How to remove thick calves. How to make your calf muscles (calves) smaller and thinner. Jumping rope

It's no secret that when losing weight, fat is not burned evenly, but from different zones, sometimes from the most unexpected ones, and in order to remove it exactly in the place where it is required, you need to make a lot of effort. But when it comes to such areas of the body as calf muscles, you need to use completely different methods. The fact is that problems with volume in the calf area can have different causes: both obesity and too much load during training. That is why the fight against calves must be deliberate and systematic.

To quickly remove calf volume, you will need not only regular physical exercise, but also good quality nutrition. It is not for nothing that they constantly talk about it when it is necessary to burn fat in any part of the body, since it is thanks to poor nutrition (and this includes irregular nutrition too) that the body constantly stores fat, putting it aside “just in case.”

Video: exercises to reduce calves

To reduce your calves in one week, you will need regular cardio, which will include a lot of leg exercises. If you just work your calves without paying attention to burning fat throughout your body, then you won’t see much result, but will only pump up your calf muscles under a layer of fat.

1. Running, in this case, takes place on the toes, due to which the calves develop and function. Thick calves can be “burnt” well in aerobics, doing exercises, climbing stairs on your toes.

2. Jumping rope burns fat perfectly and reduces volume. Such jumps simultaneously make the legs slimmer and pump up the muscles, highlighting them with a beautiful line. It is recommended to jump for about 20 minutes on two legs and at least 5 minutes (to start) on each leg separately.

3. You can reduce very thick calves using squats and rolls. The difficulty with squats is that they need to be done on your toes. The legs are brought together, the toes are pointing in different directions; for confidence, you can hold on to the back of a chair or the wall with your hands. Rising on your toes and spreading your knees to the sides, squat as deeply as possible. This plie is a great workout for your calves.

4. Leg swings stretch the muscles, which is also necessary to obtain the desired result. Holding onto a chair or wall, lift your straight leg forward, pulling your toes away from you, keeping the muscle tense. Swings are made sudden movements: back and forth. It is advisable to do 40-50 repetitions on each leg.

How to reduce pumped calves

Many athletes, as well as those who independently engage in sports “for themselves,” are faced with another problem – over-pumped calves. Pumped calves appear from regular loads on the legs and with minimal time allocated for stretching. Despite the fact that “drying” the muscles has a great effect on the volume of the figure, its plasticity is best emphasized by stretching the muscles. This is why professional trainers and athletes spend some time stretching all muscles after each workout. In this case, we are interested in the calves - and the results can be seen in just a week.

1. Sitting on the floor, bring your legs together and lean towards your toes. You need to pull your toes first towards you, and then away from you. You should stay in each position for half a minute or a minute and breathe deeply, as oxygen allows muscle fibers function and stretch better.

2. Standing straight, bend one leg and place the other straight slightly forward, with the toe pulled towards you. Bend toward your straight leg, grasping your pointed toe. You also need to stand in this position for at least 30 seconds and then change legs.

Continuing the series of articles devoted to figure correction, I’ll tell you how to quickly reduce calves on the legs for girls at home. Let's look at effective exercises, techniques and advice from trainers.

Girls are very concerned about how their legs look. Sometimes the calves are extremely massive, which is due to excessive physical training or swelling. Even if a girl has lost weight, her calves often remain large. As a result, the appearance becomes rude and unfeminine.

The problem needs a solution, inaction leads to enlarged calves, then you will have to forget about your favorite jeans and short skirt. The material is devoted to exercises and preventive measures. It is recommended to exercise regularly, review your habits and make a number of changes to your diet to balance the proportions of your legs.

To take control of your calf enlargement and ensure optimal conditions for volume reduction, follow a number of general recommendations.

