How to choose skis based on height and weight: ideal equipment for winter walks. How to choose cross-country skis Selecting ski poles for skating

Published: February 4, 2016.

Why do you need to select ski poles by height?

The skiing technique involves performing certain movements. These movements also include pushing off with your hands using ski poles. Moreover, such repulsions must be synchronized with other body movements.

At such moments, the skier’s body is in a certain position. And to work with your hands in such positions you need sticks of a certain length. Since all skiers are of different heights, each person needs their own length of poles. And the only criterion in this case was the person’s height. This is why selecting ski poles according to the height of a particular skier is so important.

Everyone can see this for themselves. All you have to do is ride with poles of different lengths. It is uncomfortable to push with poles that are too long or too short. And in order not to carry out tests when purchasing, they have long been using the experience gained over many years and generations of skiers in selecting ski poles.

This experience will be especially useful for beginner skiers. They are just beginning to get acquainted with the technique of skiing. And it will not be easy for them to determine what length of stick is best. And how do you even use sticks?

How to wear ski poles correctly

For those who decide to try the length of ski poles themselves now, it will be useful to know how to hold them correctly. This knowledge will also be useful for other novice athletes or amateur skiers.

To properly hold a ski pole with your right hand, you need to grab it with your left hand just below the handle. The right hand should be inserted from bottom to top into the loop of the ski pole handle strap. Then wrap your palm around her hand. This will place the handle strap under your palm and around your wrist. See pictures below.

This way of holding the stick is the most optimal. When pushing, your hand will rest on the strap and your fingers will not strain too much. After the push, the stick will remain hanging on your hand and will not get lost. To do this, you just need to adjust the length of the strap according to your wrist.

What are ski poles made of?

Since we’ve already reached the handle with the strap, it will be useful to know what else ski poles are made of. Main parts of ski poles: shaft, handle, lanyard, claw and tip. Where are the strap and rings? A little more about this below.


The shaft or shaft of a ski pole is its main part. Actually, at one time it was precisely this that was limited to the configuration of a ski pole. The main purpose of the shaft is to transmit force from the hand to the surface of the earth. With the help of the shaft, the push by the skier’s hand actually occurs.

The rod can be made of a variety of materials. Once upon a time it was just a wooden stick. Then they began to use stronger and lighter bamboo. Bamboo sticks have been used for a very long time. And only since the middle of the last century, aluminum and its alloys began to be used for its manufacture.

Today, even titanium is used to make shafts. It is a lightweight and durable metal that is used in the aviation industry. Composite materials and chemical industry products are widely used. Poles made of carbon and fiberglass are considered the most comfortable. But they are also the most expensive.

For an amateur skier, poles made of aluminum alloys are quite suitable. They are quite light and durable. What more does a skier need? Yes, one more thing. When there were not enough strong materials for the rod, its shape was in the form of a cylinder. Today the shaft is made cone-shaped. This shifts the center of gravity of the stick towards the handle. The athlete's hand gets less tired when using such a stick.


The handle is needed to make it more convenient to hold the ski pole. Therefore, handles are often made anatomically with grooves for fingers. In addition, a small stop or ledge is sometimes placed at the bottom of the handle, which takes some of the load off the fingers.

Plastic is most often used to make handles. More expensive poles use cork, leather and other materials, and combinations thereof. It is better to use handles with a non-slip surface. It is better to hold them with your hand. And another very important factor needs to be taken into account.

Ski poles are used in winter, when the air temperature can reach fairly low values. And to prevent your hands from freezing, it will be better if the handle is made of a material with low thermal conductivity.


It is also called a strap or loop. When pushing, the hand rests precisely on the lanyard and only partially on the stick. The purpose of the lanyard is also to hold the hand on the handle during the push. Well, don’t lose your ski pole after a push, when it practically hangs on your hand.

