How to protect yourself: self-defense weapons allowed in Belarus. The procedure for purchasing rifled hunting weapons has been changed. How to obtain a weapons permit in Belarus

Passion for hunting and sports shooting is a hereditary habit that has been passed down from generation to generation through the centuries and still remains one of the main pleasures for many. However, with the fall of the feudal system and the development of the national economy, the rules of hunting underwent changes and over time it became, although a free occupation, but with the highest state control.

That is why the right to hunt, as well as the right to keep weapons, is legally regulated by government agencies and you can obtain a permit in the Republic of Belarus from the Ministry of Forestry at your place of residence, and in Minsk and the Minsk region from the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgosohota”.

The procedure for obtaining a state hunting license

According to the rules of hunting and hunting, any capable citizen of the Republic of Belarus who has reached 18 years of age can obtain a certificate. The right to hunt can also be obtained by foreign citizens who have a hunter’s certificate from their country, and stateless persons who have a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus.

To consider obtaining a state certificate, you must submit an application and the following documents:

  1. Passport
  2. A document confirming completion of preparation for passing a special hunting exam
  3. Two 3x4 color photographs.
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Cost of the procedure:

  • state duty (1 base value) - 210,000 rubles
  • exam - 42,000 rubles
  • registration in the register of hunters - 5,000 rubles

You can pay on the spot or bring a payment receipt for the specified amount to the following details:

  • recipient of the payment - UE "Belgosohota", UNP: 101435427, account 3012000005262, in the ASB "Belarusbank", code 795.

After submitting your application, you will need to pass a special hunting exam in the form of a test on knowledge of environmental legislation, biology of wild animals and birds, hunting rules in the Republic of Belarus, safety rules for hunting and handling hunting weapons, hunting tools, first aid, etc. The exam is conducted by prior registration at the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belgosohota".

Since 2014, mandatory training courses for future hunters have been introduced in Belarus. They are organized in forestry enterprises and on the basis of RUE "Belgosohota". In addition to the main form of training, Belgosohota organizes online training courses for passing a special hunting exam.

According to the latest data, 95% of applicants who complete the course successfully pass the exam and receive a hunting license, as well as a violation registration card. The decision on issuance is made by the Ministries of Forestry within a month from the day of passing the exam upon presentation of a passport.

The certificate is issued for 10 years and valid if you have a card for recording violations and paying the state fee. The fee must be paid every 12 months before the start of the hunt.

Procedure for obtaining a weapons permit

After the exam has been passed and the certificate has been received, you need to acquire something without which even illegal hunting is impossible. And since the purchase of any type of weapon on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is prohibited without a permit for its storage, the first thing you need to do is undergo a medical examination at the place of registration. The medical institution issues a special certificate stating that the potential candidate hunter has no contraindications to owning a weapon. The certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.

Next, you need to prepare a place for storing weapons in a house or apartment, and after creating the necessary conditions, contact the territorial police department at your place of actual residence. There you need to provide the following documents:

  • passport (residence permit);
  • two photographs 3*4;
  • state hunting license;
  • medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to the possession and storage of weapons.

A candidate for a permit must write an application according to the established form and pay a state fee in the amount of one basic amount.

It should also be noted that at first you will only be able to obtain permission to store smoothbore hunting weapons and only after 5-6 years for the purchase and storage of a rifle with a rifled barrel. Break in possession smoothbore weapons should not exceed one year.

As for the place to store weapons, it can be either a special safe or just a metal box with a lock. For greater reliability, you can attach the box to the floor or wall, and equip the room itself with an alarm or other technical means security Most important criterion The key is to ensure that the storage location is well protected from unauthorized persons and children, so the main thing is a safe or a metal box with a lock.

After you have prepared everything, a permitting inspector will be sent to you, who will prepare the appropriate inspection report, which reflects the conditions created for storing weapons. If everything meets the established standards, it will begin The final stage inspections, during which employees law enforcement must make sure that the future owner of the weapon has not been brought to administrative responsibility. It is important that you do not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing intentional crimes, as well as a number of other offenses prohibiting the purchase of weapons.

