How to take sports nutrition for weight loss for a girl. Sports nutrition for women's weight loss. Which sports nutrition to choose

Most women come to gym for losing weight, not gaining weight muscle mass. Therefore, for them, for example, regular protein supplements do not make any difference. For such women, special sports nutrition for weight loss has been developed. It is based on, the action of which is aimed at subcutaneous reserves excess fat.

Most of these drugs are based on natural composition. The result of this supplement will be removal from the body. excess liquid, higher metabolism, accelerated breakdown of brown fat.

How to choose sports nutrition for weight loss?

First of all, pay attention to its composition. As scientific research shows, only up to ten percent of all fat burners actually contain components that can affect your body. That is, it turns out that the remaining ninety percent of products not only will not bring you any benefit, but in addition to this, they can cause significant harm to your health.

So, such a drug should contain the following elements: diuretics (their action is aimed at removing excess water from the body), thermogenics (increase metabolism), directly fat-burning elements. Often, you can see some vitamins or an appetite suppressant in the composition.

It is very important to find information on the packaging that the drug has passed all the necessary medical studies. It is best if you choose products from a well-known and trustworthy brand. In this case, you should remember that you may overpay, but you will definitely be confident in the safety of your health.

It is especially important that sports nutrition for weight loss be of high quality for girls, since they hormonal background is not yet stable. Therefore, it will not be amiss to find information that the products have received several safety certificates.

How to take sports nutrition for weight loss?

No matter how great the results you get from thermogenic fat burners, you shouldn’t get carried away with them for a long time. This is not just a warning against constantly taking an unnatural product - it’s just that the effectiveness of this supplement begins to decrease after a while. As studies have shown, the reason for this is that our body simply begins to get used to them.

You should not lose sight of the fact that long-term use by women of fat burners in sports nutrition for weight loss can negatively affect their health, because some side effects are present even in the best products of this type.

If we take into account the above factors, then the course of treatment should not be continued for more than one month. Afterwards, you need to take a break for up to two weeks. And only then can you repeat the course without fear of side effects.

To get more reliable information, it is better to directly study the instructions for the supplement you purchased.

Sports nutrition as a weight loss cocktail

We must not forget to mention the possibility of losing weight by consuming. This product does not contain many calories, and in addition to this, protein compounds (which the cocktail mainly consists of) when entering the body are not deposited in body fat, and immediately go into muscle mass.

It is worth noting that this method of losing weight is more suitable for those who want to simultaneously get rid of excess fat and pump up.

In combination with active training and tough low calorie diet, sports nutrition for weight loss for girls of any age and body type is necessary and mandatory for use. Let's try to figure out what kind of sports nutrition a girl who is losing weight needs.

Weight loss supplements include:

  • Fat burners:
  1. Thermogenics - activating the breakdown of fat cells and their thermal processing into energy fuel. These supplements also help suppress appetite and improve training productivity.
  1. L-carnitine - improves membrane permeability at the cellular level, which allows faster and more efficient delivery fatty acid for processing into energy fuel. Ideal for drying the body, sports nutrition for girls must contain levocarnitine, because it is the safest component of weight loss medications to use.
  • Essential amino acids (BCAAs) - this triad of amino acids not only prevents the breakdown of muscle mass during a period of calorie reduction and active training, but also helps in the utilization of fatty acids and in reducing appetite.
  • Proteins - isolates and hydrolysates of proteins, practically do not contain carbohydrates, especially simple sugars. They promote powerful pumping, providing muscles with building material for growth and strengthening, allowing you to quickly recover after a grueling workout, and also help suppress appetite and normalize metabolism. Whey or soy protein isolate (depending on preference) is a universal cut-and-dry sports nutrition for girls, which allows you to quickly and effectively outline a beautiful muscle profile.
  • Vitamins/minerals - help accelerate and improve metabolic processes, and are also involved in activating the breakdown of fats, strengthening the immune system and the health of nails and hair, which is important in conditions of a strict sports diet.

Also, sports nutrition for girls for burning fat may contain the following substances:

  • Carbohydrate and fat blockers - helping to reduce the absorption of fats/carbohydrates in the digestive tract and prevent them from being sent to the fat depot.
  • Cortisol blockers - reduce the activity of the catabolic hormone.
  • Omega 3 - helps improve fat metabolism.
  • Citrus synephrine - a natural thermogenic

Before you start taking sports nutrition for girls to lose weight, you need to develop a competent training program, make sure there are no contraindications and seek advice from an experienced nutritionist.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to find out what sports nutrition for girls is needed for relief during the final stage of weight loss?

To form a relief, first of all, it is necessary to consume protein isolates/hydrolysates (whey is best), levocarnitine to improve fat metabolism, vitamins and minerals.

  • When training at home, is sports nutrition safe for drying the body?

Sports nutrition is completely safe for health at any stage of the training cycle. It is only important to correctly calculate the daily dosage, consult with a trainer and choose only high-quality supplements from trusted brands.

  • How to lose weight on sports nutrition for a girl prone to speed dial weight?

Sports nutrition It works exclusively in combination with active training, adherence to a diet and a well-designed diet. Thus, weight loss supplements are not a panacea, but only auxiliary drugs. The result depends only on perseverance and constant training.

Friends, hello everyone. In this issue we will talk about sports nutrition for weight loss. Before we begin, you should know this release is not related to advertising, all arguments and statements are made on the basis of sports literature, research, statistics, customer reviews and personal experience. From this article you will learn the most effective supplements that will help you lose weight.

This type of sports nutrition is not doping, i.e. does not contain any prohibited substances, it is absolutely legal. Designed for people who have a goal, regardless of gender (male or female).

Fat burners

The thermogeneric is considered the best supplementLipo-6x from Nutrex. It activates the breakdown of fats, suppresses appetite, and increases the intensity of training.

Accept: In the first two days, 2 capsules per day (one in the morning, the other in the afternoon). On days 3 and 4, take 3 capsules per day. On the 5th and subsequent days, take 4 capsules per day. This fat burner is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, or at least 30 minutes before meals. There is a mandatory intake: 20-30 minutes before the start of the workout! This fat burner can also be replaced with another, for example: Animal Cuts from Universal Nutrition or Tight Hardcore from SAN.

Basically Any BCAA complex will do here , which contains a complete composition. For weight loss, bcaa is recommended from Intra Fuel from SAN, it will help preserve muscles during training (i.e. protect them). In addition, Intra Fuel from SAN promotes the breakdown of fats, suppresses appetite, and contains reducing agents, vitamins, and antioxidants, which is important especially when losing weight. It is recommended to take during training.


The best supplement here is Syntha-6 from BSN. This protein contains complex proteins with a long absorption period. Protein contains carbohydrates and fats. Many people get nervous about this, but it’s not worth it!

Contains carbohydrates, namelypolydextrose (it is absorbed very very slowly, there will be no changes in insulin + it contains very little energy (carbohydrates) 4 times less than in regular carbohydrates). In short, don't be afraid - this carbohydrate does not slow down or hinder the fat burning process.

Contains fats, namely special medium chain and triglycerides , on the contrary, they accelerate fat burning.

In general, protein plays an important role in weight loss, because... when losing weight, a person should adhere to strict diet, and in conditions of a lack of protein, the body begins to use its own resources (muscles) as a source of amino acids, and if enough protein is supplied, this will not happen. Those. We have a complex protein, this will never happen! It is recommended to take 0.5 servings 2 hours before and 1 hour after training, also if you are very hungry, you can take it between meals.

Vitamin-mineral complex

The best supplement here is Opti-men for men and Opti-Women for women. Remember, without the use of vitamins and minerals you will not achieve good results, because muscle growth, fat breakdown in general, all metabolic reactions of the body occur due to these minerals and vitamins! As a rule, on a diet, when losing weight, the amount of vitamins and minerals is limited, the need for them increases significantly! That's why they are vital. It is recommended to take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day after meals. Please note that these supplements can be replaced with Animal Pak from Universal Nutrition or Activite Sport from MHP.

Various nutritional supplements very popular among male bodybuilders, but sports nutrition for girls is not used so often. Modern industry produces many of its varieties - proteins, gainers, fat burners, etc.

However, out of all the variety, women most often opt for weight loss drugs, since the problem excess weight More often than others, the fair sex worries. At the same time, many are afraid of possible side effects. Is sports nutrition safe and how does it affect the human body? main question which occurs among visitors sports clubs and gyms.

Main types of sports nutrition

There are several supplements that are most popular among athletes:

  • proteins (concentrated protein in the form of shakes, bars, etc.);
  • amino acids, liquid amino acids;
  • BCAAs;
  • gainers (mixtures of proteins and carbohydrates);
  • creatine;
  • fat burners;
  • supplements with zinc, magnesium and B vitamins;
  • l-arginine;
  • l-carnitine (we are talking about it) and others.

