How to exercise at home. How to start playing sports at home from scratch: first steps It’s worth writing it down

Thanks to the abundance of information about a healthy lifestyle in the modern Internet space, everyone can, if not develop their own, then find a ready-made fitness program for losing weight. The fact that it is quite possible to exercise at home and lose weight has long been proven to us by many Hollywood stars and millions of ordinary housewives who have turned from homely fat women into beautiful princesses. But even they once did not believe that without the help of professional nutritionists and trainers you can get perfect figure from scratch. In order to receive desired result at home, you need 3 components:

  • will;
  • faith;
  • workout.

It is this foundation that is the key to your dream, because without the right psychological adjustment it is almost impossible to lose weight.

How to start?

To start the path to ideal body, organize a small space for training at home. To do this, you will need standard fitness attributes:

  • soft rug;
  • comfortable sports suit;
  • dumbbells;
  • expander

Any elements can be easily replaced with ordinary household items, for example, lay a towel instead of a rug, take water bottles instead of dumbbells. But professional sports accessories will help you create the atmosphere of a real fitness room at home and make your workouts more productive, since they are much more convenient to use.

Find the right workout space to get started with your fitness routine. It is advisable to observe the process in a mirror, and there should be no fragile, breakable objects around that can be accidentally caught.

Before training, ventilate the room, change into suitable clothes and get started!

Golden rules for home workouts

Although fitness classes will be held at home, their rules are quite professional. Remember: you are not just exercising, but are aimed at losing weight, so the training should be carried out with full dedication and high activity. At the end, you may experience a slight burning sensation in your muscles, which means you are doing everything right. If acute, sharp pain occurs, stop exercising immediately.

Don’t feel sorry for yourself, don’t try to cut yourself some slack. Set yourself a task: repeat the exercise a certain number of times, and complete it. You don’t even suspect that your powers are truly limitless! Losing weight is yours the main objective, follow it!

Be sure to drink water before, after and during exercise. There is no need to try to drink a whole glass in one sitting, a few sips are enough.

Follow a training schedule, exercising at approximately the same time every day. During the process, you can watch your favorite TV series, this is quite an organizing factor. This way the training will be quick and unobtrusive.

Intensive training in gym for weight loss it is recommended to do it 3-4 times a week. Since fitness classes at home, as a rule, do not give such a load, they can be done daily. Of course, these recommendations are of a very general nature, because if you train with dumbbells at home for an hour or confidently do several approaches with many repetitions, then such a load can be equated to a professional one.

The whole body needs to be developed, regardless of which part you consider the most problematic. Remember, everything in our body is interconnected, only an integrated approach will contribute to harmonious development.

What to drink and eat for weight loss?

Subject proper nutrition Everyone is already pretty fed up with it. This information is covered extensively in millions of publications and thousands of books. However, it is worth noting that no matter how active your training is, you can quickly achieve weight loss results only through a combination of diet and sports. Remember the three components of your success:

  • water;
  • healthy eating;
  • sport.

During active training, the body accumulates waste products and lactic acid. These toxins cause a feeling of fatigue and provoke body pain after exercise. Drinking water (at least 1 liter per day) daily will help to properly and delicately cleanse the body.

Vegetables, fruits, and herbs are important in culinary preferences. Completely avoid processed foods, mayonnaise, and sweet foods. This way you will achieve weight loss without experiencing any discomfort associated with hunger.

Exercises for home fitness

There are plenty of weight loss exercises that you can successfully perform at home and achieve great results from scratch. Carrying out sports complex, you may think that the training is beyond your strength and such loads are unrealistic for your preparation. Don't panic. Reduce the number of suggested repetitions, but perform all exercises correctly with the same approaches.

Any workout should begin with a full warm-up. This way you will not only protect yourself from possible injuries and sprains, but also enhance the overall effect of weight loss from training, and also get rid of discomfort in the muscles.

Abdominal workout

Strengthening the rectus muscle. Lie down on the floor, lock your hands at the back of your head, then smoothly lift your shoulder blades and shoulders off the floor. Make sure to keep your lower back firmly pressed to the floor. After 20 slow repetitions, take a 30 second break, then perform 2 more sets with the same interval and the same number of repetitions.

