What exercises to do for the neck. Simple exercises to strengthen your neck muscles. Gymnastics for the treatment of protrusion of the cervical spine

Shishonin neck gymnastics is a set of exercises designed to train the neck muscles. This is an auxiliary therapeutic method that will help reduce the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cope with the resulting problems. Regular training help stop processes that are destructive to the upper part of the spinal column.

For the first time, he presented his technique to the world at an international medical congress, which was held in the USA. The set of exercises was received positively, after which Alexander Shishonin became a member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

In 2008, the technique he developed became popular and is currently actively used to treat various diseases.

Indications for use

Shishonin gymnastics for the neck is designed specifically for training the muscles located in the cervical area. Regular classes prescribed to patients suffering from a number of pathologies.

These include:

  • long-term and persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • compressed vertebral arteries;
  • pinched nerve roots;
  • chronic migraine, headaches and dizziness;
  • weakened blood vessels;
  • poor memorization of new information, deterioration of thinking abilities;
  • disruption of blood flow in the veins that lead to the brain;
  • damage to the spine in the cervical area as a result of trauma;
  • a condition in which the upper limbs become numb and lose mobility;
  • malfunction of the brain resulting from impaired blood flow in the vertebral and basilar arteries.

Most often, the Shishonin method is prescribed to patients suffering from osteochondrosis in the cervical area.

Moderate exercise will be useful for people who move little, often work in one position, constantly engage in intense mental work, or eat poorly.

Physical exercise for prevention

Nervous stress, prolonged stay in one position, age-related changes and irregular sports activities are risk factors for the development of cervical osteochondrosis. To prevent the development of the disease, the doctor prescribes Shishonin gymnastics for preventive purposes.

  • frequent stress and emotional distress;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • physical and mental stress;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • salt deposition in the cervical spine;
  • hypothermia of the cervical joints;
  • muscle spasms that limit neck mobility.

Thanks to the creation of a muscle corset in the cervical area, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis and other pathologies become less pronounced. Exercise reduces spasm deep muscles, thanks to which a person no longer experiences pain, headaches and heaviness in the neck and shoulders.

Advantages of the method

The gymnastic complex, invented by Alexander Shishonin, eliminates painful sensations radiating to the limbs, normalizes the flow of blood and lymph, and activates metabolic processes and eliminates swelling. This helps stimulate the tissue's ability to regenerate and improve the general condition of the sick person.

The advantages of the technique do not end there:

  • neck gymnastics is a set of measured and slow movements that do not require special training. They are suitable for any level, as they eliminate the possibility of injury;
  • classes are suitable busy people because they don't take much time. It is enough to do gymnastics 25-30 minutes a day;
  • To perform the exercises, you do not need a separate room, special equipment or exercise machine. You can exercise at home, at work or on the street - the main thing is that you feel comfortable enough during the training process;
  • unlike other types physical therapy, you don't need a tracksuit. It is enough to wear something loose that will not restrict your movements.


Please note that when cervical osteochondrosis gymnastics is carried out only at the 1st or 2nd stage of the disease. If the diagnosis reveals serious damage to the spine, a set of exercises to restore the cervical area will no longer help. In this case, the patient is prescribed surgical correction of the affected area.

Before starting classes, you must consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. The doctor may not allow the patient to attend classes if the person has at least one of the following pathologies:

  • acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • elevated temperature (from 37 degrees and above);
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • pain in the neck, upper back and shoulders;
  • tumor neoplasms in the cervical spine.

Execution Rules

To effectively perform Shishonin gymnastics, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules.

  1. Don't start exercising immediately after eating. It is recommended to eat 1-1.5 hours before the start of classes.
  2. Before you start exercising, warm up your neck area. Gently massage the back of your head, neck and shoulders using light circular motions.
  3. On initial stage do exercises in front of a mirror - this way you can track your movements and, if necessary, correct mistakes.
  4. Increase the load gradually - otherwise you risk damaging the cervical vertebrae. In the first week, it is enough to perform 3 or 5 exercises from the entire complex and 5 repetitions of each of them.
  5. Don't forget about regularity. In the first stages, you need to do gymnastics daily. Once your body gets used to physical activity, A muscle corset forms, you can reduce the number of classes to 3 per week. During the period of remission, such activity is sufficient.
  6. Try to do at least 5 sets of each exercise. Fewer repetitions will reduce the effectiveness of gymnastics.
  7. Watch your body position during physical activity– keep your neck and back straight.

