Which protein is better? Protein for growth and mass Protein for muscle growth

Teenagers, and many adults who consider themselves not tall enough, often ask the question “how to increase their height?” Some people think this is impossible. However, there are special exercises for growth, bioactive supplements and sports nutrition that contain substances that are useful for strengthening bones and joints. These foods and sports will definitely help you become a few centimeters taller.

What do you need to strengthen bones and grow?

To understand how sports nutrition and dietary supplements will help you grow taller, you need to know what the process of strengthening and growing bones depends on.

During adolescence and adolescence, the body actively produces the so-called “growth hormone”. It promotes active protein synthesis in all organs and tissues. This process is completed around the age of 21. For some - earlier, by the age of 15-17. You can understand whether a person is still able to grow by taking an x-ray. It will show whether visible layers - gaps - remain at the junction of the bones. These are “growth zones”. Bones can grow to their length. If these zones do not exist, it will be quite difficult to increase growth. Therefore, the maximum effect from taking dietary supplements that stimulate protein synthesis and from exercises for growth will be before the age of 20-21 years.

How to increase height at home?

Increasing a person's height up to a certain age is quite possible without medical intervention. To grow taller, you need to do exercises to strengthen your bones and eat foods that promote growth.

Exercises to increase height, which are recommended by sports trainers and doctors, are as follows:

  1. Put weights on your feet (doctors recommend starting with small weights. For girls - 1-2 kg, for boys - 2-3 kg). Sit on a chair or bench (the main thing is that the seat is hard enough) and slowly bend your legs. Do 15-20 reps. Then remove the weights and repeat the curls, extending your leg as high as possible. It's like you're kicking the air. With these exercises you can increase your height by “stretching” the leg bones.
  2. Perform normal bends. Forward, backward, sideways. The increase in human height in this case occurs from an increase in the distance between the vertebral discs.
  3. Stretching and yoga are ideal exercises to increase height. They stretch muscles and tendons and create “growth zones” between bones.

However, exercises for growth will only help if the body actively synthesizes protein, which is a building material for bones. The process of independently producing a sufficient amount of protein is “slowed down” at different ages for everyone. Its slowdown can be influenced by negative environmental factors, consumption of alcohol, drugs, and certain medications. This also depends on genetic factors. Therefore, to stimulate bone lengthening, it is necessary to consume foods that promote growth.

What foods promote growth?

Products for human growth include foods high in protein, as well as sports nutrition and dietary supplements. You need to follow a special diet, which is dominated by lean chicken, legumes, and vegetables. They stimulate the production of protein in the body. But diet alone is not enough. Collagen must be actively synthesized in the body during growth. It makes joints and ligaments elastic, allowing bones to grow and lengthen. Collagen is produced by the body independently, but not always in sufficient quantities. Bone-strengthening exercises and diet, unfortunately, do not stimulate collagen production. You can increase its amount in the body only with the help of sports nutrition and dietary supplements.

How to increase your height with the help of sports nutrition and dietary supplements?

In the arsenal of sports doctors and trainers there are products for bones and joints that stimulate their growth. These are special protein shakes, as well as bioactive supplements containing collagen. The most effective products for bones are those whose main component is collagen hydrolysate. This substance is quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Within 20-30 minutes after consumption, collagen begins to act, increasing lubrication in joints, elasticity of tendons and muscles. It is collagen hydrolyzate that is contained in products for bones and joints from the Collagen Ultra series. For the best effect, you should consume 1-2 sachets per day for three months, not forgetting about special exercises (which exercises increase growth can be read in the first part of the article). Buy with delivery >>

Very often, during active growth, joints, ligaments, bones hurt and ache, which the ointment and gel from the Collagen Ultra series can handle. They will help not only relieve discomfort, relieve inflammation of muscles and joints, but also help bones grow due to the content of special medicinal substances. It is better to use products from the series - soluble Collagen Ultra, ointment or gel at the same time. Then you will be able to achieve maximum effect in the shortest possible time. The drugs are indicated for use by people over 18 years of age. That is, most people who want to increase their height have enough time left - one, two, or even three years, during which, with the help of exercises, sports nutrition and dietary supplements, they can grow by several centimeters.

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Protein is a key participant in important physiological processes, without which the functioning of organs and systems cannot take place. Protein supplements are more popular among athletes because they help improve performance and quickly gain muscle mass.

