What tricks can you do on a penny board? All about penny boards: how to choose the best board and learn to ride it quickly and easily? Variety of Penny Board Designs

21 Feb

How to learn to ride a Penny longboard

Not everything is always easy and straight away. Guitar lessons, cycling, and even a child's first steps never go smoothly. Even the most famous riders did not immediately jump on their boards and rush into the distant bright future. At first, they also didn’t know how to stay on the board correctly. So, if they could do it, so can you! Buy it for yourself Penny longboard and train, train and train some more!

Foot for pushing and foot on the board. Proper distribution is a step towards success.

Before you jump on Penny skateboard and start skating, determine for yourself which leg is intended for what. You need one for pushing, and the second one is constantly on the board. This choice should be easy, spontaneous and spontaneous. To understand which leg is the pushing leg, you need to do the following: stand straight on the ground, straighten up, ask your friends to give you a light push in the back. The foot that stepped first on the sidewalk will be your guide (front foot), you will stand with it on the board. For many, this is the right leg, which means the left is intended for pushing.

Stand long and keep your balance. Everyone should learn this.

The front leg should be the first to enter the long. With the push leg you need to push off from the sidewalk, pick up speed, and only then stand on the board. Hence her place is in the back Penny. Don't stand still: push off, accelerate slightly and stand on the board. When you get on the skateboard, it should already be in motion.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider and start riding. In case of riding Penny original 22", the legs are placed directly on the bolts. You should not stand at the extreme points of a long position; with the slightest advantage, this threatens to fall.

Learn to slow down and you are no longer a beginner.

The easiest braking method for beginners is to jump off the board onto the asphalt. If the fear of the board is still present, get rid of bad thoughts from your head. The ability to jump off the long track at any second of skating is the best psychotherapy for eliminating internal anxiety. You can slow down in another way: brake with your pushing foot on the sidewalk. For this you need shoes with almost “iron” soles. WITH regular training the skill of more competent braking will also come.

The most important advice for newcomers visiting our online store Penny: If you decide to take up skateboarding, quickly buy the Penny skate you like and go for it! Learn to skate on a flat surface and keep your balance! Over time, you will definitely learn to speed up, slide down slopes and balance to your heart's content. Only after you feel a genuine desire to engage in this sport professionally, you will be able to choose your riding style, gradually study it and improve it.

How to ride a penny board? What points do you need to pay attention to in order to feel confident while on the board? What are the defining differences between a penny board and a skateboard? We will try to understand these and other issues further in our publication.

What is the difference between a penny board and a skateboard?

Penny boards have long established themselves as an excellent means of transportation in urban environments. The main difference between such products and skateboards is that the deck is made of plastic. The use of such material made it possible to give the penny board special flexibility. This makes it possible to absorb shock loads while overcoming all kinds of irregularities. Driving over potholes on the road is also facilitated by the presence of wide, wear-resistant wheels.

Unlike a skateboard, the penny is extremely durable. The platform is not capable of breaking even with significant body weight of the user. Among other things, such models are distinguished by a wide variety of colors and design solutions. An example is luminous penny boards.

The main advantage of such devices is their special maneuverability. Tricks on a penny board are not as varied as on a regular wooden skateboard. Basically, skating involves overcoming obstacles at speed.

Foot placement

Before you figure out how to ride a penny board, you need to understand the correct placement of your feet on the deck of the device. First you need to understand which limb is the leading one. To do this, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and ask a friend to perform a small push in the back. The leg on which the emphasis will be placed will be the leading one.

Having understood the issue, you can safely join the penny board. First you need to learn how to maintain the correct balance while standing still. Then you should pick up a slight speed, leaning on the hand of a friend. Once you feel confident, you can learn to ride a penny board without outside help.

The first steps towards the goal

How to ride a penny board? It must be remembered that the leading foot must always remain on the board. Push-offs from the road surface should be performed with the other limb. The most comfortable position for your lead foot is at the front of the deck, in the area where the suspension is bolted in place. It is better to turn your foot parallel to the penny board.

Then you can move on to repulsions. They should not be performed with the entire foot, but only with its pad. At first, you don’t need to try to move at speed. The main focus should be on maintaining balance. Body weight should be concentrated in the area closest to thumb leading limb.

During acceleration, pushing off with your free leg should take moments. Don't let your limb touch the ground for too long. After all, this will lead to loss of balance and may cause you to fall off the board. In order to maintain balance, you need to perform pushes that are approximately equal in strength and amplitude.


Having figured out how to ride a penny board on a flat surface, you can move on to learning how to turn. To begin with, you need to pick up a little speed. Hind leg should be placed in a position perpendicular to the movement. Next, you need to smoothly transfer your body weight to the leading limb, applying slight pressure on the bow of the deck. It is necessary to shift the center of gravity in the direction where the turn is planned. At first, movements should be as smooth as possible. Only after getting comfortable and feeling confident can you move on to making sharp turns.


How to stop while riding a penny board? Experienced riders recommend that beginners who have just begun to master the intricacies of moving on a board should jump off the deck at the first danger. This method seems to be the simplest solution when there is a high probability of colliding with an obstacle or another person.