Perform all movements smoothly and carefully. Quick jerks will not give the expected result and will only make the situation worse.

Doctor Shishonin’s neck gymnastics is a combination of 7 exercises. In the table below we will look at each of them in detail.

Exercise nameExecution technique
MetronomeStand next to a wall or sit on a chair. Keep your head and back straight. Gradually tilt your neck towards your left shoulder, fix it and freeze in this position for half a minute. Repeat this movement, but do it in the other direction (towards your right shoulder).

The moment you tilt your head, there will be slight pain in your neck. The cause of such sensations is a slight muscle strain; there is no need to stop exercising because of this. However, if the pain is sharp and sharp, you should stop training.

HeronSit on a chair and place your hands on your knees. Start doing the exercise: lower your arms, then move them back a little and pull your head up. Maintain this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
GooseBefore starting the exercise, stand up straight. Hold your head so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Stretch your neck forward so that your chin remains in the same position (there is no need to raise or lower it). Then turn your neck left side, lower it down and return to the starting position. In the next approach, repeat the last action in the other direction.
Looking to the skyThis exercise almost completely duplicates the previous one. The difference is that you need to stretch your head to the maximum possible distance (however, this must be done slowly and smoothly). After you turn your neck towards one of your shoulders, fix it in this position for 30 seconds. Monitor your sensations - you should not feel pain during the exercises. If discomfort still bothers you, turn your head until the pain becomes less pronounced. Remember that the load should be moderate.
FrameSit on a chair. Right hand place it on the shoulder that is on the opposite side. Raise your elbow so that it is parallel to the floor. Left hand put it on your knee. The frame is performed in the same way as the previous exercise: the neck is turned to the right side and fixed in this position for 30 seconds. Movements in the second approach are performed in a mirror projection.
FakirRaise your arms, bend them slightly at the elbows and clasp them overhead. Turn your head alternately in both directions and hold for 30 seconds.
SpringSit up straight. Tilt your chin slightly, stop and leave your head in this position for 4-6 seconds. Smoothly raise your head, pull your chin first forward and then upward.

Post-workout stretching

Once you get the hang of it basic exercises, the workout can be supplemented with a small complication - stretching. It is performed as follows.

  1. Raise your left or right hand and grab the ear located on the opposite side with your palm.
  2. Tilt your head in opposite directions, pressing lightly with your hand on your ear.
  3. Place your palm on the back of your head, apply light pressure and rock your head back and forth.
  4. Change your hand and repeat all the steps described above.

The combination of the main complex and stretching promotes deep development of the muscular corset and increases their flexibility.

Long-term sedentary work, constant positioning in front of a laptop, improper performance of household work, invariably entail pain in the upper back. Relieve muscle spasms and normalize work nervous system, will help special exercises for shoulders and neck.

A set of therapeutic exercises for the neck

Exist various options getting rid of pain in the spine: massages, stretching, gymnastics. To prevent and treat cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to regularly perform a set of exercises. There are two options for such gymnastics. The first was developed by the Russian doctor Bubnovsky, a physician and founder of a famous kinesitherapy center. The second is the so-called. gymnastics of Dr. Shishonin. He is considered one of the leading development experts muscle groups upper back and follower of Bubnovsky.

The main cause of neck pain, according to Shishonin, is disruption of normal blood circulation. Therefore, all exercises for osteochondrosis of the upper back are aimed at restoring natural blood circulation.

Before starting the complex, you will need to warm up. These are rotations of the head in different directions, tilts forward and backward, as a “mill”. A 3-minute complex is enough to warm up.


This exercise is used to strengthen the neck muscles, eliminate a double chin, wrinkles and normalize blood circulation. Sit up straight and relax your shoulders. It is important to ensure that your back is straight, so we recommend performing gymnastics on a chair with a high back. As you exhale, stretch your chin forward as much as possible, count to 3 and press it in this position to your left shoulder. Hold your head for 12 seconds, then return to the starting position. Then stretch your chin again, hold the stretch for 3 seconds and press it against your right shoulder. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Exercise “Goose”


To cure pinching due to a cervical hernia, static head tilts and arm swings are used. In particular, this is the “Pendulum” or “Metronome” exercise. Sit up straight and lean on the back of the chair. Gently bend your head to the left side. Your goal is to reach your ear to your shoulder, but you cannot lift it. You need to sit in this stretch for 10 seconds, then smoothly return your head to its original position. Next, repeat the exercise on the other side. Perform 5 times on each shoulder.