If, after an inspection carried out by internal affairs officers, no violations were identified, then the citizen is issued a purchase permit.

Happy hunting!

Rewriting sources:,

About ten years ago, a woman I knew on a cold autumn evening on her way home unexpectedly met... a robber. They pulled her purse like a rope until the dog's barking scared off the robber. After some time, he settled in the pocket of a careful woman for a long time gas canister. Similar cases can happen to everyone in our lives. But how can you defend yourself until the police arrive? How much are means of self-defense, and is it possible to use firearms for these purposes? A police lieutenant colonel answered these questions for us Dmitry Yazepchik, senior inspector for special assignments of the licensing and permitting department of the prevention department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is no urgent need to purchase self-defense means in our country,” the interlocutor says. - By and large, Our crime situation is calm, and therefore there is no reason for this. However, someone who wants to purchase, for example, gas pistol, must acquire the skills to handle it and pass a medical examination. And only after that the territorial internal affairs bodies will decide whether a citizen can be given permission to purchase self-defense weapons.

- It seems to me that stun guns and gas cartridges are most often purchased.

The above means refer to self-defense weapons, but you do not need to obtain permission to purchase them. They can be bought on the market, in specialized stores, but such products must be necessarily certified.

- Which means of self-defense do you consider the most effective?

All weapons pose a potential threat to humans. And each of the products, when used correctly, will be effective for the owner. When purchasing such a weapon, firstly, you need to think about why are you buying it?, and secondly, you should understand with what means of self-defense you it will be more convenient.

- Unlike Russia, we are prohibited from owning and using traumatic weapons.

Yes, in 2012 in Belarus traumatic weapons equated to firearms. Its circulation is completely prohibited in our country.

- Can batons and baseball bats be considered means of self-defense?

Of course not. You need to play baseball with a bat. There is simply a certain group of people who acquire and use them for other purposes.

- By the way, at what age does a citizen of Belarus have the right to keep firearms?

According to the law, all You can buy weapons in our country from the age of 18. Upon payment duties in the amount of 2 basic units a resident of our country is given permit to store weapons for 3 years. A similar procedure has been created for registration sporting and hunting weapons. For possession only shotgun should also have a state hunter's certificate.

By the way, for illegal actions in relation to gas weapons the owner may receive a fine of up to 10 basic units with confiscation of the weapon. But for possession of firearms, a person already faces criminal liability. Over the first 9 months of 2014, 935 units of unregistered weapons and 1,650 units of registered weapons were seized. More often, weapons are confiscated from black diggers and people whose relatives left them. It should be noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out campaign to register unregistered weapons. Anyone could contact the internal affairs bodies, present a weapon (no sanctions were applied) and register it in their name. As a result, we achieved good results: more than 700 weapons were brought to the police.

Taras Shchyry.


Self-defense weapons- a set of types of weapons and other technical means that can legally be used by a person to protect the life and health of persons whose life or health is threatened as a result of a criminal attack.

How much do self-defense products cost?

You can purchase self-defense products not only in regular stores, but also on the Internet. For example, prices for gas canisters on some sites start at 80 thousand rubles. Stun guns can be purchased for both 500 thousand and 2.5 million (so-called stun guns). An ordinary flashlight-electric stun gun costs 1.5 million rubles. As you can see, everything depends on the financial capabilities and taste of the potential buyer.

How to obtain a hunting and weapons permit in the Republic of Belarus?

The desire for Hunting has been inherited since ancient times and passed on to us from generation to generation. And today, Hunting remains one of the most passionate hobbies.
Over time, the rules of Hunting have changed a lot, now not everyone can buy a weapon at their first desire and go Hunt whoever they want and where they want. To do this, you must first obtain permission both for the right to Hunt and for the right to purchase weapons.

That is why the right to Hunt, as well as the right to keep weapons, is legislatively regulated by government agencies and you can obtain permission in the Republic of Belarus from the Ministry of Forestry at your place of residence, and in Minsk and the Minsk region from the RUE “Belgosohota”.

