How to make a vent from plastic pipes. Homemade girders. How to make a vent from a plastic tube

In this article we will talk about what homemade products from plastic pipes you can assemble yourself. After all, after the completion of the construction of a sewer, water supply or heating system, a large amount of unnecessary materials remains for which, by the way, money from the family budget was paid not so long ago.

It will most likely not be possible to use excess pipe cuttings for their intended purpose, since the finished plumbing system has already been built. Again, you won’t be able to give the excess to the store. But if you use your imagination, it will not be difficult to find a use for the seemingly unnecessary remnants of the pipeline.

In the photo - the frame of a country summer gazebo

What you need to work with polymer pipes

The instructions for processing and installing structures using plastic pipes involve the use of the following tools:

  • special cutter, cutting at right angles, if necessary, you can use a hacksaw;
  • In extreme cases, you can use an acetylene torch;
  • fitting– connecting elements that are selected according to the type of pipes.

So, after we have decided what tools and materials will be required to carry out the planned work, we will consider the technology for making various crafts.

Making snowshoes

A snowy winter is the climatic norm for most of the post-Soviet space, and therefore accessories for comfortable movement in deep snow are relevant for many compatriots. It’s not difficult to assemble snowshoes with your own hands from plastic pipes, especially since you don’t need a special tool for this.

So, if you are not used to using skis, but you are attracted by walks in the snowy forest, it’s time to start producing snowshoes. Let's try to make a device for a person of average height with a weight of no more than 70 kg.

For this we will need the following materials:

  • from 20 mm - 4.5 m;
  • metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 20 mm - 2 m;
  • tees with dimensions 25-20-25 mm – 12 pcs;
  • tees with dimensions 20-20-20 mm – 4 pcs;
  • barrels - 20 mm - 4 pcs;
  • laminated plywood (thickness not less than 4 mm);
  • semi-rigid ski bindings;
  • self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws.

The instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • We cut 4 pieces of polypropylene. 65 cm each, and 8 pcs. 23 cm each.
  • We cut 4 pieces from plastic plastic. 50 cm each.
  • We bend metal-plastic blanks into a semicircle using a special spring;
  • Using a soldering iron or an acetylene torch, we melt the ends of the polypropylene blanks and connect them to the tees as shown in the photo.
  • All that remains is to use the same soldering iron to assemble all the workpieces into a single structure. We attach plywood squares to a frame assembled from pipes, directly on which ski bindings can be fixed.

So, we have looked at the general instructions for assembling snowshoes intended for use in winter.

Raft made from materials remaining after sewer assembly

Is there anything that can be done to apply during the warmer months? Of course, you can, for example, a homemade catamaran made of plastic pipes.

To assemble a catamaran-type raft, you can use main polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer pipes. The advantage of using these products is the presence of a socket connection and special fittings that can be used to cover the ends.

Note! There are equally durable polyethylene pipes on the market, but such products are difficult to weld at the ends, so we will consider an option based on PVC components.

In order for the raft to remain afloat, two floats of the appropriate size will be required. The optimal choice would be PVC pipes with a diameter of at least 500 mm.

The assembly instructions are as follows:

  • a strong frame measuring 6*2 meters is assembled from an aluminum corner or a board;
  • the pipes are tightened with clamps as shown in the figure;
  • the structure of the floats is attached to the frame by means of a bolted connection;
  • sealed plugs are placed on the socket ends of the pipes;
  • on the side of the rolled ends, socket couplings and plugs are put on;
  • a boardwalk is made on the frame.

Important: A catamaran assembled in accordance with the instructions must have completely sealed floats. Therefore, you need to make sure that there are rubber sealing rings at the connection between the pipe and the plug and that water does not leak inside.

Since we already know the instructions for making a raft, it remains to take care of making fishing gear. Let's look at how a vent is made from a plastic pipe.

Making a summer zherlitsa

The main disadvantage of many rivers and lakes from a fisherman’s point of view is the presence of coastal bushes and other vegetation. Coastal thickets prevent fishing using a spinning rod, and it is in this case that a girder is used, which is easy to make with your own hands from scraps of plastic pipe.

To make a girder, you can use scraps of PVC pipe 6 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. You can use longer cylinders, but as practice has shown, these dimensions are the most successful, as they allow you to wind the required amount of cord or fishing line. There are no special requirements for the color of pipes; the most common modifications of white or gray can be used.

Making a sleigh from leftover water pipes

Finally, I would like to consider a recipe for making a vehicle. Of course, it will not be possible to assemble a velomobile from plastic pipes, since the strength of this material is insufficient to not deform under the muscular influence of the cyclist on the structure as a whole. But children's sleds made from pipes will work just fine.

Are there any polypropylene parts of the water pipe left? And, of course, there is nowhere to use them, and it’s a shame to throw them away? Do not rush to throw away unnecessary pipes, as you can assemble a good sled from them.

Factory-made sleds for a child can be purchased with the onset of the season in any supermarket and the price of this purchase will be low. On the other hand, by assembling sleds from plastic pipes, you can dispose of waste remaining after replacing the water supply. In addition, you will be able to gain valuable experience working with polypropylene, which will certainly come in handy later.

We begin the assembly by installing the runners.

For this we need:

  • 6 pieces of polypropylene pipe 1 meter long and 25 mm in diameter;
  • 10 45 degree corner joints;
  • 12 connections made at right angles;
  • 6 tees for mounting the top of the sled on the runners.

Let's start assembling the runners:

  • Using a soldering iron, we attach corner fittings at 45 degrees from one of the ends of the prepared meter pipes.
  • On 2 sections that will be located in the middle of the runners, we attach 3 tees in increments of 20 cm from each other, into which supports will be inserted.
  • We bend the runners at the front and back, as shown in the photo. All soldered joints are reinforced with self-tapping screws for greater strength.

The next stage of assembly is to install supports under the boardwalk. We cut the supports from the same polypropylene pipes.

Important: We determine the size of the supports based on the considerations that the lower they are, the stronger the entire structure will be.

