How to craft firearms in Minecraft. Weapon mods. Video review of the Military Weapons Mod for Minecraft

(downloads: 47227)

Ferullo’s Guns is exactly the one that fans of counter and other shooters might like. Essentially, with the help of this mod, a whole range of different firearms appear in the game with which you can kill your opponents. Remember, you always wanted the game to be more diverse in the field of murder weapons. Now, this is possible with the help of Ferullo's Guns. Not only pistols and machine guns will be available in the game, but also sniper rifles with the ability to install a sight. This sight will be used with the “R” key. Thus, the game moves from simple survival to a more interesting process of exterminating hostile mobs.

In addition, with the addition of this mod it is possible to create team competitions while playing in multiplayer mode. Players can split into two teams and fight each other to the death.

Thus, this mod significantly expands the boundaries of possibilities and shows a completely new interest among players. Also, players begin to more closely monitor the actions of the mobs they attack, which subsequently leads to the creation of tactics and battle modes.


Install MinecraftForge
Place all files from the Place in resources folder in .minecraft/resources
Place all files from the Place in minecraft.jar folder in .minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar

How to make weapons in Minecraft?

Minecraft is a game in which you can do whatever you want. You can create new unique designs and buildings, you can warm up by assembling and extracting familiar resources, but from time to time you will still have to fight off enemies.

In this article we will tell you how to make weapons in Minecraft - a sword, bow, arrows and... a fist.


This weapon, like any other elements in the game, is made using a workbench - the main crafting tool (collecting various objects and blocks). The workbench consists of nine cells. To make a sword, in the 2nd and 5th cells you need to place iron ingots / gold ingots / diamonds / simple cobblestones / wood (you can use anything, it all depends on what material you want to make the edge of the sword from). You need to place a stick in the 8th cell. Of course, as you understand, the steeper the tip material, the stronger the sword. A wooden sword is the weakest, a diamond sword is the strongest.

To attack with a sword, you need to select the sword and press the left mouse button.

Bow and arrows

This type of weapon is made in two stages. First the bow is made from a stick and string, and then the arrows (since without them the bow is useless) are made from flint, stick and feather.

The layout of the elements in the workbench for a bow - the 1st, 4th and 7th cells are filled with thread, and the 2nd, 6th and 8th - with sticks.

The layout of the elements in the workbench for arrows - the flint is placed in the 2nd cell, the stick in the 5th and the feather in the 8th.

To fire a bow shot, select this weapon and right-click to tighten the bowstring, then release.


The fist is the default weapon. Basically, it's just your character's hand. In order to use it, you don’t need to search or build anything, just click on your hand and hold down the left mouse button. Of course, a fist is a much less convenient weapon than a sword and arrows, but if there is nothing else at hand, then this will do.

Other weapons

In addition to classic Minecraft weapons, other types of weapons can be added to the game using mods - special mini-programs that “pump up” the game. The mod can be downloaded online, you just need to choose trusted sites, for example,

Unless you are playing on the minimum difficulty level or in creative mode, it is simply vital for you to know how to make weapons in Minecraft. Otherwise, how will you fight off the evil zombies? Slaughter skeletons jangling with bones? Eliminate nasty spiders? How?

Fortunately, the recipes for crafting weapons are quite simple and do not require complex materials. True, the further you advance, the cooler weapons you can craft. But first you can start with a tree.

The main weapon is a sword. To make a sword, you need to place 2 pieces of wood and 1 stick in the crafting window like this:

Please note that the wooden sword is the weakest. If you replace wood with ingots of gold, iron or diamonds, you will get a stronger option. The best is a diamond sword, the most durable and deals maximum damage.

The main use of an ax is to cut down trees, no doubt about it. But it can also be used as a weapon. In addition, it deals more damage, although the attacks are slower. Here's how to make an axe:

Similar to a sword, wood can be replaced with iron or gold ingots, as well as diamonds.

Bow and arrows
A bow and arrow allows you to hit an enemy from a distance. The recipe for crafting onions is very simple:

Arrows are made like this:

The bow cannot be strengthened, but it can be enchanted.

Here are some videos to help you with making weapons in Minecraft if the instructions weren't enough.