What are proteins

These substances serve as the most important building blocks of the human body. Proteins are found in every organ and cell; in addition, they serve as irreplaceable sources of energy. If the body does not receive enough protein, the liver converts proteins into fats, thereby forming a reserve of a quickly accessible source of strength. The absorption of the substance begins immediately after it enters the stomach with food and lasts a long time when compared with the process of digesting carbohydrates. Therefore, when consuming protein foods, a person feels full for several hours.

What are proteins made of? This substance contains amino acids that are transported by the blood to every cell of tissues and organs. Proteins play an important role in the life and growth of the body; they are able to normalize water and acid-base balance. Without amino acids, it is impossible to create enzymes and hormones, and this is only a small part of the functions of these substances. The chemical formula of a protein molecule is: H2N–CH(R)–COOH.

What is protein for?

Protein, polypeptides and protein are the names of one element that consists of a chain of amino acids. The component serves as the basis of tissues and the main building material of the body. What is protein and what is it for? Regular intake of protein into the human body guarantees nitrogen balance and increases the rate of muscle building. Proteins are substances containing large amounts of amino acids. They can be of plant or animal nature.

Why do you drink protein? With regular consumption of a product containing a lot of protein, athletes increase muscle size and maintain the energy charge necessary for a full workout. At the same time, the required amount of protein for a person involved in bodybuilding depends on the degree of intensity of sports activities. Every day you can consume up to 2-3 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight. In order for amino acids to be absorbed normally, carbohydrates must also be present in the diet.

What does protein help people involved in bodybuilding achieve? If you regularly use the substance in parallel with sports activities:

  • muscle mass will begin to increase;
  • fat deposits will burn quickly (this is due to the fact that protein suppresses hunger well, in addition, the rate of fat breakdown depends on the volume of muscles: the more muscle there is, the easier it is for a person to lose weight);
  • health will improve (proteins ensure the renewal of every cell in the body);
  • the athlete’s body will become more prominent (this is due to the growth of muscle mass and assistance in losing weight).

Protein shakes for muscle growth

This product belongs to the group of sports nutrition products and is a rich source of protein, while the protein powder does not increase the daily calorie intake. A protein shake is useful for anyone who is seriously involved in sports, trying to quickly improve their body. In this case, the choice of product should be based on the intensity of training, their frequency and individual parameters of the person (weight, height, etc.).

You can drink cocktails before or after exercising for half an hour. It is advisable that the temperature of the drink be about 37 degrees - this will improve the absorption of nutrients. Taking a protein shake at night can only be beneficial if you drink a certain type of product that takes a long time to digest. To achieve the expected effect, the powder must be diluted in 250-300 ml of liquid, then the protein will be absorbed by the body in full.

For weight gain

To increase body weight, it is important to eat a lot of protein foods, but not everyone is able to eat the right amount of food to make up for the lack of protein in the body (this is especially true for athletes). Protein supplements containing a high proportion of protein were created specifically for this purpose. You can buy protein powder at any sports nutrition store. However, it is worth understanding that proteins for weight gain are only an addition to the usual diet, and not at all a replacement for protein foods (cottage cheese, other dairy products, meat, beans, etc.).

It is most effective to consume amino acids in combination with exercise, proper rest and a balanced diet. A person who decides to drink a protein shake to gain weight, but is not involved in sports, should provide himself with at least minimal physical activity (jogging a couple of times a week, daily exercise, working out a specific muscle group). Otherwise, the resulting protein will be excessive and therefore will not be absorbed by the body, and the fats and carbohydrates in the product will be deposited as excess weight on the body in the form of deposits.

For girls

Representatives of the fair sex who are involved in fitness often use sports nutrition, including protein shakes. Protein for girls is amino acids that are responsible not only for muscle development, but also help:

  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restore hormonal levels;
  • deliver microelements and nutrients to body tissues;
  • improve human protective functions.

There is no difference in the effect of amino acids on female and male bodies: for a person who regularly engages in intensive bodybuilding, the daily intake of the substance should be approximately 1-2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Proteins that enter the body in the form of supplements perform the same functions in men and women, so protein powder is not divided into female and male (with rare exceptions, in which sports nutrition may contain sex hormones, but this must be indicated on the packaging).

For weight loss

In addition to weight gain, a dietary supplement can perform the completely opposite function and be used for weight loss. This can be achieved by choosing the right diet, type and intensity of sports training. The consequence of regular exercise and low-calorie nutrition will be getting rid of excess deposits in the body. However, because the body begins to burn muscle as well as fat when in a calorie deficit, it is important to consume enough protein while losing weight to prevent muscle loss.