  • First of all, give up uncomfortable shoes, including platform shoes or high heels. Do not wear high lace-up shoes, as they cause swelling and impair blood circulation. Choose fashionable shoes that hug your feet softly rather than being constrictive.
  • Review your diet. Consume sweet, fatty, salty or spiced foods in moderation. Temporarily eliminate smoked and spicy foods from your diet, and do not drink water several hours before bedtime.
  • If you sit on the sofa or in a chair with your legs bent, forget about this habit. This position contributes to swelling of the legs and has a bad effect on blood circulation. Result - big calves and disproportionate legs.
  • To achieve your goal, avoid cycling, because this sport develops your calf muscles. Give up this hobby for a few months until results appear. If you can't live without a bike, spend less time on the saddle.
  • When walking, find the middle ground. You shouldn’t give up completely, otherwise your calves will “sag” and your legs will lose their elasticity and shape. At the same time, walking is extremely beneficial and helps improve body tone. Walk for 30 minutes a day.
  • Pay attention to aerobics and training using a jump rope.
  • If you are trying to lose weight, and weight loss is not accompanied by a decrease in calf volume, slightly reduce the intensity of your weight loss. Otherwise, the exercise will be ineffective, and large calves will remain after the weight is lost.
  • If you are serious about fighting bulky calves and go to the gym, temporarily forget about exercise machines that help pump up your legs. Otherwise, the calf muscles will continue to develop.

When moving towards your goal, follow moderation and remember common sense. Don't forget that they are beautiful female legs- a combination of graceful lines with a slight increase in volume in the hips, and not straight sticks.

When doing exercises and performing a set of exercises, which we will consider below, try to stop on time. This is the only way to make your legs natural, harmonious and feminine.

How to shrink your calves with exercises

If a girl wide hips, getting rid of excess fat will help reduce them. When it comes to voluminous calves, complex questions arise. Before you reduce your calves with exercises, be sure to identify the root cause of the problem. In most cases, it is caused by excess weight, but it is often promoted by improper weight loss, supplemented by improper exercise.

If your calves have enlarged as a result of constant training, the amount strength training reduce to a minimum and switch to exercises focused on muscle stretching. I advise you to use the services of a yoga instructor.

In the case of voluminous calves caused by excess fat, I recommend starting the process with a diet. By eliminating fatty, sweet and protein foods from your diet, you will lose weight. As a result, the load on the calves, which contributes to their enlargement, will be reduced.

Besides proper nutrition, perform exercises aimed at improving the shape of your calves. The complex that I will share consists of a training exercise and stretching.

6 effective exercises

  1. Stand straight, spread your legs hip-width apart, and inhale. As you exhale, rise up onto your toes. At first, twenty repetitions are enough. Over time, increase the number of repetitions to thirty.
  2. Taking a similar position, spread your feet slightly to the sides. Shift your body weight to one leg and bend the other at the knee. After inhaling, rise onto the toes of your supporting limb. 15 reps for each leg. Later, increase the number of repetitions to 20.
  3. Using the starting position from the first exercise, point your toes inward, inhale, and as you exhale rise onto your toes. The number of repetitions is 20, then 30.
  4. Get on your knees, straighten your back and place your arms freely in front of you. Sit on the floor in turn in different directions, trying to press your hips more tightly to the floor. Minimum – 20 repetitions.
  5. For next exercise elevation will be required. Stand on it so that your heels are in a hanging position and do not touch the floor covering. Rise onto your toes and lower yourself, keeping your back vertical. Repeat 20 times. The exercise is used by athletes who train muscles.
  6. Place one leg forward and place your palms on your buttocks. Bend the protruding limb at the knee, extending it forward as much as possible. During the subsequent squat, the calf muscle will stretch.

I shared an algorithm for reducing calves with exercises. By following the complex and following a diet, achieve your goal within a quarter. Don't trust people who promise to help solve the problem in a few weeks.

Video exercises

After achieving results, continue doing the exercises. I recommend including them in morning exercises carried out daily. This will consolidate and improve the result.

Other ways to reduce your calves

Relaxing the calf muscles with massage. It is not necessary to contact a massage therapist. Rub, knead and stroke the problem point yourself. To prevent skin damage during the procedure, use oil. After a hard day at work or an intense workout, shaking your legs will help relieve tension in your calves.

