Kickboxing for girls where to start. Kickboxing classes for girls: exercises and training features. Illegal strikes in women's kickboxing

The history of women's kickboxing dates back to 1985, when in London, women's semi-contact (semi-contact) was included in the competition program. The rules haven't changed much since then. For obvious reasons, there are some restrictions (heavier gloves, mandatory chest protector, etc.), due to which the rules of women's kickboxing are more humane. However, impact sport is a tough sport. Many did not agree that the once completely male sport began to take on a female face. Civilization and the struggle for equality have done their job. Now women's kickboxing is developing at a fast pace, not inferior to the male one. So let's figure out whether this is a woman's business or not?!

Of course, waving your arms and legs, delivering brutal blows to the face and various parts of the body is not typical for the fair half of humanity. After all, scars adorn a man, as we know. But on the other hand, when it comes to self-defense, the opinion of most opponents of women's kickboxing immediately changes to the opposite.

“Let them study for themselves and not participate in competitive battles!”

Not so simple! Theory, training in strikes and - this is one component of the “drug” called sport, which is addictive. And the girls have a desire to test their strength in real battles. In such fights, strength of spirit develops and - for self-defense, these qualities are one of the most important.

In fact, kickboxing competitions for girls are relatively safe. I was deliberately trying to make you think there was a bloody mess going on in the ring. Agree, it’s impossible to imagine how two fragile creatures can beat each other up while being waist-deep in blood (unless, of course, you haven’t seen enough of such films). Good and strict rules simply leave no chance for such a scenario to come true. And if you have ever watched battles for championship titles among girls, they could pay attention to the beauty and grace of the athletes. Not champions, but straight fashion models!

What is the secret of such ideal figures? But it’s true! Isn’t this why girls visit fitness clubs!? There is no secret here. Try applying it for a couple of minutes, especially on the head, and you will understand where the extra calories go. Kickboxing exercises and techniques involve almost all muscle groups, and thus posture.

What else attracts a girl to kickboxing? Stress! A word that has become native to the residents of the metropolis. The female sex is more often susceptible to psychological experiences and various stresses. One of the positive effects of kickboxing is the release of endorphins. This helps relieve stress and get rid of negative emotions, as well as recharge with positive energy.

To summarize, I really wanted to write about the disadvantages of women's kickboxing. But you know, I can’t find compelling reasons for this. A girl, doing kickboxing, acquires masculine qualities and rough external features?.. Some kind of nonsense! Many of the girls I know after for long years training only got better, without giving in bad habits! Of course, as a man, I might have wanted to see a girl of the same weaker sex, who, in any danger, would cling to a strong shoulder or hide behind broad back. But considering that the modern man has become less and less like the stronger sex, I begin to rejoice when girls express a desire to take up kickboxing.

If you want to practice a martial art that combines European and Eastern styles, then Kickboxing is the best solution for you. IN last years it is gaining more and more half from the fairer sex (If such a definition is at all appropriate in a conversation about martial arts).
Kickboxing is the most popular synthesis of classic boxing, Thai boxing and elements of taekwondo. Here, not only fists are used, but also legs. The hands of kickboxers are protected by gloves that are less voluminous than those used in boxing.
Why is this martial arts is more popular among the fair half than regular boxing. Firstly, kickboxing is a more gentle form of martial art. Despite the fact that legs are involved, the force of the blows and the damage are much weaker. For a girl, even one who practices combat sports, it is very important to look more or less good after a battle, and not look like a bloody, swollen mess (which, in fact, is what classical boxing represents to us).

Secondly: the effect of exercise on the body. If a girl practices boxing, then her body begins to resemble a man’s due to heavy loads on the muscles. The shoulders become too wide, the biceps and triceps on the arms are too prominent, and the chest becomes smaller. Kickboxing, due to the mixture of styles, allows you to maintain femininity. By practicing this martial art, the girl looks athletic and at the same time remains in her shape.
The rules of kickboxing are the same as in boxing - defeat your opponent! Only, as mentioned earlier, in the case of kickboxing you can use your legs. It is noteworthy that the rules for women's and men's kickboxing are similar in absolutely everything! Except for one small addition for women: girls must wear a protective protector on their chest.
In general, among women, blows to the chest are quite rare - perhaps because of solidarity, perhaps because it is difficult to get into this zone. But be that as it may, the girl is not allowed into the ring without a protector - even if she is a ten-time world champion.
The third reason kickboxing is popular among women is that the martial art is similar to dance. What girl doesn't like to dance?
There are still many disagreements and disputes over whether a woman should engage in such an impact sport, but every year there are fewer and fewer of those who are against it. Because of the equality of the sexes, and the fact that many girls are proving that they are capable of doing this, many disputes die out on their own.

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Today sport life is becoming nothing new to more people. Thus, it is necessary to take this into account. So we consider it necessary to consider a type of sports fighting, namely kickboxing for girls.

Girls in kickboxing are the most beautiful and active fighters

Unfortunately, not much attention is paid to feminine look sports We consider it necessary to dwell on it.

Illegal strikes in women's kickboxing

We looked at types of kickboxing for women, but it is necessary to consider which kicks are prohibited. prohibits striking if the gloves are open. Remember that the harm can be very severe.

