How to become a fitness girl for everyone. A man's view of women's slimness. How I became a fitness girl: reviews

Fizkult-hello, dear readers! Today I will try to tell you how, without going to the gym or group classes, shake up your muscles, give them a pleasant tone and get rid of extra pounds at home. All you need is desire, patience, willpower, and then the result will not be long in coming. Ready? Then let's go!

How realistic is this?

I will answer you this way: the key to success depends 70% on nutrition. No wonder they say that we are what we eat. By building your diet wisely and creating a calorie deficit, you will inevitably lose weight. This is the most difficult, but at the same time the most effective. As for physical activity, if you are a beginner and do not have big ambitions, then exercises with your own weight will be enough:

  • squats;
  • lunges in place;
  • gluteal bridge;
  • various variations of push-ups, crunches or leg raises for the abdominal muscles.

Where to begin?

You need to start with the main thing: adjusting your diet. Your diet should be balanced and divided, that is, meals should be every 3 hours. Only in this case will your metabolism be constantly boosted and you will not feel hungry. You can balance your diet in terms of basic nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - depending on what is normal for a woman. percentage muscle, fat and water. And this is approximately 35% proteins, 25% fats and 40% carbohydrates of daily calories. For training, you only need a gymnastics mat. The presence of collapsible dumbbells will not be superfluous and will add variety to your training process.

Photo Personal archive of Nikita Vasilevsky

How long will it take?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions, which I have to answer. Everything is very individual and depends solely on your self-discipline and dedication. The rate of weight loss is from 500 to 1000 g per week, that is, 3-4 kg per month. If the process of weight loss is more intense, this means that muscle mass and water are lost along with fat, and this is not entirely beneficial for our body. You should not compare your results with those of a friend or husband, since the rate of weight loss is individual for everyone and depends not only on gender and age, but also on metabolic characteristics. The process of radically changing yourself is quite long, but with patience, following all the rules of balanced nutrition and training, you will definitely achieve your goal.

Five Basics effective training on the next page.

Let's look at the 5 basics of effective training

Photo Personal archive of Nikita Vasilevsky

1. Regularity. If your workouts are irregular and you often skip them, then your body does not need to change. Only regular classes will stimulate your progress, fill your body with energy and pleasant muscle tone. Strengthen your body and spirit using the motto: “Not a day without sports!” You don't have to train hard every day, three home workouts a week is enough. On other days, walk as much as possible, walk in parks or swim in the pool.

2. Systematicity. In other words, a thoughtful progression of the load from training session to session is important. Remember the story of the ancient Greek athlete Milo of Croton. While still a boy, he began to train his strength by lifting a calf on his shoulders. I carried it around the exercise area every day. The calf grew, but Milo's strength also grew; three years passed, and he carried a large bull around the stadium with the same ease. In your training, as you adapt to it, try to increase the number of repetitions and approaches in the exercises themselves.

3. Keeping a training diary. This is exactly the tool that allows you to track your progress and adjust the volume of the load. Compose for yourself training program or ask a fitness trainer for help. Write down all the exercises you perform, the number of repetitions and sets, and the rest between them. Plan and adequately dose the load by making entries in your training diary.

4. Safety of the training process. Always listen to your body: if you are worried about pain in your joints or spine, stop doing the exercise and contact a certified fitness trainer who will help you understand your problem and give recommendations on the selection of exercises and how to perform them.

We won’t be lying if we say that every girl dreams of a good figure and a beautiful body. But for some it remains a dream, because you don’t want to give up your favorite treats and other goodies (you only live once!). And someone, on the contrary, in pursuit of cherished forms is ready to make the most desperate sacrifices. A young woman from Petrozavodsk, who went from publics in the spirit of “40 kilograms” to a passion for healthy lifestyle and healthy training, told us frankly, but anonymously, about how the goal of becoming a “fit girl” appears, about starvation diets and long hours of training.

Until I was 20, I was in happy confidencethat everything is fine with my figure. She ate what she wanted and when she wanted. And the first, and the second, and the third, and compote, and pies at work, and ice cream, and fried potatoes at night. Now I look at my old photos and am horrified - that’s a cow! And then I thought I was very slim and fit. Moreover, I honestly studied in gym– performed 30 repetitions on all available machines. And, as women’s magazines advise, she pumped her abs 40 times, hooking her legs on the sofa.

