How do plastics differ on skis? Winter sports: choosing cross-country skiing for the whole family. Making a ski pole

Greetings, readers of the blog about healthy lifestyle! Winter this season is changeable, some are pleased with the abundance of snow, while others are not so happy. If your region is always full of snow, you should think about this physical activity like skiing.

Buying a good set is not as easy as it seems. In this article I will tell you how to choose skis so that they will delight you throughout the entire season. We will talk about running and mountain models, as well as hunting and children's models. It would seem that it would be easier - come to the store and the consultant will select the right option. But, as practice shows, you don’t always know how to answer sellers’ questions. Therefore, before going to the store or when buying online, you need to know the basic parameters by which skis are selected for walking.

Most often, lovers of a healthy lifestyle opt for cross-country and walking skis. They are inexpensive and suitable even for those who are taking their first steps in winter sports. Let's first talk about how to choose the right skis for an adult, and then look at how to choose them for a child.

By the way, do regular blog readers remember about our health marathon? Let me remind you a little about him. Thanks to him, last spring my children and I spent the entire month covering skiing distances around the lake every day, which is almost five kilometers, cutting several laps a day.

Now you can get out of holiday celebration mode and take care of your health again. Try to master skiing or remember your physical education lessons at school! I promise you will love it!

For a beginner, professional options are of no use. Why overpay if you are going to ride mainly on weekends?

Cross-country skiing for beginners is usually selected according to the following parameters:

  • Material.
  • Rigidity.
  • Riding style.
  • Weight and height of a person.

Entirely wooden products are becoming increasingly rare today. More often, plastic models with a wooden core are on sale. All-plastic products usually cost more. For the beginner amateur active image In life, the standard options are suitable - plastic + wood. They are light, durable, and glide well.

Manufacturers also today offer products with notches under the block. This addition is more often found on children's sets. Why are notches needed? First of all, such models are intended for classic move so that the leg does not slip backwards. Such equipment does not need to be lubricated. What are the disadvantages? For skating the notches do not fit well, the driving speed will be lower, and you will get more tired.

But if you are not chasing records and are not going to master skating, solutions with notches are quite suitable for you.

What is your riding style?

Second important point The thing you should decide on before purchasing is your riding style. On sale today you can find the following options:

  • For a classic move.
  • For skating style.
  • Combined.

If you only run “classics”, then choose the appropriate sets. If you sometimes skate or plan to master it, take a closer look at the universal options. Of course, on “combi” models it is difficult to achieve sports records, but they are quite suitable for walking.

If you only skate and don’t like traditional skiing at all, then choose skate skis. If finances allow, you can buy two sets. Then the pleasure from riding will be greater. For amateurs and beginners, I advise you to watch training lessons on skating:

How are the skate and classic models visually and technically different?

  • Skate skis are shorter and stiffer.
  • U skating socks shorter and rounder.
  • Skate models are more durable.

The edging for classic models is also different for skating. Combined options combine the characteristics of both modifications. A beginner can take a closer look at such products.

Once you have decided on your riding style, select a kit based on weight and height. It's easiest for people of average weight. But athletes with a larger physique will have to choose more carefully. For “heroes”, products must be of high quality, inexpensive and durable.

For the classic stroke, the length of the skis is usually calculated as follows: add 20-25 cm to your own height. For the “skate”, products that are equal to or slightly taller are suitable. The easiest way to navigate is using tables. For example, there is such a table for height:

Using these tables it’s easy to choose skis. But as practice shows, sometimes these recommended parameters can be violated. Focus on yourself. If you have the opportunity to try out different sets at a rental or borrow them from friends, take advantage of this. Remember the length that provides the most comfortable ride and choose such sets. For example, short skis sometimes easier to control, especially on descents.

Hardness and softness

No less important parameter when buying skis - their stiffness. Here you need to focus on the athlete’s weight. Selection the desired model by weight of a person is as follows:

  • Stand on your skis with both feet in the pad area. If there is a distance between the floor and the block, then this model is not rigid enough.
  • Stand with both feet on one ski at some distance. If there is a gap between sliding surface and no floor, it won’t work either. Choose a product with less rigidity.

