How to stand on your hands at home. A complete guide to learning how to stand and walk on your hands for beginners. On one hand

Handstand is one of the basic exercises in gymnastics. It is also widely used in parkour and yoga. As a physical exercise, the handstand perfectly loads the muscles of the upper torso and arms using the body's own weight. A nice bonus about being able to do a handstand is that not many people can do it and you can make an impressive impression on those who don’t have this skill. Learning to stand on your hands is not as difficult as many people think, and it is quite possible for anyone who devotes some time to developing the necessary skills.

General physical training
Handstands require sufficient strength and endurance throughout your entire body. This exercise uses both the muscles of the upper body (deltoids, triceps and pectoralis major), as well as the middle and lower parts, which allow you to maintain posture and balance. If you do not play sports, or physical exercise, then you may experience problems with the upper muscle group of your body due to their lack of strength and endurance. Attention must be paid to eliminating this deficiency first of all by performing a series of push-ups from the floor and pull-ups on the bar.

Additional training for shoulder girdle
Ideally, the body of a person standing on his hands forms a straight line from head to toes. This position requires increased flexibility and endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, which can be developed with the help of the following exercise.

Lie down on the floor. Place your hands along your body with your palms facing the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor in front of you at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders from each other. Raise your torso and hips off the ground as far as you can. Fix the body in this position, and then smoothly lower it down. Try to keep the work of your thigh muscles to a minimum in this exercise. Perform several repetitions this exercise.

When you develop the muscles and flexibility of the shoulder girdle and performing this exercise does not cause any particular difficulties, then complicate it by straightening one of the legs and performing body lifts with support on the other leg. Alternate your legs and watch correct breathing. As you exhale, you should become a bridge, and as you enter, return to the starting position.

The headstand position is generally not difficult for most people and is another stepping stone to learning how to stand on your hands. In a headstand, support occurs on three points, which greatly simplifies maintaining balance. In addition, it allows you to partially get rid of the fear of an unusual position of the body, which can lead to it falling forward.

To perform a stand, go to the wall. Place your hands slightly shoulder-width apart at a distance of about 20 cm from the wall. Place your head on the floor near the wall. Put your feet up on the wall. Stand in the stance for 5-10 seconds.

When you have mastered the headstand under the wall, try doing it without support from the wall in the center of the room on a rug or soft mattress. Here it is necessary to stop and say a few words about safety.

The most dangerous moment in headstand and handstand is tipping forward. If, having fallen backwards, you simply instinctively get back to your feet and do not harm yourself, then if you fall forward, you can get quite serious injuries.

To prevent this from happening, you need to train your actions and skills of painlessly falling forward. To do this, you will need to practice doing somersaults on a soft surface from a sitting position and from a headstand. When performing a somersault, tuck your chin toward your body to prevent injury to the cervical vertebrae and arch your back for a smooth roll. The acquired skills will help you correctly group your body if you accidentally fall from a standing position on your hands.

Handstand with wall support
You are already close to your goal and are one step away from learning how to stand on your hands. At this stage, you need to practice a handstand with support on the wall. To do this, from a semi-squat position, place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders at a distance of about 25 cm from the wall and throw your legs over the wall. When your feet touch the wall and you feel confident, begin to alternately lift one and then the other leg off the wall. Try to lift both legs off the wall and maintain your balance. You won’t fall forward, since there is a wall there, and if you fall back, you’ll simply return to your original position. Learn to balance by lifting your feet off the wall.

The main way to maintain balance in this position is through your fingers. They should be widely spaced, which will increase the support area. When you feel like you're starting to lean against the wall, try to tense your fingers and regain your balance. Your fingers play a big role in balancing your body, but don't forget your core and legs, too.

Practice wallstand until you have a proper understanding and feel for how to balance your body in a handstand.

"Pure" handstand
When you learn to keep your balance well against the wall, you can try to say goodbye to it and perform a “pure” handstand. To get into it, follow the same steps that were used to get into a handstand against the wall, only at the last moment keep in mind that there will be no wall and you will need to establish balance the next moment after throwing your legs back. Use the help of a partner who will back you up at first. In the future you will be able to do without his help.

