What size should the k be for horses? Master class on building a stable and corral for horses. Roof and ceiling

Stall size
The size of the stall may depend on the size and purpose of the horse. For ponies and small breeds (Arabian) 4x4 meters will be sufficient, and for horses whose height exceeds 140 cm, the stall size should be at least 4.5x4.5 meters. Large warm-blooded horses and heavy breeds an even more spacious stall is needed, measuring 5x5 meters or 5.3x5.3 meters, and a mare with a foal or a stud stallion needs to be provided with 6.5x6.5 meters of free space. On the other side, miniature horses They feel great in stalls measuring only 2.5x2 meters. It is recommended that the length of the stall wall be 1.5 times the length of the horse, but as they say, the longer the better.

Ceiling height in stall
It is better to follow the principle of “the higher the better” for both horse safety and ventilation. The minimum ceiling height can be 4 m (if you make stalls in an existing old room and you simply have no other choice). Increasing the ceiling height will improve air circulation, but will also help minimize the risk of your horse hitting his head if he rears in fear. High ceilings also mean that wiring and other communications will be located higher and, as they say, out of harm's way.

Stall doors can be lattice, solid or combined. It is better to install combined doors (half wooden/iron - half lattice, pole or mesh): this, firstly, will provide ventilation, secondly, it will allow the horse to observe what is happening in the stable, and thirdly, it will not allow she gets injured by getting her hooves stuck in the bottom of the grate.
Partitions in the stall also have great importance: Properly designed, they give horses the opportunity to communicate with their neighbors. Horse stable design companies say that ninety percent of clients, when asked about partition designs, want them to be continuous from floor to ceiling. But stable designers recommend that owners allow the horse to interact with other horses.

Floor coverings
And finally we move on to the floor covering. Each owner decides for himself what type of coating to choose, but in general, the floor must meet the following requirements:

Don't be too tough
- do not absorb odors
- be dry
- be non-slippery
- be durable
- be durable
- to be cleaned
- be accessible, inexpensive

There are several ways to keep horses. In the rather harsh climate of Russia, it is most acceptable to keep horses in stalls or stalls. The stall is much less convenient for the animal, since the dimensions of the stall for a horse are small and do not allow either free movement or comfortable lying down. As a rule, the width of the stall does not exceed 1.5 m with a depth of 2-2.5 m. The horse stands on a leash, almost in one position. In such conditions, the animal becomes bored, quickly begins to acquire bad habits and can become ill from lack of exercise.

A stall or box is much more convenient. In a more spacious room, the horse can move, lie down, and play. Optimally, a levada, or small pasture, is adjacent to the stall. In good weather, the horse has the opportunity to either stay inside the stall or walk outdoors. Of course, such living conditions have the best effect on the horse’s health, mood and performance.

What do you need to know and definitely take into account when equipping a stall or choosing a stable for a sports or pleasure horse? There are scientifically based and practice-tested formulas that allow you to determine the size of a stall for a horse based on its size and purpose.

The minimum size of the box is determined by the formula: S = (2H)² S - area of ​​the stall; H - height of the horse at the withers. That is, for a horse whose height at the withers is 1.65 m, the minimum area of ​​the box should be: (1.65× 2) × (1.65 × 2) = 10.89 m². It is approximately 3 × 3.5 m.

The size of the horse determines the area of ​​the stall. Small horses and ponies can be kept in stalls of 2 × 3 m, for taller sporting and pleasure breeds boxes of 3 × 4 m are required, for heavy draft and warm-blooded breeds- 4 × 4 m. Stud stallions are also kept in large stalls. The largest rooms are reserved for keeping mares with foals: 4 × 5 or 5 × 5 meters.

Not only the area of ​​the box is important, but also the height of the ceilings in the stable. The minimum permissible height of a room for keeping horses is 3 meters, otherwise the animal may hit its head on the ceiling and rear up. High ceilings also allow electrical wires to be placed above animals' reach. In addition, the higher the ceilings, the better the ventilation in the stable. Some general points should also be taken into account in order to ensure the greatest comfort and safety for both the animals, the owner, and the stable staff.

