What Frank Zane looks like now: the god of aesthetics is already a grandfather. Frank Zane. Symmetry is more important than mass Frank Zane biography

Frank Zane(English – Frank Zane) is an American bodybuilder, multiple medalist and three-time winner of the Mr. Olympia competition (won in 1977, 1978 and 1979). He is one of the ten most decorated bodybuilders in the history of this sport, second only to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Haney, Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates, Phil Heath and Jay Cutler in terms of the number of awards. According to many experts and fans, Zane is the best aesthetician, having the most harmoniously developed muscles among all athletes of the past or present.

Frank Zane: complete biography

Frank was born in Kingston (Pennsylvania, USA) on June 28, 1942. He was raised by strict but loving parents. His father was an electrician and owner of a private radio/television repair company in Philadelphia. His mother was a housewife who taught and mentored the boy in his youth. Zane's mother lived to old age- 80 years old, but my father died early - at 57 years old. Frank himself explains this by his parent’s addiction to cigarettes and alcohol, which cost him his health.

Young Frank Zane's life was spent in a quiet neighborhood. But there was one problem: in Kingston in the middle of the last century, purely Catholic families lived, and the Zane couple adhered to the Protestant faith. It’s no wonder that neighborhood children often bullied Frank and his younger brother Adam, to which the boys had to respond with force. Therefore, the future bodybuilder, in order to be able to stand up for himself and his brother, took up sports as a teenager.

At the age of 14, Frank Zane was interested in boxing, then wrestling, and then bodybuilding, which he liked the most. Frank describes the results of his first training with iron as follows: “after two weeks, the muscles seemed to be popping out from everywhere.” The rapid progress has given Zane more motivation to exercise physically.

Frank Zane's amateur training for 4 years gives significant results and at 18 he decides to try his luck at competitions. However, besides Adam, there was no one around the future bodybuilding legend to support him. From the others, Frank heard only criticism and ridicule. This upset the guy, but it didn’t force him to quit his favorite activity. He decided to prove to himself and society that bodybuilding can bring benefits, both moral and financial.

Zane has always been interested in innovations related to self-development. This applies not only to sports, but also to psychology. In 1960, he graduated from high school and entered university to become a graduate: in 1964, he graduated from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania with a bachelor's degree in psychology. But it doesn't stop there. Already during the period of professional performances, in 1977, Frank entered and graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles.

Frank Zane's first serious victory in bodybuilding happened in 1968. He wins the Mr. Universe title. Around the same time, he meets the love of his life, Christina, with whom they are happy together to this day.

During his 22 years of performing as a professional bodybuilder, Frank Zane won numerous awards - more than 150, among which the most significant, by his own admission, were victories in Mr. America in 1968, Mr. Universe in 1968 and Mr. Olympia in 1977-1979 - all these are tournaments of the International Bodybuilding Federation.

In 1985, Frank Zane and his wife Christina Zane founded and operated Zane Heaven, based in Palm Springs, California, and providing advice to clients who wanted to achieve the same results. physical fitness. Today the Zane couple has settled in San Diego (California, USA), and their training center is called “Zane Experience”.

in 1994, Frank Zane was inducted into the Bodybuilding Hall of Fame. Which is not surprising, given the merits and influence of the athlete in this sport.

The role of the cult personal in bodybuilding, which gained popularity just in the sixties and eighties, allowed Frank to break into television. As a host, commentator and star, he even today receives invitations from ABC, CBS, NBC and ESPN.

It is noteworthy that in his advanced years (he is now over 70), Frank Zane is still passionate about sports and keeps himself in excellent shape, as evidenced by his Instagram account. According to the bodybuilder, he has a lot of new sports ideas and goals that need to be brought to life. Therefore, he is not going to abandon the training!

Frank Zane: career titles

Frank Zane officially retired in 1983, having competed professionally for 22 years, from 1961 to 1983. During this time, he won countless awards, in which few bodybuilding giants can compete with him.