Sports nutrition for muscle mass is presented in the form of proteins, gainers, specialized pre-workout complexes, creatine and is in demand mainly among male bodybuilders. However, girls who want to pump up their muscles can also use these drugs.

The most common option for acquiring relief is protein. Essentially, a protein meal is pure protein, without fats, carbohydrates or other components. Protein is naturally found in meat, eggs, dairy products, as well as seeds and legumes.

Adhering to a diet based on natural protein, a person will additionally receive fats and carbohydrates, which can lead to the formation of a fat layer. That is why professional athletes use specialized additives.

Protein-based sports nutrition comes in several types: egg protein, casein, soy protein, whey protein (isolate and concentrate). The best option is whey isolate, as well as multicomponent additives. The isolate does not contain lactose and is produced according to innovative technology, which ensures high quality and easy absorption of the product, but such a drug is quite expensive.

Another leader in the sports nutrition market are gainers. They are mixtures of protein and carbohydrates, but with different percentage one or another component. For those who are not inclined to be overweight, we can recommend protein-based gainers, and for lean athletes - carbohydrate-based ones.

Creatine is a carboxylic acid that is an essential component of normal functioning human body. Sports nutrition for women and men based on creatine monohydrate has positive influence in several directions at once:

  • increases endurance;
  • increases muscle strength;
  • promotes rapid recovery after heavy loads;
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • subject to proper diet will help you lose weight.

Sports nutrition for weight loss

Since the main women's problem (sometimes far-fetched) is the problem of excess weight, a variety of fat burners are in greatest demand among girls. The dream that you can take a miracle pill and become slim has haunted more than one generation of beautiful ladies.

This is why fat burners for girls are in great demand. But before you run to the pharmacy or sports nutrition sellers, you need to familiarize yourself with its types and consult with a specialist.

All drugs are divided according to the way they affect the body:

  • thermogenic;
  • carbohydrate and fat blockers;
  • substances that reduce appetite;
  • substances that affect the secretion of the hormone cortisol;
  • diuretics (have a diuretic effect);
  • lipotropics.

When choosing a supplement, you need to take into account factors such as gender, chronic diseases and individual characteristics.

Since all processes in the body of women and men are different, the drugs should also be different. In girls, fat is most often deposited in the abdomen, waist and hips, in addition, they tend to “seize” psychological problems. They will benefit from supplements that suppress appetite and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

The stronger sex has a more intense metabolism, men's muscles are larger and prone to rapid growth. L-carnitine is suitable for them, which is not a fat burner, but will help reduce the layer by transporting fat to the “place of disposal.”

IMPORTANT! When choosing sports nutrition for weight loss, it is advisable for girls to pay attention to possible side effects. For example, thermogenic drugs cannot be used for hypertension, arrhythmia and diseases thyroid gland. Diuretics are prohibited if there are abnormalities in the excretory system and require careful adherence to the instructions, as they can cause dehydration.

There are also supplements that should absolutely not be used by both women and men. These include drugs based on sibutramine, ephedrine, caffeine and thyroxine. For example, thyroxine is a hormone of the thyroid gland and with its regular use it gradually stops working normally. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions and carefully familiarize yourself with the dosage: in large doses, each medicine turns into poison.

There is no clear answer to the question of whether sports nutrition is harmful for women or not. In some cases, even the most harmless protein can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes and gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, in addition to the rules of use given below, it is best to undergo screening for chronic diseases before use. This will help avoid serious problems in the future.

Basic rules for using sports nutrition

All types of fat burners for women can be divided into three large groups: thermogenic , lipotropic And blocking additives .

Thermogenics work on the heating effect and usually include components such as synephrine, caffeine, guarana, cayenne pepper extract, green tea extract and a number of other substances. They not only increase body temperature, speed up metabolism, but also increase performance and endurance.

Thermogenic supplements are recommended to be taken no more than twice daily. In the morning - on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening - 30-40 minutes before the start of training, but no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime. Regardless of the dosage indicated on the package, it is better to start taking it with a minimum dose (for example, one capsule). This option will allow you to track the individual reaction of the body and eliminate the occurrence of allergic reactions. If they occur, it is better to refuse the supplement!

