How to choose the length of cross-country skis. How to choose cross-country skis for a child. What is the difference between classic skis and skate skis?

Fedor Tikhonov, journalist and master of sports in ski racing, talks about all the subtleties and nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing the perfect pair of cross-country skis.

Cross-country ski racing is not only perfect way spend the weekend, but also a powerful cardio workout that involves absolutely all muscle groups. Only for one hour of classes skiing you will burn whole 700 calories(for comparison, you will only burn 540 calories in an hour of running). And in order for skating to be a pleasure, it is important to choose the right equipment - this is what we will tell you about now.

There are two types of skis: for skating and classic move. In sections, children are usually taught the classic move first - the skis are pointed straight forward when moving, the main emphasis is on the arms, so the load on the legs is minimal. It’s still easier for an amateur to start with skating, which requires the participation of not only arms, but also legs. With this move, the skier pushes off the track with his foot at an angle to the direction of movement, which from the outside resembles skating.

Skis also differ from each other depending on their quality and purpose - there are top models, there are a little simpler ones, and there are models that, in principle, are intended exclusively for tourism. The difference is primarily in materials, weight, performance and external characteristics. Meanwhile, the quality of gliding and the number of calories burned largely depend on these indicators. But here, of course, it is important to be aware - if last time If you skied at school, then choosing a top model is unlikely to make you go faster than if you preferred a simpler option.

Ski size

So, you came to the store, and the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing cross-country skis is the size. Correct length skating skis are calculated according to the principle: your height plus 10-15 centimeters, classic skis - your height plus 20-30 centimeters. At the same time, keep in mind what longer skis(even within these ranges), the more technical skill you will need to have while riding. People with a height of 190 centimeters and above can safely take the maximum sizes: for skate skis it is approximately 190 centimeters, and for classic skis - 207-210 centimeters.

Ski stiffness

The second most important indicator is rigidity. To determine it, there is special equipment - a flextester. But since it is not available in all stores, you can get by in these two ways:

  1. Carefully place the skis with the sliding surface against each other and squeeze them with one hand in the center (under the block). If you have enough strength in your hands to squeeze them almost until they touch sliding surfaces(almost - this is with a gap of 1.5 millimeters for classic skis and 2 millimeters for skate skis), then these skis are ideal for you (it is believed that the force of the hand is proportional to the force of repulsion with the foot). In this case, the skis should compress smoothly throughout the entire compression stroke and all the way at the end. It is worth noting that this method is only suitable for classic skis, and to determine the stiffness of a pair of skates, you need to squeeze them with both hands so that the gap between the skis does not exceed 2-4 millimeters. Happened? So they are suitable.
  2. Place the skis symmetrically on the floor (for example, on a thin, hard carpet, so as not to damage their surface) and stand on them (you can wear regular shoes), evenly distributing your body weight on both feet. In this position, the last should not come into contact with the floor from three centimeters below the heel of the boot and up to 20 centimeters above the toe of the boot. If you pass a sheet of paper under the block, then it is within these limits that the sheet will move freely under you, and above and below the indicated boundaries, on the contrary, it will get stuck. If you transfer your body weight to one leg (this is called “crushing the ski”), then the block should almost completely touch the floor (there will be a gap of about 0.5 millimeters).

Ski poles

With how to choose ski poles, everything is much simpler - they are also divided into top, medium and low models and have different gradations of quality. The more expensive and professional the stick, the lighter and stronger it is. But despite its strength and lack of vibration when repelled, it can easily be broken by a blow from a sharp object. This often happens in races when a sideways and often accidental ski strike actually cuts off a piece of the pole. However, cheap amateur poles can be broken by any professional simply by pushing hard at the start. The size of the skating poles is selected in the following way: your height is minus 20 centimeters for skate skis and your height is minus 30 centimeters for classic skis. At the same time, the size of the poles may vary slightly depending on your readiness - for example, professionals such as Petter Northug often choose the highest possible images (within reasonable limits, of course).

Skiing is the most common winter sport in our country. But good skiing depends not only on the skier’s physical fitness, but also on well-chosen equipment. Today we will talk about how physical parameters the athlete's height and weight influence the nuances of choosing skis.

How to choose skis according to your height?

There are certain aspects to choosing ski lengths. They differ depending on the type of product, which can be classic, skating or walking.

