How to get in shape for summer: Basic knowledge. How to get yourself in order? How to keep fit? How to look younger than your age? The main women's secret

Every woman wants to look good with minimal effort. But, unfortunately, this is unrealistic. In order to maintain an excellent figure, beautiful skin and luxurious hair, you need to take care of yourself systematically. But what to do if you urgently need to get yourself in order, for example, for a certain date or for some event? To achieve such a result you need to try. Let's talk about how to get yourself in order in a month at home?

How to clean yourself up at home?

How to get your body skin in order?

To get your body skin in order in a short time, you need to change your diet and certain habits. Be sure to refuse bad habits, start and be sure to drink more - at least one and a half to two liters a day. Only sufficient fluid intake will help clear the skin of rashes, eliminate the appearance of cellulite and excessive dryness. Water will also help you get rid of a few extra pounds. It is best to drink it half an hour before a meal and half an hour after it, as well as between meals.

In order to tone the skin of the body, add elasticity and softness to it, use oils after shower, for example. The use of grape seed oil and citrus oils also has an excellent effect - they can be added to creams, masks, etc. You can also visit the sauna or bathhouse - once a week, and take it with oils.

Wraps with clay or algae will also be beneficial. Such procedures should be carried out twice a week.

How to tidy up your face at home?

To improve the condition of your facial skin in a short period of time, wipe it every morning with herbal infusions, for example, based on calendula, mint, rowan leaves and St. John's wort. The use of frozen juices - from cucumber or watermelon - also gives an excellent effect. They will eliminate excessive swelling and help, smooth out wrinkles, and cure rashes.
Daily rubbing of the skin with a cut of an aloe leaf also gives an excellent cosmetic effect.

To saturate your skin with vitamins, prepare a mask from fresh fruits: mash banana or persimmon pulp, combine with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. For oily skin, use lemon juice instead of oil. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water. Carry out this procedure twice a week.

How to tidy up your eyebrows at home?

To get your eyebrows in order by a certain date, you first need to decide on their shape and removal method. Most girls with adolescence they know which eyebrow shape is right for them, and take measures only to maintain their normal appearance. Tweezers, thread and wax can be used to correct the shape of the eyebrows. At home, the easiest way is to use tweezers.

Before plucking, you need to wash your hands with soap and disinfect tweezers with alcohol. To reduce pain, you can apply a sponge moistened with cold or cold water to the skin. hot water or a pain reliever such as benzocaine. Remove hairs only along the inner edge of the eyebrow, practically without affecting the outer edge. Long eyebrows should be trimmed with nail scissors. It is worth noting that hairs plucked with tweezers grow quite quickly.

How to tidy up your heels at home?

To make your heels soft and well-groomed, you need to pay attention to them at least two to three times a week. Soda baths give an excellent effect. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of soda in a basin of water, dip your feet in it for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, treat your heels with pumice and lubricate with a rich nourishing cream. In just a couple of weeks, your heels will become more attractive.

Also, to tidy up your heels, you can lubricate your feet and heels with mayonnaise. Put plastic bags and regular socks on top. Then go to bed. In the morning, wash your feet and treat them with pumice stone, then lubricate them with cream.

How to quickly get your hair in order?

Oils will help quickly improve the condition of your hair. You can use them to prepare healthy nourishing masks. For example, combine a tablespoon of warm burdock oil with one yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture to the scalp and hair and leave for half an hour under plastic and a towel. Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo as usual. Carry out the procedure twice a week, and after a month the effect will be very noticeable.

How to tidy up your fingernails?

If you have thin, brittle and peeling nails, stock up on lemons. Cut the fruit in half and dig your nails into it for half an hour. Repeat this procedure once a day, and you will very soon notice a positive result. Lemon will also help whiten the nail plate.

You can also pour heated vegetable oil (olive, castor, etc.) into the bath and dip your nails in it for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, dry your hands with a napkin without washing.

How to get your figure in order in a month?

If you urgently need to lose weight in a month, don’t even think about fasting. This way your weight will not decrease much, but your skin and hair may suffer greatly.
In order to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, you need to drink a lot of fluids, eat often and in small portions, and give up unhealthy foods. You also need to do simple things every day physical exercise: squat, do leg swings, push-ups, do cardio exercises - jump rope, aerobics, running, brisk walking (30 minutes a day). These simple tips will help you get rid of several kilograms in a matter of time.

