How to make your back wider. Back workout. Pullover with dumbbells and rows while standing on a block

Increasingly, the news feed on social networks is replete with photographs, the content of which, to put it mildly, is surprising. Girls' "duck lips" are a thing of the past. But they were replaced by a new problem - the unknown “broad back syndrome” in young men. What it is, where it came from and how to fight it if the disease spreads to your friends, we will tell you below.


Recently, the cult of the athletic, sculpted body has been gaining momentum. Multimedia characters, not only athletes, but also performers of musical compositions and film actors, are building mountains of muscle literally before our eyes. “We need to pump ourselves up,” the phrase already sounds like a hymn to the beauty of the male body. This cannot be missed by impressionable young people. But behind beautiful bodies there are many hours of work in the gym. Everyone wants to be beautiful, but not everyone has the hard work to achieve it. This is probably where the so-called “broad back syndrome” (sometimes the word “imaginary” is added to the term) originates. What is it?

What is "broad back syndrome"?

So, the symptoms:

  • the back is straight like an arrow. The look is usually the same - sharp, decisive, even a little aggressive;
  • the hands are unnaturally positioned, either in a semicircle or in a “semi-square”. The man appears to be carrying two car tires, but we don't see them;
  • a person’s stomach usually either shrinks literally down to the back, or stands out in a semicircle and makes one think about the possibility of pregnancy in men.

Hence the physique of those prone to the disease. These are either very thin guys, or plump ones with loose body mass, which they proudly call muscle.

It is by these signs that we will discover “sick people”, based on the growing number of whom this disease can easily receive the status of an epidemic.

The second name of the disease - "turnikmen's back syndrome" - comes from the comic phrase "horizontal bar" and "men". This option conveys the essence of the problem even more clearly. That is, a person suffering from this “syndrome” assumes a posture and gait as if he has large muscles in his arms or a wide back. But in reality this is not the case.

Can we cure the syndrome?

This question, fortunately, has a positive answer. Often the “disease” goes away with age or life experience.

In fact, if we leave the irony, everything will not be so fun. It doesn’t mean anything good that young guys, in their desire to be beautiful and strong, do not achieve this, but only imagine the effect. This state is akin to how a boy from an average family breaks free and begins to squander money to show that he is rich.

The psychological background of the syndrome is quite deep. It's not just a matter of dissatisfaction with your body, but also a reluctance or laziness to work to improve. Guys with “wide back syndrome” try to deceive not only the camera lens, but also themselves. This style of behavior will not lead to anything good. Therefore, if you see such a photo of your loved one, save him immediately. We offer two optimal solutions. The first is to convince him that you like him for who he is. Second, give a gym membership as a gift, and let a toned back be not a fantasy, but a reality.

We often hear “carrying everything on your back”, “behind a wide back” - there is something in this. The back muscles are among the largest in the human body. Read more about the anatomy of the back muscles and exercises for their development!

Franco Colombo, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler have one thing in common besides multiple Mr. Olympia titles - they are all SPIN holders! Huge, pumped up, sculpted backs. It seems that over the past decades this body part has become even more important in bodybuilding competitions. If you don't have a good back, you'll have to settle for second place at best.

Of course, not everyone can build a back like Mr. Olympia, but we can build impressive, V-shaped, wide muscles that will not only make others look at you with admiration, but will also strengthen the entire upper body and make it more harmonious and proportional .

We often hear “carrying everything on your back”, “behind a wide back” - there is something in this. The back contains some of our largest muscles (from the lower back to the trapezius) and is involved in almost every movement we make, from stabilizing our core during bench presses to supporting us during back squats. The back is of great importance in our training, but only a few give its development the necessary attention.

You must create a balance between mass and strength to achieve an impressive, muscular and strong body

Many athletes perform countless sets of exercises, but ignore their back. Perhaps this is because it is difficult to see when standing in front of a mirror. Why train something you can't see?

I am no longer surprised when I see athletes in the gym with excellent biceps, pectoral muscles and quadriceps, who, however, cannot boast of back, hamstrings and triceps. Their shoulders are rounded forward because the pectoral muscles pull the deltoids forward, causing them to appear concave. The back is insufficiently and/or incorrectly pumped, the shoulders do not move back, so the body does not look proportional.