Just like the runners, we strengthen the supports with self-tapping screws. At the final stage of installation work, we cover the runners with laminated plywood. The same material can be secured to the top of the assembled sled.


So, we looked at several examples of how you can use the pipes remaining after repair. Of course, there are many more such ways. It is enough to show a little imagination, and you can figure out how to use seemingly unnecessary construction waste for the benefit of your home or garden.

Still have any questions? You can find more useful information by watching the video in this article.

The zherlitsa is one of the oldest fishing devices for fishing for predatory fish. The simple design, invented hundreds of years ago, still surpasses many modern equipment in efficiency.

The zherlitsa is one of the oldest fishing devices for fishing for predatory fish. The simple design, invented hundreds of years ago, still surpasses many modern equipment in efficiency. During this time, it has remained virtually unchanged, except that it has been slightly modernized, and as for its popularity among predator hunters, there is hardly any other gear that can compete with it.

So what is its secret, maybe in the design? Let's try to figure this out, and at the same time consider how to make a pike girder with your own hands.

This simple tackle is designed for catching predatory fish exclusively with live bait. It may have several design options, but the essence comes down to one thing: the predator is presented with a bait mounted on a hook connected by a fishing line to a fixed base, which, as a rule, is located above the water. Typically, fishermen use several poles. Their number can be any, as long as the area of ​​the reservoir and the capabilities of the fisherman allow.

Despite the fact that today you can buy any tackle in the store, fishermen prefer to make girders with their own hands. This is absolutely not expensive and takes very little time. A good fisherman can have a dozen and a half girders in his arsenal. If you know where to look for a predator, this amount is enough to get a pretty good catch. Making girders with your own hands is gradually developing into a kind of hobby for some fishermen. Making these tackles themselves, craftsmen constantly modernize them, bringing them to perfection.

Types of girders

All girders can be divided into two main types:

  • winter;
  • summer

The former, in turn, are divided into above-ice and under-ice. Winter designs are more common and popular than summer ones, which have recently been replaced by more modern fishing means.

There are three types of winter girders:

  • with a flat base;
  • on a vertical stand;
  • "Taganok".

Flat base racks

The most common are vents with a flat base. They have a simple design and, unlike vertical and Taganka ones, are easy to install. In addition, such girders can be made with your own hands within 15-20 minutes from scrap materials.

This type of gear consists of a wooden or plastic platform on which there is a reel with fishing line and equipment, as well as a signal flag that “shoots” when bitten.


  • simple design;
  • easy replacement of structural elements;
  • quick and convenient installation on any surface;
  • the ability to cover the hole to prevent sunlight and freezing.


  • in the presence of strong wind, they can shift without additional load;
  • the base may freeze into ice in severe frost;
  • good factory models are quite expensive.

Vertical vents

Vertical girders work on the same principle, but their entire mechanism is not located on a flat base, but on a stand, which is installed in snow compacted near the hole. This, in fact, is their only drawback: without snow, installation is impossible.

A vertical vent with your own hands can also be made from available materials in a minimum period of time.


  • when installed securely, they are quite stable;
  • purchased models are significantly cheaper than flat ones.


  • difficulties with installation without snow;
  • does not block the hole.


“Taganok” is a structure in the form of an aluminum tripod with a reel and a flag located on it. This zherlitsa is not often made by hand, as it requires certain metal processing skills and the availability of the necessary tools.


  • compactness and ability to fold the structure;
  • ease of transportation.


  • a do-it-yourself vent can only be made if you have metalworking skills and the appropriate tools;
  • poor stability in strong wind conditions.

Do-it-yourself flat ice trap for pike

Let us consider in detail the process of manufacturing a vent with a flat base. Let's start with the means and tools. We will need:

  • board measuring 30x10 cm;
  • the most common reel for a fly fishing rod (preferably with a ratchet);
  • fishing line 0.3-0.35 mm;
  • load (olive) weighing 5-15 g;
  • leash (if for pike, then steel or tungsten) with a snap hook;
  • hook No. 4-6 (according to domestic classification);
  • a thin steel plate or wire 30-40 cm long and a red flap (or a ready-made flag from the store);
  • drill with drills with a diameter of 4 and 10 mm;
  • 6 wood screws (3X10 mm);
  • 2 plastic clamps for attaching the electrical cable to the wall;
  • screwdriver.

A flat pole for pike with your own hands can be made not only on the basis of a plank. A plastic or foam plate can also play its role. It is important that the platform can securely hold all elements installed on it.

In the center of the board we drill a hole with a diameter of 10 mm. We change the drill to 4 mm and make holes in the coil mounting plates. Using self-tapping screws, we screw the reel with the fishing line pre-wound on it to the edge of the board, positioning it so that the fishing line, unwinding from below, is directed towards the drilled hole.

When making zherlitsa with your own hands (winter), you should pay enough attention to the flag. If it is not factory-made, then we take a prepared steel plate or wire and bend its edge (1.5-2 cm) at an angle of 90 degrees. We apply this edge to the middle of the board on the opposite side of the coil and press it with clamps and screws so that the flag stands vertically and can be pulled out of the clamps with force. We attach a red flap to its end in any convenient way.

Now all that remains is to attach the weight and leash to the fishing line. That's the whole process of making a flat vent with your own hands. Vertical winter structures are made according to the same principle, only they have a different arrangement and fastening of structural elements.

Ice fishing for pike

Under-ice girders are used by fishermen to hunt predatory fish in two cases: when the gear is placed at night or during the day for a long time in severe frost conditions. Their essence lies in the fact that the entire structure is lowered into the water in order to avoid the gear freezing into the ice.

It’s even easier to make an under-ice rig for pike with your own hands. A base is taken in the form of a wooden strip or stick with a length of at least two diameters of the hole. We tie a thick fishing line in the middle, to the end of which we attach a piece of plastic or rubber pipe (or a hose), which has negative buoyancy. A thin cut 2-4 cm long is made from the bottom. The main fishing line is wound onto the hose. The tackle with bait is lowered to the bottom, the fishing line is pulled up and inserted into the cut, where it is fixed. The vent is lowered into the hole a few centimeters under the water, where it will be held by a load.

