What does the new stunt scooter look like? How to choose the right stunt scooter based on your height. Best Stunt Scooters for Kids

Good afternoon, dear readers! Spring is coming, the snow will melt and the sun will begin to warm up. It will be so nice to go out to the park with the kids on one of these spring days. I'm sure you're looking forward to this together! But what can a tomboy do? And you want to get the maximum benefit from such a walk, right? A very good decision is to buy a scooter.

But now manufacturers are ready to offer us a huge abundance of models. After studying the Internet and talking with mothers, I realized that you need to navigate not only by age, but also by the height of the baby. Agree that at 3 years this criterion can vary significantly. In our kindergarten there was a 3-year-old girl with a weight of 20 kg and a height of 110 cm. So today let’s discuss how to choose a scooter according to the child’s height? Let's touch on other important criteria.

Dear mothers, I’ll tell you a little later by telling you first about the benefits of such an acquisition. Any caring parent who is concerned about their child will think about the need for a purchase. You know, like any thing there are advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the first one. We bring to your attention the advantages of a children's scooter.

  1. Strengthening all muscle groups. Arms and legs are involved. The entire body of the baby tenses when pushing away.
  2. Strengthening the cardiac system.
  3. Due to the increased heart rate, blood circulation improves, including cerebral circulation. Which allows us to identify another plus
  4. Providing tissues with oxygen.
  5. It brings great joy when used, improving the mood of the little one.

And all this happens on fresh air where the sun shines and the birds sing. Great, right? After all, this is a kind of sport. And it is of great benefit for children. But there are also disadvantages to such an invention. I'll tell you about them too.


  1. Injury hazard. Whatever one may say, any type of transport carries such a threat. Prepare for falls. A lot depends on the temperament of your fidget. More active children will race faster, but they will also master the subject faster than others. And the kids are more modest, they drive a little more carefully and quietly, but there are also fewer injuries due to this method of driving.
  2. Not suitable for children with some vascular problems. If you know they are available, consult your pediatrician before heading to the store. After all, there are models for them too. Overclocking will just be more gentle. I would include four-wheeled modifications as these, where there is a handle - a pusher at the back for the parent.
  3. Risk of jumping out onto the road. But this possibility also exists for a child walking. So it all depends on the attentiveness of mom and dad. Don't be distracted around, catching crows, best protection for the baby.
  4. An incorrectly selected item is in itself a big problem.

So let's talk now about the right selection.

Selection by age

The wide choice of models is confusing. How to choose the right one? Let's start our review with the handle; it is this that determines great convenience for a child. If you think that the retractable one can quickly become unusable, then stop at the classic one, but keep in mind that this purchase will only be good for a year or two. Also, focus on the child’s weight. There are plastic and metal versions. Remember, the more bells and whistles, the heavier the design.

For example, an electric scooter or a durable metal handle will create problems rather than benefit. So for children 2 - 3 years old, choose lighter designs. More complex ones, suitable for children over 4 years old. And then, perhaps, even at 4 years old the cub’s build is not too large. In this case, hold off on fancy gadgets. Based on the choice of weight, I can say the following: the device cannot weigh more than the passenger. Take into account the baby’s kilograms and look at the data of the selected modification.

What if this is your child’s first transport? In this case, I would not focus on age. More precisely, I would select according to build and height, but would give preference to simple configurations. In general, don’t get carried away, let it be a three-wheeled convertible, made of plastic or aluminum. The brake is better at the rear, because it is easier to adapt to it, it brakes smoother. And for younger children (2 years old) you can have a four-wheeled one, there are others like that. Yes, when choosing three-wheelers, you may stumble upon the presence of double wheels in the front or rear. According to mommies, it is more convenient to have two in front and one in the back. This way the balance is maintained, and testers master this technique faster.

For children from 5 to 7 years old, two-wheeled units that look like adults are suitable. The platform of these cars is slightly narrower; a trunk, light and sound effects are often added. In principle, it is also possible to buy musical structures for 3-year-old children. But, you must agree that in younger age it will be distracting. Here it is more important to learn how to maintain stability and turn. You know, it’s like with adults when we’re just learning to drive a car: the first few times it’s better not to turn on the radio. You need to get used to it and get involved in the process.

Selection by height

Which scooter should I take based on my height? Here are some selection rules.

  1. The baby's posture should be straight while he stands on the sole of the scooter. Watch this very carefully, otherwise inconvenience will arise.
  2. And the arms are slightly bent at the elbows.
  3. Thus, the steering wheel should reach almost to the chest of the baby standing on it. If your arms are bent too much, there can be no talk of any comfort.

Such modifications are not bought for growth. If you want for several seasons, take telescopic ones. It will be possible to carry it without problems, and even load it into a bus or car. For a growing organism, this is an ideal option. But with prolonged use, creaking may occur due to wear and tear on the structure. Yes, it may become loose... but it will do for a few years. It all depends on the frequency of departures. Smaller toddlers will spend about 20 minutes on equipment per walk. After all, they switch quickly. Older kids may want to spend the entire trip riding. And the activity of the child also plays an important role. If you fall often, you can knock this little thing down in just a couple of walks so that the wheels come off.

If the choice fell in favor of a regular handle, these cost an order of magnitude cheaper and wear less. But in a year you will have to buy again. There are devices that are suitable from 2 to 4 years. But there, more often than not, the handle is included in the kit. The spare one is higher than the previous one, changes after 3 years.

For children from 5 to 6 years old, the same requirements for selecting height remain. The only thing is that if this is your first vehicle, you can purchase a two-wheeled unit. In principle, there are mothers who claim that even at 3 years old their children are dissected using such complicated versions. This is possible, but it depends on the courage and development of coordination of the child. Still, it is better to purchase three-wheeled structures from 3 to 5.

Which company should you choose?

Regardless of how many seasons a toddler’s toy will be useful for, we want to purchase a quality product. How to buy a good scooter? Based on reviews from moms, I have collected the top 3 most popular companies.

  1. Micro - basically telescopic handles made of aluminum. Weighing up to 50 kg. They are quite reliable, but the cost is justified.
  2. Ybike is a lightweight plastic product that allows you to stand on a support with two legs at once.
  3. Mondo is a fairly wide platform that allows children from 2.5 years of age to operate it.

In addition, pay attention to the material of the wheels; silicone ones will ride softer on the surface, while hard materials will allow you to feel any irregularities. This option is suitable for older children who have been driving for several years. vehicles and got used to driving. If desired, it is possible to purchase a helmet. This will create additional protection in case of a fall, because no one is safe from such an incident. It's better not to skimp on this.

By the way, I came across joint models for mother and baby. Toddlers from 6 months old are transported there. It will also be great if children can use such a device on their own, and mom and dad will also buy such a toy for themselves. There is nothing better than a joint walk to explore your interests!

With this, let me say goodbye. Happy shopping! Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates and leave a comment on the topic. All the best!

Every parent wants their baby to develop harmoniously. Besides healthy eating, walks, getting to know the outside world, doing math, reading and writing, the child must develop physically. Moderate exercise stress strengthens the immune system, makes the body stable and strong, develops perseverance and willpower. In warm and dry seasons, the best children's exercise machine and predecessor to a bicycle is a scooter. Modern companies offer a wide variety of scooter models. It’s easy for parents to get confused by the variety of brands and technical features. Scooters can be equipped and decorated with different toys, squeakers, stickers, they can be of different colors and designs. How to choose the right scooter for a child?

Nowadays, stores offer a large number of different models of scooters.