People who want to learn how to brake correctly need to start learning the following technique. To stop abruptly without jumping off the board, you need to press the curve of the deck at the back. The result should be the edge of the penny board touching the road surface. This will cause an almost immediate stop.

There is another braking option. We are talking about a slight dragging of the pushing limb along the ground. This approach will gradually slow down the movement. However, the method is not very effective when a sharp, emergency stop is required.

Penny board tricks

Oddly enough, such models are suitable not only for pleasure driving around the city. There are a number of maneuvers, mastering which allows you to learn simple, basic tricks. The main element is the reversal. This trick is facilitated by the presence of a small bend in the back of the board, which is intended for pressing with the foot. This design feature makes it possible to turn sharply in different directions and perform vertical stands.

Penny also looks like the perfect vehicle for figure rolling. The increased maneuverability of the board makes it possible to overcome obstacle courses without any problems. If desired, tricks performed on a skateboard can be adapted to pennies.


To learn to ride confidently, it is important to choose a comfortable, appropriately sized regular or glowing penny board. When learning the basics of board control, the main thing is not to rush anywhere. You should spend at least several hours working on each technical element. This approach to learning will allow you to remember the basic movements and not feel confused while riding along the city streets.

Everything doesn't always come easy or right away. Whether it's piano lessons, cycling or taking your first steps. Even the most famous skaters did not immediately jump on their boards and race. We need to remember that they could do it, so can you (always and everywhere use it as motivation)!

A penny board is, in fact, a lightweight analogue of a skateboard, made of plastic instead of the usual wood. Riding a penny board is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To master even normal driving, without tricks, you will need long hours of training.

Many people are scared away from this sport by the fear of falling. But there is nothing difficult about learning to skate. The main thing is to be patient, not to give up at the slightest defeat and continue to practice. Continue scrolling through the article to learn more about learning to skateboard.

Where to start training on a penny board

The first thing all skaters start with is buying a board. There are only two models of penny boards: 22-inch (56 cm) they are called Original and 27-inch (68 cm) - Nickel.

The most universal ones are Nickel. They have a wider deck. With it, beginners, in comparison with the Original, will feel more stability on the road.

As for shoes, they should be as comfortable as possible and in no case slip on the surface of the penny board. Sports stores You will be offered a specialized one: with hard edges and a flat sole.

Although ordinary comfortable sneakers are also suitable for these purposes. And for God’s sake (save my nerves), don’t even think about riding in flip-flops or flip-flops!

Protective equipment: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, peroxide, brilliant green, band-aid should always be with you.

Learning to stand and ride a penny board.

Now you have bought everything, next comes (the long-awaited moment) the first classes. Beginners start with the same thing: learn to just stand on a penny board, ride and brake, practice turning.

Before jumping straight into tricks, start with the basics. Place the penny board on a flat surface with sand or gravel. First learn to stand on it, and then ride it.

Place your inactive leg on the back of the board, behind the four suspension mounting bolts, turning the toe from 45 degrees to 90 to the line of movement (in other words, to the side). Place your pushing leg directly in front of the first one, pointing your toes forward. It is with the help of the pushing foot that you will gain speed; it is easy to determine it, just kick the ball with both feet. Whichever is more convenient is the push one. Then stand on the board, move your legs, rearrange them. Now the main task learn to keep balance. Are your muscles tense and sweating? At this moment, the main thing is not to stop.

Feel confident on the penny board. Now let's try to ride! Get a feel for the board and slowly learn to push off on your own. From the foot position described earlier, lift your push foot off the penny board and push off the ground, then return it back. You should not chase speed, while the ability to maintain balance is important. Smooth asphalt is suitable for driving, for example: on roads or parking lots where there are no cars. Security has not been canceled!

Turning and braking on a penny board

Make turns by pressing your heels into the deck. So you lean in different directions, and the board under pressure changes the direction of movement. If the penny board is difficult to maneuver, loosen the suspension a little. The tighter they are tightened, the weaker it responds to the movement of your legs.

The most effective option for stopping is still to jump. But this is only suitable for extreme cases. Proper braking needs practice. To make the foam board stop instantly, use pressure from your inactive foot to force the edge of the board into contact with the asphalt.

Another way: move your pushing leg, but not with the intention of pushing off, drag it a little and the board will slow down significantly.

You should spend a couple of hours working on each point. You can't learn skateboarding in one day. Remember: training, training, training!

What to do if penny board tricks fail

First of all, be patient. It will take a lot of time to learn various tricks.

Start with an ollie. For most, this is where skateboarding begins. Ollie is a jump on a board performed without any auxiliary objects or hands. Any tricks cannot be done without it.

Start with low jumps on the grass, holding onto something at the level of your hands. The skateboard needs a click to jump. Kick the concave (the back curved part of the board) and the skateboard will bounce. How hit harder, the higher the jump. It’s better to see the whole process visually, watch the video.

Where can I get information about penny boards to keep up to date with the life of skaters?

If you are reading this article, then you already know about the Internet. The world's best skateboarding sites post a huge number of educational videos, interesting photographs, and educational materials. In addition, a lot of things are broadcast on television and published in the press.