When biting, the pike will pull the fishing line along with it, it will slide off the cut and begin to unwind to its full length. You can determine the bite by the floating tube. A do-it-yourself under-ice vent can also be made in the form of a horn. Our ancestors used similar designs for fishing for pike and burbot. The principle of its operation is similar to that described above, only instead of a tube a small horn is used. A fishing line is wound around it, after which it sinks under the water with its horns down. The fishing line is also secured in a cut made in one of the horns. As you can see, making a winter vent with your own hands is quite simple. What about summer?

DIY summer girders

Summer girders are also used for catching predatory fish, however, unlike winter ones, they are installed not on ice, but above the surface of the water. Today it is rare to see such a design in action, but still some anglers continue to use them quite successfully.

Let's look at how to make a girder with your own hands for summer fishing for predators, using the classic “flyer” as an example. For this we need:

  • a small wooden stag 10-15 cm long;
  • fishing line 0.3-0.4 mm thick;
  • olive weight (5-15 g);
  • leash (steel or tungsten);
  • treble hook (No. 6-8);
  • drill with 8 mm drill bit;
  • a piece of strong rope.

We cut the stag from hazel or willow. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned and sanded so that the fishing line does not get caught when unwinding. We drill a hole in the handle and thread a piece of rope through it. A thin cut needs to be made in one of the horns to secure the fishing line, as is the case with winter ice fishing rods. Now we wrap the fishing line around the horns, having first secured its end. We attach the weight and leash with a hook. That's basically it, all that remains is to install our vent.

Features of installing a summer girder

There are two ways to place the flyer: by tying it to a tree branch hanging over the water, or by placing a long pole on a steep bank. In the first case, we will need to either bend the branch, or climb onto it and tie our perch so that it hangs above the water. In the case of a pole, the “flyer” is tied to its edge, after which it is driven into the shore and tilted at the desired angle to the surface of the water. This option is more acceptable, as it allows you to completely control the gear.

So we figured out the designs of the vents. Agree that there is no difficulty in the process of making them yourself. In fact, making girders with your own hands is a mostly entertaining and creative process, because any design can be changed and adjusted to certain conditions, which, in principle, is what most fishermen do.

Video on how to make a winter vent with your own hands

Fishing homemade zherlitsa from plastic tubes most effective. At one time, while fishing for predators, I tried many different designs of girders. I started, like many others, with a wooden flyer. I tested factory-made devices made of plastic, reminiscent of the same flyer. Then there were scraps of rubber hoses and plastic bottles with fishing line wound around them. Having summarized my very rich experience in this area, I came to create the best, in my opinion, girder. Thirty years have passed since then, and even now I have practically nothing to add to this design, which is why I consider it almost ideal. I myself currently fish mainly with a spinning rod, but many friends and acquaintances still fish with pleasure with my rods. Now about how to make a vent yourself.

How to make a vent from a plastic tube

You can make such a vent from a plastic tube - the same one that is widely used in plumbing as a water pipe (for our purposes, PVC, polypropylene or polyethylene pipes, which are both publicly available and cheap, are suitable).

We will need a white tube (the most common option) - it is visible from afar. In addition, when a fish, when biting, removes the dark line from the white tube, zherlitsa seems to change color, signaling a bite. This moment can be noticeable from afar, which makes fishing more effective.

The length of the pipe when purchasing depends on the number of vents you need. The calculation here is quite simple: the length of the pole for fishing from the shore is 12-15 cm; for fishing from a boat, you can use shorter poles - up to 10 cm. As for the diameter of the tube (it is usually measured in inches), it makes sense to choose it so that both the stings of the double hook were hidden inside the tube during transportation - this is very convenient and safe.

We cut the purchased pipe into blanks according to the selected dimensions. Then on each workpiece we drill a through hole 5-6 mm on one side and use a hand jigsaw to make a slot 8-10 mm deep on the other side. Now we equip the body of the girder with a strong rope for fastening and fishing line, which can be easily and quickly wound onto the tube “in bulk”, or you can wind it a little slower, but evenly and beautifully, turn to turn.

We attach a sinker to the fishing line, tie a carabiner, and attach a leash with a hook to it. A piece of foam plastic strung on a fishing line will be useful if you place a bait near the shore: when the sinker lies on the bottom, the foam float prevents the baitfish from lying to the bottom itself.

For girders installed from a boat, a foam float is not needed; there the sinker is suspended above the live bait. The length of the fishing line for coastal rigs is usually 5-6 m, for boat rigs 3-4 m is enough, so some are shorter than others. However, this depends more on personal preference - you can make all the fishing rods the same, but the visualization of the bite, if too little dark fishing line is initially wound on the tube, will worsen.

Now a little about the tricks of fastening the vents during installation. The photo shows two options for fastening rope. One is with a clamping tube, which should move with some tension along a rope folded in half. This method allows you to quickly secure and then unhook the girder, especially by a tuft of coastal grass. By the way, there is no need to be afraid that the pike will be able to tear the girder from this grass, well, perhaps the “crocodile”.

The second mounting option is simpler, but also effective. For it, you just need to fold the fastening rope into a loop, as shown in the photo, and tighten it on the peg. A few simple recommendations for equipping the vents. As I already mentioned, we attach a carbine to the fishing line. This is done so that the leash can be easily attached and detached.

Why is this needed, because by tying it directly to the fishing line, we simplify the design? The whole point here is that, having pulled out the caught fish, we can simply and quickly disconnect the leash, put another one with a hook in its place and, having attached live bait, install the girder again, and remove the removed leash from the fish at home. In the case of a tied leash, we will have to cut it off, then tie a new one, and this means time, nerves, and sometimes mosquitoes...

We choose the leader material according to our own taste - from homemade, from a guitar string, to a branded one, from titanium. Some people use very thick (over 1 mm) monofilament as a pike leash, which has its advantages: invisibility and low cost.

