Dwarf pony. Pony horse breeds. Riding ponies of Great Britain

Horses are distinguished from all other domestic animals by their special stature and nobility, but there is an exception - the pony. Horses are quite miniature and evoke not awe, but tenderness and a desire to caress and stroke them. They are children's favorites, and adults cannot remain indifferent to their charm. Such pets are the dream of many, although keeping them, of course, is more difficult than dogs, cats and even livestock.

A pony can always be distinguished from the standard version due to its small height, which can range from 100 to 150 cm. It is thanks to this feature that the animals got their name: in English “ponaidh” - translated as “small horse”. However, such babies require full care, and therefore the decision to have one of them in your household should be conscious and responsible.

Both regular and miniature horses have the same common ancestor - Equus ferus caballus. This wild subspecies in turn descended from the oldest prehistoric species of Solutre, evidence of which was discovered by archaeologists in the south of France. And it was in this country, according to scientists, that ponies first appeared modern look. Today, the Camargue nature reserve (an island in the Rhone River delta) is organized on its territory - the habitat of wild mini-horses.

Another possible homeland for ponies is the northern regions of Scandinavia and the western European islands. Only sparse vegetation survives on the local rocky soils, so horses on such a poor diet naturally shredded during evolution. Climate features forced animals to adapt to unfavorable weather and cold, which resulted in the appearance of short, hardy and unpretentious species. Today, ponies are bred all over the world, in the same areas where ordinary horses are.

Exterior and characteristic features

Mini-horses have an even and calm character, which is why they are often purchased as pets for children. Ponies are not as demanding to care for as tall species, although they still require attention. Their appearance is subject to different standards, but this does not mean that they are less beautiful than horses and trotters.

The dense and strong figure of small horses is the result of exposure to their natural habitat. A small body needs less food to maintain vital functions; short stature provides stability and protection from strong winds. In addition, it is easier for short ponies to reach the stunted grass of northern pastures. Strong legs Animals with hard hooves use them to dig up edible roots. Dense and fluffy wool helps protect against frost. Ponies are also distinguished by a thick and long mane, which turns into bangs in front.

The weight of animals can be 100-200 kg. Growth standards for mini horses in different countries are different. In Russia, ponies include individuals up to 110 cm in height, in Germany - up to 120 cm in height, in Great Britain - up to 145 cm. In general, the international classification distinguishes five types by height: “A” - 110-117 centimeters; “B” - up to 127 centimeters; “C” - up to 137 centimeters; “D” - up to 148 centimeters; "E" - up to 157 centimeters.

Existing pony breeds

In total, approximately 20 varieties are known miniature horses. About a dozen were brought to Russia, some of them have gained particular popularity and are most often used for breeding at domestic stud farms and farms.

Table 1. Popular pony breeds


An original breed of Wales, which was used in this country for carrying heavy loads. These horses have been known since ancient times, but after the Romans appeared in these places, they began to be crossed with Arabian horses, as a result of which the appearance of the ponies underwent changes. In a modern interpretation, they can have a height of 122 to 147 cm, the largest are used for riding and harnessing. The animals have a large body with a graceful head, muscular legs, small ears and bright eyes. The color can be different, but most often it is monochromatic - red, bay, dun. The Welsh have a calm and easy-going character, but they are artistic and often perform in various shows.

Originally from the Shetland Islands (north-eastern part of Scotland). It is believed that the ancestors of this breed appeared in these places around 2 thousand years BC. This is one of the oldest species. Horses are very miniature and most often have a height of even less than 110 cm. They are very good-natured and easy to care for, most often kept as pets for children.

The breed comes from the heart of Scotland - the Highlands. It appeared as a result of crossing local ancestral mini-horses with Arabian, Spanish and English varieties. The influx of someone else's blood was reflected in an increase in endurance, strength and mobility. This is one of the most hardened types of ponies. Height can vary from 100 to 140 cm. In ancient times, such horses were used for heavy work, and today they are bred mainly for entertainment: they are given to tourists for walks in the mountains, exhibited to participate in races and competitions, and harnessed to carts for children to ride.

A fairly tall variety - up to 150 cm at the withers. It is bred in Asia, America, Great Britain and other countries where equestrian polo culture exists. This is the game that this breed is used for. For her, such indicators as reaction speed, running speed, strength and high intelligence are important. Such horses are specially trained and trained, starting from the age of 3.

