What size onion set is best for planting. How to properly grow large onions from sets. The onion is frozen. What to do

15 April 2010 09:52

Onions are one of the oldest crops cultivated by humans. By nature it is a perennial plant, but turnips can be grown from seeds or sets. I prefer the second method.
What planting material (you can buy seedlings at the market and in stores) different sizes and varieties) is it better to choose to get a good harvest?

The size of the onion set determines the planting time. Small sets (up to 1 cm in diameter) can be planted in the most early dates(even before winter), as soon as the soil allows, because... it does not shoot in long cold spring conditions. Large and medium sets (1.5 - 2 cm) are usually planted simultaneously with early potatoes,
i.e. when the soil warms up to +8...+10°C. Usually the sets are sold by weight or in half-liter jars. The smaller the set, the greater its quantity. Some may think that the harvest will be more abundant. It is worth cautioning: very small onions (less than 5-6 mm) have a small supply of nutrients, which is why seedlings are obtained later, and onion heads are smaller. The most optimal size planting material- from 1 to 1.7 cm. Early planting of seedlings in moist soil promotes rapid development of roots, and well-rooted plants are less damaged by onion flies.
Advantages of planting onion sets compared to sowing seeds: getting an earlier harvest; faster plant development (as a result of which a good harvest can be obtained even on poor soils in dry conditions); strong plants suppress the development of weeds. In addition, onion sets are more convenient for processing during the growing process and require significantly less labor.
Culture doesn't like to stay in one place. It is recommended to repeat sowings in the same beds no more often than after four years, otherwise you will not see a decent harvest. The best predecessors for onions are cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and early potatoes.
Before boarding The sets are sorted out, removing dried and diseased bulbs. Pre-sowing heating of seedlings for 8 hours at a temperature of +40...+42°C is effective. This can be done on heating radiators by scattering the onions on a board (thicker) with sides.
For the prevention of onion diseases(neck rot and downy mildew) onion sets can be soaked in warm water (+35...+42°C) with the addition of potassium permanganate (1 g per 5 liters of water) for 2-6 hours. Then you need to drain the water and spread the seedlings on film or burlap, covering it on top. It is better to do this procedure about a day before planting, as roots may appear on some bulbs.
The planting depth depends on the soil and the size of the seed, the main thing is that the entire bulb is in a moist layer of soil.
Under no circumstances should you tear off the “feathers” of onions growing like turnips for summer salads. The bulbs grow from the leaves; when we pluck them, we ourselves reduce the yield. Onions must be planted separately for greens!

Anna Kasyanova.

Onion cultivation is widespread in our country. Planting onion sets in the spring requires strict adherence to the technology of growing this popular vegetable and green crop in our country.

Choosing the right variety

Sevok can be planted both in spring and autumn. Planting in spring or before winter involves compulsory training. To properly prepare onions for planting, you need to select a variety and soak them. Basic selection rules require taking into account the calibration of the bow:

  • Arrows appear on such a bow, but the planting material cannot be used for planting in the spring. Experienced vegetable grower Ganichkina advises paying attention to the fact that on depleted soils such onions grow too small.

  • The average fraction onion has dimensions of 14−21 mm. This form does not shoot and is good option using garden crops for both spring and winter plantings.
  • Large bulbs with a diameter of 21-24 mm are best suited for planting on greens and are used for winter crops. When planted in early spring, such a bow can shoot quite quickly.
  • To obtain early spring greenery, it is recommended to plant bulbs whose dimensions are 24-30 mm.

How to plant onion sets (video)

Bulbs measuring 30−40 mm are considered to be onion sets, or selections, and to obtain a high yield, it is necessary to store them correctly, as well as to process the planting material before planting in the form of heating. Thus, in order to obtain a high-quality onion or commercial greens, it is necessary to carry out right choice varieties, properly process the planting material, in addition, know at what optimal depth to plant and at what time.

The best varieties of onion sets

When choosing a variety, you should focus on taste characteristics, yield, and storage duration of the harvested crop. It is also very important to carefully inspect the planting material.