Here are just those victories of Frank Zane, whom he tanned at IFBB tournaments:

  • Mister America 1968;
  • Mister Universe 1968;
  • Mr. Olympia 1977;
  • Mr. Olympia 1978;
  • Mr. Olympia 1979.

At Olympia he also took several prizes: second in 1976 - lost to Franco Colombo, third in 1980 - lost to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chris Dickerson, second in 1982 - lost to Chris Dickerson, fourth in 1983 - lost to Samir Bannut and Lee Haney.

Frank Zane's peak anthropometrics were:

  • 176 centimeters tall;
  • 84-92 kilograms of weight;
  • 46 centimeters of biceps volume;
  • 132 centimeters of chest volume;
  • 67 centimeters of leg volume;
  • 76 centimeters waist circumference;
  • 44 centimeters of shin volume.

Some interesting facts about the athlete:

Among experts and competitors, Frank Zane earned the nickname “the chemist,” presumably because he was one of the first to take sports pharmacology in really high doses. There is also a theory that this name was given to him for the harmonious proportions of his muscles, which he carefully honed like an alchemist.

In 2005, Frank Zane, as an actor and consulting producer, took part in the filming of the film “Look, Arnold Is Coming.” This is a movie about the life and career of Arnold Schwarzenegger, which received dubious reviews among viewers and critics.

Frank “The Chemist” Zane, dressed with Sergio Oliva and Chester Yorton, is one of the few athletes who managed to beat Arnold Schwarzenegger in a professional bodybuilding competition.

Frank Zane's books dedicated to healthy eating and proper training, are actively published in the USA, even translated into foreign languages, including Russian.

Frank Zane: training program

During professional performances main goal Zane, like his competitors, was reaching peak condition by mid-autumn. Therefore, summer for him is a period of maximum intensive training. To achieve muscle growth and fat loss on time, Frank had to start the cycle in June, training 3 out of 5 days. The athlete himself considers this approach optimal, since there is enough time for both development and recovery.

Frank Zane's training plan suggests that the athlete works on 2 big 1 during each training session. small groups muscles. Moreover, these muscle groups are necessarily interconnected anatomically and according to the principle of operation, which allows for maximum stimulation of blood flow and anabolism.

Subsequence Frank Zane training on average was as follows: on day 1 - back, forearm and biceps; on day 2 – thighs and legs; day 3 – rest; on day 4 – chest, shoulders and triceps; day 5 – rest. The athlete worked on his abs every training day.

Frank Zane training in 1 day:

  • Back - traction upper block to the chest, row of the upper block to the chest with a narrow parallel grip, row of the block to the stomach while sitting, shrugs and row of dumbbells to the belt;
  • Forearms - biceps curl reverse grip(EZ-bar), wrist curls with a barbell and working with a wrist machine;
  • Biceps – alternate biceps curls with dumbbells, concentrated curls with dumbbells and curls on a Scott bench.

Frank Zane's workout day 2:

  • Hips – work on the hip machine, a superset of leg flexion and extension, leg press and squats, between sets stretching the quadriceps and hamstrings;
  • Calf raises - standing calf raises, donkey calf raises, seated calf raises, calf raises on a leg press machine.

Frank Zane training on day 4:

  • Chest – dumbbell bench press at 70% incline or bench press, dumbbell bench press at 30% incline, dips, pullover and butterfly;
  • Shoulders and triceps - at the beginning of the workout, a chest stretch is done in the doorway and a shoulder stretch, during the training - a superset of lifting a dumbbell over the side and extension from behind the head with a dumbbell, as well as extension of the arms on a block or extension in an incline with a dumbbell.

Separately about pumping up the abs: lifting on a Roman chair, leg lifts, crunches, twisting with a cable, turns of the torso with a bar. The abs are pumped up every training day

Between sets, the athlete considers it necessary to stretch for 15 seconds the muscles being exercised; rest between sets for ≈ 2-3 minutes. His workout lasted approximately 75 minutes in total, and before finishing it, Zane spent 12 to 20 minutes on the treadmill.

