How to exercise correctly in gyms? Training program in the gym. How to properly create a training program? Train correctly to

Good day, dear fitness and bodybuilding lovers! Strategic issues of competent construction of the training process are no less important than tactical issues of pumping up topics, but often they receive much less attention. For the most part, this is due to the fact that few people know how to create a training program, what principles should be followed and what to build on.

These are the questions we have to answer today, so you are welcome to our hut, we are starting.

How to create a training program: where to start?

As you know, without effective tactics and strategy it is impossible to achieve effective combat operations. If we transfer this idea to the rails of bodybuilding, then tons of single exercises, performed even on 100% Ideally they don’t give much, because... represent isolated body movements of pulling pieces of iron. In order for an athlete to get the most out of his actions, he needs to learn such wisdom - how to create a training program. This activity, at first glance, may seem like a simple idea, because there are tons of training programs from star athletes, take them, do them and you will achieve the same results. However, this is not the case. There are a lot of programs, but it’s not a fact that they (in its original interpretation) will work for you.

In general, if you look at the typical inhabitants of the gym, you get a feeling of déjà vu. Those. people most often perform the same exercises from workout to workout and from year to year and wonder why they do them. Everything is very simple, firstly, the athlete is already used to training like this, he doesn’t have to worry about this or that exercise, he just comes and the brain automatically runs the body through all the exercise machines. Those. In principle, you don’t even have to take any part; the “head” will carry out the entire program for you and notify you of its completion.

Secondly, very often the athlete simply lacks theoretical knowledge in drawing up a training program, because he has no time to read. And thirdly (and maybe this is the most important thing)– laziness. As my university teacher said: “why change anything if everything works the way it is?” And really, why? After all, there is some kind of result, which means that the program works and there is no need to fumble around unnecessarily.

This is about the reasons, but if you dig deeper and sideways, then, of course, this is not an easy task, you need to have the necessary knowledge of your own or enlist the support of a qualified trainer-instructor, or at worst - Schwarzenegger’s Skype, so that the latter Gave you a couple of good pieces of advice. By the way, it’s worth saying that all the bodybuilding stars spent a lot of effort, energy and, most importantly, time in order to create their personal program. After all, it would seem, well, the biceps have become a little more convex and spherical, but this “slightly” can cost the bodybuilder more than one month of hard training and combinations of various training methods.

How to create a training program: three approaches

There are (conditionally) three approaches to drawing up training programs. The first one I call the “correct” method, i.e. everything is compiled according to certain rules and the result is a general program that is suitable for the majority of those training in the gyms. The second approach is to take the already existing program of a star bodybuilder as a standard, cliché, template and work purely according to it, without any deviations. There is also a third method - we can say that it is the most advanced, but it comes with training and accumulated experience, I call it “experimental design”.

As in any sport, bodybuilding has a foundation, i.e. training principles, methods and programs on which it stands. In particular, to basic programs training can be attributed to Bill Star's schemes - 5x5 or 6x6. We can say that this is the necessary minimum that any beginner in gym. It consists in the fact that the athlete performs multi-joint movements according to the scheme 5 repetitions in 5 approaches.


Weight in diagrams 5x5 or 6x6 gradually increases. Let's say you started the week with a working weight of 10 kg, next week you are already doing a session with 11 kg, etc.

How to create a training program according to the rules

I think you already understand that there is no ideal program, which would suit everyone and everything. Therefore, in order to compose it correctly, it is necessary:

  • Decide on goals

We can say that without a goal you will never achieve results. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide on your “wants”, i.e. what do you expect from training: you just want to lose weight and slightly adjust your figure, or pump up your biggest shoulders and arms. Write down how you see yourself in six months, a year, two of your gym classes.

In addition to “generally vague” goals, set more specific ones: lose weight by your birthday 10 kg. By closing the “little things” and getting the first positive result, you will want to move on and set more ambitious goals for yourself.

  • Take into account your parameters and general physical characteristics

Many beginners begin training with great alacrity, not paying any attention to the functional readiness of the body and its general physical training. Here you need to remember Golden Rule, which sounds like this - do no harm! Don't exhaust yourself with running workouts. 10-15 minutes if your weight is a three-digit figure, or do abdominal crunches on a Roman chair if you have significant excess fat in the abdominal area.

