How to develop punching power at home. The most effective exercises for strong and fast punching. The Best Exercises for Punching Strong and Fast

Every person who is interested in martial arts asks himself this question over time. Indeed, the force of a blow plays an important role in battles and is trained as a separate element.
Impact force is developed due to two factors: body weight and speed. The result is mass multiplied by speed. Thus, a thin person with a small weight (if he has a high punch speed) can hit as hard as a heavy bodybuilder. Of course, a huge role in mixing these two factors is played by correct technique blow, which involves putting maximum of your weight into the blow.

Basic exercises

Classic exercise is considered “shadow boxing” with weights. You will need two dumbbells. Select them by weight so that you have enough for at least a few minutes. This exercise for developing the speed of strikes was invented more than a hundred years ago. During such training, try to work in a working rhythm, practicing familiar combinations of strikes. If after the exercise you try punches without dumbbells in your hands, you will clearly feel the speed and ease with which your fists will fly out.

- When punching, the triceps are mainly involved, deltoids, latissimus muscles back, pectoralis major and forearms. To develop the strength of these groups perfect exercise are push-ups. Such training will pump up the muscles you need, which together with speed will give very good results. Push-ups on fists are considered to be the most effective.

- Throws with the ball. Regular is best for you tennis ball. Stand with your side to the wall, and your feet shoulder-width apart. You need to throw with the hand farthest from the wall, try to put in as much force as possible, after the rebound, catch the ball and continue throwing. The main thing is to do this maximum speed without slowing down. You will make your strikes fast and dexterous.

— There is another option with throwing the ball. But the projectile used here is a little different, it’s heavy big ball, which boxers use in their training. It can also be replaced with a basketball one. You should stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the ball above your head and throw it on the floor in front of you, catching it on the rebound. This is good for increasing the sharpness, speed and endurance of the muscles you need. This exercise can be done 15-20 times.

— Sometimes in the gym you can see people doing a rather strange exercise. They place the barbell vertically and begin to push it away from themselves with their hand. But for people involved in martial arts, and especially boxing, this is one of the main exercises. Such pushes of the bar perfectly develop your explosive force. The blow becomes sharp and powerful. You can do such pushes 20-25 times on each hand.

Hello, dear men. Finally it's time for our next training session. During our close communication, what parts of the body and muscle groups were not trained: arms, legs, chest, shoulders, back - in general, the whole body. You and I gained weight and did fat burning, went on diets and much, much more. But every self-respecting man is simply obliged to have an iron blow. Do you agree? And for this, punching force training is perfect.

You should probably remember that you and I have already performed exercises to train the technique. Well, there will be a reason to repeat them. But how to ensure that the blow is truly crushing and the fist is iron - this is what our training today will focus on.


How to develop punching power? Naturally, only by training. And how to train – right now.

Let's first look at what the impact force generally depends on. There are two components that come together here:

1. Body weight;
2. Impact speed.

Therefore, if you are light, work on your speed, but if you are heavy, then take advantage of the mass of the blow.

If you have at home heavy ball, like the way boxers train, or at least basketball, then this exercise, by the way, like most today, you can do at home. Just with outstretched arms lift the ball above your head, hit it on the floor with all your might, and immediately catch it after the first bounce. Naturally, this training must be repeated time after time, doing several approaches of at least 15-20 repetitions.

Since our legs are important for us to strike strongly, we cannot do without training them. Here the well-known “jump squats” will suit us. I recommend doing it with dumbbells so that the load is greater.

But we also can’t do it without training our hands. Which muscles primarily influence the force of a blow? That's right: triceps, shoulders and back. Accordingly, strength training will consist of exercises aimed at these muscle groups.

Our first number will be pull-ups, best of all, again, with weights.

Next, push-ups on your fists - you understand perfectly well that not a single workout for fists can do without this exercise. You can replace it periodically, only with a little weight. Whatever option you choose, the intensity of the training should be maximum.