Oblique muscle training. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. The legs are bent at the knees, you can fix them, after which, lifting top part body, try to pull your elbow as close as possible to the opposite knee. The scheme is as follows: right hand - left leg, and vice versa. Perform 3 sets on each side of 15-20 repetitions. If your physical fitness allows, then it is not necessary to take breaks between approaches.

After your abdominal workout, do some stretching. In a standing position, stretch your arms high above your head, bend several times to the sides, forward, and backward.

Legs and butt workout

Taking a lying position with bent knees, begin to lift your buttocks, resting your heels on the floor. During training, the shoulders remain in their original position, the arms are extended along the body. Every 10th repetition, stay at the peak of tension for several seconds, tightly squeezing your buttocks.

By completing the following training correctly, you will give good load abdominal muscles and thighs. Lie on your side and rest on your elbow, with your other arm extended in front of you to help you maintain your balance. Perform swings with straight legs. Make slow, smooth movements, try to feel the work of each muscle. Perform at least 3 approaches on each leg, varying the number of repetitions depending on how you feel.

Chest and shoulder training

Unfortunately, many girls forget about exercises aimed at maintaining the tone of the upper half of the body. It’s completely in vain, because well-groomed arms and chest are just as important as strong abs and buttocks. To tidy up the back of your arms, which is the most common area of ​​concern, you need to do triceps exercises.

In a prone position, place your bent arms on the floor and lift your torso. Elbows should be pressed firmly to the body, and then perform slow push-ups. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to do 8 repetitions in 3 approaches. If you feel unbearable tension, then you can include only 4 repetitions in one approach.

To keep her breasts firm and high, every girl needs to do push-ups regularly. The simplest option: place your hands shoulder-width apart (or slightly wider), and begin to slowly lower your torso towards the floor. Keep your back straight, correctly so that your chest almost touches the floor lowest point. If this exercise is too difficult for you, you can focus not on your toes, but on your knees.

Of course, doing fitness classes for weight loss at home will require a lot of discipline and willpower from you. However, after a few months regular classes combined with proper nutrition, you will be able to appreciate your new body in all its glory. This goal is achievable, all you have to do is start moving towards it!

For many men, sport is not just fun, but a way of life. Doing it at home is a little more difficult than in gyms, because not all exercises can be done with available equipment, but this is not a reason to immediately sign up for a fitness club. The main thing for have a good time– a lot of desire and a little creativity. If these two components are present, then you can safely start exercising without spending a lot of money on expensive subscriptions.


The desire of many men to quickly start exercising sometimes goes off scale, which leads to rapid fading, after which the sport is completely forgotten for a while. That is why it is important to create a clear schedule of activities at home, because only a systematic approach will help achieve better results. What do you need to know before plunging into the world of improving your body and improving your health?

It is worth noting that eating right is not difficult. In order for the body to receive everything it needs, you need to eat fruits and vegetables, as well as boiled meat. Moreover, dairy products will also help in developing the body. However, it is important not only to eat, but also to do it rationally, since being under load means consuming calories that need to be replenished. On the other hand, sweets and chocolates contain a decent amount of carbohydrates, but it is better to consume sweets as rarely as possible, since sugar in large quantities can seriously slow down progress in exercise.

How to train at home?

Sports at home is not an easy task for those who do not have basic training tools, namely:

  • rods;
  • dumbbells;
  • benches.

However, this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the store to get them. For example, the same dumbbells can be built from improvised means, for example, by putting several heavy objects in a handbag or putting bottles of water in it.

Fortunately, the torso in men is an excellent exercise machine in itself, as lifting it stimulates the muscles.

Therefore, there are a decent number of exercises that will require the minimum of tools from the practitioner, but maximum impact.


Every workout for men at home or in the gym requires warming up all muscles to avoid injury. It often happens to young athletes that if they have a program, they immediately forget about warming up before class and this leads to various troubles. How to properly prepare to make sports fun?

  1. It all starts with warming up the neck and head, for which they perform smooth rotations in different directions for 4 sets of 4 times.
  2. Next, they stretch their arms, performing various rotational movements, but carefully and slowly so as not to dislocate the joint; This is done within a couple of minutes.
  3. Pelvic rotations and tilts follow; They must also be performed carefully and without haste for about a minute.
  4. At the end of the warm-up, you need to stand on your toes, and then rotate them in your ankle.