When drawing up a training program, it is necessary to take into account not only your metrics: gender, weight and height, but also age, chronic diseases.

  • Be careful about warming up before training

When you have put all your thoughts in order and completed the first two points, you need to move on to the practical part. And you should start with selecting the optimal ones. Here everything again depends on the nature of the training; if you are more focused on “dumping ballast”, then 8-10 minutes aerobic exercise They will suit you just right. If the training is basic strength, to work out muscles, then perform the main exercises “idle” (without additional burden) Your type.

  • Decide on the frequency and duration of loads

We can say that this is the second most important (after goals) parameter that needs to be decided on. After all, your visual results depend on the frequency of training. Get one and write down the days and duration of classes there. Decide for yourself what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal. Maybe it will be giving up get-togethers with friends and allocating the freed-up time to exercise, or maybe something else. In general, set your priorities and write down on which days and for how many minutes you will be in the gym.

Also pay attention to your body's ability to recover. How many days do you need to replenish your strength after a hard workout? Often this is 1-2 day, if this process takes longer for you, then either change the frequency or “play” with the load.

  • Planning the workout itself

We can say that all the previous stages were preparatory, and now it’s time to move on to working out the main training scheme. Many people believe that a set of exercises is the training program itself, but this is not true, because it requires A complex approach.

This means that in addition to choosing a group of exercises, you need to plan:

  1. Load level ( 100%, 80% etc.) . You must clearly understand in advance how much weight you are working with and whether (or not) you will have the strength for one more time;
  2. The number of sets and approaches in the exercise. If you are growing muscle mass, then 3-4 approach to 7-10 repetitions, if you develop strength, then 3 approach to 1-5 repetitions are the best option (and at 1-3 there is development of maximum strength);
  3. Speed ​​of execution (tempo) of exercises. You can perform the exercise quickly, you can concentrate on a specific phase of the movement (positive/negative) etc.;
  4. Rest in m/s approaches. Definitely an important thing. Usually 1-2 minutes is enough, but if the exercises are heavy or you are developing strength, then the time may well increase to 3-4 minutes.

For beginners (experience from 1 before 1.5 years) You shouldn’t fall for some fancy programs with exotic exercises. Their arsenal should be dominated by free weight and core exercises. For example, the following exercises in one variation or another, you simply need to include in your complex: as well as push-ups from the floor and on uneven bars. In addition, it would be useful to strengthen of cardio-vascular system exercises from.

You can finish the workout with a more detailed (isolating) study of a single muscle group (for example, the most lagging behind).

  • Cool down for quick recovery

Many people immediately after training in the gym either run to the shower or get dressed and leave altogether. However, the ability to “cool down correctly” is expensive for the normal launch of recovery processes. Cooling down allows you to quickly start the muscle recovery process and remove lactic acid. Therefore, after completing your main training program, take your time 5-10 minutes cool down. Start with any type of aerobic activity (light jogging on the track, cycling or others) and then smoothly switch to light stretching (muscle stretch). All this will not only have a positive effect on recovery, but will also return your heart rate to the target zone, and the “fiery motor” to normal functioning.

  • Variability of the program

You should not use the same program for longer than 4-6 months, because thanks to its strong adaptive function, the body is able to adapt to any load. Those. what previously seemed to be stress for the muscles ceases to be so over time. Therefore, use “different angles of attack” on your muscles.

Change everything from local exercises to global goals. For example, switch from dial muscle mass(building program) to powerlifting - develop strength, work with maximum weights burdens.

  • Diet and daily routine

If you train efficiently, but put the brakes on nutrition issues, you will not see results like your ears. After all, this is 65-70% success in any sport, and even more so in such a “compositional” one as bodybuilding. So adjust yours, your food must match individual program training. Create a comfortable nutritional environment for your muscles, and their growth will not take long.

In addition to nutrition, also observe “bed rest” (dream by 7-8 hours), avoid stress and spend more time in the fresh air.