Obtaining a state hunting license

According to the rules of hunting and hunting, any capable citizen of the Republic of Belarus who has reached the age of majority, 18 years, can obtain a certificate. The right to hunt can also be obtained by foreign citizens who have a hunter’s certificate from their country, and stateless persons who have a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus.

To consider obtaining a state certificate, you must submit an application and the following documents:

1. Passport;

2. A document confirming completion of preparation for passing a special hunting exam;

3. Two color photographs 3x4;

4. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Cost of the procedure:

State duty (1 base value) – 21 rubles;

Exam – 4.2 rubles;

Registration in the register of hunters – 50 kopecks.

You can pay on the spot or bring a payment receipt for the specified amount to the following details:

Recipient of the payment - UE "Belgosohota", UNP: 101435427, account 3012000005262, in the ASB "Belarusbank", code 795.

After submitting your application, you will need to pass a special hunting exam in the form of a test on knowledge of environmental legislation, biology of wild animals and birds, hunting rules in the Republic of Belarus, safety rules for hunting and handling hunting weapons, hunting tools, first aid, etc. .
The exam is conducted by appointment at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgosohota”.

Since 2014, mandatory training courses for future hunters have been introduced in Belarus. They are organized in forestry enterprises and on the basis of the RUE “Belgosohota”. In addition to the main form of training, Belgosohota organizes online training courses for passing a special hunting exam.

If you choose full-time training, the training will last for two weeks from 18.00 to 21.00 on weekdays. During this time, the theoretical and practical parts will be completed, the latter, by the way, includes shooting practice on the stand. The cost of the course is 180 rubles (1.8 million before denomination).

To complete distance learning, you must register on the website where all required material in the form of lectures and test tasks. It will cost less - 100 rubles (1 million before denomination), but will last longer - 28 days.
The final exam contains 10 questions that require 80% correct answers (some questions have multiple correct options).

If you successfully pass the exam, you will be issued a state hunting license within a month.

If you fail the exam, you can retake it in a week by paying 0.2 of the base amount (4.2 rubles), the number of retakes is not limited. There is no need to pay a state fee to obtain a certificate.

According to the latest data, 95% of those who complete the course successfully pass the exam and receive a hunting license. The decision on issuance is made by the Ministry of Forestry within a month from the date of passing the exam upon presentation of the passport.

The certificate is issued for 10 years and is valid if you have a violation registration card and payment of the state fee. The fee must be paid every 12 months before the start of the hunt.

Obtaining a medical certificate
When you have the appropriate certificate in your hands, it’s time to think about purchasing a gun. This will require a special permit from the police (more on that later) and a medical certificate.

To obtain a certificate, you must immediately contact the pre-medical office of the clinic at your place of residence, where they will issue a referral for tests and a commission from specialists.

In addition, you will be given directions to two dispensaries - psychoneurological and narcological. After this, certificates from them must be presented at your clinic - without this, a general medical report on your viability as a gun owner cannot be obtained.

Obtaining permission from the police
Next, you need to write an application at the nearest police station for permission to purchase a smoothbore gun. You must first pay a state fee in the amount of one basic amount (21 rubles) for issuing a permit to purchase weapons.

A medical certificate must be attached to the application and payment receipt.

There you need to provide the following documents:

Passport (residence permit);

Two photographs 3*4;

State hunting license;

A medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to the possession and storage of weapons.

It should also be noted that at first you will be able to obtain permission to store only smooth-bore hunting weapons and only after 5 years to purchase and store a rifle with a rifled barrel. The break in the possession of smooth-bore weapons should not exceed one year.

As for the place to store weapons, it can be either a special safe or just a metal box with a lock. For greater reliability, you can attach the box to the floor or wall, and equip the room itself with an alarm or other technical security equipment.
The most important criterion is that the storage location is well protected from unauthorized persons and children, so the main thing is a safe or a metal box with a lock.

After you have prepared everything, a permitting inspector will be sent to you, who will prepare the appropriate inspection report, which reflects the conditions created for storing weapons. If everything meets the established standards, the final stage of verification will begin, during which law enforcement officials must make sure that the future owner of the weapon has not been brought to administrative responsibility. It is important that you do not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing intentional crimes, as well as a number of other offenses prohibiting the purchase of weapons.