A British heritage breed that has retained the features of its prehistoric ancestors, in particular the special shape of the jaws. These ponies most often grow to 120-130 cm. A distinctive feature is the “toad-like” swollen eyelids on the eyes.

Representatives of the breed have ancestors of Norwegian horses, which were brought to Iceland by the Vikings in the 8th century. Due to a series of uncontrolled crossings, the quality of the species deteriorated, so a ban was imposed on mixing genes with other varieties. After many centuries of such peculiar isolation, the Icelandic breed is considered the purest “by blood”. The height of ponies varies between 123-142 cm. They willingly eat not only plant foods, but also fish. They are amenable to training, capable of mastering different types of gaits, lofts and ambling.

Particularly miniature horses, whose height usually does not exceed 88-90 cm, but individual individuals can have a height of only 40-50 cm. The weight of the animal is 30-70 kg. The physique is harmonious and attractive in appearance: the legs are thin and graceful, the head is small, the chest is high, the croup is toned. These ponies resemble miniature Arabian horses.

Features of maintenance and care

Mini-horses are cute and funny, but before getting such a pet, you should soberly assess your capabilities. To maintain it, you need to create special conditions; in addition, you will have to spend money on veterinarian services, care equipment, and food. Ponies are long-lived, their average age is 40-45 years, so you will have to take care of the animal for a long time. You should purchase a pony from trusted breeders; the cost of one individual cannot be less than 60-80 thousand rubles.

Ponies love open space and need active exercise to feel good. Therefore, in addition to a walking area, it is necessary to provide animals with the opportunity to go to pasture. The room for permanent residence must be clean and dry, and drafts are not allowed. A comfortable temperature is maintained in the stable, for which the walls and floor must be insulated. If we are talking about northern latitudes with severe frosts, then it is recommended to install steam heating in the barn. On particularly cold days, animals are covered with blankets.

Ponies do not suffer from fleas, so they do not require special treatment. But they still need to be combed regularly, although not very often. The procedure is especially relevant during the spring molting period, when the winter undercoat changes. Special brushes and scrapers are used to comb and clean the wool from dirt.

Hoof care

Every month it is necessary to carefully examine your pet’s legs, and this should also be done if the mini-horse begins to behave atypically: nervous, reluctant to move, trying to lie down, showing that it is in pain. It is best to check the condition of the hooves every time the pony returns from an outdoor ride, or after a riding session. If the animal often walks on rocky ground or asphalt and carries a rider, then it needs to be shod.

Without proper care, the hooves crack and the horn plate grows uneven and begins to get in the way. Sometimes pebbles or other sharp objects get stuck in it, which can cause the pony to go lame. The main thing is to notice the defect in time so that the stone fragment does not penetrate deeper. To remove the foreign object, a special hoof hook is used. To prevent cracking, their surface is lubricated with special oils and compounds designed specifically for this purpose.

How to care for pony hooves: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. After each walk, the pony's hooves must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, clay or other contaminants. During the process, each hoof is inspected for damage.

Important – the use of sharp objects is prohibited so as not to damage the glaze on the pony’s hooves!

Step 3. Wash the pony's leg, wiping it thoroughly dry. This procedure is necessary in order to protect the horse’s hooves from inflammation, but you need to understand that washing the animal’s hooves and the leg itself (up to the brush) is only possible at above-zero temperatures. In the cold, a pony with wet feet will get sick!

Bathing miniature horses

You don't need to wash your pony often, but sometimes you still can't do without it. Usually the dirt from the skin is cleaned with special brushes, but in hot weather, when the animals sweat a lot, they can be pampered with a refreshing bath or shower. After bathing, the coat of mini-horses becomes shiny and beautiful; abundant moisture does not harm it at all. And animals really like water treatments. You can take them to a lake or river, but dousing them with warm water in the yard is also a suitable option.

Horse shampoos, scrapers and sponges are used to wash ponies. You need to soap your pet carefully so that the composition does not get into the eyes and ears. You don’t have to touch the head at all, just pour clean water over it and wipe it with a sponge. Apply the shampoo according to hair growth, lightly scrub the skin to collect foam, wipe with a sponge and rinse with warm water. Then the mane and tail are washed separately. Water is collected from the body with a scraper, after which the pony is dried with a towel or old sheet.

What to feed

Since the origin of ponies is associated with the influence of harsh natural conditions, they are genetically unpretentious in food. Theoretically, they can exist on pasture alone, but a meager diet is unlikely to please domestic animals. It is in the wild that they have no choice, but next to humans they have the right to count on the inclusion of all sorts of goodies on the menu.

In the pasture, mini-horses get their own grass, although they ignore weeds and harmful plants. In winter, they must be given hay, which should be prepared in advance. You also need to include oats and mixed feed in the diet, but their share should be moderate: too much can cause an upset stomach in the animal.

To pamper your home pony, you should stock up on apples, pumpkins, carrots, and potatoes. Bread and sugar are not recommended.

The ponies are fed in small portions - their stomach is small and overeating can greatly harm the animal. Drinking water must be clean and fresh, so it is regularly changed in drinking bowls, and the containers themselves are washed every day.

Where and how to use ponies

Breeding ponies can be a source of profit for a farmer. And keeping hardy mini-horses on the farm is very beneficial, not only as entertainment for children. Animals can be rented out to tourists who want to ride. They are also often used for the emotional and physical rehabilitation of people. Communication with cute and affectionate animals has a beneficial effect on the psychological state, and horse riding has long been known as an excellent means of rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy and patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In Europe, ponies are even used as guides for the blind.

There are also activities for mini-horses on the farm. They can be used for transporting goods, plowing fields, and traveling short distances. In general, they successfully cope with all the work that is entrusted to ordinary horses.


Short ponies differ from their counterparts not only in height, but also in their unpretentiousness, endurance and invariably affectionate character. That is why they remain favorites of children of all ages, but adults cannot remain indifferent to them. These animals can be bred not only as fun pets, but also for use in agricultural work. They do an excellent job of transporting goods and passengers. There are no particular difficulties in keeping ponies, and they live for a very long time. A couple of dozen breeds of mini-horses have become widespread around the world, of which about ten are in Russia.

Video - Mini horse ponies

The pony or small horse is a subspecies of the domestic horse. These are unpretentious, strong, short and shaggy horses. It is assumed that they appeared in areas with rocky soils in Scandinavia, on the islands of Europe, and in the southern regions of France. They were subsequently domesticated. Today there are approximately 20 breeds, some of which originated from wild horses, and some by crossing with domestic horses.


According to the official definition, a pony is a horse whose height at the withers is below 147 cm. The International Equestrian Federation defines the maximum height for a small horse as 151 cm. There is also a classification by country. In Germany, for example, the maximum height is 120 cm, and in Great Britain 147 cm. Small horses have been used for centuries to transport goods and for recreation for children on horses. During the Industrial Revolution, these animals were used in mines to pull carts of coal.

Small horses are considered intelligent and friendly. At the same time, they can be stubborn and cunning. Not only children, but also adults can ride them, as the animals are strong for their size. Many horse breeds can be classified as both horses and ponies. In some cases, the latter determination is based on ancestry and phenotype or tradition, regardless of height.

Characteristics and breeds

All breeds are very hardy and strong. They are low maintenance and have a smaller diet than regular sized horses. They consume half as much hay, and may not need grain at all. At the same time, small horses are vulnerable to diseases such as laminitis, Cushing's syndrome and have problems with hyperlipidemia. But their life expectancy is higher than that of horses and is 45-52 years.

A notable breed is the Shetland pony. Its height at the withers is 70-110 cm. The legs are thick and short, the head is large, the coat is thick and long, the mane is lush. These animals are now used for children's riding all over the world.

In addition, you can name the Scottish, Welsh, Icelandic, Polo, Exmoor ponies. The Scottish breed has a height at the withers of 122-132 cm, and received its name from its place of origin. The Welsh breed has been known since ancient times. Its height reaches 110-122 cm. The Exmoor breed has always performed draft functions. The height at the withers is 115-125 cm. The Icelandic breed with a height of 100-135 cm is bred in Iceland. Polo is intended for riding. These are the highest horses. They are used for sporting events.

Small horses are often classified by size as small, medium or large. Small sizes up to 130 cm, medium up to 140 cm, and larger sizes above. The smallest ponies are called miniature horses. Their height at the withers is no more than 97 cm. There are special pony clubs in different countries. For example, in the USA, members of such clubs are people under 25 years of age. At the same time, they ride horses, the size of which is sometimes not inferior to the size of horses.

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Concluding our short review on the topic of horses and their place in modern peasant farming, I could not ignore another representative of them - pony. Most people nowadays perceive these miniature horses as funny decorative animals that do not have any practical use. There is an opinion that the main purpose of ponies is the entertainment business (participation in circus and show programs, rides for children and adults, presence as an exotic character in film and photography, etc.). This is both true and false.