It's all about balance and harmony. You must create a balance between mass And by force to get an impressive, muscular and strong body. With this balance, you can develop other muscles without the front of your body looking disproportionate.

A little anatomy

There are a lot of back muscles, so sometimes you can get confused which one is responsible for what. Let's look at the main back muscles and their functions.

Latissimus dorsi muscle. The latissimus muscle, which is responsible for the V-shape, accounts for most of the mass of the back. The latissimus triangularis muscle begins under the shoulders, passes through the humerus and extends down to the lower back, covering the lumbar region on both sides. The latissimus dorsi muscle lowers the shoulders and takes them back.

Teres major and minor muscles. The thick, flat teres major originates on the dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the scapula and is inserted into the medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus. It is responsible for adduction and movements of the arms in the medial direction.

Rhomboid major and minor muscles. The rhomboid major muscle, located below the rhomboid minor, ends on the medial edge of the scapula. Thanks to it, the scapula is attached to the chest. This muscle pulls the scapula back, moving it towards the spinal column.

Back extensor muscles. These long muscles, which run along the lumbar region, are divided into three columns: external (iliocostalis), middle (longissimus) and narrow internal (spinalis). They all work by bending to the side and straightening the back.

Let's pump up a wide back!

Now that you know about anatomy and movement mechanisms, let's figure out how to get a wide back. The movements and exercises presented are designed to get maximum results every time you visit the gym. Remember to always use proper technique and not lift too much weight to risk your safety.

Pull-ups on the bar with a narrow and wide grip

To perform wide-grip pull-ups, grab the bar at a distance much wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows slightly and pull your chest toward the bar, bringing your shoulder blades together. Arch your back and squeeze your muscles tightly, then return to the starting position with your elbows slightly bent. This will give you the desired width and curve in your upper lats.

When doing close-grip pull-ups, grab the bar no more than shoulder-width apart, but with at least 6 inches of space between your hands. Pull up as you would for a wide-grip pull-up, then lower down without extending, however. hands completely. This exercise works the lower part of the lats, which will help you build mass where they enter the lumbar region.

Advice. If you find this exercise difficult, then decide on a total number of reps, say 40, and just focus on doing them no matter how many sets it takes. You can do 10 in the first set, 8 in the second and 7 in the third. Continue until you've completed all 40. When you feel you can do that number of reps in three to four sets of 10 to 25 reps, increase the total to 50.

Barbell and T-bar rows

These exercises help build overall back muscle mass. To perform barbell rows, grip the bar at shoulder-width distance. Bend over, keeping your pelvis in line with your back, until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Raise the barbell towards your stomach and squeeze your muscles at the top. Slowly lower the bar and repeat the exercise.

To perform T-bar rows, follow the same technique as for barbell rows, just don't round your back or jerk the weight as you move up. The back should be straight, let the latissimus dorsi muscles work, not the lower back muscles.

Advice. If you think it would be a good idea to tone up your upper lats, try doing barbell rows with a wider grip and pulling the bar toward your lower chest. You will need to reduce the weight to ensure proper technique for performing the exercise.

Rows on the lower block with two and one hands

To build muscle in your lower back near the lumbar region, use one of the following exercises. When performing lat pulldowns, sit down, bend your knees slightly and lean your body back slightly. Straighten up so that your body is perpendicular to the floor, and at the same time pull the handle back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull the handle towards your stomach. Return to starting position and repeat.

The beauty of one-arm pulley rows is that you can work each side separately. Use the same principle as the exercises above and make sure you contract the muscles as you pull the handle back.

Advice. If you don't feel comfortable doing barbell rows, attach a handle to a pulley cable and perform pulley rows with a shoulder-width (or wider) grip instead of barbell rows.

Rows on blocks to the chest with a V-shaped bar and behind the head with a wide grip

Nothing develops the round muscles like a V-bar row. Grab the handle and bend your elbows slightly. Pull the handle down toward the middle of your chest and squeeze the muscles tightly. Return to the starting position and feel the weight pulling the muscles upward.

When doing overhead rows, grab the bar with an overhand grip and pull from your head to your shoulders, then with your elbows bent, return to the starting position so that the entire shoulder girdle rises with the load. These exercises are an excellent replacement for pull-ups.

Advice. When performing any pulling movement, try to raise the shoulder girdle to the starting position. As you pull the weight down, lower your shoulders down and back, opening your chest. This will ensure that your back muscles are fully engaged.