Everyone's palm size is different. To regulate the length of the strap, a special adjusting device is made on the handle. Today, a lanyard is made not just as a strap, but is made in the shape of a hand. As a result, it becomes completely different from the strip of skin it originally was. The material for making a lanyard can also be synthetic fabrics.

Once upon a time, rings made of various materials were used to support a stick on the snow. They were fixed at its lower end using leather straps or some other method. Today, rings are used in cases where ski poles are used on soft snow or even on virgin soil.

They are used by tourists during ski trips, hunters and simply those who like to wander through the virgin snow. Due to the large support surface, poles with rings are less likely to fall into the snow. On a prepared ski track, small supports in the form of bird legs are often used. There are enough of them on a compacted ski track.

Various types of plastics are used to make paws. This material is quite durable and weighs little. The shape of the paw can be very diverse.


The tip on modern ski poles is often combined with the foot. But sometimes they are made separately. The only task of the tip is to hold the stick in one place during a push. To do this, the tip is made sharp and metal. After all, a ski pole can also rest on a hard surface. It could also be ice. The task of the tip is to hold it in any conditions.

Since the tip is very sharp, the stick must be used carefully. This will help avoid injury to others.

How to choose cross-country ski poles

Selection of ski poles by height

There are several ways to select ski poles depending on the height of the skier. In addition, their length varies depending on the style the skier uses.

How to choose ski poles for classic skiing

The size of ski poles for the classic move is chosen depending on the height of the skier. A skier in full equipment and boots places his poles next to him. When the poles are the correct length, their top should be level with the skier's shoulder.

Well, or another way. If you hold a ski pole vertically in your hand and at the same time put it to the side, then your hand should take a horizontal position. Another way. If you have skis, then stand on your skis and place your poles next to you. They should fit under the shoulder (in the armpit area) with little effort. It is allowed to raise your shoulder a little without raising your toes.

Length of ski poles for skating

The length of the skate poles should be slightly higher than for the classics. The size of ski poles for skating is also chosen based on the height of the skier. A skier in boots places his poles vertically next to him. Their height should reach the earlobe or the tip of the nose.

If you already have ski poles of the optimal length for the classics, then the task becomes simpler. It is enough to add 10 cm to their length. We get the size of ski poles for skating.

How to choose ski poles according to height according to the table

It’s even easier to choose the length of your ski poles using the data in the table below. It shows the sizes of poles for skating and classic walking, depending on a person’s height.

How much do ski poles cost?

The price of ski poles depends on the manufacturer, the materials from which they are made, and quality. The cost of sticks starts from several hundred rubles and ends in many thousands.

It is not necessary to chase expensive and prestigious poles. The main thing is that they perform the functions assigned to them. Moreover, you should not buy expensive ski poles if you plan to ski only a few times a season. Good amateur sticks can be bought for 500 – 800 rubles. But, if possible, it is better to buy sticks that are more expensive and of better quality.

Where to buy ski poles

Ski poles can be purchased at your local sporting goods store. If there isn’t one nearby or it doesn’t have a very rich assortment, then you can become the happy owner of good ski poles by browsing the online store. If purchased, delivery directly to your home is possible.

The nuances of choosing ski lengths for children and adults. Tables and recommendations.

Winter is an amazing time of year. In addition to the beauty of the landscapes shimmering with snow, we enjoy active recreation in the fresh air.

Fortunately, a lot of activities have been invented for such a purpose. One of them is skiing.

For ordinary people who are far from serious sports, the task of choosing skis sometimes seems simple. However, in this matter there are a number of significant points that require attention. Especially for children's models.

Let us dwell on the nuances of the correct selection of skis and ski poles in more detail.

How to choose skis and ski poles according to the height and weight of a child and an adult: table

types of skiing and the scheme for their correct selection for men, women and children

Before you start selecting skis for your child or yourself, think about whether you will practice regularly. It may be enough to stop at a one-time pleasure and rent them where you plan to ride.

