What kind of small-caliber competitions are there? Bullet shooting. There are two main types of targets used for training and tournaments:

Sports shooting is a discipline that involves competition in shooting accuracy from various types weapons. Bullet shooting using rifled weapons at targets in a shooting range and clay pigeon shooting are distinguished. smoothbore weapons at equipped shooting ranges at launched clay targets.


Sports shooting begins its history ever since weapons were invented to hit a target at a distance, such as. After creation firearms Sports discipline has also improved. The first championships began to take place back in the 14th century, and the rules were approved at the same time.

Since 1896, this discipline has had Olympic status on a permanent basis. At first, only men's teams were represented in the competition, but since 1996, access to international sports arena Women also received. At first, male and female athletes competed together, but since 1996 they have been separated by gender.

Facts from history
  • Historically, the first shooting tournament was organized by the Germans (Augsburg, 1432). This made shooting even more popular.
  • The first association of shooting enthusiasts was the Shooting Society in Great Britain in 1859. A year later, an open competition was held between members of the community.
  • The Swiss held tournaments for accuracy back in 1452. The tradition of annual shooting festivals has been preserved there to this day.
  • In the States, the first accuracy competitions were held in 1873. By this time, each city had its own shooting society.
  • In our country, the shooting championship took place in 1898 in Khabarovsk and then began to be held annually in a number of areas, including the army.

Sports shooting combines many different areas with the use of.

All existing disciplines can be combined into six groups:
  1. Skeet shooting.
  2. Varminting.
  3. Sniping.
  4. Bullet
  5. Practical.

The most common discipline. Athletes compete for accuracy outdoors on an equipped area. Smooth-bore shotguns fire shot at flying saucers ejected by a special device.

This variety originated in Britain and was very popular among hunters. At that time, pigeons were used as targets.

Poster sport shooting has the status of an Olympic discipline. At the Games, competitions take place in three directions:
  • Skit. The equipped area is called a round stand. It is equipped with 8 shooting stations: 7 in a semicircle and one in the middle, between the 1st and 7th. There are 2 installations for launching targets; they are placed one above the other. The plates are launched one or two at a time from left to right and vice versa. The shooter fires offhand and holds the gun at waist level before launching the target.
  • Ladder. It is carried out on a trench stand, consisting of five equipped places. The skeets are released from a hidden trench and fly in several directions (forward, left and right) at different heights. This requires the shooter to react very quickly.
  • Double trap. In this event, athletes shoot at paired targets simultaneously.

Implies that the shooter has very good skills. Its roots go back to hunting rodents, in particular the marmot. The specificity is that the groundhog can stand for a long time without moving hind legs, becoming easy prey.

For varminting, a small-caliber optical rifle with a heavy barrel is used. The athlete needs to hit a target in the form of a marmot silhouette from a long distance. The weapon is placed on a rest or stand.

This is shooting at small targets from a rifle with an optical sight. The number of shots is 1 or 2. The second shot is allowed if you miss and must be fired very quickly. The further away the target is and the smaller it is, the more points the shooter gets for hitting.

Combines a number of disciplines using various weapons (rifled, rifles, pistols) and targets (moving and stationary).

There are two main types of targets used for training and tournaments:
  1. Printed - produced by printing on white material. When hit, it retains the trace of the bullet, and the edges do not lose integrity.
  2. Electronic - used in competitions and themselves determine the accuracy of the shot.

Weapons can be pneumatic (4.5 mm), small-caliber (5.6 mm) and large-caliber (6.5 mm - 7.62 mm for rifles and 7.62-9.65 mm for pistols).

The most spectacular variety, since it is of military origin and the competition area simulates hunting or fighting. In addition, it allows you to train your combat fire skills. The athlete’s task is to destroy the target as quickly as possible using heavy firearms.

Competitions take place in three areas:
  • Shooting from a pistol.
  • Carbine.
  • Guns.

The winner is the shooter who covers the course faster than the others and hits the maximum number of targets. Additional points can be awarded depending on the type of weapon: the larger it is, the harder it is to work with it.

Benefits of classes

Sports shooting is developing dynamically from year to year, so the number of sections providing training is also growing. Adults and children, men and women come to this sport. Tactical shooting is in greatest demand because it provides skills in handling weapons and using them in practical situations, especially in the field of self-defense.

Schools and sections are accepted from the age of 12. First, the theoretical foundations are studied, and then they move on to mastering practical skills. For getting good results you will have to work long and hard, and also form certain personal qualities: self-discipline, composure, stress resistance.

A professional shooter knows how to overcome his anxiety and concentrate as much as possible, quickly reacting to the situation.

There are no special medical restrictions on shooting, with the exception of acute and chronic diseases, neuropsychic disorders and complicated myopia.

  • Good health . Like any physical activity, has a beneficial effect on the body. During training, the load falls on the muscles of the legs, arms, chest and back, as a result, the body is kept in good shape.
  • Formation of emotional stability. Shooters develop mental balance, the ability to abstract and concentrate.
  • Duration sports career. Shooting has no age restrictions, so you can do it even until old age, taking part in competitions. So, Olympic champion Alexey Alipov is 43 years old and continues to be successful in the international arena.
  • Low risk of injury. If you handle a weapon carefully, it is impossible to get injured.
  • Developing a sense of responsibility. From the very beginning, athletes are taught safety rules, and also develop the awareness that shooting is not a game, but a serious sports discipline.
  • Even before the Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin had the status of French shooting champion for many years. It is no wonder that it was he who initiated the inclusion of pistol and rifle shooting in the first Games in 1986.
  • The oldest sport shooting is clay pigeon shooting. It was competed in at all the Games. But plates were not always used as targets. Initially, pigeons thrown by assistants were intended for these purposes. Since 1910, the use of birds has been prohibited, although it was still used in training.
  • Women are not inferior to men in shooting. Thus, American Annie Oakley had such good shooting skills that during the First World War she trained American soldiers. Her accuracy is amazing: she once hit a cigarette in the mouth of the Kaiser of Germany with a bullet, and also managed to make several holes in a playing card from 30 meters before it fell to the floor.
  • Due to the large number of shooting disciplines, Russia has a special designation system using letters and numbers. Thus, 2 letters indicate the type of weapon used, and the number indicates the number of the exercise in accordance with the national sports classification.
  • Sports shooting is not a cheap discipline. The cost of high-quality weapons is considerable. In addition, its transportation requires a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as a special case weighing 5 kg. During exercises, an athlete spends 200-300 rounds of ammunition in the summer and about 700 in the winter. Moreover, the price of one cartridge domestic production is 10 rubles, and imported - 16-18.
  • USSR national team in 1952 - 1988. became the winner in 47 types of various shooting competitions. At the same time, she received gold 17 times. In terms of the number of victories, it was only ahead of the US team, where shooting is very popular, and China, where the number of professional shooters is huge.

It is divided into pistol shooting, rifle shooting, and rifle shooting at a moving target. It is produced by a bullet from rifled weapons: pneumatic (4.5 mm), small-caliber (5.6 mm) and large-caliber (6.5 mm - 7.62 mm for rifles and 7.62-9.65 mm for pistols).

Targets are printed using a printing method on dense white or cream-colored material. When pierced by a bullet, such a target retains the outline of the bullet hole without excessively rough distortions and tears along the edges of the hole. The sizes and dimensions of the hole advantage zones are different, depending on the type of weapon and the distance from the line of fire to the target line.

Nowadays, all major international competitions are held using electronic target systems that determine the value of a hole by acoustic, optical or combined methods.

Every year, shooting competitions at various levels are held: from regional tournaments to world and European championships. Currently, the rules of the International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) for bullet shooting provide for 15 men's and 9 women's exercises that are included in the programs international competitions. Mandatory Olympic program includes 6 men's exercises and 4 female. Within the framework of the Russian Shooting Union, competitions are held in 46 exercises.

In official ISSF documents and results reports of international competitions, short names of exercises are used, including the shooting distance, type of weapon and number of shots (for example: “50 m Free Rifle. 3x40 shots”).

In Russia, an abbreviation has been introduced for each exercise - two letters and numbers. The letters indicate the type of weapon (VP - air rifle; MV - small-caliber rifle; AB - (army) standard large-caliber rifle; PV - arbitrary large-caliber rifle; PP - air pistol; MP - small-caliber pistol; RP - large-caliber pistol (center fire revolver), and the numbers are the serial number of this exercise in the national sports classification in bullet shooting.

Types of shooting

Rifle shooting

Rifles for performing sports shooting exercises are divided by type: pneumatic (caliber - 4.5 mm), small-caliber (caliber - 5.6 mm) and large-caliber (caliber - from 6.5 mm to - 7.62 mm). All types of rifles must be single-shot (except large-bore standard rifles, which may have a magazine). The distance from the firing line to the target line is from 10 to 300 meters.

To shoot from a rifle, the positions taken are “prone”, “kneeling” or “standing”.

“Lying” position: the athlete lies on the ground or a special mat, leaning on his elbows. The weapon must be held with two hands and the right shoulder (for a left-handed athlete - the left). While aiming, the shooter's cheek can be pressed against the butt of the rifle. The forearms are clearly separated from the mat. The forearm of the left hand supporting the rifle must form an angle of at least 30 degrees with the surface of the firing position. The use of a gun sling is permitted.

Kneeling position: the athlete sits on bent leg, under the rise of which a roller is placed. The foot of the leg in front, the knee and toe of the other leg are on the ground or on the mat. The weapon is held with two hands and the right shoulder. The elbow of the left hand holding the rifle must rest on the left knee and cannot be displaced from the kneecap more than 100 mm forward or 150 mm back. The use of a gun sling is permitted.

Standing position: the athlete is standing. The weapon is held with two hands, the right shoulder, the cheek and part of the chest near the right shoulder. The butt rests on the shoulder of the opposite hand. The use of a gun sling is not permitted.

Athletes are given at least 10 minutes to prepare for the exercise.
The use of special shooting suits and boots is permitted.
The use of optical sights is prohibited, but the use of a vision-correcting lens is possible.

Pistol shooting

Pistols for performing sports shooting exercises are divided by type into pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber (revolver). Air pistols of 4.5 mm caliber are permitted, operating on compressed air or compressed gas and loaded with only one bullet when firing. All air pistol pellets must be made of lead or a similar soft material. Small-caliber pistols - 5.6 mm caliber chambered for side-fire. Large-caliber pistol (center-fire revolver) - caliber from 7.62 to 9.65 mm.

Pistols and revolvers can only be fired while standing, holding the weapon freely outstretched arm.
In speed exercises, the competition rules impose a special requirement on the preparation before starting the exercise: the hand with the weapon must be tilted down, at an angle of at least 45 ° to the direction of fire.

When performing the exercise, the shooter must be in his assigned shooting position (firing position), without moving beyond the front boundary of the firing line and without leaning on anything during shooting.

Before the start of the exercise, shooters are given time to prepare depending on the type of exercise. The use of optical sights is prohibited, but the use of a vision-correcting lens is possible.

Shooting at a moving target

Shooting at a moving target is carried out from single-shot rifles. For shooting at 50 m, a small-caliber rifle (5.6 mm caliber) chambered for a side-fire cartridge is used. For shooting at 10 m - an air rifle (caliber 4.5 mm), operating on compressed air or gas. The use of optical sights is permitted. At 50 m the magnification of the sight is not limited, at 10 m the magnification is limited (4x). The use of special shooting jackets is permitted.

For shooting at 50 m, a “Running Boar” target is used with a drawn silhouette of a boar and a target located in the middle of the body.

For shooting at 10 m, a target is used, like for shooting from an air rifle, but with aiming points located on the left and right (electronic target), or a paper target with an aiming point between two targets.

The targets move alternately from right to left and from left to right, passing through an open space - a “window”. The passage of a target through a “window” is called a run. The target must pass the “window” in 5 seconds when running slowly, and in 2.5 seconds when running fast. Only one shot is fired in each run. In each half of the exercise, before the scoring runs, the shooter is given 4 test runs - 2 on the right and on the left side of the movement. In trial runs, the target moves at the same speed as in the subsequent test series. Shooting at moving targets is carried out only from a “standing” position and occurs from a dismounted position, and before the target appears in the run window, the butt of the weapon must be at the belt.

Shooting competitions are held on the basis of the rules of the national shooting federation, which in turn are based on the rules of the International Federation of UIT.

Competitions, competition dates, course, scores and duration

For all disciplines, the goal of the competition is to hit the target as accurately as possible. In case of the same hit (with the same number of points), the final result and rank are reported as follows:

In shooting competitions in rifle disciplines at a distance from the firing line of 10.50 m and 300 m and in pistol disciplines at a distance from the firing line of 10 m and 50 m and in the “running boar” discipline, the last series is decisive.

If the last series also shows the same number of points, then the result of the last series is counted, etc. If all series have the same number of points, then the quality of the last, penultimate shot is decisive.

In skeet shooting competitions, 25 skeet shots are fired for each shooter. If after three shoot-offs there is a tie again, the shooters will share the same spot. In high-speed pistol shooting, if the winners (1st-3rd places) have an equal number of points, a shootout is held, the shooters perform 3 series of 4 seconds each.

In competitions in shooting from a large-caliber pistol (revolver) and a small-caliber standard pistol (30+30), the winners have a shootout of 3 series of five shots when shooting at figured targets. In all cases, the shootout is conducted until one of the shooters wins for the corresponding prize place.

Free pistol (match pistol)

60 scored shots, 15 test shots, distance 50 m, time 2.5 hours, target with 10 rings.

Small caliber pistol for rapid fire

60 shots, 4 series, each 5 shots. In 8, 6 and 4 seconds on figured targets at a distance of 25 m. Competitions are held in two stages, on one day or two days in a row. The competition is held in such a way that in each technique there are 2 series of 8.6.4 seconds.

This also includes 5 test shots at any time. In case of failure (delay, breakdown, etc.) of the weapon, the series is repeated. When determining the result, the worst holes are counted. After the third refusal, misses (0 points) are counted for all targets that were not fired.

Free smallbore rifle (50 m) and free rifle (300 m)

The preparation has three positions (types of positions: lying, standing, kneeling), 120 shots (3 × 40), before each position it is allowed to fire 10 test shots, which can be performed both at the beginning and before each series at a distance of 50 m ( free smallbore rifle) or 300 m (free rifle), time 5¼ (prone 1½ hours, standing 2 hours, kneeling 1¾ hours); There is a 15 minute pause between positions. Olympic match (60 test prone shots, 15 test shots), distance 50 m, time 2 hours.

Trench shooting

During the competition, men and women shoot a series of 200 skeet, juniors - 150. A group of 6 shooters shoots in each competition. In some individual competitions, each shooter shoots a series of 25 clay pigeons. You can fire 2 shots at each skeet.

After each hit on the skeet, the shooters move one by one to each of the 5 shooting positions. A hit on the plate is counted if fragments are visible. The score is made by the competition judge and two side judges. If the plates “scatter” after the shot, then others are thrown in the same direction. 15 throwing devices are located in 5 batteries, each with 3 metal machine guns.

Ejections must be carried out in 15 different directions (5 - left, 5 - straight, 5 - right). The shooter does not know the angle of release and the direction of flight of the target. As a rule, 1 competition is held over 3 competition days (1st day - 75 skeet, 2nd day - 75 skeet, 3rd day - 50 skeet). After the first and second competition days, the throwing devices are placed by drawing lots according to a different system.

Skeet shooting

Like the trench skeet, each competition is played in groups of 6 shooters. Shooting is carried out at 200 “skeet”: they shoot at individual skeet and at doublets (one skeet is simultaneously released from both throwing machines, which fly towards each other). Only one shot can be fired at each skeet. The shooter's position is constantly changing so that each shooter can fire a shot from all 8 positions (under different conditions).

Running boar

The figure of a “boar” is visible in the “window” when running slowly for 5 seconds, when running fast- 2.5 sec. A total of 60 shots are fired (three series of 10 shots at a slow run and three series of 10 shots at a fast run).

On the first day of competition, 20 shots are fired while running slowly and on the second day, 10 shots are fired. Before the series, the shooter gets the right to fire one test shot each when the target is running to the left and when it is running to the left. right side. Shooters can practice shooting without a cartridge before their start.


In competitions when shooting from air guns (rifles and air gun) 10 trial and 40 test shots are performed. Completion time 1¾ hours.

Small bore standard rifle and large bore standard rifle

Shooting from three standard positions (types of positioning: prone, standing, kneeling); 60 shots (3 × 20), additionally 6 test shots are given before each position, total shooting time 2.5 hours, 60 shots, time 2 hours, 15 test shots.

Team competition

The team consists of 4 shooters (general class) or 3 shooters each for women, juniors and teenagers.

Sports shooting- a sport in which athletes compete in shooting accuracy from different types weapons.

History of the emergence and development of sports shooting

Shooting sport is considered one of the most ancient applied sports. It appeared back in the distant times of bows and crossbows. In the middle of the 14th century, bows and crossbows evolved into firearms, after which bullet shooting began to actively develop.

In 1449, the first firearms shooting societies began to appear in France, and later they appeared in England and the USA.

In 1896, rifle and pistol shooting competitions were included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896, and since 1897, World Shooting Championships began to be held regularly.

Types of sports shooting

Bullet shooting - one of the types of shooting sports, in which athletes compete in shooting from pneumatic, small-caliber, large caliber rifles and pistols. Bullet shooting is Olympic form sports, in particular, the Olympic program includes 5 rifle shooting exercises (MV-5, VP-4, MV-6, MV-9, VP-6) and the same number of pistol shooting exercises (MP-5, PP-2, MP -6, MP-8, PP-3).

Abbreviations indicating the type of weapon:

VP- pneumatic rifle
MV- small-caliber rifle
AB- standard large-caliber rifle
PV- any large-caliber rifle
PP- air gun
MP- small-caliber pistol
RP- revolver-pistol of central combat.


MV-5— shooting from a small-caliber rifle, distance 50 m. Position — prone, standing, kneeling, 3x20 shots.

VP-4Pneumatic rifle. 40 shots standing. Time 1 hour 15 minutes. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before taking the scoring shots.

MV-6- Random small-caliber rifle. Distance 50 m. Target No. 7. Shooting is carried out in the following sequence: 40 shots prone (1 hour 00 minutes), 40 standing (1 hour 30 minutes), 40 from the knee (1 hour 15 minutes). In each position, an unlimited number of test shots are allowed before performing scoring shots. The winner is determined by the sum of points scored in three positions.

MV-9- Random small-caliber rifle. Distance 50 m. Target No. 7. Shooting is carried out in the following sequence: 20 shots while lying down, 20 while standing, 20 from the knee. The total time for shooting from three positions is 2 hours 30 minutes. In each position, an unlimited number of test shots are allowed before performing scoring shots.

VP-6- Pneumatic rifle. Distance 10 m. Target No. 8. 60 shots standing. Time 1 hour 45 min. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before taking the scoring shots.

MP-5- a standard (sports) small-caliber pistol (in the international classification the pistol for exercise MP-5) is usually called sports, although this is the same pistol from which exercise MP-10 is performed. Distance 25 m. The exercise is divided into two parts. The first - 30 shots - is carried out at a stationary target No. 4, the second - 30 shots - at an appearing target No. 5. Shooting is carried out in series of 5 shots at one target. In the first half, each series is completed in 6 minutes; in the second half of each series, the target appears 5 times for 3 seconds, during which the shooter fires one shot (pauses between target appearances are 7 seconds). First, all participants perform the first half of the exercise, and then the second.

PP-2— shooting from an air pistol, distance 10 m, 40 shots.

PP-3— shooting from an air pistol, distance 10 m, 60 shots. Time 1 hour 45 min. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before the start of scoring shots.

MP-6- any small-caliber pistol. Distance 50 m. Target No. 4. 60 shots. Time 2 hours 00 minutes. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before taking the scoring shots.

MP-8- rapid-fire small-caliber pistol. Distance 25 m. 5 simultaneously appearing targets No. 5. 60 shots. Shooting is carried out in series of 5 shots; The shooter fires one shot at each of the five simultaneously appearing targets. The exercise is divided into 2 halves, each of which consists of two sets of 8 s, two of 6 s, and two of 4 s. Before the start of the test shooting, one test series is performed in each half of the exercise for 8 seconds. First, all participants perform the first half of the exercise, and then the second.

The numbers in the abbreviations indicate the serial number of the exercise in the national sports classification for bullet shooting.

Skeet shooting- one of the types of shooting sports in which athletes compete in shooting at open shooting ranges. Shooting is carried out with shot from smoothbore shotguns at special skeet targets.

The Olympic Games include 3 skeet shooting disciplines:

  • Round stand - athletes fire at clay pigeons, moving from one shooting station to another (8 in total), and also changing the shooting angle relative to the trajectories of flying targets.
  • Trench stand - athletes fire at clay pigeons thrown out of a trench in a random direction.
  • A double trap is the same as a trench stand, but the skeet is thrown out in pairs and the shooting is done in doublets.

Practical shooting- one of the types of shooting sports, the goal of which is to master and develop techniques that best suit various cases of using firearms.

Shooting skill is assessed as a balance of three main components:

  • Accuracy - points for hitting targets;
  • Speed ​​- time from the start signal to the last shot;
  • Power - the use of weapons of greater power is encouraged by a large number of points awarded for hitting the scoring zones of targets, in addition, a minimum caliber and a minimum power factor are established.

The result is the sum of points for hitting all targets, including penalties, divided by the execution time.

Benchrest shooting is one of the types of shooting sports, the goal of the athletes is to fire five (or ten) shots at the scoring target; The smaller the group size, the higher the shooter’s place in the competition. In this case, shooting is performed while sitting at a special table with the rifle placed at point-blank range for shooting.

The following table shooting disciplines are distinguished:

  • benchrest BR-50 - shooting from small-caliber devices;
  • short benchrest - shooting at a distance of 100, 200 or 300 (meters or yards);
  • benchrest Long Range - shooting at distances: 500, 600, 1000 (meters or yards) and mile.

Varminting is one of the types of shooting sports in which athletes compete in shooting at long and ultra-long distances, mainly at rodents. It is allowed to use artificial targets that imitate the silhouette of marmots.

sniping- one of the types of shooting sports in which athletes compete in shooting from sniper weapons.

In this sport, shooting is carried out from pneumatic (4.5 mm), small-caliber (5.6 mm) and large-caliber (7.62 mm for rifles and 7.62-9.65 mm for pistols) rifles and pistols with bullets. It is divided into pistol shooting, rifle shooting, and rifle shooting at a moving target. The procedure for assigning and confirming sports titles and categories in Russia is determined by the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK).

Olympic disciplines

The Olympic rifle program includes 5 events. Of these, 2 are female (MV-5, VP-4) and 3 are male (MV-6, MV-9, VP-6). The pistol shooting program also includes 5 sets of medals. Of these, 2 are female (MP-5, PP-2) and 3 are male (MP-6, MP-8, PP-3).

Small caliber rifle

  • Exercise MV-5 (women): shooting from three positions (lying, standing and kneeling), 60 shots (20 from each position), distance 50 meters, target No. 7 (black circle diameter 112.4 mm, tens diameter 10 mm). For each position, 4 test targets are given, the number of test shots is not limited. Time to complete the exercise is 2 hours 15 minutes.
  • Exercise MV-6 (men): shooting from three positions (lying, standing and kneeling), 120 shots (40 from each position), distance 50 meters, target No. 7. For each position, 4 test targets are given (the number of test shots is not limited). The time for prone shooting is 45 minutes, for standing shooting is 1 hour 15 minutes and for kneeling shooting is 1 hour. In this case, the break when changing positions should be no more than 10 minutes.
  • Exercise MV-9 (men, women): prone shooting, 60 shots, distance 50 meters, target No. 7. 4 test targets, number of test shots is not limited. Time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 15 minutes.

Pneumatic rifle

  • Exercises VP-4 (women): standing shooting, 40 shots, distance 10 meters, target No. 8 (black circle diameter 30.5 mm, tens size 0.5 mm). You are given 4 test targets for the exercise; the number of test shots is not limited. Time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • Exercise VP-6 (men): standing shooting, 60 shots, distance 10 meters, target No. 8. 4 test targets are given for the exercise, the number of test shots is not limited. Time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 45 minutes.

Small caliber pistol

  • Exercise MP-5 (women): Standard pistol. Exercise MP-5 consists of two parts, which are performed sequentially one after the other. The first part is exercise MP-4 (distance 25 meters, target No. 4 (black circle diameter 200 mm, tens diameter 50 mm), 5 test and 30 test shots (6 series of 5 shots each). 5 are given to complete the test series minutes, 5 minutes per series are given to complete the qualifying series). The second part is exercise MP-2, shooting at an appearing target (distance 25 meters, target No. 5 (black circle diameter 500 mm, tens diameter 100 mm), 5 test and 30 test shots (6 series of 5 shots). Time for one shot - 3 seconds, time between target appearances - 7 seconds). Exercises MP-5, as a rule, are performed within one day, the break between the end of the first half and the beginning of the second should be at least 30 minutes.
  • Exercise MP-6 (men): Random pistol. Distance 50 meters, 60 shots, target No. 4. The number of test shots is not limited. You are given 2 hours to complete the exercise.
  • Exercise MP-8 (men): Standard pistol. Exercise MP-8 consists of two exercises MP-7 (distance 25 meters, target No. 5, 5 trial and 30 test shots (6 series of 5 shots each). 8 seconds are given for the trial series. Test series are performed in the following order: 2 series 8 seconds each, 2 series of 6 seconds each, 2 series of 4 seconds each). MP-8 exercises are usually performed over two days. The break between the end of the first half of the exercise and the beginning of the second should be at least 30 minutes.

Air gun

  • Exercise PP-1: distance 10 meters, target No. 9 (diameter of the black circle 59.5 mm, diameter of the “ten” 11.5 mm). 20 test shots, unlimited number of test shots. ( Olympic discipline is not)
  • Exercise PP-2: distance 10 meters, target No. 9 (diameter of the black circle 59.5 mm, diameter of the “ten” 11.5 mm). 40 test shots, unlimited number of test shots. Time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • Exercise PP-3: distance 10 meters, target No. 9. 60 test shots, the number of test shots is not limited. Time to complete the exercise is 1 hour 45 minutes.

Non-Olympic disciplines

In addition to the Olympic exercises, there are many others. MV-9 Zh, AV-5, RP-5, MP-10, etc.

In Russia, an abbreviation has been introduced for each exercise, two letters of which indicate the type of weapon, and the numbers indicate the serial number of this exercise in the national sports classification for bullet shooting. Types of exercises:
VP- pneumatic rifle
MV- small-caliber rifle
AB- standard large-caliber rifle
PV- arbitrary large-caliber rifle
PP- air gun
MP- small-caliber pistol
RP- center-fire revolver pistol.

History of bullet shooting

Shooting sport, as such, is one of the oldest applied sports. It originates from competitions in archery and crossbow shooting. With the advent of firearms in the mid-14th century, competitions in shooting from smoothbore guns began, and the creation of rifled weapons led to the development of bullet shooting.

Competitions in rifle and pistol shooting were included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896, and world championships in bullet shooting have been held since 1897. One of the initiators of the inclusion of bullet shooting competitions in the Olympic Games program was Pierre de Coubertin, who himself was a seven-time French champion in pistol shooting.

In Russia shooting sport began to develop from the end of the 19th century. The first competitions were held in Khabarovsk on May 25, 1898 at the garrison training ground as a folk competition.


  • Official website of the Belarusian Shooting Sports Federation
  • Official rules of Russian bullet shooting competitions
  • Official rules of the ISSF shooting competition (Russian)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Livraga, Jorge Angel
  • Computer pioneer

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    Bullet shooting at the XXVII Summer Olympic Games- Contents 1 Medalists 2 Countries 3 Results 3.1 Women ... Wikipedia

    Bullet shooting at the XXVI Summer Olympic Games- Bullet shooting at the XXVII Summer Olympic Games Contents 1 Medalists 2 Countries 3 Results 3.1 Women ... Wikipedia

    Bullet shooting at the XXV Summer Olympic Games- 1992 Contents 1 Medalists 2 Countries 3 Results 3.1 Women ... Wikipedia