Exercise “Pendulum”


With this exercise you can remove the withers and relieve pain in the cervical spine. Sit up straight, relax your shoulders and torso, place your hands on your knees. Then press your chin to your neck and hold this position for 12 seconds. Next, smoothly stretch your neck forward so that some tension is felt in the hump area. Also hold in it for 12 seconds. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise “Spring”


This exercise for the arms and shoulders is necessary to pull out “stagnant” muscles from the resting zone and strengthen the collar area. Sit up straight and place your hands on your knees. From the starting position, slowly and steadily move your palms back as far as possible. At the same time, pull your chin forward. You need to sit like this for 12 seconds. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise “Heron”


To prevent osteochondrosis, perform a neck exercise with beautiful name- "Tree". This is a prototype of the “Heron”, only here the arms are extended not back, but above the head. Starting position: back straight, shoulders and arms relaxed. As you exhale, slowly raise your arms above your head and touch your fingertips. The palms should be open, i.e., turned towards the ceiling. The position is maintained for 12 seconds, after which it is necessary to return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise “Tree”

Looking to the sky

This exercise is suitable for treating pain between the shoulder blades and in the shoulders, tightening the muscles of the face and neck, and relieving tension in the upper spine. Sit upright and turn your head strictly 90 degrees to the side. Main secret is that the chin line should be parallel to the shoulder line. Hold this position for 12 seconds and return to the starting position. Then repeat the stretch on the other shoulder. There are 5 turns on each side.

Exercise “Looking at the Sky”

Side stretch

Stretching movements help improve the functioning of blood vessels in the head and neck, blood flow to the brain and relieve muscle spasms. You need to sit up straight and straighten up. With your left hand, hug your head so that your palm touches your right ear. Then place your head on your left shoulder and freeze for 12 seconds. When the time is up, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the right side. A total of 5 repetitions are provided for each shoulder.

Exercise “Side stretch”


In terms of technique, this exercise is very similar to a “spring”, but here you need to not just pull your chin forward, but in this position press it to your chest. Starting position: back straight, hands on knees, shoulders and shoulder blades relaxed. At the exit, pull your chin forward, hold it for 3 seconds, then slowly lower it to your chest. You need to fixate in this position for 12 seconds, after which you return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.

Exercise “Turtle”

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

Also, special gymnastics for the neck and exercises for the back can be performed at home. Such trainings can be isometric (static) and dynamic. Not long ago, chiropractor Vitaly Gitt proposed a combined method of treating the spine - micromovements. This is a method that combines both of the above, but its implementation requires a vibrating table.

Isometric exercises involve fixing the torso in a certain position for a while. They help increase flexibility, improve skin condition and beautiful posture. These are exercises from Tatyana Chekalova’s revitonics, Pilates, and also classes according to Norbekov.

Dynamic ones are often found in gym. These are gymnastic, strength or cardio exercises for the neck, shoulder blades and lower back. Most often, they do not help with pain, but are necessary to strengthen the muscles. By and large, these are the same practices as exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides - lifting the body on a machine, pull-ups, crunches for the core,

The most effective exercise options for the prevention and treatment of cervical chondrosis.

For youthful joints and spine, experts recommend starting any of the described gymnastics for the neck as early as possible. This will prepare the muscles for any load and prevent the occurrence of complex arthrosis in the future.

Just four exercises that seem banal at first glance, when performed regularly, will help tighten the skin of the neck, normalize sleep, and even get rid of pain in the cervical spine and headaches.

Gymnastics for the neck - four steps to flexibility and beauty!

Gymnastics for the neck will help improve blood circulation, relieve tension and in the future save you from spending on expensive lifting procedures. And don’t forget, the condition of the neck muscles and chest, depends on the condition of a woman’s bust. So don't be lazy, find a few minutes a day for women's health and beauty!

Gymnastics for the neck

Stand up and straighten your back, keep your head straight, the top of your head looking up (starting position). Place your hands clasped on the top of your head, tilt your head slightly forward, and then, resisting with your hands, try to return your head to its original position, count to 30 and relax, repeat again.

Do the exercise once in front of the mirror, you will see how the neck muscles work and it will become clear why these exercises are so effective.