With regular and persistent training, you will definitely learn how to stand on your hands. At first you will not be able to maintain your balance; you will fall forward and backward, but over time you will definitely learn this exercise.

Handstands are easier for those who can walk on their hands. In this case, it all comes down to learning how to balance in a static position. Since it is easier to learn to walk on your hands than to stand on them, it may make sense to start with this.

How to learn to stand on your hands at home and is it possible?

The handstand is a very popular element that is used in gymnastics, simply to maintain excellent shape.

It helps strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, abdominals, also improve blood circulation, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, teach you how to maintain balance, and relieve stress.

Basic rules for proper handstand

Before you start active training, you definitely need to understand the theory. This way you can avoid injury and achieve excellent results.

If you're worried that it won't work out, don't, - question regular classes solves everything.

Having clearly understood how to learn how to stand on your hands at home, you will do everything correctly even from scratch.

The main thing in this venture is to have great desire, patience and knowledge of what is best to focus on.

  1. Center of gravity- this is where, when starting to train, many make the mistake of being afraid to straighten up. You should not spread your arms wide, because your shoulders and your stomach begin to stick out back. Therefore, if you can find the center of gravity without problems, you will be able to stand on your hands, and in the future even walk.
  2. Learn to keep your balance. This will only happen thanks to the strong and developed muscles. Not everyone has pumped up arms, this is especially true for girls and children. To achieve your goal, remember that the location of the center of gravity strictly above the support depends on them.
  3. Candle position. This is one of the simple positions that is used in every workout. Using it, even if you are a beginner, you can maintain your center of gravity. For correct execution draw in your stomach, fix your shoulders, spread and straighten your arms. The main thing is to remember that the quality of support depends on the arms, or more precisely, on how straight they are.
  4. If you have already figured out the correct support, start developing the stance itself. This can be done in several ways. First: sit down on the floor, rest your hands, then, pushing off with your legs, throw them up. Second option: resting your hands on the floor, begin to push off with one leg and throw the other behind your head. In this case, the legs should not bend.
  5. Balance also plays an important role. If you have already mastered the “candlestick” position, continue to improve, it is better to do this by fully concentrating on finding the exact balance. Bend your legs first, this lowers your center of gravity and increases stability.

It is possible to learn how to stand on your hands!

Now you have a little idea of ​​how to learn how to stand on your hands at home from scratch, but for a complete understanding, watch the video tutorials.

Of course, in the first stages of training, movements will not always be confident and unpleasant falls will be added to the load.

But don’t be nervous, over time the technique will reach a new level, and so will the stand itself.

Remember that this is just the beginning of classes, in this way you can develop, but at the same time, do not deprive yourself of attention.

Mistakes that anyone can make and contraindications

Just starting to train, every beginner should know what not to do.

Sometimes, even after careful study, you can make a seemingly insignificant mistake, but in the future it will turn into serious problems.

If you've ever practiced yoga, this will be a big plus on your path to the perfect handstand.

I decided to describe in detail everything that can be done wrong so that you can avoid this bitter fate:

  1. Widely spread arms. When you make this mistake, your center of gravity goes beyond your support, preventing you from achieving balance.
  2. Bent arms. Body weight does not always allow you to fully extend your arms. So it's best to keep them straight from the start.
  3. Shoulders forward. It is in this position that it is very difficult to maintain balance.
  4. A hunched, arched back also disrupts balance.

It is also important to remember that this exercise is strictly contraindicated for:

  1. High intracranial pressure
  2. Inflammatory diseases
  3. Problems with the spine
  4. Dislocations, bruises of wrists, elbows, shoulder joints

Tip: If you feel dizzy, unwell or in pain, stop your workout immediately.

It will also be important to learn the ability to take a natural position and fall correctly.

To do this, try moving from a standing position to a “bridge”; it is more natural than a handstand.

You will need time and regular workouts

Try to arch your back as much as possible, remember that your heels should touch the floor first.

You can soften the landing with a blanket or mattress, placing it on the floor for safety net.