It is better to make the doors to the stall sliding. Less convenient, but quite functional, are swing doors that open into the passage between the boxes. It is unacceptable to arrange the doors in such a way that they open into the stall: if the horse falls for any reason, such doors will not allow entry and assistance to the animal.

It is not necessary to make partitions that are blank throughout the entire height between adjacent stalls, since horses feel much better if they have the opportunity to communicate with each other and observe what is happening. The only exception may be stalls for pregnant mares, who feel safer in completely isolated rooms.

For partitions, brickwork or wood sheathed with galvanized steel is best suited. Best option the floor is concrete covered with special rubber mats. The ventilation system must be equipped in such a way as to prevent drafts.

Modern designed stalls can be ordered online. Companies specializing in the production of boxes for horses will produce a stall in accordance with the dimensions of the horse, deliver and install it. True, this will not be cheap.

Living conditions are important for horses almost to the same extent as for humans. The more spacious and comfortable the stall, the better the stallion or filly will feel, and the less often the owners will have to contact the veterinarian. Savings on conditions for keeping animals always results in an increase in treatment costs.

Many landowners are wondering how to build a stable on their property. The fact is that some people have dreamed of horses since childhood, while others want to professionally breed animals for further resale. Moreover, the business associated with horseback riding is now gaining momentum. It is not surprising that this topic has become more relevant than ever.

We are building a stable

Start of construction

Before you start building a stable with your own hands, you need to create a project. It will include drawings, estimates, descriptions of the necessary materials and other important information. This document will be your roadmap towards a completed concept. It needs to take into account the following points:

  1. The main purpose of the building is to ensure maximum comfort for horses. You must take into account that horses need a lot of space. Moreover, the stable must be properly insulated and have enough light. There should be no drafts in it. Animals are extremely sensitive to them.
  2. It is best to choose a hill as a construction site. This will prevent moisture from forming inside. Otherwise, horses will often suffer from hoof diseases.
  3. Determine which direction the wind blows most often. It is necessary that the cold streams fall on the corner of the stable.
  4. A special role is played by drawing up estimates without this document, it is impossible not only to build a stable, but simply to begin construction. Clearly assess your capabilities and calculate your budget.

After the main points have been clarified, you can proceed directly to the construction of the stables.

Deciding on the material

In fact, this issue needs to be decided during the process of creating the stable project. But since the topic is very extensive, it is better to separate it into a separate section. Among professional horse breeders, brick and wood are recognized as the best materials. This choice is explained quite simply. These materials are better than any other at ensuring dryness and warmth inside the stable.

Brick allows you to create a strong and reliable building. In addition, this material also breathes. And this is a very powerful argument when creating an optimal environment for animals.

In turn, the timber copes well with moisture and creates a microclimate that is ideal for the life of horses. Thanks to him, the stable will become a place where animals will feel as comfortable as possible.

There is an option even for those who do not have enough funds to purchase the required amount of brick or wood. To make the building warm, dry and inexpensive, use adobe. This material is a kind of mixture of clay and straw. It is natural and has good thermal insulation properties.

Advice ! At all a budget option The stables consist of planks in the form of a frame. The clay-sawdust mass is poured into the space between them.

It is better not to use stone when creating a building. It, of course, has amazing durability and reliability, but dampness will certainly form inside the stable. In addition, heating such a room costs a lot of money.

Making walls

The thickness of the walls of the stable directly depends on the material and climate in which the building is being built. If construction takes place in the northern zones of the country, the thickness of the walls should be from 22 to 25 centimeters. In turn, in southern latitudes, logs 20 cm thick are quite sufficient.

Walls must be built on a good, solid foundation. Moreover, the space between these building elements is best paved with roofing felt. If this material is not available, use roofing felt or even asphalt. In principle, any waterproofing material will do.

Important ! The construction of the stables should be carried out taking into account the fact that the temperature inside should not be lower than 10 degrees.

