What is the best time to train? Optimal training time. What is the best time to exercise - evening workouts

It has long been known that The functioning of the human body directly depends on the time of day– during some hours he works as productively as possible (at this time you can spend the most best workouts for losing weight and gaining muscle mass), in others it is almost completely turned off (this is not a time for fitness, but a time for sleep and rest).

Having a good understanding of this topic, you can plan your day wisely and choose the most optimal time for sports. With this approach, you will only conduct truly effective training.

What time can you do the most effective workouts: morning

  • 5-00 - The kidneys stop excreting urine. Waking up at this time, a person feels energetic all day and can carry out effective power training for weight loss (this rule applies to both girls and men)
  • 6-00 - pressure rises, heart starts beating faster
  • 7-00 - the body's immunity is significantly enhanced
  • 8-00 - toxic substances are almost completely dehydrated in the liver
  • 9-00 - the heart begins to work better, sensitivity to pain decreases

What time of day can you do the most effective workouts: evening

  • 17-00 - the body’s performance increases, endurance increases significantly. Great time for fitness and heavy strength training
  • 18-00 - functioning slows down nervous system, pain sensitivity threshold increases
  • 19-00 - blood pressure rises, irritability and short temper appear. At this time, not the best (in terms of effectiveness) workouts come out.
  • 20-00 - maximum daily body weight is observed, reaction improves
  • 21-00 - the ability to remember information improves, the functioning of the nervous system returns to normal. This time is more suitable for learning than for fitness.

Late evening is the best time for training aimed at relaxing the body. Best program workouts for the evening - yoga, stretching, breathing exercises

Choosing a time for fitness: night

22-00 - the level of leukocytes in the blood increases, body temperature decreases

  • 23-00 - the body is actively preparing for sleep. At this time, it will not be possible to conduct the most effective and efficient training.
  • 24-00 - end of the day. At this time you need to sleep, and not do home workouts for weight loss.
  • 1-00 - sensitivity to pain increases significantly. Shallow sleep
  • 2-00 - internal organs slow down work
  • 3-00 - the body rests, pulse and breathing slow down
  • 4-00 – hearing becomes more acute, blood pressure drops very much.
  • Night is not the time for sports. Effective program workouts for weight loss should be carried out during the day or evening.

But don’t get hung up on the time of day – this is just an additional advantage that allows you to conduct more effective workouts. If you cannot pay attention to training at the specified time, then play sports in any free minute.The most important thing in any training is regularity.. Train correctly, don't miss classes, and you will succeed. The doctor promises!

Both beginning athletes and experienced athletes ask themselves this question. After all, everyone has their own affairs, responsibilities, and individual characteristics. Some have free time in the morning, others in the evening, and still others during lunch, in the middle of the working day. But the issue remains on the agenda. When is the best time to play sports? Let’s try to figure it out.

There is such a concept

There is such a term as biorhythms or human circadian rhythms.

Scientists have conducted experiments aimed at establishing the relationship between sports and training time.

The results are as follows: at noon and early evening, a person's body temperature is slightly higher than at other times of the day. Therefore, the risk of injury is most reduced.

Best fit at this time power loads and stretching. Aerobics, tennis, dancing - that is, any activity that requires maximum strength and endurance, because the body is ready for feats. And after eight in the evening it is better to return to yours "morning" sports, because the metabolism slows down, the body temperature begins to drop, and the body is adjusting to the upcoming sleep. Afterwards, breathing exercises will prepare you for proper rest.

When newcomers come to the gym, due to their inexperience, they make many mistakes. Of course, there is a fitness instructor in the gym who will show you a number of exercises and correct any errors that appear. However, in this article we will tell you what exercises you need to do and how many approaches.

Following all diets and regimens correctly proper nutrition, you still won't be able to achieve muscle gain. In order to achieve a certain result, there are only two options: go to sport Club or activity at home. Of course, the fitness instructor will select the necessary set of exercises and tell you about the diet. However, in this article we will offer you a method of building mass based on several exercises.

In this article, let's look at how you can build muscles at home. The main obstacle to studying at home is our laziness. However, if you overcome it and start exercising at least an hour a day, you will notice results within a couple of weeks. And you definitely need to give yourself at least one day off.

