How to pass the GTO: registration and procedure for participation in the program. All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) Email GTO registration is a website for citizens of the Russian Federation who want to become a participant in the GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) physical culture and sports complex. The user registers. He then receives a unique ID (identification number) consisting of 11 digits.

Familiarize yourself with sports standards (in accordance with your age group) in your personal account on the official website. And then he selects a suitable testing center and reserves the date and time of appearance to pass the TRP standards. Participants who managed to complete the complex receive insignia corresponding to three levels (“Gold”, “Silver”, “Bronze”).


The GTO.RU web resource is available to children and adults (age limit from 6 to 70 years). To register on the all-Russian TRP website, follow the instructions below. (It consists of seven steps).

Go to the official website of the sports complex -

Step #1

1. Indicate your Last Name, First Name and Patronymic. If you do not have a Middle Name, click on the checkbox in the “I don’t have a Middle Name” add-on.

2. In the “Gender” column, turn on the radio button next to “Male” or “Woman”.

3. “Date of birth”:

place the cursor in the field (a calendar will appear);

click on the year and select your year of birth in the drop-down menu;

select the month in the same way;

click the required number in the grid;

After these steps, the date will automatically appear in the field.

4. “Enter code...”: enter the character sequence shown in the picture into the line.

Note. At this stage of registration in and subsequent ones, to proceed to the next step, click the “Next” button.

Step #2

1. “Settlement and street...”: indicate your place of residence. After entering a city or region, you can use snippets from the submenu (street, district).

After entering the address, data about it (zip code, region, population) will be displayed in an additional block.

2. “E-mail” - your email address.

3. “Mobile phone”: enter the number in the format +7XXXXXXXXXXXX.

Step #3

1. “Education information”: click on the arrow on the right side of the field and select your status in the submenu. (For example, a student should select “Public Education Student”; which means “for school”).

2. “Employment information”: by analogy (from the list), indicate the required information.

Step #4

Select your three preferred sports (indicate in three lines from the drop-down list).

Step #5

Upload your photo. It should have dimensions of 240x240 pixels and a volume of no more than 2 MB:

  • click “Select file”;
  • in a new window, open the disk partition and the folder in which the photo is stored;
  • left-click once on the photo (it will be highlighted);
  • click “Open” (the button at the bottom of the screen);
  • wait until the download completes and proceed to the next step.

Step #6

Create a strong password - a combination of 10-15 characters. Use numbers, Latin letters and special characters. If you want to create two-level protection for your account against hacking, enable the add-on “... login confirmation with a code by email.”

Step #7

Read the rules for processing personal data on the service. Place a checkmark under the text next to the word “Agree.” Click on the “Registration” button.

Once you have completed filling out the information, a message will appear indicating that you have successfully completed registration.

Account activation and ID receipt

1. Go to your mailbox (which you specified during registration).

2. Open the letter from the service “VFSK GTO: confirm the creation of the profile.”

4. A page will open in a new browser tab with a message about successful email confirmation and an invitation to log in to the service.

6. Go to your mailbox again. After activating your account from, you receive a second letter with an ID number (it is created automatically by the AIS system). Copy it to yourself (necessary for filling out an application for participation in the tests).

Good luck in passing the GTO standards!

Additionally, watch a video on how to register on the site:

So, you are a student of a school (lyceum), and you need to register on the official website of the GTO (the “Ready for Labor and Defense” program). Completing such registration does not pose any particular difficulties, the only thing is that in the process of completing it you may need the help of your parents or guardians (that is, people who, in the absence of your parents, take care of you). Since many Russian schools require students to register on the GTO website, in this material I will explain as clearly as possible how to do this and what we need for this.