The internal layout of the walls of the building is carried out with the expectation that the horse in the stall should be able to change position without problems. Otherwise, the animals will be extremely uncomfortable inside.


It is best to make the roof in the stable pitched. Moreover, it needs to be equipped with ebbs and gutters. It is necessary that the water be drained into special containers and not under the walls of the building. Otherwise, the appearance of dampness inside is simply inevitable.

The ceiling must be located at such a level that the animal can easily fit into the stable. At the same time, it should not hit its head on the ceiling. Undoubtedly, maximum height Each horse depends on the breed, but it is better not to make ceilings lower than three meters.

The ridge in a gable roof is installed at a height of about four meters, but not more than five. The lower edge of the roof should rise above the ground by at least three meters.

5-centimeter boards have long been recognized as the best material for building a stable. A clay-sand mixture is laid on them and sawdust is poured. You can also use dry reeds.

In theory, the roofing material for building a stable can be anything. But it should not allow moisture to pass through, be resistant to any weather conditions and not succumb to combustion. Slate is ideal.

Creating a floor is the most important stage in building a stable.

The stable floor must have the following properties:

  • strength,
  • waterproof,
  • softness,
  • thermal insulation.

The floor in a stable is most often made of wood or adobe. Each option has its advantages.

Perhaps the easiest way to make an adobe floor. To do this, you need to first level the ground in the construction of the stable. Then you need to lay a thick layer of clay, and then compact it. The thickness of the coating is at least 15 cm!

Important ! When pressed, clay is compressed twice, keep this in mind when purchasing.

At the end, all you need to do is dry the floor in the building. Immediately after this, cracks form. To eliminate them, use a mixture of clay and lime. Pour the solution into the damaged areas and wait until it dries. Sprinkle the resulting surface with sand on top.

The adobe floor is deservedly popular among horse breeders. It is warm and great for animal hooves. The only negative is that it is difficult to care for.

The surface of the adobe floor of the stable must be covered with a special bedding. Horse breeders bear the task of repairing dents, which appear quite often as a result of the animals’ natural obstinacy.

Wooden flooring is also often used in stables. During construction, the boards are placed as close to each other as possible. There should be no gaps or cracks at all. It is best to embed the logs into the ground.

Important ! The main advantage of a wooden floor in a stable is its ability to retain heat inside.

Rarely do you build a stable with a brick or asphalt floor. They are quite good, but their installation is a very expensive undertaking. If there are practically no funds, but the desire to start your own business has not gone away, you can resort to one trick.

A dirt floor for a stable costs almost nothing, but provides relatively good comfort for horses. You need to mix the loosened soil with straw and compact it well. That's all.

Important ! The floor in the stable should have a slight slope towards the passage from the feeder, no more than two degrees.

Installing doors

Doors in the stable should not be narrow. The animal should not experience the slightest discomfort when passing through them. The standard parameters are as follows: height of at least two meters, width of one and a half meters.

Important ! Door jambs should be rounded.

Doors can only open outwards. Pay special attention to the shutters; they should be rounded and not protrude outward. In most cases, they are the ones that lead to animal injuries.

The stall is the animal's home

After the construction of the stable is completed, you need to start working on the interior arrangement. Stalls play a special role in this context. The height of the premises is at least two and a half meters.

Before purchasing horses, you need to build a stable for them. It doesn't matter how many animals it will contain. The housing requirements for one or more horses are the same. It should be dry, warm and ensure the safety of the animals.

To build a stable with your own hands, you can use an existing premises or build a new one. For a small number of horses this is entirely possible. The main thing is that the horses’ housing is not damp. The best place for a stable is on hills. If close groundwater cannot be avoided, then diversion grooves are made. The predominant direction of the wind in the cold season should be at the end of the stable, and the door should be made on the leeward side. Dampness and drafts have a detrimental effect on the health of horses.

When constructing stalls, special requirements are placed on the floor. The health of the horse, especially its legs, directly depends on the quality of the floor in the stall. It should be dry, warm and soft. A slippery floor in the stall is not allowed, otherwise the animal will not be able to lie down. The floor must be durable and easy to clean.