Frank Zane: steroid course

The fact that Frank Zane took steroids is almost beyond doubt among sensible bodybuilding fans. But only the athlete himself and his close circle know what AAS he used. He apparently took a serious approach to anabolic androgen steroids; after all, the nickname “chemist” in sports is not given for his skills in splitting atoms.

Of course, you can build endless theories like the rumor sites: they say, Frank took testosterone cypionate and nandrolone decanoate, methandienone and methenolone enanthate, or trenbolone acetate and stanozolol. But we are not used to operating without an evidence base, so we will not mislead readers.

Yes, most likely, Frank Zane used doping, traditional for the sixties-seventies-eighties and popular today, such as methane and soundboard. But again, this is just a guess based on the weightlifting trends of that era.

For the lack of specifics, first of all, we should say thanks to WADA. WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and its policy of intimidation have driven athletes to the point where they are afraid to think, let alone talk about sports pharmacology. We are not shy, but invite everyone to go to our online steroid store, where a range of working and current steroid products is presented to customers.

Based on materials (sources):

  • AthleticPharma.com
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Zane
  • frankzane.com/bio
  • forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=901128
  • muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/news/frank-zane-best-built-man

Frank Zane, a bodybuilding legend, considered by many to be the athlete with the most harmoniously developed figure, was born in Pennsylvania on June 28, 1942.

Frank's father (Adam Zane) worked as an electrician in Philadelphia and owned a small company that repaired radio and television equipment. Frank's mother was a housewife - perhaps it was the lack of need for work that extended her years. Mrs. Zane lived to be 80 years old, but Frank lost his father quite early. Adam Zane died at the age of 57 - Frank attributes this to his father's craving for alcohol and smoking. Perhaps this was one of the first reasons that prompted the young man to take up bodybuilding.

Sport entered Frank's life when he was 14 years old. The young man was driven by a desire to keep himself in good shape and be able to protect himself and his younger brother, Adam. According to Zane, they were the only Protestant family in an absolutely Catholic city. It is no wonder that children often got into fights, especially since Adam, who was distinguished by considerable strength, was ready to stand up for himself. But Frank felt responsible for the younger one, so he also started playing sports.

Frank tried both boxing and wrestling, but when he bought a home weight lifting kit, the results were simply stunning. “After two weeks, the muscles literally popped out from everywhere,” the athlete recalls. Zane trained for another 4 years before entering his first competition at the age of 18.

However, there was no one to support the young man in his endeavors. According to Frank, the people who encouraged him to take up bodybuilding can be counted on the fingers of one hand. From everyone else he heard only criticism and ridicule. But the athlete did not despair - such comments only inflamed his thirst to prove that he was capable of achieving results.

Frank was always drawn to the opportunity to learn something new, but psychology had a special place in his heart. After graduating from high school (in 1960), Frank received bachelor's degrees in psychology from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania (in 1964) and from the University of California, Los Angeles (in 1977). The athlete explained his passion for studying by the fact that he needed a decent, well-paid job that could be combined with training.

In 1969, Zane moved to Florida, where he met his future wife Christina, shortly after winning the Mr. Universe competition (in 1969), where he beat Arnold Schwarzenegger. Over a 22-year career in bodybuilding, Frank received more than 150 awards (including Mr. Olympia 1977, 78 and 79, Mr. Universe 1969, 70 and 72), and in 1994 the athlete was inducted into the Bodybuilding Hall of Fame.

According to Zane, there should be no plans that end in failure, there must be failures that are planned. It was this phrase that became the life credo of the athlete long years. Frank explains his success in bodybuilding careful preparation and taking into account all sorts of difficulties. For example, Zane is quite short and thin-boned, so he immediately rejected the idea of ​​​​becoming a “thug”. It was unreal anyway. Therefore, he chose aesthetics and proportionality as his main trump card, and was very successful in this.

The role of one of the most popular fitness stars became a direct route to television for Frank. He has been a commentator on ESPN, ABC, CBS and NBC since 1978.

At his advanced age, Frank still looks brilliant thanks to his determination and discipline. According to the athlete, he still has many goals in terms of his physical fitness, although he has long since finished competing.

Performance history

Competition Place
Mr. Olympia 19834
Mr. Olympia 19822
Mr. Olympia 19803
Mr. Olympia 19791
Mr. Olympia 1979
Mr. Olympia 19781
Mr. Olympia 19781 in the -200 lb category (up to 90.7 kg)
Mr. Olympia 19771
Mr. Olympia 19771 in the -200 lb category (up to 90.7 kg)
Mr. Olympia 1976
Mr. Olympia 19754 in the -200 lb category (up to 90.7 kg)
Mr. Olympia 19742 in the -200 lb category (up to 90.7 kg)
Mr Olympia 19724
Mister International 19681
Mister International 19681 in the category average height
Mister Universe 19681
Mister Universe 19673 in the tall category
Mister Universe 19651 in the category average height

Frank Zane in articles and books

User comments

Total 5 pages 1

The best of the best in symmetry and relief

+3 -6

Frank Zain is beyond praise. I bow to him. A pronounced ectomorph, asthenic or, as they say now, a hardgainer - and reach the very heights of bodybuilding! His example should be promoted in all gyms, and only his advice should be followed by the majority of young people - those who came to the gym with a nickel in their pocket (so as not to be blown away by the wind). And the Internet, on the contrary, is littered with advice from naturally powerful people whose ass is initially wider than Frank’s shoulders. So young people are swinging around without any success.

+2 -3

There is no need to bow before anyone - for this is idolatry!

But Frank Zain is unique!

This is the case when the mind, spirit and soul have found harmony, consistency of actions denoting their significance, clarity of perceived reality, perfection of mental, spiritual and physical perception of the world.

Frank Zain is a unique example to the entire world of bodybuilding.

+1 -0

Of course, he is a hammer that has achieved a lot, but there is one factor here, quite rare: Zane had broad shoulders

+0 -2

I respect this athlete more than Schwartz!!! This is unique!!!

+3 -0

Well, you drive. Zane has excellent bodybuilding skills. Slender physique, broad shoulders, narrow pelvis, excellent body structure, etc. That's the whole unique thing. Definitely a super athlete. But he didn’t make himself out of nothing, and nature already gave him a good structure from birth. LIKE Schwartz and others.

+1 -0

People who have his books or articles on how to study, send them to: d3m14mail.ru

+0 -1

Zane’s uniqueness lies in the combination of the idea of ​​​​development of consciousness and bodybuilding, their organic relationship. And this is a significant credit for his achievements, and to this day he looks good.

+1 -0

Frank has an interesting drawing on the official website :)

+0 -0

Frank Zane is the pride of bodybuilding.

“From the very beginning of my first classes, I realized that I did not have the gigantic muscle mass and therefore I set myself the goal of achieving maximum body proportions and aesthetics.”

Frank Zane

His aesthetics and proportions are perfect!

+1 -0

Sells not only autographs, but also personal handshakes for $3. Here is such an asshole “the most aesthetic” Mr. “Olympia”.

+6 -2

Where does this information come from - are you holding a candle?)

+1 -0

In America, everyone makes money from everything, the same Arnold sold his training recommendations, the same way top bodybuilders sell their autographs and everyone treats this normally, without prejudice. Bodybuilding has long moved to a commercial basis, this is a BUSINESS, this sport cannot be a common property. An example of free bodybuilding is our native organization FBFR. Only the question is no longer about its development, but rather about survival. Here I'm not talking specifically about Zayn's handshakes, but about his general approach to the matter. Let me quote from one article: “...Free advice is free because it costs nothing”...

+0 -1

Well, Zane’s “business” is set up in such a way that no one approaches him at FIBO.

+2 -1

Great athlete!!! nice aesthetic figure!!! not like these races for volume - turning modern athletes into gorilla-like monkeys!