Getting yourself in order in a month is not easy, but improving your appearance during this time is quite possible.

Additional Information

Products will help improve your appearance, figure and health traditional medicine. So, if you need to cope with the problem of skin rashes, prepare a medicine based on dried flowers or calendula.

Chamomile and calendula for facial skin. Brew a couple of tablespoons of flowers with a glass of just boiled water. After forty minutes of infusion, strain and use to wipe problem areas twice a day. You can also soak gauze in the infusion and apply it to the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Birch leaves and buds for facial skin. Brew a couple of tablespoons of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, simmer for three to five minutes and leave to steep for another half hour. Use in the same way as in the previous version.

To improve skin tone and eliminate cellulite, you can prepare a herbal wrap.

Homemade skin tightening wraps. For this purpose, prepare a glass of dried water (you can buy it at the pharmacy) and brew it with half a liter of boiling water. Also pour a tablespoon of lemon into the container, cover with a lid and leave for one hour. Strain the finished medicine and soak gauze in it. Wrap it around the problem areas of the body, wrap yourself in plastic and lie down under the blanket. This wrap should take one and a half to two hours.

To speed up and intensify the weight loss process, you can also use medications based on useful plants. Taking dandelion-based products gives an excellent effect: they activate metabolic processes, improve activity digestive system and have a mild laxative effect.

Dandelion root - use for weight loss. To prepare the medicine, it is worth preparing ten to twenty grams of dry dandelion root. Fill it with one liter of boiling water and let it brew for three to four hours in a covered container. The strained composition should be taken twice a day in the amount of one or two tablespoons.

Collection of herbs for effective weight loss . Also, to effectively get rid of excess weight You can combine twenty grams of dandelion root, fennel and parsley fruits, peppermint leaves and sixty grams of buckthorn root. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the resulting mixture with half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain the finished infusion and dilute it with cool, pre-boiled water to an initial volume of half a liter. Drink all the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach.

In fact, you can completely get yourself in order in a month, but you will have to try for this. All recommendations must be followed systematically, with the recommended frequency, and then you will quickly notice a positive result.

Are you tired of your appearance? Are you losing confidence in yourself? Don't worry, you'll soon feel 100, you just need to give yourself a little care and attention! Start with step one to learn how to achieve a 100% transformation from head to toe!


Part 1

Hair care

    Get a new haircut. One of the key points that will boost your self-esteem is your hair. The bottom line is that you need to choose a suitable haircut, choose hair color and so on. So the first step is a new hairstyle.

    • To the owners oval Almost any haircut will suit your face - from a short “boyish” haircut to a haircut for long hair. Fortunately, stylists say that this face shape is universal. Try to find a cut or hairstyle that makes your face look a little wider, such as a bun or braids. Try not to have a haircut or hairstyle that hides part of your face, such as long bangs.
    • If you have square face type, you need a hairstyle that will visually make your face look a little longer. Choose a haircut that is slightly below your chin. Haircuts that make your hair as long as your chin or shorter will not suit you. In addition, when styling or styling your hair, make sure that your hair does not lie across your forehead or at an angle, because this emphasizes the “square” type of face. It will be very good if you try to “soften” the transitions a little so that the strands smoothly transition into each other. To “round off” the sharp corners between the strands, you can make a haircut in which the hair lies in several layers or in a cascade. In addition, curls or wavy hair will suit you very much; they will make you more feminine and take the emphasis off your chin.
    • People with round Depending on your face type, it is also recommended to choose a haircut and hairstyle that will visually make your face a little longer. Hair should be longer than the chin because haircuts where the hair is as long as the chin or slightly shorter make the face appear rounder. Haircuts in which the hair is styled so that the ends are “rounded” towards the face are not recommended. If you have short hair, ask your hairdresser to give you a cascade cut. In addition, you will also benefit from haircuts that allow your hair to lightly touch your shoulders.
    • For those with a face type heart You need a haircut that will provide balance between a wide forehead and a narrow chin. Therefore, you need to find a hairstyle that will visually reduce your forehead and enhance your chin. For example, bangs will suit you, especially if you have a high forehead, but they should not be straight. The haircut should provide length near the chin, and you will also want a haircut in which the hair at chin level will lie in several layers. Haircuts and hairstyles in which the hair hangs on the sides of the face are not recommended, because such hairstyles emphasize a narrow chin. In addition, a narrow chin emphasizes a middle parting, so a side parting will suit you better.
  1. To make the changes in your appearance more noticeable, dye your hair a different color. Almost any shade and hair color suits pale skin. If you have a pink skin tone, red and golden blonde colors will not suit you. To make your skin appear more neutral, try ashy shades. If you have a yellowish skin tone, yellow, gold and orange colors will not suit you. If so, try a shade of red wine. Hair of darker shades will suit dark skin.