And a little about live bait for fishing with girders. Do not use minnows, minnows or other small fish. Do not spare large crucian carp or roach - from 15 cm and more. The larger the bait, the greater the likelihood of catching a large pike, and minnows and minnows most often only catch squints. Considering the specifics of the gear, it is unlikely that they will be released. So if you’re going to catch fish with girders, then you’ll catch decent fish.

There are the following types of homemade girders:

  1. Changeling. Consists of a plastic tube, thick wire and electrical tape. A hook with bait is attached to the wire and placed above the hole. The end of the tube with bright electrical tape shows whether there is a bite or not.
  2. On a leg. To use such a girder, you will need more materials. Here you need to have:
  • plastic tube;
  • bright flag;
  • fishing line reel;
  • nuts and washers;
  • base;
  • hose bushing.

It works this way: the leg is placed on the snow and frozen. A fishing line with a hook and bait passed through a reel will signal a bite.

  1. On the platform. The design is considered the most complex, as it requires drawing and fitting of all elements. They are mounted on one platform, which is often cut out of wood or plastic. To prepare it take:
  • coil;
  • checkbox;
  • plywood;
  • staples;
  • fishing line;
  • hook.

When there is a bite, the line comes out from under the clamp brackets, the flag rises up and signals the appearance of fish.

  1. From a bottle. The easiest way to make winter lanterns, as a regular plastic bottle will do. For large fish, you should take not a half-liter bottle, but at least a three-liter one. The only thing that will depend on the fisherman is whether the fish will fall on this girder. The main thing is to be careful.
  2. Under the ice. They leave the fisherman more free time. It is better to leave such supplies overnight. If you place the structure on ice, you need to place a signaling device there. This option does not contribute to freezing of the hole.

There is a great deal of information about various girders in the specialized literature, but they have one thing in common - you can actually catch fish on them.

The ice fishing rig consists of the following components:

  1. signaling device;
  2. bracket together with the coil;
  3. rack;
  4. equipment

The stand is made of a plastic tube, and the bracket is made of a metal knitting needle, and their corners should remain even. The coil is made of polystyrene foam, and the alarm is made of steel wire.

When assembling the winter girder, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Fix the wire on the stand at one end and attach the other with a flag.
  2. attach the equipment to the reel.
  • Using the example of an American jig with a rubber shock absorber, we recommend that you also use this feature so that the pike does not break the tackle and when fishing, the rubber smoothes out sharp jerks of the fish.
  • A great way to mount racks is to use a tripod. Unlike the platform version, this one will be securely fixed in the ice and dusted with snow, which guarantees its immobility.
  • Closer to the bait, use fluorocarbon up to 0.4 mm so that the pike does not notice the fishing line. However, you will still have to use a metal leash.
  • The wooden structure of the vent can be replaced with propylene (PVC) tubes.
  • A flagless vent is another option for improving your design. Use an electronic bite alarm, or even better, a pager to transmit a bite signal at a distance.

Classic version

This design consists of several elements:

  • signaling device;
  • bracket with coil;
  • rack;
  • equipment

It's not difficult to make.

  1. Take a metal tube that will serve as a stand.
  2. The bracket can be made of metal knitting needles.
  3. The coil is made of polystyrene foam.
  4. The signaling device is made from a piece of wire.
  5. Attach equipment to the reel.
  6. At the moment when the fish swallows the bait, a bright flag rises up.

Modernized classic version

This design includes the following components:

  • base;
  • signaling device;
  • bracket with coil;
  • equipment

Cooking process:

  1. The base is prepared from hard foam or plywood with such a diameter that it matches the hole;
  2. The coil is made of polystyrene foam and is mounted on a bracket;
  3. The alarm is screwed to the base;
  4. A fishing line is threaded into the base and secured to the reel;
  5. During fishing, the signaling device goes behind the reel, and at the moment of a bite, it begins to rotate, causing the flag to rise up.

Reel "Spatel"


  • polystyrene;
  • racks;
  • hinge;
  • signaling device.

Since the alarm is similar to a spatula, it is equipped with a wooden handle and then secured with an elastic band. The handle itself should be painted or covered with electrical tape so that it remains bright and noticeable. When a pike bites, the alarm stands straight and the line begins to unwind.

Wood frame construction

The simplest model:

  1. Find a wooden flyer from a branched knot (preferably an elastic one).
  2. Cut a fork with a handle 15 centimeters long and 10 millimeters thick.
  3. At the end of the flyer, make a rim to secure the loop.
  4. It is better to have a fishing line with a reserve of up to 7 meters and a diameter of 0.6 mm.
  5. Attach a metal leash to the free end of the fishing line.
  6. Attach a treble hook size No. 4-5 through the ring from the leash.
  7. Place a sinker on the fishing line (several of them can be installed).
  8. Secure the sinker at the bottom with a swivel.

Subglacial vent

Such girders are simple to manufacture and are suitable for various objects that will correspond to the hole made. To prepare an ice trap you will need:

  • object corresponding to the hole;
  • a plastic tube approximately 40-50 cm, which is attached to any selected item;
  • the fishing line is inserted into the sawn hole of the plastic tube.

Another way to make a structure for fishing from under the ice can be made from a duralumin strip using metal wire. The method of self-cooking consists of the following points:

  1. A strip of duralumin 1x50x200 millimeters or more with curved ends in one direction (this is also the base);
  2. Drill a small hole in the center of the plate where the coil will be placed;
  3. Make another hole near the reel for the fishing line.
  4. Attach a signaling device wrapped or painted with bright colors to the spring;
  5. Attach the spring to the end of the base and secure with a pin.

Another option for fishing from under the ice. To make it you will need:

  • a couple of pieces of hose about 10 centimeters;
  • make a hole on one piece of hose to attach a loop;
  • on another section, cut a hole where the rope will be attached;
  • instead of a reel, they use a plastic tube into which 10 meters of cord are wound;
  • secure the first end of the cord with a loop, and insert the second into the slot at the end of the hose;
  • Attach a sinker and a leash made of fishing line about 40 cm to the free end of the rope;
  • connect the leash with another metal leash and hook.