+1 -0

Guys, I respect Frank! But let's be realistic... this guy really wasn't anything... now the Russian junior looks better than him... and with better symmetry and quality!! He is an undeserved Mr. Olympia!! I think my role model is Schwartz..Dexter..Vince Taylor...

Frank Zane born in Pennsylvania on June 28, 1942, into an ordinary American family. His father, Adam Zane, worked as an electrician and owned a small radio and television repair company. Frank's mother was unemployed and mostly did housework and raising children. Also, Frank had a younger brother Adam, who, unlike him, adolescence became quite strong. The Zane family was of the Protestant faith, which distinguished them from most families living in the city. This, of course, became the reason for ridicule and harassment from local boys towards Frank and his brother. A sense of responsibility for his younger brother prompted Frank to take up sports, so that as a result he could stand up for himself and for his brother. So, at the age of 14, Frank tried out many sports, including boxing, wrestling and others, but when he got a set for lifting weights, Frank immediately realized that he had found his match. Just a few weeks later, the results from the training appeared, as Frank himself says, “muscles literally popped out from everywhere.” Such quick results added determination and self-confidence to Frank, after which he immersed himself even more in training and after 4 years, when he was 18, he took part in his first competition among bodybuilders. However, despite the successes, there were not many people supporting Frank in his sports endeavor, but even this did not diminish his enthusiasm for achieving even greater success. In addition to training and his sporting success, Frank was also attracted to study, namely, he always liked psychology. This influenced the choice of his future path; after graduating from school in 1960, Frank entered Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, graduating in 1964 with a bachelor's degree in psychology. What he did not stop there, he also received a diploma from the University of California at Los Angeles, in 1977, in the same field, which made Frank a real specialist in the field of psychology. The personal life of the athlete began after the competition in 1969 , where at the Mr. Universe competition he was able to beat even the young Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was after this that he met his future wife, Christina. Continuing to train hard, Frank Zane reached incredible heights in bodybuilding and won about 150 awards, which also included the three highest awards for a bodybuilder, namely the title “Mr. Olympia” in 1977 , 1978 and 1979. However, after such an incredible number of victories, the athlete began to lose ground, and in competitions after 1979, he no longer took first places. But his sports career continued on television, where he became famous as an excellent commentator and became a popular fitness star. Frank also became the author of many popular books about bodybuilding and found himself as a trainer for many modern sports stars. Anthropometric data of Frank Zane Height - 176 cm Weight - 84-92 kg Biceps - 46 cm Rib cage- 132 cm Thigh - 67 cm Waist - 76 cm Lower leg - 44 cm Zane's Bodybuilding Titles 1961 Mr. Pennsylvania (17th place) 1962 Mr. Keystone (Winner) 1963 Mr. Keystone (2nd place) 1965 Mr. Queensland (Winner) 1965 IFBB Mr. Universe (Average Height Winner) 1966 IFBB Mr. America (Average Height Winner) 1967 IFBB Mr. America (Average Height Winner) 1967 IFBB Mr. Universe (3rd Tall) 1968 IFBB Mr. America (Winner) 1968 IFBB Mr. Universe (Winner) 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe (Winner) 1971 NABBA Mr. Universe Pro (1st Short) 1972 NABBA Mr. Universe Pro (Winner) 1972 IFBB Mr. Olympia (4th in the 90 kg weight class) 1973 – Did not participate 1974 IFBB Mr. Olympia (2nd in the 90 kg weight class) 1975 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Did not place) 1976 IFBB Mr. Olympia (2nd place) 1977 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Winner) 1978 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Winner) 1979 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Winner) 1980 IFBB Mr. Olympia (3rd place) 1981 – Did not participate 1982 IFBB Mr. Olympia ( 2nd place) 1983 IFBB Mr. Olympia (4th place)

At 75 years old, Frank Zane can still show his place to many young athletes. At the same time, it can give a lot useful tips, based on my life experience. Frank Zane is able to give recommendations to those who want to save sports uniform your body for many years.