We register on the GTO website

So, first, go to the official TRP website (if necessary, click on “Registration” in the top right). In the registration form that opens, you will be asked to first fill in your email address. To which a corresponding notification will be sent a little later. If you do not have your own e-mail, then you will need to create it, for example, on the website

After entering your e-mail on the TRP website (you will need to enter it twice to eliminate the possibility of typing errors), you will also need to enter the password twice, which will be used to enter your personal account on the TRP website (the password will also need to be entered twice).

Then enter the code from the picture (usually a few Cyrillic letters) into the special field below, this will show the system that you are not a robot.

Check the form you filled out, which should contain your email (twice), password (twice) and the code from the picture. If all lines are filled out correctly, click on the red “Send code to activate your account” button below.

Click on “Send code to activate account”

An activation code will be sent to your previously entered email. Go to your mail, open the letter for schoolchildren from the official TRP website about registration, and read it. It will contain an activation code, usually several numbers. This code will need to be entered into a special field on our registration page of the TRP website, and then click “Submit” next to it.

Procedure for filling out a student application form

If you entered the activation code correctly, the system will redirect you to fill out the form. First, you will be asked to enter the day, month, and year of your birth. If, based on your date of birth, the system understands that you are a schoolchild, then your parents (guardians) will need to continue registration. To do this, one of your parents will need to click on the “Continue registration as the legal representative of a minor” button.

Then the system will offer to upload a photo of the child (in front so that the face is visible), which will be used on the passport of the GKO participant. Click on “Browse” and upload a photo of your son (daughter) in the front, no less than 240 by 240 pixels in size (avoid small photos), and no more than 2 megabytes in size.

After downloading, please indicate your child’s residential address and mobile phone number.

After this, you will need to enter your details (parent or guardian) - first and patronymic, relation to the child, mobile phone.

Then fill out the student's education and work information. In the education information, select “Public Education Student,” and in the employment information, select “student.”

Then enter the place of study, region (region), name of the locality (for example, Saratov), ​​and the date of admission to the educational institution (for a school, this is usually September of the year when the student entered first grade).

We confirm the parent’s consent to the processing of the child’s personal data

Below, click on “Download” and download a form confirming your (parent’s) consent to the processing of your child’s personal data.

After downloading and printing this form, you will need to fill it out, sign it, and then submit it to the local testing center where the TRP events are held.

After you download this agreement, scroll to the bottom of the TRP website page and check the box “I downloaded the document...” and “I have read the user agreement...”.

The “Registration” button will become available, which you will need to click. The system will check the correctness and completeness of the parameters you entered, and if everything is filled out correctly, you will receive congratulations on successful registration.

A welcome message with further instructions will be sent to your email address. Go there, the received letter will contain your unique identification number (UIN) and a link to go to your personal account. Follow the link and enter your email address and password. Welcome to your personal account.


Registration on the GTO website is not difficult even for inexperienced users. Use the instructions above and you will receive your unique UIN and personal account on the website. Thanks to the latter, you will be able to sign up for the next test and test your level of physical fitness in practice, and even win a gold, silver or bronze award. Take heart, fortune favors the brave.

The new GTO program has already swept across all Russian regions. The complex hosts competitions among schools and universities, city and district championships. All-around GTO tournaments are organized. This variety of forms of promoting sports and physical education does not exclude simply passing standards at testing centers. The article will tell you how to prepare and pass the GTO, what documents to prepare and how to allocate time and effort for passing the GTO.

Participation in any global government program is always daunting due to the complexity and possible bureaucracy in the preparation process. Anyone aged 6 years and older can take part and pass the GTO. The registration procedure will not cause complications, especially since all actions will be performed through your personal account, with the exception of the tests themselves. How to correctly declare your desire to compete for the GTO badge, what documents to provide? And, most importantly, where and when can I pass the GTO standards?

What is the GTO today: reasons for its revival

The relevance of physical education and the health of the nation against the backdrop of the country’s participation as an organizer in world sports championships required a program for the development and maintenance of sports among ordinary Russians. It was decided to resume the bright and successful experience of introducing the GTO complex back in pre-war times in a new capacity, but with the same tasks. What is the “Ready for Labor and Defense” program:

  • The opportunity to test the physical skills of every Russian from a 6-year-old schoolchild to a pensioner over 70 years old;
  • An incentive system in the form of GTO badges as a symbol of strong spirit and distinctive physical abilities;
  • A loyalty program that allows holders of the GTO gold sign to earn additional “points” when entering a university;
  • Tests that are familiar to everyone from school and approved by the center for different levels of participation;
  • Possible additional social benefits, allowances for employees that are being considered for the development of the state program;
  • Availability of registration, choice of testing center and direct testing within the area of ​​residence;
  • Convenience of tracking and calculating points independently in the participant’s Personal Account.

Study of standards

In the norms section for each age level there is a detailed list of screening tests. To save time, you can use a calculator, enter your date of birth, and the program itself will determine the standards for passing.

Read a detailed article about.

Filing an application

Submitting an application will require you to enter personal information, area of ​​residence and photo. After accepting the request, the participant will be assigned an 11-digit code (UIN). The first 2 digits are the starting year of participation, followed by the designation of the subject where the tests will be taken. The remaining characters are the participant’s serial number.

Preparing for tests

Each participant decides for himself how to train and prepare for the GTO test. Some people prefer to train on their own, others turn to specialized GTO sections. An important point is the correct distribution of strength and training, because All standards are due from January 1 until the end of the current year. Those who do not have time to pass the standards in the current calendar period lose the passed indicators. They will have to be completed again in the new year.

1st stage covers preschool children and schoolchildren in grades 1-2.
Of the nine tests, 6 are mandatory and 3 are optional, of which 3 are multiple choice. To receive a bronze, silver or gold GTO badge, boys and girls must fulfill the standards of four, five or six tests, respectively, and the standards completed must include tests of strength (pull-ups on the bar, push-ups from a prone position on the floor, long jump), speed (running 30 meters, shuttle running 3x10 meters, skiing with standard time fixed), flexibility (bending forward) and endurance (mixed movement 1 km, skiing 2 km, cross-country 1 km). Table of standards.

2nd stage intended for boys and girls aged 9-10 years (schoolchildren in grades 3-4). At this stage, children (boys and girls) must complete five, six or seven tests out of nine proposed tests, respectively, in order to pass the bronze, silver or gold badge standards. Table of standards.

3rd stage The GTO is recommended for boys and girls aged 11-12 years (schoolchildren in grades 5-6). At this stage, the game exercise (throwing a ball) is retained, to which a hiking trip is added, and the intensity of the exercises and the duration of the recommended motor regime continue to increase. At this stage, air rifle shooting tests appear, i.e. attention is paid to the beginning of preparation not only for work, but also for defense. Table of standards.

4th stage covers the age of 13-15 years, when the two phases of puberty completely end, boys and girls become young men and women. The intensity of exercises at this stage takes into account two opposing factors: energy expenditure on growth processes decreases, but puberty causes mental instability. Therefore, the intensity of the exercises, compared to the childhood stages, is increased, but the pressure on the psyche during the period of training and passing tests is eliminated. Playful and exciting types of exercises (ball throwing, hiking) are preserved. The number of tests required to obtain a bronze, silver and gold badge increases, respectively, to six, seven and eight out of eleven mandatory and optional ones. Table of standards.

5th stage GTO was developed for boys and girls aged 16-17 years (senior school age), characterized by the end of the third stage of puberty, balancing the psyche, improving the central nervous system, and reducing energy expenditure on growth processes. The features of the 5th stage make it possible to increase the intensity of all types of exercises, replace the game type of exercise (throwing a ball) with a power one (throwing a projectile), but the end of puberty is accompanied by the phenomenon of juvenile hypertension, which resulted in a reduction in the duration of the motor mode and maintaining the amount required to pass the standards at the 4th stage level tests.