In the stables, stalls are built - boxes, separated from one another by partitions. Unlike a stall, the horse is not tied in a stall. To visualize what stalls for horses look like, you can look at photos of them in horse breeding magazines or find them on the Internet.

The area of ​​the stall is determined by the size of the animal. For small ponies, a box measuring 2.5x2.5 m is sufficient. For large horses, the area should be 3.5x4.5 m. Stallions or a horse with a foal will require a stall of up to 20 square meters. m.

The side partitions between the boxes are made of wood, metal or brick. Lumber of inexpensive species is quite affordable, but they are short-lived - they are destroyed by the impacts of hooves. In addition, wood is difficult to disinfect.

Wooden partitions sheathed with galvanized sheet metal will last longer, but material costs will increase. Brick partitions are more durable and easier to sanitize. They are not plastered, because cement absorbs moisture and remains damp for a long time.

The height of the side partitions is 1.8-2 m, the front partitions are 1.5 m. This way the horse can see what is happening around him, which has a beneficial effect on his psyche.

Horse stalls must have doors for entry and exit of horses. The width of the doors is 1.2-1.5 m. The door is reinforced with a metal corner. The optimal stall ceiling height is 3 m. At this height, an animal rearing will not hit the ceiling.

Feeders are placed in each stall - large containers for hay with grass, smaller ones for concentrated feed and oats.

There are three types of professional stalls: - Stationary - they are built from metal and durable wood. The doors are sliding. - Mobile stalls are used during races and exhibitions. The walls and roofs of such boxes are constructed from metal structures with plastic filling. - Transformers, due to the articulated equipment, can move apart in different directions.

Previously, the owner did not face the question of how to build a stall for a horse. The walls of the stables were made of wood, and the floors were made of adobe. This floor is warm, soft and non-slippery, but to ensure hygiene it must be completely replaced. Wooden floors are also warm and soft. Their disadvantage is their fragility and poor disinfection.

Concrete flooring is easy to clean and lasts a long time. To ensure the softness and warmth of such a floor, rubber mats and bedding made of straw or sawdust are used. Concrete floors are arranged with a slope towards the passage at the rate of 1 cm per 1 m of length. This is necessary to drain dirt and make cleaning the room easier.

When building a stall with your own hands, regardless of its type, the main thing is to ensure the safety of the horses. Protruding nails, bolts and latches are not allowed. All this can lead to injury to the animal. The presence of fire extinguishers in the stables is mandatory.

The first step when laying a stable is to take as complete measurements as possible at the site of future construction, the size and placement of rooms inside, the size and position of windows and doors.

You must determine the optimal placement of the inside and outside of the stable. If space and size are limited by trees, rocks, buildings or your budget, start with a stable size that suits your needs. If you have no restrictions on the size of the stable, then you are more free to place the premises you need and can easily determine the external dimensions of the stable. Remember, however, that the building is not everything; you need to place on your site other structures such as drainage, entrances and passages, parking areas, etc.

A washing box located outside may not be equipped with drainage systems, and the water will simply drain onto the surrounding ground (Fig. 5.15). It is better to choose a specific place for this so as not to spread dirt everywhere. There are ready-made washing boxes that can be installed anywhere, usually in a specific area outside.

Farrier/Veterinarian Place

Finding a suitable place for a veterinarian or farrier to work is one of the most important tasks when planning the placement of premises in a stable. The room must be protected from the sun, wind and precipitation and have a hard, reliable floor. A sure way to lose the favor of these specialists is to ask them to work in a dirty room. There must be a place for a veterinarian or farrier to work. Concrete floors are good, even better when such a floor is covered with rubber mats. The washing cabin must be doubled if it is to be used for the work of a farrier or veterinarian. The washing booth is probably the best place for the veterinarian, since it is possible to wash the necessary organs and parts of the horse’s body and wash veterinary equipment. This location is less suitable for farrier work, as the slope of the floor interferes with proper balancing of the hoof, and drains can become clogged with hoof waste.

