Kerzhakov year of birth. Alexander Kerzhakov: biography, personal life. Hobbies, creativity and business

22 May 2018, 20:45

Specialists protect the young mother from any contact with the outside world.

After Milana’s divorce announcement, Kerzhakova stopped updating her social networks. Fans, unfortunately, wondered if something irreparable had happened. A friend of the Kerzhakov family only fueled the rumors.

According to the girl, Milana was so worried about the quarrels with her husband that she ended up in the hospital. She is still there now. The woman is isolated from the outside world.

Kerzhakova was robbed of all her means of communication: her phone and tablet. Allegedly, on the day the scandalous message about the divorce appeared, the doctors, as an exception, allowed her to use a smartphone. Milan is promised to be discharged from the clinic at the end of May. It is not known what illness Milana came to the doctors with. “If a phone is taken away at the clinic, everyone has strange thoughts,” a friend shared with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper website.

There are rumors that the footballer's wife has been a little out of sorts lately. She was so desperate that she even tried to save her collapsing marriage with the help of magical rituals. The girl turned to the psychic Irina Martynova and asked to bewitch her husband.

“Martynova, I think, promised to help. But Irina does not have basic knowledge, she simply took money from Milana. I know Irina well. She came from Krasnodar, worked at the Personal Development Center of Natalia Banteeva, the winner of the 9th “Battle of Psychics.” Irina in The center was engaged in applied “dirty work”: sewing dolls for love spells, making lapels, love spells, arranging cash flow,” psychic Tatyana Larina told reporters.

Larina thinks that Kerzhakov deliberately sent Milana to the clinic in order to pass her off as crazy, and in the event of a divorce, to sue the children from his wife. Allegedly, the football player had already pulled off this trick several years ago with his partner Ekaterina Safronova.

“I went to the psychiatric hospital, where Kerzhakov sent her for “treatment,” and pulled her out. Katya was injected with a strong drug that her heart could not withstand, and then they offered to put her into an artificial coma. I begged her not to agree. Milana was also put into an artificial coma. She repeats Katya’s fate,” quotes the magician.

A week ago, details appeared from a mutual friend of Katya Safronova and Milana Kerzhakova - Svetlana. She spoke about the situation in the Kerzhakov family. It turns out that the relationship between Alexander and Milana has long reached a dead end.

As Milana says, not a day goes by in their family without mentioning Safronova’s name, says Svetlana. - It seems to Milan that he loved Katya more than her, so she always sees her features in her son Igor. The problems got worse when her dad died. Kerzhakov began to often not spend the night at home and not say when he would return. One nervous breakdown, another, and she ended up in a psychological clinic. It's not hard to guess who sent her there. Let us at least remember the story of Katya Safronova, who was kept in a drug treatment clinic by force. Milana was treated in Russia, then in Germany. She was put into an induced coma and woke up in handcuffs. While she was lying there, someone was filming her. And then the recording can be presented in court as evidence that the child cannot be given to such a mother. As in the case of Safronova. It turns out that after the death of Milana’s influential dad, he no longer needs her. Milana loved him very much, wanted to save the family, but now it’s too late. Now she lives with her mother.

For the New Year holidays, Sasha bought trips to Bali. They rested there, only separately. Milana lived with her mother, and Sasha hung out with friends. IN in social networks Milana did not post a single general photo and wrote: “I’m going home and crying.”

After the birth of her first child, Milana went through a difficult period. The young mother herself wrote about this on her Instagram after a long silence: for about a week, usually active on the Internet, Milana did not contact fans, did not post photos or share details of the baby’s growing up. As it turned out, the nervous exhaustion that the girl suffered after her charity ball “Stars for Children” was to blame.

“I want to ask for your forgiveness. Forgiveness for the fact that exactly one week after holding an incredibly important event for me, I fell completely out of life - the reason for this, unfortunately, was nervous exhaustion, apparently, as rightly, at one time, my dad said: “Everyone is given exactly the same amount of tests.” forces." At that moment, my strength probably ran out,” Milana admitted to her subscribers. And then she posted a photo with newborn Artemy, which she tenderly captioned: “What heals me.”
The fact that Milana remembered her father in her address did not surprise fans: shortly before the birth of her grandson, he died tragically.