It is also important that the glove should not be turned sideways. The hand itself should not be in a fist. This can cause a lot of harm. Also, you cannot hit with the top or bottom of your fist. Cannot be used internal part hands. The wrist should also not be used. That is why it is necessary to take all this into account.

If you have just started training, we present it especially for you -. They will help you raise the level of your physical and intellectual knowledge in kickboxing.

Illegal strikes in women's kickboxing

Girls are prohibited from any kind of pushing. It is also very important that the strikes must be carried out very clearly and technically. That is, if you do something incorrectly, your points will be taken off. This way you can lose. Read the rules and master the technique of performing strikes, this will help you win. The fighters will also be divided by weight and height. This helps ensure that everything will be honest and without deception.

When kickboxing classes are held for girls, the coach pays a lot of attention to all this. First of all, they study the rules and only then move on to training. It is important to know everything about what you are doing. Theory is also very important and your success depends on it.

Girls kickboxing classes

Today, more and more girls are starting to practice kickboxing. Kickboxing for girls in St. Petersburg is very popular today. Today, girls are actively signing up for this type of occupation. They strive to protect themselves and have beautiful figure. This is why many people want to study. Girls, according to statistics, approach this issue much more responsibly. If they start studying, they will definitely finish everything. They carefully study the rules and theory. They also take a very responsible approach to carrying out strikes. They do them several times. But then their attacks become automatic.

Girls kickboxing classes

Girls kickboxing training takes about an hour or an hour and a half. They usually require about three sessions per week. It would be enough. Exercising daily is dangerous and will not lead to good result. So, too often is not good either. The main thing is quality, not quantity. Girls can study individually with a coach, or in a group.

We would like to say that both options are necessary. They are beneficial. It is best to alternate them with each other. In this case, the result will be very positive and will not keep you waiting. He will appear very quickly. Thus, it is very important to do everything in a comprehensive manner.

Kickboxing video lessons for women

Today, many people want to protect themselves and their friends and loved ones. Thus, it is necessary to learn everything for beginners. After all, you definitely have to start somewhere. It is very important. We will look in more detail at martial arts for beginners. We will find out all the nuances that will be important to you. Remember that playing sports is always responsible.

Today there is the option of training not only with a trainer, but also on your own. For this there are a huge number of kickboxing girls videos. The videos are varied. You can choose the options that suit you. There are video lessons that have a whole range of exercises. That is, you can find videos where they get very complex and grow. There is also a video for beginners. You can find other videos as well. For example, there are a huge number of championships. If you watch them, you will be able to analyze the mistakes of those who lost, why they lost. Remember that you learn better from other people's mistakes. You can also see the equipment different champions, their advice tips. This will help you understand this martial arts.

Kickboxing video lessons for women

There are also videos that will tell you how to eat healthy. They will tell you what you can eat and what you can’t. There is also a video with instructions and rules. There are also special videos for girls. They will tell you how they differ. You can also find special home appliances. You can find the video on the Internet, download it, or simply buy it. You can buy the video in specialized stores. This will help you train.

Just choose the ideal option for yourself and use it. We also have kickboxing photos of girls in our assortment. Their figures and achievements are shown there. Start your classes today, don’t delay and everything will be fine. The result will not be long in coming. It will be immediately more noticeable to both you and others. The main thing is not to give up halfway and reach the end. This is the key to success.

Kickboxing for girls- not just a martial art. This is also great way get rid of extra calories, get beautiful flat tummy, toned buttocks and, in general, gain self-confidence.

Kickboxing for the fair sex is characterized by minimal trauma with impressive physical activity. Typically, equipment includes mouth guards, a helmet, shields and many other components.

Why is kickboxing popular among girls?

During kickboxing training, all muscle groups are involved. The combination of technical strikes and impressive cardio load allows you to burn a huge amount of calories. Note that classical training includes not only kickboxing classes, but also jumping rope, working with equipment and equipment. All together, this develops coordination, flexibility and, of course, reaction speed.

Kickboxing for girls in Moscow- not only a way to keep yourself in excellent condition physical fitness, but also training in the basics of self-defense. If a girl knows kickboxing techniques, she is confident in her abilities and is able to show character in difficult life situations.

Kickboxing is also in a good way get rid of stress after a hard day at work. This type of martial arts helps to throw out negative emotions and accumulated aggression. In addition, after an evening workout, you will sleep better and more soundly. Endorphin produced during training is a great stress reliever!

Women's kickboxing: training features

Kickboxing for girls– classes in specially equipped rooms. Our club has everything necessary for the most comfortable training. With us you will certainly achieve success in this type of martial arts. An experienced mentor will tell you how to work on simulators and what equipment you need to participate in sparring.

If we talk about fighting techniques, kickboxing actively uses arms and legs, practicing ways to attack the enemy and the ability to knock him out. Regular classes kickboxing allows you to short time improve muscle condition, strengthen the back corset, improve general physical performance. Don't be afraid that intense kickboxing classes will add masculine features to your appearance. It is a myth. Moreover, such training is aimed at emphasizing the advantages of the figure and hiding all existing shortcomings.