  • Skis of the first category, classic, the length should exceed the height of the skier by 20-30 cm.
  • Skate models should be 10-15 cm larger than the athlete’s height.
  • Deserves special attention recreational(aka combined) skis that are very popular among fans of this winter sport. They are selected 15-20 cm longer than the height of their owner.

Beginner athletes who do not know how to choose a ski size should remember that short skis are much easier to control. But people with extensive riding experience can afford to buy long models. Moreover, such skis provide maximum glide.

How to choose a ski size?

To understand how to choose a ski size, you should pay attention to the special size table. Read it, or better yet, print it out and take it with you. sporting goods store. She will tell you how to determine size for skis and buy equipment that will be easy to use. Only with this approach to choosing will the purchased skis give you a lot of positive emotions while skiing on winter snowy paths.

Human height (cm) Ski length for classic skiing (cm) Walking ski length (cm) Skating ski length (cm)
150 175 170 165
155 180 175 170
160 185 180 175
165 190 185 180
170 195 190 185
175 200 195 190
180 205 200 190-195
185 205-210 200-205 195
190 205-210 200-205 195
195 210 205 195

How to choose skis by weight?

There is nothing complicated here either. All that is required is to weigh yourself and check the result with the ski size table:

! Please note that many manufacturers have their own tables of ski sizes by height and/or weight, which differ from those given in this article.

It is also important to remember that the weight of the athlete has a direct impact on the level of rigidity of the products. The larger it is, the stiffer the skis should be. To select skis by weight, you should measure their stiffness level using flex tester. Skis are placed on a special board or on a flat surface and the stiffness is measured using a device. This indicator can also be determined by squeezing a pair of skis with your hands. More information on how to conduct a “manual” test yourself is described in our.

How to choose skis and poles according to height?

The above describes in detail how to choose the right skis for your height. But when choosing equipment, it is important to pay attention to poles. Unlike skis, the length of the poles should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the athlete. In the event that the skier is in excellent physical fitness, the length of the poles can be slightly increased. But, in any case, the minimum length of the poles should not be below the shoulders, and the maximum length should not be below the ear. Besides:

  • you cannot buy poles “for growth” (especially if you are purchasing equipment for a child);
  • You should not buy poles with miniature supports - the so-called “legs”.

Now you know how to choose skis based on your height and weight. Arm yourself with a size chart - and go to the sports store!

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How to choose skis and poles according to your height?

    To choose the right classic skis and sticks for them, you must build on your height.

    To do this, you must add from 10 to 20 cm to your height. For example, my height is 170 cm, which means I choose skis somewhere around 190-195 cm. As for ski poles, here you need to do the opposite, choose 15-195 cm. 20 cm less than height. With my height, I need poles of about 150 cm.

    We chose skis for our daughter, came to the store and the consultant suggested that the skis should be the height of a child, plus 10-20 cm, but the poles should be approximately armpit height, with arms outstretched, fingers should hold the pole in a grip.

    The selection of skis and ski poles depends on your skiing style. To skate, you need to place your skis next to you, their length should be 15 cm higher than your height, and ski poles should be 15-20 cm below your height. For classic skiing, add 25-30 cm to your height, the height of the poles should be 15-20 cm below your height. For walking, the length of the skis should not exceed more than 15-25 cm above your height. When choosing equipment, pay attention to its weight and rigidity - it should be rigid and light.

  • Skis and poles.

    Skis and poles are available for classic and skating.

    for classic running, the length of the skis should be 10-25 centimeters greater than a person’s height, and the length of the poles, on the contrary, should be 20-30 centimeters below a person’s height

    for horse racing, the length of skis and poles should practically coincide with the person’s height.

  • There is an easy way to choose the length of your skis. You need to take your skis and place them vertically next to you. And raise your hand yourself. Comfortable skis should be the length from the floor to the base of the fingers. And ski poles should be from floor to shoulder length. But this, so to speak, is advice for amateurs. And for professionals, there are tables of ski and pole lengths depending on height and type of skiing.

    When I was at school, they picked out our poles and skis this way. The poles were selected in such a way that they reached the armpits (no more, no less), and the length of the skis should be such that if you put them vertically in front of you, their height should be equal to the height of your outstretched arm. Everything is simple.

    To choose skis and poles according to height, you must first decide what kind of skis? You need. As a rule, skis are bought for skiing. Walking skis you need to buy a length 15-25 cm longer than your height. But you still need to take weight into account. The fatter the person, the longer the skis he needs so as not to fall into the snow.