Visit to the pool and exercise equipment. An elliptical trainer or treadmill. After completing the physical or water procedure, do not eat immediately.

Classes on elliptical trainer . The sports device improves the aerobic capacity of the body. Exercising on the machine is safe for joints and stretches the calf muscles, which reduces volume.

Video training

If you dream about slender legs and neat calves, make friends with aerobics, swimming, elliptical trainer and a set of exercises. I advise you to pamper your feet with cream, relaxing baths and massages.

Do not forget that full shins are a temporary phenomenon with proper attention. Be patient, follow the advice, and your legs will become ideal in proportion and volume. Good luck!

As a rule, nothing can be done about genetics. And if a woman has a predisposition to be overweight, then it will be very difficult to become thin. The same goes for the calves. There is an eternal problem: thin people want to gain weight in this part, plump people want to lose weight. But everyone has the same dilemma: how to do this, because this area is almost impossible to “persuade”! Thick calves of the legs are a real disaster, because this is a restriction in clothing, and quite a big one. And we girls don’t really like this kind of brake light. How to remove calves on legs? And what is the reason for this phenomenon?

Why do girls have thick calves?

When we lose weight, everything loses weight - arms, buttocks, stomach, chest, but not calves. This is a real disaster, since it does not always look harmonious. There is usually only one reason - genetics. If you have such a feature from Mother Nature, then practically nothing can be done about it. Notice the word “practically”? That’s right, some things can be corrected, and those who are especially stubborn should still go against everything, including great genetics. Success is possible only if two conditions are met: systematicity and consistency. Are you ready? Then forward to victories!

Step one: nutrition

So, if you decide to take the first step, you are already halfway there. Where do you need to start? Of course, from nutrition. Thick calves are partly a result of this. As a result, you need to reduce the number of calories in your diet, eat small amounts of unhealthy carbohydrates and drink plenty of water. In the summer season, lean on fruits and vegetables, lettuce, and onions. This will help the body gain the required amount of vitamins and lose excess weight. This doesn't mean you need to starve yourself. Just eat less and more often, gradually reduce the amount of foods you consume. Don't overeat on flour and eat healthy, fortified foods. Also, drink plenty of water! Two liters of fluid per day is the best option!

Step two: training

You can start training at home on your own, or you can go to a sports clubs. Thick calves will decrease in volume if you regularly do special exercises. Video tutorials, training examples, recommendations - all this can be easily found. If you have a trainer, he will help you choose the required load. And your thick calves will quickly begin to decrease in volume. Pilates, aerobics, and water aerobics classes will be useful. Activities that focus on stretching are great. This will strengthen your legs and give beautiful shape, will remove unnecessary body fat. Remember to constantly exercise and exercise! Several lessons will not give results, but systematic lessons will help not only reduce the volume of your calves, but also give them a beautiful shape!

Step three: massage

Probably not everyone knows that massage helps reduce volume in the legs. Thick calves are not really that big of a deal a big problem, since they can still be corrected. A vigorous massage from the feet to the knees will help maintain the results as well as promote blood circulation. Full calves will be able to acquire miniature, classic shapes, and you will be able to shine with your legs in all their glory! Don't limit yourself, work on yourself - and everything will be fine!

This type of exercise is relevant for many women because not everyone has been given perfectly beautiful legs by nature. Weak and thin, or “bottle” shaped calves, which occur with excess weight, can bring grief and spoil any figure.

But there is a possibility correct their shape and make them slim, and the gait is light. As always, special exercises for losing weight in the calves for girls can help with this. By doing them, you can pump up your calves if they are thin, and also, if necessary, remove fat from your legs.

A little anatomy

The posterior group of muscles of the lower leg is represented by:

  1. External and internal parts of the gastrocnemius muscle;
  2. Soleus muscle.

The gastrocnemius muscle (also called the triceps muscle) is located above the soleus muscle and is attached to the heel using the Achilles tendon. These muscles perform important functions, the back of the lower leg moves the foot forward and backward, and the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg provide it with a stable position while walking. These muscles, working together, bend the foot when walking. The lower leg muscles flex and extend ankle joint and rotate it.