The other day, 24-year-old Milana left a message on social networks about family life: “We haven’t been together for a long time.” And a little lower she added: “This is an absolutely fallen person, unworthy of respect, alas.” Alexander Kerzhakov has three marriages. From each - a child. The youngest turned one in April.

Alexander Kerzhakov was once considered one of the best scorers in history Russian football. He was a star of St. Petersburg Zenit and the Russian national team. Kerzhakov was clearly not deprived of the attention of the girls. And he himself willingly proposed to the ladies of his heart, gave birth to children and just as easily got divorced.

The football player's first marriage failed after 5 years. Kerzhakov separated from his wife amicably. The athlete's ex-wife is raising their common daughter.

Kerzhakov’s second companion was Ekaterina Safronova. In 2013, a son was born into the family. A year later, the athlete filed a lawsuit against Safronova, demanding that he raise their common son himself. His claim was granted.

Kerzhakov had his third wedding in June 2015. The chosen one was the daughter of the famous politician Vadim Tyulpanov, who died on April 4, 2017, a few days before the birth of his grandson. It was then, according to some sources, that discord began in the family.

The first bell rang when last winter Milana Kerzhakova published a selfie on her online page, where a bruise under the girl’s eye was visible. “They hit me a little,” Milana herself captioned the photo. A few hours later the card was deleted. But another photo appeared with an equally telling caption: “My father always asked me to leave his last name. I love you, dad. You're the one a real man in my life".

Kerzhakov and Milana left the showdown online without commenting to the press.

None of the star couple’s friends are willing to comment on the latest news about a possible divorce.

I haven't been to Russia for more than a month. When he left, everything was fine with them,” said the footballer’s lawyer Igor Reshetnikov. - In any case, none of them mentioned divorce. This topic was not raised at all. Maybe something happened in the last few days? To clarify the information, I need to listen to both versions. I think it will take a week to figure it out.

We called charitable foundation, which is led by Kerzhakov and where Milana works.

“We have a definite position on this topic, we do not give out comments,” said the girl at the other end of the line, but, apparently, she did not deny the obvious facts.

We contacted Kerzhakov’s ex-wife, Ekaterina Safronova, the same one whose son the footballer sued.

- Ekaterina, are you aware that your ex-husband may soon become a free man?

I don't really follow his personal life. But it so happened that after this news they started calling me and telling me. So I willy-nilly find out about him, even if I don’t really want to.

- Does your son still live with Kerzhakov? The situation was not resolved in your favor?

Yes, his son is with him. The situation has not yet been resolved. My position is wait-and-see. I won’t be surprised that Kerzhakov will divorce Milana. She knew that their life would end like this sooner or later. Milana herself told me that everything was not going smoothly for them.

-Can you take advantage of the situation and sue your child?

It was not by chance that I chose a wait-and-see attitude. But by no means am I giving up. Perhaps during the process of their divorce some things will come to light.

- Has Kerzhakov’s relationship with Milana deteriorated for a long time?

As far as I know, it's been a year already.

This wouldn't surprise me at all. Everything secret becomes clear. You'll see, a lot more will be revealed. I just don’t want to bring all their negativity onto myself now. I know a lot what happens in their family. I can say one thing - God took me away from this man in time. And our mutual friends think the same way. They tell me about this, they say, you are lucky. Now I don’t want to be somehow drawn into their story. And I’m not at all eager to be associated with Kerzhakov.

- Do you think that Kerzhakov could not change for the better after divorcing you?

People don't change at that age.

- When did you first complain about Milan’s problems?

About a year ago. We met, she even wanted to help me establish communication with my son. But Kerzhakov then reared up. She tried to help, but it didn't work. They had a big fight over this back then. Can I not comment anything further for now? The less I take part in dismantling them, the calmer I will live.

-Have you not seen your son for a long time?

The last time I saw my son was when he was one year old. Now he is five. So consider it. Kerzhakov does not allow me to communicate with the child under any circumstances. No one deprived me of parental rights, and the court did not restrict my communication with my son. It seems to me that my ex-husband has problems...

- So you ask for communication with your son, and what does Kerzhakov say?

It doesn't, that's all.

- Does your son live with Milana?

According to rumors, he constantly lives with his grandmother. Kerzhakov seems to be nowhere near there.

-Have you tried to come to your grandmother to at least see the child?