If this option is not for you and you want to introduce your child to healthy winter activities, then take note of a number of parameters:

  • Type of terrain for skiing. For hills you need mountain models, for plains - running or classic ones.
  • Children's weight. If he is above 40 kg, be guided by the selection of skis as for an adult,
  • The height and age of the child.
  • Skating skills.
  • Ski stiffness. “Soft” models are ideal for the beginner athlete. The lower it is, the cheaper and easier the skis to use.
  • Material. Wooden skis don't work well in warm weather, while plastic skis are very slippery and without a sufficient number of anti-slip notches are unacceptable for a child to buy.

Ski poles are not needed at all for preschool children, since the latter’s task is to learn how to stay on skis. If the child is older, take sticks that reach his armpits or, at most, his shoulders.

Be sure to consider:

  • the presence of straps on the handle to secure the hands
  • no sharp tip at the bottom to prevent the baby from getting hurt while riding

When choosing skis and ski poles for adults, consider the following points:

  • Ski length depends on your height. On average, it should exceed it by 20-25 cm.
  • The type of ski depends on the terrain, the conditions on it and your skiing skills. If you want to enjoy the scenery at an easy pace, the classic is your choice. And if you want to drive and master the maneuvers of sharp turns - only sports models.
  • Length of poles. Again, when choosing, the guideline is your height. Feel free to buy poles that are 25-30 cm lower than you.

Below are tables to help with this issue:

table for selecting skis for adults and children depending on weight and height, example 1

Scheme for selecting skis for a child and an adult depending on weight and height, example 2

recommendations and table for selecting ski poles

table for selecting skis and ski poles depending on weight and height, example 3

How to choose the correct length of cross-country skis and ski poles for children and adults?

a child skis on properly selected cross-country skis
  • Age. The younger the child masters the snowy expanses, the easier it is to take on skis. For example, if he doesn’t have the skills yet, short soft skis are suitable, they are also called “fitted”. They do not develop great speed, but they will help the child hone the skills of entering turns and developing the correct position of the knees.
  • Weight. The starting point is 40 kg. If your little one has not reached it yet, choose children's models; if he has crossed the threshold, choose adult models.
  • Skating skills. The higher their level, the more differences in choice. In general, there are 3 types of skis: for beginners, intermediate levels and advanced athletes. This gradation continues for adult models.
  • Ski length. Take the table data from the previous section as a basis. The general rule is that skis in a vertical position should reach the chin or nose for a beginner skier, and rise 20 cm above the head. The second option is acceptable from an intermediate level. If your child skis well, feel free to choose skis that are 15-20 cm taller than his height.

Ski poles are needed from the age of schoolchildren. Before this, the baby hones his skating skills without them. For cross-country skiing, the ideal pole length is shoulder length.

selection of cross-country skis and ski poles for them for adults and children, table

How to choose the correct length of skis and skating ski poles for children and adults?

a group of adults skate skiing on a flat surface

Those who have perfectly mastered the technique of gliding on classic skis can safely buy skate skis. This applies to both adults and children.

As for the length of skate skis, take them 10 centimeters more than your height. And the poles, on the contrary, are 10-15 cm shorter. In other words, the latter will rise slightly above shoulder level.

For clarity, we add a table:

selection of skating skis for children and adults by height, table

How to choose the correct length of classic skis and ski poles for children and adults?

mother and baby skiing classic skiing without ski poles at a ski resort

For classic skiing, it will be more convenient for both children and adults if:

  • the length of the poles is 25-30 cm shorter and they rest against the skier’s armpits
  • ski length exceeds height by 20-30 cm

We add a table below for orientation:

table for selecting skis and ski poles for classic skiing for adults and teenagers

table for selecting skis and ski poles for classic skiing for adults and children

So, we looked at the features of choosing skis and ski poles for children and adults for different levels of experience and skiing skills. We also added a number of tables for orientation in this matter.