    Skating skis should be shorter - only 10-15 cm longer than the body. But poles for skating, on the contrary, should be 10 centimeters longer than the classic ones.

    Classic ski poles should be 25-30 cm below your height.

    The skis should be higher than the person, but at the same time he should be able to easily reach with his fingertips the top of the ski standing vertically next to him, like this:

    As for the poles, they should reach the armpits and even be a little higher.

    At the same time, there are some differences between classic and skate skis, the difference is clearly visible in the following table:

    Skate skis are more flexible and resilient, allowing you to gain greater speed. Classic equipment is softer, the dimensions are larger.

    There are also skis with and without notches. I would recommend buying skis without notches, they glide better. Although if you just want to walk, buy ones with notches, they slow down the move.

    And yes, do not forget to lubricate your skis with special ointment.

    If we mean the selection of skis for classic running, then they are selected according to the person’s height along the outstretched hand, and ski poles are selected according to the person’s shoulder. If the height is 155 cm, the poles should be 130 cm and the skis 170 cm, for skating the skis and poles should be 10-15 cm higher, that is, poles 140 cm, skis 185 cm.

    A skiing they select according to a person’s weight and height and it depends on who came to buy skiing - beginner or a professional person.

    The width of the ski should be 1/2 the size of the shoe, the length of the ski should be 1.5 times the height of the person, ski poles should be selected based on 2 pieces and their length should be equal to the width of the arms spread to the sides of the person picking up the poles.

Cross-country skiing for skating is gaining more and more popularity every year. And if many beginners prefer the classic ski, professionals often purchase two sets of skis and poles at once. At first glance, skating skis are no different from classic models, but this is not the case, and sometimes they have more differences than similarities. How to choose the perfect pair of skis for yourself, and what nuances should you pay attention to?

About skating skis

Since it is more difficult to move with a skate stroke than with a classic stroke, such skis make tougher, and the athlete may push harder into the snow as a result. Of course, you can try to master this technique of skiing on regular, soft skis, but most likely you won’t be able to enjoy the process.

It is very important to take into account not only the features of the models, but also the thoroughness of their preparation. Skating skis specially lubricated with paraffins so that they glide better and provide ease of riding. Models for the classic move, on the contrary, are sanded, and such thorough lubrication with paraffins is unacceptable for them.

The shape of such models is also important, because skating skis can still be distinguished by their appearance. Here comes the difference in size, as well as no bent noses. Skis should be straight, as this provides better gliding when moving in a herringbone pattern.

Ski material

Very often, inexperienced buyers have a question about what skis to buy, and what material should they be made of to ensure the greatest practicality? The answer is actually simple, because now almost all models for skating and classic skating are made from high quality plastic. Such models are practical and easy to use. They do not break with long and proper use, and yet, if a person is worried about the quality of skis, it is better for him to immediately contact a professional sports store.

Wooden skis have been at the peak of popularity for a long time, but plastic models are gradually pushing them out of the market. It's all about what wooden skis more difficult to care for, and besides, they are less practical and wear-resistant.

How to choose skis and poles according to height

Calculate ideal ski size and skating poles are not difficult at all. To do this, you need to purchase skis that are about 10 centimeters longer than a person’s height. So, for example, with a height of 160 centimeters, the length of the skis for skating should be approximately 170 centimeters.

Of course, the chosen pair may be a little shorter, but the approximate difference in height must always be taken into account in order to ensure productive skating. It’s great if a person pays additional attention to lightness of skis. They should not be very heavy, just like boots and sticks.

By the way, ski poles for skating, you also need to choose according to height. Experts recommend choosing models that are 10-15 centimeters shorter than the height of the person himself. In a word, if the height of the poles reaches your nose, then they are ideal for skating. When it comes to poles, the material is also important.

Nowadays models are becoming increasingly popular carbon fiber, but they are also overpriced. That is why preference should be given to fiberglass poles. They are also comfortable, lightweight, and affordable.

How to choose ski stiffness

Exists two ways to determine hardness skis The first is to place the skis themselves on a perfectly straight surface. Next, you need to stand on them and hold them under the surface of the skis with a special probe or sheet of paper.

There should be a gap of at least 3-4 millimeters between the floor and the skis, that is, the probe should easily pass under the skis back and forth. The weight needs to be distributed evenly for accurate measurements.