  • Feedback

Constantly “monitor” and track your body’s response to the training program. The measure of its quality (i.e. whether it works for you or not) Only the fact of your progress will serve. This can be either an increase in working weights or a visual component. If the program moves you towards your goal, then it works; if not, it makes sense to think about updating it or completely replacing it.

Actually, all these rules will help you correctly create a training program.

Let's move on to the next concept...

Training program "Follow the standard"

The simplest technique from the point of view of execution by the athlete. You don’t need to do anything, everything has already been stolen before us, done for you by professional bodybuilders who literally collected information bit by bit, systematized it, practiced it, corrected mistakes, etc. Here is the so-called finished product, all that remains to be done with it is to “heat it” in the microwave :), i.e. strictly follow without any initiative, without making any changes.

You simply follow the standard, record the results and make a decision whether this program works for you or not. Now (in the age of Internet dominance)“Digging” any training program is a matter of a couple of mouse clicks. In particular, you can try out the training program for beginners (see image), which was kindly shared with me by 6-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.


In addition to the training program, do not forget about the “nutritional” provision. If you are unable to find accurate information on the athlete’s diet for any program you find, then at least create your diet based on.

The next method for creating a program is...

“Experimental design” method of drawing up a training program

We can say that this is the most labor-intensive method, because the athlete must have not only an extensive amount of theoretical knowledge, but also have sufficient practical experience in bodybuilding in order to make “smart” adjustments to his training process. Some specific methodology is taken as a basis and painstaking work begins to sift out the chaff - the unnecessary (working poorly for you) exercises. Constant experiments are being conducted with approaches, number of repetitions, angles of attack on the muscles. The main task is to rework an existing program to suit “your loved one.” You must listen to your body and build your own training program, piece by piece.

Usually this experimental method takes a fairly long period of time, but you will be satisfied with the result.

Well, in fact, here are all the methods (known to me) that will help you answer the question: “how to create a training program?”


Today we learned something about the strategic component of bodybuilding - how to create a training program. Some people prefer one concept, others another; the main thing to remember is that there is no universal training program, and no one knows your body better than you. Hence the conclusion - you and only you are capable of writing a script and directing a film called “I am the owner of a sculpted body.”

So feel free to go to the hall to find the treasured program!

PS. Dear readers, comments are always open for you, so don’t be shy, write them down.

Proper workouts for girls include a good warm-up, basic exercises and stretching, which together allows you to achieve a beautiful harmonious developed body. It is not at all difficult for girls to train correctly, since the goals of women's training are mainly to lose weight. Yes, of course, girls need to hypertrophy gluteal muscles, as well as achieve the development of the muscles of the back, triceps and deltas, but female body does not imply hypertrophy of these muscles, the girl simply needs to tone the muscles. The only muscle that really needs to be pumped up is the buttocks, because pumped up female gluteal muscles are sexy. In such conditions, the question arises of correctly constructing a yearly training plan and nutritional schedule.

Recommended materials: butt training; workout for women; nitrogen balance;

The correctness of women's training depends, of course, on the degree of training of the girl, since experienced athletes should select a program to suit their tasks, but for beginners and amateurs it is enough to simply use circuit training. The bottom line is that girls have low testosterone levels, so “failure” training is practically impossible for girls, as a result of which the muscles are quickly restored, so a girl can afford to train the same muscles several times a week. Of course, with increasing training, it is necessary to add periodization of loads to the program, giving yourself light, medium and hard training. As for nutrition, it should be balanced, that is, the girl should receive enough protein, carbohydrates and fats, and protein and fats are a priority for the girl. Girls do not need to alternate periods of gaining weight and “cutting”; it is recommended to control calories and train correctly. Anastasia Sokolova will clearly demonstrate what proper women’s training is!

Conclusion: In order to train properly, girls need to prioritize their training, since the muscles in the female body are not evenly distributed. First of all, girls should train their gluteal muscles, since hypertrophy of these muscles is the main task, which the girls solve in the gym. Problem areas girls also have triceps, shoulders and sides, so it is necessary to perform exercises on top part bodies. There is no need to train your sides, as this will only make your waist wider; to remove fat, you need a diet. It is best for girls to use basic exercises, since the “base” allows you to use a lot at once muscle groups, thanks to which the girl saves time and effort. Before training, you need to warm up and joint gymnastics, and after and during the training you need to do some stretching. You need to start training gradually so that the muscles have time to get used to the load, and then the load needs to be constantly increased.