If, after an inspection carried out by internal affairs officers, no violations were identified, then the citizen is issued a permit to purchase weapons.

Weapon registration
After purchasing a gun, it must be registered within 10 days. To do this, you need to come to the police station with the purchased weapon and documents for it and obtain permission to store weapons. For this you will have to pay two more basic amounts (42 rubles).

Now you can safely go hunting for a trophy elk or deer, although this pleasure is not cheap, especially if you hunt without being a member of the RGOO BFSO "Dynamo" or the Voenohot enterprise of the public association BVOO and RGOO "Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers", whose members are provided significant discounts on hunting in their leased lands.

It is important to know that hunting is allowed only at certain times of the year and in places specially designated for this. Also remember that if you go hunting for game, you will be required to pay a tax for the right to hunt in the amount of 1 basic unit (21 rubles).

You can buy a gun, the first weapon in the store for Hunters - ZAPAL.
Come we will help you do it right choice weapons. We will also advise you on the necessary equipment for hunting.

Sources: Belohota and Belgosohota

Belarusians often get information about the acquisition, storage and carrying of weapons, including pneumatic ones, from unreliable sources: Internet sites, stories from friends, etc. What rules for pneumatic weapons apply in Belarus, said the senior inspector of the permitting group of the law enforcement department and prevention of the Department of Internal Affairs of the regional executive committee Sergey Galynya.

– Weapons are divided into military, service and civilian. Pneumatics belong to the last category and are allowed to be owned, but not as a self-defense tool, like, say, gas pistols or stun guns, but only for use in sports and hunting, when their muzzle energy is 7.5-25 J.

Such weapons are purchased with the permission of internal affairs bodies and are subject to registration. The exceptions are items of lower power and structurally similar products with a muzzle energy of no more than 3 J, signal pistols and revolvers with a caliber of up to 6 mm, which, according to the conclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cannot be used as firearms and gas weapons.

– Should we be afraid of pneumatic guns, which many consider just a toy?

– A bullet from an air gun can not only pierce the skin, but also penetrate several centimeters into the body, damaging internal organs. Even a “mild” version (up to 3 J) can cause serious injuries, and if it hits the neck or head, it can cause serious injuries, the consequences of which are loss of hearing, vision and death.

The main buyers of pneumatics are young people aged 15 to 30 years. Computer games, action heroes instill in children a desire to own weapons, a desire to be cool and dominate others. But they should be reminded that the use of these “toys,” including for defense purposes, can be classified as exceeding the necessary defensive measures, hooliganism, or causing bodily harm.

– Aren’t pneumatic gun enthusiasts afraid of the possibility of going to prison?

– The problem is that sellers in markets and on the Internet often deceive their customers and say that no documents are needed for civilian weapons. As a result, ignorant people buy pneumatics over 3 J, reinforced springs, extended barrels and other “tuning” that increases power.

In fact, an increase in muzzle energy over 7.5 J entails criminal liability - up to 2 years in prison, and storage and carrying of modernized pistols - administrative liability.

Of course, both suppliers and distributors of illegal products are punished. We hold special events at retail outlets, monitor offers online, and make-to-order deliveries. Any products and items related to weapons, including aerosol cans, must have a certificate and comply with regulations. And they can only be sold in specialized stores.

For violations of the law, deprivation of licenses, the right to engage in business, fines and criminal liability are provided.

Eduard Korolevich, “Vitebsk News”, June 16, 2017
(photo – “Vitebsk News”)

The legality of using pneumatic weapons has always raised and still raises many questions. Despite the fact that the legislation clearly defines the procedure for purchasing pneumatics, the lion's share of users could not figure out whether a license is needed for air gun and whether there are any peculiarities in the laws of the Republic of Belarus.

Why do permission questions appear?

Analyzing the problem, we come to the conclusion that the main contingent of users is represented by teenagers under 18 years of age. For them, the time comes when a person with a weapon becomes something like an object of imitation. Pneumatic weapons are commercially available and can, albeit only visually, increase the brutality of a young man. In fact, anyone who is thinking about buying a hunting rifle or a firearm has probably studied the legislation, so they don’t ask such questions.

To raise the awareness of citizens, we note that all the excerpts below have a legal basis. The basic document is considered to be the law on weapons valid in the Republic of Belarus. The difficulty of studying the legislative framework is that the text of the law is written for all types of weapons. You have to select the necessary provisions from the context, which not every reader can do.

On the other hand, there are a number of resources that provide their visitors with false information. In fact, the law does not have a clear answer regarding permission for pneumatic weapons, so you will have to start with the characteristics of the weapon.

Specifications of pneumatic weapons

Each weapon element has a number of parameters by which its performance is assessed, this could be the type, barrel length, presence/absence of rifling, fore-end material, number of cartridges in the magazine. On this moment only those that are considered a determining factor from the point of view of regulatory documents are of interest. Such characteristics are entered into the product passport and are called passport characteristics, among them - muzzle energy and caliber.

Muzzle energy can be understood as the kinetic energy of a bullet, although this value cannot be assessed by us in absolute value. Most often, it is more convenient to use relative values, that is, everything is known by comparison. The law on weapons distinguishes between pneumatics and energy:

  • up to 3 J;
  • up to 7.5 J;
  • up to 25 J.

To get a rough idea of ​​how large a given energy value is, let’s explain everything with examples. Souvenir weapons made by domestic or foreign manufacturers have an energy of 3 J or even less.

Some copies are an exact copy of the Makarov pistol and other world-famous models. Even by law, such models are not considered weapons. They are positioned as devices structurally similar to pneumatic weapons. Naturally, there can be no restrictions regarding them.

Pneumatics with an energy of more than 7.5 joules are positioned as hunting weapons.

By the way, in the Republic of Belarus, as in Russia, hunting with pneumatics is prohibited.

This restriction is introduced for humanistic reasons. Bullet air rifle capable of penetrating under the skin to a considerable depth. This means that the animal will not die immediately, but will be seriously injured. His death may be painful due to infection.

Every amateur has probably heard about the caliber. An example is the world-famous calibers of domestic manufacturers 5.63 and 7.62. But we are interested in the value of 4.5 mm. The caliber shows the diameter of the barrel, therefore, directly affects the impact force after the shot. The exception is models that have a relatively large caliber, but low bullet energy.

Permission for pneumatics

Now that we have reviewed the main characteristics, we will determine in which cases permission to store and carry a pneumatic gun is required. The law on weapons states that elements with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm and a muzzle energy of up to 7 J are not subject to registration. This can be interpreted as free trade and the absence of any restrictions.

But here we should make a reservation. If a child can buy pneumatics with an energy of less than 3 Joules, and the place of purchase is not so important, then more powerful pneumatics are available for sale only from the age of 18.

Now let’s imagine what the lack of documents for weapons will cost. On the one hand, there is no need to go through different authorities to obtain permission. But it is impossible to determine the value of muzzle energy by sight, therefore, government officials have every reason to send the barrel for examination. To avoid such troubles, it is advisable not to violate the rules for carrying pneumatic weapons (do not show them to others, keep them unloaded), and also always carry with you a certificate issued only in a specialized weapons store.

If the value of the muzzle energy exceeds 7.5 J with a caliber of 4.5 mm or the caliber exceeds 4.5 mm with an energy of 7.5 J, then for such pneumatic weapons all the documents are required, as for, for example, traumatic , this is a permission to purchase, a license to store.

Some nuances not specified in the law

Owning a weapon should impose responsibility on the citizen, even if the law would seem to exempt one from this responsibility. Pneumatic weapons with energy less than 3 J are not considered weapons. However, if accidentally hit, it can maim a person, and in some cases the wound will be fatal. Then you will have to answer according to the law.

The second nuance is to create storage conditions. The law does not require a safe. But if there are children in the house, then the citizen is obliged to take care of limiting access to weapons. A safe is an excellent measure, so it would be advisable to install one.