Which ice is the least durable for crossing a body of water? Safe ice thickness for humans and winter crossings. If you fall through the ice

Failure to comply with safety regulations water bodies in the autumn-winter period it often causes death and injury to people. Last year alone, during this time, two people died on the reservoirs of the Spassky district.

To avoid accidents, it is necessary to follow water safety rules. What are they?


state inspector of the Kamsko-Ustinsky inspection site.

Autumn ice from November to December, before the onset of stable frosts, is fragile. Strengthened by the evening or night cold, it is initially able to withstand a small load, but during the day, quickly heating up from melt water seeping into it, it becomes porous and very weak, although it retains sufficient thickness. And this year, in addition, constant temperature changes do not allow a strong ice surface to gain a foothold on reservoirs.

To avoid tragedies, it is necessary to take into account that bodies of water, as a rule, freeze unevenly: first off the coast, in shallow water, in bays protected from the winds, and then in the middle. On the same body of water you can find alternating ice, which, with the same thickness, have different strength and load-carrying capacity.

The main condition for a person’s safe stay on ice is that the thickness of the ice matches the load. For one person it should be at least 10 centimeters, for a pedestrian crossing - 15, for vehicles - at least 30.

Ice strength can be determined visually. For example, blue ice is considered the strongest, white ice is half as strong, and grey, matte white and with a yellowish tint is generally unreliable. Particular care must be taken when the ice is covered with a thick layer of snow, blocking the access of cold to the surface. Use of ice skating areas located on bodies of water is permitted only after a thorough check of the strength of the ice. Its thickness should be at least 12 centimeters, and for mass skating - at least 25.

Under no circumstances should you go out on the ice in the dark or in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain). It is safest to go ashore and go down onto the ice in places where it is visible, that is, not covered with snow. If you are forced to cross a body of water, it is safest to stick to the beaten paths or follow an already laid ski track, or use ice crossings. But if they are not there, before descending onto the ice you need to look around very carefully and outline the upcoming route. It is best to cross the frozen pond on skis. At the same time, they should be unfastened so that if necessary they can be reset. Ski poles should be held in your hands without putting loops on your hands. If you have a backpack, it is better to hang it on one shoulder - this will also make it easy to free yourself from the load, if necessary.

There is no need to go out on the ice alone, in unfamiliar places, especially at night. And, of course, special control during this dangerous period should be established for children who really love to skate on ice. But they, like adults, must know and remember that this is far from safe. Be careful!

With the onset of winter, residents of the Irkutsk region, on whose territory there are a huge number of reservoirs, enter a special period - freeze-up. It is fraught with many dangers. At this time, the water is covered with a thin layer of ice that has not yet hardened. People start skating, sledding, or simply trying to take a shortcut and cross to the other side. As a result, the fragile ice cannot stand it and the person ends up in icy water.

Safe passage on ice is only possible if its thickness is at least 7 centimeters. In this case, people should walk at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. It is strictly forbidden to check the thickness of the ice by kicking it; to do this you need to take a stick. If after two or three blows in the same place the water does not appear, then the ice is strong enough.

In places where reeds, bushes, grass, and other foreign objects are frozen, the danger of falling through increases. Take the time to walk around these places where warm water and industrial waste flow, and also do not come close if you see an ice-breaking area.

Transparent ice that has a greenish or bluish tint is considered safe. When going ice fishing, you should not find a ready-made hole and cut it wider. This could lead to a fairly large collapse. And one more thing: neither according to the first nor according to the last ice You cannot go fishing alone. It is also necessary to take life-saving equipment with you and always keep them at hand.

There is one very important rule, which everyone must know: * When it seems to you that there are no significant means of salvation nearby, take a closer look: there is always something that, having shown ingenuity and resourcefulness, you can use in case of danger. Items of clothing such as a scarf or waist belt can become a means of escape.

Anything that has buoyancy and is usually lying around somewhere nearby can be used: planks, pieces, plywood, fir branches and other objects. If there are still no available means nearby, then the best thing those around you can do to save someone who has fallen through the ice is to lie down on the ice and, holding each other’s legs, crawl in a chain to the drowning person to provide assistance.

Before the victim is taken to a medical facility, he must immediately receive first aid. First of all, encourage and reassure. In severe hypothermia, the victim is usually unconscious. A complex of resuscitation actions is necessary: ​​place the victim in a warm room; change clothes to dry ones; place the victim on a hard, flat surface face up; do artificial respiration.

According to established folk tradition, they often do what should not be done, namely:

* give the victim alcohol, which causes bleeding from the skin * massage and rub it * place it in hot water the victim's arms and legs. The most important thing is to deliver the victim to the nearest medical facility as quickly as possible, where he will receive qualified assistance.

Most often, people find themselves on ice when crossing bodies of water to shorten their path. Or going to winter fishing. In stable frosty weather, when the temperature does not rise more than minus five degrees, ice four to five centimeters thick is considered safe for the movement of a single pedestrian. Eight-centimeter ice can support two people standing next to each other, 12-14 centimeter ice can support 5-7 people. Autumn ice is safe for one person if its thickness is at least 10 centimeters.

The most durable ice is transparent ice with a bluish or greenish tint, without air bubbles, formed in frosty, windless and rainless weather. During thaw, frost, and rain, the ice becomes whiter and more matte, sometimes acquiring a yellowish tint. This kind of ice is very unreliable. Unless absolutely necessary, you should not go out on spring, porous ice.

Autumn, spongy ice, which is snow frozen during a blizzard, is very dangerous. Under no circumstances should you step on areas of such ice. Milky, white or matte in color, ice is twice as weak as transparent ice. It is formed as a result of the freezing of snowflakes during heavy snowfall. Such ice can break without a warning crack. If the ice surface is not covered with snow, you can see small radial cracks forming under your feet, diverging in all directions. At the same time, a soft crunching sound is heard, reminiscent of the crackling of dry wood.

You can walk on such ice only as a last resort. If ring cracks are added to radial cracks, it means that its strength is at its limit and it can break at any moment. The thinnest and most dangerous ice is under snowdrifts, near steep banks, reed thickets, in places where rivers and streams flow into and out of lakes, near rocks, frozen snags, fallen trees, boards and other debris, at the confluence of several streams, that is, there , where the water is turbulent and therefore freezes much later than in places with a quiet, even flow.

Ice can be very fragile in places where industrial water flows into the river. They can be indicated by a drain pipe rising above the shore, spots of open water, steam, green vegetation against the background of snow, and thickets of reeds that are more abundant than in other places. It is better to stay away from such places, as the ice can be flooded by warm currents over a much larger area than is visible. When choosing a path on ice, one must take into account that its structure is heterogeneous - in some places it is stronger, in others it is weaker. For example, on fast rivers in places of narrowing, near steep banks, the ice often consists of several thin crusts separated by layers of air. Along the coast there are such air bubbles can reach significant sizes, sometimes more than a meter.

In cold weather, wormwood hidden under snow can sometimes be recognized by its characteristic hovering behavior. And a dark spot on a flat snow cover may mean that the ice in this place is thinner than around it. In river bends, you should try to stay as far away from cliffs as possible. There the current is fast and turbulent, the ice is thinner and freezes unevenly. In spring, it is most dangerous in areas densely overgrown with sedge, near flooded bushes. You should go ashore and especially go down to the river in places not covered with snow.

Otherwise, if you slip and roll on a slope, you can end up even in a visible hole, since it can be very difficult to slow down a slide on ice. When choosing a path, never “plow virgin soil”, do not look for new paths, follow the paths and paths trodden before you. People know better where to go safely. And most importantly, the ice is thicker on the trails, since in this place it was constantly being built up by compacting the snow. It is best to move along a track made by a recently passing vehicle. If the ice withstood several tons of automobiles, then your tens of kilograms - somehow.

Movement on ice.