By definition from physiology reference books, there are three main body types. Z By knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can change your body, while quickly selecting only correct complexes exercise or diet. However, on the Internet there is some scattering of concepts and terms for determining body type - we will try to eliminate this.

The article will discuss exercises that allow you to pump up important muscles - lower press. These exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym. This instruction is intended for those people who want to pump up beautiful abs quickly, while spending only about ten minutes a day.

This article will talk about a beautiful male figure, namely what concerns broad shoulders. Let's look at exercises to keep your muscles toned. They can be performed at home or in the gym.

Greetings to everyone, dear friends. Today I will give you precise answers to the questions that concern you, namely: what time is the best time to exercise? physical exercise How to determine the most optimal time. You will also receive valuable recommendations regarding classes at different times. Begin?

Before we start looking at specific times of the day, I want to immediately note that any type of training (morning, afternoon or evening, it doesn’t matter) has its positive and negative aspects. It’s up to you to decide which option to choose, but I don’t advise you to rush; it’s better to outline for yourself all the pros and cons.

Larks, owls and pigeons

So, you've probably heard that people are larks or night owls. I’ll tell you more, there are also pigeons. Who are pigeons? Oh, these are, in my opinion, universal people in terms of choosing training times.

Larks by nature get up early and go to bed early too. Owls... I think everything is clear here, it’s not for me to explain to you that these are nocturnal birds. And pigeons... The activity of a pigeon depends on its habits: if it goes to bed early for a long time, then it will not have problems getting up early. A similar picture emerges with wakefulness at night.

You might argue that both the lark and the owl can also become accustomed to certain conditions: the lark may stay up late, while the owl may wake up early. Yes, I completely agree with you - this is possible, but still it will be easier for the pigeon, and the formed conditioned reflex (not sleeping at night or waking up early) will be more stable, that is, you do not need to constantly fight with it and reinforce it. It was formed and that's it.

But that’s not what I started writing about. I was simply pointing out that when choosing a time to study, you need to start from your “nature” - you need to pay attention to this first of all. Monitor yourself for a week and note at what time you feel a surge of strength. If you want to exercise in the evening, then the choice of training time is obvious.

Let's take a more specific look at classes at different times of the day.

Classes in the morning

What makes morning classes stand out? First of all, because in morning time greatest absorption by the body. This time is great for gaining weight and losing weight. Both cases are different.

When losing weight, you need to not eat at all - this will allow the body to feed on fat deposits.

During weight gain, on the contrary, you need to eat very little to avoid heaviness in the stomach during exercise, and immediately within 30 minutes after training you need to take it, and only then have a full meal. This will provoke the body to diligently absorb proteins and the elements it needs.

The disadvantages of exercising in the morning are that for the first month and a half it may be difficult for you to get used to this regimen. This, in turn, is a great stress for the body, which can affect the well-being and vital energy of an unprepared person.

But rest assured, once you get used to it, you won’t have any problems, you won’t have problems getting up, and your health will improve significantly. Just imagine, you are not just doing it, but you are fully engaged.

Daytime activities

Daytime activities are good because the body has already woken up, “warmed up”, and the brain is already working “to its fullest.” Another positive side of daytime exercise is the fact that after training, the body and body systems have time to gradually return to normal without sudden jumps.

The model is something like this: activity – slowing down – calming down – normal state. But not like this: activity is a normal state. The absence of a slowing down and calming down phase also negatively affects the body. I will talk about this below.

Evening classes

Evening classes, as mentioned above, have one, but strong drawback - the absence of a calming phase. You cannot subject your body to such stress, forcing it into at an accelerated pace go into completely opposite states. This is similar to the case with water. If you create conditions such that water immediately turns from a solid (ice) state into steam, then the structure of the water will be disrupted.

But if you feel that a surge of strength occurs in the evening, and you want to exercise, then I can only advise this: do not immediately start resting, much less sleep.

Classes at any free time

I can say with confidence that this way of practicing is the worst. It does not allow the body to get used to any regime or adjust to the rhythm of life.