Great for triceps reverse push-ups. You know how they are made, right? Take a stool, turn your back to it, sit down a little and rest your palms on it. Lower your torso up/down. By the way, put a weight on your stomach so that push-ups don’t seem too easy to you.

When you're done, don't take the weight away. Better yet, bring a second one, because almost any exercise with them will suit our business like nothing else.

Perform a variety of arm raises, as they strengthen the hands, develop the delta, increase strength and endurance - all of which are of great importance for the correct, strong blow. Try lifting weights while standing, sitting and lying down - in general, any workout will be what you need.

Get a wrist expander - to develop the strength of the hand and fingers, this is an indispensable thing for the forearm. And the exercise with a sledgehammer! Yes, this is the training of almost any professional fighter without rules. Just remember P. Emelianenko - how in the village he hit a tractor wheel with a huge heavy sledgehammer!

By the way, today a similar simulator, if you can call it that, is present at many public sports grounds. So if you know such a place, be sure to do it this way.

Correct shot

To have a truly powerful punch, in addition to the sharpness and speed that we developed through punching techniques, it is very important to put all your weight into it. What is needed for that?

When striking, watch your feet - they should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. When you hit, your foot should turn along with your hand as it moves, and lift your foot correctly starting from the heel. That is, if you, for example, hit with your left hand, then your right leg should stand still, and your left should follow your hand.

Watch your knees - they should be slightly bent to make it easier to transfer your weight forward when striking. The torso should not reach behind the hand - it should turn as sharply as possible. Naturally, the fist should be clenched as tightly as possible, literally digging your nails into the palm. And you only need to beat while exhaling. Yes, and if you don’t want to warn your opponent in advance about your intentions to hit him properly, swinging, do not under any circumstances move your hand back.

But how to place a shot? You need to start with . Let's start with a fist stand. Just take the same position as the starting position before doing push-ups. It would be correct to try to place the main emphasis on the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, since it is they, first of all, that will “touch” the opponent’s face or torso. While performing the exercise, stand on one hand, then on the other. Gradually move on to finger push-ups, which, by the way, should also be done extremely intensely.

A valuable training exercise would be throwing an empty barbell out in front of you.

A huge role in setting up a strike will be practicing the technique in front of a mirror, shadowboxing, and again, bench press at an explosive pace.

We worked on all of these exercises when we were working on technique, so add them to your workout.

However, it is extremely important to have a truly iron fist.

Iron fist

What exercises for fists can best make them as hard as possible and not sensitive to pain?
All the same push-ups, stand-up. But most the best training, I believe, is the “diamond fist” exercise, which came to us from karate.

You will need two planks of approximately 20x20cm, although a wooden floor will also work. Take the starting position as before push-ups. Now, pushing off the floor a little with your hands, land with your fists on the boards placed under them, or on the floor.

This exercise strengthens your knuckles so much that you can’t even imagine! Try to do 20-30 of these “jumps” at first. In fact, already sufficiently trained athletes do no more than 80 repetitions. As you jump, you can rotate your wrist, thus changing the position of your fist.

If you decide to get serious about impact power. Then, first of all, you need to acquire such a minimum as a punching bag and gloves.

That's all, actually. Watch another video that I prepared especially for our today's training. I’ll tell you for sure: train in this way for at least 2-3 months, honestly trying to complete all the exercises, and after this time your strength and iron fist will be able to cope with almost any opponent. With this I say goodbye to you until the next training session.

You will immediately think that you need to increase your total body weight (gain mass) in order to hit as well. But no. To increase the force of a punch, you need to understand what it is formed from. Let's talk about this.

Hack on your nose

Speed ​​alone is not enough to deliver a strong blow. You need to put in your whole weight, only then will there be a result.

Do not straighten your arm completely upon impact to avoid dislocating the joints. Strike from different angles.


  1. should be slightly wider than shoulder width;
  2. the heel rises first;
  3. When hitting, the foot must be turned in the direction of the movement of the hand;
  4. upon impact right hand the left foot is in place, and the heel of the right is raised and vice versa.