The calf muscles receive the greatest load during jumping, as well as when raising toes using weights. The soleus muscle receives load when bent knee, so it’s good to use squats to train it. The gastrocnemius muscle is located above the soleus muscle - it is they who create the volume and shape of beautiful calves.

Top 7 exercises for calf muscles

Exercises for the calf muscles for women at home are selected in such a way as to sufficiently work out exactly that muscle group that gives the legs a relief outline. This can be achieved only by acting on the problem area.

The recommended complex consists of exercises that work the muscles most effectively, help to lose weight in the lower leg and form slender legs at home:

  1. Calf raise;
  2. Rolling from toes to heels;
  3. Walking on your heels;
  4. Raising your toes while sitting on a chair;
  5. Squats with a load;
  6. Pistol.
  7. Jumping rope;

You can perform this set of exercises in one day. Warm up before doing it. It is recommended to include exercises such as:

  • Active jumps;
  • or ;
  • Rotate the foot clockwise and counterclockwise;

Also, to warm up, you can simply massage your calves with active movements. Well, you can complete the workout with statics, for example.

1. Calf raise

This is a great stretch for the calf muscles. It is recommended to start the complex with it.

  1. We stand facing the wall close and lean on it with our hands at chest level. We step back from the wall one and a half steps without lifting our hands.
  2. We rise and fall on our toes, transferring our body weight to them. The body must form straight line.
  3. If you round your back and lower your head, the load on your calf muscles will be minimal.

We carry out

Another great method burning fat from problem areas is walking up the stairs. An alternative could be

2. Rolling from toes to heels

The muscles of the lower leg and foot work.

  1. We stand straight, shoulders straightened. We place our feet shoulder width apart.
  2. We rise on our toes and roll onto our heels as much as possible, lifting our toes off the floor.
  3. We try to keep the body straight and maintain balance.

We carry out ten times, three to four approaches. We increase the number of exercises with each workout and bring it to seventy.

3. Walking on your heels

The muscles of the lower leg, thighs and buttocks work.

Useful and effective exercise which can be done several times a day. It will help make your calves and thighs slender and your gait easy.

  1. Stand on your heels, raise your toes as high as possible.
  2. We walk on our heels in small steps, keep the body straight, We don’t lower our heads.

To begin with, you can do three sets of ten steps. Gradually increase to ninety steps.

4. Seated calf raise with weights

The soleus muscle gets a good workout. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

  1. We sit on a chair, our back is straight, we form a right angle.
  2. We lift the heels and toes off the floor one by one, rolling the foot with maximum amplitude.

We do the exercise at a slow pace for ten exercises - three approaches.

It is recommended to use a weight that must be placed on your knees. For example, dumbbells or several one and a half liter bottles of water, fastened together with tape. To begin, take three bottles. In subsequent workouts, we increase the load, gradually attaching one bottle at a time with tape.

5. Squats with dumbbells

Squats are a great way to work the area we need. . How to pump up a girl’s calves even more effectively? . The main load goes to the soleus and calf muscles. You cannot enlarge your calves without developing your soleus muscle.

Therefore, be sure to use this exercise in order to work out the lower leg muscles well and give them relief.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Start squatting with a straight back, until your knees form a right angle.
  3. Hands with dumbbells move from hip joint to the knee joint and back.
Carefully! The buttocks should not be lowered too low, otherwise the main load will go to the knee-joint, which may create a risk of injury. Also, the emphasis of the load will be shifted from the lower leg to the gluteal muscles.

6. Pistol Squats

The main load falls on the gluteal, calf and soleus muscles.

We perform squats first on one leg, then on the other. If you haven’t done physical exercise for a long time, you won’t be able to do it the first time, but with subsequent training you can successfully master the pistol exercise. To do this, you will need to work out your leg muscles well, using exercises for everyone muscle groups lower extremities.

Watch the video for more details:

Carefully! When performing the exercise, there is a very large load on the knee joint! Exercise high level difficulties. Included in the training program of professional athletes.