Why do this? I don’t want to traumatize the child’s psyche and mine. We can't communicate on the phone either. He is still small. And the son won’t understand what kind of aunt this is calling him. You see how everything in life has turned out. It’s not for nothing that they say that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. That's for sure. Milana understands this now.

- They say that the relationship between the young people deteriorated when Kerzhakov’s father-in-law died.

I don't have the right to share it yet. Not ready. Let's wait a little.

- How did Milana herself seem to you?

She's a normal girl. I just made a mistake when I linked my life with Kerzhakov. She understood what a bad past he had with his previous wives. Until recently, no one took my words regarding the football player seriously. I screamed into nowhere. It was hard for those around me to believe that such a cute guy from the cover could be a scary person.

Football player, businessman

Education: National State University physical culture, sports and health named after. Lesgafta

Summary: In a criminal case where he acts as a victim, unexpectedly his forged signature turned out to be genuine. The question arises: did everything really happen as he describes it?


His father Anatoly Rafailovich Kerzhakov in his youth played football for the second league team “Khimik” (Dzerzhinsk). Mother - Tatyana Veniaminovna. Alexander was the first child in the family - he has a younger brother Mikhail, also a professional football player and goalkeeper.

Alexander’s first coach was his father, who, according to his brother, put all his strength into him, worked with him purposefully, believing that “Sasha, in fact, had no other choice but to become a football player.” Then the boy was accepted into the St. Petersburg Sports School "Zenith" and, as an exception, at the age of 11 he was placed in a boarding school. At the Zenit school, Kerzhakov trained with Sergei Romanov.

In 1996, Kerzhakov and other students of his sports school received tickets for the replay for the Russian champion title between Moscow Spartak and Vladikavkaz Alania as a gift in St. Petersburg. Alexander and his comrades sold tickets outside the stadium before the match. The proceeds were enough for Kerzhakov “for a couple of hot dogs, and a little more left.” Later, Alexander told TV journalist Vasily Utkin that when he saw Utkin, he almost sold the ticket to him.

After graduating from the Zenit Sports School, Alexander began playing for amateur team“Svetogorets” from the city of Svetogorsk, Leningrad region, led by Vladimir Kazachenok, former head teacher of the Zenit school.

At the beginning of 2000, Kerzhakov was recognized as the best striker of the pre-season tournament for the prizes of the St. Petersburg sports newspaper “Northern Forum”.

Kerzhakov made his debut at Zenit on March 10, 2001 in the match of the 1st round of the Russian Championship with Rotor in Volgograd, appeared in the starting lineup and played 90 minutes, the result was 0:0. He scored his first goal for Zenit in his 13th match - against Moscow Spartak on June 30, 2001.

He made his way into the main team of Zenit almost immediately, already in 2001 making it onto the list of 33 the best football players Russia. He succeeded in this for 5 years in a row. In addition, in his debut season, Kerzhakov became a bronze medalist at the Russian Championship. In 2002, he was recognized as the best young player in the Premier League and took part in the World Championships in Japan and Korea. In 2003, Kerzhakov became the silver medalist of the Russian Championship. A year later, he scored 18 goals in the Premier League, becoming top scorer tournament. Was one of best players club in European competitions. Scored a few important goals, including the Spanish “Seville”, which wanted to buy him. Since Kerzhakov focused on moving to Sevilla, Dick Advocaat, who came to Zenit, began to put the player on the field less often.

In 2002, Oleg Romantsev invited 19-year-old Kerzhakov to the Russian national team.

On December 28, 2006, Kerzhakov signed a contract with the Spanish club Sevilla for 5.5 years. The transfer amount was 5 million euros.

In 2008, Kerzhakov returned to Russia - to Dynamo Moscow, led by Andrei Kobelev, with whom he played for Zenit in 2001. The transfer amount was 8 million euros.

On January 16, 2010, Kerzhakov returned to Zenit, signing a 4-year contract. The transfer amount was 6.5 million euros.

Besides football:

On August 17, 2012, the player extended his contract with Zenit for a period of 4 years with the possibility of extension for another year. On September 23, Alexander, for disciplinary reasons, was transferred to Zenit’s reserve team along with his teammate Igor Denisov, but on September 28, Alexander returned to the main team.

At the end of 2002, an autobiographical book by Alexander Kerzhakov entitled “Up to 16 and Over” was published in St. Petersburg.