Scooters: main differences between models

How do scooters differ:

With your weightScooter models for the smallest athletes usually weigh from one and a half to six kilograms
Number of wheels The most popular models are two-wheeled. They are fast and maneuverable. The most stable models are four-wheeled, you can even sit on them. Three-wheeled models are different average speed and maneuverability, they are equipped with footrests.
Model typeThere are folding and static scooters.
With wheelsWheels can be rubber, foam rubber, plastic, or standard rubber air chambers.
Drive typeScooters are distinguished:
  • bicycle-driven with footrests;
  • motor-driven with platform;
  • electric scooters with battery.
MaterialThe lightest models for little ones are made of plastic. Scooters for older children are made of metal; they are heavier, but more professional.
PurposeThere are models of an entertaining nature, standard, racing, and scooters for mother and baby to ride together.
PatencyRegular scooters for children can be used on dry asphalt. More professional scooters can be used on unpaved and slippery surfaces.

There are even combined models for mother and child

Pros and cons of a scooter

Any sports equipment, exercise equipment and equipment has both its pros and cons. They can relate to a variety of aspects: from material costs for purchase and maintenance to the need for a long time to learn how to use a sports product. Let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages of a children's scooter.

The advantages include:

  1. Moderate physical activity. Riding a scooter is not too difficult for a child’s body; it develops muscles, instills maneuvering skills, and strengthens the body.
  2. Riding while walking is much more fun! The squeaking rubber Masha from the cartoon of the same name on the steering wheel, for example, will become your favorite hero of the game. Spending your summer leisure time riding a scooter is much healthier than just hanging around the yard.
  3. Socialization. The baby finds friends much faster, the scooter becomes a subject of discussion between the kids and a shared equipment during the game.
  4. This is a relatively inexpensive sports product, and it lasts for several years, especially if the steering wheel height is adjustable.

The disadvantages of a children's scooter include:

  1. Danger. Like any sports product, a scooter entails falls, injuries, and wounds. You need to stay close to the child and make sure that he doesn’t go out onto the road.
  2. Physical activity is contraindicated for children with serious chronic diseases, especially during exacerbations.

Riding on any children's vehicle can lead to falls and injuries.

When to start riding?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of your son or daughter. Physically and mentally developed children can start riding at one and a half years old. To drive, you need to be able to stand firmly on your feet during fast movement, navigate where is left and where is right, be able to control the steering wheel and maneuver. Most children become familiar with this type of transport around the age of three.

The best option for the first model is three-wheeled scooters; they are the most reliable and comfortable. Two wheels are located in front, and the third is in the back, making them easier to control and prevent them from falling.

How to choose the right handlebar height?

Let's give some tips on how to choose a scooter based on the height of the steering wheel:

  1. Measure your child's height. Using a centimeter, measure the distance from the floor to the child's elbows when he bends his arms as if holding a steering wheel. The height of the steering wheel should have up to 10 centimeters of reserve.
  2. The most comfortable, safe and ergonomically correct position of the hands on the handlebars when riding a scooter is at the level of the solar plexus, with the arms bent at a right angle.
  3. The back, if the baby is riding, must be flat; it cannot be tilted forward or backward.

For correct selection scooter you need to know exactly the height of the child

Selecting a scooter by age

Every age dictates new ones specifications sports equipment. Individual characteristics physical development should become the main parameter by which mom and dad choose their first scooter. Let's figure out how to choose a sports product depending on the age of the baby and the characteristics of its development.

For a two year old child

The height of a 2-year-old child ranges from 80 to 95 centimeters. The height of the steering wheel should be from 50 to 75 centimeters, because children at this age grow very quickly - it is better if the steering wheel can be adjusted. Choose stable models with three or four wheels. Pay attention to the platform - it should be so wide that the child can fit both legs, and not too bulky so that maneuverability is impaired. Choose the most reliable, common, but not the cheapest model. The first transport is very important, because it is the one that teaches the baby to maintain balance and control the steering wheel.

For a three year old

The height of a baby at three years old ranges from 90 to 100 cm. The same parameters are suitable as for two-year-old children. Steering wheel height 50-75 cm and three to four wheels are the basic requirements for transport. Choose bright models with stickers from your favorite cartoons, rubber squeaking characters on the steering wheel, and a convenient brake at the rear so that you can stop the vehicle yourself if necessary.

