How Christmas is celebrated and celebrated in New Zealand. Christmas traditions in New Zealand. New Year in New Zealand Santa Claus in New Zealand

New Zealand

Christmas with Santa in a summer suit? Sand snowmen? Sea activities? For us all this seems incredible, because we are accustomed to our Christmas traditions. But for New Zealanders, all of the above is the norm. Winter in this country lasts from June to August, and summer begins in December, so Christmas is celebrated here under the rays of the hot sun. Each attribute of Christmas has its own flavor in New Zealand. Take corporate events, for example. Of course, they can take place here according to our usual scenario: a restaurant, a noisy company drinking drinks and eating goodies, formal dresses, communication and fun. True, they usually do without an entertainment program. But, since the weather is beautiful, New Zealanders do not always want to sit out in a restaurant. Many companies offer their employees the option of a corporate party at fresh air. They gather their families and go to nature to barbecue and have fun. It is worth noting that some enterprises do not organize corporate parties; they are limited to Christmas gifts.

Christmas itself in New Zealand is celebrated, as in most countries of the Western world, with family. In general, the main Christmas traditions were brought here by the British in the 18th century. Despite the family nature of the holiday, there are also plenty of people who want to celebrate Christmas outside the home, so many establishments prepare a special holiday menu on December 25th. Usually, lonely people, elderly people, or simply families who decide not to burden themselves with the need to bother with the Christmas table eat outside the home. New Zealand is not complete without going to church at Christmas. At the same time, what religion this church belongs to is not particularly important; it is important to simply volunteer to prepare and serve Christmas dinner for everyone, among whom, of course, there are many poor and elderly people. As for prayers, services and other manifestations of religiosity, all this is not very typical for New Zealanders.

Santa Claus Parade

Another important part of New Zealand Christmas is the Santa Claus parades. They take place throughout the country in November and December. These events are very large-scale and popular; they often outshine all other Christmas events with their brightness. There are other Christmas events in New Zealand, such as Coca-Cola Christmas in the Park in Auckland - a concert in which the country's popular bands perform, and all the visitors listen to them, sit around the stage and eat the picnic food they brought with them. Christmas decorations in this country, of course, are not as expansive as in European countries, but they also have their place.

The Christmas tree is replaced here by pohatukawa - an evergreen plant that begins to bloom with red flowers just during the festive period. Multi-colored ribbons are replacing garlands and balls as decorations in New Zealand. It is not customary to celebrate Christmas Eve here. Christmas celebrations usually begin at 8-9 am on December 25, when the whole house wakes up with relatives coming from everywhere, and everyone rushes to eat their breakfast, which necessarily includes ham and a glass of wine with pieces of strawberries. After breakfast, the distribution of gifts begins. Typically, this responsibility is taken on by one of the family members who dresses up as Santa.


Surprises at Christmas are not particularly accepted, mostly children receive unexpected gifts, and adults give each other some practical things, often discussed in advance. Of course, it’s not complete without gatherings at the holiday table with turkey, pumpkin pie and pudding, as well as visits to relatives. On December 26th, the so-called Boxing Day takes place, when there are crazy sales in local shops.

Just recently the whole world celebrated the New Year 2014. And if we are used to associating this holiday with winter, with frost, snow and a decorated Christmas tree, then in New Zealand it is real summer at this time. How do you celebrate New Year's Eve in New Zealand? Read about this translation from English.

New Zealand It is considered to be a beautiful island state. Without a doubt, we can say that the festivals and celebrations that are held there throughout the year are no less beautiful and royally magnificent. Eve New Year, which is celebrated all over the world on December 31 of the old year, on the same day is celebrated in New Zealand.

Located in the most remote place on the planet, New Zealand is one of those few countries who can be the first to witness the coming of the New Year and the rising sun of the New Year. Among the natives of New Zealand, it is considered an important festival of the year and this is well reflected in their sincere efforts to make New Year's Eve a memorable celebration.

Eve celebration New Year in New Zealand

Of all the days leading up to the New Year, New Year's Eve is certainly the most important. Although, this is not the only day of the holiday. Typically, three days of celebrations continue in most parts of the country in the form of festivals and outdoor celebrations. Many events that happen during these three days, including New Year's Eve, are filled with vitality and dynamism. People party all day and all night. The thing about these holidays and festivals is that they offer a respite to all those who want to go beyond the usual parties.

