What static exercises train the abs? Pumping up the transverse abdominal muscles - the benefits of static exercises for the press Universal statics for weight loss

Have you ever wondered why bodybuilders often have low endurance, and Olympic marathon runners cannot boast of sculpted muscles?

Why do yoga masters have the most graceful figures, and why is the ageless Jackie Chan still the undisputed champion in the art of mastering one’s own body in world cinema?

In this article we will look at 9 static exercises for losing weight on your legs, thighs and riding breeches. They will help you lose weight and develop muscle strength in your lower extremities.

What is the advantage of statics over dynamics?

As you know, almost all physical training can be roughly classified into:

  • Aerobic, in which importance is attached to the heart rate indicator, for example, exercise bike, aerobics, running, race walking, jumping rope.
  • Stretching exercises- all kinds of yoga asanas, splits, leg stretches while sitting on the floor, twisting.
  • Dynamic. Dynamics - movement, that is, all exercises for repeating the same movement a certain number of times; take for example).
  • Static- these are workouts in which muscles work without moving parts of the body, and that’s what we’ll talk about.

And it is during static conditions that our muscles:

  1. They are subjected to maximum prolonged tension without the opportunity to relax, as is done in dynamics.
  2. Parts of the body in a static exercise are motionless.
  3. Static exercises performed at half strength are usually aimed at maintaining the weight of your own body in a certain position (classic “plank”).
  4. Static exercises, performed at full strength, are aimed at overcoming an obstacle (“moving the wall”).
  5. They are aimed at tendon strengthening, in contrast to dynamics, in which only muscles develop.
  6. As a result, regular static exercises develop not so much muscle relief, but practical force muscles (there is a classic example of a jock who is unable to unscrew the lid of a sealed jar).
  7. Due to the fact that in static training (but only in those performed at half strength) predominantly red muscle fibers work, the main role of which is burning fat and producing energy, then it is these exercises that contribute to almost one hundred percent elimination of excess fluid and fat and giving, in the case of our topic, your legs and buttocks a perfectly elongated and elastic shape.
  8. In addition, it is the red fibers that are surrounded by a large network of capillaries, so their work increases the influx/outflow of oxygen in general, which has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the muscle mass, as well as on the state of the cardiovascular system in general.

A circular complex of 9 static exercises for the legs and buttocks

Let us immediately note that in order to achieve a full effect, most instructors advise taking a comprehensive approach to training. You are asked to perform the so-called “circle”. Its essence is the alternate static work of all the muscles of the buttocks and thighs by alternating various exercises with a minimum break (1-2 seconds) and a maximum duration of delays in each position. The latter depends on the degree of your preparedness, it can be from 5-10 seconds to a minute or more.

1. Side lunge stance

In fact, this is a frozen component of the well-known sailor dance “Apple”. From a standing position, you half-squat on one leg, moving the other to the side and pulling the toe toward you (the last nuance works the upper part, you don’t have to pull the toe).

The arms can be on the legs, on the waist, extended in front of you, and also closed behind the head (if you want to add a static effect for the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and arms at the same time, then the last two positions are ideal). Freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds(more is better, a minute is ideal, even more - you are a Superhero!)

4. Incomplete swallow

First of all, the posterior muscles of the thighs and buttocks are strengthened. Description of the static pose standing on 1 leg “Swallow”:

While standing (you can hold the back of the chair with your hands, since it is very important to keep your back straight), we lift and move one straight leg back, to the maximum possible angle at which you can fixate.

The exercise is being done alternately for each leg.

Watch the video for more details:

5. Leading the leg forward

The same thing, but each leg rises in front of the body. Hold on to a wall or railing with your hand keep your back straight.

This exercise especially works the quadriceps and sartorius muscles, but all other muscles of the thighs and buttocks are also involved. Dynamic movement option - . It is also worth mentioning that all swings contribute to weight loss.

Important! Do not forget to pull the sock towards you - to tighten the problematic upper part of the inner thigh. And also do not move your leg to the side, which will reduce the load.