Of course, not every store allows you to test models in this way. That is why a person can take two skis, put them together and squeeze them as tightly as possible. If there is a gap of 4-5 millimeters between the two skis, then the model can be used, but if the gap is very small, then you should turn your attention to another product, because these skis are too soft.

How to choose ski bindings

Total exists two types of fastenings- standard and special, profile. If standard fastenings are purchased, then the boots must have special holes. For the second group, it is necessary to select boots with special notches.

Certainly, profile fastenings are considered more reliable, and there are three types: SNS, NNN, NIS.

Such fastenings provide best push when moving, and therefore help athletes move faster without risk to health. If fasteners are selected for skating, they must have hardness 115. If a person wants to use the mount for a classic move, then a stiffness of 105 is suitable.

It is also important to pay attention to fastening method. Automatic models are fastened with a special click, but are less reliable. Mechanical fastenings will have to be fastened manually, but they will firmly fix the leg.

How to choose boots

Ski boots are almost the most important thing in an athlete's entire outfit. The fact is that skis change almost every season, but boots will serve their owner for a good 10 years. That is why you need to choose them carefully, trying not to save money.

Ski boots for skating must completely match the size of your feet, no gaps need to be left. It is very important that they fit tightly to the legs, were tall and tough.

If a person starts using classic, low shoes, his feet will get tired amazingly quickly. Also, the boot model should have good ankle support and provide an ideal fit with the binding.

Choosing a ski kit for a child is always a huge problem for adults. The first thing to understand is no need to buy skis or boots to grow. The shoes themselves must fit the child perfectly, otherwise they will not properly fix the ankle, and this will cause injuries and damage.

The skis themselves must be plastic, since wooden models are too fragile for a baby, they are too easy to break. At first, for a child under six years old it is better to choose short skis, approximately as long as his height with special notches. Also at this stage it is better to do without sticks, because this will make it easier for the child to learn technology.

For children under 12 years old it is necessary to select skis based on the following formula:

  • the height of the child himself is +10 or even 15 centimeters.

He believes that this formula will help you choose truly suitable skis. At this stage, you can already use sticks, which should reach your armpits in length.

The best manufacturers skis for kids are brands Atomic, Nordway, Tisa.

Choose skis for skating - video

If you still have questions, we invite you to watch a video that will help you choose skis for skating and classics.

Skiing is one of the popular types sport, as well as a favorite hobby of many people. Some people prefer extreme driving, while others don’t mind a quiet ride around the park. In any case, when purchasing modern skis, it is important to take into account not only the riding style and terrain features, but also such indicators as the height and weight of the skier. It’s difficult to make a choice today, since sports equipment stores offer hundreds of models, both for skating and for walking. Let's try to understand the main indicators that you need to pay attention to when choosing skis.

Selection of skis based on the height and weight of the skier

The selection of skis by height differs depending on the type of product. It is also worth considering the length and stiffness of the ski. For example, novice athletes are advised to choose shorter models. On such products you will be able to move around using any convenient equipment, but if a beginner buys skate skis, then ski on them classic style he won't be able to. Therefore, we will consider the most popular types of skis.

Selection of skis for classic skiing

Classic type skis are distinguished by their configuration, since they must always be parallel to each other when moving along the ski track. As a rule, such products are longer than skate products, but the maximum value does not exceed 207 cm. In addition, they are distinguished by their softness, this is necessary so that when pushing off, the ski block touches the surface of the snow, in this case, during the push, the products will not slip back. But such skis should not be too soft either, otherwise during sliding, the block will sag too much, going deeper into the snow, as a result of which they will slow down.

When selecting hardness suitable model skiing, weather conditions should be taken into account. For example, soft and elastic products are more suitable for cold winters, since in this case you will not need to apply a large layer of ointment. But for above-zero temperatures it is better to choose rigid models.

Professional skiers differ in their riding style; as a rule, they push off from the snow surface with a powerful push, so for the “pros” hard products are suitable, on which athletes can do long-term skiing.

If you choose classic type skis, then their length should exceed your height by 25-30 cm. Poles, unlike Nordic walking poles, on the contrary, it is better to choose 25-30 cm less height, although if you have excellent physical training and strive to increase the load, you can purchase longer products.

