Kickboxing or Muay Thai, what to choose. What is the difference between Thai boxing (Muay Thai) and boxing and kickboxing? Going all out in a workout is an effective way to get rid of irritation and resentment, and push-ups clear your head much better than caffeine or alcohol.

Thai boxing is essentially just a section of kickboxing (if you do not take into account elbow strikes and backhand strikes with a turn - uraken). Therefore, during kickboxing classes with good coach, an athlete, will certainly be able to receive the required training in the field of Muay Thai.

Boxing and Muay Thai are contact martial arts. The similarity between them is that the fighting technique is based solely on blows. Unlike them, in Greco-Roman wrestling, sambo or judo, preference is given to holds, and strikes are prohibited. From a practical point of view, the skills of martial arts such as boxing or Muay Thai are more suitable for application in real life. The grab is good when there is only one opponent in front of you. This technique fetters not only the attacker, but also the defender - he is forced to hold his opponent. The strike does not require holding, therefore it provides maximum mobility. So, the basis of boxing, kickboxing and Thai sports is striking, this is the similarity of these sports. But the main differences lie in the striking technique.

In boxing, punches are thrown only with the hands. To ensure safety, athletes wear special gloves on their hands. The range of strikes is also very limited: you can hit only with fists (no elbows, shoulders) and only in top part torso. According to boxing rules, blows below the belt are prohibited; an athlete can be disqualified for performing them. It is also prohibited to push, grab, bite, hit back head and neck, back, strike the kidneys. When entering the clinch, the boxers are separated by the referee. In this case, athletes must take a full step back before they have the right to strike.

As we see, a boxer’s arsenal is very limited, therefore, as a rule, in battles with representatives of other martial arts (in “fights without rules”), they do not show any brilliant results.

Kickboxing is a kind of hybrid of fist boxing techniques and karate kicking techniques. Kickboxing is a more dangerous and more spectacular sport. Expanding the arsenal of strikes allows you to make the tactics of the fight more flexible. However, this sport also has many restrictions. Strikes with knees, elbows, shins, grabs, and throws are prohibited. That is, athletes fight at long and medium distances and do not enter into a clinch.

Kickboxing allows you to use the main striking tools of the human body - feet and fists. But in close combat they turn out to be ineffective, since a blow, for example, with a fist, requires a large swing. In a clinch, a swing is a waste of precious seconds, during which the opponent will be able to take measures to counter the attacker.

Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, - the hardest of the types of “percussion” contact martial arts. It allows the maximum possible number of hits. Connected to the traditional fist and foot are the elbows, shins, forearms and knees. If in boxing and kickboxing the clinch is a “peaceful distance” at which athletes feel relatively safe, in Muay Thai this distance is one of the most dangerous. Knees and elbows are fast and almost impossible to see or block. In addition, they are amazingly powerful.

Unlike karate, Muay Thai does not contain strictly established sets of blows (kat); they are replaced by combinations of 2-3 blows, which each athlete selects for himself.

Throws and grabs are also prohibited in Muay Thai, but, as the practice of real “fights without rules” shows, this element of martial arts is not required. Boxers and kickboxers have only one opportunity to resist a fighter who has studied Muay Thai - not to let him get into close range. Enter the clinch, and the outcome of the fight becomes clear.

Muay Thai has rightfully earned the title of one of the toughest and most effective martial arts. It’s not for nothing that in America they call it nothing more than “mortal combat.”

Don't forget about another unique feature of Thai boxing. Athletes remain faithful to traditions, and fights take place to the accompaniment of traditional Thai music (playing flutes and beating drums), which adds special beauty to the spectacle.

How do Thai boxing schools (Muay Thai) differ from sports clubs and kickboxing sections? What is better and more effective for a street fight – Kickboxing or Thai boxing? Who will defeat whom in a free fight without restrictions in the rules - a wrestler or a boxer?

This question has been asked many times, is being asked and, probably, will be asked by many strong and strong people to themselves and each other since early childhood. In order to be able to stand up for oneself and learn to fight even earlier before the 90s. in the territories of the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation the guys were engaged in classical boxing or wrestling, judo, sambo. And the most daring and strong managed to do both.

When in the early 90s. Karate-do came out of the ban, Kickboxing and Thai boxing appeared, many boys and older guys poured into Sport halls, schools and sections to master these formidable martial arts. At first, many teenagers rushed to take classes in Japanese karate-do, or Chinese or Vietnamese kung fu. However, through my own example in street battles I had to be convinced of the strength and effectiveness of the old schools of wrestling and classical boxing. But soon the opportunity arose to practice Kickboxing and Thai Boxing (Muay Thai).