Why pay attention to this parameter? The fact is that skis that are too soft will make it difficult to move on the track, and skis that are too hard will slip. And the return will obviously not please you. In short, being a beginner and choosing products with inappropriate rigidity, you are unlikely to love skiing.

Sports should be fun, so don't ignore this technical characteristics. For a classic ride, it is better to choose models with medium and low rigidity. And for the “ridge”, in any case, more rigid products are needed. If, when skiing “classic”, at the moment of repulsion the ski does not bend completely, then the equipment is not selected correctly.

We select sticks

It turns out that you also need to select poles according to your height. For the “classics”, sticks up to armpit length are suitable. But for the “ridge” it is better to choose longer models. For a free style, choose poles 15-20 cm shorter than your height. The handle and loop should also be comfortable. It is important to free your hand at any time. The risk of injury is especially high on descents in the forest, when a stick can get stuck in tree roots. Therefore, the stick should be easily removed from the hand.

The weight of the poles also affects the riding comfort. Modern sticks are light and durable, choose them.

Also, when purchasing, pay attention to boots and bindings. Shoes for skating and free skating are usually high. Modern boots are warm and comfortable. For a beginner, you can choose boots in budget option. It’s better to try them on in a woolen or other warm sock, so that even in light frost you don’t have to deny yourself walks.

Soviet-style mounts, 75 mm, can still be bought in hardware stores. They were replaced by more convenient options: NNN, SNS, NIS. For the classic style, you can still get by with more affordable 75 mm fasteners, but for “combi” and skate models it is better to opt for modern solutions. You will get more pleasure from riding. The mount will not touch the snow, which will have a positive effect on speed.

When choosing a ski set for a child, you also need to approach it responsibly, despite the fact that he will quickly outgrow it. When buying a kit for your child, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • For a preschooler, skis should be short.
  • After 7 years, follow the formula: height + 10-15 cm.
  • The height of the poles should be slightly above the chest.
  • For the smallest skiers, soft bindings based on belts and elastic bands and semi-rigid ones are suitable.
  • For schoolchildren, you can already buy rigid bindings with special boots.

Today in stores you can find ready-made equipment for little skiers. Fastenings can be for both regular shoes and special ones for boots.

How to choose a set of alpine skis

Alpine skis are even easier to choose than cross-country skis. Select kits for beginners based on your weight and height. Another important parameter: riding style. It is better for a beginner to opt for universal models of medium width. Universal models are marked all-mountain.

A beginner climber of the mountain slopes can choose inexpensive models, especially if during the season you will not be able to go to the ski resort often.

Forest skis

Hunting and forest skis are suitable for those who like to walk on virgin soil, go on winter hikes, and go hunting and fishing.

These wide skis come in wood and plastic, with notches. The latter are not so sensitive to moisture, although they are more slippery than wooden products. Plastic skis are lighter than wood skis, but are more suitable for warm weather. In cold weather they roll back.

On wide skis you can go on an exciting hike through the taiga. Read about an amazing place -. You can only ride there on wide models.

You don’t have to pay much attention to the height of forest skis, but shorter models are better in maneuverability. When choosing hiking kits, you should pay more attention to the fastenings. Semi-rigid cable fastenings are better than with belts.

And finally, look educational video on how to choose skis:

I hope these simple tips helped you choose skis for winter walks. Get your whole family on skis, teach your children to healthy image life! We usually have a lot of snow in Siberia; you can ski for several months in a row, which is what we take advantage of. I will be glad to see your feedback and questions!

Sports stores are so filled with goods that it is quite difficult for a beginner to choose the right quality skis. The buyer, having seen different models of sports equipment, is lost in the choice and cannot decide on the material of the equipment: wood and plastic. To make the right purchase, you should learn about some of the features of plastic and wooden products.

Comparative analysis of plastic and wooden skis

If you carefully study the information about skis on the website, you can conclude that all skis are divided into several categories: for adults, teenagers and children.

This division is not accidental, since skis have different lengths, thickness and coating. The maneuverability and speed of movement on the descent of the skier depend on these indicators. However, in addition to the above indicators, plastic and wooden products have their own differences, namely:

  1. Sliding speed. Plastic skis glide well even in the thaw. Snow doesn't stick to artificial turf, while the tree is very sensitive to changes in temperature and moisture.
  2. Wear resistance. In order for wooden skis to glide perfectly and not be scratched, they should be regularly lubricated with special substances. There is no risk of mechanical damage to the plastic.
  3. Moisture resistance. Wood can become deformed when exposed to moisture. As a result, the glide rate decreases and wooden skis become difficult to use.
  4. Time frame for use. Wooden skis– ideal for winter walks. However, as warmer temperatures approach, they may be worth packing away until next winter. Plastics, unlike wood, glide perfectly even at temperatures of +0 degrees.
  5. Price. Wooden skis are cheaper than plastic skis, and therefore the demand for them is much higher.
  6. Education. Experts recommend that beginners buy wooden skis, as they can be used to learn quickly and without injury. various techniques ride. The plastic slips a lot and learning to control such skis is quite difficult.

Considering these features of the two above-mentioned sports products, right choice skiing depends entirely on the desires of the person. Therefore, if you already have skiing or snowboarding experience, you are attracted to high-speed riding, and you want to go on vacation in the second half of winter, when warming is possible, then buy plastic skis, which not only glide well on snow, but are also suitable for use in extreme winter conditions. However, if you dream of learning how to ski professionally and feel calm on any slope, then your choice is wooden models.

Skiing is a popular winter pastime. Who doesn't enjoy a leisurely ski trip through a snowy winter forest? But for skiing to be enjoyable, you need to choose it wisely. How to choose the right one cross-country skiing?

Before choosing skis, you need to decide what you need them for. Because skis come in a variety of varieties - for tourists, athletes, amateur athletes, hunters or extreme sports enthusiasts. All skis are divided into cross-country and alpine. In this article we will talk about how to choose cross-country skis.

How to choose the right skis

Cross-country skiing is done in two ways (styles). The first one is classic. Any person who has ever skied knows about it - with this type of skiing, the skis move parallel to each other. For classic style skiing, softer skis with a long and sharp tip are required.
The second way of skating is skating, or free style. In this case, the skier moves on skis, like on skates, pushing off from the snow internal part skis. In this case, the skis must be hard.
There are also lovers of both classic and skating style- especially for them, there are universal skis that are suitable for skiing in any way.

Which skis to choose: plastic or wooden?
First, let's choose the material from which the skis are made. They can be plastic and wooden. Wooden ones are much cheaper, but they are very outdated and are rarely found in stores. Such skis need to be tarred before skiing so that the wood does not absorb moisture. Plastic skis have replaced wooden skis - they glide better and do not require lubrication. In addition, they are much lighter than wood, stronger and more durable.
Therefore, to the question - which skis are better, the answer will be unequivocal: plastic.

How to choose ski size according to height

To make skiing comfortable, it is very important that the skis are the right size. It’s very easy to choose skis according to your height - there are two main ways:
The first way to select skis is to measure your height with your arm extended upward. And subtract 10 centimeters from this number.
The 2nd way to choose skis by height is easier - just add 10-15 cm to your height. To be more precise, here is a table from which you can determine the length of skis and poles depending on height:

Height, cm

Ski length, cm

Length of poles, cm

Always choose skis according to your height. This is especially important for children. It happens that parents buy them larger skis “to grow into,” which makes it very uncomfortable for the child to ride them.

How to choose ski stiffness
The optimal stiffness of skis directly depends on the weight of the person. Therefore, when buying skis, you should carefully consider the issue of their rigidity. It is very easy to check skis for the required stiffness right before purchasing. To do this, stand on the selected skis on the floor in the store. Right under the boot, between the skis and the floor, there should be enough space for a sheet of paper to fit through. If the sheet does not fit through, then the skis will be too soft for you. Then stand on one ski with both feet - in this case there should be no space between the ski and the floor. Otherwise, the skis are too hard for their owner. This is how you can easily select the desired ski stiffness.