In 2005, Kerzhakov went into the restaurant business and opened two cafes of Russian cuisine under the same name “Lukomorye” on the Petrogradskaya side and near the Chernaya Rechka metro station. Leaving for Seville, the football player handed them over to his parents and business partners.

In 2006 he graduated from the coaching department of Lesgaft University.

In 2010, Kerzhakov entered the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics (INZHEKON).

On December 25, 2010, he took part in the humorous program “ProjectorParisHilton”. In 2010, he starred as himself in the film “Freaks.”

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a proxy (499 in total) of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation, the current President Vladimir Putin.

In 2011, Alexander became a victim of scammers who, between February 2, 2011 and October 10, 2012, fraudulently received almost 330 million rubles from the football player under the guise of investing in the construction of an oil refinery in the Voronezh region. Based on this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in March 2014, suspect Mikhail Surin was detained.

In July 2014, Alexander sued his former common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova, the ex-wife of hockey player Kirill Safronov, to deprive her of the right to raise their common son. The reason was given as Safronova's drug addiction. Catherine herself stated that she did not take drugs. Moreover, she accused Kerzhakov of forcibly locking her in psychiatric clinics twice, where Safonova was forced to take psychotropic drugs. Catherine’s lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, said that Kerzhakov simply did not want to pay alimony to his ex-wife. The football player also fears that she knows about how Kerzhakov fraudulently withdrew his own funds in the amount of 329 million rubles, later declaring their theft. The nanny of Alexander and Ekaterina’s child, Marina Evgenievna Burundukova, admitted that “when Sasha left, Katya immediately organized parties at home, where her friends came. Katya and her friends used something there.” On October 3, the court deprived Safonova of her rights to raise her son.

In 2015, Alexander announced his relationship with the daughter of Senator Vadim Tyulpanov, Milana Tyulpanova.

Source: Wikipedia


In 2013, information appeared in the media that Alexander Kerzhakov lost 330 million rubles from his accounts at Gazprombank. Alexander Kerzhakov learned about his financial problems at the beginning of this year. The deadline for the next mortgage payment for the apartment bought by the athlete for his family has come. The bank account of a football player receiving multimillion-dollar fees was empty. This sad information was confirmed by Gazprombank, where the account of the Zenit striker was serviced - he, like the entire team, is a VIP client of the bank.

The footballer, together with lawyer Igor Reshetnikov, demanded that the bank provide an extract of his account and payment orders. Here it should be said about the scheme that operated between the client and the bank. Kerzhakov actually had a personal manager, Vladimir Bagaev, who helped him with financial transactions. According to the regulations, as the lawyer explains, the athlete could call and order the transfer of money from his account. And here Required documents the football player could sign later, visiting the bank within two or three days after his call.

At detailed study payment orders revealed several strange aspects. Firstly, the athlete does not remember at all about some payments for large sums (we are talking about several million rubles). “I had a telephone conversation between Bagaev and Kerzhakov. My client began asking about the transfer of money allegedly according to his orders, which he in fact did not give. And Bagaev convinced him that he simply forgot,” Reshetnikov clarified.

Secondly, when viewing payment orders, Alexander Kerzhakov was unable to recognize his own signature on some documents. It seemed that someone was simply trying to copy his painting. According to the lawyer, a handwriting expert, who was shown the controversial samples, came to the conclusion that the athlete’s signature was indeed forged.

Alexander Kerzhakov lost a total of almost 330 million rubles. This money, according to him, was transferred, almost a third voluntarily, to businessman Mikhail Surin, whom Ruslan Lesnykh, deputy of the 4th convocation of the Voronezh Regional Duma, introduced the athlete to.

In January 2011, Kerzhakov vacationed in the United Arab Emirates, where he met Lesnykh. According to Kerzhakov, they started talking about a joint business: the deputy suggested that the football player invest money in an oil refinery being built in the Paninsky district of the Voronezh region. With an investment of about 100 million rubles, Kerzhakov was promised to be made a co-owner of the enterprise. Investment of exactly this amount made it possible, as the athlete was assured, to launch the plant in November 2012. In total, the construction of the oil refinery cost 1.5 billion rubles.

The athlete became interested in the project. And already in Russia, Lesnykh introduced Kerzhakov to Mikhail Surin, general director of Modul LLC, which built the plant. Kerzhakov traveled to Voronezh and personally inspected the site where the enterprise would be built. There, according to the athlete, there was even some work going on there, but, as an amateur in this industry, he could hardly assess what exactly was being built there.