If we explain it in a simplified way, it turns out that by adding kicks to the body and head to classic English boxing, you get the Full Contact Kickboxing section. If you add kicks to the opponent’s legs from the outside and inside to Full Contact, you get the Low Kick section of Kickboxing. And finally, if you add knees and elbows to the body and head (as well as knees to the legs), grabbing the opponent’s legs with your hands, Thai “twists” and throws in the clinch (in close combat) to the Low Kick Kickboxing section, you get Thai Boxing (Muay Thai).

In Kickboxing there is also a Semi-contact section, according to the rules of which very light blows and touches are applied, but we will not write about this for obvious reasons.

But in the K-1 Kickboxing section, unlike Muay Thai, you can hit the body with your knee only once (i.e., not serially), and you cannot strike with your elbows or grab the opponent’s leg at all. In order to experience the difference between Kickboxing and Muay Thai for themselves, many outstanding athletes from Russia and Belarus had and still have to compete in both areas. But for this, the guys trained for years and mastered the striking and defensive school of classical boxing, striking and defensive techniques with their legs, and the technique of fighting in close combat in the clinch with knees and elbows. And all this variety of punches, kicks, knees and elbows in Thai boxing is mastered either separately or together, depending on the most diverse teaching methods of Muay Thai, which, together with the athletes, are polished and honed by the most experienced trainers, both in the Republic of Belarus and in various cities and regions of the vast Russian Federation.

In the Republic of Belarus, a single federation immediately unites Kickboxing and Thai boxing, and its athletes sometimes have to perform and defend the honor of the country at various International competitions in both these sports over different periods of time. Because The Russian Federation is much larger in territory and population than the Republic of Belarus, and on its territory the Kickboxing and Thai Boxing Federations are developing separately very successfully, brightly and dynamically. But also, high-class athletes from Russia have had the opportunity to compete more than once not only in Thai boxing, but also in Kickboxing, and sometimes in boxing, MMA, martial arts, grappling, etc. And such athletes deserve enormous respect for their versatility, the enormous work done in mastering the skills of the most diverse schools of boxing and wrestling. But individually, of course, each highly specialized Muay Thai school, Kickboxing section, boxing and wrestling clubs and their athletes and coaches are worthy of respect and attention.

So, in order to compete in the Full Contact Kickboxing section, you need to master the school of boxing first-class, plus striking techniques with kicks to the body and head, move dynamically around the ring and deliver a crushing series of punches and kicks above the waist, and also be able to defend against them. To perform in the Low Kick Kickboxing section, you need to master everything mentioned above in Full Contact and additionally striking and defensive techniques with kicks on the opponent’s legs from the outside and inside. But in order to perform in the K-1 Kickboxing section, you need to additionally master the striking technique with your knees. And here we have to remember that the K-1 Kickboxing section itself appeared after Muay Thai, or simply put, Thai boxing, loudly declared itself.

In Thailand, Muay Thai is a national pride. The army, the police, and the general population are involved in it. Thai fighters deserve the respect, love and admiration of spectators far beyond the borders of Thailand.

And now, finally, in order to try themselves in the ring in a real fight at amateur or professional Muay Thai tournaments, athletes have to master not only the striking technique briefly described above about Kickboxing, but also the striking and defensive techniques with the knees and elbows of Thai Boxing. Often in Thailand, the entire fight according to the rules of Muay Thai can come down to close combat in the clinch.

And only by having the skills to fight, unbalance the enemy and simultaneously deliver lightning-fast strikes with knees and elbows to the body and head, as well as the skills to defend against such techniques, can you expect that you will survive in the literal sense of the word, and if the power and truth is behind you , then you will win!

And because guys in Russia and Belarus are strong in body and spirit, fearless, hardworking and passionately love their homeland, then every year over the past decades, our athletes become European and World Champions on different continents of the globe in both Kickboxing and Muay Thai!

But for this it is necessary to do a huge amount of work and put in a lot of labor, both physical and sports club or a Thai boxing school, Kickboxing sections, both mental and spiritual. And thanks to this, our athletes today, tomorrow, and always will be strong and invincible. And morally, physically and spiritually trained athletes and excellent students in combat and political training will serve in the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia!!!