    Use the products that suit you. The best way choose hair products that are right for you - focus on your hair type when buying something. For example, if you have oily hair, you need products designed specifically for oily hair. If you have dry hair, dry hair products are for you. No matter what hair type you have, by choosing exactly the product that suits you, you will achieve best results. In addition, it is a good idea to visit a beauty salon for a while, if you have the opportunity, to keep your hair in excellent condition.

    Part 2

    Skin care

    Part 3

    1. Apply your makeup with style! Makeup should give your face a little shine, but it should not overpower your natural beauty. To be honest, that's exactly what most people do! Try finding a good concealer for covering uneven spots and blemishes or a highlighter for acne. By the way, you can cover up red spots with eye drops designed for red eyes. It works!

      Don't overdo it with eye makeup. You want to choose a color that will complement and enhance your natural eye color rather than overpower it. It's best to start with neutral shades. Neutral tones complement almost any skin tone and eye color, they open up the look and allow the attention to be focused on the color of your eyes. Here are some shades that suit different eye colors. For green eyes: earth tones (almost any brown, beige, ivory, chocolate shades), gold, bronze, copper, plum, pink, lilac. For blue eyes: metallic shades (gold, copper, bronze), taupe, lilac, violet. Greenish blues or aquas are not recommended because these shades will compete with your natural eye color. For brown eyes: pink, peach, coral, gold, green, blue, plum, brown, champagne, purple. Most colors go well with brown eyes.

      Emphasize the color of your cheeks. Below are 4 simple steps to beautiful cheeks that suit every skin tone:

      • Step 1. Apply a peach-colored cream (or mousse) to your cheeks (peach color is a universal color and the most suitable color for any skin tone), start applying the cream from the eyelids to the hairline. Apply peach-colored powder on top. Thanks to these two cosmetics, the color will last longer!
      • Step 2: Define the contours of your face and hollows of your cheeks with a matte bronzer or a darker face powder (about 2-3 shades darker than your skin tone). Remember that you want to create the illusion of shadow on the cheeks or simply enhance the effect. This will make your face appear a little thinner, plus it will give it a healthy glow.
      • Step 3: Highlight your cheekbones first with a cream-based highlighter and then with a mineralized pearlescent highlighter (again, this is for a longer-lasting effect). You need to apply just enough so that the light falling on your cheeks creates a face light shimmer and blush, giving the cheeks a healthy look, but do not apply too much cosmetics, otherwise the makeup will look like plaster.
      • Step 4: Take your kabuki brush and blend all 3 colors for a flawless look!
    2. Tidy up your eyebrows. If you feel like your eyebrows are too thick or too thin, the tips listed below should help. Buy an eyebrow brush; you can use it to easily shape your eyebrows. If you don't mind the pain and have the option, get a professional wax at a salon, but if you don't have the option, just follow these tips. The most common mistake is over-plucking because it will take several months for the hairs to grow back. Here's one simple trick that should help you: the space between the eyebrows should be equal to the width of the eye (or a little wider). Ideally, the eyebrow should have a slight “arch”. Cleanse your skin. A light exfoliating scrub will perfectly prepare your skin for hair removal. Are you afraid of pain? Then experts suggest applying Anbesol, Orajel or any other baby gel to the eyebrows to facilitate teething. Brush your brow upward and outward so that the top and bottom edges of your brow are smooth. Very carefully pluck the hairs to form a beautiful upper and lower edge of the eyebrow.

      Choose a beautiful lipstick or gloss color. The best lipstick shades are one or two shades darker than your natural lip color, says Bobby Brown's makeup artist. To match shades, apply lipstick or gloss to one lip; if it's a couple of shades darker than your lip color, that's your shade! Before applying anything to your lips, be sure to use chapstick or Vaseline to keep your lips moisturized and conditioned.