Pullover with dumbbells and rows while standing on a block

Dumbbell pullovers and overhead rows are among the few isolated exercises for the back muscles, making them a great way to finish off your workout.

When performing a pullover, lie perpendicular to the bench so that only your upper back touches it. Grasp the inside of the dumbbell, position it directly above your chest and bend your elbows slightly. Lower the dumbbell back behind your head in an arc, engaging your back muscles, until it is at least level with your head, then lift the dumbbell back to the starting position.

To perform standing pull-downs, stand in front of a pulley machine. Grasp the bar at a shoulder-width distance, approximately at eye level, so that the load falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles. Pull the weight down toward your hips without bending your arms and squeeze your lats tightly. Return to starting position and repeat.

Advice. These exercises are also great as a pre-exhaustion exercise before your main back workout. Three quick sets of moderate reps are a great option.


The main exercise for the back muscles can be considered deadlifts. This exercise helps to pump up the muscles of the whole body and especially the back. With a barbell loaded on the floor, grab it with a shoulder-width grip, bend your knees, and keep your back straight. Lift the barbell off the floor, squeezing your legs first, then straightening your back until you're standing completely straight. Return the bar to the floor in the same way (in the opposite direction).

Advice. If you have trouble doing deadlifts from the floor, try doing partial deadlifts. Load the barbell onto a bench at approximately knee height and lift as described above. This will take some of the stress off your back if you are tall or if you don't want to work some of your leg muscles during this exercise.

Training Plans

Width of the upper part of the latissimus muscles


Thickness of the lower part of the latissimus muscles

Total weight and width

What is a partial deadlift?
A partial deadlift is very similar to a regular deadlift, but the barbell does not start from the floor. It needs to be placed on a power rack or some boxes/bench so that it is at the level of your knees.

Do you want a powerful, wide back?! Then read carefully the 8 main rules for developing back muscles, tips, main mistakes and videos.

Most of the gym visitors train their back at half strength, doing the usual and, believing that this is enough to create the coveted triangle and there is no need to apply more effort, but the question of how to pump up the back muscles remains open and the cherished 4 words are spinning in their heads - how to pump up wide back.

If you are not one of these self-confident individuals and are ready to further progress and achieve new heights, to create a truly powerful, muscular, sculpted back, then the information provided below is exactly for you.

Rule #1 – Improve your rows and pull-ups

Very often we see how not only beginners, but also experienced gym goers do not correctly perform these exercises to pump up their back muscles. The main efforts are aimed at performing a given number of repetitions, while movement technique plays a secondary role.

What you should pay special attention to when performing:

1) At the very beginning of the movement, the shoulders must be pulled back

2) The movement should be due to the tension of the back muscles, without twitching or swaying of the body.

3) Finish the row or pull-up with additional tension.

4) The arms are simply hooks connecting to the back, they work along a strictly defined trajectory.

To perform it correctly, you will have to spend more than a dozen attempts, but having learned to truly feel the muscles, progress will go by leaps and bounds and will make it possible to better develop strength, add volume and lift more weight.

Rule #2 – Watch your deadlift weight

It’s not uncommon to see a picture where guys load maximum weights on a barbell, doing 1-3 at a time and expecting super growth in their back muscles.

To build muscle mass in your back, you should do the following:

1) You need to work in the range of 5-10 repetitions, this is the amount that triggers anabolic growth.

2) You should not lift the barbell with a weight exceeding 85-90% of your one-rep maximum. This is acceptable to find out your strength limit, but it should not be the basis.

3) Your working weight should be around 70-75% of your maximum, this will allow you to deadlift for at least 5 reps.

- an excellent exercise that forces almost all muscle groups to work, but there will be little benefit from extreme weights to increase volume.

Rule #3 – Don’t overtrain your rear delts.

Back training is based on pulling and pulling the elbow back; this in itself works well on the back area and does not need to pay special attention to it. Of course, you can perform 1-2 exercises like - and, but there is no need to train the rear deltoids separately.

This way, you will save time and energy, which you will direct towards additional exercises to work your back.

Rule No. 4 – If you don’t have the strength to do a pull-up, then do a horizontal pull-up

Include horizontal pull-ups () in your arsenal. They selectively affect the lats, reducing them efficiently and working them out perfectly.