If you are buying skis for your child or yourself for the first time, listen to the recommendations of a consultant in a specialized store. And remember that buying skis and poles for children for future use is a bad idea and just a waste of money.

Enjoy your holiday and skiing!

Video: how to choose the right skis for a child?

Cross-country skiing is divided into racing, amateur and touring. As a rule, the purpose is indicated in the product card.

  1. Racing (marked Racing and Racing PRO). These skis are designed for athletes and amateurs who want to improve their speed. This is an option for specially prepared trails.
  2. Amateur or recreational (Active, Fitness). This is an option for those who sometimes go for a ride in the park, do it for fun and do not strive for records. Skis are slightly wider than racing skis; expensive materials and technologies are rarely used in their production.
  3. Tourist (Back Country). These are skis for hunters, tourists and fishermen, people who need to move around, without pistes or ski tracks. Such skis are much wider than recreational skis in order to support a person’s weight on loose snow.


Classic skis (designated Classic or Cl) are longer than skate skis, have a sharp toe and a soft last. There may be notches under the block (designated TR) that prevent slipping during repulsion. On the left is a ski with notches, on the right - without.

If the ski does not have notches (designation WAX), a special ointment provides an anti-slip effect. However, it will be quite difficult for beginners to apply it correctly, so a ski with serrations will be the best option.

To choose the size of classic skis, add 20 cm to your height or simply raise your hand: the lowered palm of your outstretched arm should touch the top of the ski.

It is also worth paying attention to the stiffness of the skis. First, determine the center of gravity: place the ski on your hand so that both ends are in balance. Then fold the skis with the sliding side towards each other and squeeze with one hand 3 cm below the found center of balance. There will be a distance of 1–1.5 mm between skis of suitable stiffness.

What to buy


Boots for classic skis are low and soft, without special inserts to secure the foot.

You shouldn't buy boots back to back. If your big toe rests on the toe of the shoe, your foot will quickly freeze. Better take boots half a size larger.

What to buy


When choosing poles for classic skating, pay attention to their length. With short ones, it will be uncomfortable for you to walk on flat terrain, with long ones, it will be uncomfortable to climb slopes. Select poles according to your height: the lanyard exit (the place where the strap is attached to the pole) should be at the level of your shoulder.

Poles are made from aluminum, fiberglass and carbon fiber. Aluminum ones can bend under load. So, if you weigh a lot, choose glass and carbon fiber. The latter provides the greatest rigidity and lightness of the poles. These poles are used by professional athletes.

Also pay attention to the material of the handle. Poles with cork handles are well suited for walking in cold weather: cork does not get cold on the hand, unlike plastic.


Skis for skating (designated Skate or Sk) are shorter and have a smooth last, since with this type of skiing the notches only get in the way, clinging to the snow and reducing speed.

To find the ideal length for skate skis, add 5–10 cm to your height.

It is also worth checking the stiffness of the skis. The gap between skis compressed with one hand should be 1.5–2 mm.

What to buy


To prevent injury and excessive stress on the foot during skating, additional support is needed. Therefore, skate boots are taller and stiffer than classic ones and are supplemented with a special plastic cuff.

What to buy


Skating poles are longer than classic poles. The lanyard should be at the level of the skier's chin or lips.

How to choose all-mountain skis, boots and poles

If you plan to master both classic and skating, you can purchase universal equipment.


All-mountain skis (designated Combi) are longer than skate skis, but shorter than classic skis. To determine the required length, add 15 cm to your height.

As for knurling, some all-mountain skis have a replaceable center: if you want to ski in a classic style, use knurling; if in a ridge, remove the nozzle with notches.

What to buy


Boots for all-mountain skis are almost no different from classic ones. They are just as soft and flexible, but have a plastic cuff that supports the ankle.

What to buy


For universal skis, poles are suitable for both classic and skating.

What types of fastenings are there?

Three types of mounts are now common: the legacy NN 75, NNN (with or without NIS platform) and SNS.