Each sport is different in that it has its own legendary athletes. Bodybuilding is no exception and Frank Zane is precisely the legend of the golden era of bodybuilding. Many experts unanimously claim that this athlete has the most beautiful body, despite the fact that he does not have much body mass. If today's champions weigh more than 150 kg, then Frank Zane never weighed more than 90 kg during his performances at the most prestigious competitions. And yet, he won the Mr. Olympia competition 3 times, and also beat Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, which not many have achieved.

Zane has achieved such heights thanks to the structure of his body. At the same time, the athlete seriously studied the proportions of his body, bringing his appearance closer to a Greek statue, about which he even wrote a book. Naturally, the book contained information not about the Greek statue, but about proportions and symmetry, as well as how to achieve such indicators. If you compare Frank Zane to modern bodybuilders such as Heath, Coleman or Cutler, he shifted the paradigm of bodybuilding from an emphasis on body weight to an aesthetic perception of the sport. It's no secret that the bodies of many athletes are so huge that it begins to border on bad taste and absurdity. In this case, there is no point in talking about symmetry at all. Frank Zane is a simple man, with familiar proportions, but brought to perfection.

Recently, competitive athletes with low weights have begun to appear. Therefore, it is obvious that Zane at one time was a symbol of beautiful bodybuilding, and not a simple set muscle mass. In addition, this person is distinguished by his sincerity and genuine attractiveness. This fact was noted by everyone who met this man.

When were the breaks in coaching work, he shared with Train magazine his knowledge and experience that he had accumulated during his sports career. His advice contains a lot useful information, especially for those who have decided to make their body attractive.

Zane was born in 1942 in the USA, Pennsylvania. Many, many fans of bodybuilding consider him to be a bodybuilder with the most perfect figure . One of the incentives that pushed the athlete to bodybuilding is the death of his father, who led healthy image life: drank alcohol, smoked and died relatively early. Frank Zane began training hard and pumping up his muscles in his teens - when he was fourteen years old.

  • Height - 176 cm
  • Weight - 84-92 kg
  • Biceps - 46 cm
  • Chest - 132 cm
  • Hip - 67 cm
  • Waist - 76 cm
  • Shin - 44 cm

Strength indicators

  • Squat - 280 kg
  • Bench press - 230 kg
  • Deadlift - 330 kg

Amino acid intake by Frank Zane

Already in the 1970s, this athlete consumed a lot of amino acids, such as tryptophan and arginine. They have only become so popular in our time. In addition, he was fond of a low-carbohydrate diet, which is also very popular nowadays. He spent a lot of time trying to gain a certain weight before training, without exhausting himself with particularly intense and difficult exercises. Because of this approach, the athlete had many injuries that still make themselves felt to this day. There are 2 types of athletes: some want to get results in a short time and load themselves without thinking at all, while others act much smarter, although they have to spend a lot of time on it.

The bodybuilder symmetry that some people talk about has nothing to do with real symmetry. In fact, there is no such thing as symmetry between the top and bottom parts body does not exist. In essence, this is not symmetry, but proportionality, and that is visual, since it is practically impossible to accurately determine these parameters, and no one has tried to do this. Massive athletes who pose standing appear proportional. But if the bodies of these athletes are divided into two parts vertically, then you can see that the right and left parts are not the same.

Frank Zane preferred to avoid poses that indicated symmetry of the right and left sides, although everyone said that the athlete's body was absolutely symmetrical. Right and left-hand side the athletes were not the same, and therefore not symmetrical, as the athlete himself said. As a rule, he showed everyone his strengths without putting himself in a sideways pose. This is something he learned from Bill Pearl.

Everyone has problems if they try to assign a number to every part of their body. They don't even do this at tournaments. To carefully study parts of his body, the athlete took photographs. The fact that some people claim that the sizes of the neck, arms and calves should be the same is outright nonsense. In any case, the numbers don't matter, what matters is what people see. You need to be able to create the perfect illusion for others, and even more so for the judges.