To choose skis by weight, you need to check how much their stiffness suits your body weight. To do this, just use a flex tester. First you need to find the center of gravity of each ski and put a mark on this place with a marker. After this, you need to place the products on a flat surface and stand on them. In this case, the toes of the shoes should be located on the line marked earlier. Try to relax and distribute your weight evenly on both legs. Have someone take a thin piece of paper or a feeler gauge, no more than 0.2mm thick, and run it under one ski. In this case, the tester should move freely at a distance of 20 to 40 cm forward and backward from the marked center of gravity. If a sheet of paper or probe does not go further than 5 cm, you need to take softer skis.

There is a similar method for determining the rigidity of products. To do this, all the weight must be shifted to one leg. Next, you also need to use paper or a probe, which should move freely 10-15 cm from the control point.

Selection of skis for skating

Skate skis are so called because when moving, a skier uses the same running technique as a speed skater. To do this, he pushes off from the snowy surface. internal part skis, at this moment transferring all your weight to the sliding ski and vice versa. It is worth noting that skating is more suitable for those who have well-trained arms and body.

Skis of this type are shorter in length than classic skis; their maximum length is no more than 192 cm. While riding skate skiing the athlete should not have the middle part of the ski in contact with the surface. Therefore, such models must be tougher than classic ones. And if you plan to use them only for walking, then it is better to choose more elastic and soft products that are easier to maintain balance on.

In order to decide how to choose skis for skating based on height, just remember the following: such models should be 15 cm larger than the athlete’s height, and the poles should be 15 cm smaller. Thus, the size of skis according to height will be optimal.

In order to determine the weight, on skate skis it is also necessary to determine the center of gravity, put a mark on it and stand on the product, distributing the weight. In this case, the probe or paper should move freely 40 cm to the nose of the products and 10 cm from the heel of the boot to the back of the skis. If you stand on one ski, then you need to subtract 10 cm from these values.

Selection of combined skis

This type of ski can be used for both skating and classic skiing. The maximum length of combined models is 200 cm. But to use different riding styles, it is better to choose skis with a length of no more than 192 cm, in this case, during skating, the “heels” will not touch each other. The design of Combi skis is more reminiscent of classic models, but their length should be determined a little differently. Combined skis should be 20 cm larger than the skier's height, and as usual, it is better to choose poles 20 cm shorter, unless you plan to train with increased loads.

Selecting skis based on height and weight, the table of indicators of which is presented below, will not take much time. Most importantly, do not forget to take into account other characteristics. If we talk about mini-skis for children, then there is a different story, which we will look at in more detail.

Skier's height, cm Length of recreational (combined) skis, cm
190 205-210
185 205-210
180 200-205
175 195-200
170 190-195
165 185-190
160 180-185
155 175-180
150 170-175
145 160-170
140 150-160
130 140-150
120 130-140
110 120-130

Selection of children's skis

When choosing sports equipment for young skiers, you must first assess the child’s level of preparation for such training. For children, it is better to choose products that do not develop high speed, are controllable and reliable. If we talk about growth, then:

  • Skis for children 3 years old should be 100 cm long, provided that the child’s height is also 1 m. If it is less, then it is accordingly better to choose shorter models;
  • Children's skis from 4 years old should be no more than 110 cm long, with a similar height;
  • It is better to buy children's skis from 5 years old with a length of 120 cm, while the child's height should be about 115 cm.

You will find the remaining indicators (for children from 6 to 11 years old) in the table.

Child's height, (cm) Ski size, (cm) Approximate age, years
120 130 6
125 140 7
130 150 8
135 150/160 9
140 165 10
145 170 11

As when choosing adult skis, when purchasing products for a child, you need to take into account his weight. The shortest skis, 70 cm long, are ideal for children weighing up to 20 kg. Next, the division occurs as follows:

  • If the baby’s weight is 20-32 kg, then choose models with a length of 90 cm;
  • For children weighing 32-42 kg, products with a length of 100 cm are more suitable;
  • If your child weighs more than 41 kg, then when choosing skis, you need to take into account the height of the young skier (the skis should reach the nose).

Choosing children's skis based on the child's height and weight is very important, since only with the correct ratio of these indicators will children be able to train correctly. If your child has not yet practiced winter riding, then choose skis for him that will reach his chin, that is, shorter models.

In custody

When choosing skis, also consider the manufacturer of the sports equipment. Cheap analogues will have worse grip on snow surfaces, so it is better to give preference to companies that have proven themselves in this industry. Before buying, it is better to try to ride the model you like, since everything in this matter is very individual and depends on your weight, height, level of training and physical activity.