A high-quality onion set should not have stains, traces of mold or any mechanical damage on the surface. The set must be dry and have sufficient density. Experienced vegetable growers prefer high-yielding and easy-to-grow varieties of onion sets.

Variety name Description of the bulb Taste qualities Advantages of the variety
"Sturon" Medium and fairly large sizes, single-cavity type Semi-sharp and very pleasant taste An early ripening variety with stable and sufficient high level germination, high performance total yield
"Stuttgarter Riesen" Medium to large in size, flat or flat-round in shape, with good consistency The presence of a bright and pronounced pungent taste An early-ripening, high-yielding and very promising variety for home garden vegetable growing with high germination and excellent keeping quality
"Centurion" Very leveled and slightly elongated shape, weighing up to 175−180 g Both spicy and semi-sharp tastes may occur The variety is characterized by increased resistance to the formation of arrows, excellent shelf life and decent disease resistance
"Hercules" Wide elliptical shape, weighing about 155−160 g Spicy, somewhat islandy taste Hybrid mid-early form with high disease resistance and good shelf life
"Red Baron" Red-violet color, round shape, weighing up to 150 g Pleasant and not very pronounced semi-sharp taste Stable yield and excellent bulb ripening
"Stardust" Smooth and round shape, large sizes Pleasant and slightly semi-sharp taste Mid-early variety with good yield and germination

Preparation and soaking

If the onion set was kept at a temperature of 19−22 °C before planting, then the planting material does not need additional heating. Otherwise It is recommended to heat the bulbs selected for cultivation at a temperature of 38−40 °C. Another method of pre-planting treatment can be used. In this case, you should soak the bulbs for 20 minutes in water at a temperature of 65−70 ° C, followed by immersion in cold water.

Heated planting material should be soaked in a solution based on nitroammophoska or ammophoska, which, if necessary, can be replaced with any complex fertilizer. This soaking lasts for 10-12 hours and involves subsequent treatment for 10 minutes with a solution of copper sulfate. Such preparation minimizes the risk of fungal infections. After rinsing in running water, you can begin planting the bulbs.

Timing, depth and scheme of correct planting

The onion planting scheme depends on the purpose of growing a garden crop. Standard scheme spring planting of sets to obtain a marketable bulb 25x10 cm.

When growing sets to produce feathers, planting should be done more densely, at a depth of
4 cm. There should be approximately 2-2.5 cm of soil above the shoulders of the bulb. It is recommended to plant sevok in the first ten days of May. When planted in unheated soil, below 12−14 °C, the bulbs will bolt. Late planting slows down the growth and development of bulbs, which is due to a lack of moisture in the soil and high temperatures.

Features of cultivation in the Moscow region, Belarus and the Urals

Proper care for vegetable and green crops has its own characteristics in different growing regions. The climatic and soil conditions of the Moscow region of Belarus and the Urals make some adjustments to agricultural technology. Regardless of the cultivation region in the spring, the ridges prepared for planting and leveled should be spilled with a solution based on one tablespoon of copper sulfate diluted in a bucket of water. The standard solution consumption should be about two to three liters per square meter. Spilled beds should be covered with black film for two days.

Onion sets: processing before planting (video)

When growing onions, it should be taken into account that when the greenery grows slowly, it is very important to fertilize with a solution consisting of one glass of bird droppings or mullein, diluted in a bucket of water, with the addition of a tablespoon of urea. The standard consumption of nutrient solution is about three liters per square meter. The next application of fertilizers is carried out after two weeks. It is necessary to weed, loosen and water the beds with onions, which will allow you to obtain high-quality and large bulbs.

Onions on the market in winter may not be cheap, and in spring their prices are too high. Fortunately, this crop is not difficult to grow. If you choose the right plot, cultivate it in time and plant it, the harvest will not take long to arrive and will delight you with quality and abundance. Planting onion sets in spring and autumn, before winter will be described below in the article.

Where is the best place to plant onion sets?

When choosing a site for planting onion sets, you need to pay attention to many different nuances and features.