For catching pike, perch, pike perch and other predatory fish in the summer, a girder that will float on the surface of the water is perfect. This type of tackle is called a circle.

To make a summer girder (mug) you will need:

  • slingshot;
  • fishing line;
  • sinker;
  • triple hook (single hook is also possible);
  • wooden stake to secure it to the shore.


  1. tie the fishing line to the slingshot and wrap it around;
  2. the sinker, leash and float are assembled;
  3. put live bait on the hook;
  4. Attach the tackle on the shore to the branches of bushes that are located next to the reservoir.

With the onset of the summer season, many reservoirs are overgrown with vegetation, and in order to build a good trap for pike, you need to take into account the hard-to-reach places where this fish lives. For example, someone who is used to catching pike in winter can easily convert a winter fishing rod into a summer one.

The main thing is to find the necessary elements to make a fishing line on which you can wind the fishing line. Mainly used:

  • plastic circle;
  • plastic bottle;
  • piece of wood

It’s not difficult to make a zherlitsa from a plastic bottle with your own hands. To make the design you will need:

  • tape or tape;
  • scissors or sharp knife;
  • rubber;
  • thin spring;
  • nylon cord or fishing line 3-3.5 m long;
  • plastic bottle with a lid with a volume of 1-1.5 l;
  • hook;
  • a piece of tarpaulin;
  • sinker.

The process of making the girder:

  1. Remove the bright label from the plastic bottle. Wind a fishing line or cord into the middle, tying it with a strong knot at the neck. Under the lid, attach a rubber ring, which additionally secures the fishing line.
  2. Attach a treble hook to the end of the cord. The sinker can be attached to the fishing line directly in front of the hook or 30-40 cm above.
  3. Using tape or tape, attach the spring to the side of the bottle. Attach a bright tarpaulin flag to its end. Bend the spring to the bottle and secure the position by threading the fishing line under the elastic band.

Place the live bait on the hook and lower the bait into the pond. When the fish swallows the bait, the line will unwind, releasing the spring with the flag. Take out your catch and attach a new baitfish.

Using a thread, the girder can be attached to a wooden or iron stick, polystyrene foam or board. This will make it easier to remove gear and catch from the water.

To prevent the bottle from getting lost in the algae, paint the bottom red, pink or red. Bright shades will help you find the zherlitsa among coastal bushes and snags.

Water should not leak into the bottle. Fill the place where the lid is screwed with waterproof glue or screw a piece of bandage onto the thread. Check your equipment every 60-80 minutes; in case of even minimal leakage, the vent will completely go under water.

Those who are familiar with the design of a winter girder can, of course, easily convert it into a summer version. Although there are different designs and many fishermen do not know how to attach them to a pond or large rivers with moderate currents.

Among the classic options for girders, you can make simple designs with your own hands from scrap materials: a flyer, a tube, a flag or an ordinary plastic bottle.

Pike rigs can be made from any available materials, and most of them will work quite effectively. The main thing is to immediately estimate what size fish are found in a particular body of water, which will allow you to make such tackle more competently.

In recent years, some craftsmen have begun to make girders by analogy with pipe structures. Due to the fact that much less material is needed and not too much time is spent, they produce ten to fifteen of these products at once and place them along the shore.

The fact is that here, instead of a fairly long piece of pipe about 70 cm long, a small piece is used, the length of which is a maximum of 10 cm. Otherwise, the technology is exactly the same.

This ring is hung on a strong branch of a tree growing on the shore and left until the bite occurs, which usually happens quite quickly. Having walked in this way about two hundred to two hundred and fifty meters along the coast of the reservoir, you can install 10-12 girders in the area, each of which with a high degree of probability will attract pike or perch.

Do-it-yourself summer zherlitsa from a bottle

There are times when a person unexpectedly finds himself on a body of water; there is nothing suitable at hand, such as a spinning rod or similar equipment, but he really wants to fish. In principle, making tackle from scrap materials is quite easy, but for this you will need to use a plastic bottle, the volume of which should be about half a liter.


All important elements:

  1. Fishing line. Because it is less exploited, the company should not worry. Its diameter will depend on the size of the fish. Usually take up to 0.6 mm.
  2. Coil. 20 meters of fishing line are wound on it - maybe a little more.
  3. Leash. Metal so that predatory fish cannot bite it.
  4. Sinker. Its weight should have a ratio to fish of 1:2. On the river, the load is chosen depending on the speed of the current (it is important that the live bait is kept in one place).
  5. Signaling device.
  6. Bright flag.

Tubular vents

Tubular vents have become popular with the advent of various materials on the construction market. Fishermen have come up with a new variety - tubular, consisting of a polymer pipe with a diameter of up to 35 mm and a length of up to 70 mm.


The design of the vent is easy to manufacture:

  • two holes are drilled at the top of the tube;
  • a length of up to 20 meters and a thickness of no more than 0 5 mm is wound onto a tube;
  • a sliding sinker weighing up to 15 g is suspended from the girder;
  • is stopped by a rubber damper;
  • a swivel with a clasp is tied to the end of the thread;
  • a section from a bicycle tube up to 2 cm wide is pulled onto the tube in order to fix the girder in the working position.

Zherlitsy with a flag

Making your own flag is a reliable option, especially if it consists of different colors. A small red flag is barely visible in the reeds, and at a long distance it turns into black. Orange is clearly visible in the bushes, but is invisible at a fair distance.

A multi-colored flag will allow the angler to immediately see the bite. It is also recommended to stick stripes of reflective material on the flag (at night, under the light of a flashlight, they will be clearly visible).