7. Jumping rope

Gives good workout main muscle groups and promotes weight loss of the calf muscles in women and. The main load goes to the lower leg muscles. We train the cardiovascular system, increase the overall tone of the body, and improve metabolism!

  • It is recommended to start and end the complex with muscle stretching exercises - “exercise with support on the wall” or one of the varieties
  • You can feel how the calf muscle is activated in the following way: in a lying position, pull your foot towards you with your fingers. Remember this feeling - all exercises where you feel it will help work your calf muscles! If your calves are weak, the sensation may be uncomfortable and you will benefit greatly from stretching.
  • Experienced instructors recommend Stretch your muscles between sets. This creates Better conditions for the growth of the calf and soleus muscles. Stretching between sets helps relieve tension, prevents muscle spasms, and also helps pump them up.
  • Increase the range of movements gradually. Do not try to immediately reach the maximum - you can stretch the ligaments. Running, cycling, tennis and all types of active sports training have a positive effect on the formation of the calf muscles and their beautiful shape.
  • Walking up the stairs is a very useful type of exercise for the legs. Works well on the calf muscles, as well as the and muscles, and trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Forget about the elevator at home and at work: if you have the opportunity to walk on the stairs during the day, then be sure to use it! This type of walking should ideally take about fifteen minutes a day.

How to reduce calves on legs for girls - 3 more methods

Extra pounds like to be deposited in this area. Typically, this occurs when excess weight accumulates throughout the body. How to remove calves on legs quickly? There is a set of effective measures that can be followed to cope with this problem. But you shouldn’t think that the result will be in a week, but in a month it’s quite possible.

1. Changing dietary principles

Poor nutrition is one of the main causes of cellulite on the calves. How to get rid of cellulite? You need to adhere to two simple principles:

  1. Using low fat foods.
  2. Exclusion from the daily diet of flour and confectionery products.

It’s good if the basis of the diet is boiled chicken and fish, vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products, herbal teas, green tea. Grain and bran bread, bean dishes, porridges from various cereals - in small quantities.

After losing weight, you can return to your normal diet, but remember to eat at in moderate quantities. It is important to keep in mind that the number of calories received from food should not exceed the calories that you burned, otherwise the weight will return again.

2. Massage

Various types of massage for weight loss have a good effect on muscles and help improve metabolism.

Self-massage – rubbing, kneading and patting movements – gives excellent results. You can also massage and rub your calves with a special massage mitten.

Add a handful to one liter of water sea ​​salt, a few drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of flaxseed or mustard oil. Dip the mitten into this healing solution and intensively rub the areas of your calves and thighs. A very pleasant and effective procedure, beneficial for the skin and helping to remove excess fat deposits.

3. Wraps

After completing a set of exercises, wraps work especially well. Their compositions may be very different, but they are all beneficial effect on muscles and skin, help reduce fat deposits, accelerate blood flow, have a lymphatic drainage effect, relieve fatigue from the legs:

  • Coarse sea salt and honey - in equal quantities. The duration of this wrap is half an hour;
  • Seaweed steamed in boiling water. Action time – up to half an hour;
  • Mustard powder diluted with warm water. Action time is from one minute to three minutes. You should feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

Here are a few rules, following which, you can get the maximum effect from the wraps:

  1. Before the procedure, you must take a shower using a fine, light scrub. You can use the pharmacy version, you can take fine salt with the addition of any vegetable oil.
  2. The composition of the compress is best applied to clean dry skin calf area;
  3. Wrap the top with cling film;
  4. Wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down, relaxing;
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water, lubricate with nourishing cream.

A course of ten procedures will bring very good results. You can do wraps every other day, or every two days.

Carefully! If you feel pain and burning, remove the compress immediately: this wrap is not suitable for you!

When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, positive results can be achieved. in just a few months. Weak and thin calves can be toned up very well and feel confident in clothes of any length. Using the above set of exercises will also help those who are overweight. Using these recommendations, you can create toned muscles and don't dial overweight in future.