In the twenty-first century, it is becoming very fashionable to play sports. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation introduced the “GTO” system. The unique program “Ready for Labor and Defense” actively existed back in the days of the Soviet Union, when it was at its peak. Now the old good traditions are returning. To become a participant in this program, you will need to register for the TRP on the website. This allows you to join the main sports movement in Russia.

Registration on the official website

To pass the sports standards established by this organization, you must not only have sufficient physical fitness. Probably the most important condition for taking part in competitions is registration of the TRP.

In order to cope with the task, you do not need to put in a lot of effort. Before TRP registration begins, you must visit the official website of this program. It is important to consider that a person will need to fill out a special form, so you need to prepare in advance to correctly enter all contact information.

GTO website

For any modern student, registering on such a portal will seem like a very simple task. The fact is that surveying on this resource has a huge amount in common with creating your own account on a social network. You need to follow simple rules:

  • do not deviate from the proposed instructions;
  • carefully read the written prompts in the questionnaire;
  • Enter only real data.

The registration button is at the top.

Button for registration

It is important to have your own email.


If the user does not have one or the person cannot use someone else’s mailbox to register, then he will definitely have to create his own “mail”. By the way, this simple detail on the Internet will be useful not only when registering the GTO, but will also be needed on almost every site where a new guest needs to log in.

Also, to protect against robots, you need to enter the code from the picture.

Code from the picture

After entering your mailing address information in the fields, you will need to come up with a password.

Send activation code

This means that a letter with a code will be sent to your email inbox.

Thanks to this combination of numbers and Latin letters, the activation of your own account will be completed.

The registration form itself looks like this:

Registration by mail

What contact information do I need to provide?

The next important step is to fill out the person’s contact information. You need to enter certain information:

The questionnaire looks like this:


This is the basic information that is a priority to fill out. There is also a range of additional data available. For example, it is important to enter your phone number, thanks to which the TRP commission employees will have the opportunity to contact a new member of this organization at any time to clarify certain data.

It is also advisable to indicate what sports preferences the new candidate has. For example, he may enjoy swimming more than running or vice versa. Therefore, such features must be taken into account when registering the TRP.

Personal preferences

After all the information regarding a particular user has been specified, all that remains is to check the box at the end of the questionnaire. It means that a person allows the use of personal data that he himself provides to this system for registration of the GTO and participation in this sports program.

How to obtain a participant's passport?

Each new member of a large physical education club must have his own membership passport. This electronic document will contain all the data regarding participation in the TRP competitions, and the fulfillment of certain standards for receiving awards. Therefore, to obtain a passport you need to send your photo. She will be the “avatar” of your personal account on this portal.


The final stage of registration

When all the information has been specified and the person has fulfilled the conditions for registering the TRP, it will be possible to click on a special button located on the screen. After this, a letter is automatically sent to the new participant’s online mail containing congratulations and a notification that this person is now able to log into his personal account using the portal.

Registration of a school-age child

It is important to remember that, based on the laws of our country, the sale and disclosure of personal data of persons under 18 years of age without the consent of their parents or official guardians is illegal. For this reason, there are completely different standards and requirements for schoolchildren to register the TRP.

If you look at the situations objectively, it becomes obvious that the main points regarding the indication of basic information remain the same. But, the registration process is significantly different as soon as you need to specify the user's age. If the year of birth corresponds to a minor citizen, then a special window immediately pops up.

It suggests that you familiarize yourself with the information that only his legal representative should register the TRP for a schoolchild. You should click on the “Continue registration as legal representative” button.

Registration for a minor

Next you should indicate basic information about the child. For example, you must enter your full name, gender, and almost all the same data as when registering for an adult. The only exception is the phone number: instead of the child’s contacts, you should indicate how you can contact the parent, as well as enter his last name, first name, and patronymic. This is the main difference that GTO registration has for a school student.