Manufacturing is not difficult:

  • take a rail 50x50 mm and 40 centimeters long;
  • check the box on the elastic material;
  • secure the flag rod at the end of the workpiece using electrical tape;
  • attach an inertial reel, which is present on the float rod, to the rail; it is attached in such a way that during scrolling the rod with the flag straightens;
  • wind up to 20 meters of fishing line on the reel;
  • attach a sinker to the fishing line ring;
  • attach a swivel to the fishing line;
  • attach a metal leash with a hook to the swivel;
  • secure the vent to the shore with a peg.

This is a common tackle among anglers used in winter. For fishing in the summer, it is enough to modify it a little.

The material you need to select is:

  • stick up to 40-45cm long;
  • checkbox;
  • inertial coil;
  • monofilament line up to 0.5 mm in diameter, length up to 20 m;
  • carabiner;
  • sinker;
  • leash;
  • hooks

To assemble the structure you need:

  • attach a flag and an inertial coil to the vent (reel);
  • equip the reel with monofilament line up to 20 m in length;
  • attach a sliding sinker when fishing for pike;
  • equip the girder with a metal leash;
  • attach the hooks and you can throw them into the pond.

To install the gear, you will need to drive a stake on the shore and tie the pole to the post with a rope. The leash allows you to make fish bites more pronounced, and the flag will tell you when the fish has swum to the bait. It will begin to rise above the water, signaling the start of a bite.

Bite activator.

Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale. More sensitive gear.

Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

But you can’t rush into hooking. You need to wait a few minutes for the fish to properly swallow the bait. From the beginning of the rotation of the reel, you need to prepare to hook the fish.

The flag will be clearly visible even from a distance if you first paint it in brighter, more noticeable colors.

As a rule, a flag pole is used in the winter and only for ice fishing, but many fishermen use it in the summer months. To do this, you just need to modify it a little.

Design of the vent

How to catch more fish? I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
Bite activator.

Attracts fish to cold, warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.

More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.

Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

  1. A stick, the length of which should be about 40 cm;
  2. Checkbox;
  3. Small inertial coil;
  4. Monofilament line with a diameter of about 0.5 mm and a length of approximately 20 m;
  5. Sinker;
  6. Carbine;
  7. Leash;
  8. Hook.

A reel along with a flag is attached to the stick, and this must be done in such a way that the flag begins to straighten when it rotates. Now you should wind the fishing line on the reel and attach a sinker to it. A carabiner is attached to the end of the fishing line, through which a metal leash is fastened.

Let us remind you that not only pike bite on girders, but also burbot, pike perch, perch, and rotan. Nevertheless, pike is the most popular fishing object. Finally, we will give 8 important recommendations.

  • If fishing allows you to use several leashes, you can attach different live baits.
  • The bite will depend on the gear. If it is thin, then the bite will be bad.
  • If there is a strong current, then it is better to take a heavier sinker.
  • Mask the items at night. The hole can be filled with snow.
  • Do not stand over the tackle or run from one to the other. Choose a place to wait and watch the warning lights carefully.
  • Observe the correct installation of the girder.
  • The bite will depend on the fishing location.
  • It would be useful to prepare for knowledge in the field of fish behavior in the dead of winter.

Zherlitsa is a tackle that is designed for fishing with live bait by hand, without hooking and the presence of an angler on the spot. The zherlitsa can be homemade or purchased. Since its design is quite simple, fishermen often make them themselves.

Pike rigs: features of operation

Pike is the most common trophy when fishing with girders both in summer and winter. Often, neither spinning, nor track, nor winter trolling are capable of bringing the results that live bait fishing with this simple tackle brings. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Live bait is the natural food of pike. The behavior of a live fish provokes a pike to attack much better than the play of a spinner or other bait.
  2. The bite occurs in the absence of the fisherman on site. Consequently, there are fewer deterrent factors: noise, shadow of the fishing rod on the water, bunnies on the water from glasses
  3. Pike is not a schooling fish. Fishing with a spinning rod or lure can be successful when it is possible to find a school of fish in this way and catch it for a long time. A baitfish standing in a certain place is just as likely to cause a bite as fishing a water area with a spinning rod.
  4. Pike hunting almost always takes place in strong places, among snags and water thickets. It is often impossible to fish here with anything other than live bait gear.
  5. In the summer, this fish hunts along the coastal strip, near the edge of the algae, which makes installing girders from the shore a very effective way of summer fishing
  6. The nature of the trigger, when the predator, after biting, is able to unwind a little fishing line and move away, makes it possible to catch pike well. Usually she catches the bait crosswise, then moves away a little, turns it in her mouth and swallows it from the head. With this method, you don’t have to do an instant hook-up, and the girder often hooks hungry fish on its own, giving few catches.

The nature of the pike's hunting is such that it is usually found in thickets of aquatic plants, snags, on the border of the thermocline, in the shade of bushes, lying on a dark bottom - wherever it is difficult to notice it in the water from afar, where visibility is reduced due to the nature of the passage of sunlight. These are usually places where you can find a lot of small fish nearby. The pike lies in ambush and waits for some fish to be close enough, or moves very slowly so as not to arouse suspicion.

Once in the zone of throwing towards the prey, the pike turns in this direction with its entire body and adjusts the distance, looking at the fish with both eyes. After this, a short powerful throw occurs. It is so fast that even a high-speed underwater camera is often unable to capture it well. The throwing distance is no more than two or three meters. After this, the pike returns to its original position, where it swallows the prey.

A pike rig assumes a design that has a certain supply of fishing line for free movement. Usually no more than three meters. This stock allows you to catch a predator without the participation of a fisherman and does not require immediate hooking. The pike has the ability to swallow the fish without feeling the resistance of the stretched fishing line, otherwise it may spit it out.

At the same time, you should not give too much stock. The fact is that a fish, having pricked itself on hooks, can run away under a snag, entangle the fishing line on bottom grass, rhizomes of bushes, reinforcement of old piles, etc. This can lead to loss of prey. In addition, having swallowed the hooks into the stomach, such a fish may not get off the hook even if it becomes entangled and may die, as a result the reservoir will become polluted and the fish will begin to get sick. It is worth at least approximately assessing the distance to the nearest serious snags and giving such a margin so that the pike cannot tangle the fishing line there.