To maintain good physical fitness Men do not have to exercise 1-2 hours a day. The sport should be completed in 30-40 minutes, no more, so that the muscles work properly, but are not overworked. This is why you don’t need to train every day at home: 3 classes a week is enough. However warm-up exercises It is better to perform them immediately after sleep throughout the week, as they will give a powerful boost of energy for the whole day.

Exercises for the back and legs

It is quite difficult to train the muscles in the spine area without special equipment, but it is possible.


The legs are spaced slightly wider than the shoulders, slightly bent at the knees. It is important to keep your back straight. Further:

  • if there is a load, then you need to use it (any bag filled with something heavy will do);
  • a forward bend is carried out, then the load on the floor is lifted with the help of the hands along with the body to the starting position;
  • after standing in tension for a couple of seconds, calmly do another 8-10 such bends;
  • complete 2-3 series.

This training element must be performed with adequate weight, otherwise men may experience problems with the vertebrae and joints.

Side bends

The starting position is the same as in the previous version, but you need to take weights in each hand, preferably their weight should be equal. After this, the body is smoothly bent to the left, then to the right. Perform 3 times for 8-10 repetitions.


They help not only develop posture in men at home, but also perfectly develop the hips. This sport element is performed smoothly and with a straight spine, 10 repetitions per approach.

Chest and arm workout

One of the main exercises at home is push-ups in various variations. This sport is very useful for muscle growth, since in men they will definitely begin to appear with the right approach and a healthy diet.

Push-ups can be:

  • from the floor;
  • from a bench or bed;
  • between two benches or chairs.

Standard push-ups develop the chest and triceps muscles in men. It is important to note here that the wider the placement of the arms, the greater the load on the sternum, and the smaller the placement, the greater the load on the arms.

Having your legs thrown up on the bed allows you to increase the load on your shoulder and forearm, allowing you to hammer them deeper. If we consider sports between two equipment (for example, chairs), then it is important to secure them well so that they do not move apart during the activity.

For last type For push-ups, you will need to sit on one of the chairs and then put your feet up on the next one. Afterwards, the body is lowered into the space between them, and then returns to the height of the chairs. This is repeated 10-12 times in 3 episodes.

You don't need to do 40 push-ups, but it's important to do small sets of 10, since it's much better to do 4 times 10 than twice 20.

Working out in an apartment is not easy, as there are many distractions, but it is good for your health and good mood in any weather. In addition, home exercises can help on those days when it is not possible to go to the gym.

Reading time: 31 minutes

Do you want to lose weight and wonder where you can start training at home? Or do you want to improve your physical training and have a more athletic and toned body?

We offer you a ready-made home workout plan for beginners with visual illustrations of exercises and a class schedule, which will help you lose weight and get rid of problem areas.

Home training for beginners: general rules

Regular sports loads necessary even if you don't have excess weight. Firstly, it strengthens muscles and develops muscle endurance, which will help you easily withstand any physical activity in everyday life. Secondly, it develops the cardiovascular system and trains the heart muscle, which reduces the risk of developing many diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.

Thirdly, training promotes the production of happiness hormones (endorphins), which reduce the risk of developing depression and depression. Fourthly, regular sports activities stimulate a person to lead healthy image life without bad habits.

At home you can organize quite effective workouts for weight loss, and for this you do not need special equipment or even any experience in fitness. If you choose an affordable exercise program and practice regularly, you can achieve results even if you have never exercised before. We offer you a ready-made circuit home workout plan for beginners, with which you will get rid of excess weight and improve the quality of your body.

Benefits of this home workout for beginners:

  • workout will help you lose weight and tone your body
  • The lesson is suitable for beginners and those who have not trained for a long time
  • You can start training at home with this program
  • the program includes exercises for all major muscle groups
  • they will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of problem areas
  • Most of the suggested exercises are low-impact
  • you will need minimal inventory.

Before going directly to the list of exercises, be sure to read the recommendations and rules that will allow you to train efficiently and effectively.

Rules for training at home for beginners:

1. Start this home workout for beginners, start with a warm-up and end with full-body stretching. We recommend watching:

2. Always exercise in sneakers; You can’t train at home barefoot if you don’t want to get joint problems.

3. Try not to eat at least an hour before training, otherwise digestive problems may occur. Half an hour after training, eat protein + carbohydrates (for example, 150 g of cottage cheese + fruit).

4. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before your workout and take small sips of water every 10 minutes throughout your workout. After your workout, drink a glass of water.