Handstand positions

If you have ever practiced, this is a huge plus.

It is with its help that you can achieve balance not only physical, but also spiritual, calm nervous system, feel your own body.

The negative experiences of many should remind you, the novice athlete, that handstands require specialized training. So you can, shoulders.

When falling, try to arch your back and move into a bridge

Advice: your enemy can be the fear of falling, which is why it is so important to learn to control your feelings.

Only the wrong approach to exercise can result in injury, so after a fall you need to know what to do.

Insurance can make your training easier; the risk of falling backwards is reduced to zero. And from the very beginning it can be used as a support.

  1. Stand facing the wall at a distance of 20 cm. Bend forward, lean on your straight arms.
  2. You need to push off the floor with one leg, throw the other over your head, while you can use your heel as a support, rest it against the wall and gradually lift the second leg up.
  3. At the same time, while performing each movement, you need to monitor your body; it should be without bending, absolutely straight.

To answer the question of how a girl or guy can learn to stand on their hands at home without much effort, it must be said that stable balance is often achieved through the correct arrangement of the bones.

Then the load on the muscles is small, and to maintain balance it will be enough to strain. When you are confident in yourself, remove the support and train further.

Want to control everything? Stand near the mirror.

But if you have been practicing for a long time, and the fear does not disappear, the “candle” does not give in, start mastering a different position.

Believe in yourself

It is simply ideal for those who have never been in the past.

The main difference is that you do not need to bend your legs when performing the exercise.

  1. Legs that hang above your head help you maintain balance better.
  2. The center of gravity is lowered and high stability is ensured
  3. Once you take the position, it will be much easier for you to control your body

It is important to know how to fall correctly. It will be much more difficult to master the technique at home, but it is still possible.

So let's get started learning:

  1. You always have to fall forward. If you feel that you are starting to lose your balance, try to shift your weight forward, bend your legs, and press your heels into the floor.
  2. By doing a regular somersault, you can soften the blow; to do this, you need to bend your arms, gently press your head and throw it back bent legs.
  3. When falling backwards, remember the “bridge” position and try to bend your lower back in time.

You can't learn this skill in a day.

How to learn to stand on your hands at home in 1 day?

Just a handstand is enough important element, dancing, parkour, gymnastics.

If you were able to master it, then in the future you can easily perform a lot of exercises based on it.

I decided to tell you how you can learn this miracle technique in just 24 hours. If it seems to you that this is unrealistic, you need to believe in yourself and get to work - in the end everything will work out.

But remember: you can master the position so quickly only if you have good physical training.

Advice: the most important thing is to correctly position the center of gravity; the beauty of the exercise and your immediate safety depend on this.

Below is an algorithm that has been tested by time and by me personally, which will help you achieve the desired result within a day:

  1. Take an advantageous position, to do this, stand up straight, lower your shoulders and pull in your stomach. Lower your arms and extend them to the maximum.
  2. There are two ways to place your hands correctly. I have already mentioned them above, so you can train by choosing the one that is most suitable for yourself.

You can’t master all the subtleties of doing an exercise in one day, much less in five minutes.

The technique is very simple, so in just 1 day you have the opportunity to succeed, and after a week of practice your stance will be almost perfect.

The main thing is don’t stop, work on yourself.

During training, it is better to use a support; of course, you will have no use for it in the future. The wall will be an excellent option for the first time.

Each movement should be thought through to the maximum and performed with caution so as not to harm yourself.

To improve coordination, watch a video on how to learn how to stand on your hands at home in 1 day.

How to learn to stand on your hands at home in 5 minutes?

If you decide to learn how to stand on your hands without prior physical training, it will be very difficult and even impossible. And in 5 minutes for not professional athlete it's just fantastic.

During this time it is not even possible to outline all the theoretical foundations.

In a stand, the main thing is to feel and maintain balance, which is almost impossible for a beginner.

Don't forget that these are sports loads may be hazardous

If you are interested in how children can learn to stand on their hands at home, use these tips for beginners, although there are some nuances here too. Remember: you need to act step by step and not rush anywhere.