How to choose ski boots
Ski boots are selected according to your skiing style. For example, for classic skiing, ski boots should be low and have soft soles. And for skating, the boots are higher and stiffer. For lovers of a universal way of skating, so-called combi boots have been created; these are boots of medium hardness that are suitable for skating in any style.

We hope our tips will help you choose the right skis, and skiing on them will be a pleasure!

In addition to the fact that when skiing your child will harden the body and strengthen the heart muscle, you will also be able to spend more time with him and get a joint lesson. If you and your child take regular walks, then it is better to purchase your own skis rather than rent them. But before you go shopping, you should familiarize yourself with some tips on how to choose the right cross-country skis for your child.

Let's start with the fact that the range now offered is huge. Models come in plastic, semi-plastic and wooden. For the first training, skis of plastic or wooden models with special notches to prevent slipping are best suited. At the same time, you need to know that the gliding of wooden skis depends on the weather. At temperatures around 0 C and wet snow, snow will stick to these products, thereby making movement difficult. There are special ointments for regulating slip, which are selected taking into account the air temperature.

The disadvantage of wooden skis is their fragility. And since children often fall during training, their ends often break off, and sometimes they even break in half. Therefore, give preference to plastic models, which are an achievement in the ski industry. Just for the first training sessions, be sure to make sure that the skis have notches, since plastic skis are very slippery. And if you drive down, they will slide in all directions (forward, backward and sideways too).

It is best to buy skis from installed fasteners and already with boots. In this case, you can immediately evaluate how firmly the boots hold. If your child already has a ride, then buy products with a small number of notches. In this case, the glide will be better. And don’t neglect special ointments. One ointment is applied to the tips of the skis for glide, and the other is applied under the binding for retention.

The length of the product must correspond to height + 15-20 cm. If the child is not yet six years old, then the skis should be slightly taller than his height. It will be easier for the child to cope with such models when learning. Children should not take ski poles, since it is quite difficult for them to control both poles and skis at the same time. Let's first learn to slide without support, and after that you can use poles. Their height should be up to the armpits.

For teenagers, skis are selected according to their running style. If the stroke is skating, then they should be shorter (height + 10 cm), such products are usually called “skating”. For this style, the poles must be longer than usual, that is, above the shoulder. If your riding style is classic, then you need long skis with notches on the sliding surface. And the sticks are ordinary - up to the armpits. Or you can buy universal models, their length is between both types. For poles, the main components are strength, lightness and rigidity. But such an ideal combination is found only in expensive models. When buying poles, pay attention to the support; it should not be small and the size of the poles should not be longer than necessary.

With the arrival of frost and snow, a favorable time comes for winter sports. One of the most popular in our country is skiing. And if you have not yet bought skis for yourself or relatives, then this article will help you understand the main selection criteria.

Ski trips- it's not only perfect way spend the weekend, but also a powerful cardio workout that involves absolutely all muscle groups. You can burn up to 700 calories in just one hour of skiing (compared to 540 calories in an hour of running). And in order for skating to be a pleasure, it is important to choose the right equipment - this is what we will tell you about now.

How modern cross-country skis work

Each ski has a bottom and top surface, a core, ribs, a tip, a tail and a cargo area for a boot attachment device. The lower sliding surface is the working surface. Depending on the weather, it must be treated with different ski waxes. One or more guide semicircular or trapezoidal grooves can be cut into it. On the top surface there is a platform for installing the fastener. This is what your leg rests on. The core is everything that is located between the sliding surface and the top cover. The core is responsible for the main characteristics of the ski: weight and stiffness.

The front part or toe has an outwardly curved shape that ensures easy gliding on the snow. Rear end or the heel is thickened and reinforced with a glued wedge, rounded to reduce braking. It also prevents the ski from splitting. The peculiarity of the structure of cross-country skis is that they have a special weight deflection. When an athlete stands on them, they bend and distribute body weight evenly onto the snow-covered base.