  • Take the starting position, bending your head from above, place the palm of your left hand on your right ear. Tilt your head slightly towards your left shoulder and, resisting with your hand, try to return your head to its original position, count to 30 and relax, do the exercise again and repeat for the other side.
  • Sit on a chair, rest your hands on the seat, your back should be straight. Then arch your back, tilt your head back as far as possible and count to 30. Return to the starting position, and then repeat the exercise again.
  • Take the starting position as in the first exercise. Turn your head to the left and look over your shoulder, count to 30, return to the starting position, do the exercise again and change sides.

That's all the gymnastics for the neck, simply outrageous, but extremely effective! Your task is not to be lazy and do the exercises regularly, every day, the reward is a flexible, beautiful neck.

There is another one to strengthen the neck simple complex so-called isometric exercises(straining muscles while they are completely immobile).

Each exercise is performed 3-5 times for 7-10 seconds.

1. You need to press firmly with your forehead on your palm, and then with the back of your head on your palm. Neither the head nor the hand move. Do the same with the left and right temple.

2. Place your palm under your chin and press firmly on it.

3. Lift your chin up and slowly turn your head right and left until it stops.

4. Do the same with the chin lowered to the neck.

5. Tilt your head back a little and try to touch your right ear to your right shoulder, and your left ear to your left.

We can greatly reduce the risk of neck problems if we take care of our posture every day. It's not that hard to keep your back straight! published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

If there is pain in the neck, difficulty turning the head, heaviness in the shoulders and numbness in the fingers - these are the first signs of osteochondrosis. The best remedy His treatment will be gymnastics for the neck.

The neck is the most vulnerable area on the human body. It is through it that all vital vessels pass, and useful substances enter the brain. Nerves pass through the neck, through which impulses flow that regulate human activity. Therefore, you need to treat it as carefully as possible.

With the head in a natural position, the center of the ear should be approximately at the same level as the center of the shoulder, plus or minus two centimeters. The load on the entire spinal column is about five kilograms. When the head moves forward, for every two and a half centimeters forward, the load increases by five kilograms, which contributes to the occurrence of hypertonicity of the neck muscles and shoulder girdle, which leads to illness.

If a person is constantly in an uncomfortable position, tense muscles clamp blood vessels and lymphatic ducts, blood circulation worsens, and the brain stops receiving the amount of oxygen it needs.

The first symptoms of neck problems are fatigue and muscle stiffness. Most often, a person does not pay attention to such “bells,” which leads to complications such as osteochondrosis.

Charger - The best way prevent problems and pain in the joints of the neck and shoulders. It has a positive effect on blood circulation throughout the body. By performing neck exercises at home, the body's tone increases and factors that contribute to the development of chondrosis in people with a sedentary lifestyle disappear.

Why does your neck hurt: about the withers, osteochondrosis and hypertension

As a result of prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, a layer of fat begins to be deposited in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra. In common parlance it is called the withers or “widow’s hump.” This pathology is dangerous to health and affects the functioning of different systems body:

  • First of all, everyone suffers collar area, which leads to the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Blood flow in this department slows down and leads to the deposition of fat cells;
  • At a late stage of the disease, a person feels severe pain, which is caused by vascular syndrome.

People say that people with withers solve all complex issues on their own, without outside help. This is not to say that there is no truth in this statement, however, this problem occurs as a result of weakening muscles due to frequent sitting slouched and a sedentary lifestyle.

A strong muscular corset of the spine contributes to its health. Otherwise, the nerve endings extending from spinal cord, are compressed, blood supply deteriorates, preventing the brain from receiving all vital substances.

A compressed artery causes hypertension, which can cause a stroke or heart attack. To prevent them, it is recommended to regularly perform neck exercises.

When the first signs of chondrosis appear, you should consult a doctor who will offer the optimal solution to the problem. Thanks to timely treatment from the initial stage of the disease, its serious consequences can be avoided.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis include:

  • Pain in the back of the head, shoulders, and arms. It has an aching character, arising from the side or back. It is very difficult to turn your head;
  • A patient with osteochondrosis experiences frequent dizziness, ringing in the ears, and loss of balance while walking;
  • IN upper limbs, weakness occurs in the face and neck.

The disease at an early stage can be treated with neck exercises for osteochondrosis. Traditional treatment is used only when hard lumps are detected in the collar area.