6. Exercise “Chair”

This classic exercise is a great circuit workout in its own right - but can also be part of a routine. Very useful for working the anterior thigh muscles, especially those located close to the knees, as well as the buttocks. An excellent static exercise to strengthen leg ligaments.

Do it with your back against the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. We begin to squat, keeping our back pressed against the wall, until we reach right angle at the knees. You can hold your arms along the wall for support, or you can stretch them out in front of you. After a delay, we straighten up just as slowly.

This exercise, along with the “plie” and “plank”, are basic and most effective in static exercises and together cover all muscle groups. In addition, they have many varieties, having studied which, you can gradually diversify your training.

7. Single leg plank

The exercise is difficult to perform at first. It simultaneously trains the muscles of the abs, arms, back, hips and buttocks, and in this variation the emphasis is especially placed on the last two groups, which is why we decided to include this exercise in the “circular” complex. Helps to lose belly fat.

From a lying position, stand on your toes and elbows, straightening your entire body in one line parallel to the floor. Having fixed yourself in this position, take one leg back - up, not forgetting pull the sock towards you. Stay still for as long as you can, then switch legs.

8. Reverse plank

This exercise is borrowed from yoga and is called “Purvottanasana”. It is also not suitable for beginners, and besides a strong core, it requires significant stretching of the arms. The fact is that the fingers of the palms should be turned exactly towards the toes, and this despite the fact that the hands are behind the back and support the whole body!

The reverse plank ideally strengthens all the muscles of the body, but the main “workhorses” are the hamstrings, calves, buttocks, shoulder girdle and back. In addition, it is excellent for stretching the shoulders and arms.

Lie on your back, point your toes out and place your feet next to each other on the floor. At the same time, pull your arms straight under your shoulder blades and press your palms to the floor in a straight forward direction. These are your four pillars. Now slowly rise up until your arms are completely straight behind your shoulders. Keep your back, buttocks and legs absolutely straight.

9. A little static-dynamic leg training - squats

For variety, complete your “circle” with one of the static-dynamic exercises. In static dynamics, the exercise is performed with the smallest amplitude and with an increased frequency of movements. This creates an even greater load on the supporting muscles of the exercise, since dynamic work occurs without the opportunity to relax.

Do, for example, a static-dynamic squat.

Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms extended forward. Lower yourself into a half-squat position and immediately begin to straighten up, but do not complete the movement, but lower yourself back into a squat, and so on. Keep your back straight, your abs tense, and your arms in front of you or behind your head. Feet are parallel to each other do not come off the floor. With this exercise, you create the most intense load for all the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, calves, as well as the back, arms and neck. Executes within 30-60 seconds.

How to perform a circular complex correctly?

  • "Circles" of static exercises should be repeat every other day alternating them with training of any other type, but preferably aerobic or stretching (or you can alternate both).
  • The primary weight loss complex is designed for 2-3 months(depending on your individual characteristics, as well as on how correctly you create a psychological mood in yourself, adjust your diet, water balance, and alternating training with rest, and of course, on your initial state!).
  • After completing the course you should replace it for six months, for example, daily aerobic training (can be alternated with stretching training), and then conduct at least another 2-3 month course of static exercises to consolidate the result.
  • The number of “circles” increases as you progress: in the first week - one, in the second - two, in the third - three, and so on. At a minimum, this figure should be brought to 4-5.
  • Before starting the exercises you need (energetic walking in place, then running or jumping rope until the muscles are well warmed up).
  • Between laps it is very important to do small stretching warm-ups.
  • During exercise it is necessary monitor proper breathing, do not delay it, do not knock it down (for the correct process of blood supply and oxidation in the muscles).
  • After a repeated course of consolidation, you can alternately include certain exercises in complexes of exercises, which can be performed no more than 2-3 times a week. Our wise body, taught by the previous intensive, will “get it” on its own on the remaining days.