Surely many remember this mount from childhood. This is an ordinary metal brace that fixes the leg, but it does it rather poorly.

With the NN 75 it is almost impossible to skate. In addition, they don’t make good boots for this mount. The only advantage is the low price.

What to buy

NNN (New Nordic Norm)

Automatic fastening NNN /

This mount consists of two guides (flexors) located at some distance
from each other, and the rubber stop.

There are two options for such fastenings: automatic and mechanical. The automatic NNN mount snaps into place by simply pressing your boot onto the shackle. In the case of a mechanical one, you will have to open the lid with your hands, and after installing the boot, close it.

Mechanical fastenings NNN /

However, the mechanical fastening is more reliable: it cannot accidentally come loose, for example, during a fall. Additionally, if you plan to ski in warm weather, water that gets into the automatic binding may freeze and cause a permanent blockage.

Also, the fastenings differ in the degree of rigidity. If the NNN rubber stop is white, the mount is intended for hard riding; if it is green, it is intended for softer riding. Black stops are suitable for standard skating, and red ones for soft skating.

If you prefer skating, choose bindings with white or green rubber bands. If classic - with black or red.

To install NNN on skis, you need to find the center of gravity and drill a hole for the mounts. However, there is a simpler and more convenient installation method: special NIS platforms.

Mount NNN NIS /

The Nordic Integrated System (NIS) was developed in 2005 for NNN mounts. Skis adapted for NIS are equipped with a special plate on which the binding is installed. There is no need to drill the skis, just slide the mount along the guide plates and click into place.

The mount is easy to install and remove, eliminates the need to search for the center of gravity of the ski and can be used with different pairs of skis.

What to buy

This is a mount with one wide guide and two brackets. SNS fasteners are also divided into automatic and mechanical.

Unlike NNN, SNS has only three levels of severity. They are marked with a numerical value and color. For a classic move, you should choose bindings with a flexor stiffness of 85 (yellow), for a skate - 115 (red), and for universal use - 95 (pink).

In terms of comfort, stability and lateral stability, there is little difference between SNS and NNN mounts.

Most cross-country ski boots are designed to fit a specific type of binding. Therefore, first choose boots that fit perfectly on your feet, and only then choose the bindings that fit them.

Due to NIS, NNN fasteners are more convenient to install, but SNS are more stable: due to the NNN platform, they are higher than SNS screwed on with screws. On the other hand, a higher position increases the force of the push. In general, both mounts are used by both amateur and professional athletes.

What to buy

What materials to choose

Skis made from solid timber or glued layers of wood are becoming a thing of the past. Modern models also use wood, but, as a rule, the core consists of it, and the sliding surface is made of plastic.

If you're used to skiing on wood skis, plastic may feel uncomfortable due to kickback. Plastic is more slippery and, unlike wood, does not “ruffle” when rubbing against snow.

However, with proper lubrication of plastic skis, it is quite possible to avoid kickback. As for the advantages, plastic skis are more durable and, unlike wooden skis, allow you to ski at above-zero temperatures.

According to the manufacturing method, skis are divided into Sandwich and Cap. The former are several layers of plastic and wood glued together, the latter are a wooden core with a monolithic plastic cover.

For cheaper skis, the core is made of wood with air channels. In professional and more expensive ones, it is a wooden honeycomb or made on the basis of acrylic foam with a mesh of carbon and fiberglass, lightweight polyurethane foam with carbon and fiberglass inserts (Polycell technology), Densolite foam or other lightweight synthetic materials.

The sliding surface is made from different types of plastic. For cheaper options, extruded plastic is used, for more expensive options, high molecular weight universal plastic is used.

Nowadays, many new technologies and materials are being used that keep skis light and at the same time provide strength. However, all this affects the price.

So if you're a beginner, it's worth trying a regular ski with a wood or Densolite foam core and an extruded or high molecular weight plastic skid surface. The price of such skis depends on the specific brand and ranges from 2,000 to 8,000 rubles.