Many children, as soon as they begin to succeed, forget about all the advice they were given before and focus only on holding on.

This is why the stance may turn out uneven and incorrect.

This is why it is so important to teach your child to work on mistakes and to insure him during exercises.

After a while he will get used to it, and everything will work out automatically.

Don't forget that your legs should be absolutely straight, and your toes should also be pulled up.

It is important to explain this to the child, because often he begins to play around, try to cheat and does not take into account every little thing.

When it starts to work out, take a photo of a handstand, so you can clear example analyze all the mistakes or see a perfectly executed exercise.

Advice: find your balance and try to keep it longer. At the same time, even if you have already learned how to stand, do not bend your arms, otherwise you cannot avoid falling.

Additional ones will not be superfluous.

But with a lot of desire and regular training, everything will definitely work out.

You can develop muscles different ways, but the main ones also include exercises with dumbbells or other weights.

If you don't have them, just fill empty bottles with water or sand, this is an excellent solution to the problem at home.

The effect will be noticeable almost immediately: the result of all training depends on the strength and endurance of the hands.

So, you have learned the basic secrets and nuances of the correct handstand. By avoiding all these mistakes, you can achieve desired result as soon as possible.

But if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t get upset and stop training.

At the end of the theoretical part, we have selected for you a training video in Russian on how to learn how to stand on your hands at home:

Many people, even those knowledgeable about physical fitness, don't know how to learn to do a handstand. Actually exist special exercises, which prepare the body for such a difficult stance. But, unfortunately, you cannot quickly learn to stand on your hands. This exercise requires very good preparation and excellent physical data. Even professionals take more than one day to train.

However, if a strong desire arises, then every physically healthy person can learn how to do a handstand. You need to be persistent and patient. The technique that prepares for this pose requires step-by-step training in exercises that train the body for a handstand. You also need to be prepared for falls and unsuccessful attempts. It is very important to choose right place for training.

The full set of exercises consists of six successive stages. Each of them involves teaching a certain pose to such a level that it can be performed without problems, without experiencing fear or discomfort. It is necessary to carefully prepare the place where classes will take place.

The initial stage is best done on mats or any other soft surface.

Exercises should be performed twice a day - morning and evening. You cannot move to a new stage if the current one is completed with effort.


He will teach you how to do handstands. When you can confidently, without support, carry out this action, you need to try to reach your head to the floor in the “bridge” position. The speed of learning directly depends on the effort put in and the level of initial physical fitness. Do not perform any exercise if you experience muscle pain caused by intense physical activity.


Involves standing on your head with support on your elbows. At first glance, it may seem that such a stance is quite difficult to perform, but this is not at all the case. It develops a good sense of balance in your own body. To get into this position, you may first need outside help. It is necessary to place the top of your head on the floor, clasp the back of your head with your hands and rest on your elbows. After this, you should carefully begin to raise your pelvis and legs, balancing in space.

Forearm stand

Involves learning to stand on your forearms. It is best to perform it next to a wall so that you can lean on it during a possible fall. It differs from a full headstand only in that it has a wider base. This allows you to better maintain your balance. To carry out this exercise, you need to place your hands parallel to the floor, shoulder-width apart, and gradually try to raise your legs above your head.

Don't stop if any of the exercises above are difficult. Long-term training will sooner or later lead to the fact that you will easily perform any stance, surprising your loved ones and friends. For most, it takes months to learn how to do a handstand.

One of the reasons that prevents this is the fear of falling. To get rid of it, you need to fall on purpose several times during training, preferably on the mats. Falling is not dangerous or painful. It is no secret that those who cannot fall do not achieve success in sports.

What does the second part of the exercises consist of?

"Crow Pose"

The next three exercises that will allow you to perform a handstand are aimed at developing coordination and balance. One of them is called “crow pose” and is very popular among yoga practitioners. You need to squat down, place your hands wider than your shoulders, rest your knees and ankles on your hands, and lift your feet off the ground. In this pose, the legs must be closed in the area of ​​the inner part of the foot.