With them you will always be aware of the latest news, new models, various tournaments and much more.

At what age is it better to start and when to stop penny boarding?

In this sport there is absolutely no age restrictions. You can start at any age if you stand firmly on your own two feet. Optimal from 11-15 years old. The body at this age is as mobile and flexible as possible, and it is easy to learn tricks.

It will be more difficult for those who are more mature, but you will never be too old for it. The saying that skateboarding is only for teenagers is complete nonsense. At 44, Lance Mountain skated better than twenty-year-olds. In many countries it is already a given that the son and father are on the board, and if you wish, take the grandfather as well. One man bought his first skateboard after going on a well-deserved vacation.

The main thing is desire and hard work to achieve the goal. So, don’t be afraid to get yourself in trouble, grab a penny board and move on to new sporting heights!

Penny boards, which are essentially lightweight plastic analogues of skateboards, are beginning to gain increasing popularity not only among young people and children, but also among older people. Therefore, the question of how to ride a penny board and what should be done to feel confident on the board is very relevant. Let's look at some of the nuances of this process, for which we will use the advice of experienced athletes and amateurs.

How to learn to ride a penny board?

First, let's look at the equipment, you will need not only the board itself, but also sneakers or sneakers with thin soles that provide good grip, clothing that does not restrict movement, as well as knee pads and elbow protection that will protect you from injury.

Now let's talk about how to learn to ride a penny board and we'll start with a discussion correct setting feet on the board. Take a penny board, place it on a flat surface, preferably dirt, then decide which foot you will subsequently push with. This is easy to do, each person has their own so-called pushing leg, so proceed from your own ideas about comfort. Having determined which limb will make the pushes, place the second (inactive) leg on the back of the board, turning its toe to the side, that is, 45 degrees, while moving, this particular limb will remain in place. The second leg should be placed directly in front of the first and its toe should be pointed forward.

Next, we begin to learn the technique of how to properly ride a penny board, and for this you will have to understand how to kick. Everything is very simple, but try not to make too active movements at the very beginning; for beginners it is more important to learn how to maintain balance, and at high speed this will be quite a difficult task. So, the non-active leg is located at the back of the board, the active limb is in front of it. You need to lift your pushing leg off the board and push it off the ground, immediately after that placing the limb in its original place. Take your time, in order to feel more confident you will have to repeat this exercise more than once.

Once you have mastered the art of balance, you will need to learn how to turn on a penny board. This can be done by pressing the toes or heels of your feet on the surface of the board, so you will lean in one direction or the other, and the board will change the direction of movement under the pressure of your body. If the board maneuvers poorly, you need to loosen the suspension a little; the more they are tightened, the less the board will respond to the movement of your legs.

How to brake on a penny board?

For beginners who are just learning how to control the board, experienced athletes In case of danger, they recommend simply jumping off it. Of course, this is the easiest way to avoid colliding with by anyone or with any obstacle. Well, those who want to brake more correctly should try pressing the heel of the back foot to force the edge of the board to touch the road. This will slow down the board's movement almost instantly.

Another way to slow down is to use your sensible foot to touch the road surface, not with the intention of making a push, but on the contrary, to drag your feet a little. This will allow you to smoothly slow down the board, so this method is not suitable for emergency braking. Remember that you should spend at least 2-3 hours practicing each method; this will allow you to memorize the basic movements and you will not get lost on the road.

Penny boards are an extremely popular means of transportation among teenagers. Products of this type have long won the recognition of amateurs extreme species sports The use of reliable, lightweight materials and careful attention to detail make them extremely popular on the market.

Let's figure out what these four-wheeled boards are and look at how to ride a penny board correctly.


Before moving on to the question of how to ride a penny board, it is worth considering the technical parameters of such vehicles. In terms of characteristics, individual models of boards in this category differ only in the width and length of the deck, as well as the nature of the pendants used.

The size range of boards is presented in several options. Initially, penny boards were produced only in width. Later, models with a 27-inch deck appeared on the market, which increased the stability of the platform and allowed numerous beginners to quickly figure out how to ride a penny board.

These skateboards are equipped with fairly soft wheels with a diameter of 59 mm and bearings. If desired, the standard wheels can be replaced by the rider with any other options.

What do you need to ride a penny board?

To figure out how to ride a penny board, you should take care of finding equipment that will make this task easier and protect you from accidental injuries. So, to ride a penny board you will need the following:

  • comfortable, lightweight sneakers with a flat, elastic sole that will provide good grip on the board;
  • elbow and knee pads;
  • gloves;
  • loose-fitting clothing that does not restrict active movements.

How to ride a penny board?

By and large, riding such a board is practically no different from riding a regular skateboard. The only important task here is the choice of the leading leg, which can be determined in practice.

Having figured out which leg is more convenient to move forward, you should try to find the optimal balance by positioning yourself on the board while standing still. Next, you should ask your comrades to give the board a slight acceleration. Once you feel confident, you can move on to independent repulsions. It is recommended to perform turns on the board by applying force to the toe or heel of the deck.

The penny board is particularly maneuverable. Therefore, with a little practice, most riders very soon manage to go around obstacles and make turns on their own.