Girls and men need protein for weight loss not only to preserve existing muscles, but also to build new muscle tissue. Amino acids help the body to lose weight properly, discharging only those accumulations that have a fatty structure. At the same time, it is important to actively engage in sports, otherwise the consumed proteins will be deposited in the body in new folds. When consuming protein for weight loss, you need to adhere to the following rule: there should be a minimum of harmful carbohydrates in the menu, and you need to consume 15% less calories than you burn per day.

Types of proteins in sports nutrition

There are a lot of product varieties and additives are divided according to the type of raw material and degree of purification. In this case, the second factor plays a much smaller role than the first. The types of protein and the purpose of the product are closely related, since each type of supplement differs in effectiveness and effect. To choose the right protein for a particular task, it is worth understanding the characteristics of each type of protein.


The name of the product indicates that it is made from whey. A distinctive feature of this supplement is its rapid absorption (the process takes a minimum of time compared to other types of protein), so it is better to use soluble whey protein immediately before or after training. The product contains meat protein and is therefore not suitable for vegetarians. According to the degree of purification it is divided into:

  • whey protein hydrolysate;
  • whey protein isolate;
  • whey protein concentrate.


This type of dietary supplement has a higher price than others, but has a more beneficial (rich) amino acid composition. However, casein protein takes longer to be absorbed by the body, so you should drink the shake in advance before training or even at night. In mature people, casein protein can cause allergies, so the protein should be used with caution. The product is prepared by curdling milk; at home, it can be replaced with natural sour cottage cheese (it is less fatty). According to the degree of purification, the product is divided into:

  • calcium caseinate;
  • micellar casein.

Soy protein

The substance is obtained from soybeans, so the product has a relatively low cost. However, plant proteins, including soy protein, do not have a complete amino acid profile and are not able to stimulate protein synthesis as well as other types of protein. If you increase the dosage of the supplement and supplement the product with lecithin, the effect will be much better. The advantage of soy and hemp proteins is that they swell greatly when mixed, which is very appropriate when losing weight (the drink gives you a feeling of fullness).

Which protein is better

According to many athletes, whey protein is the best: the product is well absorbed by the body, saturating the body with useful substances for the rapid restoration of such an energy source as ATP. In addition, the supplement stimulates anabolism, thereby accelerating muscle growth. However, the main disadvantage of whey protein is its relatively high cost.

It is impossible to say that the best protein is the one obtained from whey, since for each athlete one or another type of sports nutrition may be more useful, depending on the goals, systematicity and intensity of the athlete’s training. Let's look at the pros and cons of each type of protein:

  1. Casein. The advantages of the supplement include the presence of all essential amino acids in the protein and its consistency, with which the body absorbs the product for a long time. So, by taking a portion of protein at night, you don’t have to worry about the destruction of muscle tissue - casein will provide the muscles with the necessary components for their restoration. The downside of the supplement is considered to be poor digestibility: once the protein gets into the stomach, it coagulates, turning into a solid lump and slowing down the digestion process not only of its own protein, but also of all other types of protein. Casein is worth using for those who want to lose weight, as it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
  2. Whey. The product is divided into three types according to the degree of purification, among which whey protein isolate stands out. Its advantages include a pleasant taste, excellent quality and good digestibility. The supplement contains neither lactose nor fat, while the protein contains all the necessary amino acids for the development and increase in muscle volume. The downside of the supplement is the relatively high cost and the high probability of purchasing a low-quality product, since some manufacturers mix other types of protein into it.
  3. Soy. It is considered the least effective protein for athletes because it contains an incomplete set of amino acids. In addition, soy protein tends to transform into estrogenic protein, which is undesirable for male athletes. The advantage of the supplement is its benefits to the body: protein strengthens the immune system, normalizes cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of developing cancer pathologies.
  4. Egg. The advantages of the product are excellent digestibility and a rich, perfectly balanced amino acid composition. The disadvantages of the supplement include the high price and unpleasant taste.
  5. Fish protein. The disadvantage of the supplement is that the amino acids in its composition needed by the athlete’s body are poorly absorbed, so the product is practically useless for a bodybuilder.
  6. Rice, pea protein, etc. Grain proteins are not very effective for athletes who want to gain muscle mass because they have low biological value. In addition, plant amino acids are slowly broken down and absorbed. Some supplements contain inhibitors that slow down digestion. The advantage of the product is its low price.
  7. Meat. The supplement contains virtually no cholesterol and fat and is made from beef protein. The advantage of the product is the presence of creatine in its composition, which additionally stimulates muscle growth and strength. In addition, meat protein is highly digestible and has a rich amino acid profile. The disadvantages of this type of sports nutrition include its high cost.