Exercise "scissors"

The next, fifth exercise in the general preparatory complex, involves standing on your hands not with your legs closed, but spread apart in the form of scissors. It is also best performed near a wall. In this case, one leg should rest against a vertical surface, and the other should balance in the air. Usually, those who have completely mastered this exercise completely lose their fear of falling. It strengthens your arms very well, which must support the weight of your body.

Handstand with wall support

The sixth exercise involves doing a handstand against a wall. The difference from a regular stance is that the head should rest against the wall with the parietal area, which allows you to better feel the balance of the body. It is necessary to enter such a stance by turning your face to the wall. After this, you need to put your hands on the floor and alternately throw your legs above your head, while leaning it against the wall. Once you feel that the wall is only in your way, you can practice a full handstand.

The given tips on how to learn to stand on your hands at home are advisory in nature. If your level of preparation is unsatisfactory, it is better to take these classes with an instructor who will give a lot of useful recommendations and prevent possible errors. The main barrier to successfully performing a stand is the fear of falling, which must be combated.


In order for the stance to be correct, you must coordinate it with your entire body, which must be extended in a straight line during the stance.

During training, keep your feet extended and keep your toes together. Extending your feet will help you maintain balance and maintain an upright posture. Try to keep your legs in line with your body - do not spread them to the sides and do not upset the overall balance.

Learn to control your body by keeping your legs together. Doing stand, slightly tighten your abdominal muscles to achieve the best torso position during the exercise. You can also slightly arch your back relative to your legs and head.

While performing the stand, ensure the correct position of the head - the deflection of the spine depends on this. Hold your head between your hands and try to look in front of you rather than at the ground.

It is also important to achieve correct position hands by which you hold stand leaning on the ground. Spread your fingers slightly apart to ensure the stability of the stance. Start training stand next to the wall - place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on the floor half a meter from the wall.

Push one foot forcefully off the ground to swing your legs up toward the wall. Keep your torso straight and your feet on the wall. Keep your legs together and extend your feet upward. Practice doing stand against the wall until your body remembers how hard you need to push your legs up to get a stable position on hands.

After a while, start moving your legs away from the wall, trying not to lose your balance in the air. Learn to balance in space, and over time the wall will no longer be needed to successfully perform a standing stand. hands.

Body pressure should be directed towards top part palms and bottom part fingers - this will allow you to properly distribute the weight. If you suddenly feel like you're losing your balance and falling, put your weight on your fingers and try to use them to regain your balance.

Once you have some training experience, start doing exercises without a wall. Try on hands to feel the balance of your body in space and the basic balance that will not allow you to fall.

Headstand, like any inverted pose, has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It has a rejuvenating effect, strengthens the neck and arms, and can also lower blood pressure. This position should be mastered gradually, guided by some recommendations for implementation.

IN classical yoga asana means a body posture that should be performed steadily and without tension.

Sirshasana, or “royal pose,” as headstand is also commonly called among yogis, is one of the most powerful asanas in yoga practice. This pose is on the list of difficult ones, so it requires some preparation and compliance with the rules of execution. There are also some for headstands.

There's no need to rush

In most cases, trying to master this position does not produce results, and the main reason for this is haste. Trying to stand jerkily on your head, it is impossible to understand the mechanism of this asana.

It should be mastered gradually. It's better to start against the wall. You need to sit on your knees and place your hands on the floor in front of you. The position of the hands should resemble an isosceles triangle, with one palm placed on top of the other.

This hand position is the foundation in Sirshasana. It helps to stabilize the head and thus prevent injuries.

With your head on the floor so that your hands support it, try to straighten your knees and shift your body weight from your feet to your head. To do this, you need to move your legs closer to your head. This will be enough for your neck for the first time. Dedicate several sessions to the first step. When you feel confident taking the first position, you can move on.

The next step is to learn to lift your feet off the surface. To do this, you need to completely transfer your body weight from your feet to your head - then it will be easy to raise your legs without jerking. When standing on your head, you should not immediately straighten your legs - try to find balance with your legs bent at the knees and feel this position. Having mastered the second step, you can move on to a headstand with straight legs. And when internal readiness appears, begin to perform sirshasana without a wall.