What brands to pay attention to

Among the well-known Russian manufacturers is the STC factory. It makes both racing and recreational skis, the Sable, fiberglass ski poles.

Professional models have a honeycomb core and a PTEX 2000 (carbon fiber) sliding surface, and amateur models have a wooden core and a plastic coating. Skis are made using Cap technology and are sold at very affordable prices.

Among foreign brands (whose products are often produced in Russian factories, including STC), the Austrian ski and equipment manufacturer Fischer is quite popular.

Fischer produces men's, women's and children's professional and amateur skis, using combined materials such as a wooden core with Air Tec Basalight basalt fibers. Fischer skis can be purchased at prices starting from 5,000 rubles.

No less famous is the French ski brand Rossignol, whose production is located in Spain and Ukraine. The cheapest amateur skis with a light wood core and a plastic sliding surface can be bought for 5,500–6,000 rubles. Almost all skis of this brand are equipped with the NIS platform.

The third brand from the rating is the Norwegian company Madshus. Amateur skis of this brand are made using Cap technology with a wood core with channels, glass and carbon fiber braiding and a plastic sliding surface. The cost of the cheapest skis of this brand is 3,000–5,000 rubles.

Around the same price category, the cheapest amateur skis are from the Austrian brand Atomic and the French company Salomon. Cheaper Salomon models have a core made of dry Densolite foam and a sliding surface with the addition of graphite; more expensive, professional models have honeycomb cores and a sliding surface with the addition of zeolite.

Each brand develops its own technologies: lighter cores, adding various minerals to improve gliding, changing ski geometry. Therefore, it is best to focus on the purpose of the skis (for what purpose, recreational or sports) and the availability of a suitable length and stiffness for you.

Skiing is the most common winter sport in our country. But good skiing depends not only on the skier’s physical fitness, but also on well-chosen equipment. Today we will talk about how the physical parameters of an athlete - height and weight - affect the nuances of choosing skis.

How to choose skis according to your height?

There are certain aspects to choosing ski lengths. They differ depending on the type of product, which can be classic, skating or walking.

  • Skis of the first category, classic, the length should exceed the height of the skier by 20-30 cm.
  • Skate models should be 10-15 cm larger than the athlete’s height.
  • Deserves special attention recreational(aka combined) skis that are very popular among fans of this winter sport. They are selected 15-20 cm longer than the height of their owner.

Beginner athletes who do not know how to choose a ski size should remember that short skis are much easier to control. But people with extensive riding experience can afford to buy long models. Moreover, such skis provide maximum glide.

How to choose a ski size?

To understand how to choose a ski size, you should pay attention to the special size table. Read it, or better yet, print it out and take it with you to the sports store. She will tell you how to determine size for skis and buy equipment that will be easy to use. Only with this approach to choosing will the purchased skis give you a lot of positive emotions while skiing on winter snowy paths.

Human height (cm) Ski length for classic skiing (cm) Walking ski length (cm) Skating ski length (cm)
150 175 170 165
155 180 175 170
160 185 180 175
165 190 185 180
170 195 190 185
175 200 195 190
180 205 200 190-195
185 205-210 200-205 195
190 205-210 200-205 195
195 210 205 195

How to choose skis by weight?

There is nothing complicated here either. All that is required is to weigh yourself and check the result with the ski size table:

! Please note that many manufacturers have their own tables of ski sizes by height and/or weight, which differ from those given in this article.

It is also important to remember that the weight of the athlete has a direct impact on the level of rigidity of the products. The larger it is, the stiffer the skis should be. To select skis by weight, you should measure their stiffness level using flex tester. Skis are placed on a special board or on a flat surface and the stiffness is measured using a device. This indicator can also be determined by squeezing a pair of skis with your hands. More information on how to conduct a “manual” test yourself is described in our.

How to choose skis and poles according to height?