On ice, the strength of which is questionable, one should walk alone, maintaining a distance between people of at least five meters. The most experienced man should go first, lightly, probing and tapping the ice with a stick. It is advisable to secure it with a long rope tied around the chest. If it is behind your back, one strap should be removed to be able to instantly get rid of it. Or drag it a few meters behind you on a rope. Ski bindings need to be unfastened, hands out of loops ski poles pull out. It would be a good idea to transfer heavy objects from your pockets into a bag so that if you fall through, they will not pull you down.

You should walk on the ice carefully, with a sliding step, gently placing your foot on the entire foot. Practice shows that ice rarely breaks instantly. Usually a break is preceded by a cracking sound, subsidence of the ice, a change in its appearance, and water may come out. If there is a characteristic crack or subsidence of the ice, it is better to immediately return back. In such cases, it is permissible to return only by following your own tracks, without taking your feet off the ice surface. This is the safest way.

What to do if you fall through the ice, rescue from the ice hole.

When breaking through ice, you must quickly free yourself from your bags, lie on your stomach with your arms spread wide, and try to crawl out of the danger zone. You only need to move in the direction from which you came. If a person finds himself in water, he must get rid of all heavy things and, while staying on the surface, try to crawl onto strong ice. The easiest way to do this is by sticking a penknife, a sharp key, etc. into the ice. Ideally, when crossing a winter pond, you need to have some sharp object on hand.

You have to “extricate yourself” from a narrow hole, rolling from your stomach to your back and at the same time crawling onto the ice. In a large ice hole, you need to climb onto the ice in the place where the fall occurred. In rivers with strong currents, you should try to avoid the bulk side (where the water goes) so as not to be pulled under the ice. No matter how difficult it is to get out of the hole against the current, it should be done there or from the side. If the ice is weak, it must be broken until a solid section is encountered.

The most important thing when you fall into a hole is to remain calm and cool. Even a poorly swimming person can stay on the surface for some (sometimes quite a long) time due to the air cushion formed under the clothes. And only as the clothes get wet, a person loses additional buoyancy. This time is usually enough to get out of the hole.

It should be remembered that the first minutes of being in cold water are the most productive, before your clothes get wet, your hands are not frozen, and the weakness and indifference characteristic of hypothermia have not developed. Only one, or at least two of his comrades should help a failed person. It is not only useless for everyone to gather on the edge of the ice hole, but also dangerous.

The person providing assistance should lie on his stomach, crawl to the break in the ice and give the victim the end of a rope, a long stick, a belt, knitted scarves, jackets, etc. In the absence of any means of rescue, it is permissible for several people to lie down in a chain, holding each other’s legs, and so, crawling, moving towards the hole, help the victim. In all cases, when approaching the edge of the hole, you should try to block as much as possible large area ice, spreading your arms and legs to the sides, and under no circumstances create point loads by resting your elbows or knees on it.

When a rescuer acts alone, it is best for him to approach the fallen person with his feet, sticking sharp objects into the surface of the ice. If you stretch your hands towards the victim, he can pull the unsupported rescuer into the water. After the victim grabs his leg or the rope given to him, he must, leaning on improvised ice axes, crawl away from the ice hole. If there long rope, it is better to tie it in advance to a tree standing on the shore and, thus providing guaranteed support, crawl to the ice hole.

A person pulled out of the water must be immediately changed into dry clothes and shoes, given something sweet to eat and forced to move actively until he is completely warmed up. Help for a person who has fallen into water must be provided very quickly, since even a 10-15 minute stay in icy water can be life-threatening.

Based on materials from the book “School of Survival in Accidents and Natural Disasters.”
Andrey Ilyichev.

Winter is a magical time, known for the wonders of snow and ice underfoot. Many children's winter Games associated with them: sledding and ice skating, snowballs, making a snowman. However, when going out on the ice, there is a danger that it is not strong enough. How can you measure its strength? With color! If you know what color strong ice is, then by its appearance you can determine whether danger awaits a person in this area or whether it is safe here.

Ocean ice color

Despite the generally accepted misconception that different shades appear due to impurities in the water of some substances, ice has its own color, just like snow. Thus, crusts of ice in the ocean that have not survived a single summer are white. Why? Because the water there is restless and when it freezes, thousands of air bubbles end up inside. They provide white color young ice and serve as an identification mark.