To perform this, place the barbell in the Smith machine at a height of about 1 m, place the heels of your feet on a gymnastic bench,
You need to pull yourself up to the middle of your chest, touching the barbell. It is advisable to pause for a second at the top point, and at the bottom it is good to relax the deltoids and stretch the lats.

For those who find this option too difficult, place your heels on the floor, this will place your torso at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, which will make the pull-up easier, but will also reduce the useful load on your back.

Even if you don’t have the strength to pull yourself up from a normal vertical position, perform at least 5 more repetitions from a horizontal position, and this is additional growth.

Rule No. 5 – increase the working weight

You still have a question - how to pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles, then remember the main answer - training with the same weight , is doomed to failure. For muscle growth, it is extremely important that you constantly reach a new level of resistance, this allows you to include more muscle fibers in the work and prevents the muscles from getting used to the load.

If you have reached about 110 kg for 6-8 repetitions, then the barbell row to the belt should be within the limit of this weight, even if it is heavy, this is your goal.

Do not limit yourself to pull-ups for 8 repetitions, hang additional weights on your belt – 2.5; 5; 10 kg. and move on, only the path forward will make you more massive, more powerful and more athletic.

Rule #6 – Use wrist straps

How to pump up a wide back if your arms can’t support heavy weights. Actively use wrist straps, in the last heaviest ones, when the grip is not able to withstand the maximum weight.

For example, when performing a deadlift with a large weight, the forearm cannot stand it and the fingers begin to unclench, while the back muscles are still quite fresh and have not experienced peak load. Using wrist straps removes the forearm from work and fully loads the back, which makes it possible to fully work out the muscles and work them 100%.

Grip strength will be trained separately, doing the same with your hands, now you have one goal, to work the muscles of the back fibers along and across.

Rule No. 7 – pump up shrugs

The trapezius is not only the top of the back, like an iceberg that is 70% hidden under water, but they also begin to extend from the middle of the back, and only their very top part is visible from the front.

When performing shrugs, at the highest point of the lift, hold for a second, creating the peak of the contraction, try to reach your earlobes with your shoulders, the lift is powerful and fast, while lowering, feel how the trapezius stretches.

Use “hard training”, for example you work with a weight of 80 kg. for 10 repetitions, first take the weight 80kg. x 10 repetitions, then 90 kg without rest. x 8 repetitions, then 100 kg. x 6 repetitions, after which lactic acid will literally fill every muscle cell, but this will indicate excellent development of the trapezius muscles.

Do not forget about the method when 1 approach is divided into many small ones, for example, doing 3 repetitions, resting for 20 seconds, then again 3 repetitions and again resting for 20 seconds, and so on, until you can’t do a single repetition. )

If the training program is split, perform the above exercises sequentially, from the heaviest to the easiest.

If according to the principle of conventional training, then:

Monday - deadlift
Wednesday- traction
Friday– pull-ups

Include these rules in your knowledge base and you will see how the rear view will begin to transform. Train, try, don’t be lazy and you will have a lot of quality meat, good luck!

The back is the second largest muscle group on the body after the legs. For many people, the back is the latissimus muscles. But this is far from the only muscle located on the back that forms the size and beautiful silhouette. There are a lot of muscles and you need to know how to train them and how to do it correctly.

1. Pull-ups with weight on the bar

If you want an aesthetic v-shaped silhouette, then you definitely need to pay attention to this exercise. If there are restrictions in relation to pull-ups, then you need to find an alternative to it. When performing pull-ups, you need to go all the way down, thus stretching the lats as much as possible. And at the top point, reduce them as much as possible in order to achieve maximum effect. And if you need an even greater volume of the latissimus dorsi muscles, then tie a weight to yourself. But first, read this article carefully, and then start training your back.

Pull-ups for a wide back

2. T-bar row

The T-bar row is aimed at thickening the back. This exercise mainly targets the middle of the back. When they talk about the back, they mean the latissimus, but these are not the only muscles on the back. There are much more of them: trapezius muscles, rhomboid muscles, teres major and minor muscles, extensor spinae and rear deltoids. This exercise works all these muscle groups at once and adds thickness to your back.

This way your back will look massive from all sides. It should be massive on all sides, not just at the back. Otherwise, from the side you will look like a flat board.