Other Features

  1. Your knees should be slightly bent and your body weight should be shifted forward.
  2. Turn your hips towards your opponent, simultaneously with the strike.
  3. Full body movement upon impact, with a close throw of the arm, is more effective.
  4. Never reach forward. Turn your body sharply.
  5. When swinging, do not move your hand back - your opponent will guess the maneuver.
  6. The fist must be clenched as tightly as possible upon impact.
  7. Exhale with each blow.

Watch the instructional video on how to punch correctly:

How to increase impact power: exercises

1. Stuffing the Ball

Find the heavy ball that boxers use in training. If you don't have one, use a basketball one. Do the following:

  • feet shoulder-width apart, body straight. Raise the ball high above your head. Hit the ball hard on the floor and catch it after it bounces. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

2. Jump Squats

1. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides;
2. Squat down until your knees are level with your hips;
3. Jump up as much as possible, while raising your arms;
4. Repeat jumping until you run out of strength (for better effect you can pick up dumbbells).

Leg muscles

Beginner, know this: to develop a strong punch, you need to start by developing your leg muscles. They play a big role when executing a shot. Squats with weights help to develop the muscles of the legs as much as possible.

Upper body muscles

As for the upper body, the triceps, back muscles and shoulders play a big role for a powerful blow.

Basic exercises that develop these muscle groups:

  1. pull-ups;
  2. fist push-ups;
  3. reverse push-ups;
  4. lifting the weight (forward, up).


1. Use regularly hand expander. Buy the hardest implement and work alternately with both hands. Be sure to squeeze the expander sharply, applying all your strength. The exercise helps develop the interdigital muscles. As a result, the fist will begin to weigh more, and the force of the blow will accordingly increase.

2. Every day, jump rope with your hips high. Try to reach your chest with your knees.

3. Exercises with a sledgehammer are no less effective. Take a tool (it’s best to do this near the garage) and start hitting unnecessary tires. During the exercise, exactly those muscles that work during impact are activated.

If you are involved in any kind of martial arts or just want to stand up for yourself and your loved ones in a street fight, then a lightning-fast and strong blow is simply necessary for you. Some people are given such a blow by nature, if you are not one of them, then you need to increase the strength and speed of your blow. The following will help you with this effective exercises and valuable tips for increasing strength and speed.

As you know, the force of a blow is measured in kilograms; a blow with a force of 250 kg is enough to discourage an opponent from fighting, but this will not be enough to knock him down. But for us, the greater the impact force, the more profitable it is. What is needed to increase impact power? To begin with, you need to hit correctly; when hitting, it is necessary that not only the arm is in motion, but also the body and legs. The body must be rotated in the direction of impact. Also the legs, when hitting you need to take a small step forward, if you hit with your left hand, then this should be left leg, and if right, then the right leg. It should be noted that these steps are obtained if only single strikes are performed, but if it is a combination of strikes, then you simply will not have time to complete the steps. Don't forget about the stand. The first thing a boxer is taught is the correct stance. And, as you know, boxers have the strongest punch. And so, to begin with, it should be said that the stance is the most convenient position for a boxer, which he needs to perform any action for attack or, conversely, for defense. The stand must provide good review and at the same time be an obstacle for the enemy to perform any actions. The left-side rack meets all the requirements.

It is best to start learning the stance near the mirror, at a distance of 2-2.5 meters. One of the best ways increasing the force of the blow, this is shadow boxing. For this you need dumbbells of 3.2.1 kg.

To start, take 3 kg dumbbells. Apply them about 20 times. Then take 2 kg dumbbells, also 20 strokes, then 1 kg. After everything, we strike 20 times without dumbbells, you will feel that your arms have become weak - this is normal.
Also in a good way increasing the impact are push-ups. But not just push-ups, but push-ups with fists or clapping.

The same pull-ups or dips on the uneven bars help a lot. To increase the force of the blow, swimming also helps; during swimming, all muscles are strengthened. But for us the main style is the crawl.