Bright colored scooters on three wheels are suitable for three-year-olds

For a four year old child

Babies at this age have a height of 98 to 105 cm. You can already buy vehicles on two wheels, provided that the little one has already mastered three- or four-wheeled models well. This will be good training for the two-wheeler. Is your baby afraid of falling or has poor balance? Then there is no need to rush to switch to adult versions of scooters.

For a child of five years old

At 5 years old, growth parameters range from 105 to 115 cm, but everything depends on the individual characteristics of the baby’s physical development. Usually at this age, children can already ride older models that are distinguished by maneuverability and the ability to develop good speed. Give preference to well-known brands made of durable aluminum.

For children over six years old

Children aged 7 should already be driving around in models with high cross-country ability and maneuverability; SUVs with inflatable tires are popular for boys. If the wheels are made of polyurethane, then pay attention to their hardness, which should be no less than 76A. The model must be made of durable material that will last a long time.

A child over 7 years old can use a serious sports scooter without unnecessary parts

Choosing a scooter by manufacturer

Company manufacturer general characteristics Technical features
Y Bike Glide SeatUsers' ages range from one to five years. Universal model with seat.A three-wheeled model for babies, with a seat, is a comfortable, modern gurney. Without a seat, it functions as a kickboard.
Y Scoo Mini GlamGirl model.Very light and beautiful model, glamorous appearance, maneuverable polyurethane wheels.
Trolo MiniClassic model for children from two years old.The steering wheel is not height adjustable, the wheels glow in the dark. High quality materials and good assembly.
E-scooter Т56011Electric scooter for children from 5 years old.A power of 120 W allows you to develop a speed that is decent for a child, but adequate from a safety point of view
NavigatorSerious boy model for children from 4 years old.Inflatable wheels allow you to maneuver and walk on any surface. Heavy weight, trunk and large bicycle plan handlebars.
Micro MiniThree-wheeled scooter for babies from 2 years old.The metal steering wheel and frame are light and comfortable for the youngest consumers. Polyurethane wheels with a diameter of 12 centimeters.
Hello Wood HW-2009CA serious model for kids from 4 years old.Large, durable inflatable wheels, aluminum frame.
Explore TrediaFolding model with three wheels.The steering wheel is not adjustable in height, the classic rotary control principle. Two wheels in front and one in back.
DisneyA popular model for babies weighing up to 20 kg.Interesting designs with favorite cartoon characters make Disney scooters the most popular among young consumers. 4 polyurethane wheels with a diameter of 9 centimeters, rear brake.
Maxcity MC SpringA budget option for babies over 3 years old.Sturdy aluminum frame, luminous wheels, folding design, wheels with a diameter of 10 cm.

Learn to ride

You bought the coveted model after long consultations with the seller, scouring the Internet, studying the ratings, measuring the parameters of the baby and financial calculations. Scooter at home! The most important thing remains - to teach your child how to control it. This question is not relevant for those whose children have received more than their first scooter as a gift. For beginners, the issue of learning comes first, especially if the child is afraid. It happens that a child, seeing how his neighbor or friend from kindergarten, also wanted a scooter, or the parents themselves insist that the baby ride, because it is useful, develops the child physically and socially adapts.

In order for a child to want to ride, he needs to be interested - buy a bright, beautiful model of a scooter, and before that, on occasion, watch together a children's film or cartoon in which the main means of transportation for the child protagonist is a scooter. Children are very susceptible to such things.

Main stages of training

Is a scooter the first transport in a baby’s life? You can’t just let him out to ride in the yard. First time buying a scooter on two wheels? The situation is similar. We teach the baby to travel on a new vehicle:

  • The first test ride should be done at home, and not alone. Do not skimp on linoleum and carpet; the health and psyche of the child are more important.
  • Put your child on the scooter and take him around the house yourself.
  • Show how to steer, where is left and where is right. Show how to push off with your foot. Do this several times until the child intuitively remembers all the details.
  • After the baby has more or less mastered driving in a straight line, move on to turns. Try to drive around, for example, a chair.