Come train at our Fight Club “BULAT GOLD”! Practice Thai boxing and kickboxing for yourself, for the sport, and for our entire state of the Russian Federation as a whole!

It would seem that if the names of two martial arts contain the word “boxing”, then they should be very similar in technique and rules. But that's not true. The difference between Thai boxing and regular boxing becomes clear to anyone who has seen such fights at least once. In fact, it's completely different types sports, suitable for people with various requests and tasks.

Definitions and history

Boxing is a form of martial arts main feature which is striking by athletes only with their hands wearing special gloves. It originated a very long time ago: mentions of similar fist fights appears in documents dating back to Antiquity. At the same time, boxing became one of the Olympic sports. However, in its modern version it appeared only in England in the 18th century. And in the middle of the 19th century, the first set of rules was compiled, which is still relevant today. By the way, it was this list that regulated the mandatory presence of gloves on athletes during a fight. It is worth noting that the rules were finally recognized in 1882. The classic form of boxing is still commonly called English.

Thai boxing is a type of martial art that originated in Thailand. It has its roots in the ancient martial arts of this country and Indochina. The second name for this type of martial arts is “Muay Thai”, which means “free fight”. Punching in Muay Thai is done with fists, elbows, feet, shins, and knees. During sparring, athletes, as in the case of regular boxing, wear gloves. Interestingly, in its homeland, Muay Thai is one of the compulsory classes in police training.

Difference between Muay Thai and regular boxing

As is clear from the definitions, the main difference between Thai boxing and regular boxing is that blows here are delivered not only with fists. It is not for nothing that Muay Thai is often called the fight of eight limbs.

The second important difference relates to the parts of the body that can be struck in these two types of boxing. English prohibits athletes from hitting each other below the belt. In addition, you cannot push, grab or choke, trip, bite, or spit. Hitting the back and kidneys is also prohibited.

In Muay Thai, kicks are used more often and are rated higher: they are considered more effective. In modern Muay Thai, grappling, groin strikes, choking techniques and amplitude throws are prohibited. You cannot hit your opponent with your head or attack someone who has fallen. During the battle, points are also deducted for any insult to the enemy, be it a word, a disrespectful gesture or something else. The most humiliating thing during Muay Thai is getting hit with the foot, because in Thailand this part of the body is considered despised. Even a small touch is like spitting in the face for an athlete. However, such strikes are not prohibited by the regulations.

Classic boxing imposes noticeable restrictions on athletes, since blows can only be struck with fists. But for the same reason, the clinch here is a relatively safe moment. Although there are also boxers who deliberately make a lot of grabs in order to exhaust the opponent and deprive him of the benefits of an active fight. At the same time, in Muay Thai, the clinch is one of the most dangerous stages of the fight, because powerful strikes with elbows and knees are allowed here, which in this position are difficult to see and prevent. It is due to this that those who master Thai boxing have special advantages in close combat, even during fights without rules.

Some differences are observed in the environment inherent in each of the two types of boxing. So, in English, for a fight you need a square ring, the side of which in modern competitions can vary from 3 to 7 m. Boxers conduct 3-minute rounds with a break of 1 minute.

Interestingly, Muay Thai fights are traditionally held to music. It sets the rhythm and helps the fighters concentrate. The duration of the round, as for regular boxing, is 3 minutes, but the fight takes place in a square ring with a side of 6 m.

In general, Thai boxing is considered one of the most traumatic and tough types of martial arts. Until 1929, when the rules for winning by points were established, fighters often left the ring dead or badly maimed. And giving up was considered a huge shame. English boxing is much less dangerous for the athletes themselves.

comparison table

The following table will once again briefly tell you what the difference is between Thai boxing and regular boxing.

When you get acquainted with the features of these two types of martial arts, it becomes clear why Thai boxing is considered bloodier, but at the same time more spectacular. If your goal is to learn how to defend yourself, then Muay Thai will be one of the best options. With good preparation, it will allow you to overcome your opponent quickly and effectively, even if your own weight and muscle mass small. Do not forget that it was created in Thailand, where the entire population has a rather fragile complexion compared to representatives of other countries. Muay Thai is also often included in self-defense programs for women.

If you want to master a brutal form of martial arts and compete, without putting your health at great risk, then the right choice, obviously, there will be English boxing.

You can sign up for both Thai and classical boxing with us →.