The turning point came when my boyfriend and I went for the first time relax together. I remember it was Egypt. As usual, I didn’t deny myself anything, including ten types of desserts for dinner, and in between I actively posed against the backdrop of the sea in a swimsuit. When I returned, I looked through the photos and for the first time I was horrified: there were no slender curves or six-pack abs, although I was in the happy confidence that I had all this. But there were emerging “ears” on the sides.

At first I was perplexed: how is it possible - what about the press, and what about the gym? Then I began to think about what to do about it. I didn’t want to give up the goodies and buns. So for some time I continued to live as before, without much torment. And then, in the vastness of the Internet, I came across the LJ of “fitness guru” Lena Miro. And, using her terminology, I began to understand: if you eat, it means you’re a pig. But a normal girl cannot afford to be a pig. This means you can't eat.

I don’t remember exactly how it all happened, but gradually I turned into a gym maniac. I worked out every day for one and a half to two hours, if suddenly it happened that I missed a workout (and this almost never happened, because even a cold and fever are not a reason not to go to the gym), I immediately began to feel that I had “everything” there saggy." At the same time, I diligently avoided heavy weights (what if my arms become like a man’s) and worked hard with all kinds of body bars and small barbells. The same program, week after week. Moreover, I tried not to touch the “top” much, but I hammered the “bottom” for hours. And even on vacation I didn’t relax - every day I regularly studied for an hour and a half according to my own program.

In the end, I finally found the desired curves. But I continued to feel like I had too much extra. Therefore, in addition to training in the gym, I also added many hours of home exercises with weights and dumbbells. I organized a sports corner at home. Then it seemed to me that this was not enough, and I started running - almost an hour every day, first on the street, then on the track in the gym.

At the same time, I carefully limited myself in food., was guided by the principle “less is better.” For breakfast - yogurt, for lunch - a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, for dinner - nothing. For every “extra” piece or random piece of chocolate, I then reproached myself for half a day. Immediately it began to seem that the forms were blurring before our eyes. All my thoughts revolved around food - what I ate today, what I didn’t eat, what I would like to eat. In stores, I could hang out for half an hour near the display cases with pastries and cakes - imagining what I would eat if it were possible.

When family and friends told me I was getting too thin, I didn’t believe them - I saw my shortcomings very well and knew how much “extra” I still had. Moreover, somewhere deep in the subconscious I understood that this was wrong and abnormal. And for the first time I was even a little scared when I saw 46 kilograms on the scales (and this is with a height of 175 centimeters). But then these 46 kilograms became the standard for me. Every morning, when I woke up, I ran to the scales, and was very upset when I saw at least two hundred grams more. It seemed that after 50 kg there was no more life.

I am still surprised how these experiments did not lead to serious health problems. But relationships with friends and family suffered - even for the sake of friendly gatherings, I could never miss a workout. And feasts with relatives have turned into real torture - it’s very difficult to control yourself when there are so many delicious things nearby, and everyone around you is slurping deliciously and persuading you to eat at least a spoonful of salad, because “there will be nothing for you, you’re so thin.”

Everything changed unexpectedly. The nomination “fitness bikini” suddenly began to come into fashion. And I suddenly thought: since I work out so much in the gym, why shouldn’t I take part? I started preparing - I changed the weights to “heavy” ones (an empty bar weighing 20 kilograms, yeah), and, as expected, I started “drying” - I read on the Internet that this was necessary, but, as it now turns out, I had no idea how it would be it should really be. The “drying” was that my already meager diet became even more meager. And from lunch until the morning I simply didn’t eat anything. But I’ve already been training for two and a half hours. And how soon did you have enough strength? I remember that already in the morning the thought that I had to go to the gym in the evening began to depress me.

It’s unlikely that I would have lasted long in this mode, but after a trip to the competition I suddenly experienced a break in the pattern. Looking at other girls, I realized that thinness is not the key to success. On the contrary. And being thin and lethargic is not beautiful. And that you definitely can’t get athletic, appetizing shape this way. But the bouquet of diseases and health problems is quite. And for the first time I wanted to be not thin, but “juicy”, with muscles and pleasant curves in the right places. The kind that is now called the fashionable word “fitonyashka”.

But the body, accustomed to many hours of exhausting training, simply did not want to give up and change.. The hardest thing was to reconsider and change my attitude towards food and training. And if, six months after the start of the “new life,” I was able to accustom myself to the idea of ​​training 3-4 times a week for 40 minutes, maximum for an hour, and not with a body bar, but with decent ones, which are constantly increasing (and at the same time do several basic exercises, and not try to cram into the program all the types of lunges, deadlifts and squats I know), this is normal and no imaginary sides will grow from this and my butt will not sag, but on the contrary, with food everything was much more difficult.

I literally had to force myself to eat something with more calories. cucumber or low-fat cottage cheese. I convinced myself that this was necessary. And she put the scales away so as not to get upset again. But gradually my train of thought began to change, and buckwheat, brown rice, meat and even pasta (only whole grains and durum wheat, if that) returned to my diet. I still stand by proper nutrition, I don’t eat pork, I refuse mayonnaise salads, pies and cakes for tea, but I never skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, and always have a snack in between. I monitor the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates in my diet - the muscles need something to grow from. I don't avoid sports nutrition. And once a week I do a so-called “cheat meal” - I allow myself everything my heart desires. It’s psychologically easier, and progress goes faster. And I still hardly weigh myself - all I need to do is look in the mirror to assess the situation.

And, most importantly, I train for my own pleasure. Earlier training It was like mandatory hard labor for me - I don’t want to, but I have to. And now I train with eagerness and excitement: this indescribable feeling of anticipation when you just start training, put your hands on the barbell and get ready to make your first approach. And through “I can’t” you finish the last one. And after - pleasant fatigue and a feeling of complete satisfaction.

True, even now not everyone around me shares my passion: As soon as I began to see the first results in the mirror, well-wishers immediately appeared who thought “this is too much” and “there’s no need to pump anymore.” Moreover, it happens that this is said by the same people for whom a year ago I was “too thin.” And now she’s already pumped up, you see. Although every “quality” kilogram I gain is still difficult for me, and I haven’t gained as much as I would like. But I try not to pay attention to such statements - for average people, especially for some reason for women who themselves have never held anything heavier than a carton of milk in their hands, any hint of muscles is already “too much”.

The relevance of emo and ready has passed, but how to become a fitness girl? The name can be misleading; Japanese anime or a new Facebook group come to mind. Everything is quite simple, you just have to break the word into two parts. Fit is a fan of fitness, training and a healthy lifestyle. Nyashka is sweet, feminine and attractive. These are exactly the girls who create their bodies themselves in the gym and at home, but do not pursue the goal of achieving Schwarzenegger’s results.

Quite moderate pumping of muscles, forms beautiful smooth lines. The overall impression is a toned, luxurious body, so you urgently need to stop eating potatoes at night and sign up for the gym. To get those abs and Brazilian buttocks, even thin girls will have to work and change their diet. The main thing is the motivation to achieve and maintain shape.

How to become a fitness girl? Nothing is impossible, you just have to start the morning in a new way, without shelving the desire to be beautiful. Being busy and lacking free time is not an argument, but rather an excuse. Therefore, talk less and do more.


The basics, of course, regular workouts, but without proper diet You can’t do much work in the gym.

Where to start:

  • counting approximately yours daily norm calories need to be reduced by 300-400 units, this is not as much as it seems, one sweet bar or cake, a serving of porridge/pasta or a slice of bread, naturally you can limit these carbohydrates that hide beautiful body in folds of shapeless fat;
  • to lose weight you need to reduce your calorie intake or increase your calorie expenditure; to maintain the already acquired shape, it is enough for these indicators to be equal;
  • - losing a kilo on mono-diets, starving, is impossible for sure, it is fraught with a psychological breakdown, slowdown of metabolism and health problems, slowly but surely move towards your goals, in a week you can only get gastritis;
  • The standard is to count the intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates; at first it seems complicated, but no, simple mathematics to create perfect proportions;
  • The golden set is calculated as follows: you need two grams of protein. for every kilo of total weight, carbohydrates for normal well-being will require one hundred grams, and fat - gram per kilogram of body weight;
  • necessarily a large amount of high-quality clean water, which speeds up all processes, helps to quickly reduce volumes and create a beautiful frame;
  • proteins and carbohydrates are divided into different meals and alternated throughout the day;
  • only in the morning is the future or real phytony allowed to eat some harmful sweets or other forbidden delicacies;
  • in the evening, give preference to protein - boiled chicken breasts or turkey, fish and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • the entire daily amount of food is divided into five/six meals, that is, you will need to eat every two/three hours, so there is no need to be afraid of hungry fainting and a brutal appetite;
  • systematically eating at the same time allows you to get maximum energy that will not remain on your sides and buttocks;
  • Protein shakes are actively used by sports beauties; they already have balanced proteins and carbohydrates and help facilitate muscle building in the right areas;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes make it possible to provide all vital elements and maintain the body’s resources during fairly grueling physical activity.


The fastest way to achieve the desired shape and tighten your muscle tone is in the gym. There's no need to be afraid that strength exercises make them look like men. Such transformations threaten only professional athletes who consciously take this step by adding additional hormonal drugs.


  • in girls, the main muscles are located in the lower part of the body, but do not forget about the back and arms;
  • thus, two/three exercises will be spent on the legs and buttocks, for top part one for each zone, as a result, more work will be done upwards, and the load distribution will be balanced;
  • to improve the buttocks, a combination of aerobic and anaerobic training, this allows you to make the fibers more elastic and reduce the shape of the muscle itself;
  • last from forty minutes to an hour, intense exercises with a barbell and on machines, then finish on a treadmill or pedal;
  • each repetition of the approach is performed from 15 to 25 times, depending on the preliminary preparation, between them the rest time is half a minute/minute, be sure to drink water;
  • You don’t have to spend all your time in the gym; you can study perfectly at home, having mastered basic technique, supplementing with morning/evening jogging.

Basic exercises

  • squats with a barbell give the main load to the buttocks, due to the shift of the center of gravity back, that is, the fifth point is maximally deviated; in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, obtaining neat forms, five approaches are performed;
  • lunges help strengthen the inner and back hips, you can use a small load to protect knee joints, the exercise is no less effective without a barbell; it is enough to do three approaches;
  • The leg press is performed only with a fixed back, it allows you to quickly pump up your legs, remove excess volume, make them slim, fit, four approaches are needed;
  • lifting the legs on the bar works not only on the abs, but also on the back, the spine is stretched, the joints are protected from any injuries, enough difficult exercise for beginners, but effective, maximum number of times, five approaches;
  • The end is a treadmill/bicycle, on which it is advisable to spend at least twenty minutes.


  • the desire to quickly become ideal can lead to disruptions in the body, emotional imbalance and depression, stable, calm work on oneself is the main key to success;
  • mandatory eight-hour sleep, otherwise achieving volume will become much more difficult, plus problems with hair and premature wrinkles;
  • Only professionals can afford it; for beginners, anti-carbohydrate nutrition threatens huge problems with hormonal levels;
  • grueling workouts until you lose your pulse, quickly get boring, three times a week is enough to create and maintain appetizing shapes.
Tired of envying athletic beauties, I urgently need to buy a subscription. And after two months of stable training, your amazed girlfriends will be interested in how to become fit. Luxurious toned body, will be the best reward after a tiring workout.

Seven years have passed since I became interested in a healthy lifestyle, but I still remember why it happened. I have a good constitution, without any effort I always weighed plus or minus 60 kilograms with a height of 174 cm. And then one day I turned 25 years old, and I “blurred”: I gained an extra seven kilograms, then it seemed to me that I became flabby and began to look disgusting.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror with a degree of disgust and contempt. There was very little self-love in it. And I wanted to admire myself just as much as before.

By that time, I had worked for glossy magazines for many years and regularly wrote about how to get rid of “orange peel” and “breeches” in three days. So I decided to check if it really is so.

Everything's under control

I developed the program for myself. Everyone knows: to get yourself in order, you need to ensure regular physical activity and adjust your diet.

Started swimming. 3 times a week at 6 am I went to the pool. At first, in a session, choking, I managed 600 meters. But already in the first couple of months I trained and began to swim 1.5-2 kilometers.

Ate for breakfast slow carbohydrates, for lunch - protein and fiber, for dinner - protein. Yes, that’s right: food ceased to have a taste and smell for me; from a source of pleasure it turned into a function, a set of food preferences. One day I ran out of imagination to create dishes, and I ate barley for lunch. Well, proteins are good, slow carbohydrates are great! Was it delicious? Honestly, I don't remember.

My mind was constantly busy planning what I would eat during the day. I had to get a larger bag to accommodate food containers.

In general, the habit of strictly measuring everything has firmly entered my life. In the morning I weighed myself, counted laps and heartbeats in the pool using fitness gadgets. For breakfast, lunch and dinner I measured out the required number of grams. I regularly wrapped myself with a centimeter to monitor the dynamics of volume reduction. This regime gave me the feeling that I was in control not only of my life, but also of my body: the kilograms obediently melted away, my figure acquired relief.

Of course, I blogged and shared my successes on social networks. Under every post, my friends admired my willpower and determination. I read the approving comments and melted with happiness.

But the funny thing is, even with practically perfect body, I was still dissatisfied with myself: with flabby arm muscles, insufficient elasticity of my butt and the shape of my knees.

Faster, higher, stronger

Then I became interested in running. It was spring, and now at 6 in the morning I ran out to the park. After a couple of years of swimming, I perfectly trained my breathing, so without any special preparation, already in the first month I started running 5-7 kilometers 3-4 times a week. Any coach will tell you that this is a very heavy load for a beginner who, among other things, does not do general physical training - does not strengthen muscles, does not stretch.

But I could no longer stop: without a regular approving chorus of subscribers on social networks, I felt worthless. On the days when I didn’t publish photos from training, I seemed invisible to myself. I had nothing to talk to people about except how to make food less calorie and burn more energy during training.

At some point, I realized that I was deceiving myself: by explaining to everyone that I cared about my health, I was actually using sports achivments to get attention. People were no longer impressed by five-kilometer runs, so I decided that I definitely needed to run 10. It seemed to me that this was a logical progression. But in reality, it became more and more like self-mockery: I stubbornly ignored the pain in my lower back, which at that moment became regular.

And I was constantly tormented by fear: if I don’t boast about my achievements, it’s as if I’ll disappear. If I stop playing sports, I’ll gain weight again and people will stop loving me.

Fear and hate

And then something completely destroyed my wonderful confidence that I could control my body and life. Injury, two intervertebral hernias, three weeks in hospital, six months of rehabilitation, inability to run or do anything more serious than physical therapy.

For a long time I could not accept the fact that, no matter how hard I try to organize everything around me, life is too unpredictable. Today you are an amateur runner, tomorrow you are disabled from sports. For a long time I struggled with hatred of my body, which had let me down so much.

After a year of rehabilitation, when chronic pain completely tormented me, I realized that I would never overcome myself again. I will not do anything through force. Because the injury taught me one important thing: you need to constantly listen to your well-being and, starting from it, build your life. Otherwise, the body will force itself to be heard - with injuries, pain.

Giving myself permission to eat what I wanted and not doing any exercise felt like rebellion at first. I ate chips, marshmallows, my favorite Tyrolean berry pies, fried potatoes with meat, drank soda and a lot of delicious wine. Six months of my life passed under the slogan “Down with the oppression of a healthy lifestyle and long live a free life!”

Can you say that I enjoyed this period? No. I was gaining weight, feeling worthless and weak-willed. It seemed to me that by hiding behind body positivity, I was justifying my laziness. But I couldn't pull myself together.

Indifference and love

Later I came across Svetlana Bronnikova’s book “ Intuitive Eating" And there I found a soothing explanation for my gluttony. When you have forbidden yourself to eat certain food groups for so long, and then allow it, your mind doesn’t believe it at first, out of habit thinking that this is a temporary relief. And you begin to strive to eat as much of the forbidden as possible while you can.

When I read in the book that this period would pass, I thought about a couple of weeks or a month. Personally, for me, the period of legalization of prohibited food took eight or nine months. Almost a year. And, I’ll tell you, all this time I was afraid that I would never be able to stop. Yes, not everyone dares to try such an experiment: eat everything and see how many kilograms you gain. Now I can only say that the more you resist, the longer this stage lasts.

At some point I realized that I was finally full. It turned out that the weight-point theory works. I gained exactly 10 kg, and that’s it. No matter how much I ate, I didn’t gain any more weight. Apparently, at 32 years old, with a height of 174 cm, 70 kilograms is my natural weight, not corrected by diets.

I started eating whatever I wanted and realized that I love vegetables and soups. I love sweets, but I still can’t eat more than a couple of candies. By and large, I finally stopped caring what I ate. Because food no longer affected my sense of self, and my weight remained unchanged.

But I became more relaxed and open. All my tension - physical and psychological, which was a natural consequence of constant self-control - disappeared.