Why choose amateur models?

Many amateur skis are suitable for both skating and skiing. classic style. And since, most likely, this is your first pair, most likely, you still don’t know how exactly you will run. Professional equipment is “tailored” not only to a certain style, but also to the weight of the skier and even the specific qualities of the snow.

Skate skis are shorter and stiffer. The poles for this style are longer than for the classic ones. As for the boots, they are noticeably stiffer and have additional lateral support. Accordingly, classic cross-country skis are longer and softer, their poles are shorter, and their boots are softer, like regular walking shoes.

How to choose the right ski width and length

The quality of skiing, speed and comfort when running depend on the correctly selected ski size. Skis for classic running are usually chosen according to the formula + 15-25 cm to the height of the skier. The heavier the athlete, the longer and stiffer the skis he needs. Skis for combined skiing should be a little shorter, and if you are immediately looking for a model for skating, the formula + 5-15 cm in height works here. As a rule, the longer the skis, the higher their stiffness. Thus, if the selected ski length is too soft, choose a longer model. Regarding rigidity, I would like to say that when choosing, you need to be guided by your level of training. If it is high, you can safely buy hard skis.

In addition to length, you need to pay attention to width. If you intend to ski on flat trails, buy wide skis that are highly stable. If you have to skate on ice or on a hard track, the best solution the skis will become narrow. They are more maneuverable and lighter than their wide counterparts.

What does the core design affect?

The weight and, accordingly, the stiffness of the skis depends on the type of technology used to make the core in a particular model. The core can consist of layers of wood, laid with glass/carbon fiber and wrapped entirely in it, at the edges limited by plastic (usually) side walls. For example, some ski models from Fischer use Air Channel technology when developing the core - this is a wooden base with several air channels, which undoubtedly affects the weight of the skis.

There are also cores made of foam materials: acrylic and propylene - a lightweight type for advanced amateurs and training athletes. There is also a honeycomb core structure. 2 is the lightest type of core to date, used in sports models.

What is the difference between wooden and plastic skis

Plastic models are more durable than wooden ones and can be used even in warm weather. As for wooden cross-country skis, it is impossible to use them when the thermometer is above zero. Wooden skis were traditionally lubricated with a holding ointment along the entire length and warm under the block, and this was enough to prevent kickback when riding. The wood structure also contributed to this.

As for plastic models, everything is not so simple. Having bought them and started to maintain them the same way as wooden cross-country skis, many people are disappointed in the purchase. The fact is that plastic has better sliding properties, especially compared to wood. Thus, before riding on such skis, they need to be thoroughly lubricated with suitable products in certain places, and not everywhere.

How to choose skis for a child

Some parents believe that skiing is a waste of time. This opinion is superficial and erroneous. skiing strengthens the cardiovascular system, develops the vestibular apparatus, and strengthens the child’s body. Initially, it is necessary to take into account the height, weight and age of the child. First, it is enough to purchase an ordinary children's model made of natural wood. When choosing, make sure that the model you like has notches - they prevent rollback. If you decide to buy them separately from the poles, make sure that the tip is of high quality; the reliability of the support depends on it. Ski bindings come in hard, soft and semi-rigid types. Children under six years old are suitable for models with a soft or semi-rigid option, allowing them to wear everyday boots or boots. After 6 years, an adult version in the form of a rigid mount is suitable. It is not recommended to buy skis “for growth”.

How to choose ski poles

Everything is much simpler - they are also divided into top, medium and low models and have different gradations of quality. The more expensive and professional the stick, the lighter and stronger it is. But, despite the strength and lack of vibration during repulsion, it is easy to break with a blow from a sharp object. This often happens in races when a sideways and often accidental ski strike actually cuts off a piece of the pole. However, any professional can break cheap amateur poles simply by pushing hard at the start. Rostovka skating poles is selected in the following way: your height minus 20 centimeters for skating skis and your height is minus 30 centimeters for classic ones. In this case, the size of the sticks may vary slightly depending on your readiness.