The above describes in detail how to choose the right skis for your height. But when choosing equipment, it is important to pay attention to poles. Unlike skis, the length of the poles should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the athlete. If the skier is in excellent physical shape, the length of the poles can be slightly increased. But, in any case, the minimum length of the poles should not be below the shoulders, and the maximum length should not be below the ear. Besides:

  • you cannot buy poles “for growth” (especially if you are purchasing equipment for a child);
  • You should not buy poles with miniature supports - the so-called “legs”.

Now you know how to choose skis based on your height and weight. Arm yourself with a size chart - and go to the sports store!

You might be interested

If you choose skis for walking or for your child for physical education, then you are on the right track. From the article you will learn how to choose the right skis based on height, material and other characteristics, what to pay special attention to, and what can be ignored.

  • what do you need skis for (recreational skis, cross-country skis for competitions, downhill skiing, hunting, etc.);
  • your level of skating (beginner amateur or professional);
  • your physical parameters (weight and height).

How to choose cross-country skis

Cross-country skiing is chosen depending on your preferred skiing style. There are three styles:

  1. classical,
  2. ridge,
  3. combined.

Classic skis

Our grandfathers and grandmothers rode the classic style, sliding along two parallel tracks, but it has not lost its relevance. The classic style is best suited for the beginner skier.


Skis for classic skiing should be 20-30 cm longer than your own height. For beginners, you can choose a slightly shorter length, then it will be easier to control them.


If you have seen skis, then you know that they have an arched shape and if you put them on the floor, their middle will not touch it. The more difficult it is to push the ski to the floor, the stiffer they are.

The stiffness must be selected depending on your weight. The heavier the skier, the greater the stiffness should be.

You can check the correct selection of skis in terms of stiffness in the following way:

  1. put your skis on the floor;
  2. place a sheet of paper under the middle;
  3. stand with both feet on both skis, there should be a gap to the floor and the sheet of paper will move freely;
  4. stand with both feet on one ski, it should completely touch the floor, and the piece of paper will be pressed to the floor and you will not be able to pull it out.

Following the above example, choose the stiffness of the skis. Some manufacturers indicate what weight they are intended for.

With and without notch

Skis for classic skiing can be with or without notches on the sliding surface.

Skis without notches are suitable for any weather, for long walks and fast riding.

They are more difficult to ride as they can slip backwards. To eliminate this deficiency, special ointments are used.

This is a new style of skiing, also called free style. The skier makes skate-like movements, pushing off with the inner surface of the skis. With its help you can develop the highest speed.

For the skating style, a compacted wide track is ideal, but you can do without it; then you won’t have to count on high speed.

Skis for skating are selected a little shorter and stiffer than for the classic style.


For skating, the length of the skis should be 10-15 cm greater than the height of the skier.


The rigidity should be approximately twice as high as for the classics. If you press the ski with your hand to the floor, there should be a gap of 1.5-2 mm.

All-mountain skis

As the name suggests, all-mountain skis are something between classic and skate skis. This applies to both the parameters of choosing skis (average length and stiffness) and the style of mixed skiing.


All-mountain skis should be 15-20 cm larger than the skier's height.

Let's summarize: cross-country skis are suitable for flat terrain, for beginners it is better to choose classic ones with notches, and for advanced ones, universal ones.

Table on how to choose ski length according to height
Skier's heightClassic skis All-round skis Classic walking poles Skating poles
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Ski material

All skis are made of wood or plastic.

In the past, plastic skis were rare and expensive. Now, on the contrary, most people ride on plastic.

Advantages of plastic skis:

  • they are stronger and therefore more durable than wooden ones;
  • snow sticks to them less during the thaw;
  • more speedy.

The most reputable companies producing plastic skis are Atomic and Fischer. You can buy equipment from them for both beginners and professional sports. You can also highlight domestic ski manufacturers “Karelia” and “Tisa”.