To answer such a controversial question, you need to comprehensively consider these martial arts. Everyone must make their own choice, because preferences and objectives are different.

Boxing or kickboxing?

Kickboxing is a sport that has absorbed elements of the classical school of boxing, traditional karate, some techniques of Thai boxing and taekwondo.

Kickboxing contains a mix of striking martial arts. Kicks are not prohibited in this sport, which can result in disqualification in boxing. Due to the large number of high kicks, the athlete must wear a helmet, mouth guard, boxing gloves. And the hands underneath are additionally bandaged to a certain length.

Boxing is a more traditional sport, in which the rules and technical arsenal have been honed over decades. The success of an athlete in boxing depends on training, which is why it is important to choose not so much this particular area of ​​martial art as a school in which the student will become a real athlete.

What’s interesting is that despite the fact that kicks are prohibited in boxing, this does not mean at all that the legs don’t work, and you just have to “wave your fists.” Nothing like this! The basis for future victories in boxing technique is precisely sustainable and correct position legs During the training, all muscle groups are involved. Therefore, in the comparison between boxing and kickboxing, the first sport is still in the lead.

Karate or boxing?

These two excellent sports are part of the martial arts system and have both similarities and differences.

Karate is a martial art with a powerful philosophy and many schools and styles. On the one hand, this is interesting, but on the other hand, precious years can be wasted in understanding all these traditions, while boxing in this sense seems to be a more monolithic and integral form of art, also based on a certain worldview.

From the commonality between karate and boxing, it is worth noting that coaches use approximately the same schemes when preparing athletes. Here you will have a warm-up, shadow boxing, sparring, endurance exercises, training with punching bags and bags, etc.

In karate, unlike boxing, you can strike not only with your hands, but also with your feet. There is a similarity between karate and kickboxing. However, for many parents who are thinking about where to send their child, the very knowledge that blows will be practiced lower limbs, seem shocking.

It is worth noting that safety is paramount in any sport. And it is impossible to give a definite answer on where to enroll your child. Or where to go to study on your own. You should choose a sport where you will succeed and where you will like it.

It’s too early to draw conclusions, especially since another type of martial art is coming up – Thai boxing, or Muay Thai.

Muay Thai (Thai boxing) or boxing?

Muay Thai is martial arts, which comes from the ancient Muay Boran. Translated from Sanskrit, the meaning of the word is “free fight”.

Modern Thai boxing allows you to strike not only with fists, but also with elbows, feet, knees, and shins. This is why the sport is sometimes called “8-limb fighting.” Unlike karate, there are no formal complexes in this sport. There are basic combinations, including a couple of blows, sparring, as in boxing, as well as work on bags. This also leads to a certain similarity between Muay Thai and boxing.

So which is better boxing or kickboxing?

The floor is given to professionals! Thus, the coach who worked at “Combat Gloves,” Alexander Pogorelov, and the athlete gave their preference to boxing. They built a successful career in kickboxing, but in the end they chose boxing as their element.

What to choose in the end?

So, we have looked at several types of martial arts, each variety deserves respect, each has its own history and philosophy. There are also similarities, which is why the question itself arose: what to choose, where to sign up?

It’s worth summarizing: boxing is the only sport considered that prohibits any kicks. From a training safety point of view, this is a huge plus. After all, many people come to fight not for the sake of the fight itself, but to get rid of stress, excess weight or gaining skills in building strategies. Boxing allows you to get all this and even more.

Neither karate, nor kickboxing, nor Muay Thai are Olympic sports sports, although competitions in them are held with sufficient success. But boxing is an Olympic sport.

Now you have enough arguments to make your choice and answer the question of what to do, first of all, for yourself. If you decide in favor of boxing, then welcome to our “Combat Gloves” club.

Boxing club address: Moscow, Lipetskaya, 7a.

Boxing and Muay Thai, on the one hand, are related and very similar sports. They are united by the presence percussion technology hands to the head and body in full contact, also the inner fighting spirit, strong-willed qualities of athletes.

But on the other hand, the characteristic distinctive features of Thai boxing immediately catch the eye - aggressive, lightning-fast and tough work in combat with legs, knees and elbows in full contact. Moreover, in Thai boxing you can strike in three levels - to the legs, to the body and to the head. And in classical boxing, blows below the belt are generally prohibited and opponents attack each other only at two levels - to the body and to the head. And therefore, attacks with hands in boxing become more serial, tempo and speed, the stance is lower than in secret boxing and the pulling (shuttle) is more intense.