The first street training should begin only after mastering transport at home
  • Learn to slow down. Show how to use the rear brake, if equipped.
  • Teach your baby to fall correctly! This advice may seem strange, but not a single person who gets on a scooter or gets on a bicycle is safe from falling, even after the most thorough training and following all safety rules (we recommend reading:). Repeat to your child that if he falls, there is no need to grab the steering wheel and be afraid of the vehicle, you need to group yourself and think about your own safety.
  • After training at home, move on to outdoor testing. Perfect time year - moderately hot summer, on dry, smooth asphalt, only if the merciless sun does not bake your head, and you have a bottle of water at hand.
  • Be patient, remember how you yourself learned to ride a scooter for the first time, don’t scold the baby if something doesn’t work out for him. Remember that you are raising a full-fledged harmonious personality, and not an Olympic champion.

Let's ride safely

The first transport should be a pleasure, and not become a cause of tears, injuries and abrasions. To ensure that your baby falls as little as possible, teach him to follow safety precautions:

  • Your son or daughter should know where and in what situations it is possible to go outside with a scooter, and where not. Wet asphalt, roads, and uneven surfaces can lead to serious injuries.

It is best to choose specially designated places for riding where there is no roadway.
  • The training must be long enough. You cannot take an untrained child outside with a scooter. Carefully practice turning, driving in zigzags, and braking.
  • You should not let your baby roam without adult supervision, especially if there is a road nearby.
  • It is better to purchase knee pads, a helmet and elbow pads for riding. It will be interesting for a child to ride in such adult equipment.
  • Teach your child not to be distracted, instill a serious attitude towards such an important matter as mastering the first transport. You need to keep your eyes on the road, and not be distracted by friends or passers-by.

This is your child's first transport. It will help the baby become more mature and responsible, diversify his leisure time and attract friends. Choose bright, but high-quality models. Let the transport be colored, with large stickers, a character from your favorite cartoon character, with a beautiful trunk and horn, and glowing wheels. This will keep the baby's attention and allow him not to lose interest in the scooter. Work with your child only if he is healthy, the weather is good outside, and you are positive. Taking it out on the baby if he doesn’t show enough perseverance, falls or has difficulty turning is the last thing. You need to study with pleasure, without harm to the psyche and atmosphere in the family, although sometimes it is difficult for adults who are immersed in everyday troubles. Let your children receive only positive things from you, see your love and care.

Of course, it is one of the most accessible modes of transport. And thanks to its ease of control and mobility, it has rightfully earned itself the reputation of the most popular means of transportation not only among children, but also among adults.

In a modern metropolis with its traffic jams and disruptions in the traffic schedule public transport the scooter is seen as one of the few outlets for unrestricted movement. We should not forget about the health benefits (in particular, for the cardiovascular system) that travel by this type of transport brings.

However, despite the ease of movement, it is not always easy to choose a specific one. The choice depends on the rider's requirements for the size of the scooter (for example, do you need a folding scooter so that you can carry it with you on the subway) and the intensity of its use (what will be the average daily distance that you will cover on the scooter).

This short guide contains all the basic information you need to know when choosing the best option scooter suitable for an adult.

Main technical characteristics of the scooter

If you were not previously familiar with the technical side of scooters, then some terms may be misleading. Therefore, we should start with the basics.


ABEC is a rating system applied to bearings. The lower the ABEC, the slower the bearings rotate. But to put it simply, you should choose a scooter equipped at least ABEC 5 bearings. This will allow you to enjoy an acceptable level of comfort and smooth ride.

ABEC 7 bearings or equivalent will give your ride even more smoothness and comfort, plus you won't have to push off as often.