Many girls dream of their legs being more beautiful. Problem area Most often these are the thighs, but often the full calves of the legs can also cause anxiety.

But before planning physical education classes and a set of exercises, it is necessary to determine the reason why the calves are too large in volume. There are usually three of them: the presence of swelling in the legs, overly pumped muscles, or overweight. And based on this, answer the question for yourself of how to reduce your calves.

Causes of full calves and options,

how to make your calves thinner

The first reason is swelling of the legs and ways to eliminate the problem

It's quite easy to find out. You just need to see if in the evening there are traces of the elastic bands of the socks on your ankles. You can also simply press your finger on the foot in the dry bone area. If pressure leaves a hole that gradually disappears, swelling is present. And healthy, swelling-free tissues are elastic, they immediately restore their shape. Another sign of swelling is that in the evening it can be difficult to put on those shoes that you put on without difficulty in the morning, and you also feel tired in the calves and feet.

Swelling can be managed with a diet that excludes salty and fatty foods, as well as using diuretics. A simple piece of advice can also make you feel better: when going to bed in the evening, place a small pillow under your feet. And during the day, if possible, lie down on the sofa, throwing your legs up on a wall or elevated surface. If your swelling does not go away, be sure to visit your doctor, as this may be a sign of a serious illness. When the swelling goes down, you can give your calves a beautiful relief using physical exercise, step aerobics and running.

The second reason is excess weight and correction of calves at the same time

If the volume of your calves is increased due to excess weight, you need to go on a diet, start eating right and include those that are designed specifically to work on this area. So, how to make your calves smaller? For example, you can go swimming, jogging, or do simple exercises on calves: walk up the stairs, stand on your toes, using a step platform or other elevation (box, threshold, etc.), jump rope, walk more or bounce on your toes.

Reason three - pumped calves and how to fix the problem

Most Hard case- if the calves are large in volume due to the fact that they are pumped due to too intense sports activities. It's unlikely to be found here effective methods that can bring results quickly. How to reduce calves in this case? Here we can recommend reducing the overall load on your legs and limiting your consumption. In addition, you will have to exclude sweets and fatty foods in order not to gain weight, therefore, you will have to eat only vegetables and fruits. You can stretch periodically. To do this, you need to sit down, raise your legs straight, first pull your foot towards you, then away from you. This way you can slightly change the shape of your calves, making them more elongated and visually reducing their volume.

Exercise 1. Calf Raise

N.p. - you need to stand up straight, put your legs hip-width apart, and your feet parallel. First inhale, and as you exhale rise up onto your toes. Repeat 25 times.

Exercise 2. One-leg toe raise

N.p. - stand up straight again, transfer your entire body weight to your right leg, while lifting your left leg off the floor, bending it at the knee. First, inhale, and as you exhale, rise onto your toes. Repeat for each leg 15 times.

Exercise 3. Raising on toes with toes inward (with “clubfooted” feet)

N.p. - again, stand up straight, place your feet at the width of your pelvis, point your toes inward. First, inhale, and as you exhale, rise up onto your toes. Repeat 25 times.

Repeat the entire sequence of these exercises twice.

To reduce your calves by two to three centimeters, the duration of training is at least six months.

Some more exercises for those who are wondering: “How to make your calves smaller?”

Exercise 1. Sit on your knees on a small rug, keep your back straight and your arms straight in front of you. In this position, sit on the floor alternately on the left and right sides of the thighs, do it while you have the strength.

Exercise 2. Good footing is to stand on a slight elevation so that your heels hang down. Raise on your toes and lower on your heels at this height.

Exercise 3. Calf stretch. Take a step forward with one leg, while placing your palms on your buttocks. Slowly bend your front leg at the knee and gradually squat forward and down, deeper and deeper, while stretching the calf muscle of the back leg and the back of the thigh. If you want to increase the stretch, you can move your front leg a little further, just don't put your hands on it.

IN this exercise the main weight should always fall on back leg.

Performing these exercises will not be difficult, but at the same time the calf muscles dry out, and the shape of the legs changes and begins to look very feminine.