However, most of these usual entertainment venues such as discos or nightclubs change during the New Year's Eve celebrations. Many come out of the four walls onto a large festive stage located in the open air.

New Zealand's most popular New Year's Eve parties usually feature top national and international performers performing in front of live audiences of thousands. Wonderful cool weather, the energy of lively people and active joint actions create the atmosphere of a great festive moment for everyone present. In addition to great music, many people are attracted to the holiday by delicious food and good drinks.

In addition, the New Year holidays offer an adequate alternative for those who want to go out and have fun with their family in an alcohol-free environment. One such event for five decades has been the New Year's Eve Mardi Gras holiday (analogous to Maslenitsa). People come in groups with their friends to be a part of this celebration where creative performers not only from the local region but from all over the country come to perform in the New Year's Eve celebration.

Major New Year's Eve Celebrations

Auckland, the largest and most populous part of the country, offers a stunning fireworks show on New Year's Eve. Perhaps it is the best in the country. It's simply a magical sight when a planned and technically executed fireworks show takes place over the Auckland Tower SkyTauer and over Waitemata Harbour.

Queenstown is another popular destination where people from all over the country and from other distant parts of the planet come to celebrate New Year's Eve. During this time, you may find that hotels are booked months in advance.

The biggest attraction in Queensland is fireworks-show, which begins after midnight and marks the beginning of the New Year. It is something spectacular that no one can afford to miss, and so everyone tries to find the best point to watch it. You won't find drunk people on the streets in Queensland as liquor sales are restricted between the week before and the week after New Year's Day.

Many people also enjoy being outdoors during the holiday season. With their families and friends they head along popular routes at this time: Mount Monganui, Gisborne and Wongamata. Mount Maunganui is a town in the Bay of Plenty (Bay of Plenty) of New Zealand and a favorite party spot for young people. Gisborne - city in the northeastern part New Zealand, one of the first on the planet where you can watch the sun rise in the sky in New Year.

Whangamata is a coastal town on the Coromandel Peninsula that attracts large numbers of people for the New Year holidays. Other popular routes where people like to celebrate New Year's Eve in New Zealand are Nelson, Takaka and Wanaka.

Read about my unforgettable impressions from the study trip to Ergaki Natural Park.

New Year is a holiday with many pleasant traditions associated with it.
Each country has its own unique flavor, thanks to which this night becomes truly magical.
It is especially pleasant to get acquainted with New Year's customs, since they are associated with a good fairy tale, in which being in which is not only interesting, but also educational.

I propose to talk in detail about the original traditions of some English-speaking countries, the gifts that are customary to give, the dishes that decorate the table and other attributes of one of their favorite winter holidays.

New Year in the United States of America: Times Square Ball, Baby New Year and life from scratch

The symbol of the New Year in America is Baby New Year, a child in a diaper.
It is believed that a baby grows actively throughout the year and at the end of it grows old, transferring its powers to the next newborn, this happens from year to year.

The New Year's table consists mainly of light snacks, various casseroles, sweet puddings and pies.
A knitted sweater is considered a traditional New Year's gift.

One of the most popular places to celebrate the New Year is Time Square in New York.
It is on the square that on December 31 at 23.59 you can witness one of the most spectacular events: the descent of the time ball from a 23-meter height along the flagpole.
At midnight the ball reaches lowest point, which marks the beginning of the New Year.

New Year's Eve is new stage in life, so many take stock, make a list of goals and desires, make important decisions, expecting changes and believing in the best.

New Year in the UK: “New Year Arrival”, “first footing” and apple pie

In the UK, favorite delicacies are prepared for the New Year: apple pie, pudding, round oatcakes with a hole in the middle, and, of course, baked turkey.
In Scotland they bake shortbread cake with almonds, nuts, marzipan figures and national symbols from sugar.

On New Year's Eve, people exchange souvenirs, sweets and cards.
Parents give their children candy canes: sweets made from caramel with cinnamon and mint.
There is a truly festive atmosphere on the streets: toys, fluffy Christmas trees, decorated with garlands.