How to take protein correctly

To grow muscle mass, it is optimal for a person to consume 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. It is better to drink protein twice a day, since it is difficult for the body to absorb large amounts of protein at one time. In this case, it is better to drink the cocktail in the intervals between meals: on training days - between breakfast and lunch, and then immediately after exercise. On normal days, you can drink a protein drink for the first time instead of a daytime snack, and a second time - before dinner.

How to make a protein shake

To make a cocktail, you can simply mix the powder with water, juice or milk. If you wish, you can make a multi-ingredient drink using recipes from the Internet. The main thing is that protein shakes should not be hot, otherwise some of the beneficial properties will be lost. Whether you're trying to lose weight or gain muscle, making smoothies is no different. However, in the first case, you need to replace 1-2 meals a day with a protein drink, in the latter, supplement your usual diet with amino acids. Cooking method:

  • measure the required amount of protein using a measuring spoon;
  • add a little vanilla;
  • mix the powder with lemonade or milk (200 ml);
  • shake the mixture in a shaker.

Benefits and harms

Protein is an indispensable assistant in the process of building muscle tissue, which needs additional building material during intense exercise. Like any product, the supplement has advantages and disadvantages. What are the benefits of protein, besides helping to increase muscle volume:

  • suppresses hunger, helping to reduce daily calorie intake and thereby promoting weight loss;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • can serve as a hearty and healthy snack at work or on a trip;
  • with its help you can compensate for the lack of proteins in the diet, which is especially important for vegetarians;
  • includes a complex of amino acids necessary for the body;
  • quickly absorbed without leaving a feeling of heaviness;
  • helps increase energy charge, strength, endurance;
  • normalizes insulin levels.

In addition to the positive aspects, protein supplementation has several disadvantages. What could be the harm:

  • the powder can cause eating disorders (this applies to people who do not tolerate lactose);
  • if you take an excessive dose of the supplement, your kidneys or liver may be damaged;
  • Chemical sweeteners, flavors and other substances added by manufacturers to the product have a negative effect on the body.

Side effects

Read the label carefully before buying a sports supplement: the manufacturer usually indicates the side effects of the protein. Problems from consuming casein/whey powder may occur in people who have intestinal problems or lactose intolerance. In addition, when amino acids are abused, the kidneys are exposed to unnecessary stress. To avoid the development of pathological conditions, you need to control the amount of protein entering the body. Another negative effect of excessive protein intake can be obesity.


Knowing what protein is and that a lack of protein leads to various dysfunctions of human internal organs and systems, it is worth understanding, however, that protein is contraindicated for some. People with:

  • kidney diseases, renal failure;
  • genetic predisposition to kidney and liver diseases;
  • allergies to components;
  • lactose intolerance (when consuming whey/casein protein).


You can gain muscle mass simply by eating the right diet and doing strength training. However, if hours spent in the gym do not produce results, the problem may lie in nutrition.

To maximize your muscle growth potential, use protein supplements. We are considering what protein to choose for weight gain, pros and cons of different types of protein.

How does protein help you gain weight?

Intense physical activity requires higher than normal levels of protein. Protein supplements are designed to increase muscle mass when combined with regular exercise.

The powders are mixed with milk, water or fruit juice to make a protein shake. It will provide your body with the necessary foundation to create amino acids and build muscle tissue.

During digestion, protein is broken down by the enzyme protease. The faster it is absorbed, the faster it is converted into amino acids, which repair muscle tissue after strength training and promote more efficient, but natural muscle growth.

Protein supplements also help you stay fuller longer and increase your muscles' ability to quickly grow new fibers for weight gain.

Research has shown that supplemental protein intake promotes recovery from strenuous exercise and increases muscle strength in response to exercise. Studies of protein supplementation in normal and overweight individuals show that body composition improves by reducing fat and increasing muscle mass.

How to choose protein for weight gain

The most effective protein powders on the market contain protein isolate or hydrolyzate - these are the purest forms of protein that are as free of impurities as possible.

Protein concentrate contains more carbohydrates and fats. When answering the question of which protein is best for gaining lean muscle mass, pay attention to the amino acid profile, since different types of protein differ in microelement composition.

Read more about the types of protein powders.

Whey Protein

Whey is a milk protein that has high levels of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). This protein is quickly digested and enters the muscles, stimulating their growth.

Whey also contains peptides, small protein chains that stimulate blood flow to the muscles. For this reason, it is recommended to consume whey protein immediately after training.