Good luck! Take care of your HP! =)

One of the best ways The fun thing to do in Minecraft is firearms. In this article we will look at the question of how to make a pistol in Minecraft.

Firearms in Minecraft

Those who like to fight from a distance quickly get bored with the banal bow and arrows offered in the original Minecraft.

Those who want to destroy enemies in one shot or simply to make the battles more spectacular, it is recommended to install a weapon mod called Balkon’sWeaponMod.

A mod called Industrial Craft can also come to the rescue. After this, the player has the opportunity to begin making firearms.

Making a pistol

The least expensive thing is to make a pistol in Minecraft. For this recipe you will need:

  • a pair of iron ingots;
  • one copy of flint;
  • one wooden stick;
  • boxes of boards.

All necessary components should be placed on the workbench in the correct order.


Thus, iron ingots are placed in the left and central cells of the top row, and flint is sent to the empty right one. In the center row, a stick occupies the central cell, and a box of boards is placed in the right cell.

As you can see, as a result the player receives the desired item, that is, a pistol in the amount of one piece. However, the gun will not fire on its own, and it needs cartridges.

To craft bullets, you will need to refer to the following diagram:


The central vertical column in this case requires the placement of gravel, gunpowder and paper according to the pattern. This will give you the opportunity to get eight rounds of ammunition for your pistol.

The damage done in Minecraft by such firearms is five hearts.

How to make a musket

Those players who find a pistol to be banal can equip their character with a pistol of an exotic design - a musket. To make it you will need four iron ingots and one flint.

The arrangement of objects on the workbench can be seen in the diagram below:


It should be noted that this is not the final product, but only one barrel, and it needs a special stock. The stock is easy to make by placing two sticks and a block of boards in a central horizontal row, one after the other.

Finally, the butt and barrel must be aligned, placing them in a central vertical column, one below the other, starting from the top cell.

The musket has truly lethal damage - it destroys almost any enemy with a single shot.

Other recipes

The mods mentioned above give opportunity to craft:

  • crossbow;
  • cannon;
  • Kalashnikov assault rifle;
  • blowpipe.

However, these are topics for separate guides.

Video: How to make a gun in Minecraft.


Many Minecraft players are often looking for an opportunity to have some extra fun in their favorite game and find something new. For this purpose, they install new ones or look for unique ones.

This article discussed information on how to add the ability to use firearms in Minecraft and how they can be made.

IN Minecraft game There are whole crowds of aggressive monsters, and attacking them with your fist is not effective, which is why there are such items as weapons in Minecraft. Weapon- these are items that allow you to conduct a more effective attack against, defend your buildings and attack them.

Use of weapons obviously: this is protecting your buildings from /, who are capable of blowing up your buildings without remorse (and, in the case of Ender, simply stealing your blocks), also weapon necessary when besieging treasuries, protecting villages, safe mining (ore mining), where you need to cover an ally while he extracts resources - even if he is a novice minecrafter, in general, anywhere where monsters can interfere with you.

How to get weapons in Minecraft

Since weapons in Minecraft are one of the most important items, you can get them in several ways:

  1. The first and most familiar is the crafting path, since weapons have recipes for creation, just like tools (pick, axe, plow);
  2. Another and slightly more difficult way is to loot the mob that carried this weapon, since new versions of Minecraft can spawn with a sword in their hands. Zombie Pigman and Wither Skeleton also use swords when attacking, so defeating them gives you a chance to drop a sword. You can also get a bow as a rare drop from skeleton archers.

How to craft a weapon

Weapons require some resources: if these are the cheapest tools, then you can use wood (sticks and boards), but if you want to craft a good weapon, you will have to spend iron, gold or diamonds. The most best swords are created from diamonds: they are durable and attack strongly. In any case, the sword is created from one item of sticks and two items of your choice, depending on what quality sword you want to craft: stick-2x boards, stick-2x cobblestones, stick-2x iron ingot, stick-2x gold ingot , stick-2x diamonds.

Sword recipe

Sword model

Another weapon worth crafting is a bow. The bow is a ranged weapon that is used primarily against monsters with a ranged attack style. To craft it you will need three sticks and three threads, which need to be arranged like this: