How to give yourself beautiful posture. How to make your posture beautiful and straight. Physical exercises for beautiful posture

Not many people can boast of a beautiful, straight back, because correct posture is formed in childhood and adolescence. As a rule, no one controls a child when he sits incorrectly at his desk at school. Some slouch because they are too tall so as not to stand out from the rest. And sometimes wearing heels also affects stooping. If incorrect posture appeared in old age, this indicates some pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal system. Sometimes children are already born with a hump or a curved spine.

IMPORTANT! In any case, whatever the reason, you need to get rid of it. After all, everyone knows about the importance of correct posture. The fact is that poor posture not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the figure, but also entails a lot of unpleasant consequences. This could be scoliosis, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, brain, and so on. Therefore, it is extremely important to start correcting stoop as soon as possible.

Correct posture is the ability of any person to hold the body upright in a relaxed state. At the same time, the muscles of the whole body should not tense.

Signs beautiful posture:

Expert opinion

Over time, pain and crunching in the back and joints can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, even to the point of disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy to heal joints, which is recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky... Read more"

  1. Light floating gait.
  2. Tight belly.
  3. The shoulders are slightly lowered and pulled back.
  4. The legs are slightly turned out at the knees.
  5. The chest moves forward a little.
  6. The head position is strictly vertical.
  7. The spine is straight.

How to fix bad posture

Unfortunately, stooping does not lend itself drug therapy, although it would be easier to take a pill and wake up with a straight back. But, on the other hand, it can be fixed completely free of charge, albeit with a little effort of your own. When do you start taking correct poses or engage in special exercises, you may experience mild pain and discomfort, so you need to start gradually.

Many experts recommend doing the following:
  1. You can buy an orthopedic bandage in the form of a corset. Putting it on, you will feel how it will prevent slouching on a mechanical level.
  2. In your free time, it is advisable to carry an ordinary book on your head, similar to how luggage is carried in India. It is enough to walk like this for 20-30 minutes a day. The idea behind this method is that the book can only be held up if you have the correct posture, but if you hunch a little, it will fall. Therefore, you will be forced to keep your back straight. In addition, it improves movement coordination. By the way, you can hold a book on your head in sitting position, for example, when you are sitting at a computer or watching TV. It has been noted that after just a week or two a person’s book stops falling altogether.
  3. If you have a sedentary job, then the chair must be an office chair. Because it is designed for the duration of a person’s work with correct position bodies.
  4. When sitting at a table, you need to move as close to the table as possible so that your elbows are at a right angle (perhaps at a slightly sharp angle). This way, you will position the chair correctly for proper posture.
  5. As an option, you can tie a red thread on your finger or hand as a reminder. It will remind you to take the correct posture.
  6. When you adjust the chair, your thighs should be exactly parallel to the floor.
  7. Be sure to take breaks from working to stretch your back.
  8. You should sleep exclusively on a hard mattress.
  9. When sleeping, lie less often on your stomach and side. Give preference to your back.
  10. Avoid down pillows; they are too soft.
  11. When lowering any load, no matter how small, always bend your knees. Only in this case the spine will remain smooth and straight. It is strictly forbidden to bend your lower back.
  12. Lifting weights is the same as lowering them.
  13. If you have a hard time physical labor, then it’s better to tie a belt that holds your lower back.
  14. Distribute the load in two hands. It is unacceptable to carry bags on only one side.

How to check correct posture

In order to check what condition you need to stand in with good posture, you need to lean against a flat wall. In this case, the buttocks, heels, back of the head and shoulder blades should fit snugly to the surface. But the gap should be between the shoulder blades and the lower back. Ask someone to insert their palm into this area: it should fit freely.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and clear. Read more"

To adjust your gait, you need to direct your gaze only straight ahead and step softly. The feet must be slightly spread to the side, and you need to step directly on them, and not on the heels. When landing the foot, it is better to bend the leg slightly at the knee. Don't forget about a straight back and free shoulders. In general, you need to develop your gait in orthopedic shoes.

The easiest and most effective exercises

You can also correct a stooped back with the help of special exercises for beautiful posture, which are performed quite simply:
  1. In a sitting position, when you are working, for example, you need to periodically relax your shoulders. This will avoid slouching.
  2. To straighten your back, you need to stand up and try to connect your shoulder blades. Shoulders should be pulled back as much as possible. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, and then return to the starting position and relax. You can repeat at least 4-5 times. This exercise aimed at strengthening the back muscles.
  3. It is very useful to raise and lower your shoulders and make rotational movements with them.
  4. “Kitty” is probably known to everyone who has ever done exercises. To do this exercise, you need to get on all fours and arch your back down and pull your stomach in. Stand in this position for 7-10 seconds. Now the back arches in the opposite direction. And so on several times. To complicate the exercise, with your back arched downwards, you can bend forward strongly, like a cat stretching. The legs will be in a straight position.
  5. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body. Next, you need to slowly raise your head, then your neck, and then your shoulders. And so stretch until you lean on your own elbows. You can stretch your arms forward. Stop for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  6. Lie on your back with legs bent: the knees do not touch each other, and the heels are located near the pelvis. Then you need to raise your pelvis and stand for 10 seconds.
  7. Starting position: the same, but while raising the pelvis, your arms should be extended upward.
  1. All exercises must be done constantly and, preferably 2-3 times a day.
  2. Gradually increase the number of times.
  3. You can also do strength exercises with dumbbells.
  4. Exercises for correct posture include push-ups and exercise machines.
  5. Walk and run more.
  6. Do exercises in the morning.
  7. Visit the pool and swim more.
  8. Let your body get enough oxygen while walking.
  9. Ventilate the room more often.

A person needs beautiful and correct posture not only for an attractive appearance, but also for the health of the spine.

The root of most back pain, which often develops into chronic osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia, is precisely incorrect posture.

And so in this article, as you understand, we will tell you how to make your posture straight and beautiful! We also recommend reading our article,

Causes of poor posture

Congenital causes formed during the fetal development of the baby are rare. This is a deformation of the vertebrae, feet, hip bones, and chest.

Acquired causes of postural disorders:

  • spinal injuries;
  • flat feet;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • unequal leg lengths;
  • poor vision, which forces a person to take an incorrect posture;
  • staying at the computer for a long time.

Posture disorders

There are several types of postural disorders. The figure shows the most common defects and the normal position of the spine.

You can check your posture with a simple test. It is necessary to stand against the wall so that your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head are in contact with it. The arms are lowered down, the legs and feet are closed together.

Making your posture straight and beautiful


How more people moves, the better its blood flow and the higher its speed metabolic processes. As a result, the muscles become stronger and it becomes easier to keep your back straight.

Sit correctly

The seat of the chair should not be higher than the length of the shin. Feet firmly on the floor. Your back should always be straight, not slouching, your shoulders should be straightened.

When working at a computer, your head should be in upright position. The correct back of the chair has a protrusion that follows the physiological curve of the spine.

Weight lifting

Women often carry heavy bags of groceries. In this case, the load must be distributed evenly across both hands.


Each person's walking style is individual. A beautiful gait and posture is achieved with regular control of your movements.

  1. When walking, it is advisable to keep your head straight, your back straight, your chin straight, and look forward, not at your feet. When breathing in this position, the load on the diaphragm is reduced and the spine straightens.
  2. While walking, use all the muscles in your legs. To do this, the movement begins from the heel, and then the center of gravity is smoothly transferred to the toe.
  3. Straightened shoulders reduce the load on the spine, reducing the risk of injury and back deformation.
  4. When walking, your arms should have a small amplitude. Don't wave them around too much or stuff them into your pockets. Arm movements help improve walking efficiency and balance.


Special and simple exercises for posture for girls will keep the back muscles in good shape and serve as a preventive measure for various curvatures of the spine.

Simple bridge

Lying on your back, arms along your body. The legs are bent at the knees so that the feet, pressed firmly to the floor, are parallel to each other. Leaning on the back of your head, shoulders and feet, raise your pelvis for a few seconds.

Complicated bridge

It is performed in the same way as a simple bridge, but the arms are pressed to the body and the support is only on the back of the head and feet.


It is performed lying on your stomach, with your legs secured under a support. The hands are pressed tightly to the back of the head. Lift only top part try not to lift your body, feet under the support from the floor.


Lying on your back, lift your entire body bottom part body so that only the head, shoulders and shoulder blades are the fulcrum points.


Lying on your stomach, clasp your legs bent at the knees. In this position, slowly roll from the chest to the knees.

  • sleep on a mattress of increased hardness or use an orthopedic mattress and pillow;
  • the most physiological position during sleep is lying on your back or stomach;
  • everyday shoes should be made of natural materials with a stable heel no higher than 5 cm;
  • constant control over the correct body position.

Incorrect posture and a hunched back cannot be hidden under clothing, so daily prevention of spinal curvatures in everyday life is necessary.

If postural disorders are already present, then special measures should be taken to correct specific violations.

A straight back is, first of all, a guarantee of beauty. People who have beautiful and correct posture practically do not suffer from excess weight. Straight posture visually elongates the body, making it taller, reduces the belly size and enlarges the chest.

Consequences of poor posture

The appearance of bad posture is the main reason that motivates a person to correct it. may have a negative impact on internal organs and systems in the human body.

The main spines are:

  • pain in the joints and back;
  • the occurrence of frequent headaches;
  • muscle strain;
  • disruption of lung function, hence difficulty breathing;
  • general physical malaise;
  • increased fatigue.

If any disorders appear in the spine, maximum efforts must be made to make the posture straight.

The benefits of a straight back

A straight back not only makes a person more attractive, but also helps you feel much more confident. According to scientists, people who have a beautiful and straight posture, they feel more confident in society, they make contact with other people much faster and, most importantly, they do not feel back pain.

Many diseases arise as a result of any disorders in the spine. For example, children often develop kyphosis. Such diseases appear due to the habit of sitting in a hunched position and constantly slouching. Great importance exerts physical activity, its lack can lead to the occurrence of various diseases even in childhood.

For an adult, back problems are no less dangerous. A permanently curved spine can lead to the development of other more serious diseases, e.g. It is for this reason that the question of how to create beautiful posture is important primarily for human health, and not just for appearance.

What to do for a straight back?

In order to have an even posture, you don’t have to do this, you just need to take care of yourself and the position of your back. Although some exercises will not hurt at all, but will only help strengthen your back.

You need to pay attention to the position of your back when you sit, lie, stand or walk. During all these actions, it is advisable to slightly turn your shoulders and raise your head, so your back will look more even. At first it’s not at all easy to constantly monitor your posture, you can use it, but after a while, a raised head and turned shoulders will become a habit, and you won’t have to focus your attention on it anymore.

The most difficult thing is to control yourself when working at the computer or reading, because during such activities the brain is concentrated on a certain type of activity, and a person forgets that he needs to keep his back straight.

In this case, you need to periodically take breaks, distracting yourself from the main activity, and remind yourself that you need to straighten your back.

Exercises designed to straighten your back are quite simple. You can perform them at any convenient time, in addition, most of them are fun and interesting, they can not only help straighten your back, but also lift your spirits.

A few rules to follow beautiful back:

  1. When sitting on a chair, you should not lean forward or “hover” over the table; you should lean your elbows on the back of the chair, while keeping your back straight.
  2. When working sedentarily, it is recommended to take a break every half hour, during which you need to get up and walk a little.
  3. Always watch your back position.
  4. Do exercises to straighten your back every day.
  5. Proper sleep.

You need to get a good night's sleep. Of course, you won’t be able to straighten your back unconsciously while sleeping. However, several factors can affect what position you sleep in and how your back is positioned while you sleep.

For example, it can harm the spine, but a hard mattress will help support your back while sleeping. It is best to sleep on your back; it is much healthier than on your stomach. Be sure to use a pillow to support your head. The main thing is not to overdo it with pillows, otherwise your head may bend during sleep, as a result of which your neck swells, and you can wake up feeling tired and irritated.

Exercises to straighten your posture

There are several fun exercises that will not only help improve your back condition, but also improve your mood. These include the following exercises:

  1. Book on head. In order to complete the first exercise, you need to take a book big size, then lay her on her head and try to hold her so that she does not fall for several minutes. After the first stage is completed, you can try to complicate the exercise. Now you need to try to walk with a book on your head, but you cannot touch it with your hands. Highest level skill - dancing with one or more books on your head.
  2. "Gull". Good method to straighten the back there is an image of a seagull. To perform it, you should stand up straight, raise your arms and spread them to the sides at shoulder level. Count to three and then slowly move your arms back as far as possible. Then return to the starting position. If you do this daily, then after a few days your back will begin to straighten out.

  3. Horizontal bar. The horizontal bar is the main exercise machine for an ideal spine. Simply hanging on it is enough to align the spine. Thanks to the horizontal bar, you can relieve muscle tension and improve your posture. Hanging on a horizontal bar is especially useful for people with a sedentary job and lifestyle.
  4. "Boat". Fidgeting in a chair is good for young children who have difficulty sitting still. Exercise "Boat" is performed in the following way: You should lie on your stomach, then stretch your arms forward, and try to simultaneously lift your legs and arms off the floor. This should be done so that the back muscles tense. You need to perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  5. Using dumbbells. The next exercise requires small dumbbells. You need to stand up straight, lean forward, knees should be bent, bend your lower back and try to keep your back straight. Then you need to pick up dumbbells and lift them so that your shoulder blades are brought together. You need to perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions. The next exercise can also be performed using dumbbells. They need to be placed on the shoulders, held and tilted forward, while pulling the pelvis back. The knees should be bent. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. Bend forward. This exercise does not require special effort, you just need to imagine yourself as a puppet. It’s as if someone is pulling the strings, raising your head up and straightening your shoulders. This simple action can teach you to monitor the position of your back, shoulders and head.
  7. Exercise “kitten”, to perform it you need to get on all fours, lower your buttocks onto your heels, then extend your arms. Then bend down as low as possible, bend your arms and roll forward. Perform for 5 minutes.

Pilates system

The first step is to stretch to warm up the muscles and not damage the spine. Only then can you begin the following exercises:

  1. You need to lie on the floor, raise your arms above your head, and bend your knees. Then, as you exhale, pull in your stomach and straighten one leg. Then return it to its original position and repeat the same with the other leg. Do it 8 times.
  2. You need to turn to your side, extend one arm up, and place the other straight in front of you. Inhale and lift your leg, as you exhale, return it back, repeat 10-12 times.
  3. The next exercise is performed as follows: you need to sit down and spread your legs to the sides, stretch your arms forward, then bend over and reach for them. Remain in this position for several seconds. Repeat about three times.

  4. Lie on the floor with your stomach down and bend your arms, then pull in your stomach and straighten up. Lift your hands off the floor, stay in this position for a few seconds and lower back.
  5. You need to kneel down, rest your palms on the floor and straighten your back, the main thing is to make sure that the weight is evenly distributed on your knees and palms. Then you need to exhale and raise your leg so that the lower back bends, and then return the leg to its original position.

If you perform the above exercises every day, the desired result will not be long in coming; your posture will begin to acquire a beautiful appearance after just a few workouts.

So, this is the key to beauty and health. People with straight backs hardly suffer from excess weight, are more confident and attractive, adapt faster to society and make new acquaintances. Besides, healthy spine allows you to avoid various serious diseases, such as osteochondrosis. Young children often suffer from diseases such as scoliosis and kyphosis. Sometimes it is not necessary to do special exercises, it’s enough just to monitor the position of your back.

The choice of mattress is of great importance, since healthy sleep is important for spinal alignment. The above exercises can be performed by both adults and children, as they are not particularly difficult. physical activity, except that children are not recommended to perform exercises with dumbbells. If you train daily, you will soon forget about bad posture and straighten your shoulders proudly.

He told me how to organize my workspace and what exercises to do to relax my back.

Alexander Evdokimov Osteopath, neurologist

If you have problems with posture, do exercises daily to strengthen your spine

I advise you to work out all the curves of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine every day. It takes no more than 15 minutes, and when regular exercise Your posture will improve within a week.

First exercise: imagine that your head is moving forward and moving back (like a drawer from a closet). Second exercise: lift your chest as if trying to reach the sky. The gaze should also be directed upward. Try to turn your shoulders outward. Third exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Move your pelvis forward and up, then back and up.

All exercises should be done 10-15 times and the warm-up should be completed with general strengthening of posture. To do this, stand against the wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels touch it. Stay like this for three minutes, and then move away and remember this body position. Try to keep it for as long as possible.

Choose your workouts wisely

Dancing (sports and artistic), ballet and gymnastics have a positive effect on posture. Girls who are actively involved in such training spend a lot of effort on establishing correct posture.

But there are sports that asymmetrically load the muscles and worsen posture. The impact on an adult with mature muscles and skeleton will be minimal, so this most often affects children.

Correct posture is worsened by training during which the load is transferred to one hand: tennis, throwing sports.

And also exercises in which a person takes an unnatural position (for example, speed skaters suffer from this).

Many people believe that swimming has a positive effect on posture. In fact, most athletes (especially girls) have a stooped posture due to overdevelopment of the muscles involved in rowing.

Sit correctly at the table

Children and adults must follow the 90-90-90 principle. This means that the angle between the feet and the lower leg, the lower leg and the thigh, the thigh and the torso should be 90 degrees. The feet should be firmly on the floor and not dangling in the air.

Work chair

A chair without wheels is more stable, so choose one without them. The back should reach the middle of the shoulder blades or higher!

Important condition: the seat must be rigid and parallel to the floor, without tilting forward or backward. This is especially true for those who work while sitting in a chair. In this case, you overexert yourself trying to straighten your back. The chair is not the best the best option for work.


Place your child at the table and ask him to place his hand on his elbow - with his middle finger he should reach the outer corner of his eye. In this case, the back must be flat!

The table must be at least 1 m long and at least 80 cm wide, the distance to the monitor must be at least 60 cm. Try to choose a table with a matte surface in plain pastel colors. A glossy surface can cause additional strain on vision.

Do exercises to relax your back throughout the day

There are several simple universal exercises, which are suitable for tired mothers and those who work in the office. The first is bending forward towards your feet. Perform them at least 60 times per approach. If you haven't exercised for a long time, you can start with 30 reps.

The second exercise is bending to the side, repeating 30-40 times. Another way to relax your back is to alternately lift your leg with your knee bent from a standing position (at least 50 movements with each leg).

Complete your warm-up in a circular motion pelvis in each direction (50 times). Do the exercises the number of times indicated in the material. Only then will they be effective!

Important: During the first 2-3 days, back pain may increase, so do all movements slowly and carefully.

Choose comfortable shoes

Shoes with very high heels cause a shift in the center of gravity. And a person is forced to adapt in order to take a comfortable position: either straighten up too much and at the same time fall back, or take a slouched position.

At the same time, the leg muscles are overstrained and there is a load on the knees. By the way, have you noticed that a stooped person most often has a characteristic gait and shuffles his feet?

Treat chronic diseases

All acute diseases clearly affect the formation of posture. Conventionally, if you have a stomach ache, it is extremely difficult to maintain good posture. But most chronic diseases of internal organs spoil correct posture. If a person has gastritis, it is more comfortable for him to slightly bend his back. For osteochondrosis lumbar region spine, a person will try to reduce the load by tilting the body back. In general, all diseases of the musculoskeletal system affect posture.

Orthopedic mattress

Orthopedic mattresses and pillows are responsible for muscle relaxation. Correct posture, on the contrary, presupposes their tension. There is no direct connection between the quality of your mattress and your posture. But if you get quality rest and your body recovers overnight, then it will be easier for you to maintain your posture.

However, if you have posture problems, replacing your mattress won't do the trick.

Pump up your abs and strengthen your back muscles

There are many muscles in the body that affect posture. And the abdominal muscles are one of them. They create support for the organs and form the correct lumbar curve, giving pelvic bones horizontal position.

I also advise you to train the deep paravertebral, trapezius, splenius, latissimus muscle. At the same time, keep your abdominal muscles toned during each exercise.

Hello, dear guests! For many, proud posture is a desirable but unattainable characteristic. Although with a little effort the wish can quickly come true.

I invite you today to find out what exercises for beautiful posture you can do even at home. If you regularly perform a useful complex, then after a while you will notice that your body is visually stretched, your back is straightened, and your stomach is smaller.

So, let's find out how to achieve beautiful posture and why violations occur. If you do not pay attention to the spine, then over time, back problems will arise.

Curvature of the spine occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Weakened muscle corset. Sedentary work, lack of physical activity and a diet lacking nutrients lead to such problems.
  2. Incorrect load distribution and body position.
  3. Spinal diseases.
  4. Back injuries.
  5. Vision problems provoke severe tension in the neck muscles.
  6. Uncomfortable shoes and clothing can also cause back strain.
  7. Lack of useful elements in the diet. This is especially important for children.

Consequences of poor posture

If you have back problems, you need to figure out how to make your posture straight. Any violations can cause a negative impact on the systems and internal organs in the body.

It is worth noting the following consequences of scoliosis:

  1. Pain in the back and joints.
  2. The appearance of headaches.
  3. Overload in the muscles.
  4. Problems with the respiratory system.
  5. Deterioration in physical condition.
  6. High fatigue.

If you experience back problems, exercises for beautiful posture at home will come in handy. In case of violations, important organs are negatively affected and they cannot function stably.

When any of the vertebrae is pinched, blood flow, posture and gait are disrupted. Crooked posture affects growth. When hunched over, the muscles become tense and deformation forms in the intervertebral discs.

To create beautiful posture, follow these rules:

  1. The back should be kept level.
  2. Muscles shoulder girdle must be straightened out.
  3. The head should be in a straight line with the spine.
  4. You should control the position of your legs when walking and standing. They should be straight.
  5. Before each workout, do not forget to warm up.
  6. The program should include not only movements for the back muscles, but also for the neck, shoulder girdle and abdominal cavity.
  7. The speed of training should be increased very slowly.
  8. You cannot carry out a set of exercises for beautiful posture on a full stomach.

It is important to give your muscles a rest so they can recover. You cannot sit with your legs crossed. Feet should be flat on the floor.

The stomach must be pulled in, and chest stick out forward. The monitor should be placed at eye level. Every 30 minutes you should get up and do a short warm-up. Along with the classes, it is necessary to think about other training attributes.

Particular attention should be paid to back health in children. The child is actively growing and his bone is developing rapidly. In this case, an incorrect position when sitting at a table can provoke postural disorders.

Parents should ensure that the child regularly performs a special complex.

The right chair and mattress are the key to a healthy back

The gradual alignment of posture is facilitated by a well-chosen bed, which is used during sleep.

Before choosing one, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. A surface that is too hard is bad for the vertebrae.
  2. You should not choose a pillow that is too high and wide.
  3. Elderly people should choose products of medium hardness.

Beautiful posture and light gait can be obtained in 14 days if you use special exercises.

The complex can be done at home:

  1. Stand up and spread your arms out to the sides at shoulder level. Hold them in this position and then move them back.
  2. A horizontal bar can be an excellent exercise machine. You should hang on it for a few seconds a day.
  3. While lying on your stomach, raise your legs and arms at the same time. The movement is performed 15-20 times.
  4. Bend forward and then straighten your back with your shoulders straight.
  5. Get on all fours, place your buttocks on your heels and extend your arms. Then bend forward.
  6. Push-ups strengthen your core and shoulder muscles. You should do 5-6 approaches 5 times.
  7. Lunges in supine position performed on the stomach. It is necessary to straighten your arms and legs in turn. At the same time, you need to stretch out.
  8. While lying on your stomach, take your ankles with your hands and pull them towards your head.
  9. Sit down and place your hands behind your head. Then bend over and stay in this position for a few seconds.
  10. Stand up and raise your arms up. Tighten your abdominal muscles, rise onto your tiptoes and stretch with your arms.

Effective methods include Pilates and yoga. Exercises for straightening the back are also effective. To do this, stand against the wall and place an object on your head.

The lower back, heels and head should be pressed well against the surface of the wall. Try and walk around with the object on your head without touching it with your hands.

Together with useful exercises Additional activities can also be used. After consultation with a doctor, massage is applied. In some cases, drug treatment and therapy with a corset are prescribed.

Remember that the process of straightening your back is quite long, so you need to be patient to achieve results. That's all for today, see you soon, friends!

Useful video about why good posture is essential