Benefits of spring planting

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There are a lot of opinions about when to plant onion sets. Some gardeners advocate spring sowing, others prefer to carry out the procedure in the fall. To say for sure when it is impossible to do this better - every gardener should try both methods for himself and decide which is better. To help, we can only imagine the benefits of spring and autumn planting. So, what are the advantages of sowing sets in the spring?

  1. Spring is the traditional time to plant onion sets. Many generations have planted onions this way and grown them successfully. So the first positive side is the proven method.
  2. In the spring you can sow large onion sets, which over time form large heads of cibul. It is also much more suitable for producing a green feather. Large planting material has feathers that mature much faster. They are rich in color, healthy, dense, juicy.
  3. It is known that spring sowings produce larger yields than autumn ones. So onions for sale are usually sown in the spring. It's just profitable.
  4. The quality of the harvest is always high if you care for it properly.
  5. Onions sown in spring have a rich vitamin composition and are distinguished by an abundance of useful substances in their composition.

As for the disadvantages, it is only worth noting that such crops will require more work. Onions may have low frost resistance and begin to freeze during return frosts, and pests and diseases can often besiege them. And yet this method is more popular.

How to plant onion sets in spring?

The land for spring planting of onion sets is fertilized in the fall. To do this, 5 kg of humus, 8 kg of compost, 500 g of wood ash, as well as 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per square meter are added for deep digging.

If autumn fertilization of the land was not carried out, you can do it in the spring. Spring soil fertilization is carried out 2-3 weeks before planting. The same components are added, only the concentration can be reduced by 1.5-2 times. Also, 20 g of ammonium nitrate is added to this mixture for every square meter. After applying fertilizers, the soil is loosened and rows are made in it.

The time of spring planting can be determined quite specifically. It is carried out when the earth warms up to +12 degrees to a depth of 6-10 cm. So you only need to focus on the weather. Planting onion sets in more early time, will not bring anything good to cold soil - the bulbs will freeze, and no treatment will help.

Before planting, you can spray the bulbs with a solution of potassium permanganate or special purchased preparations for rapid growth: Epin, Kornevin, Zircon, Biostim, etc.

Onion sets are planted in the spring at a depth of 2-4 cm; more is not necessary for them to germinate faster. 15-25 cm is left between individual furrows, and the bulbs are placed at a distance of 7-8 cm from each other. After planting, you can slightly moisten the soil. Now all that remains is to properly care for the crops in order to get a rich harvest.

What are the benefits of autumn planting?

It is also worth highlighting the shortcomings so that gardeners fully understand what to expect when planting onion sets before winter. Small sets do not produce large turnips. From such crops it is possible to collect, at best, medium-sized heads of cibul. This isn't always a bad thing, but it may not appeal to everyone.

Greens from small sets are frail, weak at first, a little later it, of course, gets stronger, becomes more developed, gains juice and vitamins, but at first, after its appearance, it is not recommended to cut it for food.

Planting onion sets in the fall, before winter

Planting onion sets in the fall for the winter also involves timely fertilization of the soil. For this, the same fertilizers are used and in the same concentration as during the spring procedure, only ammonium nitrate should not be added so that the onions do not begin to germinate ahead of time.

In autumn, before winter, you cannot sow heat-loving onion varieties. They will simply freeze over the winter. The ideal varieties for this sowing time are: “Stuttgarter Riesen”, “Arzamassky”, “Bessonovsky”, “Strigunovsky”, “Danilovsky”.

It is necessary to plant onion sets before winter only at a certain time. In the middle zone it is October 5-20. In the southern regions, this period can be moved closer to November, since frosts do not set in early there. In the northern regions, it is advisable to finish all planting by the end of September.

If you need to process onion sets before planting for the winter, do so very carefully. Experienced gardeners always plant dry material before winter, since there is a high risk that the abundance of moisture under the husk will lead to the freezing of the bulbs rather than their germination. And there is no particular sense in processing. In autumn, pests hide and onions are not the best shelter for them (only rare insects can tolerate the smell of onions). Rapid germination at this time is also not necessary, so it is better to refrain from processing and plant simple, untreated, but beautiful, sorted, undamaged onion sets.