3. Bent-over barbell row with reverse grip

This exercise pumps up the lower part of the latissimus muscles. The lats should not be allowed to “chop off” halfway, they need to reach the waist. Fully developed wings will lead you to aesthetics.

Reverse grip bent over row technique

You need to lean forward, but keep your back straight. Fully stretch the lats at the bottom of the amplitude and fully contract at the top, moving the elbows back as much as possible. This exercise also works the biceps a lot, so you can catch two birds with one stone.

4. Block pull with one hand while sitting

The main benefit of this exercise is that it helps lengthen the latissimus muscles and make them wider. You need to do each side in turn, this is a great one-sided exercise.

What does one-sided mean? This means that you will do each side separately, and each side will be able to get maximum load without giving it to the other side. This way you can determine which side is stronger and which side needs to be worked on, be it improving strength or technique.

Execution technique

Sit on a chair or stand, you can take a bench. Take the block handle, which should be at the bottom. In the positive phase, you need to feel the maximum contraction of the lats. In the negative phase, you need to achieve full stretch. This is necessary to lengthen the wing and create a long, beautiful, wide back. Here, as in any other exercise, you need to feel the work of the target muscle. This is an isolating exercise, despite the fact that the biceps are also slightly involved in the work.

5. Pullover on straight arms

The advantage of this exercise is that it completely isolates the latissimus muscles. In other words, only the wings work in this exercise. Unlike most exercises, the biceps are not included in the work here.

Execution technique

At the top point you need to fully stretch the lats, on the reverse movement you need to completely lower your shoulders and lift your chest, at the bottom you need to completely contract. This exercise works the small muscles around the spine, the spinal extensors, and the serratus muscles. You may feel some tightness in your triceps during this exercise, but this is completely normal.

These five exercises are the best you can find for developing a broad, massive back. The fact is that they pump up all the back muscles. And this is the main task of everyone who visits the gym. It is important to train not only for appearance and muscle size, but also for functional strength. This will allow you to effectively build muscles, including your back, and also maintain the results for a long time. With these five exercises you will build a wide, beautiful and strong body. Now try them in the gym and see what kind of response your back muscles give, how they work specifically for you.

You ask, where is the training room? These exercises can also be used, but they are more basic, which means they should be used during the strength-building phase.

It is better to use the ones given in the article in the mason training phase, when the number of repetitions in the approach will be from 8 to 12. And, of course, not all the exercises at one time!)) It is customary for naturals to do only 2 exercises for one muscle group in one workout. In addition to the back, there is also a big load on the arms, so you need to be more careful. Please note that you need to try and choose the exercises that work best for you, not everything, but some will respond best.

Yes, you can do it all in one workout! For example, I don’t use chemicals and can do all this in one training session. But if you can’t do it, then you need to train strength and endurance. And of course, there is also creatine, but more on that another time.

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Is your dream to have wide and strong back muscles? From this article you will learn about the best exercises with which you will definitely achieve what you want!

Back muscles are an important component of a beautiful figure for men and girls. Building a wide and massive back is incredibly difficult.

At the gym, people work to build muscle by doing a wide variety of exercises. In pursuit of the ideal form, they do not notice their mistakes, which significantly affect the achievement of the result.

From this article you will learn a lot of useful information, which you can acquire and get on the path to progress.

Anatomical structure of the back muscles

If you understand the structure of the back muscles, you will be able to quickly outline the path of development.

  • Trapezius muscles ().Located in the very upper part of the back, which give power and volume;
  • Rhomboid muscles. Located under the trapezius muscles;
  • Teres major and minor muscles. They originate from the area of ​​the shoulder blades and are attached to the humerus;
  • Infraspinatus muscle. The triangular flat muscle fills the infraspinatus fossa of the scapula;
  • Latissimus dorsi muscles.. The wide and elongated latissimus dorsi muscles give the figure the desired V-shape;
  • The erector spinae muscle. It is located among the deep muscles of the back and is the most powerful and longest on the back. Comprisesiliocostalis, spinalis and longissimus muscles.

When you load the upper back or thoracic spine area, the trapezius, rhomboids, infraspinatus and latissimus muscles come into play. The erector spinae muscle works when the load falls on the lumbar region.

How to make your workouts as effective as possible

The most common mistakes in back training:

  • Ineffective exercises.