A little more about the benefits of statics

The enormous importance of static gymnastics was spoken about at the beginning of the 20th century by “Iron Samson,” or rather, Alexander Zass, a domestic classic of bodybuilding and the founder of isometric gymnastics. According to him, it is better to have strong arms than big muscles. He drew the attention of athletes to the fact that often, in a reckless desire to acquire powerful biceps, athletes lost control over them. That is, in essence, the muscular relief became a useless landscape on the human body, which he was unable to use. Indeed, do we rarely see people with outwardly pumped up body parts, but unable to do even 5 pull-ups?

The fact is, as Alexander Zass taught, that it is not the muscles themselves that are responsible for the real strength of a person, or rather not their middle parts, but tendons that attach these muscles to bones. By the way, anatomically, any muscle consists of a central part (active) - the “abdomen”, and passive endings (tendons), with which it is attached to the bones on both sides.

So, it is the degree of development of the tendons that determines how fully a person can use the active part of the muscles, since they set the latter in motion.

Imagine an emaciated beast of burden harnessed to a railroad trailer. Will it be able to move it? The answer is obvious. Tendons are the motor force of your musculoskeletal system, and it was the need for their development that the great contemporary of our great-great-grandmothers spoke about.

In this article we are talking about static exercises performed at half strength, which develop red muscle fibers, promoting weight loss and good blood supply to muscles. In contrast, the isometric complex, following the example of Alexander Zass, affects white fibers, the percentage predominance of which is observed in sprinters and weightlifters. These fibers are also called “fast fibers” because of their ability to contract quickly, but they do not have long-term endurance. That's why sprinters run short distances!

Let's talk about red fibers. They are physiological antonyms of whites, which is why they are called “slow”, due to their inability to rapidly contract. But thanks to them, athletes achieve high levels of endurance. Practitioners of sports in which endurance is important have a predominant number of red muscle cells.

Benefits in strengthening lower body muscles

Of course, it is impossible to narrowly limit ourselves to the development of only one or several parts of the body, forgetting about the rest. An integrated approach to most training is built on this understanding.

However, it is necessary to point out the advantages in the development of the muscle groups of the lower body, in particular the legs and buttocks, over all others. It lies in their maximum “fat-burning” effect for long-term maintenance of ideal weight. But that is not all.

So, the leg muscles are the most voluminous muscles in the body of a normally developed person. Many physical indicators depend on how strong and massive they are: weight, endurance, as well as the speed of metabolic processes. Well-developed thigh muscles have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the excretory, reproductive, and even digestive systems. At the same time, they stand guard over the hip and knee joints. worth reading separately.

And the healthy condition of the knees, in particular, determines the vital activity of the kidneys, and as a result - visual acuity, good condition of teeth, hair and even memory. It turns out that by training your legs, you are conducting a simultaneous therapy session for body organs that are so far removed from each other. And if the Chinese call the knees the “temple of tendons,” then the thigh muscles could rightly be called the “forge of health.”

So what are static loads on the legs and are they necessary? After presenting such facts, no one will doubt the enormous benefits of intensive work specifically on the leg muscles, to which the buttock muscles are automatically added. Because it’s paradoxical to imagine chiseled legs with flabby buttocks! In addition, the muscular ensemble of both the hips and buttocks is an integral part of the “core” muscles (from English - “core”) - the general basis of human strength.


If you manage to overcome the entire described complex, and bring the time spent in each position to a minute, then consider that you have conquered the vastness of static mastery for the hips and buttocks. Now you just need to not give up classes, add other options, increase “circles” and follow all the above tips. Six months - and you won’t recognize yourself!

A very popular static abdominal exercise. We take the position of lying on our elbows, the back is straight, the stomach is pulled in and tense. There is nothing complicated about it and you need to hold in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Abdominal retraction

The exercise is very easy, your task is to pull your stomach in as hard as possible, but slowly for about 15-30 seconds, then do two more repetitions.

Pressing your feet against the wall (upper press)

Lying on the floor, we move our hips towards the wall and stretch our legs up parallel to the wall. We reach with our right hand towards our toes, lifting our shoulders off the floor. The lower back should be motionless. We hold this position for 20 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. We do the same with the other hand.

Static abdominal exercises for women are very popular due to the additional impact on problem areas. When performed regularly over a long period of time, a positive result is noted in the form of strengthening the abdominal muscles, burning excess fat, and drawing cubes on the stomach.

Do you want a slim and beautiful waist? Then feel free to start doing static abdominal exercises!

Do you dream of a toned stomach without fat deposits? Are you stubbornly doing endless crunches and leg raises, but the results are not encouraging? We propose to revise the training program by adding something new to it: static abdominal exercises.

Statics: features

Static exercises are training designed in such a way that contraction of the target muscles occurs without causing them to move. In other words, the muscles actively work to hold the body in a stationary position.

Such exercises for working out the abs are successfully used in training programs aimed at losing weight.

Undoubtedly, dynamic exercises (including the familiar crunches) are effective and worth doing. However, in order to diversify the training process and give the muscles an unusual load, static exercises are good.

Benefits of static abdominal exercises

  • To train, you don’t have to go to a gym where there is special equipment. It can be successfully performed at home.
  • The exercise will take little time, but will create maximum stress on the abdominal muscles, which are accustomed to standard crunches.
  • After classes, you will not feel tired, since during the exercises you will not expend energy on performing the movement, but will concentrate on working the abdominal muscles.
  • Once you get used to the new load, if you wish, you can combine static exercises with other activities, for example, watching TV or reading books.
  • Static gymnastics is especially recommended for people who have health problems that limit the ability to perform a number of dynamic exercises. For example, some types of crunches place a lot of stress on the spine. Static exercises are safer in this regard.

Surprise your abs: effective static exercises

Let's look at the most effective abdominal exercises performed statically.


Take a position on all fours, resting your palms or forearms on the floor (these are different variations of the same exercise, use both, changing them from time to time to avoid muscle addiction). Place your hands at a comfortable distance, approximately shoulder width apart. Palms face forward. The legs rest on the floor with the toes and are also spread shoulder-width apart.

Important: the body should be a straight line and resemble an elongated string - this is the main condition for the correct execution of the plank. Do not sag down or arch upward, this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and put unnecessary stress on your back.

You need to “hang” in this position for at least 20-30 seconds. Gradually add time, ideally up to 5 minutes.

When it becomes easy to hold in this position for several minutes, move on to more complex plank variations.

Side plank with elbow support

Lie on your side, rest your elbow on the floor. Raise your body up so that the top of your supporting arm and shoulders are in one line. The body should not sag down, the stomach should not be tense. Try to hold this for 30 seconds and do the same on the other side.

A variation of the exercise is a side plank supported by an outstretched arm. It works the same way.

Single leg plank

Take the position as for the classic elbow plank. Having secured yourself, lift one leg off the floor and pull the toe toward you. Don't forget to keep your body level! Stay in this position for as long as possible and change legs.

Leg raise with fixation

The exercise perfectly works the abs with an emphasis on the lower part. Lie on your back, fix your hands behind your slightly raised head. Raise your outstretched legs approximately 20-30 cm from the floor (an angle of 45 degrees. Hold in this position as long as your physical fitness allows.

This exercise puts stress on the lower back, so it is not recommended for people with spinal health problems.

Body lifts with fixation

Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body. Raise your body up until the angle between the floor and your body is approximately 45 degrees. Arms are straightened and looking forward. Stay in this position for as long as your physical fitness allows.

A more complex method of execution: lifting the shoulder blades off the floor with the legs raised up at an angle of 90 degrees. followed by fixation. Hands are placed behind the head.

As your abdominal muscles become stronger, make the exercise more difficult using the following options:

  • Lying on your back, simultaneously lift your shoulder blades off the floor, slightly lifting your body (lower back pressed) and straightening your legs. Lock in this position for up to 30 seconds. Arms are straightened and raised above the floor.
  • From a lying position on your back, simultaneously lift your straight legs (toes pointing up) and your upper body (to an angle of 45°) with your hands behind you. Lock in. Help yourself with your hands as little as possible, concentrating on working your abdominal muscles.
  • In a lying position, raise your shoulder blades and, tensing your abs, brace yourself. Raise one leg, pointing your toes up. Hands look forward. After holding this for 20-30 seconds, change legs.

Use static exercises in your abdominal workouts, supplement them with standard crunches, and the dream of a toned stomach will become a reality!

Shouldn't we move the wall? Well, not quite in the literal sense, but so, purely theoretically - as if. You just need to approach it, rest your palms on it and strain with all your might - as if you really intend to move the barrier from its place.

At the same time, all muscles - both in the arms and on the back - will feel strong tension. And this despite the fact that we ourselves practically do not move, i.e. We find ourselves in a state of static. The essence of these exercises is to correctly load the muscles without moving..

Static gymnastics classes can serve two purposes - to lose weight and to increase muscle volume. In the first case, excess fat will be actively burned, and the person will lose weight. If you load your muscles as much as possible, this will help build muscle mass.

Universal statics for weight loss

The undoubted advantage of static gymnastics is that you can do it without any expensive equipment.

When choosing a complex specifically for weight loss, you need to remember that you need to perform the exercises several approaches (5-6) at a time, at first holding each pose for 30 seconds, no more.

Then you need to gradually increase the time so that you can easily hold your body in the same position for more than 1.5 minutes.

For the stomach and sides

To strengthen the abdominal muscles, there are several effective static exercises, and the list of them can be varied at your discretion and as you gain skills.

    One of the effective exercises is called. It is performed lying on the floor, resting your elbows and toes on it. You need to straighten your body literally along a ruler and tighten your abdominal muscles. You should not arch your back.

    The side plank is performed lying on your side. Did you start from the left side? Then we rest our left elbow on the floor, keeping our legs straight. You need to raise your body, and use your elbow and toes as support. Repeat the same on the right side.

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and also reduces fat on the sides.

    The following exercise can be called a classic press. Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along your body. Without lifting your feet from the floor, you need to slightly raise your upper body and hold it in this position until the muscles in your stomach tremble.

    The exercise, called, consists of lying on your back, bending your knee joints at an angle of 90º and lifting yourself off the floor. The back is completely torn off the floor. The straightened arms are moved to the sides - one at a time - and secured “in the lock”. When this movement is performed, the load is placed on the sides and upper abdomen.

As you can see, almost all movements designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles are also effective for eliminating fat from the sides of the body. This includes a side plank, a classic press, and a crunch.

The main point is to freeze in one position at the very peak moment of performing the exercise.

Training the lower body

The following static exercises are designed for weight loss and buttocks.

    The so-called "Roman chair" in static version. Simply put, when performing it, you must, without leaning forward, lean your back against the wall and perform a squat. In this case, the legs are moved forward so that the distance between them and the wall allows you to sit down. Wall squats occur smoothly until the fifth point drops just below knee level. The knees are spread out to the sides.

    The “lying bridge” is performed on the floor. The heels are pulled towards the gluteal muscles, which must be tightly closed, and the pelvis is lifted upward. You should lean on your shoulders and feet. If full tension is achieved, then from the very beginning you will feel a trembling in the muscles.

    Tighten the muscles of the back of the thigh and soft place, as well as the abdomen, easily while performing the following exercise. Lying across the bed with your legs dangling from it, you need to grab something with your hands. The legs are straightened until they reach the same line with the back.

    You can effectively combat fat folds in the so-called “breeches zone” by holding your legs in weight from the original lateral lying position. So, sitting on your left side, raise your right leg at an angle of 45 degrees. After making several approaches, the position is changed.

    Sitting on a chair, close your knees. Hands behind your head in a “lock” position. The legs are slowly raised, maximally straining the anterior femoral muscles, as well as the abdominal muscles.

Male version

When these exercises are performed with maximum load, white muscle fibers are activated, which increases muscle volume, builds muscle mass, and develops strength, which many men often try to achieve using various training methods.

A set of such exercises, if performed regularly, will help you achieve your goal without the financial expenses of purchasing the necessary equipment or visiting gyms. To master the technique of static gymnastics, only the desire of the person himself is enough.

However, in order to achieve the desired result, you must strictly follow some rules.

    Each session should be preceded by a warm-up, including stretching the muscles.

During the warm-up, you need to especially work out those muscles and joints that will receive the greatest load during training.

    You need to do the exercises while inhaling. Breathe rhythmically, without holding your breath.

    When performing exercises, increase the force gradually - without sudden jerks.

    Each movement of the complex lasts literally seconds - a total of 5-6. And the maximum voltage generally takes 2-3 seconds.

    After each exercise, you need to give the muscles a rest - 10-15 seconds is enough, in other cases - half a minute to a minute.

    The entire workout should not exceed 20 minutes.

    One exercise is repeated 10 times.

But in order for the body to develop more harmoniously, it is advisable to combine static gymnastics with dynamic gymnastics.

One of the significant advantages of this type of physical activity is rapid recovery after training., so it can be repeated daily without fear of overtraining, as with dynamic exercises using serious weights.

An approximate “male” complex

Static exercises can be done using household equipment, for example, a chain, a metal rod, or a thick cord or rope. You can just take a wooden stick. Is there anything similar at hand? And this is not a hindrance.

    Bend your elbows and, holding them at chest level, press your palm against your palm. The muscles of the arms and chest should be tense.

    In the same starting position, you need to clasp your fingers together and try to stretch your arms to the sides.

    Now you can try to move the wall! To do this, you need to rest your hands on it and take a comfortable static stance, while straining with all your might. At this moment, the muscles of almost the entire body should be involved in the work - from top to bottom.

    Another similar exercise: standing in a doorway and resting your hands on it, try to push it apart by tensing the shoulder muscles of your shoulders and arms.

What do women need?

A beautiful, slender, flexible figure - isn’t this what every woman dreams of?

The “democracy” of static gymnastics allows women to achieve their cherished goal using the already described complexes. And you can add more like this.

    Place the fingers of outstretched hands on the table. As you exhale, press hard on it, as if wanting to drive it into the floor. When inhaling, relax.

    Bend your elbows and clench your hands into fists. Resting your elbows on the table, pretend that you want to move it away from you.

    The following exercise helps strengthen the deltoid muscles. Performed while standing. Clasp your hands at stomach level, turning your palms up. Through effort, try to break the “lock” by jerking your elbows to the sides.

    Kneeling in front of a stool, clench your hands into fists and place them with the ribs of your palms down on the stool. Press firmly on its surface.

    Hands are on the head, elbows spread wide apart. Gently press on the head with your palms.

    In a straight stance, with your arms bent at the elbows, lean to the sides, while keeping your pelvis motionless.

You need to work your abdominal muscles regularly and you will have to do this throughout your life if you always want to have a flat and beautiful stomach. It is impossible to pump up your abdominal muscles for future use, like many other things. That’s why now there are a huge number of different exercises so that you never get tired of working your abdominal muscles. However, despite the variety of exercises, as a rule, they all come down to one thing, various modifications of crunches.

I suggest trying static abdominal exercises. What are they good for?

1. You can do something else at the same time. For example, read a book or watch TV. At first, this will be difficult to do, since you will be very overstrained, but over time the muscles will become stronger and it will become easier to combine two things.

2. It is enough to devote only a couple of minutes to a static exercise, and these couple of minutes will be spent on maximum tension of the muscle, thereby working it out faster. Unlike dynamic ones, in which during a whole set of abdominal exercises, the muscle experiences maximum tension for no more than 15 seconds. There is a difference.

3. In static exercises, all energy is spent on muscle tension, in contrast to dynamic exercises, in which energy is also spent on performing the movement.

4. Thanks to static exercises, you can significantly increase the strength of muscles that require additional load and are slightly behind in strength.

5. These exercises can be performed daily, in various combinations. This will take a little time, you won’t get very tired, but your muscles will get a very good workout.

I would like to draw your attention to the execution technique. A static exercise must be performed to maximum load and then fixate yourself in it. When lifting your body, you must lift your shoulder blades off the floor, tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible, and with each exhalation, press your navel toward your spine. Your breathing can be a great way to help increase the load.


More complex