Advances in amino acids and antioxidants are of great value to bodybuilding. Frank Zane studied this constantly and was always up to date with the latest developments. Despite this, no major changes have occurred in this area. For many years the athlete has used food additive based on egg white and whey protein. At the same time, sodium predominates in egg white and calcium is less, and whey protein- on the contrary, calcium predominates. Be that as it may, these are the 2 most affordable and effective proteins that can serve as a quick meal replacement, especially when there is very little time.

Lack of any magic

Many people, when meeting, ask the athlete to create a special nutrition program for them. For some reason they thought that Frank Zane had some kind of special diet that allowed him to maintain his body in such amazing shape. All the magic lies in, as the athlete said, devoting enough time to your activity. The athlete has always shown people how to do things correctly, since the correct and sensible approach is crucial, especially if it is necessary to isolate a certain muscle group. Muscle development requires regular blood flow.

Despite his 75 years, Frank Zane still works on himself, although not as intensely as in his younger years. He no longer works on increasing the mass of his muscles, but on his endurance. To do this, he connects the expander to the load blocks, which helps to slowly increase the load.

According to the athlete, when working out one part of the body, it is necessary to perform up to 10 different stretches for this muscle group between approaches. The duration of each stretch is about 20 seconds, no more. After each approach, the athlete rests a little, allowing the heart rate to decrease. Stretching provides this opportunity because you can relax while stretching. Thus, a lot of time is saved, while the body tone is maintained at the desired level.

The work started must be completed

Often people lose motivation due to the fact that no one controls their actions. This cycle is as follows: when they overeat at Thanksgiving, from mid-December to mid-January, they become motivated to lose weight. excess weight. They begin to train intensively until the month of March, when it becomes much more comfortable outside. During this period they leave Sport halls and move to the street, but at the same time they do not get real, much less expected results.

Some people start training because of their shortcomings, but this motivation lasts for a very short time. Therefore, such people are always dissatisfied with something and begin to move in the opposite direction. They lose their shape. Therefore, the only way out for them is to become motivated in order to achieve at least some results.

How Frank Zane trains now

Frank Zane practiced a triple distribution, which corresponded to: the first day was working the upper body, the second day was working the leg muscles, and the third was push-ups. The exercises are performed according to the following scheme: approach, rest, approach, approach, rest. He never coached top part body for 2 days in a row, as this exhausts the shoulder muscles. Excessive loads have a bad effect on an athlete, especially after a sports career, and when an athlete is young, he practically does not feel it.

Frank Zane Biography

Famous American bodybuilder modern bodybuilding idol, “star of the eighties” Frank Zane was born in the small town of Kingston, Pennsylvania on June 28, 1942. Coming from an ordinary American family. His dad Adam Zane worked as an ordinary electrician and owned a small company technical repairs televisions and radios. Frank's mother did not work anywhere and, to a greater extent, was exclusively involved in raising children and housekeeping. Frank also had a younger brother, Adam, who, compared to Frank, already, as a teenager, had very impressive strength beyond his years.

Since the Zane family had Protestant roots and corresponding religious views, this significantly distinguished them from the general mass of families living in the city. This, naturally, became the main reason for ridicule and ridicule from local children towards the Zane brothers, who often had to get involved in street brawls and come home with fresh bruises. Exactly sense of responsibility for her younger brother brought Frank into sports, so that in the end he would be able to stand up for both himself and him at the right moment. Another reason to become stronger, according to the famous athlete, is the sudden early death of his father, who smoked a lot and liked to regularly drink strong drinks to excess. Having lived only 57 years thanks to his harmful bad habits, Frank's father became a kind of negative example for his son, thereby further strengthening him belief in a healthy lifestyle.

Frank Zane photo:

At the age of 14, Frank tried a lot various types sports, including such disciplines as boxing, wrestling, wrestling and many others. But one day, what was called at that time a home set for weight training fell into his hands. Frank immediately realized that he had found what he had been missing and what he had been looking for all the time. After just half a month of hard training, the results of the training began to bear fruit, in Frank’s own words: “the muscles literally popped out from everywhere”...