Orders for the first payments were given by Kerzhakov to the bank in April 2011 and continued until October 2012. The relationship between Kerzhakov, on the one hand, and Lesnykh, Surin and Evgeny Vanin, who was introduced to the bombardier as ideological inspirer projects, on the other hand, were not legally formalized. “Everything was based on trust and friendship,” says the athlete. And yet, apparently, some doubts arose in his thoughts. Otherwise, he would not have insisted on transferring friendly contacts to the legal plane - consolidating the partnership with an agreement. And then, according to lawyer Reshetnikov, the football player received official documents. Gazprombank manager Bagaev handed over to his client a loan agreement between Kerzhakov and Surin for 105 million rubles. The terms of the agreement can be called not only loyal to the borrower, but unprecedented: no interest and for a period until June 2026.

Source: “” from 03/15/2013

In October 2014, the Kalininsky District Court of St. Petersburg upheld the claim of Alexander Kerzhakov to restrict the parental rights of his ex-wife. Now the ex-wife of the top scorer of the Russian football team, Ekaterina Safronova, will be able to meet with her child only in the presence of ex-husband or its representatives. The court made the repressive decision on the basis of medical documents confirming Safronova’s dependence on “psychoactive substances.”

Legal battles between the Zenit striker and his common-law wife, formerly the official wife of St. Petersburg SKA hockey player Kirill Safronov, Ekaterina, began in the spring of 2014. A disagreement arose in the couple, who had been dating for about two years. According to one version, the cause of the conflict was the female half’s passion for “substances that change the perception of the world,” namely cocaine. The obstacle to a peaceful divorce was their common child. The athlete, despite possible legal difficulties, decided that his son should grow up in healthy conditions. Unable to come to an agreement with his ex-girlfriend, Kerzhakov tried to resolve the issue legally, initiating consideration of several lawsuits in the district court. As a result, in May of this year, the Kalinin court found that the bombardier’s son should live with his father, and already in July, Kerzhakov filed a lawsuit to deprive Safronova of the right to participate in raising the child.

On Friday, the district court of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg considered the application of the Zenit striker, in which he asked to limit Ekaterina Safronova’s parental rights. The meeting was held behind closed doors, at which neither the athlete himself nor his common-law spouse appeared. Moreover, lawyers representing Safronova’s interests were not present at the meeting. According to Kommersant, the process took place without incidents or force majeure. As Kerzhakov’s lawyer Lyubov Duiko told Kommersant, the Kalininsky District Court fully satisfied her client’s application and limited Elena Safronova’s parental rights. According to unofficial data, the court was allowed to make such a decision by the results of a medical examination that revealed Safronova’s dependence on prohibited substances. These data were the main reason for this decision. However, as Ms. Duiko told Kommersant, her client has not created, and does not intend to create, any obstacles for her child to meet his mother. Naturally, subject to compliance with safety requirements. According to Kommersant's information, these requirements include a “clean” drug test and the presence of the football player or his parents at the rendezvous. The attacker's lawyer did not rule out that, since the court decision has not yet entered into legal force, it could be appealed by the other party. Lyubov Duiko refused to disclose the details of the trial, citing the fact that “as required by law, this category of cases must be heard in closed sessions.”

On November 27, 1982, in Kingisepp, Leningrad Region, the future player of Zenit and the national team, Alexander Kerzhakov, was born, who became one of the symbols of the new Russian generation of football players.

Alexander’s love for this game, one might say, was inherited from his father, who himself once played for the Khimik club from Dzerzhinsk. He became his first coach. Convinced of his abilities, his father sent Alexander to sports school"Zenith", and at the age of 11 the boy moved to a boarding school. The conditions in the boarding school in the 90s were the most unpretentious, the pupils got out as best they could.

Perhaps it was then that the makings of a businessman had already begun to form in Alexander, which he was able to discover in himself in parallel with football career. For example, in 1996, Kerzhakov and his comrades received tickets to the golden match between Spartak and Alania from Vladikavkaz. But the guys decided not to go to the game, and instead sold tickets at the stadium before the start of the match. As Alexander says, with the amount received they bought a couple of hot dogs and some other small things. Interestingly, one of the tickets could have gone to the famous football commentator Vasily Utkin, whom our hero mistook for an ordinary fan.