There is also another characteristic difference. It refers to a special section “Consent to the processing of personal data”. It is important to consider that in this case, the child’s legal representative must download a special form, print it and sign it. This document confirms that the parent or guardian agrees to the use of the personal information of the child under his or her care.

To complete registration on the TRP website, all that remains is to check two boxes, including the obligation that the person who filled out the consent to the use of personal information will definitely bring this document to the main Testing Center. Only in this case will the student’s participation in the sports complex be a completely legal event. From now on, the child can participate in passing standards and receive special insignia.

Getting an ID number

After successfully completing the registration procedure for the TRP, each participant receives his own unique number for user identification. This code includes about eleven digits. They contain all the necessary information regarding each participant in this program. The ID number contains eleven digits. They include information on the following:

  • year of user registration;
  • subject of the Russian Federation where a person is located;
  • serial number.

For example, the first two digits indicate the year when the user registered and began performing exercises according to the VFSK program. The next 2 characters allow you to determine in which territory the TRP registration took place. This gives a lot of information about a person who decided to demonstrate his physical fitness to the whole of Russia.

What follows is a seven-digit combination. They represent the serial number of each user. In order for everyone to have their own code, it must be tied to the framework of the current year and corresponds to a certain territory.

It is important to consider that the ID number is the primary attribute that will subsequently be used by the user in this program. It is this digital code that will be included in every protocol that concerns the fulfillment of state requirements for the physical training of citizens of the country.

Only an ID number makes it possible to timely make an appointment at a single Center for testing. Additionally, this code will allow you to quickly track your results using the official website.

Registration confirmation by email

To receive such a number, you only need to confirm your email address. How to do it?

During the registration process for the GTO, the user's mailbox is indicated. After that, you will receive a letter with a link. If you click on it, a new participant in the “Ready for Labor and Defense” movement will be given a personal code.

In some situations the code may not arrive. The solution in this case is quite simple and available to every user: you just need to recover your password. Once this is done, using the email address and the newly created combination of numbers and letters, you can log into your personal account. This is where the opportunity to obtain a unique ID number opens up.

The process of joining the VFSK

Each user will be able to log into their own online account after the basic requirements that are set for any new member of the VFSK have been met. These include the following important conditions:

  • filling out a form;
  • receiving a confirmation letter by email;
  • assignment of an identification code.

In this case, standards are proposed, upon achieving which it will be possible to receive a badge of distinction. Depending on the performance of the test, it can be gold, silver or bronze. Also, before registering for the TRP, it is worth considering that each group of schoolchildren by age, as well as adults, has its own standards.

Once a person has fully registered, the user has the opportunity to log into his personal account at any time. Thanks to this function, a whole list of unique and interesting offers becomes possible. For example, using your personal account you can select the best testing center. It is also possible to use the online employment calendar of the commission, which registers the TRP results.

Thanks to the calendar, you can book the most convenient date for the user to submit standards. Thus, a person brings himself one step closer to receiving the sign.

As soon as all the above operations have been completed, the received data regarding registration for the TRP is immediately transferred to a single center. There, all information is processed, and then collected using an automated program database.

Other methods of joining the VFSK

The easiest way for every modern user of the World Wide Web is to register using the Internet. But how to carry out this procedure if there is no computer?

There are quite a lot of people who do not have the opportunity to register for the TRP using the Internet for many reasons. If a person has a desire to participate in this program, he can at any time independently visit the main Test and Program Center, where it is possible to fill out a paper application.

If it is necessary to register a school student in this way, then the presence of an official representative is required. This may be the child's parent or guardian.

In this Center, everyone can receive comprehensive advice on any issue. Additionally, it is possible to issue an account card. Registration of the TRP is carried out in many groups, which depends on the age of the people.

Each positive result when passing the standards will be a new impetus in the development of your skills: strength, speed and endurance. Thanks to this sports program, each of us becomes better.

Each new GTO registration brings the country closer to the highest standards of physical education. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that so much attention is paid to the development of sports.