Casein: composition, benefits, recommendations for use. how to choose good casein? Casein is a night shift worker for your muscles. Is it worth taking “slow” protein, all the pros and cons? Why casein protein?

Casein protein is considered one of the most valuable high-protein sports products. At the same time, it is the best in its category of slow proteins. But in order for the supplement to fulfill its purpose, it is important to understand why it is needed, how it works and how to take casein correctly.

Casein protein is a sports nutrition protein supplement obtained by enzymatic coagulation of milk. It belongs to the category of slow ones, because when it enters the stomach, it does not begin immediate complete absorption, but forms a dense clot that is absorbed from 8 to 12 (micellar) hours. It becomes clear why you should drink casein, because its slow absorption capacity allows it to provide the body with all the necessary amino acids for a long time. And although they cannot replace fast protein, this product is indispensable for supporting muscle mass in the absence of the ability to maintain the amino acid pool for a long time, in particular at night when a person is sleeping.

Casein protein performs the following functions:

  • Nourishes muscles for 8-12 hours, which allows you not to worry about restoring and protecting them from catabolism during sleep, as well as during the day, in between meals.
  • Slows down the absorption of other types of protein.
  • Renders anabolic effect.
  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Suppresses appetite, without harm to health.

In fact, drinking casein protein for gaining muscle mass is less preferable than fast whey protein. It will not be able to provide rapid amino concentration in the muscles in the right quantities when needed and suppresses appetite, thereby disrupting a high-calorie diet. But even with this program, one of the main, primary tasks is to preserve tissues and fibers from the negative effects of cortisol and the catabolic reaction.

If we talk about When is the best time to take casein?- this is during the period of night rest, and it is also very convenient at a time when it is not possible for a long time to eat normally and satisfy the protein needs of the body.

During the day or half an hour before bedtime, when gaining weight, you need to drink 30-45 grams of casein.

How to drink casein for weight loss

Suppressing appetite with a low-calorie diet while losing weight, without harm to the body, is a very important task in weight loss. And casein copes with it successfully. Moreover, what is important, it also provides the body with all the necessary amino acids during the dietary period.

When losing weight, you need to drink casein in portions of 15-20 grams instead of 1-2 meals(optional), before training and at the full dosage of 30 grams at night. However, in the morning and after training, you should not replace fast protein with it.

Special instructions when taking casein

  • Depending on the presence or absence of a special diet, Protein can be dissolved in any liquid- milk, water, juice, compote and so on.
  • You can combine casein with any sports nutrition, however, despite its thermogenic properties, natural for protein, it is less effective in this regard as whey. Therefore, combination with thermogenic drugs is only relevant in complex mixtures.
  • Casein is a harmless product, however, in some cases, individual intolerance to this additive still occurs. Before use, you should still read the contraindications.
  • Although it can replace 1-2 meals, you still cannot refuse your usual diet while taking it. Standard food should account for at least 50% of protein consumed per day.

Answers on questions

Can I drink casein protein after a workout?

Casein protein after exercise is advisable only as part of complex mixtures. However, before training, an hour or two, you can drink it to preserve the amino acid pool for the entire period of activity.

Should you drink casein on rest days?

Among the existing types of protein, casein protein is the most widely used in bodybuilding. It is a multicomponent protein. It is obtained through the process of enzymatic curdling of milk. This protein, unlike others, ensures the supply of amino acids to the athlete’s body over a long period. This is due to the fact that casein, entering the stomach, forms a clot, whichqIt takes quite a long time to digest.

Taking casein protein slows down the digestion of other proteins and leads to appetite suppression. It, unlike other types of protein, has a much higher anabolic effect. However, given that it provides long-term nutrition of muscle tissue with amino acids, bodybuilders usually take it immediately before bed.

Casein demonstrates much less effectiveness in increasing mass than other types. Its use for muscle gain is advisable when the athlete has a decent amount of whey protein.

Gaining weight with casein requires choosing the right time to take it. It is best to drink this type of protein at night. This helps slow down the rate of catabolic processes and protects muscles from the influence of cortisol, called the stress hormone.

Eight hours spent sleeping implies a lack of nutrition, which entails a slowdown in anabolic processes. The use of casein allows you to provide good anti-catabolic protection for this period of time. Whey protein is best consumed during the daytime.

Casein protein copes well with the feeling of hunger. It allows you to preserve muscle mass during the drying period. To reduce subcutaneous fat without losing muscle, it is recommended to take casein 60 minutes before bed, and whey protein during the day.