5. Suggested workout for beginners consists of two rounds of 6 exercises in each round. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. If you find it difficult to sustain a workout from start to finish, you can take a 5-minute rest between rounds or shorten the duration of the program.

6. This training for beginners involves using a timer (each exercise is performed for 30 seconds). But if this format is inconvenient for you, you can perform counting exercises: 15-20 repetitions of each exercise.

7. This program contains exercises that involve performing on different sides: first on the right, then on the left (eg, lunges, leg raises, side hip adduction). We recommend dividing the execution into 2 circles, i.e. in the first circle you perform exercises on one side, in the second circle - on the other side. But if you want to make the workout more challenging and longer, you can do exercises on both sides of each circuit.

8. The duration of this workout at home for beginners is 20-25 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). You can always adjust the training time at your discretion by adding or reducing the number of laps. Stop and stop exercising if you feel dizzy, weak, or have heart pain.

9. For some beginner exercises you will need dumbbells. If you don't have them, you can use plastic bottles with water (1-1.5 liters) or perform exercises without additional weight. If, on the contrary, in some exercises you do not have enough load, you can use leg weights or an expander.

10. This training set for beginners is divided into 3 days. You can train 3-5 times a week depending on your goals and capabilities - just alternate 3 ready-made plan between themselves. After 3-4 weeks of implementation, it is advisable to increase the time spent doing the exercises (focus on your capabilities).

Workout for Beginners at Home: Exercise Plan

So, we offer you a home workout for beginners, which is performed according to circular principle. Perform the suggested exercises sequentially for the specified time, the exercises are performed in one approach with a short rest between approaches. By alternating cardio and strength exercises You'll raise your heart rate and burn more calories, while also toning your muscles. If you want to monitor your heart rate and the number of calories burned per session, you can purchase a heart rate monitor.

How to do the workout:

  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds
  • Break after each exercise for 15 seconds (can be increased to 30 seconds if you have a weak heart or low endurance)
  • Each round is repeated in 2 circles
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds, 2 minutes between rounds
  • If you feel uncomfortable doing an exercise, change it or skip it.

Timer 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest:

Beginner Workout: Day 1

First round:

(for cardio, stomach and arms)

2. Squat with calf raises (for legs, buttocks and arms)

3. Dumbbell press (for arms and shoulders)

(for buttocks and abdomen)

(for stomach and legs)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for the waist and legs)

3. Lying dumbbell raises (for chest and arms)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and abdomen)

6. Static bar

Beginner Workout: Day 2

First round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for the stomach and back)

(for stomach and legs)

6. Elbow bar static (for arms, shoulders, stomach and back)

Second round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for the stomach and back)

Beginner Workout: Day 3

First round:

1. Walking with shin overlapping(for cardio and toning the whole body)

( for arms, stomach and legs)

(for legs and buttocks)

( for cardio, stomach and buttocks)

(for chest and arms)

(for the abdomen and waist area)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

Most of us are forced to attend work or school every day, which leaves little time for physical activity. As a result, we look at photographs of “fit girls” and “jocks” and only envy them: it seems that we will never be able to achieve such a shape, because this requires a lot of time, effort and money. It's a delusion! Sports at home are available to everyone; even without purchasing special equipment, you can achieve quite impressive results.

Health status and physical activity

The most important rule for a beginner in fitness is “do no harm!” If you have problems with the spine or joints, if you previously had serious injuries or fractures - it is better to consult a doctor before starting classes.

Sports at home are not at all as harmless as it seems at first glance. Physical education using equipment at home, without the supervision of a trainer and without insurance, can be very dangerous. Therefore, you need to start exercising with caution, gradually and smoothly increasing the load.

Starting classes at home

How to start playing sports at home, how to achieve regularity and complete dedication? After all, there is no coach or instructor with demands “over your soul”, and you have not paid for the subscription. There can only be one answer to this question - self-discipline. It is important to create motivation for yourself personally - how to do this will be discussed below.

Sports for beginners at home should not be overly active and overload the muscles. Girls can start with elementary joint gymnastics and stretching, for men to perform basic exercises With own weight. After the body gets stronger, purchase strength equipment.

Purchase of special equipment

If a person has a desire to engage strength fitness- great, because it is he who will allow us to build muscle corset and a truly beautiful body.

