe naturally, without paying attention to any breathing parameters. By the beginning of this period, you should already be half asleep, and all your thoughts should be somewhere far away...

As in the previous exercise, you should get out of this state gradually.

Exercise 3. “A toad jumps over a wave”

IP – lying on your back, on the bed, with a small pillow under your head. Legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, feet do not lift off the surface of the bed. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest.

When you inhale, “puff out” your chest, drawing in your stomach; when you exhale, do the opposite. All movements of the abdomen and chest should be natural. The duration of the exercise is 10–15 minutes.

A set of basic qigong exercises

Having mastered a set of introductory exercises for qigong breathing exercises, you can move on to learning the exercises of the main complex. A set of basic exercises helps normalize breathing, straighten posture and improve general condition. It is recommended to perform the exercises every morning, after stretching thoroughly in bed. It is very important to do the exercises daily, then a positive clinical result will be achieved. The initial number of repetitions of each exercise is 3. Gradually, as training progresses, the number of repetitions increases to 10–15. Movements are performed smoothly, slowly, with a large amplitude, synchronously with breathing. The tip of the tongue is slightly pressed against the palate.

The main complex consists of exercises performed while standing. Before starting the exercises, relax and imagine that life is flowing measuredly and slowly, and nothing and no one worries you. Get in a philosophical mood so you don’t get distracted by anything.

Exercise 1

Place your hands on your stomach and inhale slowly through your nose. During inhalation, the stomach protrudes. Then exhale slowly, but through pursed lips. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and press lightly with your hands.

Exercise 2

Stretch upward while taking a slow, deep breath. Exhale just as slowly, pressing your left hand on your left side and leaning to the left. Inhale again as you stretch, and as you exhale, press down on your right side and lean to the right.

Exercise 3

Take a deep breath. As you pull your left knee toward your chest, exhale slowly. When repeating the exercise, alternate legs. During this exercise, the arms are relaxed and hang freely along the body.

Exercise 4

Raise your arms up through your sides - inhale. Place your hands on your knees, lean forward - exhale deeply.

Exercise 5

As you inhale, raise your arms up and your right leg forward. As you exhale, lower your arms and legs, lean forward and relax your arms. When repeating the exercise, change legs.

Exercise 6

Place your hands behind your head - inhale. Slowly squat down and place your hands on your knees - exhale.

Exercise 7

Place your palms next to each other at chest level. Make a small rotational movement with folded hands away from you - inhale. As you exhale, repeat the rotation, but with greater amplitude.

Exercise 8

Bend your knees slightly and extend your arms forward, palms facing out so that thumbs hands were pointing down. As you inhale, slowly turn your body to the left, and as you exhale, slowly turn your body to the right.

As you turn your body, try to keep your head straight.

Exercise 9

As you inhale, slowly raise and lower your right leg. As you exhale, do the same with your left leg. Raise your legs as high as possible without bending your knees.

You should finish the gymnastics with regular walking, gradually increasing the pace and then decreasing it. When walking, you need to breathe deeply and try to lengthen your exhalation. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Blood circulation in our arteries, veins and capillaries often suffers, which leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Qigong exercises for the vessels of the lower extremities help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the legs, normalize blood flow and effectively fight varicose veins and swelling. Ready-made complexes The classes posted in the article below are very simple and will not take much time even with daily practice.

Chinese method of healing blood vessels

Cleansing blood vessels according to Chinese medicine begins with the resumption of normal blood flow. This is a necessary condition, because when blood circulation in the body is impaired, not only the cardiovascular system and limbs suffer, but also internal organs.

If the body does not have the ability to fully supply oxygen internal systems, then sooner or later significant failures occur. They inevitably entail the formation of serious diseases and the development of degenerative processes throughout the body. The human body can be compared to a sophisticated and very complex mechanism. Each part of it functions fully only when it receives the necessary recharge.

Human health primarily depends on the composition of the blood, the elasticity and patency of blood vessels.

Vascular diseases of the lower extremities are most often expressed in varicose veins veins, swelling that does not go away, a feeling of hot and heavy legs, ulcers that do not heal for a long time. With further development of the disease, they begin to suffer and soft fabrics, skin, nearby systems.

With severe disturbances in the blood supply to the brain, so-called hypoxia occurs. Its symptoms are frequent dizziness and fainting, memory impairment, and decreased intelligence. All this indicates the presence of oxygen starvation of the brain. It is simply necessary to fight such a disease. Qigong for brain vessels will quickly restore health and restore a full supply of oxygenated blood to the brain.

Qigong exercises are aimed at quickly accelerating blood throughout the body, in every part of it, thereby eliminating congestion and inflammatory processes.

Qigong will also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, resilient, and prevent their inflammation (it will act as a preventive measure against vasculitis, arteritis and phlebitis). With regular practice, the composition of the blood will improve; qigong will also help to avoid thrombotic disease and improve the formation of new blood cells in the bone marrow tissues.

The lower limbs and the vessels in them are the most dangerous area in the body of a person leading a passive or sedentary lifestyle. As a result high blood pressure and compression of the leg veins, this area quickly loses its health, and serious diseases can begin to develop even at a young age. The first symptoms of such ailments are often discomfort in the legs and ankles - they buzz after sitting in one place for a long time, swell, and a feeling of internal heat may appear.

Traditional Chinese medicine has always put forward bottom part the body as the most dangerous area for health, where there is always an increased risk of disease. This is especially true for people who are far from sports, who have bad habits, as well as for those who neglect basic physical activity or daily exercise.

Without proper attention, the vessels of the lower extremities begin to quickly collapse, become clogged with blood clots and accumulations of fatty plaques, which can even lead to death.

This poses a particular danger to older people, who often already have significant vascular disease. In this case, practicing a qigong complex for the health of blood vessels in the legs will be simply necessary. For young people, these simple activities will have a preventive and strengthening effect.

If you are prone to varicose veins, have a passive lifestyle, or have a vascular disease, it is recommended to practice health complex every day.

Benefits of Qigong Gymnastics Exercises

The main advantage of healing qigong is its simplicity. The set of exercises contains very easy exercises that can be practiced by absolutely anyone, even the most elderly. At the same time, exercises effectively combat blockages and vascular diseases of the lower extremities and brain.

  • Qigong will cleanse the blood vessels and renew their walls;
  • Practice will strengthen the walls of arteries, veins and capillaries;
  • Signs of varicose veins will decrease;
  • With regular exercise, you will feel a feeling of lightness in your legs;
  • The composition of the blood will improve (qigong will “accelerate” it and force the cells to regenerate faster);
  • Chinese medicine will relieve hypoxia and saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • Full blood flow in the lower extremities will be restored;
  • Ulcers, abrasions and other injuries on the skin of the legs will begin to heal faster.

Modern people note the practicality and convenience of Chinese practice - you can do it anywhere, no special equipment or knowledge is required, moreover, qigong is an alternative and completely safe method for strengthening blood vessels and cleansing them.

After just a few days of practice, you will be able to note the effectiveness of this technique; congestive and inflammatory processes in the legs will begin to disappear, thanks to positive impact special exercises.

Qigong gymnastics for blood vessels: video lessons

You will find a ready-made set of exercises for blood vessels in the video tutorial below. Please note that when performing these complexes, you must not forget about breathing correctly, and you should practice only in a good mood.

Before practice, do not forget to ventilate the room.

Qigong to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and body, acupressure to activate Qi

These simple qigong exercises for the vessels of the lower extremities and head are the key to your excellent health and prevention vascular diseases. For varicose veins in the legs, it is also recommended to follow these steps: effective complexes to stop the disease and prevent it from getting worse.