Athletes who want to lose weight are recommended to drink casein protein two to four times a day - in the morning, before training, between meals, 60 minutes before bedtime. The advantage of this protein is that it becomes an excellent replacement for egg and whey if the athlete suffers from individual intolerance to these proteins.

How to take casein correctly?

The one-time consumption rate of casein protein ranges from 30 to 40 grams. It is diluted in milk, juice, and plain water. Diluted casein has a curd-like flavor that can be varied. To sweeten the cocktail, cocoa, fruit, and jam are added to it. It is most convenient to prepare the mixture in a mixer or shaker.

It is not recommended to consume more than 40 grams of casein at a time. Exceeding the optimal dosage can cause stomach upset. Casein may cause individual intolerance. It manifests itself as diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, and digestive problems. If an allergy manifests itself, you should switch to a different type of protein.

You should purchase the supplement from well-known manufacturing companies that value their reputation. It is permissible to buy casein from a less popular company only in cases where the results of laboratory tests are attached to the protein. It is more profitable to take a pure product rather than a mixture of proteins.

Benefits and possible side effects

Consumption of casein increases muscle mass and increases strength. This supplement becomes an excellent source of protein when an athlete is allergic to whey or egg protein.

Casein protein helps preserve muscle tissue during the drying period and helps in the process of losing weight. It is well absorbed and digested, excellent for dietary nutrition. This protein contains almost all amino acids, except glycol, which is synthesized in the body and is easily replaceable.

The simplicity of the technology for producing casein has led to the fact that this protein is produced by many companies, not all of which, unfortunately, produce a high-quality product. This imposes certain requirements for the purchase of this supplement. You should not purchase products from an unknown company about which there is practically no information.

Casein protein does not have any negative effects on the body. Side effects occur if the dosage is not observed. If you systematically abuse protein, its excess will negatively affect the liver and kidneys. It is enough for an athlete to consume from 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight per day to ensure growth and progress from training. Professionals who use pharmacology require twice as much protein.

The leader among additives is considered Gold Standard 100% Casein. This is a complex produced by Optimum Nutrition, one compartment of which contains 34 grams of protein, 24 of which are pure casein. This product is a leader among analogues; it is a valuable source of protein that suppresses catabolism and stimulates muscle growth.

The second line is occupied Elite Casein, produced by Dymatize, containing 24 grams of protein per serving. The complex is a protein of the highest quality, which allows the athlete’s body to be provided with all the necessary amino acids and helps the athlete achieve the desired muscle growth.

The top three is completed by Casein, produced by the company MusclePharm. The amount of protein in the product is 80%. It helps stimulate muscle growth and demonstrates high effectiveness in combating the process of night catabolism. Enzymes and pribiotics included in the product help improve protein absorption.

In fourth place is Casein Pro, produced Universal Nutrition, presented for sale in vanilla, cookie-cream, and chocolate flavors. The basis of the complex is the purest micellar casein. The amount of protein per serving is 24 grams. Taking it allows you to maintain your own anabolic environment.

An honorable fifth place goes to MRM 100%. This is micellar casein, characterized by a gradual and slow absorption process and a unique composition of amino acids. It has an excellent anti-catabolic effect. The ease of absorption of the product is ensured by the biologically active enzymes contained in the supplement.

Reviews from athletes about taking casein protein

Bodybuilders, as a rule, speak extremely positively about this type of protein. Athletes who choose casein from proven and well-established companies receive a truly high-quality and effective product.

There are negative reviews, but they are few in number, left by athletes who purchased low-quality protein products from a manufacturer with a corresponding reputation. Casein, according to reviews, does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is easily digested and absorbed 100%.

Judging by the discussions about the timing of protein intake, consuming it at night allows you to get a more pronounced effect than during the day.


How does casein protein differ from other types of protein supplements? A competent scheme for its application. Useful tips.

Many athletes are well aware of the amazing properties of casein and its ability to nourish the body with beneficial amino acids for a long time. But, unfortunately, not everyone has information on how to take casein protein correctly. In this article we will consider recommendations that relate to this issue.

What it is?

First, let's figure out what casein is and what it is eaten with. In its structure, it is a complex protein that is found in cow's milk and makes up almost 85% of this product. To obtain powder from such a useful liquid, the ultrafiltration (special processing) technique is used. The result is a composition that is beneficial to the body, has a unique composition and is able to provide us with all the necessary amino acids.

Casein is a slow-moving type of protein, which, after entering the stomach, forms a certain clot, which requires the body much more time to digest. The advantage is that by taking the supplement once, you can provide the body with building material for 5-7 hours. This property of casein works well at night, when we leave the muscles for almost 8-9 hours without food.