This work area should be large enough to allow the horse to be walked around easily, but not too large to allow the horse to move freely. It is quite enough if the width of the veterinarian/farrier's place is 2.5-3.7 m and the length is 3.0-3.7 m. Both the veterinarian and the farrier need good lighting to work (see below Light). Lamps should be installed not only from above, but also so that shadows do not interfere with work. It would be good if there were shelves in the room on which you can keep the necessary gear and equipment and where you can install additional lighting fixtures.

Service room

If you allocate a special room for the service room, for cleaning and storing supplies, you can to some extent relieve the “key” room and wash box, which often turn into warehouses for all sorts of often unnecessary things (Fig. 5.16 and 5.17). It is best to locate the service room close to the horse cleaning room so that dirty equipment can be sent straight away for cleaning.

A service room measuring 1.2 x 1.8 m may be sufficient to install a sink and water heater, but it is better to have a larger size. Figure 5.17 shows the plan of such a room measuring 3.7 x 3.7 meters with walls 15 cm thick; the internal size will therefore be 3.55 x 3.55 m.

  • Walls 2x6 m thick enough for plumbing and electrical networks and capable of retaining heat.
  • The 2.7m high ceiling provides ample space for cabinets and overhead shelves.
  • Two 1.2 m fluorescent lights provide fairly effective light.
  • The slope of the floor towards the central drain makes cleaning easy.
  • The 1.8 m wide door gives enough space for a person to carry blankets without touching the doors.
  • A shelf near the doorway provides space for storing washed or spare items. The upper shelves can accommodate a double tank for cold and hot water for washing equipment and tools.
  • Conveniently located sink just one step from the door.
  • A small fluorescent light over the sink.
  • Hooks hanging under the shelf allow you to hang bridles by the sink.
  • The washing machine is next to the sink, just two steps from the door, so you can easily bring blankets in and put them in the washing machine.
  • The water heater with the container is located under the shelf; There is enough space to place a basket for storing waste.
  • All plumbing-related systems are located no more than 1.5 m apart to facilitate installation and maintenance.
  • In the corner, next to the washing units, there is a metal cabinet measuring 0.9 x 1.8 m for storing medicines, aerosols, solvents and other products that need to be protected from children.
  • The cabinets located on the left wall above the sink and washing machine are for storing supplies, leather goods, etc.
  • In the center of the rear wall there is a window measuring 0.9x1.2 m; underneath is a workbench for repairing tools and equipment. Drawers under the workbench hold small tools and leather belts.
  • A shelf above the window adds storage space for supplies, blankets and other items.
  • In the far right corner there is a common rack with meter-long rods for hanging and drying blankets, blankets, saddles and other things.
  • There is a clothes dryer nearby. Dryer vents in dry climates can be vented outside by connecting to a common ventilation system
  • Next to the dryer there is a 0.6x1.5 m rack attached to the wall. This rack is convenient for placing saddles and blankets before transferring them to the wash.
  • Under the counter and next to the drying area there are drawers for storing tools and supplies of some equipment.
  • Compact refrigerator next to drawers. The refrigerator stores medicines and medications, as well as chilled drinks.
  • The remaining space under the counter can be used to store a vacuum cleaner or a bench from which you can reach the shelves.

Aft room

The feed room is used for daily feeding and storage of food supplies for horses; the food in this room is protected from heat, moisture and pests. A well-appointed room measuring 2.4 x 3.0 m or 1.8 x 3.4 m is suitable for a stable of two to six stalls. A room like this has enough space to access various supplies without much difficulty. Extra space can be used to store tools or equipment.

The feed room should be located close to the stalls to facilitate daily feeding, while at the same time new supplies should be brought in without much difficulty. One of the doors in the feed room must be at least 1.2 m wide so that a person can safely carry a bag of grain. The second door, facing outside, should ensure the delivery of grain, without transporting it around the stable.

The room should be well lit so that you can easily see where the various supplies and nutritional supplements and read package labels. Typically, the aft room is kept without windows, despite the benefits of natural light and ventilation. In humid climates, it is advisable to use equipment to reduce humidity to prevent food from spoiling.