There are ponies living in the wild, which are a subspecies of horses characterized by their small stature, endurance and unpretentiousness. Their ancestors are wild horses ( Equus ferus caballus). These ponies were formed over a long period of time naturally, living in areas with harsh climatic conditions and limited food resources, as well as as a result of performing hard work. In addition, there are dwarf horses bred by humans for decorative purposes. Today, about twenty breeds of such mini-horses are known.

The smallest of them is the breed falabella, bred in the 19th century through long-term selection. Representatives of this breed retain the same proportions as riding horses, but the height of adult animals is 40–75 cm at the withers, and their weight reaches only 20–60 kg. With such physical characteristics They have no practical use, so they often serve as a companion animal, especially since such a horse lives for 40 - 45 years! The animals are very smart and easy to train. They are sometimes used as guide animals for the blind.

A striking representative of real ponies is one of the oldest breeds - shetland pony. This is the most common breed throughout the world, as well as the strongest and most resilient. It was formed about two thousand years ago in the north of Scotland (Shetland Islands), in conditions of a damp, cold climate and poor nutrition. Since the beginning of the domestication of Shetland ponies, they were used for ordinary rural work, transporting peat and various goods, and then for heavy work in coal mines. Each year, each horse traveled about 4,500 km underground and brought more than 3,000 tons of coal and rock to the surface. As a result of the influence of specific climate conditions and the peculiarities of the use of animals, the characteristic appearance of the Shetland pony has developed. The description of the animal looks like this: it is a long-haired, undersized horse of the draft type, of rough constitution, with a massive head and thick short legs. The body of the Shetland pony is short and very muscular, which allows the animal to transport a rider or a load weighing 30–40% of its own without harm to the health. Shetland ponies weigh about 200 kg, and the height at the withers is 65 - 107 cm. The color can be any, but bay, black, and piebald are more common. These horses are very kind and easy to train. Often used as children's riding ponies. Life expectancy, like that of large horses, is limited to 25–30 years.

Breed fell formed in northern England, and has been known since the Roman occupation of Britain. At that time, these small horses were used for transportation building materials and products. Later, after the Roman retreat, Fell ponies were very popular among poor Englishmen who could not afford to keep a large horse. Fell ponies are very hardy and undemanding to the quality of food. In the twentieth century, the breed was almost lost due to the decline in its role in the transportation of goods. The height of these animals reaches 142 cm, and their weight can be about 350 kg. Fell ponies are also used as riding horses. They are capable of developing the same speed as their tall relatives. They are distinguished by speed, stability and endurance. They have a light, energetic step, a playful trot and good gaits, making the animals very convenient for horseback riding. Nowadays, Fells are popular as show jumping horses and are used for training young riders, as they have a smooth and comfortable ride. The animals are distinguished by their easy-going disposition, energetic temperament, hard work, and are very unpretentious to their living conditions. The fell pony's mane is very fluffy and silky, and above the hooves there is a thick fringe of long hair. The most common ponies are bay, black, brown, and less often - gray.

Welsh or Welsh pony formed on the rocky plateaus of northern Wales in the 15th century BC. During the reign of the Roman Empire, the breed was crossed with eastern horses, and after the return of the crusader knights from the Middle East, the blood of Arabian horses began to flow into the Welsh ponies. All these events were reflected in their appearance: the animals acquired more refined, graceful features and a characteristic “Arabian” profile, while maintaining their short stature and unique characteristics of the breed. Welsh dogs are in particular demand among breeders, as they combine well with representatives of other breeds and pass on their best qualities by inheritance.

The Welsh pony breed combines four intra-breed types: type A (height up to 122 cm) - they are used for riding children, they are very obedient; type B (height at the withers up to 137 cm) – very playful at the trot, therefore they often participate in races on a par with large horses; type C (height from 137 cm) - have a large admixture of Arab blood and are used both for horse racing and in light harnesses; type D - these are essentially not ponies, their growth is not limited, they are created by crossing with ordinary horses - they are used mainly for show jumping due to their very well developed jumping ability. The color of Welsh ponies is often light - red, dun, gray.

descends from European forest and Celtic ponies that came from Norway to Iceland thanks to the Vikings. Local residents highly valued the endurance of small horses, capable of making long journeys with a load, being content with only pasture (mosses, lichens, fallen leaves) along the way.