Imagine, today you trained at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the day after tomorrow at 7 o’clock in the evening, and a few days later in the morning. The body simply does not have time to get used to and prepare for subsequent stress. It is prepared for one time, and you reschedule the training time.

Therefore, I will repeat again: studying at any time is the worst way to study. Although, as they say, “if there is no fish, there is no cancer.” Therefore, if you have no other opportunity, but only in your free time, which is constantly changing, then it is better to do this than nothing. Something is better than nothing.

Exercises before and after meals

Naturally, you need to exercise before eating. This is due to the functioning of the organs and systems of the body, and possible inconvenience. It’s not for nothing that they advise you to eat 2 hours before training, that is, so that the food has time to be digested to a greater extent.

Exercising after meals is fraught with heaviness in the stomach, possible nausea, and also feeling unwell. Do you feel a little sleepy after a heavy lunch? This blood drained from the brain and rushed to the stomach. Do you think you can train a lot in this state?

I hope you have determined for yourself best time for training, and if you don’t yet have a full training program, then pay your attention to the video course " For men" And " For women».

The majority are in favor of “shooting off” early, even before work, and in the evening to do household chores or relax, and not rush headlong into Gym or to the stadium. However, the desire to work out early in the morning is challenged by a much stronger desire to sleep for an extra half hour or hour. It most often wins, which is why most athletes still train in the evenings.

This especially applies to residents of large cities with their constantly accelerating pace of life, forcing them to save every minute, and their ever-increasing workloads.

However, Peter Hespel, professor of Research sports center at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, as befits a real scientist, he decided to test this statement and conducted an interesting experiment.

Peter Hespel invited 28 young and healthy guys under 21 years of age to participate in his study. All of them had to switch to a high-calorie diet proposed by scientists for six weeks. Everyone was fed the same. All volunteers daily norm in calories increased by 30%. At the same time, they ate 50% more fat than in Everyday life before participating in the experiment.

Study participants were divided into three groups. Those who were in the first group were allowed to forget about training and going to the gym for the duration of the experiment. The remaining two groups trained. Moreover, volunteers from the second group went out for training first thing in the morning, as soon as they woke up, and the third group did it after a breakfast rich in carbohydrates. Those who exercised on an empty stomach ate exactly the same breakfast, but only after training. The training in both groups was absolutely identical in duration and load.

A month and a half later, scientists summed up the results. As you might guess, those who only ate and did not exercise gained weight, on average approx. 2 kg each. Those who exercised after breakfast also gained weight, but significantly less - a little more than 1 kg.

Weight did not change only among those participants in the experiment who trained on an empty stomach, before breakfast. It turned out that their bodies burned more calories throughout the day. In addition, they had better insulin levels.

Of course, it is premature to draw far-reaching conclusions based on this study alone. It was short-term in nature and too few volunteers participated in it, who were also of the same gender and age. It is also noteworthy that those who trained on an empty stomach did not lose weight, but only managed to maintain the same weight.

Yet the Belgian study may have provided some food for thought for the first time on the question of when is it best to exercise: in the morning or in the evening, when fed or on an empty stomach?

Professor Peter Hespel is confident that he has answered this question.

“The optimal strategy for preventing weight gain,” he says, “should be a combination of a healthy and well-balanced diet and exercise. active image life. At the same time, play sports better in the morning and on an empty stomach."

On the one hand, training at an earlier time will help you burn calories effectively, and on the other hand, it will set the body’s operating mode for maximum fat burning for the entire coming day.

Professor Hespel clearly explains the main reason that helps to lose the most intensively during morning training. overweight or at least protect the body from their recruitment. To get energy for exercise, the body has to go into the pantries where it stores fats for emergencies like this. The difference from the exact same process of burning fat and calories at other times of the day and especially in the evening is that the body treats this “NZ” very carefully. First of all, it always burns what it received after the last meal, i.e. breakfast, lunch or dinner.

A study conducted in America also helps answer the question of why training time is so important.

Two groups of men ran on a treadmill until they burned 400 calories, the equivalent of a small snack such as 3-4 pieces of toast.

At the same time, those who were part of the first group ran on an empty stomach, and volunteers from the second group were given a plate to eat an hour before training oatmeal energy value of 400 calories.