Do not neglect multi-joint (basic) exercises by performing only isolation exercises.

Don't waste valuable time sitting on exercise machines.

  • Pumping is not the main thing!

Don't try to do as many repetitions as possible, rather spend time doing strength training. During a pump, your muscles fill with blood. This causes them to swell, creating a deceptive feeling of pumped up muscles. But, unfortunately, after training, the blood is evenly distributed throughout the body, and the muscles return to their original size.

If you don't get rid of these mistakes, you won't be able to progress. Of course, if you have never worked out in the gym before, your figure will change a little from physical exercise. But it will start soonstagnation (link to the article “What to do to avoid plateaus and stagnation in training”),which could lead to .

Focus on basic exercises, giving up some isolation exercises.

Basic exercises engage several muscle groups at once and contribute to increased testosterone production.

As you begin to lean into multi-joint exercises, you will notice changes in your form in a positive way. Strength indicators will also go up.

So, to build muscle mass, your training program should consist of 80-85% strength training.

The basis of your exercises will be work with a barbell and dumbbells, and exercise machines will act as a useful addition.

Don't look at athletes with wide backs who do an incredible amount of exercises and sets. All people are different! In bodybuilding, genetics and level of training play a big role. Perhaps your idols used to focus on basic exercises, but now they only work on individual muscle groups. It is possible that these people are using , which promote phenomenal muscle growth. But this does not mean that in order to build a wide back, you need to go on steroids. You will succeed without them!

If you work out in the gym, repeating the mistakes outlined above, then the maximum you can achieve is a V-shaped silhouette. There is no need to count on any thickness or separation of the various back muscles.

In addition to width, it is important to work on the thickness of the back muscles. If you focus exclusively on exercises that make your back wider, you will become like a stencil.

In order to pump up the back muscles evenly and proportionally, it is necessary to combine exercises for the width and thickness of the muscles.

Increase your working weight

There is a direct relationship between muscle strength and their mass. If the working weights do not increase, then muscle development will remain in place. This is an axiom.

In order to progress in gaining muscle mass, you must systematically increase the load.

Otherwise, the muscles will adapt and stop responding to training.

The main thing is to increase the weight gradually.

Do not hang a weight on the barbell that is 15–20 kg more than your previous weight. This will not lead to anything good. You can easily get injured and spend a lot of time recovering.

Perform 4–6 or 5–7 reps per set. Once you achieve the desired result, increase the weight and try to do the same number of repetitions as you did with the previous weight.

Don't move on to heavier weights if you feel like you're not quite confident at your current weight.

Weekly volume

Each week you should do a certain number of repetitions.

If you load your body less than it should, you will get insufficient results. If you exceed the norm, then you will need more time to recover, and you will not have it.

Therefore, problems may arise related to , which interferes with achieving results.

Finding the sweet spot can be difficult because the heavier the weights, the fewer reps you can do. This theory is especially relevant for the deadlift - the most effective and difficult exercise for the back muscles.

When lifting heavy weights (80-85% of your one-rep max), you should do 60-70 reps per week. This number of repetitions is the most optimal.

This technique is applicable not only to the back muscles, but also to any other muscle groups.

The best exercises for the back muscles

There are many different exercises for pumping up the back muscles, but only a few of them actually work. Below are the most effective exercises to include in your training program. These exercises do not require the use of rare equipment - the necessary equipment can be found in every gym.

1. Deadlift

This exercise is rightfully considered the best not only for working out the back muscles, but also for developing the muscles of the whole body. Deadlift involves working as many muscle groups as possible.

Unenlightened people believe that deadlifts do not strengthen a person’s muscles, but only cripple them. This opinion is valid unless the technique and safety rules are followed when performing the exercise. Yes, the deadlift is one of the most traumatic exercises, but if you do everything according to science, then this fantastic exercise can work all the back muscles at once.

If you have a back injury or spinal disease, then performing deadlifts is strictly not recommended, so as not to aggravate existing problems.

You can, of course, choose one of the options for performing deadlifts that will not harm the affected areas of the back. In any case, consult your doctor before including this exercise in your training program.

Deadlift options:

  • Classic;
  • Sumo;
  • Deadlift with trap bar;
  • Deadlift (straight-legged deadlift).

Deadlift technique (classic version)

The deadlift is a technically complex exercise that requires compliance with many nuances. But you will never learn all the tricks until you try.