After completing his studies, Kerzhakov went to the LFL club “Svetogorets”, in which he managed to hit the most goals during a preparatory tournament organized by one of the sports media in St. Petersburg. And at the end of 2000, Alexander finally moved to his main football team- “Zenith”. And the first time he wore a club T-shirt was in March 2001 in a match against Rotor Volgograd. And he scored his debut goal three and a half months later - in a principled game with Spartak. And from that moment on, the young football player was unstoppable. At the end of the season, he was included in the list of the best players of the tournament, and a year later he was chosen as the most promising young player in the RFPL. In 2004, he became the top scorer of the championship with 18 goals.

Having proven everything in Russia, Alexander decided to try his hand abroad. Just at this time, representatives of Sevilla approached him. And at the beginning of 2007, Kerzhakov moved to the club from the south of Spain. As part of the Sevillians, Alexander won bronze medals in the Spanish championship, the UEFA Cup and the National Cup. After the new coach took over, Kerzhakov began to play mainly as a substitute until he returned to his homeland in 2008. In total, in 26 games for the Spanish club, he scored 8 goals.

New Russian club For Kerzhakov, Dynamo Moscow becomes, and in games for this club he shows that he is in excellent shape, scoring 12 goals in 24 matches during the 2009 season. He shows this, first of all, to Zenit, which, after winning the UEFA Cup in 2008, becomes a giant not only of Russian, but also of European football. And at the beginning of 2010, the St. Petersburg club and its pupil were reunited. Kerzhakov plays for Zenit and is now a blessing for the club, himself and the fans.

Alexander Kerzhakov, personal life

On June 27, 2015, Sasha married Milana Tyulpanova, the daughter of one of the St. Petersburg senators. This is his second wife. And the first time he tied the knot was back in 2005, when he married a student Maria Golovu. In this relationship, he had a daughter, Daria. Maria and Sasha divorced in 2010. Another child, son Igor, was born to Alexander in 2013 by his common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova.

In July 2014, Alexander Kerzhakov filed a lawsuit against his former common-law wife demanding deprivation of her right to raise their common son. The reason was given as Safronova's drug addiction.

On June 27, 2015, Alexander married the daughter of Senator Vadim Tyulpanov Milana Tyulpanova(born 1993).

Alexander and Milana Kerzhakov with the athlete’s children from previous relationships:

Shortly before leaving for Spain, Alexander became a restaurateur, investing in two new restaurants with Russian cuisine. In addition, at the age of 23, he managed to write an autobiographical book, and most recently played a cameo in the movie “Freaks.”
Of all musical groups, he prefers Leningrad, and of all musical styles, Russian rock.

Watch a lot of football players from all over the world

In general, there were a lot of revelations in yesterday's program. I must admit that they plunged the footballer’s many fans into complete shock. Apparently, Alexander felt this and has already late in the evening, shortly after the release of the program, addressed fans through his Instagram profile.

“I would like to comment on the “Live Broadcast” program on the “Russia 1” channel, which you had the opportunity to watch today. I can't help but do this. And I really hope that all those who doubted have finally made the right conclusions,” wrote the Zenit striker. –

First of all, I want to say that I was forced to agree to the implementation of this, a person can remain silent for a long time, but everything has reasonable limits. I can't stand to watch a woman who lies, primarily about herself, try to convince people otherwise. I cannot put up with the injustice that federal channels broadcast with such enthusiasm.

I am a living person, and I had a family that turned out to be fake, which made me doubt human honesty in principle, because I was ready to spend any money on the health of the person I loved, but all this turned out to be devalued and unnecessary. Therefore, I would like to convey to everyone the following: anything can happen in life, good things happen, bad things happen, I know that for sure. But mistakes will never make you anything fallen people, not at all. On the contrary, they will teach you and help you understand many things in your life. They will show that some people turned out to be weak, that their destiny is to slide further down; others are strong enough to recognize their vices and eradicate them.

You will meet different people, they met me too. In this program, I tried to finally convey my truth to everyone who could be misled, this is important to me. Of course, not everything I said was shown, but the only thing that matters to me is the fact that I had the opportunity to speak out and was heard. I spoke from the heart. In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone not to repeat the mistakes that I made, and to always be honest with yourself, this is very important. We can deceive people, the media, TV channels, relatives, friends - anyone. But no one has ever managed to deceive themselves and God, please remember this.