Wheel stiffness and diameter

The hardness of wheels is determined by a rating with the prefix A. For example, wheels 75A are considered soft. Movement on them b more comfortable, they have more area contact with the surface, but, as a result, wear out faster. 85A wheels, on the contrary, are hard wheels. They are characterized as fast, with a smaller contact area with the surface and therefore wear out more slowly.

Wheel diameter refers to their size. The larger the diameter, the more comfortable the ride on a scooter like this. For example, riding will be more comfortable and faster compared to riding a scooter with 100 mm wheels.


The active suspension of the front and rear wheels effectively absorbs impacts and compensates for road unevenness. However, this makes the scooter less responsive to push acceleration.

We can recommend a compromise option with shock absorption on the front fork to protect the wrist and forearm from uneven asphalt and shock absorbers under the scooter deck and rear wheel to minimize the impact of shaking on the leg joints.


The base of the deck and the frame of the scooter are usually made of aluminum. This material is used due to its light weight and anti-corrosion properties, which in turn increases ride comfort and the service life of the scooter.

Maximum permitted user weight

(from 200 mm) designed for the user up to 100 kg. If you require a special value for this characteristic, choose a scooter primarily taking into account the maximum permitted user weight.

Choosing a scooter with certain characteristics depends on the nature of its use. To make the task of choosing easier, we have divided all the scooters for 2 large groups:

  1. For traveling short distances.
  2. For travel over medium and long distances.

Thus, the selected scooter will best suit your needs.

How to choose an adult scooter for traveling short distances

If you cover on your trips from 1 to 2 km per day, you need a scooter with the following characteristics: at least the diameter of the wheels must be 175 mm, and the ABEC number is 5.

These characteristics are minimal and mandatory for movement in urban areas. Wheels of this diameter are most optimal for comfortable movement over short distances.Polyurethane wheels make movement easier and at the same time minimize the effort required to push off.

Stop choosing lightness and comfort in this case: for short distances you won't have to worry about shock absorption, and the lighter model of the scooter makes it easy to carry from place to place when needed.

How to choose an adult scooter for traveling medium and long distances

From this category it follows that if you cover per day from 2 to 5 km. For this type of riding, your scooter must be comfortable, durable and fast. Therefore we can recommend scooter with 200 mm wheels and ABEC 5 bearings.

The larger wheel diameter is ideal for moving on long distances, giving your trips additional comfort. Polyurethane wheels smooth out shocks and minimize the effort required to move in space.

For maximum comfort when traveling on uneven city surfaces (sidewalks, curbs, etc.), it is recommended to buy a scooter with a front or rear shock absorber. And if your path involves, among other things, traveling by public transport, then choose lightweight scooter with quick and easy folding system.

In our store you can choose and buy from a proven compact line a reliable and durable folding scooter with a shock absorber and large wheels 180, 200, 230 mm for adults and children:

  • wheel: 200 mm;
  • weight: 4 kg.
  • wheel: 180 mm;
  • weight: 3.4 kg.
  • wheel: 200 mm;
  • weight: 3.9 kg.

A scooter is a fairly universal form of transport for boys and girls. With its help, it is easy to teach movement coordination, give self-confidence, and enjoy speed. Thanks to its compactness, it is convenient to take for a walk. And if something happens, it’s easier to jump off a scooter than from a bicycle, so there are fewer injuries.

Thus, modern scooter- It is not simple fun entertainment, but also a kind of simulator for the development of various muscles. But the benefit will only be if the scooter was selected correctly.

How to choose the height of a scooter for a child?

When selecting the height of the scooter's handlebars, you need to take into account the age, height, and individual characteristics of the child.

  • Tip #1. Using a measuring tape, measure the distance from the ground to the child's elbows. Add ten centimeters of reserve to this figure and get the required steering wheel height.
  • Tip #2. The hands lying on the steering wheel of the scooter should be at the level of the solar plexus, and they should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. As a last resort, a lower handlebar height is possible, since with a high position it will be more difficult to control the scooter.
  • Tip #3. When operating a scooter, the child must be able to keep his back straight and not slouch or lean back.
  • Tip #4. As the child grows, the height of the scooter's steering wheel will need to be adjusted, so models with adjustable height are a priority.