  • It is a complete, high-quality protein that includes all the essential amino acids needed to create hormones, neurotransmitters and antibodies, as well as strong muscles and bones.
  • Accelerates the recovery of muscle fibers, enhances the absorption of carbohydrates and quickly fills muscles with glycogen.
  • Supports the immune system with high levels of powerful antioxidants glutathione, beta-lactoglobulin and glutamine.
  • It is a by-product of the dairy industry, remaining after the production of cheese and cottage cheese. If whey protein is processed with heat, the proteins can become denatured and lose their beneficial properties. For this reason, make sure you buy a quality protein powder that is processed using low-temperature technology.
  • The benefits of whey may not be felt if you are lactose intolerant or have a milk protein allergy. Pure whey isolate, unlike concentrate, has the lactose removed, so it can be safely consumed unless you have a protein allergy.


Casein can be divided into three main types: natural from raw milk, from cottage cheese and industrial casein.

Natural milk casein consists of protein clusters - micelles, which are associated with calcium, phosphate and citrate ions.

Micellar casein is the slowest digesting form of protein and is the most functional because it complements the acid-base balance and does not cause an excessive acidifying effect, unlike most industrial caseins.

Hydrolyzed casein is pre-digested and is therefore more quickly absorbed by the body than micellar casein.

Casein is ideal to take before bed to ensure a steady supply of amino acids into the bloodstream throughout the night. There is evidence that it enhances muscle growth when added to whey in a mixed post-workout shake.

  • Raw milk casein has strong anabolic properties, making it effective for building muscle. Due to its slow absorption, it provides a gradual release of amino acids into the blood over several hours.
  • Casein prevents muscle breakdown when not fed for an extended period, such as during sleep.
  • Casein is usually isolated using acid and heat treatment. Some casein powders on the market may be of poor quality and even contain toxic residues.
  • Many people are sensitive to casein protein. Side effects of taking it include bloating, an allergic reaction, or a bad aftertaste in the mouth.
  • Micellar casein is unstable; it breaks down and loses its qualities during long-term storage. Before purchasing such protein, ask the supplier for a certificate of quality and an independent laboratory report confirming the integrity of the protein.

Egg protein

Egg white digests more slowly than whey, but faster than casein.

On non-training days, a shake containing egg, whey and casein protein will provide the body with a combination of fast, slow and medium proteins to support muscle growth.

  • Egg protein is of very high quality and can work effectively at almost any time of the day.
  • This is an ideal alternative for people who cannot consume dairy products due to lactose intolerance.
  • Egg white contains large amounts of vitamins A, B, E and D in natural form.
  • Egg white is produced by spray drying. In this case, it is necessary that the egg white avidin be deactivated. In its active form, avidin binds to biotin, an essential B vitamin. When this happens, biotin deficiency can occur in the body with symptoms such as hair loss, skin problems, and the development of neurological diseases.
  • The original product may contain dangerous pathogens such as salmonella. Carefully examine where and how the egg white was prepared.
  • The powder may contain traces of antibiotics, hormones and other pharmaceuticals if factory-raised eggs were used as the starting material.

Soy protein

Soy protein is digested at a moderate rate.

The tangible benefit of taking soy protein is its ability to increase nitric oxide levels in the body, increase the release of growth hormone, and aid muscle recovery after exercise.

Despite the fact that soy contains a plant analogue of female hormones - phytoestrogen, recent research suggests that soy protein does not lower testosterone levels in men and does not increase estrogen levels.

  • Soy protein will help build muscle mass. Some evidence suggests that soy protein is comparable to whey protein when used post-workout.
  • It is an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. Of all plant proteins, soy protein is closest to animal proteins in amino acid profile.
  • Soy protein is suitable for people who are lactose intolerant.
  • Contains natural vitamins, calcium, zinc, and iron without added fat or cholesterol.
  • Effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Soy protein has cholesterol-lowering effects and improves overall health.
  • Depending on the source, soy protein may be pasteurized, reducing its nutritional value. Pay attention to the product label to find the best option.
  • The amount of dietary fiber in soy protein may overload the digestive system for some people.
  • Soy contains high levels of phytates, which have the ability to form insoluble complexes with iron, zinc, calcium and other nutrients. This can block the absorption of beneficial minerals.

How to take protein for weight gain

The optimal protein intake is about 2 g/kg body weight. Athletes who regularly engage in strength training need 25% more.

Protein supplements should not be used to completely replace food sources of protein because they do not contain the natural vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

Whey protein for weight gain is taken in the amount of 20 g of powder half an hour before training and 40 g within an hour after training. It is also recommended to take 20-40 g of whey immediately upon waking each morning to activate muscle growth.