While learning the technical features, work with light weights so as not to damage your health.

Mistakes are inevitable, but this is not a reason to quit classes. Follow all the recommendations and you will succeed.

  • Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Point your feet forward or spread them slightly to the sides;
  • The bar should be above the middle of your feet;
  • Bend over, moving your pelvis and hips back slightly so that your shoulders are directly above the bar;
  • Don't spread your arms too wide. Let them touch your legs a little in the starting position. In the future, they should not constrain or limit your movements, so do not place them too close to your feet.
  • Direct your gaze straight ahead. Do not lift your head too high, otherwise your neck will experience severe overload. If you lower your head down, you will have problems maintaining a straight back position. Look in front of you, and the geometry will not be disrupted;
  • If during the lifting phase the bar slips out of your hands, then use a different grip, that is, point one palm towards you and the other away from you. This will allow you to minimize the rotation of the bar as the torque will be zero. If you insist on a regular grip, then use straps;
  • Do not bend your elbows, keep them straight. When performing a deadlift, the arms are the link connecting the shoulders to the barbell, and nothing more. Keep your arms vertical during all phases of the exercise;
  • Just before the lifting phase, inhale and tighten your abdominal muscles. Keeping tension in your abs will help keep your lower back stable and ready for the deadlift;
  • Keep your back straight while performing the exercise. Otherwise, the entire applied load will fall on the spine, which is very easy to injure;
  • Bend your lower back and lift the weight using the muscles of your legs and back;
  • Any distance between the bar and the legs is eliminated. The bar should slide over your legs. Otherwise, you will fall forward and your back will inevitably round;
  • Do not put your weight on your toes, as the center of gravity should be in your heels. Stabilize your position so that the soles of your feet press firmly against the floor with their entire surface;
  • At the top, pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades toward each other. Don't lean back! The head should be strictly above the feet;
  • When lowering the projectile, maintain tension in your lower back;
  • The bar should maintain its position, being strictly above the middle of the foot. Bend your knees until the bar touches the floor;
  • Move smoothly and carefully. Avoid jerking, sudden movements and under no circumstances throw the barbell! By bouncing the bar off the floor, you use the rebound momentum and make the task easier for yourself. Consequently, the useful lifting phase is reduced to zero;
  • Once down, begin the next repetition.

Before the exercise, do not forget to do , which will warm up your body and prepare your muscles for stress.

Do your first warm-up approach with an empty bar so that your body remembers the mechanics of the movements. Starting with the second approach, gradually increase the weight on the bar.

Sumo deadlift

This version of the deadlift is performed with a wide stance. The legs are located at a distance 1.5–2 times greater than in the classic version.

When performing sumo deadlifts, the range of motion is reduced and the load on the lower back is reduced. But this does not mean that this option is much easier than the previous one. The lion's share of the load will fall on your hips.

Try both techniques and choose the most suitable option based on ease of execution and your body type.

Trap bar deadlift

The technique differs from the classic deadlift only in the use of a specific bar, making the exercise safer.

This option reduces the load on the spine and makes it easier to lower the projectile down. Also, deadlifts with a trap bar allow you to lift greater weights compared to the classic version, which increases the degree of effective development of the lower body.


The straight leg deadlift differs from the classic and sumo in that when performing the exercise the athlete does not bend his legs at all or bends them, but only a little.

2. Bent-over barbell row

This exercise helps develop the latissimus, teres major and posterior deltoid muscles. If you squeeze your shoulder blades together during the exercise, you will additionally work the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

By changing the grip width and the angle of the torso, you can concentrate the load in different areas of the back.

3. One-arm dumbbell row

One more exercisefor the latissimus dorsi muscles. The work also includes trapezius, rear deltoids, biceps and forearms. Ensures even development of the lats on both sides.

There are two options for performing this exercise:

  • Place one knee on a horizontal bench and rest your hand on it, which is on the same side as your bent leg. For example, if you are swinging your right side, rest your left hand and left knee on the bench. Keep your body level so that it is parallel to the floor. Place your right leg back in an almost straightened state.
  • Place one hand, for example your left, on a bench or machine, leaving your left leg bent on the floor. The right leg should stand behind the left in a straightened state. The dumbbell is in the right hand and the right latissimus muscle is being worked.
4. T-bar row (T-bar)

This exercise will help you work on the depth and thickness of your back muscles. It is considered a very effective exercise that allows you to pump up almost all the back muscles.