Headstand can be done every day for up to 10 minutes. After exiting, placing your feet on the floor, be sure to perform a light head massage: movements should be directed from the sides to the center. Gather your hair in advance so that it does not interfere with you while you are in the asana. If you are training without an instructor, try a headstand to determine for yourself how correctly you are doing it.

The benefit of Sirsasana is that it lowers blood pressure. If you need to normalize it after the asana, you can make a bridge as a counter-pose.


Like any inverted poses, sirshasana is not recommended for women during their menstrual periods. Also, headstand is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases and spinal problems. cervical spine.

Video on the topic

The one-arm stand is a complex acrobatic feat. Long and hard training is required to master it. Success mainly depends on the skill of correctly transferring the weight of the body from two hands to one.

Initially, it is necessary to develop the muscle complex. Training requires different amounts of time, depending on the individual qualities of the trainee. On average, it takes from 1.5 to 3 years if classes start from scratch.

Basic training exercise

You need to try to stand on your hands, leaning your feet against the wall. The biggest difficulty is the need to stand close to the plane of the wall. At first, you will need the help of another person for backup.

It takes from 2 weeks to a month to develop the muscles to support yourself against the wall, subject to daily practice. If there is no one to ask for backup, you need to do the “bridge” exercise. This pose develops the fundamental muscles needed for the one-arm stand.

During training, you should try not to lean your head against the wall, monitor your breathing, it should be smooth and free. Once your feet are on the floor, you should not suddenly raise your head. You need to gently massage your forehead with your hand and carefully rise.

How to remove your feet from the wall?

When you can stand freely on your hands near the wall for 45 seconds, you can begin next exercise. You need to slowly move your legs away from the wall. If you can hold on your hands for up to 8 seconds, you should move away from the wall and practice in the center of the room.

You need to place your hands on the floor and raise your legs, as in the previous exercise. You should take into account that there is no longer a wall, and do not swing your legs too sharply. The stronger the repulsion from the floor, the faster the force of attraction will be felt. Therefore, you need to lift your legs carefully and very gently.

Try to stay in a two-handed stance. When you get good at it, practice the exercise with your legs in . Sometimes a stance with straight legs is obtained only with a strong deflection in the lumbar region.

To keep your body straight, you should initially learn to do a stand without putting your legs behind your back. When you manage to get stronger in this position, you can gradually bring your legs together, then there will be no arching in your back. You need to learn how to stand on your hands for up to 45 seconds.

Development of balancing skills

It is necessary to train a special position in which the conditions for the development of the muscles necessary for balancing are improved. Muscle complexes develop only in those in which a person has placed himself.

If you want to stand on one hand, but have never been able to do this before, you need to move towards the goal without jerking. Spread your legs, carefully transfer your body weight to one hand. You need to learn how to hold a stance when your other hand is placed on your fingers. When you can hold on like this for 20-30 seconds, you can train to do the last exercise.

Balancing fingers

You should raise the fingers of the freed hand one at a time, starting with the little finger. At the same time, maintain balance and do not rush. This exercise is best done slowly but correctly.

Over time, while maintaining balance, you can help yourself only with the middle and index fingers of your second hand. Then use only one finger, and then carefully remove that too. When you can calmly perform the element for 15 seconds, you need to bring your legs together. As a result, you can learn to stand on one arm from a standing position.


  • Handstand
  • How to learn to stand on your hands?
  • Handstand - teaching method

One of the main yoga asanas, the benefits of which for the body are difficult to overestimate, is the headstand. Of course that to an unprepared person it seems like something transcendental that he cannot reproduce. However, you can learn to stand on your head - all you have to do is follow certain instructions.

Preparing for a headstand

The very first thing you should learn before you perform a headstand is to be calm in an inverted position. When a person first sees the surrounding space turned 180 degrees, he may begin to panic, which is unacceptable when performing such a serious exercise as a headstand. Therefore, first the student masters the preparatory poses.