Time to take the supplement

  • 1-2 hours before the start of classes. This option of taking casein is good for high-quality preparation of the body to accept loads. In particular, already 30-40 minutes after the cocktail enters the stomach, the muscles begin to receive gradual replenishment. As a result, during and after completion of the training process the body will receive all the necessary material for development and growth;
  • 1-2 hours after classes. Training depletes the body and forces it to consume all its useful elements. To make up for the deficiency, you need to drink a portion of slow protein after getting exercise. The ideal option is to take fast bcaa amino acids immediately after training, and casein a few hours later. In this case, you immediately provide the body with amino acids and guarantee their supply for another 7-8 hours;
  • for the night. Many of us go to bed on an empty stomach. In addition to everything, sleep lasts another 8-9 hours. In such a situation, the body has nowhere to draw energy from, and it begins to break down its own muscles to obtain fuel. To eliminate these processes, it is advisable to drink casein before bed. In this case, muscle cells and organs will receive all the necessary nutrition during sleep. In addition, do not forget one more truth - muscles grow during rest. If you give them the necessary building material, the result will be magnificent.

Cooking rules

If you decide to drink casein, you must know exactly how to properly prepare the product. Here you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • We can use anything as a liquid. This could be water or, for example, milk. The total amount of liquid may vary. A lot depends on mass, muscle development and energy levels;
  • Cook the cocktail until the lumps are completely broken. At the same time, try not to leave the already prepared product “for later”. It is advisable to take the casein product immediately after preparation - this will be much more effective;
  • a single dosage is usually about 30-45 grams (on average 1-2 spoons). This volume is enough to supply the body with amino acids for 7-8 hours.

Remember your goals

According to experienced athletes, casein can help solve various problems. At the same time, the nuances of its administration may vary (depending on the goals set). Here it is worth highlighting the following areas:

  1. Gaining muscle mass. If you set yourself the goal of increasing muscle gain and adding intensity to the training process, then it is advisable to consume a casein shake before going to bed. The dosage in this case should be about 30 grams of product per 220-250 g of water or milk. In addition to the “nightly” dose, it is advisable to take the supplement between main meals. But that's not all. You can increase the effectiveness of your training by taking casein 1-2 hours before the start of training (we have already mentioned this above). Many beginners make the mistake of taking casein protein immediately after finishing their workouts. It is not right. The main disadvantage of casein is the slow rate of absorption and an extremely “inhibited” response from intake. Therefore, immediately after receiving loads, it is better to give preference to faster proteins, for example, the same bcaa, hydrolysates or whey protein isolates. Only after a few hours can you drink casein.
  2. Losing weight. Casein is often recommended as one of the most effective means of reducing body fat. This is true, but the approach taken will vary greatly. In particular, for high-quality development of relief or weight loss, it is enough to take the supplement only twice a day. One dose should be between meals, and the second before going to bed. The best dosage in this case is 33-35 grams. The volume of liquid (milk or water) is 220-250 grams. Please note that when mixing casein powder with milk, the total calorie content of the shake will increase.

Prices and where to buy casein


Proper intake of casein is an opportunity to speed up the process of achieving your goal. Don’t think that just going to the gym and the muscles will grow on their own is not true. The body needs good nutrition and a regular supply of necessary materials. If food is not enough, then it is advisable to take additional supplements, for example, casein.

– one of the most common proteins in bodybuilding, a multi-component protein that is the result of enzymatic curdling of milk. Casein takes longer to digest than all other types of protein; when it enters the stomach, a clot is formed from it, which takes a long time to digest and provides the athlete’s body with amino acids for a long time. Casein protein also tends to slow down the digestion of other types of protein and suppress appetite. Compared to other proteins, casein has a slight anabolic effect, but its advantage is the long-term supply of amino acids to the muscles, so athletes often take it before bed.

Casein for weight gain

Casein will be less effective at gaining muscle mass than other types of protein, so purchasing this type will be wise if you have a sufficient amount of whey protein (preferred for mass gain). If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then it is best to take casein protein at night, this way you will slow down the catabolic processes and protect your muscles from the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. While you sleep, you will go 8 hours without food, anabolic processes will slow down, so you need strong anti-catabolic protection. It is more effective to take whey protein during the day.

Using casein protein for weight loss

Take casein protein if your goal is to eliminate hunger. Casein when cut is a means of preserving muscles. If you want to maintain muscle mass but reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, then taking whey protein during the day and casein an hour before bed will be most effective. When losing weight, it is recommended to take casein protein 2-4 times a day - in the morning, before training, between meals and an hour before bedtime. It is very important for those athletes who are allergic to whey or egg protein.