To exercise at home, you will need collapsible dumbbells. They can be purchased at any sporting goods store. Thanks to the comfortable handle, even a beginner can use them. The weight in them is distributed from two to thirty kg. So you can increase the load gradually and watch how your muscles strengthen and grow. Almost all basic and isolated exercises can be performed with dumbbells. If you wish, you can also purchase a barbell rack, a bar and discs for it. It is not at all necessary to buy a subscription to Gym to build muscle and slender body.

How to build your own workout

If you have at least minimal knowledge of exercise technique, then you should do a home workout with dumbbells or a barbell in the following way:

  • Monday - an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and abs (dumbbell rows, push-ups, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, deadlift with dumbbells or with a bar, etc.);
  • Wednesday - an activity to strengthen the muscles of the arms, calves and shoulders ( various exercises biceps and triceps with dumbbells, crunches, plank, calf raises, dumbbell raises to the sides);
  • Friday - an activity to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks (lunges, squats, jumping rope, gluteal bridge, etc.).

If you don’t want to exercise three times a week, you can create a different exercise program at home. For example, on Monday, work on strengthening your arms, abs, back and shoulders, and devote Friday entirely to exercises to strengthen the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Large muscle groups are best trained in different days, otherwise you can provoke overwork and skip the next workout according to the plan.

Sports at home for men can be not only strength training, but also athletics. You should check out the popular free program from trainer Sean T, Insanity. This is a set of athletics exercises to perform at home, which allows you to dry out and gain muscle definition. Sports at home for girls can also be either strength training or athletics, depending on the goals and existing skills. Usually girls don't want to pump up muscle mass, but they just want to lose weight.

How not to harm yourself while exercising

Simple rules How to avoid harming yourself when playing sports at home:

  • Always start any workout with a warm-up to warm up your joints.
  • Do not strive to increase working weights as quickly as possible or do as many push-ups as possible: this is often a sure way to overwork and muscle pain.
  • Give up the idea of ​​losing weight as quickly as possible - the process of gaining excess weight often takes a very long time. So why should the process of losing weight be fast?
  • When performing stretching, never do sudden movements.
  • Before performing any exercises with dumbbells or a bar at home, learn the correct technique using video lessons and rehearse the exercise in front of a mirror.
  • Do not exercise immediately after a large meal.
  • If you feel thirsty during training, you cannot deny yourself the desire to drink a small amount of water.

Quick weight loss at home

At home on your own to lose weight as quickly as possible? Fitness using dumbbells is suitable for this purpose, but you should perform all the exercises as quickly as possible, and then jump rope. If the weather is good outside, you can start each day with a light jog. fresh air. Many girls prefer to replace dinner with a run around the house before the beach season - weight loss is guaranteed.

If the goal is to lose weight, and not just build muscle, then you will have to reconsider your diet. Often, performing strength exercises provokes an increased feeling of hunger, as a result of which a person not only does not lose weight, but also gains even more. so you should completely reconsider your eating habits.

The importance of proper nutrition

The importance of proper nutrition cannot be underestimated. There is a famous saying among professional bodybuilders: " Slender belly done in the kitchen." You can pump up your abs every day until your stomach hurts, while fat layer will not decrease even a centimeter. all because main secret lies in nutrition.

You should purchase a kitchen scale and weigh each portion. Most people underestimate the importance of weighing portions, and it is almost impossible to determine weight by eye. As a result, people overeat and wonder why the weight doesn’t come off.

Every day, three nutrients should be present in the diet of a training person - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If at least one is missing, then weakness may occur, problems with well-being will develop, and the condition of the skin and hair will worsen. If a person is deficient in protein, then muscle tissue there is simply nothing to form from, no matter how hard he tries to train. If possible, you should keep a food diary - write down each portion eaten and sum it up in the evening - calculate the balance of KBJU. The required kilocalorie consumption rate for those involved in sports can be calculated in a calculator. As a rule, for girls this number is between 1200-1900 kcal, for men - between 1500-3000 kcal.

How to motivate yourself to exercise regularly

Sports at home will help you find a beautiful and chiseled figure, lose weight and build muscle. But only under one condition - if you exercise regularly for at least six months. The optimal number of workouts per week is three, the duration of one workout is one hour (including warm-up and cool-down). How to motivate yourself to do such work if you are tired at work and your household distracts you? Here simple tips:

  • hang a photograph on the refrigerator or in front of your desk that shows a person with the figure you dream of;
  • set a reminder on your phone to start your workout;
  • promise yourself a pleasant pastime after a completed workout (for example, going to an amusement park);
  • buy yourself a stylish item a couple of sizes smaller (suitable for those people whose training goal is to lose weight).