The New Year is celebrated with the sound of Big Ben.
When the clock begins to strike midnight, it is customary to open the back door of the house to celebrate the Old Year, and with the last stroke to open the front door to let in the New Year, this custom in Great Britain symbolizes the beginning of a new round in life.

Another New Year’s tradition is called “first footing”; it says: the year will be especially successful if the first guest in the house is a young man, preferably with dark hair.
The first guest must bring bread, coal and a pinch of salt: symbols of food, warmth and prosperity.
After he burns the coal in the fireplace, everyone congratulates each other, and the guest who brought good luck is sure to be fed.

In a word, the best expectations and hopes are associated with the advent of the New Year.

New Year in Australia: Sydney Harbour, Metrosideras and Santa Claus in shorts

The New Year in Australia falls in real summer, so Santa Claus wears beach shorts, a beard, a red cap and a bag in his hands.

The Australian New Year tree is Metrosideros: a tropical plant covered in needle-like purple flowers when in bloom.
Often, this tree is installed at home and New Year's gifts are placed under it.
But, of course, Christmas trees are also an integral attribute of this holiday.

At midnight, Sydney Harbor lights up with one of the most spectacular colorful fireworks displays, which attracts both tourists and Australians themselves.

New Year's Eve in New Zealand: pohutukawa, fireworks and beach parties

December and January are the height of summer in New Zealand.
On pre-holiday days, residents decorate their homes with New Year's garlands and snowflakes.
For the festive New Year's dinner, baked turkey is served with various sauces and vegetables.
For dessert they prepare fruit pudding.

The traditional Christmas tree that continues into the New Year is the pohutukawa: a tree with red needle-like flowers.
It blooms just in time for Christmas and blooms wildly for about a month.

The hot climate makes it possible to organize picnics, beach and theme parties, which are accompanied by colorful fireworks.

In general, despite certain differences in the celebration of the New Year, all people are still united by the belief that everyone next year will be better than the previous one, and most centuries-old traditions and customs are aimed at the most important thing: attracting good luck and happiness.

May this New Year begin on a prosperous note!

New Zealand is known for its picturesque nature - geysers, mountains and lakes, national parks, glaciers and beaches, and also has the best extreme and active tourism in the world. The indigenous population of New Zealand celebrates the New Year at the end of May, but the night from December 31 to January 1 is also festive, since the country is quite international.

On the hottest days it can reach +30 °C, but this does not happen often. This is a great season for beach holidays, diving and excursions, although prices are the highest of the year.

What kind of tours are there?

New Year's tours to New Zealand, as a rule, last at least 10-12 days and include excursion holidays and a few lazy days on the beach. The most popular 10-day tour program is a sightseeing tour of Auckland, to Rotorua - to look at the geysers, meet the Maori aborigines and dine on traditional local food cooked on hot coals, as well as to Tongariro National Park near the extinct volcano of the same name and, of course, to the filming locations of “The Lord of the Rings” in the vicinity of the Tongariro and Ruapehu volcanoes, the Wikato River and the town of Queenstown. Of the 10 days, approximately 7 are devoted to excursions, and the rest of the time is spent relaxing on the ocean coast or traveling to the islands of French Polynesia (Bora Bora, Tahiti, etc.)

Longer tours also include trips to the Waitomo Caves with their stalactites, stalagmites and moths, which create a starry sky effect inside with their light. Another option is a sea cruise to an active volcano island, which with its red-orange landscapes resembles Mars (due to the seething craters, you can only get close with a helmet and an oxygen mask), a trip to the glaciers, or a tour of the wineries of North Canterbury.

It has long become my favorite time of the year. Firstly, long holidays allow you to meet with family and friends and celebrate the New Year at the same time. In New Zealand it is not as popular as Christmas, but no one will ignore this extra reason to have fun. Secondly, the holidays beloved by the whole world occur in New Zealand in the summer, and therefore most of the islanders take vacations during this time. In short, when planning a tour to New Zealand for the New Year holidays, keep in mind that tickets will be expensive, hotels will be crowded, and there will be more people on the streets and in national parks than usual.