What color is the ice that survived the winter? After the winter has passed, the crust begins to thaw and freezes again by the next winter. The top layer no longer has bubbles and every year there is more and more dense ice. It acquires a blue tint, and very old ones acquire a blue and azure color.

What color is ice?

Color changes as opposed to density. For example, the first ice is like a spider's web - thin and transparent. It has no color and it is immediately noticeable that it is dangerous, but beautiful. Thawed or not dense enough - yellow. It's not a bright color, just a straw shade, but it's noticeable.

Ice turns green when the water has been frozen for a long time. This often depends on the color of the water itself, but can also be due to the refraction of light or the composition of the ice. In addition, another answer to the question of what color the ice is is white. It is not uncommon to see white patches on frozen puddles in winter. This is a thin crust, entirely consisting of voids in the form of air bubbles. Well, and also blue, a deeper shade, so beloved by artists. It is inherent in ice floes at depth.

What color is the strongest ice?

Two colors are considered the most reliable: green and blue. When thinking about what color ice is, you can’t only take into account the bright shades of these colors. This is important to consider. If the ice is unnaturally bright, there is every reason to believe that this is not its color. Or something was in the water and could affect the quality of the ice when it froze, or was spilled after freezing, which could also affect its density.

When thinking about what color the ice is, you need to show not only research curiosity, but also apply knowledge in practice: having noticed a person in time in an unsafe area, you need to get him out of there. It is even more useful to know what to do when a person, having not calculated the thickness of the ice, falls under a thin crust of frozen water.

Thus, ice can be called an amazing state of water. It gives not only amazing sensations when riding it, but also pleases the eye, allows you to develop caution and makes you treat it as a dangerous element. Therefore, knowledge of the color of strong and weak ice helps save the lives of yourself and those who find themselves in a dangerous situation.

The strength of ice can be determined visually: blue ice is strong, white ice is 2 times less strong, grey, matte white or yellowish ice is unreliable.

Picture 21 from the presentation “Thin Ice” for life safety lessons on the topic “Safety on Ice”

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Ice safety

“Water Safety” - Rules of conduct on a pond in winter. Summer. Be extremely collected and attentive; Do not swim in places unknown to you; Don't swim! Do not panic! Stay calm! We wish you a safe holiday on the water. SAFE DISTANCE FROM THE PILE 3 YOUR GROWTH! Basic safety rules: Thank you for your attention! Water safety.

“Rules of conduct on ice” - One careless move and you can fall through the ice. If you absolutely need to cross a body of water, and you are not sure about the reliability of the ice: Pass through dangerous places only if absolutely necessary and only with insurance! The main thing is not to lose your composure! Balkhash near the town of Priozersk 6 fishermen disappeared. Lesson topic:

“Help on the water” - Water has the most powerful effect on a person beneficial effect. Is it necessary to clear the victim’s mouth and nose of silt, mud, and sand? Signs of drowning. You can provide assistance one at a time, assigning the “victim” the father, then the mother. Name the sequence of first aid for drowning. In warm summer weather, swimming is a great pleasure.

“Safe behavior near bodies of water” - Simple tips. You can't walk on ice during a thaw! When moving on ice, it is necessary to increase the intervals between people, stretch or loosen backpack straps, unfasten ski bindings, and prepare a rope. Help yourself - if you find yourself in a hole. If the ice cracks or begins to break, quickly return with a sliding step or crawl to the shore.

“Man on the water” - Ice with a greenish tint and a thickness of at least 7 cm is safe for crossing. Providing first aid to a drowning person. Helping a tired swimmer together. PROVIDING FIRST AID TO A DROWNING TRUE DROWNING (regular or “blue”). When riding on watercraft, it is prohibited: Violations of the rules of behavior on the water, obviously dangerous actions.

“Safe behavior on the water” - If the boat capsizes on the threshold, the crew grabs the edges of the boat and swims to the shore. Water trips and water safety. Preparing for water trip. Features of water tourism and requirements for the level of training of a water tourist. The boat crews in front catch things that have floated away from the capsized boat.

There are 10 presentations in total