Men began to like me more. Although objectively, from the point of view of generally accepted standards, it looked worse than a year ago.

My chronic back pain has completely disappeared. Because I stopped being so focused and tense - my muscle tone decreased.

Finally, I discovered that you can love and appreciate yourself not only for your sporting achievements. And for what kind of person I am, how I know how to create relationships, how many wonderful people there are around me, for my achievements in work.

Now it seems to me that my main expectation from own body is that it be healthy and nothing hurts in it. Now I love him and take care of him: I give him rest when necessary, I feed him what he wants. It is clear that it is impossible to love yourself once and for all - it is an endless process. But the first and probably the hardest step is to give yourself permission to be who you are.

Perhaps someday I will get involved in some kind of fitness again, but only if I feel that it is interesting and enjoyable for me. But that's a completely different story.

These days, almost every girl who wants to be trendy has at least a few photos from the gym. You won’t be surprised by complex formulas for calculating the energy value of a daily diet; she knows why they drink protein shakes, and understands exercise routines. Healthy image life now is a fashionable trend, symbolized by fitonyashes.

Abroad, girls who regularly go to gyms are called "fit chicks", or "fitness chicks" . These are not pumped-up bodybuilders, but they are not thin models either. Fitonyas should have a perfectly sculpted figure: toned buttocks, slender legs, slim waist, well-developed arm muscles (although, judging by popular public pages, it is enough to be thin and in a tight workout suit). The ideal fitness girl is similar to Wonder icon-star-o Woman (Wonder Woman), a character from the popular MARVEL comic book series.

Many girls who have become fitness girls publish their success stories on various websites, blogs, and especially popularly in:

  • Most often, such stories begin with a description of life “before.” The description is accompanied by photographs;
  • then the emphasis is placed on the moment after which the girl decided to change her life. This could be a breakup with a young man who no longer likes perfect girl, or such a moment could be the example of a fit friend;
  • after the turning point comes a story about training, new habits, changes in appearance. Intermediate stages can also be illustrated;
  • finally, a resume is made and the fit girl demonstrates her current beautiful figure and the “after” result.

How to become a fitness girl?


Fitness girls do not go on strict diets, because any unreasonable restriction in food prevents them from getting the ideal athletic figure. Thus, a sharp reduction in diet leads to the fact that the body begins to “stock up”, metabolism slows down and weight gain occurs even from low-calorie foods. The diet should be balanced; the option of “lettuce for breakfast, lunch and dinner” is completely unsuitable for a fit person.

Fitness experts count not only calories, but also the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats consumed. Numerous tables and calculators of BZHU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) help them with this.

The usual daily intake for a fitness lady is 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, 50 g of carbohydrates, 35 g of fat. Sweets and very high-calorie foods can be eaten little by little and only in the morning, at evening time It is better to prefer protein foods. You need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water per day. You should eat in small portions with a break between meals of about three hours.

Building perfect figure, many gymnasts use special sports nutrition. The most popular product is protein cocktail, which has a high protein content and a minimal content of fats and carbohydrates, which helps build muscle mass.

Various vitamin and mineral complexes are actively used. They regulate metabolism and help replenish the deficiency. important elements, if for some reason these elements do not enter the body with food.


Fitness girls train according to special programs that take into account the characteristics of the female body. Basically, these are various variations of high-repetition training that allow you to quickly build up muscle mass and shape the body relief. It is better not to use programs designed for men: women have a different hormonal background, special reactions to loads. Men can train day after day in the same mode, but women must take into account menstruation. Depending on this, the intensity of the load changes.

You shouldn’t rush headlong into feats and strive to become a fitness expert in a month. A girl leading a sedentary lifestyle should start with short workouts: for the first time, twenty minutes three times a week is enough. Soon you can move on to more serious loads (two and a half hours of training per week).

Women cannot gain muscle mass as quickly as men. A gain of about 0.5 kilograms of muscle per month is considered normal, provided intensive training three times a week. Intense loads running, exercise, and cycling are considered. Training without “days off” in between will not help you build muscle; on the contrary, you will lose weight.


I want to be beautiful, but life likes to present surprises. Today is my birthday, tomorrow I’m too lazy to go to the gym, the day after tomorrow my friend convinces me “love yourself as you are” . In order not to lose the will to win, many gymnasts and those who want to become one are members of various groups and “publics” in in social networks. There you can show off your first results, ask for advice, and get new information.