We have all heard about the benefits physical exercise. They not only make the body slim and fit, but also help to avoid a whole bunch of diseases, strengthen immune system. In fact, the benefits of exercise are much greater. But despite the comprehensive advantages physical activity, few of us regularly pay enough attention to it. The reasons may be different: from lack of time to visit the gym to lack of money for a subscription. There is an exit: sports activities at home! But how to start playing sports at home from scratch?

Pros and cons of exercising at home

If we talk about the benefits of physical activity at home, there are many more of them than the disadvantages. So, let's list all the pros:

  • Save time. Judge for yourself: on average, it takes 1-2 hours to travel from home to the gym, and exercising at home helps save valuable time;
  • Saving money. Often, for exercises at home, you need one or two dumbbells, a hoop and a jump rope, which won’t break the bank, while paying for a monthly subscription can cost you a pretty penny;
  • Lack of strangers. Nowadays, fitness centers are overcrowded with people who want to pump themselves up, this can be confusing for a newcomer to the world of sports. And at home you won’t be embarrassed by anyone, so classes will be easier.

Now let's look at the cons:

  • Inability to play any sport. Agree, it is not possible to move basketball or hockey training to your home. However, if you are interested in fitness or Pilates, you can easily acquire the necessary equipment yourself;
  • Lack of a coach. For beginners, support and correct advice regarding performing exercises are especially important. But tutorials and the Internet can serve you well when starting out;
  • Lots of distractions. At home there are constant distractions: the phone rings, the milk boils over, the son asks for help. In such a situation, the right motivation helps: if you have it, nothing will lead you astray.

As we can see, even the disadvantages of playing sports at home can easily be turned into advantages. If you still decide to bring your idea to life, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recommendations below.

Taking the first steps to achieve a positive result

Almost all beginners have a question: “How to start playing sports at home from scratch?” Get started new life from the following steps:

  • Set yourself a goal. Proper motivation is the key to success in any business. Do you want to get rid of excess weight? Or is your goal to make your body attractive and sexy? Remember why you started playing sports when you once again become too lazy to do the exercises.
  • Based on your goal, choose suitable look sports If you want to lose weight, then active fitness is suitable for you, but if your main desire is to relieve stress and tension after a working day, yoga will come in handy.
  • When you choose the right sport, go to the store to buy the necessary equipment. Find the information you need on the Internet, but store consultants are unlikely to help you choose the right equipment for playing a particular sport.

No matter what sport you choose, you will always need a hoop and a jump rope to warm up before the main part of your workout. If you don’t have these devices at home, be sure to purchase them!

  • Make a training plan and strictly follow it. Determine the regularity of your classes. If you just want to keep yourself in shape, three days a week for a few hours will be enough. If your goal is broader in scope, you will have to devote more time to training.

Easy exercises for beginner athletes: we train all muscle groups

If you have not yet decided which sport you prefer to engage in, and are ready to start right now, we offer you a simple, but nevertheless effective complex exercises for all muscle groups.

  • Always start with a warm-up. Jump rope for a couple of minutes, after which you can twist the hoop first to the left, then to the right (3 minutes on each side). Stretch your neck by doing circular movements to the left and right side. After your body muscles have warmed up, begin the main part of the workout.
  • Start your workout with leg exercises. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms on your sides. Squat at a slow pace, but do not complete the squat. Perform 15-20 times in 2 approaches.
  • Next are the most problematic abdominal muscles. In addition to training your regular abs, you must not forget about the oblique abs muscles. Take a small ball in your hands, sit on the floor, bend your knees slightly. Move the ball from side to side, try to place it behind your back. Movements should be performed as quickly as possible.
  • It would be useful to train the muscles of the shoulders, back and arms. Regular push-ups from the knees are suitable for this. First, try to do at least 5 full push-ups; with regular exercise, you can do 15-20 of them. For additional stress on your back, use weights (even a heavy book will do).

Now that you know all the basic nuances of playing sports at home, all you have to do is gather all your willpower and start regular workouts. Believe in yourself, and you will definitely succeed!


A small set of exercises for home.