The next group of fat burners are lipotropic drugs (often in combination with diuretics). They contain choline, levocarnitine, methionine, which accelerate the breakdown of fats, stimulate liver function and normalize insulin levels. Lipotropics are taken in the same way as thermogenics - twice a day, but the second dose may occur at a later time of day. The main advantage of lipotropic drugs (without diuretics) is the absence side effects.

Carbohydrate and fat blockers may include white and red bean extract, chitosan and garcinia extract. Take them once a day 10-15 minutes before meals, while avoiding the consumption of fatty foods, as this can cause intestinal disorders.

In addition to the above groups, there are combined fat burners, which include substances of various functional orientations. They are more effective, contain vitamin supplements, but can cause allergic reactions.

Any specialist will say that sports nutrition is effective only along with physical activity and diet. Of course, professional athletes often cannot do without protein or gainers. But do girls who want to lose weight need expensive supplements? After all, playing sports and a balanced diet will give not only beautiful figure, but also health long years. And the money saved on miracle pills can be spent on shopping, a massage or a beautiful hairstyle.

If a person begins to include figure correction workouts in his schedule, the instructor may advise him to use sports nutrition in order to lose weight faster, but which drug will be more effective and due to what substances it works is not always explained. Is it possible to choose a good product on your own and how to take it to get a positive result?

What is sports nutrition for weight loss

Nutritional supplements that differ in their composition and principle of action due to this, united only by purpose - this is what sports nutrition is. Depending on the components used to create them, they can:

  • help improve endurance indicators;
  • help the body tolerate it more easily power loads;
  • provoke muscle growth;
  • speed up metabolism.

The only common feature of all sports nutrition is its focus: these nutritional supplements are designed for individuals exposed to physical activity. In the absence of training, they do not work or can give the opposite result, which often happens to those who use sports nutrition to burn fat without exercising either in the gym or at home.

Is it possible to lose weight on sports nutrition?

A number of drugs aimed at athletes have the ability to reduce the amount of fat mass, but “lose weight” and “reduce weight” in this case are not synonymous, because Most representatives of the sports nutrition category additionally have the function of increasing muscle volume. However, fat burners are indeed present among these drugs and represent a separate category that specifically helps to lose weight. Other sports nutrition options work differently: they suppress the feeling of hunger or accelerate the breakdown of incoming nutrients.

How does sports nutrition work for weight loss?

The operating principle of such products and supplements depends on the composition and focus: among sports nutrition you can find classic fat burners, appetite blockers, nutrient breakdown accelerators, etc. There are also options designed to replace meals without compromising your health: these are nutritional complexes with good calorie content, but without microelements that interfere with weight loss (for example, protein). Sports food for weight loss can be in the form of bars, mixtures for making soups and cocktails, and gels.

For burning fat

The key properties of these drugs, designed to reduce the amount of fat mass, are to accelerate metabolism, slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and reduce fluid levels. An additional quality that helps you lose weight is their ability to convert fat molecules into energy. Sports fat burners begin to do their work only during physical activity to which a person is exposed, so they are not effective without training.

Among these types of sports nutrition that help you lose weight are:

  • thermogenics – warming substances;
  • lipotropics – fat-breaking agents;
  • calorie blockers.

An alternative name for this supplement is levocarnitine. This is the main fat burner in sports nutrition, which is of interest to everyone who wants to lose weight safely. L-carnitine is a substance that is produced by the brain and kidneys, but sufficient amounts are produced only in people who adhere to healthy eating with an emphasis on animal protein. If a person is aiming to lose weight with a strict diet, the doctor may prescribe additional L-carnitine capsules to make up for its deficiency.

This drug is not so much a sports nutrition as a nutritional supplement that:

  • helps the body transport fatty acids to the breakdown zone;
  • is needed so that a person can lose weight naturally, because... L-carnitine deficiency leads to obesity;
  • converts fats into energy;
  • helps reduce cholesterol levels;
  • prevents the formation of new fat deposits.

How to take sports nutrition for weight loss

All these means to help you lose weight will only work if you know 2 rules. Firstly, you need to follow a diet, i.e. forget about junk food (simple carbohydrates, carcinogens) and drink plenty of clean water. Secondly, you must exercise, otherwise you will not lose weight, and from some types of sports nutrition you may begin to gain weight. The remaining nuances are determined by which product you decide to use:

  • To quickly lose weight, you need to take protein sports nutrition at night and instead of breakfast or lunch. You can use protein as a snack, but the portions should be small: 15 g each.
  • Sports meal replacements are used primarily as snacks and cannot be an alternative to classic food.
  • To lose weight, any sports nutrition must be taken according to medical instructions, without exceeding the dosage by a single gram, no matter how fast and intense you want to make this process.