What exercises to do if your neck hurts: indications and contraindications, rules of execution

It is possible to get rid of neck pain and related diseases, but it will require some effort, time and lifestyle changes.

To bring the spine back to normal, the muscle corset and ligaments should be strengthened.

Even with the most pain in a good way Getting rid of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is physical therapy for the neck and massage. Most often, the classic method of massage is used, which affects all areas of the cervical corset and vertebrae.

When performing gymnastics, first of all, you should determine which ones can be done for osteochondrosis and which ones cannot. You also need to know in what cases neck exercises should not be performed.

Contraindications to the procedure “Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine”:

  • Complications of osteochondrosis, accompanied by severe pain even at rest;
  • Instability has been detected in the cervical spine, in which the blood supply to the brain is significantly impaired, in this case dizziness occurs;
  • The presence of acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Severe form of chronic diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Blood clot formation;
  • The occurrence of bleeding;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Acute poisoning.

In all of the above circumstances it is not fulfilled. To accurately diagnose the disease, an examination by a specialist is necessary. Existing contraindications are discussed with a neurologist or a doctor conducting physical therapy for cervical osteochondrosis. Additionally, tests or x-rays may be prescribed. The doctor, having analyzed all the indicators, develops a set of exercises against osteochondrosis of the neck individually for each patient.

Rules for performing physical therapy for the neck:

  • Therapeutic exercises for the neck for osteochondrosis are not performed if severe pain occurs during it. In this case, you need to finish the current exercise and start the next one;
  • If the appointment causes severe discomfort, it is skipped;
  • Movements during the exercise for pain in the neck and shoulders should be smooth and uniform;
  • Load during therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the neck, it should be increased gradually;
  • The techniques are performed from simple to complex;
  • Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are performed daily, otherwise it will not bring any effect;
  • Exercises for neck chondrosis should be done half an hour after eating. Clothing should be comfortable and the room should be regularly ventilated.

During treatment of osteochondrosis with with the help of physical therapy, should be taken into account physical activities which are prohibited:

  • Long or short distance running;
  • Jumping;
  • Swing your arms;
  • Projectile throwing;
  • Shot put.

In the presence of osteochondrosis, such techniques can only harm the spine, causing complications.

In addition, those who have neck and shoulder pain should not do push-ups and pull-ups on the bar. Any projectiles are used with extreme caution.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Since the cervical vertebrae are the most mobile compared to the entire spine, they need increased attention. Designed for this full complex exercises for the neck with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.

Exercise "neck girth"

  • This exercise is performed in a standing or sitting position.
  • The neck is clasped in such a way that thumbs were in front, and everyone else was behind.
  • In this way, the hands create an imitation of a collar that secures the cervical region.
  • Afterwards, head movements are made to the sides, pausing at the end of each for a moment.
  • Afterwards, the arms are moved down a little and the exercise is repeated.

This exercise for the neck with cervical osteochondrosis is performed during working hours, especially if the work is sedentary.

Exercise “Put your hands on the table”

Images from the site vashaspinka.ru

  • To perform the exercise for chondrosis, you need to stand with your back to the table and rest your hands on it.
  • Then tilt your head back a little and stretch.
  • Stand in this position for some time and return to the starting position.
  • After this, try to sit down to an acceptable level, tilting your head forward.
  • Tense muscles should relax a little.

This exercise is performed to relax the shoulders and neck.

Exercise "Lighthouse"

Images from the site vashaspinka.ru

This is an exercise to strengthen the neck muscles with osteochondrosis.

  • A pose is taken while sitting on a chair.
  • A hardcover book is placed on the top of the head so that it does not fall.
  • Sit in this position for about five seconds. At this moment, the muscles of the cervical region remember what position the vertebrae should be in.
  • Afterwards, light pressure is applied to the head, gradually increasing the load.
  • An exercise with a book on your head lasts no more than half a minute, but will allow you to properly pump up the muscles in your neck, relieving pain.

Resistance Neck Curl Exercise

Images from the site vashaspinka.ru

  • The next exercise is performed while sitting on a chair.
  • Place one hand on your forehead and tilt your neck, offering resistance. Hold the position for at least half a minute.
  • Then place your other hand under the back of your head and tilt your head back.
  • In this position, act on both areas at once. The neck muscles will relax.
  • The reception takes no longer than five minutes.