Another feature of a strong blow is that it is necessary to hit as if through the target, there is no need to stop the movement of the hand after the blow, on the contrary, the movement must be continued. This makes the blow stronger and more repulsive to the enemy. With such a blow, the percentage of the opponent losing balance and falling is greater than with a whip blow. Great importance The way the fist is clenched also has something to do with it. It is necessary to start clenching your fist from the first phalanges of the fingers, so that there is less empty space between the fingers and the phalanges of the fingers.

And to increase the speed of the strike, the same shadow boxing will help, only at speed. It is necessary to perform a series of blows or the same blow several times, but at high speed for 5-10 minutes. You can also purchase special hand weights or sew them yourself. They are shaped like gloves, but with pockets containing metal plates. The number of plates can be adjusted, removed or added, depending on the physical condition. There is also a problem that your hands begin to hurt from hitting the punching bag. So that you do not feel pain during a blow, you need to make the skin rougher and the bones of the hand to get used to the blows. To do this, you need to do the following, take an ordinary stack and attach it to the wall. Every day, for 15-20 minutes, perform a series of strokes, and then tear out several pages from the stack. This is how your hands will be “hardened”.

Train hard and you will definitely succeed. Good luck and success.

The modern world is dangerous and ruthless. In order to survive in it, it is recommended to know the basics of self-defense, simple combinations of punches and kicks. Some people try to learn a couple of techniques that are based on one type of attacking blow, which is why the effectiveness is low. Professionals say that to achieve good result in the art of defense one must develop speed, agility and restraint. Strikes are the last thing that will come in handy.

It's possible that protective reflex will play its role and help a person escape in a dangerous situation. However, without proper preparation, actions taken to protect yourself can cause harm to the body. That is, without knowledge and skills, the state of passion during a tense situation will not play the best role. Therefore, a person must know about the technique of banal self-defense. What and how to do in different dangerous situations. With the competence of one’s own actions, a person will be as safe as possible, both for himself and for others who do not emit any danger. In order not to go to the gym or hire wrestling coaches, it is recommended to master a few simple punching techniques.

It is easiest to deliver a sharp blow with your fists, and a person is capable of doing this without preparation, but due to the sudden load on the muscles, there is a chance of pulling, tearing or hammering them. Therefore, technical knowledge is necessary. To cause minimal damage.

Basic rules for punching

  1. Need to stand for a bit legs bent. One is pushed forward a little for balance.
  2. The entire body must be reduced in space as much as possible. That is, fold your hands so that your forearms cover the area from your stomach, and your raised fists cover your face. This position is most often seen in boxers. It is needed to ensure that the body is as streamlined as possible in case of evasions. If anything, a protective reflex will help.
  3. During defense, your hands should be slightly relaxed. Impacts to tense muscles are much larger and more dangerous.
  4. When striking, you need to transfer your weight to the extended supporting leg, make a big swing, while simultaneously focusing all the kinetic energy in your hand.

If, for your own protection, you do not intend to cause much damage to the enemy, the ill-wisher, during the contact of your fist with the enemy’s body, quickly withdraw your hand, taking a defensive position. This method will not only protect the attacker from severe injuries, but also the fists of the defender himself will not be seriously damaged.

If the threat goes beyond all limits, then during the strike you need to compensate for your own weight and try to push away with your fist. This causes great damage to the enemy, and in some cases you can break bones and tear muscles of the enemy. Yes, the damage to the fist will be more serious (redness, broken bones, cracks, sometimes broken finger bones).

Many people understand that relying on a protective reflex in critical situations is unwise. Actions in this state can cause great damage, and sometimes because of it a person receives major injuries.

Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to attack correctly, punch quickly and accurately. Then the risks of getting hurt yourself will be reduced to minimal levels.

A strong and accurate blow is the key to successful defense

Almost all masters of hand-to-hand combat claim that techniques and techniques are necessary only for defense. This has been repeatedly confirmed by books and films. And the point here is very clear. If people with skills in hand-to-hand combat, used their own knowledge for other purposes, there would have been many more deaths and accidents. This knowledge is dangerous, and therefore its use is severely limited. During training, a large number of trainers begin with the idea that using blows for evil purposes is a crime. This idea is carried throughout the entire course of study.