Three-wheeled scooters for little ones

Children can start riding a scooter as early as 1.5 - . The height of a two-year-old child ranges from 80 to 95 cm, a three-year-old - from 90 to 100 cm. We also take into account that children at this age grow quickly. Therefore, 50-75 cm is the optimal scooter height for a child of this age.

It is advisable to have the first scooters - these models are more stable and safer for the baby. Moreover, the option with two wheels in front and one in the back is preferable because it is more stable on the road and easier to control.

The scooter platform should accommodate both of the baby's legs in width and at the same time not be too large so as not to complicate control. It is advisable to pay attention to the material from which the platform is made: will the child stand steadily or will it slide. Traffic safety depends on this.

Four years: two-wheeled or three-wheeled?

The child’s height already fluctuates between 98 and 105 cm, and taking into account further growth, it is recommended to pay attention to scooters with a height of up to 90 cm. It is at this age that the line between two- and three-wheeled models begins to blur. So, for example, if a child has recently started riding a scooter, then it is better for him to purchase a three-wheeled vehicle. Well, if you already have one or two years of “driving experience,” then you can choose a two-wheeled scooter with appropriate steering adjustment. And it’s important not to forget about protective equipment - babies still have a poorly developed sense of self-preservation

Selecting a scooter for a 5 year old child

A child can already safely ride a two-wheeled scooter - children of this age have good balance. Their height is already in the range of 100 to 115 cm, and they continue to grow quickly, so the choice of a children's scooter with adjustable height remains relevant.

The requirements for the height of the scooter remain the same, i.e. your hands on the steering wheel should be bent at right angles. If a right angle does not work, then it is better for the steering wheel to be lower rather than higher.

This period is more active in children, so it is better to select models made of light and durable metal. Pay attention to the possibility of folding, because the child may want to ride away from home, where it is easier to carry the scooter than to get there.

Choosing a scooter for a teenager

Scooters for older children should be more durable. They must support a child who weighs more and who moves more.

But the child’s body has not yet fully formed, so the requirements for selecting the height of the scooter according to the child’s height remain relevant. At this age, you need to continue to monitor the child’s posture while riding a scooter - adjust the height of the steering wheel as they grow. At this age, it is already acceptable for the height of the steering wheel to be lower (possibly to the level of the navel). But not everyone may like leaning over to accelerate. In this case, it is possible that the arms will be more straightened.

Catalog of children's scooters

Attention to detail

When choosing a children's scooter with adjustable height, of course, we will look not only at the height of the handlebars, but also at other details.

Is the mechanism foldable or not?

The answer to this question is quite simple. If there is free space to store the scooter when unfolded, then choose a non-folding one. These scooters are stronger than folding scooters. But the latter are undoubtedly more convenient and compact.


Manufacturers offer models with different wheels.

The most durable are polyurethane wheels, but they are also more rigid in use. Plastic wheels are softer, but they are less wear-resistant, which is why they are used in models for children. It is convenient to ride a scooter with rubber wheels. These models “forgive” imperfections on the roads and develop good speed.

Speaking of speed, if you expect your vehicle to be fast, then check whether the wheel mounts have bearings. It is this small detail that gives speed.

Shock absorbers

Modern manufacturers install shock absorbers (spring mechanisms that absorb vibration), usually on the front wheel. This improves ride comfort, especially when hitting holes and potholes on the roads. But at the same time, the weight of the scooter increases, the price increases, and the speed decreases. Therefore, if you are planning to ride good paths in a park or square, you can choose a model without a shock absorber. If the roads nearby are not very good, then yes to shock absorbers!

Instead of a conclusion

Only then will riding a scooter benefit its little owners when this transport is selected correctly, taking into account the recommendations of experts. But it is also advisable not to forget about protective equipment: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads. This equipment will protect the baby from unnecessary abrasions and bruises.