Micellar casein is taken in an amount of 20-40 g right before bed. After workouts, add 10-20 g of casein to your whey shake. Additionally, use 20–40 grams of casein in protein shakes between meals.

There are studies that prove that there is no difference whether you take another portion before or after training. The main thing is that your daily intake is the required amount for your desired body weight. The main thing is that the serving does not contain more than 30-40 g of protein, otherwise it simply will not be absorbed.

One scoop of egg white contains approximately 24 grams of protein, which is four times more than one egg. Two spoons per day for women and three spoons for men provide the recommended daily amount needed for muscle recovery.

The amount of soy protein you consume depends on what type of diet you follow. Vegetarians may need more soy protein in their diet just to meet their overall protein needs for the day. For others, the recommended amount is about 25 grams of soy protein per day.

To summarize: any protein is suitable for gaining weight if it supplements the main diet beyond the norm. If you “don’t finish eating” and replace a couple of meals with cocktails, you won’t get the desired result, but rather the opposite.

In recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of people actively involved in sports. The gyms are packed with visitors, and the stadiums host many athletes working out both individually and in groups.

This increase in the number of athletes has caused an increased demand for a variety of supplements - sports nutrition components that help train longer and more effectively, as well as recover faster and consolidate the results achieved.

Today we invite you to talk about protein - one of the most popular sports nutrition elements.

We will look at what protein is, what benefits it brings, what possible harm its consumption can cause to the body, and which protein will allow you to achieve better results in your sports activities.

What is protein for?

The first question, typical for beginners when gaining muscle mass, is what protein is needed for, and why it is impossible to increase muscle size by eating only natural products and not including it in your diet. The answer to this question is very simple: even in the most high-protein foods, in addition to protein, there is a certain amount of fat and carbohydrates.

For gaining muscle mass you need to eat a lot of protein, and if you limit yourself only to ordinary foods, excess fats and carbohydrates will enter the body along with protein, which will be deposited on the body in the form of adipose tissue.

As a result, the athlete will gain not only muscle mass, but also a fair amount of extra pounds, which will negate all the efforts of training. Protein, in its essence, is practically pure protein, which will be used by the body to build muscle tissue and increase its volume.

What are the benefits of protein for gaining muscle mass?

The second question is usually whether eating protein alone is enough to help you grow. The answer to this question is also clear and concise: not enough. Protein is only a building material for the growth of muscle tissue, but you will have to build your body yourself - through intense and long-term training.

The fact is that the process of increasing the volume of muscle tissue is possible only when the muscles receive great physical activity, during which they receive microtraumas.

After training, the body begins to repair damaged tissues, at the same time making them more adapted to receive high loads, which is reflected in an increase in muscle volume and density.

In addition to the function of ensuring the growth of muscle tissue, protein plays another important role - it protects muscle tissue from decay. The fact is that during intense training, the body spends a huge amount of energy and nutrients, and after it ends, it quickly begins to replenish the resulting deficit.

If at this time the body does not receive enough calories and nutrients, it will begin to destroy muscle tissue, releasing the necessary substances from it.

Therefore, athletes who want to gain muscle mass immediately after training take a protein shake, which sufficiently replenishes the energy spent during hard work. But no need to think that protein and training alone will be enough for muscle growth. Diet and its regimen are also of great importance.

The diet should include a large amount of animal and vegetable protein, as well as a balanced amount of fats and carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Proteins and energy should flow into the muscles almost uninterruptedly, Therefore, you need to eat often enough – up to 8 times a day.

What types of proteins are there, and which ones are best for gaining muscle mass?

To determine which protein is the best, you need to understand the subtleties of the classification of its types, which are increasing every year. Today it is customary to divide types of protein according to the speed of its absorption, the method of production and the product from which the protein was made.

It is worth noting that all types of proteins are exclusively natural products, and in themselves cannot harm your health.

Depending on the rate of absorption, the protein can be:

  • Fast– this protein will be completely absorbed in 3-4 hours.
  • Average– time for complete absorption is about 4-6 hours.
  • Slow– as a rule, plant-based proteins that are absorbed within 6-8 hours.

Depending on the manufacturing technology, the following types of proteins are distinguished:

However, you should not overuse the hydrolyzer, since using it too often can lead to your body producing less enzymes for digesting food, which will negatively affect digestion.

Types of proteins for gaining muscle mass

And finally, depending on the product from which the protein was made, the following types are distinguished:

You can find out in more detail all the intricacies of using whey protein, whether it is harmful, how and when it is best to drink it, in our article “The whole truth about whey protein.”

In addition to the above, sports nutrition manufacturers also produce multicomponent proteins, which include two or more types of protein.