And for maximum effectiveness, trainers say that one accurate and strong blow is enough to defeat the scoundrel. In order to correctly deliver this very blow, courses, training and other methods are created. Yes, no matter how trivial it may sound - a fight, a fist fight lasts until one precise blow.

To hone the skill of delivering one such blow, people spend years training. But that's not where it all starts. In order for the blow to be strong, fast and accurate, you need to spend a lot of time. Let's talk about exercises that will help you get a little closer to this cherished goal.

The Best Exercises for Punching Strong and Fast

Strength and speed are rarely combined in one single movement of the hand, which is why strong slow blows are often obtained, or fast weak ones. Therefore, at the beginning of training it is necessary to perform exercises that focus on speed and strength, but separately. That is, perform one exercise focusing on strength, and the second exercise on speed. There is also a method of daytime training, when a person devotes not just one exercise to each of the impact points, but the whole day. That is, we will consider exercises that will help develop speed, and then strength.

Speed ​​Punch Exercises

Exercise 1 – “Sledgehammer – chain”

At the very beginning of training, you need to realize that during an impact there is tension only in the fist. The rest of the hand should be relaxed. Thus, an allegory with a sledgehammer and a chain is formed. The sledgehammer is the fist and the chain is the rest of the hand. During the exercise, you need to learn to tense only your hand. This allows you to reduce the load on your shoulders and forearms, thereby minimizing the risk of pulled muscles.

This exercise is carried out until the “Sledgehammer – Chain” effect works on a subconscious level. That is, during training of direct strikes, the body itself is already adjusted to this state, this is the so-called muscle memory. This exercise is carried out using simple direct blows. It is important that from the very beginning the relaxation is concentrated in the shoulders in order to increase the efficiency of the exercise. To achieve maximum effectiveness, you must exhale during each strike.


  • After completing the exercise in elbow joints You should feel discomfort (fatigue, pain);
  • Normalization of breathing. Endurance appears;
  • Hands are able to withstand more intense loads.
  • The kick is performed with tense shoulders;
  • At the moment of impact, the person takes a breath.

Exercise 2 – “Push-ups with clapping”

It is known that push-ups are one of the most versatile and useful exercises for body. Not just for impact speed. Adding another element to it - cotton. From the outside it looks simple. During the extension of the arms, a strong upward jerk is made, due to which the body jumps a little (spring), and at this moment you need to perform a small clap in front of the chest. This helps increase the speed of movement of the entire arm, since all its muscles are involved in the process.

You need to do the exercise several times, three times a day. After pushing up with this method is no longer difficult, it is recommended to add another cotton. It will be done with both hands across the chest. That is, while extending our arms, we first clap our hands in front of us, and then with both hands on our chest. This new element will help increase the coordination of movements of both hands. So that during the strikes a continuous chain is created at equal intervals.


  • Increased load on the respiratory system;
  • Hands work more smoothly;
  • Everything happens on a mechanical level, that is, there is no need to control movements with the brain.
  • Instant transition to more difficult exercise. This may cause injury.
  • Hitting the chest too hard.

Exercise 3 – “Push-ups with a turn”

Don't go too far from push-ups. Next exercise much heavier than those mentioned above. Most athletes claim that this method of developing hand speed is superior to various barbell lifts or punching bags. The fact is that during push-ups, every three to four times you need to push off the floor as hard as possible and make one full rotation of 360 degrees, and at the same time return to the starting position. From the outside it looks simple, but in reality...

In almost 95% of cases, the first attempts are unsuccessful. This exercise puts the maximum load on a person’s hands. the main objective: teach how to tense and relax your arms. This will allow you to use a minimum of effort when striking and give your hands a rest during those moments of rest.