Runners in both groups burned fat. Their body received instructions for accelerated combustion fats and after training. But results on both measures were higher among those who skipped a pre-workout meal. In other words, playing sports after long break in food can set the body up for longer and longer intense combustion fat

There is another advantage to morning classes sports, which also helps to lose extra pounds more intensively. This is daylight.

One recent study found that people who were exposed to bright sunlight within two hours of waking up were slimmer and lost weight more easily than those who did not receive natural light, regardless of what or how much they ate.

Choosing between the desire to lose weight and sleep extra hour early in the morning, you should also keep in mind that fans of early workouts have even created something like a proverb: “He who gets up early lives slim!”

When is the best time of day to train from a physiological point of view? Are you tired in the evening, but in the morning your body is somehow not ready? In other words, when is it better to exercise, morning or evening?

Morning workouts

What happens in the human body in the morning? You woke up, washed your face, finally woke up 🙂 and felt a surge of strength. Perhaps at no other time of the day do we feel as cheerful and energetic as we do in the morning.

This is explained, of course, by long sleep and hormones. In the morning, from about 6 to 8 o'clock, cortisol is intensely released in the body. This catabolic hormone helps actively break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the body. And this, among other things, is an important anti-inflammatory agent that protects us from various types of infections.

Increased energy, many hours of rest, increased secretion of cortisol - what could be better for training? Especially for terrain training.

I believe that the morning is perfect time for serious fitness

It is no coincidence that the majority professional athletes They conduct their training early in the morning. This is really correct.

For people involved in building muscle mass, the following advice will be relevant. To prevent increased cortisol secretion from damaging hard-earned muscle mass, immediately after waking up you should take a small dose of amino acids (for example, BCAA) or whey (fast) protein. Do this right before your morning workout. This really affects muscle mass in the best possible way.

After morning workout you should have a hearty breakfast. I am sure that even those who usually do not want to eat in the morning will feel healthy morning hunger after a good workout.

Meanwhile, many people feel that they shouldn’t train with weights in the morning. I myself came to this conclusion through personal experience. It's much easier to get injured in the morning if you don't take the time to warm up thoroughly. For many people, if they do workouts in the morning, then only aerobic, light ones strength training, static exercises. Most people have much less flexibility in the morning than in the evening. Therefore, stretching in the morning is less pleasant.

You must determine for yourself whether morning training is right for you.

Training in the evenings

In the evening, on the contrary, in many respects the body is better prepared for the load, but this fatigue...

Do you know that there are different types of fatigue? Analyze what are you tired of?

1. Have you been carrying bags of cement all day?

2. Or did you sit in front of the monitor all day? Is it really physical fatigue?

Or maybe you just forgot to have lunch or were nervous? Maybe it's emotional fatigue? And good exercise stress will it help you break out of the vicious circle of negativity and vanity?

If in the first case it can be said unequivocally that training is most likely out of the question. Then in the second - I’m sure of this - you need to take yourself by the soft spot and drag yourself into the hall! Fatigue will disappear as if by hand.

It also happens that it is difficult to understand whether it is worth training today or not. Here I recommend applying the old proven rule:

If you are in doubt whether to go to an evening workout or not, go

Just go to the gym and start training. If in the first minutes of training your fatigue only intensifies, just do a minimum of exercises with lighter weights and go home. But I am sure that most of these potentially lost training sessions will go off with a bang. You will be surprised at your energy!

The subjective perception of training is greatly influenced by habit. It is important to understand that man is an extremely flexible creature. We can develop the habit of exercising at any time of the day. The main thing is habit. And only if you really begin to notice that the chosen time is unsuccessful, then you should think about changing your exercise regime.

Workout twice a day

Sounds unexpected? Seems impossible? Suitable for professionals only? I don’t agree with you, because I know a lot of examples from ordinary people with a lot of things to do and troubles.

Two workouts a day is very effective for quick results. This principle is especially suitable for losing weight and quickly getting into shape. Of course, this requires effort and sufficient time. But, I emphasize, this is very effective. For example, the program and my other training almost always require two sessions per day. One training session (morning) is our main one, the second (evening) is auxiliary and very short.

Two workouts a day is not fantasy or nonsense. It's just habit and determination.