It is necessary to plant in furrows to a depth of 5 cm and with a distance of 6-7 cm. Between the rows leave a space of 15 cm, no more. To prevent the crops from freezing, the top of the bed is covered with straw, dry plant stems, sawdust, and peat. There is no need to water, there will be enough rain, and all maintenance work should be postponed until spring.

VIDEO - How to plant onion sets

" Onion

Onions are used to prepare many dishes, so any housewife, when choosing crops to grow on her plot, gives preference to several varieties at once. The diversity in the garden beds allows you to create new masterpieces in the kitchen, and at the same time improve your gardening skills. In this article we will find out what types of onions there are, domestic and wild, we will talk about their description and find out the main characteristics.

Adopting the experience of their ancestors, preference is often given to the same varieties of onions when planting a vegetable garden. The time has come to change stereotypes, improve and achieve new results, because the dish can sparkle with new flavor notes if you use Setton or Leek instead of the usual onion. Moreover, in central Russia, a large number of varieties can be planted, as practice has shown. Either salad or green. And then we will find out where which species can grow.

To decide on the choice of seeds of bulbous plants, you need to familiarize yourself with the features different types, their preferences and planting nuances. It is also worth paying attention to the compliance of the growing conditions of the crop and the climate of the region. This will be discussed in this article.

The most popular onion varieties

All varieties of the crop differ not only in taste, but also in planting rules, ripening period, and yield.

Onion sets

  • Chalcedony grows in open ground, is very popular among gardeners in the southern regions of Russia. Suitable for growing feathers and root crops. The ripening period (from planting to harvesting) is 95-110 days. An average of 4 kg is taken per square meter, with the marketable weight of one small specimen being 85-100 grams. Sometimes there are onions weighing up to 400 grams. There is good immunity to peronospora and vulnerability to neck rot. Taste: pleasant with a slight spice.
  • early ripening, from sowing to harvesting takes about 3 months. Round-flat onions weigh 150-250 grams on average, but there are also giants weighing up to 350 grams. The plant rarely shoots arrows and does not become covered with spots characteristic of downy mildew. Taste: pungent with a pungent aroma.
  • Souball is characterized by large round bulbs with an average weight of up to 200 grams. The root crop ripens in about 100-110 days and produces a good harvest. Taste: delicate with a slight hint of spiciness, used mainly for preparing salads.

Onions (turnip)

  • Zolotnik represents a mid-season species, is distinguished by medium-sized rounded onions weighing about 60-70 grams. Used for greens and growing turnips for planting next season. The center is white and juicy with a slight tang.
  • Shaman is an early ripening variety, ripens in 86-95 days. The root vegetable has an elongated shape, pink-red and quite juicy in the middle. Average weight turnips – 55-65 gr. Advantages: stable high yield, high taste. Can be stored for a short time.
  • Oporto ripens in 98-107 days and is a mid-season species. The weight of the turnip reaches 270-300 grams, the shape is regular round. Advantages: high yield when using seedlings, immunity to diseases and pests, retains its presentation for a long time. Its taste qualities allow it to be used for all types of processing.

Varieties of salad onions

  • ripens in about 130 days, tastes very sweet with abundant juice. The turnips are round and very large, reaching 550 g, but there are also specimens weighing 700-800 g. The only disadvantage of the culture is its short storage period (no more than 3 months).
  • enjoys incredible popularity due to its excellent taste. The plant ripens in 138-150 days, the turnips are large, flattened, purple in color, reaching an average of 200 grams. In the middle zone, the variety can be grown using seedlings. Onions can be stored for up to 4 months.
  • Ermak is the record holder for aging, the harvest is harvested 75-95 days after sowing. It has good immunity and a long shelf life (until the next season). Gastronomic peculiarity: soft juicy structure with slight spiciness.