Summer zherlitsa-postavusha

Traditionally, from time immemorial, pike have been caught using a summer bait-postavusha. It was a flyer like the one we used to make slingshots at school. A line is wound around the flyer in a figure eight, and a cut is made at one of its ends with a knife. A fishing line is inserted into it in such a way that the bait fish cannot pull it out, but the pike can. A piece of string is tied to the “handle” of the flyer. It is used to attach it to the base of the girder - a peg, pole, reed, hanging bushes or other objects near water, of natural or artificial origin. The main thing is that it is not tied tightly, but hangs on a free section of this string above the water.

At the moment of the bite, the pike grabs the bait and begins to pull the line. Under force, it jumps out of the tuck and rolls off the flyer. Winding in a figure eight prevents the line from getting tangled, which often happens when inertia-free reels such as bottles and tubes are used instead. The fishing line can simply fall off at once and a beard will form. Subsequently, the pike stops and swallows the bait, getting hooked. The signal to the angler is the sound of the line unwinding, but more often the fish hooks itself, and all that is required is to check the girders from time to time, remove the pikes and change live bait.

You can find a lot of variants of this girder. Fishermen make them from pieces of pipe, plastic cups and small plastic bottles instead of slingshots. Of course, for a city dweller it is easier to find them than to look for a smooth slingshot on the shore and come to the reservoir in advance with prepared gear, rather than waste time fishing to equip the girders. In addition, most of these devices can be fixed motionless, just to ensure the line comes off. They often do this: they put a wooden stake in the water with a piece of Ø50 mm PVC pipe for plumbing screwed to it, a small plastic bottle through a cork, etc. At the moment of biting, the fish itself pulls the line out of the pinch and unwinds it from an improvised reel of the inertia-free type. They are caught using baits in the summer and until late autumn.

Sometimes there are options when the reel does not have a reel at all. Usually these are placed with a sinker, when the live bait is held at the bottom. The slack of the line here is initially set in the form of sag to the sinker. The predator grabs the bait, tears the load off the bottom and picks up the slack. Sometimes the slack is made up to the tuck and is free on the water, but in this case it can get caught on something. Still, a flyer or some kind of device is more reliable. And the live bait that lies on the bottom is usually scared, lies on the ground, does not move and is less likely to cause a bite than one that is thrown into the water or above the bottom and does not know where to hide from the predator.

Winter zherlitsa

For pike fishing, this type of gear works exactly the same as summer gear. The live bait is on a hook or tackle, which is designed to hook fish, the fishing line is in a tuck, from which he is not able to pull it out, but the pike - yes. On the girder there is a free supply of fishing line of about one and a half to two meters, usually on a reel, so that the pike, having taken the bait, has the opportunity to move away and swallow it without resistance.

Also, a special signaling flag is often placed on the winter vent. It is usually mounted on a clock spring about half a meter long. Often it also acts as a tuck, pressing the reel and preventing the baitfish from reeling in the line. When you bite, the spring is released, the flag pops up and can be seen far away on the white ice. The fisherman runs up, hooks the fish and pulls it out onto the ice through the hole.

The design of winter vents is subject to the requirement of frost resistance. For example, it is performed on a wide plate stand. With its help, the girder is placed above the hole, covering it, and covered with snow on top. As a result, the fishing line underneath does not freeze into the ice, and the line can remain in one place for a long time, even in severe frost. The flag, reel and other parts must be made simply and reliably, maybe even crudely, so that even if a little ice has frozen on them, there will be gaps for their normal operation. The fishing line is also not the thinnest, so that it can be released with a jerk if it is a little frozen. And a thick line usually freezes into the edge more slowly than a thin line, which immediately sticks to the cold icy edge in severe frost.

The described option is usually purchased in a store. Such a girder on a plate stand is inexpensive and allows you to catch fish quite effectively. But there are other options for winter girders that allow you to catch fish with live bait. They can be made independently. For example, a simple vent made from a piece of plastic pipe with a cross, an underwater vent.

A vent made from a piece of plastic pipe

For a girder made from a piece of plastic pipe, you actually need a piece of such a pipe 50-70 cm long. Holes are made in it through which a wire is passed near one of the ends of such a girder. Use two pieces of reinforcing wire, no thinner than 3-4 mm. The result is a pipe, at one end of which two pieces of wire are stuck crosswise. The other end rests freely on the ice. It turns out that the pipe lies in front of the hole, resting near it on the cross, and with the other end behind it on the ice.

A fishing line is wound onto the free end of the pipe following the cross. This end is an analogue of the roguli in the summer zherlitsa. The fishing line is secured in a pinch made with a knife on the edge of the pipe, or is not secured at all, since the live bait in its normal state is not able to pull it off. When the fish bites, it grabs the bait, pulls the fishing line, turns the bait upside down and drags it into the hole. A cross made of wire that stands across it prevents you from falling through the ice. There is a free supply of fishing line on the pipe, which allows the fish to move away and swallow the bait. The fisherman sees the girder turned upside down with a pipe from a distance, runs to it and hooks a fish. Often the pipe itself is painted in bright colors for better visibility so that it can be seen against the background of white snow.

The main disadvantage of such a girder is the complete unprotection of the fishing line from freezing. It will be impossible to fish like this in the cold; within 20-30 minutes the line will be crusted on the surface of the hole and the operation of the tackle will be disrupted. There are also difficulties in regulating the softness of operation. In winter, pike can have soft bites, when it carefully takes the fish and almost does not move from its place. In this case, the effort to turn the vent will not be enough.

Second manufacturing option

The second permanent version of a homemade girder is a method when it is made like a summer one, based on a flyer or other substitute device, and attached to a support on a string. In this case, the flyer is under water, and the end of the string is attached to a stick that lies across the hole. Even if the string freezes, it can be easily cut out of the ice without causing much damage. This will not work with a thin fishing line. The disadvantage of this rod is the complete absence of a bite alarm; it has no flag. The hooking of fish occurs by self-catching, because of this, with careful biting, there will be a lot of empty hooks from which the bait is eaten, and the fish leaves, or where it is dented, falls asleep, and the fish spits it out, feeling the hooks. But it can be made from a very small piece of pipe, from a hose, and such homemade products take up little space in your bag.