If we consider the mechanical features of the execution, the T-bar row is similar to the bent-over row of a barbell. But, unlike it, performing this exercise without errors is much easier.

5. Pull-ups with direct and reverse grip

Pull-ups - one of the most famous exercises, familiar to everyone since passing school standards.

This exercise helps develop the latissimus dorsi muscles. The grip width can be adjusted to target muscles. If you use a wide grip, you load the latissimus muscles, and a narrow grip, you load the biceps.

When using a reverse grip with a narrow hand position, the lower part of the lats is worked, and a significant part of the load falls on the biceps.

6. Wide and narrow grip lat pull-downs

You can pump up your back using a block exercise machine.

Wide grip necessary for the development of the upper part of the latissimus, rhomboid and trapezius back muscles.

If you want to load the central area of ​​the back, then perform this exercise with a narrow grip using a V-shaped handle.

7. Horizontal block thrust

Target muscles: trapezius, lower lats, rhomboids, and erector spinae.

With this exerciseyou will be able to work on the thickness of your muscles.

8. Lowering straight arms in front of you on a block machine

An exercise that isolates the latissimus muscles, allowing you to focus the load solely on them.

Remember, progress is the key to muscle growth

The best back exercises presented above can make your back muscles wider and thicker.

But you shouldn't just do these exercises, you should progress in each of them.

By increasing weights, you develop the strength of your muscles, and with increasing strength, mass and muscle volume grow.

Work in the gym, eat right, and muscle mass will not keep you waiting long.

Features of training programs for back muscles

A well-designed training program includes complex multi-component back exercises that involve several muscle areas at once.

Isolation exercises can also be included in the training plan, but they should be performed only after the basic ones.

The following will present a simple but effective example of a training program for the back muscles. Perform this set of exercises once a week for the next 8 weeks and see how your body reacts. You will be pleasantly surprised.

  • Deadlift - after warming up, do 3 working sets of 4-6 reps with a weight equal to 85% of your one-rep maximum;
  • Bent-over barbell rows – 3 sets of 4–6 reps;
  • Wide grip lat pulldown – 3 sets of 4–6 reps;
  • One-arm dumbbell rows - 3 sets of 4-6 reps.

Remember that you need to gradually increase the weight of the projectile. This is the only way you can progress. Lifting the same weight, you will continue to mark time.

If you do 6 reps with a weight of 100 kg, then add 2.5 kg on each side. If on your next set you do 4 reps with the new weight, then it becomes your work load until you do 6 reps.

If the new weight is difficult for you and you can only do 3 repetitions, then you should reduce the weight a little and work with it. Once you've done 2 sets of 6 reps with that weight, move on to the next one.

This technique is ideal for both men and girls.

Rest between sets

Rest is a very important part of the training process. If you choose the wrong time to rest, the effectiveness of your workout may decrease. By taking little time to rest between sets, you won't have time to recuperate before putting a new dose of stress on your muscles. If the pause is too long, the muscles will cool down and it will be difficult for you to start working again.

When performing heavy exercises, 3 minutes of rest will be enough for you.


Make sure you are consuming enough nutrients. To grow muscles you need , and to restore energy - . A balanced diet has a tremendous impact on your progress.

Sports nutrition

In fact, in order to start building your body, a balanced diet and a well-designed training program are enough. Butwill allow your body to receive additional calories and a dose of amino acids that are necessary for building muscles.

  • Creatine

It is a natural compound that is produced in the body from amino acids such as arginine, glycine and methionine. Contained in meat and fish.

Beneficial features: increases performance, promotes strength and high-quality muscle mass.

  • Protein

It is a sports supplement that consists of protein mixtures. When digested, protein is broken down into amino acids, which are the main building blocks for muscles.

If you can't get enough protein from food, add protein to your diet.

  • Pre-workout complex

A type of sports nutrition that helps increase endurance and makes training more productive. It is important not to make a mistake with your choice, because not all are effective and safe.


Having studied all the rules and subtleties that were presented in this article, you can apply them in the gym, starting with your next workout. The main thing is to remember that in order to avoid imbalances, you need to pay attention to working out the width and thickness of the back muscles.