Exercise “Neck extension with resistance”

Images from the site vashaspinka.ru

  • Return to the starting position, place your hand on the back of your head and try to straighten your neck.
  • Resistance must be done for at least half a minute.
  • In the second stage of the exercise, pressing on the back of your head with your hand, lean forward.

Exercise “Side Bend with Resistance”

Images from the site vashaspinka.ru

  • The exercise is similar to the previous two, only bends are performed to the side, holding your head with your palm.
  • Then we place the second palm on the neck on the opposite side and influence it from both sides.
  • Then we perform the technique on the other side.

Exercise “Rotation of the head and neck with resistance”

Images from the site vashaspinka.ru

  • In the starting position, place your palm on the side of the lower jaw and chin and try to turn your head, resisting yourself with your hand.
  • Then place your other hand on the side of the back of your head and, lifting your chin, turn your head.

Exercise “Palms on temples”

Image from the site vashaspinka.ru

  • Take the starting position, place your palms on your temples and gradually stretch the skin, raising your arms up.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.

In addition to the described set of techniques, it is beneficial for osteochondrosis to perform exercises from gymnastics by Bubnovsky and Dr. Shishonin.

Exercises to get rid of withers

From fat pad, "widow's hump" or withers special techniques will help you get rid of your neck, which will improve blood circulation and strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the neck area

It should be remembered that neck exercises should not be done in case of acute pain.

Every movement is performed smoothly and without harshness. You should start a set of neck exercises with a warm-up.

  • Stand near a flat wall, pressing against it.
  • Place your hands on your lower back. Stay in this position for one or two minutes.
  • Every day the time needs to be gradually increased.
  • Thus, the spine is strengthened and takes the correct position.

Then proceed to execution exercises for neck muscles from the withers and for osteochondrosis:

  • While sitting or standing, turn your head all the way in each direction. The movements must be performed ten times;
  • Bend your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest;
  • Take the starting position, clasp your hands behind your back, straighten them and pull them in the opposite direction from your back, tilt your head back all the way. Hold this position for 30 seconds;

Computer neck exercise

To get rid of the effect computer neck you need to do the following:

  • Place your hands behind your back, clasping them together;
  • Pull your face forward in the plane of the natural position of your head, without throwing it back.
  • At the same time, pull your arms behind your back in the opposite direction away from you. Hold for 30 seconds;
  • Take a natural position;
  • Repeat the same in the opposite direction;
  • Place your hands in a lock in front of you, pull them forward and your head back, without tilting back.
  • Hold for 30 seconds;

Age-related inactivity, sedentary office work, chronic diseases lead to problems in the cervical spine. Academician Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin believes that the main reason for limited mobility, pain, and the subsequent development of a number of diseases in this area is poor circulation. The gymnastics developed by the doctor have stood the test of time. An accessible set of simple movements has proven to be effective in the treatment and prevention of problems not only of the neck muscles, but also of the entire body.

Correction of neck muscles with your own hands or Shishonin gymnastics

Discomfort in the neck area is only a small part of the interconnected dysfunctions of the body, which will soon manifest themselves if nothing is done.

Loss of elasticity in the neck muscles leads to obstructed blood flow. Muscle tension and nerve compression occurs. The brain does not receive enough oxygen, which means a decrease in performance and the development of physical illness are inevitable.

A set of simple exercises developed in the professor’s clinic S.M. Bubnovsky, is able to normalize the condition, relieve pain syndrome. Therapeutic and preventive measures for the cervical spine are called Shishonin’s gymnastics, or Bubnovsky exercises, combining the names of the author and the head of the clinic where the technique was developed.

Advantages training complex are as follows:

  • accessibility to everyone, regardless of age or rhythm of life;
  • no contraindications;
  • ease of movement:
  • lack of demand for special devices and special conditions;
  • gentle temporary regime.

The purpose of gymnastics is to remove muscle tension, increasing blood circulation to the brain, eliminating the consequences of spasmodic muscle contractions or pinched nerves.

Preparing for the exercises

The developed method is used if the physical condition, assessed by a doctor, allows you to do exercises. Severe pain is unacceptable. You need to find out the reason, then accustom the body to additional physical activity.

You should be immersed in the gymnastics system according to Dr. Shishonin’s method gradually. The load through repetitions of exercises should be increased as you get used to it and assess your well-being.

Main complex

Basic complex make up nine exercises for the muscles of the cervical spine. It is required to perform each movement 3 to 5 times daily. As a preventative measure, the load can be reduced to 2-3 times a week.