Supply containers must be emptied and cleaned regularly. This procedure reduces the risk of damage to stored feed by mold or pests, especially mites, so; As contaminated and contaminated feed causes a lot of health problems for horses - the risk of skin and stomach diseases increases.

A limited amount of hay can be mixed near the feed room for daily distribution. Hay should be protected from moisture by placing it on straw mats or grates. The size of the hay storage space depends on how much hay you plan to keep in the stable. An area the size of a normal stall (3.7 x 3.7 m) is sufficient for most small stables. Two regular bales of hay take up space of 0.9 x 0.9 m (0.81 sq. m) and can be stacked up to 5 high. A half-stall area can store 80 bales of hay; This amount is quite enough to feed 4 horses for two months. The remaining half of the stall is useful for loading and unloading operations, for placing a cart or laying out a hay net.

Storage of bedding

The requirements for storing bedding are the same as for storing hay, and therefore it is advisable to store most of the bedding separately, not in the stable. Typically, supplies of bedding and straw are stored in bins and delivered to the stable as needed. A space of 1.8 x 1.8 m will be enough to store 50 bags or bales of straw. This is usually stored next to the hay (). If you must store straw openly in the stable, stir it away from the stalls so that horses are not constantly exposed to straw debris. When storing hay and straw openly outside the stable, place it in places where particles of hay and straw cannot be blown into the stable by the wind.
A combination bathroom and changing room will serve you for washing and changing clothes. The bathroom should be at least 1.8 x 2.4 m, which will allow for a sink, toilet and several hooks on the wall for hanging a change of clothes. In a room of 3.7x3.7 m you can additionally place a shower and a locker for clothes.

When planning a bathroom (Figure 5.19), it is better to locate it near the horse care room to simplify the installation of plumbing.

Indoor arena

The internal arena (Fig. and) is a fairly large structure used for training and dressage of horses. The size of the arena depends on your capabilities, but you should still have an idea of ​​what size arena would best suit your needs. An arena of 30.5 x 61 m or even larger would be quite suitable.

A prerequisite for the construction of an indoor arena is that the site chosen for construction has good drainage to prevent runoff from entering the arena during the wet season. For comfortable riding, the arena needs good ventilation (see the Ventilation section above). For the arena, large doors should be planned on both sides of the arena to allow for cross ventilation. In hot climates, doors are installed along the direction of prevailing winds; in cold climates - across the direction. Hinged panels can be installed on the side walls to increase airflow.

Ventilation hoods allow better removal of warm and humid air from the indoor arena and will provide an influx of colder and drier air, which will dry out the arena flooring.

Dust is harmful to both horses and riders. Many surfaces in the arena, such as sawdust, dirt, some artificial rubber coverings, may turn into dust after use. To combat such dust, sprinklers located on top are used, which deposit this dust. Another possibility is to use a mobile sprinkler on a tractor to treat the arena with water or special compounds. True, arena humidification also has Negative consequences, since the arena then becomes too humid and the air becomes stuffy, despite good ventilation.


If your horse is injured, you may not want to wait. extra hour to pull the trailer to the barn to transport the horse to the veterinarian. Likewise, if there is a fire in your stable, firefighters must quickly and safely begin to extinguish the fire; It is advisable to have a room in which special equipment is located.
  • Provide safe driveways to your stables that are at least 3.7m wide and 4.4m wide turning points across the main road.
  • Road slopes should be at least 0.5% to prevent water stagnation.
  • Avoid steep descents. The slope of the road should not exceed 15%.
  • Make curves and turns wide enough for a large tractor, trailer or large fire truck to pass and turn around.
  • If possible, make access roads upwind to ensure successful fire control.
  • Make the stable gate at least 0.6 m wider than the main road; the gate should open inward.
  • Firefighters must have access to keys or combinations to open locks and latches on gates.
  • Dead-end driveways must be clear, uncluttered and have a turning area with a minimum radius of 15 m or a T-junction in extreme cases.
  • Provide parking for trailers and other equipment to keep driveways clear.