Which gymnast died in a car accident. Gymnastics. Victories and death of champion Natalia Lavrova. The sisters were buried under a three-shot salvo

Two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Natalya Lavrova died on Friday, April 23, in a car accident near Penza. Her younger sister Olga was driving. She didn't survive either.

The tragic news spread around Penza in a matter of hours. Natalya Lavrova is a well-known person in our city - although she worked in the capital in recent years, she still remained at home in her homeland.

Reporter correspondents went to the scene of the accident on the third kilometer of the Penza-Shemysheika highway. The restrictive tapes have already been removed here, and tow trucks have taken away the burnt cars. There were still deformed parts of the car on the side of the road, but soon they would be gone.

Not far from the accident site is the village of Zasechnoye - just one and a half kilometers away. We went there.


Local residents were the first to see what happened on the highway.

“My windows just look out onto that road,” a village resident told Reporter correspondents, pensioner Zinaida Andreeva. – Around nine, I noticed dense black smoke from the side of the road.

“I was on my way home from work by minibus,” adds a middle-aged local resident who introduced herself Innoy. – All passengers saw that an accident had occurred. When we drove closer, we saw two girls in burnt clothes at the side of the road.

My husband and I were returning home from Kondol, just along this road,” she shared director of the local cultural center Lidiya Bondarenko. “We were still surprised - we were driving there, everything was clean, but here there were a lot of fire trucks and police cars. When we got closer, we saw a burnt-out car standing in a field, and a foreign car nearby on the side of the road. Her entire front part was crumpled, apparently swipe accepted. I didn’t look in that direction anymore, and my husband later said that the bodies of two girls were lying on the ground. When I arrived in Zasechnoye, I learned from my fellow villagers: it turns out that two Lavrov sisters had died. They said that when the car caught fire, oncoming cars stopped. To extinguish the flames, drivers pulled their seat covers off and took out fire extinguishers. And so the girls managed to be pulled out of the car before it exploded. Our whole village is buzzing, this is all we talk about. We are all in shock. Such grief, especially for parents!

Signal at half past ten

At about half past nine, the emergency department received a signal about an accident,” he explained. Senior State Traffic Inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Penza Region Vitaly IVANOV.– There were two girls in the car. They were moving towards the city from Shemysheyka. According to the preliminary version, the car turned into the oncoming lane. Then the Mazda crashed into her. Both the driver and the passenger died on the spot due to the strong impact. The car of the fourteenth model in which they were traveling caught fire. But the bodies were pulled out before the explosion. The driver of the foreign car was saved from death by a deployed airbag. With injuries, he was sent to the on-duty city hospital.

Reporter correspondents visited city hospital No. 1 on Friday, April 23; it was she who was on duty that day. By that time, the parents of the Mazda driver, 22-year-old Denis Mityaykin, who was injured in the accident, had already left the hospital. They were on duty in the emergency room all those hours while the doctors fought for the life and health of their son.

The young man was operated on, explained surgeon of the surgical department of city hospital No. 1 Vladimir GRIDNEV. “After the operation, he was in serious condition in the intensive care unit.

Denis is indirectly related to Zasechny: his father is engaged in woodworking in this village.

"Difficult" place

I get goosebumps when I start talking about this topic. It's a shame these girls are so young. “How can parents bear this?” she became upset in a conversation with reporters from “Reporter.” Olga Udavkina, a pensioner from Zasechny.“I found out about the tragedy in the morning when I was going to the store. The supplier who delivers goods to our stall said that the road was blocked due to terrible accident. Yes, we have had accidents in this place before. This section of the road is “bad”. Something similar happened about two years ago. Then a young guy died. His car also drifted into the oncoming lane, overturned several times and caught fire in a field.

The place where the accident took place is somehow enchanted,” continues the “semi-mystical” theme Lydia Bondarenko, director of the Zasechensky House of Culture. – They say that a very long time ago, when Penza had not yet been built, there was a cemetery here. And to this day, on God’s Mountain, where the Lavrovs now live, local residents sometimes find bones when they dig up their plots. The particularly superstitious of my fellow villagers believe that the ashes of their ancestors are disturbed by the road, and therefore misfortunes happen. According to local beliefs, when driving through a problem area, you must throw grains of granulated sugar onto the road every time - in my opinion, this is something from ancient pagan rituals, but people believe...


Father of the dead girls Alexander Nikolaevich Lavrov- a well-known and respected person in the city. For a long time he worked as a surgeon at the Ternovskaya central regional hospital. Then he took charge of it. A few years later, he took the position of chief physician of the regional hospital. N.N. Burdenko. Currently he works as Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Penza Region.

Alexander Nikolaevich is a very good surgeon. “I know this first-hand, he treated my husband,” she clarified. Lyudmila Filinkova, artistic director of the cultural center of the village of Zasechnoe.“Everyone here knows the Lavrov family; not so long ago they built a house here not far away, on God’s Mountain, and recently they lived mainly there. We perceived their tragedy as a personal grief, we mourn with them.

This Friday, April 23, I came to see my daughter Alena, she lives on the street next to the Lavrovs,” she said Lydia Bondarenko.– From the bedroom window I saw cars driving up to their gate one after another.

In the very first hours after the tragedy in Vacation home Relatives and relatives of the Lavrovs began to arrive. Alexander Nikolaevich himself was no longer at home - he had left to organize the funeral. Two men stood in the courtyard near the porch - the husband of the deceased Olga Stanislav and his father. The men stood depressed. Stanislav was already in a formal suit, but still wearing slippers. There was clearly no time for talk, Stanislav clarified that “the funeral will take place on Sunday at the New Western Cemetery”...

gold fish

Natasha Lavrova started playing sports from an early age. The flexible, slender baby was brought to the Penza gymnastics school by her mother Natalya Anatolyevna. Today, the main place of training for young graces is the Burtasy Sports Palace, and then, almost twenty years ago, all the children trained in the gymnasium on Kirov Street.

This hall greeted the Reporter correspondents with silence: the gymnasts’ classes were canceled that day.

Yes, it was from this hall that Natasha Lavrova went to her first Olympics, she told us Valentina Tugusheva, employee of the gymnastics complex.– I remember her well. I took my eldest granddaughter here for classes. She was in the junior group, and Natasha was already in the senior group. Affectionate, kind, sympathetic - Natasha helped the younger ones, showed how to do the elements correctly.

The appearance of the hall has not changed much since the time when the Olympic champion trained here. Big gym, equipped with parallel bars, rings, crossbars, mats, trampolines, and today it becomes an arena for daily training. On the second floor there are two mirrored choreographic halls where girls practice flexibility.

We met with Natalia’s Penza coach Tatyana Alekseevna Vasilyeva on Saturday, April 24th. Despite the grief, she was at her workplace at the Burtasy Sports Palace: she had to judge the competition. However, due to mourning, the competition was canceled.

Tatyana Alekseevna and Natalya were close for many years - it was Vasilyeva who led Lavrova to the Olympic gold podium. They have been together in different situations, the coach remembers various little things and details that are not important

by and large, but life usually consists of such details, and who knows their true value?..

Natasha’s father, Alexander Nikolaevich, met us from all the competitions,” recalls Tatyana Alekseevna, “he, too, was involved in sports in the past, was a boxer, he was very proud of the sporting successes of his eldest daughter. He picked us up in his old Zhiguli straight from the airport in Moscow. And we all went to Penza together. It was a bit cramped because we usually had a lot of luggage. But we were happy that we were all returning home together. I especially remember returning from the Olympics. That time, Natalya’s father came to pick us up in a Gazelle. We were already met at the entrance to Penza. The festive tables were set, because we were returning with victory. And when our entire small delegation got out of the car, the officers unanimously shouted three times “Hurray!” And then, in a column with flashing lights, we drove up to the gymnastics school on Kirov Street, where we were also greeted with thunderous applause.

Natasha has always been a courageous girl, she never became limp and did not show it if things got difficult. I remember when we arrived at the Sydney Olympics, she complained of severe pain in her big toe. As it turned out later, it turned out to be broken. Despite the pain, Natasha just waved it off, saying, “I can do it,” and performed the routine brilliantly. At the Olympic Games in Sydney, Natalya Lavrova won her first gold. At that time she was only sixteen years old.

Before the second Olympic Games in Athens, Lavrova underwent serious surgery on the meniscus. In general, after such injuries, people leave big sports. But less than two weeks after the operation, Lavrova reappeared in the gym. All the movements were extremely difficult for her; she only did the elements while lying down. But a month later she was already on the team and went to the next training camp. We know the results of the Athens Olympics - gold again.

Lavrova was the leader Russian team in rhythmic gymnastics. She came to the national team as the youngest of the girls, but despite the age difference, her teammates respected her and obeyed her. She instilled faith in victory. During the entire time our compatriot was in the national team, the girls never lost. That’s what they called their Natasha – “goldfish”.

After a triumphant victory at Olympic Games, Natalya Alexandrovna decided to try herself in a new capacity. Irina Viner, head of the Russian Gymnastics Federation, invited Lavrova to become the senior coach of the Dynamo sports society.

At 25, she was the only girl to become a two-time Olympic champion,” explained President of the Penza Region Gymnastics Federation Valery STARKIN. – Her last position was the head coach of Dynamo. The other day she was supposed to become the head coach of Moscow.

She was a good coach, she worked for a year with Dasha Kolobova, who this year won five gold medals at the International Cup in Cairo. - continues his story Tatiana Vasilyeva,– in a short time she greatly improved her and prepared her for serious competitions.

On April 23-26, rhythmic gymnastics competitions among juniors were held in Penza. On April 23 at ten in the morning the grand opening of the competition was planned. Natasha how Main coach I really wanted to be there in time for the opening. Together with her sister Olya, she left her parents’ country house in the morning. However, they never managed to get there...

This news was a shock for coaches and athletes,” she said. Olga Stebeneva, Lavrova’s very first coach even for the younger group, - We canceled the grand opening, but decided to start the competition. We asked all participants to dedicate their performances to the memory of Natalia Lavrova.


Unlike her older sister, Olga Lavrova was far from big-time sports. For a long time, the family lived in the area of ​​the greenhouse plant, and both girls went to secondary school No. 75. Olya Lavrova entered first grade in 1993. She was a diligent student, she grasped everything on the fly. Most of all she loved the humanities. Without thinking about what she would be after school, she answered – a doctor. Her peers were drawn to her; she had no shortage of friends. In the class she always turned out to be the ringleader and leader.

Olya sat on the first desk of the first row, she remembers former classmate Svetlana Kazakova.– Together we always solved physics problems. Olya did the first step of the task, Irina did the second, Natasha did the third. And so we wrote a test in physics together.

“I was Olya Lavrova’s class teacher,” she said. Vera Klopyzhnikova, computer science teacher at school No. 75“I’ve known her literally since kindergarten. My son went to kindergarten with her. A bright, cheerful girl, she loved to help others. In high school, the family moved to Ternovka, but Olya did not want to change school. Therefore, every day her parents took her to classes at our school.

In 2003 she entered the medical faculty of the Polytechnic University. The girl’s future husband, Stas, also studied at the same university. As friends say, the young people dated for quite a long time. And the year before last we got married.

A very family-oriented, affectionate girl, she loved her parents and husband,” says friend Irina.

According to Olga's close friends, the girl was preparing to become a mother, and perhaps there were not two, but three victims in the car accident...


As soon as the terrible news about the death of the Lavrov sisters spread across Russia, she flew to Penza, canceling an important trip. Irina Viner. Just for a few hours. In order to say goodbye to Natasha. Irina Vyacheslavovna did not wait for the day of the funeral, and, arriving at the Lavrovs’ house, said goodbye to her alone.

On April 25, Natalya Lavrova again gathered a full house in Burtasy. But the residents of Penza came not to watch her graceful performance, but to see her off on her last journey. At the entrance there were portraits of girls, and on the table there were telegrams of condolences to loved ones. In particular, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev sent a telegram to the relatives in support. The grief-stricken parents did not even raise their eyes to the stream of people who came to say goodbye to their daughters. Natalya Anatolyevna, the sisters’ mother, kept stroking Natasha’s face and straightening her veil. The father tried to maintain composure, but his nerves could not stand it even for such a strong man.

When the removal of the body began, it was frankly crowded on the street, it seemed as if the whole city had gathered to see off the Lavrov sisters. Portraits, medals and orders were carried by young gymnasts - Natalia's students. Cars passing by honked their horns, and then it started to rain.

According to popular belief, it rains at funerals when bright people leave.

Elena Yusupova

Ekaterina Borisova

The editors of the Reporter newspaper expresses condolences to the family and friends of Natalia Lavrova and Olga Popova.

“One day my mother gave me a teddy bear...” Unknown details from the biography of the deceased Natalya Lavrova [VIDEO]

On April 23, two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Natalya Lavrova died in a car accident in the Penza region.

Two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Natalya Lavrova

“If something happens to her, it means the team will be lucky...” So on October 16, 2004, our correspondent Vladislav Blagoobrazov began a note in the “Unfamiliar Star” column about Natalya Lavrova.

It just so happens that the life of the gymnast-“artist” is short-lived. Twenty-something and you're off the mat, a veteran. Therefore, participation in two or more Olympics is akin to a feat.

In 2004, Natalya Lavrova became the world's first two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics.

A student of a Penza school, whose portrait adorns the Honor Board on the central street of the city, received the title of “goldfish” from journalists - after Lavrova was included in our main team team I have never lost in group exercises. Moreover, our heroine’s “talismanism” manifested itself in a very unique way. We can say that she sacrificed herself for overall success. Team coach says Tatiana Vasilyeva :

– Before the 1999 World Championships, during one of the training sessions, one of the girls threw a mace, and it hit Natasha on the nose. Thank God there was no fracture. We were very worried, but Japan performed superbly and became world champions. Since then, paradoxically, if anything happened to Lavrova, it means we won. Natasha performed in Sydney with a fracture thumb legs, at the World Championships in New Orleans before the final she twisted her ankle, and finally, before the Athens Games, she got a tape in her eye. We are all already laughing: “This is for victory!” Natasha herself had her own talisman:

– When I was little, my mother gave me a teddy bear, and since then he has been with me at all competitions. I believe he is helping me. In rhythmic gymnastics, many people have talismans - soft toys. Fans give us them instead of flowers, and very often we bring a whole bag of “animals” from some tournament.

Winner of 25 gold and six silver medals at World Championships and Cups in group exercises Yanina Zatuliveter

At the end of 2004, having completed her historical mission, Natalya said big sport"Goodbye!". And she became the coach of the Russian national team. On April 23, this career was interrupted - in a terrible car accident in the Penza region...


On April 23, two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Natalya Lavrova died in a car accident in the Penza region. The car the gymnast was driving was driven by her pregnant sister, who also died from her injuries.

The tragedy occurred on April 23 at 10 am (Moscow time) on the Penza-Shemysheika highway, along which Lavrova and her sister were traveling. Their VAZ-2114 collided with a Mazda, the driver of which was not seriously injured.

August 16, 2005 at federal highway“Don” near Voronezh, the winner of 25 gold and six silver medals at World Championships and Cups in group exercises, Yanina Zatuliveter, died. The car in which the gymnast was traveling along with two other passengers collided with a bus. At that time, she was 33 years old.

On October 20, 2009, world all-around bronze medalist Yuri Ryazanov died. He was returning from Moscow to his native Vladimir after his triumph at the world championship and unexpectedly drove into the oncoming lane. His Chevrolet Lacetti crashed into an Audi and the 22-year-old athlete died from his injuries.

World all-around bronze medalist Yuri Ryazanov

Honored Master of Sports, member of the national team teams Russia in rhythmic gymnastics since 1999,

club "Dynamo" - MGFSO.

Champion Olympic Games 2000, 2004,

Natalya Lavrova was the first two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics. In 2000, at the Olympic Games in Sydney (Australia), a Russian woman won gold medal in rhythmic gymnastics competitions in group exercises. In 2004, in Athens, Natalya again achieved the championship in group exercises. On this moment her success could only be repeated by Elena Posevina, who won Olympic gold in Athens and Beijing.

multiple world and European champion,

awarded the Order of Friendship.

« Soviet sport"Expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends of Natalia Lavrova.

Shooting of NTV channel

A native of Moscow conquered Melbourne. Sofia Kenin won Australian Open In the final of the Australian Championship, Sofia Kenin defeated Spaniard Garbina Muguruza - 4:6, 6:2, 6:2. But the fans from the USA, not those in Russia, are rejoicing at this victory. 02/01/2020 16:45 Tennis Nikolay Mysin

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“Tennis, I say goodbye to you...” Column by Maria Sharapova Maria Sharapova announced her separation from great sport in a touching letter published in VanityFair. 02/26/2020 18:00 Tennis Vadim Anisimov

Eliseev is the champion of Europe, that is, of water pumping. What, he should have lost? At the 2020 European Championships in Belarus, sprint races took place today. The Russian team, thanks to the victory of Matvey Eliseev, took first place in the medal standings of the championship. 02/29/2020 17:00 Biathlon Tigay Lev

“If something happens to her, it means the team will be lucky...” So on October 16, 2004, our correspondent Vladislav Blagoobrazov began a note in the “Unfamiliar Star” column about Natalya Lavrova.

It just so happens that the life of the gymnast-“artist” is short-lived. Twenty-something and you're off the mat, a veteran. Therefore, participation in two or more Olympics is akin to a feat.

In 2004, Natalya Lavrova became the world's first two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics.

A student of a Penza school, whose portrait adorns the Honor Board on the central street of the city, received the title of “goldfish” from journalists - after Lavrova was included in the main team, our team never lost in group exercises. Moreover, our heroine’s “talismanism” manifested itself in a very unique way. We can say that she sacrificed herself for overall success. Team coach Tatyana Vasilyeva says:

– Before the 1999 World Championships, during one of the training sessions, one of the girls threw a mace, and it hit Natasha on the nose. Thank God there was no fracture. We were very worried, but we performed great in Japan and became world champions. Since then, paradoxically, if anything happened to Lavrova, it means we won. In Sydney, Natasha competed with a broken big toe, at the World Championships in New Orleans before the final she twisted her foot, and finally, before the Athens Games, she got a tape in her eye. We are all already laughing: “This is for victory!” Natasha herself had her own talisman:

– When I was little, my mother gave me a teddy bear, and since then he has been with me at all competitions. I believe he is helping me. In rhythmic gymnastics, many people have talismans - soft toys. Fans give us them instead of flowers, and very often we bring a whole bag of “animals” from some tournament.

At the end of 2004, having completed her historic mission, Natalya said “Farewell!” to big sport. And she became the coach of the Russian national team. On April 23, this career was interrupted - in a terrible car accident in the Penza region...


On April 23, two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Natalya Lavrova died in a car accident in the Penza region. The car the gymnast was driving was driven by her pregnant sister, who also died from her injuries.

The tragedy occurred on April 23 at 10 am (Moscow time) on the Penza-Shemysheika highway, along which Lavrova and her sister were traveling. Their VAZ-2114 collided with a Mazda, the driver of which was not seriously injured.

On August 16, 2005, Yanina Zatuliveter, winner of 25 gold and six silver medals at World Championships and Cups in group exercises, died on the Don federal highway near Voronezh. The car in which the gymnast was traveling along with two other passengers collided with a bus. At that time, she was 33 years old.

On October 20, 2009, world all-around bronze medalist Yuri Ryazanov died. He was returning from Moscow to his native Vladimir after his triumph at the world championship and unexpectedly drove into the oncoming lane. His Chevrolet Lacetti crashed into an Audi and the 22-year-old athlete died from his injuries.



Honored Master of Sports, member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team since 1999,

Club "Dynamo" - MGFSO.

Olympic champion 2000, 2004,

Natalya Lavrova was the first two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics. In 2000, at the Olympic Games in Sydney (Australia), a Russian woman won a gold medal in the rhythmic gymnastics competition in group exercises. In 2004, in Athens, Natalya again achieved the championship in group exercises. At the moment, only Elena Posevina, who won Olympic gold in Athens and Beijing, has been able to repeat her success.

Repeated world and European champion,

Awarded the Order of Friendship.


Little Natasha grew up active, kind and a cheerful child. Seeing the endless reserves of energy of their daughter, Natalya’s parents decided to send her to the rhythmic gymnastics section. And they realized that they were not mistaken when they saw how their daughter ran to training with pleasure every time: “I really liked moving to the music, inventing new movements! To be in a team of young like-minded women!” - Natasha recalled. She discovered a new world for herself and from the very first classes devoted herself completely to the new business. There is an opinion that real athletes have had their childhood stolen from them. That this is the price they pay for future gold medals. And then you still have to sacrifice health, personal life, freedom, and so on. But Natasha enjoyed her sporty childhood. She grew up in a wonderful, strong and friendly family and, with the simplicity and gratitude characteristic of children, she accepted from fate the opportunity to work, endure and win. Years later, having already become a great gymnast, Natasha recalled with a smile her funny childhood image: “In the bitter cold after training, I stood with my dad at the bus stop, waiting for our bus. Dad wrapped me up so much that only my eyes were visible from under the hat. I'm tired, cold, but I smile and rejoice! And there is no one happier than me in the whole wide world! After all, I'm a gymnast! "

Natalia Lavrova's first coach was Yulia Alekseevna Cherepakhina. A warm and trusting relationship quickly developed between her and young Natasha. They complemented each other perfectly on the carpet. Natasha listened carefully and, like a sponge, “absorbed” everything she was taught. I took on all new exercises and elements with readiness and sports passion. She repeated them an infinite number of times and brought every detail to perfection. It was a pleasure for the coach to work with such a student. They both recalled fondly the times when Natasha began making her first sporting achievements. But Cherepakhina went on maternity leave, and a cloudy period began in Natasha’s life. Having lost her main ally and mentor, she became sad. It began to seem to her that no one needed her in the hall, no one was paying attention to her. During this period, the gymnast went to training rather out of habit.

But the light stripe quickly replaced the dark one. Natasha’s perseverance and efforts were noticed by the Honored Trainer of Russia T.A. Vasilyeva, who was working at that time with the Russian national team group exercises. Thus began her ascent up the high ladder to the heights of the sports Olympus.

In 1999, I came to a sports camp for group exercises for the first time. Of course, no one made room for her in the first team of the Russian national team before her arrival. I had to endure, learn a lot again and wait for my finest hour. And this moment has come. Six months later, she joined the main team at the World Championships, which took place in the Japanese city of Osaka and was a selection for the Olympic Games. Then Natalya first received the title of world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. She was 15 years old.

After this first big victory In Japan, Natasha firmly secured her place in the team and for nine years she proved every day that it was not by chance that she ended up on the national team. Even ill-wishers had no doubts about this when, at the Olympics in Sydney, on the millennium, the Russian national team won an unconditional victory in group exercises and brought their country a medal of the highest standard!!!

After winning the Olympic Games, Natalya became the captain of her team, becoming a reliable friend to all the girls new to the team. She sincerely tried to help and happily shared her experience. She spared no time or effort to suggest, show, teach...

For my sports career Natalya Lavrova has achieved a lot. She became five-time champion world champion, four-time European champion, two-time Olympic champion as part of the Russian national team in group exercises. At the age of 16 she was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports, and even earlier she became an international master of sports. For her services, the athlete was awarded the Order of Friendship in 2001, and in 2005 she was awarded the Order of Honor. One of Natasha’s most important achievements is that she is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most famous gymnast and the first two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics. Many people dream of such results, but only a few achieve them. And Natasha succeeded.

After completing a stellar career in the world professional sports Natalya realized that her calling was to teach, pass on her experience to the younger generation, and share her knowledge with others. At the beginning of 2009, Natalya began working as a coach at the Olympic Training Center under the guidance of Honored Coach of Russia Irina Aleksandrovna Viner. At the same time, she was appointed head coach of VFSO Dynamo and successfully combined this position with coaching work. She was highly respected by her colleagues, valued and proud of her friendship. Her students loved her very much...

She and her younger sister Olga died in a car accident near Penza on the Penza-Shemysheika highway. This is a terrible loss for everyone who knew Natasha. This is a huge loss for everyone who loves rhythmic gymnastics. It's a pain that you can't get used to. This is a man who cannot be forgotten.

She will live in our hearts. Kind, pure, sincere. Always.

May her memory be blessed!!!

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev expressed condolences to family and friends Olympic champion Natalia Lavrova and her sister Olga Popova in connection with their tragic death as a result of an accident in the Penza region, the press service of the head of state reports. “Natalya Aleksandrovna devoted her life and talent to sports. Her brilliant performances at the Olympic Games, world and European championships rightfully entered the “golden fund” of domestic rhythmic gymnastics,” says the message of the President of the Russian Federation. “They served as a standard of excellence for young athletes whose training Natalya Alexandrovna devoted a lot of time and effort. Like her sister, she was a true professional, open and caring person. Natalya Alexandrovna and Olga Alexandrovna will remain like this in the hearts of those who knew and loved them. I grieve with you."

Poems dedicated to Natalya Lavrova by her students:

Dedicated to Natasha...
I know you are in heaven.
I was able to achieve this.
And you are in an unprecedented land,
Where there is freedom bird.
And the heart began to beat faster,
When suddenly I see your portrait,
And I can't stop
Bitter words "She's not here"
No, I can't accept it.
And I can’t calm down, no, no...
Wait, we all need to calm down.
And the bright light is your soul.
We will never forget.
You are in our hearts FOREVER.
Velvet lilies
Smell in the hallway
Yesterday we were just here
Today there is only grief
Why did you take her?
Why did you take it with you?
You replaced her fate
On the wings behind your back...
Children loved her
Why did you offend them?
There are tons of bitterness in their tears
You've never seen tears like these
She lived beautifully
How others don't live
It hurts like our heart
Cut into pieces
And the smile won't return
And you can’t return what happened
That damn road
In that moment I ruined everything
We love you forever
And forever you are with us
Natasha, dear
Don't cry, we remember...