  1. Exercise "Metronome". Aimed at developing the surface of the neck. Starting position – standing on level ground or sitting with a straight back. Slowly tilt your head alternately to the right and then to the left shoulder, fixing the tilt for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Do not increase the pace and watch your posture.
  2. Exercise "Goose". Aimed at stretching the neck muscles obliquely, promoting the work of deep muscles, in which stagnation often forms. You need to pull your head forward without changing the position of your shoulders. Then use your chin to describe an arc, as if placing your head “under a wing”, to armpit to the right. Hold the position for a few seconds. Return to the beginning the same way. Repeat the exercise with your head turned in the other direction.
  3. Exercise "Spring". The goal is to develop elasticity back surface neck upper thoracic spine. Tilt your head down, point your chin towards your chest. Hold the position, then slowly stretch your neck, lifting your chin up. Repeat at least 5 times.
  4. Exercise “Looking at the Sky.” The goal is to work the occipital cervical muscles. Exercise is good for your eyesight. Look forward, then turn your head to the right as far as possible, lift it slightly, hold your gaze upward for 15 seconds. Return to the beginning, repeat with your head turned to the left.
  5. Exercise "Rama". The goal is stretching. trapezius muscles neck. Performed with hand movements. Place your right hand on your left shoulder and turn your head to the right. Keep your elbow parallel to the floor. Fix the position, then change the rotation of the arm and head to the other side. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Exercise "Fakir". Aimed at working the muscles of the chest and back. Raise your arms and join your palms. Turn your head alternately to the right, straight, then to the left, fixing in each position for 15 seconds.
  7. Exercise "Heron". Additional tension is created in the back and neck muscles. Move your arms in different directions and create tension in the shoulder blades. Raise your chin up, fix the position. Return to starting position.
  8. Exercise "Airplane". The muscle area of ​​the chest and neck is trained. Raise your arms to a horizontal position, move them back, bringing your shoulder blades together. The next movement is the same as the previous one, but you need to keep your hands along a beveled line. Change the slope alternately in different directions. Don’t forget to record each movement for 15 seconds.
  9. Exercise "Tree". Aimed at creating tension in the muscles of the spinal column. Raise your arms and turn your palms parallel to the ceiling. Move your head forward a little. Repeat 3 times.

The main complex ends with strengthening movements for muscle stretching:

  • place your hand over your head on the opposite ear. Tilt your head towards your shoulder and fix it. Repeat at least 4 times, alternating the position of the hands;
  • join your fingers and place them on the back of your head. To lower the head. After fixation, return to the starting position. The next movement is similar to the previous one, but tilt towards the armpits, changing sides alternately.
  • be focused on gymnastics;
  • do not make sudden movements;
  • before starting, you need to warm up the neck muscles by rubbing with your hands;
  • take a short break between exercises, watch your breathing. It should be even;
  • take your time, perform the complex with pleasure, to melodic music, in order to get satisfaction from the exercises;
  • be consistent in neck exercises;
  • accompany the exercises with monitoring correct posture, shoulder position.

Indications for use of the complex

The Shishonin complex is addressed not only to people suffering from neck pain, but also to all healthy people to strengthen the elasticity of the cervical spine.

The appearance of discomfort in the deep neck muscles can be caused by various diseases. The causes of pain are

  • vascular diseases;
  • infectious lesions;
  • types of arthritis;
  • traumatic disorders;
  • sprains;
  • degenerative changes;
  • various inflammatory processes.

Doctors give instructions to do gymnastics according to the Shishonin-Bubnovsky method in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, and osteochondrosis.

Should cause alarm

  • dizziness;
  • memory impairment;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • neck mobility disorders;
  • pain in the back.

Consultation with a doctor is mandatory in case of acute and chronic pain. The prescribed treatment with the Shishonin gymnastics complex gives excellent results in relieving pain and improving the functioning of the whole body.

Practice shows that systematic exercise helps improve hearing and vision. Their training occurs along with movements of the neck, head, and arms. Muscles that have become toned become elastic. Painful sensations disappear.

The habit of doing gymnastics changes your lifestyle by enhancing self-control of posture, correct breathing, movement activity. The effect is enhanced when combined with long walking sessions.

Saturating the chest with oxygen and eliminating spasmodic muscle contractions will allow the entire body to work correctly. After about a month of training, each patient feels a noticeable improvement and renewal of the functioning of his body.

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