It may seem that such complex proteins are capable of providing the highest quality results, but in practice, the digestibility of multicomponent proteins is lower than that of each individual type of protein.

How and when to take protein to gain muscle mass

Protein is consumed as a mixture of the supplement itself with milk, water or juice. The amount of liquid in which you dilute the protein portion does not matter.

When calculating the serving size of a protein supplement, start from your weight and the daily protein requirement, which is 2-2.5 g/kg of weight. It is also worth considering the following nuances:

  • Remember that the supplement is not 100% protein and take this into account when calculating your serving size.
  • You should not consume more than 30 g of pure protein at one time, as the body will not be able to fully absorb it.

The number of protein meals can vary from two to four per day, depending on whether you have a workout that day or whether you have enough time to eat a full meal. In general, the best time to consume protein is:

For more efficient muscle growth You can combine protein intake with BCAAs, creatine and other similar sports nutrition supplements. Their synergy will allow the beneficial properties of each sports nutrition component to be revealed as effectively as possible.

More about protein - video

To understand what protein is for, how to use it correctly, and which protein to choose for gaining muscle mass, check out the following video:

The use of sports nutrition, including protein, can take your training to a whole new level, make them longer and more productive, and their results are faster and more noticeable.

What types of protein do you use to gain muscle mass? What are the results of using them? Tell us in the comments!

Proteins for muscle growth are sports supplements that are concentrated protein. If you look at the chemical level, you can see amino acid chains that form polypeptides.

Why take protein, its effect on the body and muscles

There are two most common myths regarding proteins:

  • this is “chemistry” or doping;
  • This is a product designed exclusively for muscle growth.

On the first point. Protein is the same “chemistry” as all the chemical substances that make up the human body. All components of protein sports supplements are of natural origin - animal and plant. They have nothing to do with doping drugs.

The second myth is no less tenacious, but this opinion is far from the truth. Protein is multifaceted and performs a number of functions:

  1. Forms muscles. Entering the body, protein is broken down into amino acids, which almost entirely make up muscle tissue.
  2. Responsible for muscle contraction. Without protein, there would be no talk of any movement.
  3. Helps maintain immunity at the required level.
  4. Provides metabolic stability.
  5. Affects the shape of cells - forms the cytoskeleton.

As for purely bodybuilding functions, here too protein works on at least two fronts. With the help of protein, you can not only increase muscle volume, but also get rid of fat. Protein affects muscle growth in different ways. Among them:

  • influence on the RNA of muscle cells and stimulation of the growth of the latter through the intracellular signaling pathway;
  • suppression of catabolism – protein prevents the breakdown of existing “reserves” of protein in the body;
  • suppression of the synthesis of myostatin, a peptide that inhibits and blocks muscle growth.

If protein comes from natural products, why do we need sports supplements? The latter have two major advantages:

  • they allow the athlete not to limit the amount of protein; It is not always possible to obtain “natural” protein in the required amount;
  • There are several types of sports proteins, differing in purpose and speed of absorption.

Conclusion - supplements allow you to be flexible in the matter of nutrition that affects muscle growth.

Types of proteins

There are many options for protein supplements. We are interested in those that help to increase in volume. In this context, proteins for muscle growth are classified according to their composition and rate of absorption by the body. Let's consider the features of the main types.

Fast protein - whey

Whey protein is a concentrate of globular proteins that are obtained from whey (the mixture formed when milk curds). Its main difference is its rapid absorption by the body.

This variety is sold in the following basic formats:

  1. WPC (concentrate). Protein that is not highly purified - usually contains some cholesterol and fat; range of lactose and bioactive substances – 29-89%; from the intestine it is absorbed into the body in 3-4 hours (90%).
  2. WPI (isolate). Purer protein – the share of bioactive substances is more than 90%; Like the concentrate, this type is characterized by a milky taste; 90% absorption is achieved in approximately 3 hours.
  3. WPH (hydrolysate). The purest variation, which is absorbed easier and faster than others; in fact, it is a protein partially destroyed by enzymes for the purpose of rapid absorption; Hydrolysates are characterized by a bitter taste and high cost.

Despite the different performance of the serum types, a study by Moriarty KJ conducted in the 1980s showed little difference in the effect on muscle growth. In practice, this means that it doesn't always make sense to pay more for cleaner options.

Why do you need fast protein and what is its advantage? Due to its rapid absorption, whey protein is suitable for:

  • people with fast metabolism;
  • for use during periods when the body needs urgent reinforcement with amino acids - in the morning, before and after training, during drying and losing weight.