How to choose sports nutrition for weight loss

Persons with overweight(this does not mean 2-3 kg, but more than 10 kg), recommendations on the selection and use of sports nutrition should be given by a doctor. Often, they are first advised to lose weight using the standard proper diet with an introduction to it complex drugs with L-carnitine and other microelements, and then add high loads and take sports nutrition to effectively lose weight. If you decide to choose such a remedy yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the main categories of these drugs.

Effective fat burners

Today the range of drugs of this type is huge, but key point their natural origin remains. Due to them, fat-burning sports nutrition for weight loss is the same for men and women, and girls do not need to choose separate complexes for themselves. According to doctors, maximum effectiveness is ensured by:

  • guarana;
  • caffeine;
  • naringin;
  • tyramine;
  • dopamine

Amino acids bcaa

Losing weight with this type of sports nutrition will not be as obvious as with the fat burners mentioned above - mainly BCAAs work on muscle growth and have an anti-catabolic effect. Unlike other amino acids, they are not formed in the body independently. The BCAA content is as follows:

  • isoleucine;
  • leucine;
  • valine

BCAA is rarely used as a sports nutrition to lose weight, since the effect of these amino acids on body fat has not been scientifically proven. About magnification strength indicators and even the growth of muscle mass, experts also argue. The only advantage of BCAA is the increase in results from taking other types of sports nutrition, so they are used as an additional element, and not the main one.

Protein for weight loss and muscle gain

According to statistics, the most popular sports nutrition for losing weight quickly is protein. This is the only supplement that helps achieve everything from muscle growth and endurance to an anti-catabolic effect. The protein contains protein mixtures necessary for muscle tissue and more. The number of functions that they perform in the body of a person who has decided to lose weight is very large, therefore, if there is specific purpose it is necessary to choose a separate type of protein nutrition:

  • For those who want to lose weight, it is advisable to use Whey Protein or casein: the latter belongs to the group of slow proteins that are absorbed within 8 hours. Some experts mention soy protein, but the effectiveness of this type of sports nutrition is disputed.
  • Whey protein is also used for muscle growth, but more actively than for weight loss. Meat protein is also called a natural and effective option.

Taking l-carnitine

According to doctors, you should use sports nutrition to lose weight only in combination with physical activity, but L-carnitine is an exception: it is allowed to be taken even by people who are not familiar with sports. Dosage regimens vary depending on this factor:

  • Athletes and those who attend fitness (etc.) aerobic exercise), to lose weight, doctors advise using up to 1200 mg of L-carnitine per day. The indicated amount is divided into 2 parts: 600 mg is divided into 3 doses, each of which is before meals. The remaining 600 mg must be taken before physical activity(in half an hour), it is desirable that they come from an ampoule rather than a capsule.
  • If there is no sports in your life, but you are trying different sports supplements for weight loss, the dosage of L-carnitine will be lower: no more than 6 capsules per day, 2 before each meal. Increasing the dosage to effectively lose weight is only allowed for overweight people - they can drink up to 12 capsules.

Vitamin-mineral complex

The safest, but at the same time the least effective, are products that are complexes of vitamins and essential microelements for the body, designed to replenish the need for them during strict diets. These are not effective sports fat burners, but nutritional supplements that help the body function properly so that weight stagnation does not occur. For women and men, such drugs must be selected separately.

Pros and cons of sports nutrition for weight loss

The key positive aspect of taking such drugs is that a person can lose weight without losing body quality - all types of sports nutrition, even if they have a fat-burning effect, do not have a negative impact on the body. muscle tissue. In comparison with pharmaceutical “fat burners”, which are mainly laxatives, they hit fat deposits directly and do not upset digestion, but are also not safe.

Doctors call their main disadvantages a large number of side effects:

  • L-carnitine stimulates appetite, because provokes acceleration metabolic processes, so a person aiming to lose weight has to take up to 6 meals and be sure to include them in the diet complex carbohydrates.
  • Frequent intake of protein sports nutrition can contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines and impair liver function, causing constipation.

Video: Sports supplements for weight loss for women