How to take casein protein

It is recommended to take 30-40g of casein at a time (you need to dissolve it in water, milk or juice). Regular casein without sweeteners will have a curd-like taste; you can diversify it by adding fruit, jam or cocoa to your cocktail. For preparation you should use a shaker or mixer.

It is best to buy casein protein from well-known manufacturers who value their reputation. You can also buy casein from not very popular sports nutrition companies if they provide laboratory results of their products. Some manufacturers produce mixed protein mixtures with different protein sources; most of these supplements are sold at an inflated price; casein is more profitable to buy separately.

Do not take more than 40g of casein protein at one time. Eating this protein in large quantities may cause stomach upset. Some people may be allergic to casein; signs of an allergy may include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems; athletes with allergies are better off using other types of protein.

Casein protein helps athletes grow muscle mass and improve strength. It is especially useful for those people who are allergic to whey or egg protein. Casein is also useful for weight loss, it suppresses appetite and helps maintain muscles during drying. It is easily digested and absorbed, so it is very often used in dietary nutrition. This protein is highly valued because of its almost complete spectrum of amino acids; casein is able to satisfy all the needs of the body and muscle tissue of an athlete; it lacks only one amino acid - glycol, which is replaceable and is perfectly synthesized by the body.

Making casein is not a complicated process, and therefore many companies produce this protein, which is not always of high quality. It is worth buying such sports complexes from companies with many years of experience and a well-deserved reputation. Casein protein, like any other protein, is not harmful in itself, but some athletes may take it in too large doses. If you do not follow all recommendations for the use of products, then you risk ruining your health - the kidneys and liver will suffer from excess protein. It is worth remembering that a natural athlete needs 1.5-2g of protein per 1 kg of weight for growth and progression; professional athletes who take additional pharmacology consume 3-4g of protein.

In 5th place micellar casein located MRM 100%- a protein of slow and gradual absorption, has a unique amino acid composition and has an excellent anti-catabolic effect. The supplement contains biologically active enzymes that help the athlete’s body effectively digest and absorb amino acids.

Fourth place ranked among the best casein proteins Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition, this supplement is sold in 3 flavors - vanilla, chocolate and cookies-cream. This complex consists of the purest micellar casein; one serving of the supplement contains 24 grams of protein. Taking this protein helps maintain an anabolic environment in the body.

In third place is Casein from MusclePharm., which is 80% protein. Excellent at stimulating muscle growth, most effective for combating catabolism at night. The supplement includes a complex of enzymes and probiotics that help better absorb the product.

Honorary second place occupied the complex Elite Casein by Dymatize, which contains 24g of protein per serving of the product. Dymatize Casein is a high-quality protein that is an excellent source of amino acids and will help you build the muscle mass you want.

Leader in Supplements complex recognized Gold Standard 100% Casein from an American manufacturer Optimum Nutrition. One scoop contains 34 grams of protein, of which 24 grams are pure casein. ON is one of the best casein proteins on the sports supplement market and is a good source of protein for inhibiting catabolism and promoting muscle growth.

On the shelves of sports nutrition stores, you can find many nutritional supplements. The most popular and well-known of them is proteins.

Casein is a type of protein, and casein concentrate is a type of protein mixture. Why is casein needed? Yes, in the same way as other types of protein shakes: to enrich the athlete’s diet with protein. So, the main benefit of casein is supplying the body with building materials (protein and amino acids).

The use of casein in bodybuilding

In general, casein is used not only in sports: casein glue is very famous. However, we are still interested in the use of casein in sports, in particular in bodybuilding. It is used both when working with mass and during drying. Below we will look at the differences in casein consumption patterns for various tasks.

Using casein for weight loss

Casein protein is a dietary source of protein, making it an excellent product during weight loss or cutting. Its low calorie content allows you to actively use it to gain the required amount of protein in your diet, without fear of taking in a bunch of fats and carbohydrates along the way.

Protein is vital for the functioning of the body: it is needed for building muscles, and for the growth of nails and hair, as well as for maintaining muscle mass (protecting muscles from breakdown during a diet).

When losing weight, it is better to prepare a casein shake based on water (to reduce the number of carbohydrates in the mixture). Also, it is worth dividing the dosage into small portions and consuming throughout the day.

In addition, casein takes a long time to digest, which gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which is important when losing weight.

Using casein to gain muscle mass

When gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to combine different types of protein: each of them has its own characteristics. Casein protein is absorbed for a long time (about 8 hours), which allows it to nourish the body during night sleep, as well as protect it from catabolism.