Slow protein – casein

Casein is a protein with a complex composition. Formed as a result of enzymatic curdling of milk. The main difference is the low rate of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the stomach, this protein forms a dense mass that is digested within 6-8 hours. All this time, the body is provided with the necessary amino acids.

Slow protein is characterized by lower biological value and a relatively weak thermogenic and anabolic effect. For a person seeking to gain weight, this means that casein can and should be considered only as an auxiliary protein.

Important points:

  • casein is not only digested much more slowly compared to whey, but also has the ability to reduce the rate of absorption of other types of protein;
  • It makes sense to consume slow protein before bed; its main task is to slow down inevitable catabolism during periods when other options are not available to the body;
  • casein is a good help during forced fasting; if eating is not possible for several hours, a portion of slow protein will protect the athlete from the destruction of muscle tissue.

Complete protein

Complex proteins are a combination of different types of protein. These supplements contain both fast and slow proteins. Thanks to this, both the rapid supply of amino acids to the body and the “smoldering” protein effect are ensured.

In addition to whey and casein protein, protein complexes may also include other types. Supplements that additionally include egg white perform very well. In terms of absorption, the latter is a cross between the main options. Thanks to the good combination of egg protein and whey protein, this complex serves as an excellent nutritional mixture with a high anabolic response.

Despite the described advantages of individual types of protein, each of them has disadvantages. Complex proteins largely offset the disadvantages of the components, making the mixtures universal.

Many complexes include soy protein. It is a leader when it comes to fast protein compatibility. Sometimes you can find a combination of egg and soy whites. But their effect is inferior to that of mixtures that include fast and slow species.

So which proteins are best for muscle growth? Versatility is good when it is not possible to use specialized compounds. Preference should be given to additives with a pronounced specific effect, based on a well-thought-out consumption strategy.

It has been proven that fast whey protein has the best anabolic properties. Complex additives compensate for the shortcomings of the species, but at the same time do not allow the full potential of the individual components to be revealed. In addition, soy proteins, which go well with fast ones, have many disadvantages. And “soy”, due to its low cost, is often included by manufacturers in complex sports supplements.

Protein pros Minuses Biological value Rate of assimilation (absorption), g/h
  • absorbs very quickly
  • goes well with other components
  • low cost
It is advisable to take before and after training, while during the day - in combination with other types100 10-12
  • is slowly absorbed, allowing you to maintain the required amino acid level throughout the day
  • good amino acid composition
  • has an unpleasant taste
  • poorly soluble
80 4-6
  • absorbed at an average rate
  • closest to the ideal protein (the best amino acid composition)
High price100 9
  • takes a long time to digest
  • lowers cholesterol levels
Relatively ineffective74 4
  • good amino acid composition
  • low cost
Can worsen bowel function90 4,5

Possible harm

Let's return to the myth that protein is a “chemical”. This stereotype is the reason the masses believe that protein supplements pose a health threat. In fact, studies show inconsistent effects from taking protein mixtures.

However, taking supplements in excess can have a negative impact on the body. Possible harm from proteins for muscle growth:

  • Skeletal system. Excessive consumption of proteins leads to excessive excretion of calcium from the body; on the other hand, additional protein intake enhances the bioavailability of calcium and stimulates its absorption.
  • Carcinogenic effect. Studies demonstrate a visible relationship between protein abuse and the development of cancer; In some cases, the statistics are unconvincing, but they cannot be discounted.
  • Kidney diseases. There is evidence of a relationship between high protein intake and the formation of kidney stones; but this relationship is controversial - data from various experiments are contradictory.
  • Diabetes. There are studies demonstrating a possible connection between consuming large amounts of protein (and low carbohydrate intake) and the development of type 2 diabetes; however, the exact cause of the disease is unclear - perhaps the reason lies in, or maybe the roots should be sought in other aspects.
  • The cardiovascular system. There is evidence indicating a possible connection between the intake of animal proteins and the risk of coronary disease; on the other hand, statistics showing the dependence of typical mortality on a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet are unconvincing.

Are there any contraindications?

There is a contraindication to taking protein - individual protein intolerance. As happens with conventional products, sometimes protein can cause allergies and intestinal disorders. The causes of digestive problems are intestinal dysbiosis or a lack of appropriate enzymes. If there is a connection between a protein diet and diarrhea/constipation/flatulence, the solution is either to reduce protein dosages or take enzymes.

To summarize, we can say that the problems from consuming protein mixtures are insignificant relative to the harm that the modern diet causes. Confectionery products, saturated fats and other foods that are far from compatible with the body are much more compelling reasons to think about changing your diet.