Such quick success gave Frank more determination and self-confidence, after which he plunged even more actively and diligently into training process iron sport. And just four years later, having reached his 18th birthday, he was able to take part in the first serious competition among local bodybuilders. However, despite such impressive successes, Frank really lacked friendly support in his sporting endeavors.

Apart from his family, the young man has no one else to expect understanding from. According to Frank’s own recollections, the people who encouraged his athletic hobby could be counted on one hand. Apart from them, everyone else just “watered” them with criticism and ridicule. But future champion did not give up - such statements only inflamed his thirst to prove to everyone that he was capable of achieving serious results. All these negative aspects did not reduce his enthusiasm in striving for even greater victories...

Besides bodybuilding and sporting achievements, Frank was also very attracted to studies. Among all the subjects he liked the most psychology. Seriously interested in her, Frank Zane, having graduated high school in 1960 and successfully passed the entrance exams, he entered Wilkes University in his home state of Pennsylvania. In 1964, he graduated with honors from this university, receiving a bachelor's degree in psychology. Not accustomed to stopping there, Frank continued to study this monumental and boundless science, and in 1977 he was awarded a diploma from the University of California, located in Los Angeles. Having conquered this second peak in the same field, Frank Zane became a truly recognized expert in the field of psychology. The athlete always justified his irresistible thirst for learning by the desire to have a decent, well-paid job that could easily be combined with his favorite bodybuilding activities.

The personal life of this famous athlete began after moving to Florida and completing the competition in 1969, during which, at the Mr. Universe competition, Frank was able to surpass even Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, albeit still young. It was then that, having grabbed luck by the tail, another victory, no less significant in life, came to him: Frank met Christina, his future wife.

Keep training hard, Frank Zane achieved incredible success in bodybuilding and won a total of about 150 various awards, among which are three highest victories for the athlete. These are deservedly won three Mr. Olympia titles in 1977-79. However, after such an impressive number of victories, the bodybuilder suddenly began to lose ground, and after 1980 inclusive, he no longer rose to the highest step of the podium...

Frank Zane books, TV shows, coaching...

The biography of this amazing personality does not end here... Despite all the adversities, this man did not finish sports career, but found a worthy use for it on TV, becoming also a popular sports instructor, a real television fitness star, and becoming famous in another role as an excellent commentator on such well-known television channels as ABC, ESPN, CBS and NBC. In addition, the three-time champion is also known to us as a teacher. He became the author of a large number of popular books, articles and other methodological literature on bodybuilding, and proved himself to be an experienced trainer for large number stars of modern bodybuilding, having raised a worthy successor.

In his mature years, Zane, as in his youth, looks irresistible thanks to his discipline and determination. According to the athlete, he still has a lot of aspirations and goals in life, although of course with professional competitions alas, it is long over.

Your success in bodybuilding famous champion explains by scrupulous preparatory work and taking into account all, even unlikely, difficulties. Thinking through everything to the smallest detail is his life credo. For example, Zane, realizing that he was quite short in stature, and also thin-boned, immediately abandoned the dream of making himself a “thug”, since anyway, it was initially unrealistic. Having initially thought through everything, he chose aesthetics, proportionality and harmony as his main trump card, and he made the right decision, being very successful in this direction...

This is what Frank Zane looks like in his old age:

As we can see, even now he has not changed at all - in his old age he is just as strong, sculpted and muscular, as if age were not a hindrance to him at all. And in general, is the word “old age” applicable to the athlete in these pictures? This is what sport does to a person...

In 1994, three-time Mr. Olympia Frank Zane was honored and deservedly inducted into the renowned Bodybuilding Hall of Fame - a fitting end professional biography great athlete. His name is written in golden letters in the history book of World Athletics. This man is still considered a style icon and an exemplary example for all modern bodybuilders.

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