Fold your yoga mat into 4 layers and place it close to the wall. Get down on all fours next to him, stretch forward, clasp your elbows with your fingers and place them on the mat a short distance from the wall. Without changing the position of your elbows relative to each other, clasp your hands and, close to the crossed fingers, lower your head to the top of your head. The back of your head should fit snugly against your hands. Straighten your knees whenever possible and move closer to the wall so that your back touches the entire length of it.

The main task of the student is to push off the floor with his elbows with all his might so that the weight in no case falls on the neck. Your weight should be evenly distributed between each of your elbows and the palm lock you use to push off the mat. Trapezius muscles At the same time, direct it upward, towards the pelvis, so that the neck does not become pinched.

How to master a headstand

Once you have become sufficiently accustomed to seeing the world upside down and have understood how to work your arms and shoulders in inverted poses, you can try to perform a full version of the headstand. To do this, enter the preparatory pose and move your feet even closer to the wall. Swing one leg towards the wall, and when it goes up, the other one will follow it by inertia. Press your heels into the wall and continue to push your hands off the floor, freeing your neck.

Once you have mastered the headstand, you can increase its duration to 3.5 or even 10 minutes - as long as you can stay in an inverted position without feeling discomfort. Gradually try to do a headstand not only near the wall, but also in the middle of the room. This pose, like no other, heals and rejuvenates the body.

The handstand is a popular element in sports training, gymnastics, yoga and others physical activities to maintain shape. The exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders, and abs, relieves tension from the spine, improves blood circulation and teaches you to maintain balance. With the right approach, you can stand on your hands short term without professional training.

How to get on your hands quickly

Doing a handstand in just a couple of days is possible, although it may seem like an impossible task. It is possible to achieve what you want if you stick to it step by step instructions. The most important stage of the exercise is the location of the center of gravity, because not only the gracefulness of the movement, but also the safety of the person depends on this.

  1. First you need to stand up straight, lower your shoulders and pull your stomach in slightly.
  2. The arms must be straight, because the quality of the support depends on this.
  3. The stance is improved in two ways. You need to sit down, hands on the floor, then push off with your feet and throw them up. Or standing, hands resting on the floor, left leg pushes off, and the right leg is thrown up.

On initial stage When learning a handstand, support is required; later you can do without it. An ordinary wall will do as a support.

The most common mistakes

If a person wants to learn how to stand on his hands, then he must know some rules of what not to do. These tips will be especially useful for beginners. A small mistake at the initial level can turn into a serious problem in the future.

  1. Spread your arms wide. In this position, the center of gravity is outside the support, which makes it impossible to achieve balance.
  2. Incorrect back position. It will also be impossible to maintain balance with a bent or hunched back.
  3. Bend your arms. Sometimes the weight of the body prevents you from straightening your arms. In this case, your hands should be upright position from the very beginning.
  4. Shoulder extension. It is difficult to maintain balance with your shoulders forward.

To avoid negative consequences, you should avoid this exercise if you have problems with the spine, inflammatory diseases, hypertension and injuries to the arms, shoulders, elbows and wrists. Stop training immediately if you feel pain, feel unwell or feel dizzy.

For a handstand to be correct, you need to hold your body in a certain position.

How to fall correctly

It is impossible to stand on your hands and never fall if a person has never done this exercise before. If you follow certain rules, then falls and injuries are not terrible.

  1. Somersault. A simple somersault will soften the blow. You need to bend your arms a little, press your head, and throw your bent knees back.
  2. Fall forward. If you feel that your balance is being lost, you will need to shift your body weight forward, bend your legs at the knees, and rest your heels on the floor.
  3. If a fall is inevitable, you need to move from a standing position to a “bridge,” which is a softer position compared to a handstand. You must try to bend your back as much as possible, and your heels should touch the floor first.
  4. It is better to land on a mat, mattress or blanket.

How to learn to stand on your hands against a wall

A beginner can only learn to stand on his hands near a wall in a short time. An important part of training is overcoming the fear of falling. It is recommended to do the first classes with the help of a partner or with support on the wall. Your hands should be on a hard surface, and it is better to place a mat in front of you.

  1. The novice athlete stands two steps from the wall, turning his face to it. One leg is brought forward. The leg on which the person stands will be in a straight line with the body throughout the entire movement.
  2. You need to step on your leg with a springy step, brought forward and with a sharp movement, bend over with a straight body, turning in the hip area. With a swing, the straight second leg is thrown back. Hands should be on the floor 10-15 cm from the wall. The head drops down.
  3. The second leg pushes off the floor with a force that allows you to throw your legs and pelvis up. In the resulting handstand, you need to stand as straight as possible without arching in the lower back or sagging in the shoulders. The gaze is directed in front of you.
  4. When exiting the position, you need to land on one and then the other foot.

Many people want to do not just a handstand, but stay in this position for a long time. This will require a lot of strength, so it is necessary to frequently train the entire body, especially the muscles of the forearm and arms. Very helpful in strengthening muscular system regular push-ups. Every day you need to do 2 sets of 5 push-ups three times a day.

An important role is played by the abdominal muscles, so lifting the body from a lying position is performed 20 times in 2 approaches. To perform the banana exercise, you need to lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head and slightly lift them up. You need to raise your legs above the floor, and the body will take the shape of an arc. You need to hold this position for about 10 seconds. “Banana” is performed 3-5 times.

The abdominal muscles are perfectly strengthened with the help simple exercise called "bicycle". Starting position: lie on your back, hands behind your head, legs imitate riding a bicycle, as if pedaling in the air. To make the exercise more difficult, you should alternately try to touch the elbow of the opposite leg. The exercise lasts from 30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on physical fitness.

How to learn to stand on your hands on parallel bars and a horizontal bar

Beginners who have already mastered the classic handstand can try to diversify and complicate it with the help of parallel bars. In this case, the exercise becomes more difficult because inertia decreases and you have to rise using the muscles of the body. It is easier to maintain balance in this position, because the hands acquire a natural position. There are several options for a rack using bars.

  1. Pirouette. The exercise is characterized by turning on the uneven bars while remaining in a standing position. To perform it, you need to hold steady on your hands, not arch your back, and shift your weight in the direction of the turn. When these elements begin to work out, you need to move your hands from one support to the second. At the end of the turn, you need to level up, fix the position, and only then can you enter from the stance.
  2. Planche. In this exercise you will need to change the position of your body in relation to the ground, almost reaching the horizon. The torso tilts due to the transfer of mass forward and change in angle shoulder joint. Elbows should be pressed tightly to your sides. The most difficult element is considered to be returning to the rack from a horizontal position.

Balancing: what's the secret?

Even good physical training and inner peace cannot guarantee a normal handstand. Gravity pulls a person down, so he constantly falls on his chest, back, and sides. It is worth knowing that the center of gravity is at the level of the pelvis, this is precisely the notorious “fifth point”. To maintain balance, the center of gravity must be between two supports.

In the stand, you need to keep your pelvis in a small circle, the radius of which can be found by straightening your arms. Even a moment's excitement can shift the center of gravity and a person unexpectedly falls, even to himself. Training a stance largely depends on the vestibular system. For some, it is correctly tuned to balance from birth, while others need regular training. With perseverance and constant practice, you can become standing in a week.

Before doing a handstand, you need to follow some rules to help you do the exercise as efficiently as possible.

Before getting into a yoga stance, it is advised to go through 3 stages:

  • Forearm stand looks even more difficult, so many people don’t even try it. The face should be 10 cm from the surface;
  • When performing the crow pose, you need to hold yourself on straight arms. The legs come off the ground or floor, but do not go behind the head. The movement is considered difficult, but with good preparation and concentration it is simple to perform;
  • The scissors position is characterized by legs spread out to the sides, allowing for easier balancing.

You can find detailed handstand training in the following video:

Handstand is simple exercise which anyone can do. No professional training is required here. During training you should not do sudden movements to avoid injury. Before starting training, it is recommended to consult a doctor to exclude any contraindications. Handstands can be done not only by men, but also by girls and even children. Experts recommend following all safety rules and performing the stance, allowing you to do it without errors.

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