How to choose the right skis

Alpine skiing is very different from cross-country skiing, both in design and in the method of selection. Their main purpose is to descend from mountains, developing high speeds.

Remember right away, if you are new to alpine skiing, then you cannot choose professional alpine skis. They are designed to develop very high speeds, which you as a beginner may not be able to handle, which will lead to injury.


The size of alpine skis is selected not only depending on the height of the skier, but also his professional skills. The shorter the skis, the easier they are to control.

If you are a beginner skier, then the length of your skis should be 20 cm less than your height.

If you have been skiing downhill for several years now and have achieved good results, then you should have skis that are 10 cm shorter than your height.

For a professional, skis as long as his own height are suitable.

For women, it is better to reduce the above length by another 5 cm, and for people with above average weight, on the contrary, increase it by 5 cm.


The basic rule for choosing the stiffness of alpine skis is that the higher the professional skills and weight of the skier, the stiffer they should be.

The one with the least rigidity is suitable for a beginner, as they are easier to control.

Hard and medium-hard skis are suitable for professionals and people who have been skiing confidently from the mountains for several years. Since they are designed for sharp turns and high speeds.

Another parameter that is worth paying attention to when choosing alpine skis is their structure:

  • carving;
  • classic.

Carving skis differ from classic skis in that they look like they are fitted, i.e. the ends are wider than the central part. They are more stable than classic ones, so they are recommended for beginners.

  1. Externally, both skis should be absolutely identical and not differ in width, length and weight.
  2. Look at the skis from the side; the curve of the sliding surface should be smooth.
  3. The longitudinal groove on the sliding surface should be straight, without any wobble.
  4. There should be no scratches, cracks or other defects on the sliding surface.
  5. Place the skis with the sliding surface facing each other and squeeze them as tightly as possible with your hands. The rigidity should be the same. The socks should remain closed.
  6. Find the center of gravity of the skis, it must coincide, deviation of no more than 1.5 cm is allowed.

How to choose ski poles

After choosing your skis, you may be faced with the question of choosing ski poles. This is an important part of ski equipment that you cannot do without.

Ski poles must be:

  • durable;
  • hard;
  • lungs.

Poles, like skis, are selected depending on the height of the athlete. For lovers of skating, the poles should be 15-20 cm less than the owner’s height, and for classic skaters, 25-30 cm less than the owner’s height.

You cannot buy poles for a child to grow into, as he will get tangled in them and it will be uncomfortable to ride.

For an amateur, aluminum ski poles are quite suitable.

It is better to choose handles from a non-slip material such as cork or leather with anatomical grooves for the fingers.

It is better to choose support for poles with a reverse cone (the safest) rather than with legs (the most inconvenient when riding).

For children under 7 years old, choose the length of sticks up to the armpits, with a blunt tip.

How to choose hunting skis

Hunting skis are designed for movement on loose snow by hunters or fishermen with additional load. Therefore, unlike running ones, they should not be long and narrow, but short and wide.

The average length of hunting skis, regardless of the height of the skier, should be about 175 cm.

The best hunting skis are made from maple or birch; they are more wear-resistant than spruce.

Preparing skis before use

After you have bought skis in a store, you need to prepare them before using them for the first time.


  1. Wipe the treated surface with a rag soaked in turpentine.
  2. Apply melted paraffin using movements from toe to heel, only on the area under the shoe.
  3. Warm up with an iron preheated to 200 degrees. And let dry for several hours.
  4. Excess cooled paraffin must be carefully removed.
  5. Upon completion of all processes, wipe the sliding surface with a synthetic cloth.

The above procedure must be carried out at least once a year.


  1. Sand the sliding surface with fine sandpaper.
  2. Apply special resin from a sports store to the sliding surface and heat it with a blowtorch or a special burner.
  3. Wait until the resin is absorbed and repeat the previous step 3-4 more times. The skis should darken, but do not overheat or the wood will begin to char.