Another important quality of the girder is that it can be easily found on the ice. It happens that it is already dark outside and there is a snowstorm. It will be difficult for an angler with a flashlight to find a stick placed across the hole when both of them are covered with snow. At the same time, finding a folded flag protruding above the ice or a pole with a slingshot will be much easier.

There are other live bait winter gear that are not always designed for pike fishing. For example - access. They are made in the form of short pieces of fishing line with two or three hooks on leashes and are designed for catching fish from the bottom. Live bait or other predator bait is attached to the hooks. Predator: burbot, pike perch, perch. They are the ones who take bait directly from the bottom much more often; pike prefer live bait in mid-water. The classic approach is a pole stuck into the hole to the very bottom, to the lower edge of which a fishing line with hooks and nozzles is tied.

Usually the burbot hooks itself, as it never moves far to the side to swallow the bait, like a pike, and swallows it on the spot, as do pike perch and pike perch. Such a burbot bait is easy to find even after a snowfall - the stake will remain sticking out and can be clearly seen. There are no problems with ice crust. The hole can initially be filled with a thick layer of snow, and if it freezes completely, the crust can be stirred up with a stake or cut out of the ice, without fear of cutting it with an pick. The baits are left overnight and checked in the morning; the bait for them is usually a ruff, which is caught all day. The one that doesn’t go for live bait goes for the fish.

Equipment of the girder

Both summer and ice fishing poles require equipment. Be sure to put a leash on the pike, as it can bite through even thick fishing line. Tungsten and wire are used. It is also necessary to install the equipment with at least one swivel. It makes it much easier to get fish into the hole; the line will not twist when fishing and will be less tangled. Live bait is attached to one or two hooks. It must be placed by the lip, as the pike swallows it from the head. The second one, if there is one, is stuck at the base of the anal fin without damaging the internal organs. All sorts of methods, when a leash is threaded through the gills of a live bait, lead to the fact that it will fall off very quickly. Gills are a very important vital organ of fish.

It is also worth warning about the use of traps for pike and other traps that do not use hooks. All of them are illegal and poaching methods of obtaining fish. The number of bites on them is the same as on a hook, but there are many times more mutilated fish that did not fall into the hands of the fisherman. It is almost certain that a pike that leaves a trap dies. But she can get off an ordinary trap and get caught again a couple of hours later.

Manufacturing and modification of a sieve with a flag

The best option for a girder is on a wide base with a flag. He is proven and reliable. You can make it yourself, even if it doesn’t seem too complicated. All parts are made of plastic. There is no need to make anything out of wood; it gets wet from water and freezes, as a result the vent becomes heavy. The ice in the bag after fishing will begin to melt, and the fisherman’s things will be all in the water.

For the base, take a fairly thick plastic - a round or square piece. The base from a broken electric kettle and other parts of electrical appliances are suitable. All of them should not fall into the hole, that is, be larger than it. A spool stand and a flag are attached to the base. It is convenient to make a stand from a piece of thin 16 mm polypropylene plastic pipe.

It can be made removable, for this purpose a hole is made in the base, a self-tapping screw with a washer can be screwed into the rack from below, with which it will be pressed against the groove in the base, there may be other options. A slot is made in the base through which you can thread the fishing line so that it is lowered exactly in the middle of the hole. This will make it difficult for the pike to turn over the girder.

The reel is attached to the stand. This can be either a small wire reel or a reel from any fishing line on the bracket. It is important that it has a fairly easy move and sufficient clearances between the axles. It is advisable to lubricate this area very well with grease so that it does not allow water to get under the axle. The water will not freeze, the coil will not jam and everything will work well.

The flag is attached in such a way that it tightens the reel and prevents the baitfish from reeling in the fishing line. For the base of the flag, take a long twisted or flat clock spring. You can use an old broken construction tape, there is also a good plate there, however, it quickly rusts and can break during use. It is very important that the vent itself is dark in color. It will be clearly visible on light ice and snow and will be easy to find. Flags must be bright. Burgundy and cherry flags are best seen on white snow; orange and bright red ones are less visible, especially in a snowstorm.

Refinement of purchased models

Much more often, fishermen have to deal with modifications to purchased girders. These are used more often than homemade ones. They are not expensive and work better than most homemade ones. And if you assume that you will have to buy materials for homemade ones, the choice is completely obvious; purchased ones for an angler who just wants working tackle, and not tackle made with these very hands, will be the best choice.

But they cannot always be used immediately. Often there is a defect left after casting plastic, a burr. All this needs to be cleaned with sandpaper or a file so that the fishing line does not catch on anything. The reel often has an unreliable fastening. Sometimes it is necessary to replace the axle and install a lock nut so that nothing unscrews on its own. Finding a lost nut in a thick snowdrift is almost impossible. Most often they try to glue the flags so that they do not fall off the spring. Usually they are simply stitched, sometimes poorly, and when bitten they can easily fly off when jerked. Glued with epoxy or frost-resistant glue.

It is advisable to lubricate the coil axis itself with a large amount of grease. It will not only improve the smoothness of the ride, but will also protect the gap between the axle from water getting in there. But you should be careful, solid oil corrodes some old fishing lines, such as nylon ones. It’s better to do everything in moderation and try not to have it on the entire surface of the reel, including the groove for the fishing line. Sometimes you need to attach a handle to the reel to rotate it. But you can do much better - drill a hole in the rim so that you can rotate it with your index finger. It is convenient to use this same hole to hook the hook from the girder onto it.

There are some other modifications to the purchased rig - correcting the crooked post above the gas, securing the flag spring in the insert base with glue, lengthening or shortening the flag, etc. The main thing is to apply a little force so that the rig works perfectly, and then fishing will be fun even at low costs.