A distinctive feature of this breed is their ability to move in five gaits: walk, trot, gallop, amble, and tolt. Telt, in which the horse moves smoothly, was especially valued. These horses were used to transport babies, wounded people and women. The Icelandic pony is very attached to its home and always tries to return.

The height of these animals does not exceed 140 cm, and their weight is 300 – 330 kg. The pony's head is large, tapering towards the muzzle; the neck and body are wide and muscular; the wool is dense, not wet; The hair of the mane and tail is very hard. The most common colors are black, brown, bay, piebald, and gray.

Wild Eskmoor pony lived on the moorlands of Exmoor and Devon (England) since the end of the Ice Age. Now these are endangered mountain swamp ponies, of which there are about 300 animals left. A distinctive feature of these animals is the light color of their lips and nostrils. The color is bay with light areas around the eyes and on the belly. Height at the withers is 114 - 130 cm. These horses were not used en masse by humans; there are isolated cases of their participation in agility (type sports competitions) and work in the mine. They have no economic significance now.

Concluding my story, I want to dwell on several important features inherent in most ponies. All of them, thanks to their past, are very unpretentious in keeping and feeding. In winter, ponies grow long and very thick hair, and therefore ponies are not afraid of the cold. They eat little, and if there is no restriction in food, they quickly become overfed and suffer from obesity. Feeding with concentrates can lead to protein poisoning and, as a consequence, laminitis (outwardly it looks very scary - the pony’s hoof shoe comes off and the animal has to be cut for meat). All ponies, and this is especially true for Shetland ponies, have a very strong hoof horn, which on our soil (not rocky) is weakly abraded, so it needs regular trimming and clearing. If this is not done, the hooves will grow and become deformed, which can lead to arthritis and crooked joints.

All ponies have a very flexible disposition, but nothing horsey is alien to them, so you shouldn’t relax - treat them with care, but strictly and demandingly. Don't let the pony become the main one in your tandem. The timing of maturation of the body and the time for learning various working skills for ponies are the same as for large horses. I have already talked about this in detail in previous articles.

If you need an assistant, but purchase, maintenance and services big horse are unprofitable on your farm, then a pony will be an excellent solution. Although the cost of a pony is now not much different from the price of a tall animal (from 350 to 2500 in dollar equivalent), sometimes, on occasion, it can be bought for quite affordable money. For housework I would recommend a Shetland pony. In its work it is quite practical: it can transport harvested crops from the garden, deliver feed, hill up potatoes, weed various crops with wide row spacing, and perform many other various tasks. At the same time, the pleasure of communicating with him is no less than with a big horse. The strength of emotions does not depend on the mass of the animal!

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Chuguevets Vitaly

Would you like to know the difference between a pony and a horse? There are very few people in the world who can not smile with sincere emotion when they see a stocky and short horse, which has sad little eyes and satin ribbons woven into its thick mane.

The kids immediately run to this glorious creature shouting “Pony!” Well, adults begin to nod their heads, explaining that this is practically real horse. However, where did such serious injustice come from? Apparently out of nowhere! Otherwise, all this will certainly not be explained in any way.

Is it really possible that this horse breed was able to acquire such a disdainful attitude in human society only due to its own tiny proportions? But, ponies, in fact, are full-fledged horses, which simply have a direct relation specifically to breeds of the short type.

Well, in some countries, for example, in Great Britain, all horse breeds that are at least a little lower than one hundred and forty-seven centimeters at the withers are classified as little ponies. And this fact directly indicates that a good half of all existing breeds in the world can be mistaken for tiny ponies. Including Russians.

But German and Russian hippologists look much more intelligently at all the measurements of pony breeds, which are up to one hundred and ten centimeters, and one hundred and twenty, respectively. But in Russian Federation ponies include Scottish and Dutch, as well as Connemara and Falabella.

Mini horse

In addition, the Esmur and many others are also very fond of being classified as tiny ponies. Of course, certain measures exist, but they may well fail. There are also things on Earth that, quite simply, have nothing to do with ponies at all. For example, everyone is quite short. And they have a height at the withers of one hundred and fifty centimeters.

Moreover, they are called “full-fledged” horses, since that is exactly what they are. In order to be able to classify one or another horse as a baby pony with complete confidence, it will also be necessary to take into account a set of other features of the animal’s exterior. After the little ones were domesticated, ponies also turned into pack animals of a similar nature. They became both harness and tow vehicles.

And, no matter what the little ones do. They could carry giant logs, clear stone rubble, transport baskets with large loads, and also carry out work processes in lead, ore and coal mines. They could calmly and tirelessly tow all sorts of vessels up the river. It turns out that the peculiar type of Spartan “upbringing” on the part of the ancestors has found its own reflection in all modern types of little ponies.

For example, the most famous of all existing ponies is the Shetland pony, capable of carrying loads that will exceed its personal weight. So you have become familiar with some of the differences between ponies and horses and now you know how to distinguish them.

A pony is a type of horse distinguished by its short stature. These animals also differ from ordinary horses in their life expectancy. So, a healthy representative of the breed can live from 45 to 55 years, which is very impressive. Despite the many advantages of ponies, keeping them and choosing the right animal has some nuances.

Shetland pony

Choosing a future pet

Buying a mini horse requires a responsible approach. If you have decided to purchase a baby for your home, it is worth considering several nuances:


It is worth understanding that a healthy horse cannot cost several times less than animals with documents and a pedigree. When purchasing, you should also not look for the most expensive horse.

Saving when buying a pony is not encouraged, otherwise the pet may be sick and suffer from all sorts of disorders, have very brittle bones and curvatures of the spine and legs.


Breeders with a good reputation are also important. It is impossible to buy from such people an animal that does not have pure breed. And this factor is the most important. The breeder must provide a photo or the opportunity to personally meet the baby’s parents. In this case, you can make sure that the breed little pony corresponds to the declared one.


In Russia there is a fairly wide range of pony breeds. The most popular are:

  • Arabic;
  • Mountain;
  • Shetland;
  • Welsh;
  • And forest ones.

The Shetland is considered the smallest breed. But the most easy-to-care and calm breed is the mountain pony. If you are looking for a hardy and strong pet, then the forest breed is perfect. Welsh ponies are distinguished by their excellent intelligence and outstanding intelligence. The Arabian breed will be able to transport large loads and develop high running speed.

Examination by a doctor

Before purchasing a horse, it is most advisable to have it professionally examined by a veterinarian. This will allow you to understand how well the horse’s health meets your requirements. Very often, small horses suffer from diseases that even the breeders themselves do not know about.

Outer beauty

The appearance of a pony is far from the main factor on which you should base your choice of horse. The breed and its characteristics are much more important.

Ponies, like any other animals, have different personalities. That is why when making a future purchase, you should base it not only on the selection of the breed you like and breeders with a good reputation, but also on the temperament of the horse.

Most the right choice For the family there will be an animal with an easy-going, affectionate, and fairly calm character. Most often, Welsh ponies are purchased for children. They get along well with people and are suitable for sled dogs. Even untrained riders can ride this horse without any problems.

But the Shetland breed, thanks to its immoderate tenderness and intelligence, will become wonderful companions, friends, and pets.

Caring for a pony is very painstaking and requires special persistence and dedication to your pet. When shopping, you should understand that every day the horse will need attention, tenderness and communication with a person. Therefore, before buying such a pet, you need to clearly understand that a lot of time and effort will be required for the baby.

Walking horses

A pony is an exotic type of horse. So, you must be prepared for significant financial expenses. They include not only equipment for the animal, but also expenses for proper nutrition, mineral and vitamin supplements, cleaning products. The costs also include the services of a doctor, because examinations of the horse must be constant, and it is impossible to do without it.

The pony will also not be able to stay far from home. This animal cannot be bought and left on a summer cottage, which you would visit only 2-3 times a week. Small horses require frequent attention and the presence of a person nearby. In order for a pony to be well-mannered and truly obedient and a close friend, the owner must visit him at least twice a day, as well as walk the pet, allowing him to spend time actively and cheerfully. Otherwise, the pony may begin to act up, ruin the beauty around the house, or even tear off the lower layers of siding on the wall of the house, and you will have to buy new ones (note - if this happens, go to the website stroy23.mirdoma.org).

What should you do if you are not ready to purchase, and your child asks for a pony? How to properly explain to a child that such a purchase is impossible?

It's quite simple. The main thing is not to injure your child and explain that such a pet is very expensive and requires a special stall - a cozy house in which it will spend the night.

To compensate, take your baby to the zoo or take him to horseback riding. If the child is still quite dependent and small, then play with him Online Games, where the main character is a pony. For example, you can find everything you are interested in about ponies and have a fun time.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Pony in sports