      Use eyeliner. Think about what eyeliner will suit you. Using a classic pencil you can achieve a soft line, and it is also easy to handle. Gel pencil or liquid eyeliner creates a crisp, bold line, but it requires precision and patience. More likely, the best option There will be a self-sharpening eyeliner, it glides well on the eyelid, it’s easy to use, and it’s easy to find. To visually enlarge your eyes and make your look more open, use a white or metallic pencil; it will match any color pencil and will go well with black mascara. Apply white eyeliner to inner side lower eyelid or on the outer corner of the lower eyelid near the lash line. For a stronger effect, blend the shades with your finger or brush. Choose a pencil that complements your natural eye color. Brown and plum shades will suit brown eyes, dark gray and dark green will suit green eyes, beige and dark brown shades will complement blue eyes. If you have brown eyes, choose the eyeshadow color you like and buy an eyeliner in the same range. Or choose a black eyeliner that suits all colors and shades.

In the life of every woman, force majeure situations occur when it is urgent to take action and get yourself in order in just a week. No, of course, maintaining good shape is always our sacred duty, but so what... anything can happen. And suddenly, out of the blue, the most important event falls: either important, or, absolutely Hard case, - alumni meeting!

Don't panic - we have a whole week for a complete rebranding to bring a slightly neglected state to absolute perfection. You can, of course, turn to specialists, but time/wallet does not always allow us to enjoy procedures in a beauty salon. And, frankly speaking, home remedies are at least guaranteed to be natural.

First of all, let's decide on . Yes, yes, beauty requires sacrifice, but among the many diets you can choose from the most to the completely acceptable.

Weekly self-care plan

Day 1. Let's start with the head, that is, with the hair

Before washing your hair, add any of the listed vitamins to the shampoo (A, B, E, B12 in ampoules), they can be easily found in the pharmacy. After the first use, your hair will respond with shine and a healthy look. Next we move on to the mask.

Here are a few favorites for different hair types:

Nourishment and shine for dry ends

  • 1.5 tbsp. l. honey (heat in a water bath);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive (linseed) oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon.

Mix all the ingredients until creamy, apply the mixture to your hair, wrap it cling film, put on a hat. We wash off the mask after 40 - 60 minutes. The remaining cinnamon will be completely washed off after using the conditioner.

Mask with honey and aloe juice for quickly oily hair

  • 2 tsp. aloe juice;
  • 1 tsp. castor oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Mix everything thoroughly and carefully apply only to the roots. Be sure to cover your head. Wash off after 25 minutes. The mask solves the problem, and due to local application it prevents fragility.

Universal orange mask

  • 1 yolk;
  • orange peel;
  • corn oil

Mix the yolk with 1 tablespoon of grated orange peel and 1 teaspoon of corn oil. Wash off after 15 minutes with a decoction of sage or mint.

Day 2. Renew your face and neck

We cleanse our face with our daily face wash. Next, we will use an English mask, which is suitable for any skin type. With its help, we will get rid of blackheads, moisturize and smooth tired skin, and improve blood circulation.

We take three containers:

  • in the first, mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil and oatmeal (grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder);
  • in the second cup put the pulp of half an apple, 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of melted honey;
  • in the third cup mix kefir with 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt, previously crushed.

Sequence of applying the mask:

  1. Using gentle movements, apply the mixture from the first container to the face and décolleté.
  2. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Apply the contents of the second one on top.
  4. Massage the skin for 2-3 minutes. and leave again for five minutes.
  5. After moistening the sponge or sponge in the contents of the third container, remove the mask from the face.
  6. Wipe with chamomile decoction and then with an ice cube.
  7. Finally, apply nourishing cream.

Day 3. Love your body!

Let's prepare for honey wrap. We take a shower, make a scrub from rice flour and sour cream, in equal proportions. We perform a pinch massage on problem areas, warming them up and thereby improving the absorption of nutrients.

We prepare a mixture of ground cinnamon powder and honey, heated in a water bath to preserve beneficial features. Distribute the pulp over the body or problem areas, and wrap with cling film. It is advisable not to just lie under a blanket for half an hour, but to do a few exercises or do household chores. After 40 min. take a contrast shower and don’t forget to apply milk or body lotion.