Yalta onion

Red onion

  • The crimson ball ripens in 85-95 days and produces a stable harvest every year. The dark purple, rounded turnips live up to their name. The center is juicy with a pleasant taste, offset by a slight tangy flavor. The drawback is the short shelf life (up to 4 months).
  • Campillo F1 presents a red onion hybrid, having a round shape with a dense middle and a pleasant purple tint. The advantage is that the pigment does not transfer to kitchen utensils and fabrics. Taste qualities: delicate structure with abundant juice release, clearly noticeable sweetness. It can be stored for a long time without losing its properties.
  • Retro is famous for its high yield and rapid ripening (up to 90 days). The center is tender, dark red with white stripes. Onions are very sweet without any pungency, so they are even added to children's salads.

White onion

  • Albenka is characterized by rapid ripening (up to 95 days) and interesting taste qualities that combine light spiciness and sweetness. Grown for greens and onion sets. Not suitable for long-term storage.
  • White globe has good seed germination and rapid ripening. Harvesting can be done 95-105 days after planting. A round, slightly elongated turnip weighs 160 grams on average. The variety is characterized by a high stable yield and immunity to fusarium.
  • Sterling represents a group of white onion hybrids with a ripening period of 110-120 days. The weight of an average turnip is 120-200 grams. Round shape with white husk. The center is soft and juicy with an unusual taste, not similar to other types. The storage of root crops is short (3-5 months), but when grown, immunity to many diseases and pests is noted.

Sweet onion

  • Kaba ripens in 145-155 days, has immunity to diseases. The yield is stable and can be stored for up to 4-5 months. The weight of a round, slightly pressed turnip is 80-125 grams. The center is dense, but sweet and juicy.
  • Globo ripens in 110-125 days; the size of the root crop is a real giant. The weight of one onion reaches 600-900 g. The taste is delicate, sweetish, ideal for salads and various other dishes. By growing a crop from seedlings, you can get a yield from 1 m2 to 12 kg.
  • Spanish 313 is distinguished by its productivity, immunity to diseases and pests, suitable for fresh and processed consumption. The weight of an average turnip is 120-150 grams, the shape is large and round. Onions have long been recognized by domestic gardeners and are popular due to their ease of care and sweet taste notes. Productivity per 1m2 is 4-5 kg.

Names of onion varieties for storage

  • It has a dark red color, the bulb is round and slightly flattened. The plant matures in just 90-95 days, the weight of the turnip is 95-110 grams. Advantages: stable high yield, light taste with a slight spice.
  • Volsky bow prefers nutritious light soils. The root crop ripens in 120-140 days with an average weight of 90-140 grams. Turnips grow in such a way that the top is on top of the soil, which simplifies collection. Taste characteristics: the spiciness is well felt.
  • Orion represents an exclusive hybrid, which English breeders have been working on for a long time. The variety ripens quickly, which makes it possible to grow the crop even in the northern regions. The turnip has a regular round shape of a beautiful purple color, weighing on average 150-200 grams. Orion is very popular among gardeners, but most likely it will not grow either in the Moscow region or in the Urals.

The best bulbs for the Moscow region

  • has gained popularity all over the world due to its high taste. A rounded turnip reaches a weight of up to 110 grams. Productivity is average, but stable (up to 3-4 kg per 1m2). Advantages of the variety: not subject to the release of arrows, long shelf life (up to 8-9 months), resistance to decay. The root vegetable has a pungent taste.
  • It is considered a prolific crop, yielding from one square meter to 8-9 kg of root crops. Breeders, working on a hybrid, initially set the task of obtaining long-lasting onions. The result exceeded expectations - good resistance to diseases, long-term storage without loss useful properties, resistance to the vagaries of nature. The weight of the turnip is up to 120 grams, the taste is excellent (mild spiciness, juiciness, moderate sweetness).
  • represents a hybrid grown by Dutch breeders. As a result of painstaking work, a variety was obtained that is resistant to diseases and pests, maintaining its presentation well for 9-10 months. The plant matures in 100-115 days, the weight of an average turnip is 120-150 grams. Gastronomic feature: suitable for all types of processing, neutral flavor notes with a slight spice.

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“Every vegetable has its time,” and every plant has its optimal time for landing. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

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Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. The assortment of the best indoor plants includes many beautifully flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.