P.S. With this I would like to end this topic; I do not intend to give any further comments, please understand me. I want to live on, honestly and in conscience, and I want to leave all this dirt in the past,” Kerzhakov said and provided his post with very telling tags: #no drugs #live broadcast #everything secret becomes clear

Russian football player, forward of St. Petersburg Zenit and the Russian national team Alexander Anatolyevich Kerzhakov was born on November 27, 1982 in the city of Kingisepp, Leningrad Region.

His father Anatoly Kerzhakov played football for the second league team “Khimik” (Dzerzhinsk) - he became Alexander’s first coach.

At the age of 11, Alexander Kerzhakov entered the Zenit Children's Sports School in St. Petersburg, where he trained under the guidance of Sergei Romanov. After graduating from school, Kerzhakov played as a striker for the amateur team “Svetogorets” (Svetogorsk), led by Vladimir Kazachenok, the former head teacher of the Zenit school.

In 2000, Kerzhakov was recognized as the best striker of the pre-season tournament for the prizes of the St. Petersburg sports newspaper "Northern Forum". In the same year, on the recommendation of Kazachenko Main coach football club Zenit Yuri Morozov invited Alexander Kerzhakov to the team.

On March 10, 2001, Kerzhakov took to the field for the first time in the first team of Zenit - in the 1st round match of the Russian Championship against Rotor (Volgograd).

In 2004, the football player with 18 goals scored became the top scorer of the Russian championship.

In 2006, Alexander Kerzhakov. His transfer, according to Spanish media, amounted to 5 million euros.

As part of the Spanish team, Kerzhakov won the UEFA Cup of the 2006/07 season, as well as the Spanish Cup and Super Cup.

As part of the Moscow club, Kerzhakov regularly fought for first place in the Russian scorer ratings.

On January 16, 2010, the football player returned to Zenit St. Petersburg; On August 17, 2012, Kerzhakov extended his contract with the club for four years with the option of extending for another year. According to the agreement, Alexander Kerzhakov will continue to play for the club until the end of the 2015/16 season.

November 11, 2012 match of the 15th round of the Russian championship against Volga ( Nizhny Novgorod) became the 300th for the Blue-White-Blues striker Alexander Kerzhakov as part of the St. Petersburg club.

In total, in 300 matches for FC Zenit, Kerzhakov scored 146 goals and is the top scorer in the history of the club. In terms of the number of matches played for the team, the footballer ranks 15th in the ranking, behind the absolute record holder of Zenit, Anatoly Davydov, with 156 games.

Among Zenit fans, Alexander Kerzhakov received the nickname Kerzh. The footballer’s second nickname was the abbreviation BBBB, based on the first letters of his unique motto: “I beat, I beat and I’ll beat!” At the end of 2002, an autobiographical book by Alexander Kerzhakov entitled “Up to 16 and Over” was published in St. Petersburg.

In 2005-2006, Kerzhakov, in parallel with his football career, was engaged in the restaurant business - he opened two cafes of Russian cuisine in St. Petersburg under the same name “Lukomorye”. Having left to play for the Spanish Seville, the football player handed over the business to his parents and partners.

In 2006, Alexander Kerzhakov graduated from Lesgaft University (St. Petersburg), and in 2010 he entered the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics (INZHEKON).

In 2012, during the presidential election campaign in Russia, Alexander Kerzhakov and presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

Alexander Kerzhakov - Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2007), winner of the Russian Super Cup (2011), champion of Russia 2011/12 season; second on the list of best Russian bombers; is a member of the “100 Club” of Russian scorers, established by the newspaper “Sport-Express”, Grigory Fedotov’s club (includes players who scored more than 100 goals in their career), Igor Netto’s club (for players who played more than 50 matches for the Russian national team).

In 2012, Forbes magazine placed Alexander Kerzhakov in 11th place in the ranking of the highest paid athletes in Russia, estimating the footballer’s fortune at $5.5 million.

In February 2005, Kerzhakov married Maria Golova, a student at the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. Soon a daughter, Daria, was born into the family. According to some media reports, in 2010, Alexander Kerzhakov and Maria Golova divorced.

Alexander Kerzhakov’s younger brother Mikhail is also a professional football player, plays as a goalkeeper in the Volga team (Nizhny Novgorod).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources