How to force yourself to run every morning. Effective ways to motivate yourself to run. the main secrets of jogging

But for some reason no one is in a hurry to start running training. Everyone asks “How to force yourself to run?”, as if it is something very difficult. Indeed, it is difficult. If you don't know where to start. Without going into the reasons why you can't bring yourself to.

Hard labor or pleasure

The reason is mainly stated to be a lack of discipline or willpower. These are very superficial conclusions.

Do you need discipline or willpower to eat your favorite dish?

Do you need to force yourself to meet your loved one?
Maybe you have to strain your will in order to get to the toilet?

For everything we really want, there is always time and opportunities!

This is a simple truth that is sometimes difficult to accept.

“Well, how is it, I want to run! I want to lose weight and become healthy!”

You want to not run like a process. And some result from this process.

A typical situation: training is perceived as hard labor, but the result makes you move.

Developing that same willpower and discipline, which, of course, is needed, but is far from the first place in the answer to the question “How to force yourself to run?”

The point is to love the process. Make it as pleasant as possible. A pleasant process, and the result is attractive. What a thrill! How cool my life is! I can get up at 6 am and do what I love – running. I'll even get up earlier to run longer!

Compare this with:

6 am... I want to sleep... I’ll sleep for another 10 minutes and go for a run... where are my sneakers? Damn door, I don’t want to open it... It’s cold here, why am I running? What is the point of running? Okay, I want to lose weight and be healthy. I need to overcome this hard labor. Come on, pull yourself together, wimp. Pain is temporary, triumph is eternal, push yourself.

As you can see, the very question “How to force yourself to run?” pretty creepy. It assumes that you don't want to run. And this is not the norm.

How to make yourself run

You need to arrange the training process so that running becomes enjoyable.

We have 2 methods:

  • Make running enjoyable initially, removing psychological anchors, adding pleasure to the process;
  • Through willpower and self-discipline, come to a pleasant process.

The second path is chosen by the majority. After a while, through overcoming themselves, they come to a natural state - the process of running becomes pleasant.

The fact is that while running, the body synthesizes pleasure hormones, which significantly improve your mood. Thus, a survey was conducted in the USA, according to which half of the respondents chose to give up sexual relations in favor of running.

As you can see, they no longer need to be forced.

Why does running, which is naturally pleasant to a person, at first cause such rejection?

Because it's unusual. Running is a way out of your comfort zone; it is stress that the body tries to avoid.

It takes at least a few weeks to establish a new habit. It is during these few weeks that 90% of beginners quit this activity.

Making running enjoyable

The only way to avoid quitting, unless you have the willpower and self-discipline, is to give yourself as much encouragement as possible during and after the run.

We use:

  • Music. Music is one of the most significant sources of pleasure for modern man. It is necessary to limit or completely remove music from your life for the first 3-4 weeks of training. We listen to music only during class;
  • Walking at a fast pace. If you find it difficult to run from the first training sessions, then you don’t need to do it. Just walk at a fast pace for, say, a week. Walking quickly also burns calories. And this is not such a significant exit from your comfort zone as to drive you into stress;
  • Encouragement. For example, for a morning run you can reward yourself with a long-awaited movie in the evening. For 3 runs - an attractive trinket or a delicious dinner. You can encourage it by meeting your loved one or friends, or by doing any pleasant activities. This will form a positive attitude towards running at the unconscious level;
  • Punishment. If I don’t get up for a run, I’ll give 1000 rubles to a neighbor, friend, or girlfriend, or I’ll just throw the bill out of the window. We create conditions in which running is more profitable than not running;
  • Every step makes me feel better. Repeat this phrase at least several times during your run. This is not just a suggestion. This is true. With each training session the process will become more enjoyable. In six months, the thought of not getting up for a run will be terrifying. About the same as what diets and dietary restrictions cause for most people. Running will become your comfort zone. And the absence of jogging is the way out of it.

Have you ever wondered “How to make yourself run”? What methods did you use?

Lose extra pounds, wake up your brain after sleep, get a morning boost of freshness - this is a list of what we would really like to bring to life. A morning run is what would help us get what we want. But the main question arises - how to force yourself to get up early and run a couple of kilometers?

Motivate yourself

In this question, as in many others, the main point is. Without it, we are, in fact, generally amorphous in this life. And in such a difficult issue, they are even more powerless. Motivation can be found in everything based on your life: in addition to running to lose weight, shortness of breath after a couple of flights of stairs, a “heavy” head in the morning and other other everyday inconveniences may bother you. Determine for yourself the reasons that concern you directly, and the task of forcing yourself to run in the morning will no longer be necessary.

The second step, which will help you maintain interest in this idea, is creating comfortable conditions for running. Prepare a form in which you will be comfortable, which you will like, record your favorite music with a fast and fiery tempo to propel you along the distance. Work out in advance the route that is most comfortable for you for a number of reasons: a shady alley, a river embankment, a park or square where you had a good time, uncrowded streets.

Diversify the process so that it does not turn into a routine, but gives you the expectation of something new. For example, you can now find many sports apps for smartphones that track your path, count your mileage, your speed, and even calculate the number of calories burned. Organize competitions for yourself, increase your mileage, spend more energy, compare performance. In a word, analyze your achievements, trying to surpass them.

Precautionary measures

There is another equally important question: how to run correctly in the morning. For weight loss, and for other purposes, it is important to correctly perform even such a simple exercise as running. Before you start running in the morning, there are a number of recommendations for beginners that even pros follow. One of the most important is. Remember: to avoid injuries, sprains, sprains and cramps, never start even a light jog without warming up the muscles and joints of your legs. Find a small ledge and stretch your calf muscles, do some squats, jump on your toes, do a couple of knee-to-chest jumps, and do some basic toe-toe bends. This is a minimum set of exercises that will allow you not to injure yourself in the pursuit of health.