Depending on the condition of the skin and the expected result, you can make another wrap by choosing from those listed.

Day 4. Time to pay attention to your legs

Let's do hot bath with sage, treat the keratinized cells with pumice (or any other usual method), apply a thick layer of moisturizer, put on socks and under the blanket. Overnight the skin will absorb everything, and in the morning it will thank you for it.

Day 5. Velvet hands

We will need:

  • 2 boiled potatoes;
  • 1 tsp. glycerin;
  • 100 ml. milk
  • a few drops of ylang-ylang.

Mash the potatoes with a fork and add the remaining ingredients. Apply generously to the skin of your hands. In 10 minutes. rinse with cool water, then make a scrub by mixing crushed coffee beans with liquid soap. After the procedures - moisturizing cream.

Day 6. Relax

Ideally, you should visit the sauna, with all the attendant exfoliating procedures, but this part can be replaced by the one described below.

We make a chocolate mask from face to heels. Firstly, it will reduce cellulite, even out skin tone, and secondly, it will relieve emotional stress and nourish you with the wonderful aroma of chocolate.

  • Dilute 300 grams of cocoa powder with 250 ml of warm milk.
  • We coat the entire body and face with the resulting mixture, cover the bed with a protective film, lie down, covered with a warm blanket, and rest for 40 minutes.
  • then take a contrast shower.

Day 7. Day X

We wake up with the pleasant thought that a week has passed, and the emergency beauty plan to get ourselves in order worked 100%. We dress beautifully, do stunning makeup, hairstyle and go to create an effect and receive compliments!

« The frantic pace of life, long and hard driving, cooking, constant rush, lack of time - all these modern trends have deprived many women of the opportunity to take care of themselves. But warm summer days are just around the corner! Very soon we will finally take off our tired down jackets and coats, put on shorts, T-shirts, swimsuits and go to the pond or on vacation at the seaside. But how can ladies, “drowning” in everyday affairs and worries and in constant time pressure, prepare for the upcoming swimming season in order to attract attention on the beach?

Luckily, there is a way! Especially for the fair sex, who do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the gym, I have developed a special set of exercises for home, by doing which for just 20 minutes a day you will look sporty and fit in just a month! The main advantages of express training are the absence of contraindications (except pregnancy) and its very effective impact for all major muscle groups!"- says the expert methodologist and coordinator of the direction group programs federal network fitness clubs X-Fit.

Express workout at home: 6 best exercises

1. Military plank through lunge

This exercise consists of two main phases: lunge and plank. Through a lunge with angles in knee joints Place your hands on the floor 90 degrees and stand in a plank position, tensing your abs. With the same leg, step into a lunge and return to the starting position.

Number of approaches: 2
Number of repetitions: 20 repetitions on each leg (or 60 seconds)

2. Skater

Essentially, it is a neutral back bend on one leg (alternating sides) and a diagonal twist towards the supporting leg. Do the exercise by jumping by changing positions on the right and left leg.

Number of approaches: 2
Completion time: 60-120 seconds (medium or fast pace only)
Rest between sets: 20-30 seconds

3. Wide static bar

This is the plank position with broad setting hands Tightening your abs and squeezing your shoulder blades together, without raising your shoulders, hold it for a minute.

Number of approaches: 1
Execution time: 60 seconds

4. Cardio push-ups for triceps and pectoral muscles

To work pectoral muscles perform a push-up with your arms wide, then jump into a triceps push-up (palms under shoulder joints, move your elbows, pressing them tightly to your ribs).

Number of approaches: 2
Number of repetitions: 15-20 position changes (one shift - two push-ups)
Rest between sets: 20-30 seconds

5. Lateral lunges

Lunges to the right and left are performed from the position of the legs at the width of the pelvis. You need to take a step to the right while simultaneously squatting on your right leg (left straight), and through the starting position lunge to the left. The back is straight throughout the entire exercise, as is the tense abs.

Number of approaches: 1
Number of repetitions: 20-30 times

6. Full V-stabilization

From a supine position, raise your legs and neutral (with the natural curves of the spine) torso to an angle of hip joint 90 degrees.

Number of approaches: 1
Completion time: 60 seconds (fast pace)

By performing this 20-minute express set of exercises daily, you will feel positive changes in your figure within a month! Good luck!

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