In Thai boxing (Muay Thai), the fighters' stance is higher and protection from blows to the legs cannot be neglected at all. In addition, according to the physiology itself, kicks, knees and elbows in Thai boxing can cause a much more destructive effect than with hands in regular boxing. Although everyone knows how tough and crushing the punches of heavyweight professional boxers can be in big boxing.

So what is better in the end – boxing or Thai boxing?

What is better - boxing or Thai boxing?

So, to answer this question, let's try to look at three examples.

In the first example, we will force an ordinary boxer to fight with a Muay Thai fighter (Thai boxer) according to the rules of Thai boxing. Let’s immediately make a reservation that the initial data of both athletes: weight, height, age, training experience, endurance and general physical training- the same. In the first case, the boxer will try to yank his opponent apart and deliver a series of punches, changing floors: to the head, to the body - to the head, to the body, and also, if the case is successful, as he is able by nature, to finish with a knee, leg or elbow, but not so professional. A Thai boxer must avoid middle distance and exchanging punches, because the chances of achieving an advantage are obviously less. But a Muay Thai fighter must constantly kick his legs with low kicks from a long distance, and also, at any opportune moment, transfer the attack with his hands and elbows to the opponent’s head and engage the boxer in close combat in the clinch, attacking with his knees three levels at once. By building a similar tactic against a boxer and adding kicks to the body and head through the center (type), from the side (kick) and from a turn (ushira, ura-mavashi, dragon tail or “spinner”), it is necessary to knock off the boxer’s legs with a low kick. But at the same time, the “Thai” needs to protect his head and body from the enemy’s hands and transfer the fight to a clinch, imposing a deadly technique of elbows and knees. There is a huge probability that a Muay Thai fighter (thai boxer) will win in this example, either with a clear advantage or ahead of schedule!!! Proof of this is the fights without rules, previously held in Moscow at the Arbat Entertainment Center, which are still remembered with nostalgia by entire generations of athletes and coaches!!!

In the second example, we will force a Thai boxer to fight with a boxer according to the rules of classical boxing with one hands in two levels: to the head and to the body. With the same initial data, we will notice a picture of the tie-boxer lagging behind in the series of punches, in the technique of moving the legs around the ring, in pulling apart (shuttle), as well as in hand feints and body work (dodges, dives). The boxer must win, but perhaps not early!!!

In the third example, we will consider the option of free, free combat - each with its own rules. Let us again assume the same initial data for both. The boxer must concentrate as much as possible on tugging at the opponent, pulling back and failing from his low kicks and other kicks, and on delivering a series of punches to the liver and head from different angles. And if a boxer catches his opponent with a blow to the head or body, then he is simply obliged to build on his success and continuously finish with a series of punches. But the fact is that a Muay Thai fighter is well aware of this. In addition, we must not forget that Thai boxers also use all boxing techniques in their training, but not so intensively, because at the same time training process You still need to master striking and defensive techniques with your feet, knees and elbows. And here Muay Thai comes to the rescue of fighters smart tactics fighting. Task: first, make the most of the long distance and meet all enemy attacks with an iron low kick, while protecting your head and body; second, avoid the middle distance and at least not try to exchange punches, but actively use elbows, knees and middle kicks; third, at any convenient moment, transfer the fight into a clinch and work with your knees into the body-head, body-head of the enemy, while inserting a lightning-fast elbow strike into the head! As the practice of mixed fights at Arbat, Kristall, Korona in Moscow and other tournaments in other cities and countries has repeatedly shown, as well as the joint training experience of boxers and thai-boxers working in the same gym according to different rules, the result is disappointing for boxer when working with a “Thai” according to the rules of Muay Thai or fights without rules. A boxer must win a victory over a Muay Thai fighter only according to the rules of classical boxing. And it’s not for nothing that Muay Thai (Thai boxing) is called the fights of “eight-armed gods.” Thai boxing is one of the most aggressive types of strength combat sports.

Why choose the BULAT Club?

With all the great respect for ordinary boxing, our Fight Club “BULAT” (Russia) is a huge supporter of Thai boxing, because Muay Thai has a minimum of restrictions in the rules and a maximum of freedom in striking and defensive techniques. Our Thai boxing school “BULAT GOLD” (Russia) has raised and continues to raise Champions and Prize-winners not only in Muay Thai, but also in kickboxing, and sometimes in MMA, and in martial arts.