The final step is to determine what time to run. In the morning, it is important to determine the time so as not to force the body, let it gradually wake up, and bring it to a small load. An unprepared body, at best, simply will not be able to convert the load that you give it into the necessary processes. The state in which you are engaged in any activity, including running, affects the final result. Therefore, based on the knowledge of your body, determine the time 15-20 minutes before the start of the run. This will bring the brain out of sleep, which in turn will wake up all other organs. After all, playing sports should bring health, not injury.

Run in the morning, stay positive. Sometimes the most important and bright thoughts come precisely during such activities.

Everyone knows about the benefits of cardio exercise. The very word “cardio” already speaks for itself. Exercises strengthen the heart muscle, the general muscle group, stimulate blood circulation, and help you feel a surge of strength and vigor. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to go to the gym every day, and there is not always enough motivation to exercise. But anyone who really needs it can start with simple running.

How to make yourself run

How and why to force yourself to run in the evenings?

Getting up for a morning run is quite difficult for those who like to stay in bed longer. This requires a lot of endurance and willpower.

If the tips mentioned above do not help, you can try to accustom yourself to jogging in the evenings. Oddly enough, despite numerous criticisms that supposedly evening exercise is harmful to the body, running in the evening is very useful, and, perhaps, more effective than morning running. In the evening, the body’s biorhythms slow down, you feel less tired, and jogging helps relieve stress and relax.

When choosing a time to run, base it on the period when you have dinner. After a heavy dinner, of course, you should not exercise. The best and least stressful time for classes will be from 18 to 22 hours. During this period, the body has not yet had time to prepare for sleep and tune in to rest.

As for the duration of the run, there is no need to overuse it and equate it in time to a morning cross-country run. The duration should not exceed 30 minutes. And it doesn't have to be a fast run. Change your speed to a calm half-run, stop and rest if necessary.

Be sure to warm up and breathe deeply, just like in the morning. The better and more correctly you breathe, the greater the effect you will achieve. In tissues and organs enriched with oxygen, metabolism occurs much faster. Breathe only through your nose, do not switch to your mouth.

Many people want to run in the morning, realizing how good it is for their health and figure. But only a few actually run. Some people start getting up in the morning to jog, but quickly become exhausted and give up these activities. Someone runs from time to time, after the next weight measurement or a visit to the cardiologist, who wagged his finger in warning. And some people just can’t bring themselves to get out of their warm bed a little earlier and go to the stadium or the park, where it’s cold, lonely and uncomfortable.

But still there are individual heroes and giants of willpower who run every morning in the morning and look thriving and healthy. How do they do it?

Fitness-space will share useful tips to help you start running in the morning.

1. Leave the curtains open. With the first annoying rays of the sun, it will be easier for you to open your eyes.

2. When you wake up, turn on the light. This will help you avoid falling into the arms of Morpheus again.

3. Set the alarm clock at the other end of the room. Once you take a couple of steps, the thought of going back to bed won't be so tempting.

4. Drink coffee if you really want to. Caffeine stimulates the body before physical activity. Just give it half an hour to sink in.

5. Fat begins to burn after an hour of continuous running. So this is not the fastest way to lose weight.

Many of us feel the need to start playing sports, some kind of physical activity, but there are always many excuses: we work a lot, we get tired, we don’t have enough time, however, we already look good, why bother overworking ourselves with physical training... Eh, another one is passing again Monday, and the “new life” has not yet begun. Stop looking for convincing facts about why NOT to start running (going to the gym, going to the pool), let's rather list all the “FOR” of a new, active lifestyle. In today's article we will motivate ourselves to introduce morning jogging into our lives.

Why morning jogging After all, sometimes the thought that you need to get up a little earlier scares off many potential runners who want to run, but just can’t get out of bed, since morning sleep is so sweet... Morning is a great time for jogging, during this period everything organs work as harmoniously as possible, and the air is especially clean; in the morning there is a minimum concentration of harmful emissions. In addition, the first peak of muscle activity occurs in the morning hours (from 6.30 to 7.30), the body spends calories without overexertion.

How to motivate yourself First of all, you must set a goal and understand that you WANT to run.

Why running?

Strengthens the heart muscle, prevents the occurrence of heart diseases.

Running helps you lose weight. It is possible to reduce the fat component with minimal muscle loss only with the participation of oxygen, and running is an accessible type of aerobic exercise. But the fact that running makes unfeminine muscles in your legs “grow” is just a myth, another convenient “excuse” for not starting to run. If you actually want to build muscle, it’s better to do strength exercises.

While running, almost all the muscles of the body are involved (muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, neck, abs, back, buttocks).

Running improves your mood, morning running charges you with positivity for the whole day, helps relieve stress, overcome depression, and insomnia.

There are probably enough arguments to force yourself to wake up half an hour earlier. You should not run every day; trainers note that muscles also need rest, so 3-4 times a week is quite enough (during breaks you can do other physical activity, such as stretching, that is, in other words, “stretching” the muscles).

Choose convenient days and times. Some people are more comfortable running alone, others like it in company - decide what will be best for you. If you set a specific goal for yourself, for example, to lose weight, you should see the end result (in numbers, what mark on the scale you should reach), but if you want to keep yourself in good shape, improve your mood and well-being, imagine what wonderful results you will get, how many new things you will be able to do thanks to the surge of energy after jogging. If laziness takes over, remember your goal, imagine the end results and quickly put on your sneakers! Keep in mind that running also has its contraindications: serious heart disease, asthma, varicose veins, periods of exacerbation of diseases.