Sky, plane, New Year

To ensure that airfare prices do not consume your entire travel budget for New Zealand, plan your trip in advance. Early booking will help you avoid the traditional markups that carriers and intermediaries use when selling tickets to earn money for a New Year's sandwich with caviar.
If you start monitoring the cost of flights from to 8-9 months before the New Year, the picture will look like this:

  • The cheapest way to get you from the capital to the capital of New Zealand is by Chinese airlines. The company China Southern Airlines, whose planes take to the skies from Sheremetyevo, charges from $1,100 for its services. There will be two transfers on the route - at and . In total, excluding connections, the flight takes from 21 to 23 hours.
  • Our native Aeroflot also flies to New Zealand, and you can go on New Year's holidays to the ends of the world on board. Ticket prices start from $1,250, and the aircraft transfers at Incheon Airport, located in South Korea. You will have to spend about 20 hours in the sky.

All other carriers offer either too inconvenient long transfers or expensive tickets.
If you are able to plan your trip to New Zealand in advance, you will be able to save significant money by purchasing tickets early. Subscribe to email newsletters on the websites of the airlines you are interested in. This way you can receive all the latest news about discounts, promotions and special offers on ticket prices.

  • Chinese airlines website, which has an English page.
  • On the Aeroflot website you can not only book tickets, but also become a member of the Aeroflot Bonus program, which allows you to accumulate flight miles and spend them on tickets and hotel payments around the world.

It is best to book hotels and guest houses in New Zealand during the Christmas and New Year holidays in advance. Local residents going on vacation and vacation do not sit at home and prefer to travel.
If you plan to visit restaurants, museums, national parks and attractions, check their opening hours during the holidays. It happens that some establishments shorten their opening hours, or even close completely for several days.
For the same reason, check the websites of car rental companies at least a month before your expected arrival. The most convenient way to get to know New Zealand is by car, and there may not be any free wheels at rental offices during the “high” tourist season.

Preparation for the holiday

Preparations for New Year's week begin in the country long before Christmas Eve. Already at the beginning of November, the first decorations appear in cafes and shops, and sellers, waiters and service personnel put on Santa hats and costumes of his helpers. At the fairs, they begin to sell toys for Christmas trees and tasty things that traditionally appear on the tables of New Zealanders these days - chocolate from, Danish butter cookies in tins, German marzipan figurines. The squares of cities and villages are decorated with decorated Christmas trees, which are local pines, reminiscent of Siberian cedar with fluffy needles.
In early December, parties and celebrations of Christmas and New Year begin to thunder in all clubs of interest. Outdoor barbecues are hosted by dog ​​clubs, retirement communities, horse riding and golf. Schools host their own events for parents and children, and churches compete not only in singing carols, but also in baking pies.

How to celebrate New Year in New Zealand

The main holiday events in the country coincide with Christmas, after which most New Zealanders go on vacation. The most heat-loving people fly to the beaches and the rest go to national parks, where campsites are equipped for those who like to spend their holidays in nature.
In Auckland, the main holiday events are concentrated near the SkyCity Casino, where New Year's fireworks are held. It is usually broadcast by many media outlets because New Zealanders are among the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year, and Auckland's fireworks go off before those in Sydney, Tokyo and Seoul.
Of all the cultural, entertainment and mass events, timed to coincide with the Christmas holidays, tourists are usually interested in various festivals. You will be interested in taking part in wine and music festivals:

  • The most inexpensive and popular is the Rhythm-n-Vines festival. The festival of rhythm and wine is attended mainly by young people from 21 to 30 years old.
  • The BW Camping Festival is aimed at road trip enthusiasts who prefer motorhomes and camping stops in national parks.
  • North Island beach festivals invariably end with fireworks and late-night dancing on the sand.

Aboriginal traditions

The indigenous people of New Zealand have their own view of the change of years. For them, the new year begins at the moment when the Pleiades star cluster appears in the constellation Taurus. This usually happens at the end of May or beginning of June, and therefore the Maori New Year does not have a fixed date.
In the language of the indigenous people of New Zealand, this group of stars is called Matariki, which means “small”. Celebrations on the occasion of the new year are also called.
According to Maori tradition, hundreds are launched on Matariki days. kites and the celebration of the New Year turns into a colorful festival. At fairs opening throughout the country these days, you can buy traditional Maori souvenirs, jewelry, clothing and sweets.

All prices in the material are approximate and indicated as of April 2017. For up-to-date information, check the official websites of carriers and service providers.