  • Achieving the maximum speed for a person;
  • Movement coordination;
  • The ability to give your hands a rest during a fight.
  • Insufficient preparation (warm-up, performing other, less complex exercises);
  • Risks of damaging your hands.

Exercise 4 – “Throwing a weighted ball”

Almost all gyms have ordinary-looking balls that are filled with sand or other materials. Most often they weigh from 5 to 8 kilograms. These balls are great for developing arm muscles, their reaction speed and endurance. We take one such ball, stand in a stance one and a half to two meters from the wall, and try to throw it so that it flies back. This exercise is universal, as it is also suitable for strength.


  • Ability to coordinate speed with force;
  • Development of endurance.
  • The desire to throw more and further, which leads to injuries and rapid fatigue;
  • The desire to start the exercise with the heaviest ball.

Exercise 5 – “Raising the bar forward and up”

This exercise emphasizes both speed and strength at a specific point. You need to choose a bar for yourself, most often no heavier than 15 kilograms. Hold it with your hands in front of you with your elbows bent. Holding the bar near your chin, take the proper stance. Further sudden movements straight up, raise the bar so that it is at least slightly above your head. This exercise uses all areas of the muscles in the arms, activates endurance, and helps you learn to breathe.


  • Maximum pumping of endurance;
  • Smooth breathing.
  • Overestimating your own strengths (using a bar that is too heavy);
  • Increased percentage of injuries due to improper execution of the exercise.

Strong Punch Exercise

Next we move on to strength. In this case, everything will be much simpler, since any strength exercises can increase the impact force. Also, do not forget that the two exercises that we looked at - the fourth and fifth - can also be classified.

Let's look at a few more exercises that will help increase your punching power with maximum efficiency.

Exercise 1 – “Pull-ups on the horizontal bar”

It is difficult to start training punching strength if a person is unable to lift his own weight. Therefore, the first exercise will be pull-ups. This is one of the most effective and universal methods, which was revered by all masters. All these barbells and weights weighing 50 kilograms are the so-called “show-offs for visitors.” An experienced trainer will tell you that the easiest way to train strength is with a horizontal bar. It is enough to set your own limit at the current moment, and develop it by adding one more pull-up to the maximum number of pull-ups every five to six days.


  • Almost unlimited development of strength and endurance, due to the technique of adding one to your own best result;
  • Easy to do. You can perform pull-ups anywhere there is a bar, or something similar to it.
  • Due to the long development (the results are noticeable after a long time), many give up this business, considering it useless;
  • There is no tension on the legs (if the pull-up does not occur while holding the legs at an angle).

Exercise 2 – “Bars”

Another legendary helper in developing a strong punch. Due to the fact that the main load falls on the hands, a significant development of strength occurs. It is recommended to perform not only push-ups on the uneven bars, but also various tricks. This will allow you to get good results in a relatively short period.


  • Strength is pumped up as quickly as possible;
  • All areas of the arm muscles are involved.
  • Difficulty in choosing a program;
  • Risk of severely pulling the forearm muscles.

Exercise 3 – “Punches on the boxing bag “two”

This exercise is aimed at inflicting two maximum strong blows at one point of the bag, push it as far away from you as possible. It is important to follow this exercise with a coach who will be able to regulate the movements of the legs and arms, since the impulse for the strike begins with the supporting leg, and ends with the second blow applied. It is clear that this exercise is performed at the end of the workout, when the body is as warm and relaxed as possible. It is also necessary to hit the same point with blows, both with your left and right hands. This develops accuracy. Breaking through almost instantly with two hits on the bag is a “two”. This element underlies most techniques in boxing and kickboxing.


  • A combination of strength, accuracy, endurance and speed to deliver a correct and competent strike;
  • Almost all muscles of the body are involved, starting with the legs.
  • Scattered blows to the bag;
  • Risk of injury.

These exercises perfectly help to develop a personality that is capable of using a strong and fast blow. But this will require a lot of work. Remember: not a single champion was able to achieve the first time desired result. Everything is achieved through training, desire and the pursuit of a goal.

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