2013-11-10 Views: 21 570 Grade: 5.0 Not every novice athlete, coming to the gym, knows how to train correctly. Often, this lack of knowledge can lead to disastrous consequences in the form of injuries and health problems. Health is the most valuable thing we have, so everyone should know how to train correctly. Before going to the gym, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the basic principles proper training. Nowadays, anyone with free access to the Internet can do this. No need to spend a lot of money on personal trainer. Although having a trainer in the gym is very desirable. The fact is that athletes who train with coaches can be 2-3 years ahead of other athletes in terms of progression. Therefore, this is also a lot important point. And in general, who would refuse such a trainer as Plush Beard. It would be in every hall. But, unfortunately, most athletes train on their own, since many gyms either do not have a coach, or his qualifications are not so high. Therefore, you need to be careful and familiarize yourself with the main details.

Basic principles of proper training

1. The first principle is to properly design a training program. When you first find yourself in the gym, you don’t need to do biceps or abdominal exercises headlong. The first months, you need to prepare your muscles for hard work. And after some time you will need a training program for gaining weight. 2. In order for the effect of each exercise to be maximum and to avoid injuries, you need to follow the correct technique for performing the exercise. This is a very important point. Many, due to not correct technique, have been stagnant for many months. The reason for performing the exercise incorrectly is often the pursuit of large weights. This is also one of the reasons for injury. 3. Proper nutrition according to the training regimen, a very important stage. If the training is intense, and the nutrition is the same as before going to the gym, you will not get any effect. The weight will not increase and so on. You need to increase it by about one and a half times in order to get the desired effect from the exercises. 4. After intense training, you need to give your body proper rest and... The most best time for this is the period of sleep. It is during this period of time that our body has priority for recovery. Many people think that the longer he works out or the more often he visits the gym, the faster he will achieve results. Remember that the optimal duration of training should not exceed one and a half hours. And in the best case, if you follow all the rules of rest between approaches and exercises, your workout should last about 45 minutes. Exercise every other day, allowing your body to recover.

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Let's talk about whether exercise helps in the fight against excess weight.

It would seem that everything is simple, go to the gym as often as possible, work out there until you lose your pulse, and you are guaranteed a great figure. Many people think that the more they exercise, the faster they will lose weight. How many people do you know who have achieved success following this formula?

In reality, things are a little different.

Working out triggers the process of burning fat, but you don’t lose weight directly during it. No, of course, if your classes last 3-4 hours and all this time you run, jump, exercise on exercise machines until you are completely exhausted, then a small part of your internal fat will be used up. But with a regular workout lasting a maximum of 40-60 minutes, which most of us can afford due to the fact that we still have to live and work, you will only lose water from the body - it will go away with sweat.

The main task of training is to use up glycogen reserves (read why this is important). Only after this the mechanism of burning internal fat is started. And in fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether you train in the gym, go to the gym, run on the track or just walk and breathe fresh air. All these activities use up glycogen approximately equally.

There are really only two points that are important here: What time of day do you train? And What do you eat before and after training?

Training time and nutrition before and after

Let's figure out what time is more effective to train in order to get results, and not just waste time.

  • First option

Training before lunch. If you go to the gym in the morning, it will most likely be some time after breakfast. That is, your body has already processed into
glucose incoming carbohydrates, the blood is full of it, glycogen reserves are replenished. You train, but you don’t reach glycogen reserves; there is enough glucose in the blood to give us energy for exercise. Well, let's say you train really hard, spend 1.5 hours and still manage to use glycogen. And even if the fat oxidation process had already started. How much time will your body have to oxidize them if you went to lunch after class and loaded up on carbohydrates again? Hardly. It turns out that if you eat carbohydrates before and after training (for example, an hour before and an hour after), then from the point of view of weight loss, the training will be ineffective.

  • Second option

Workout in the afternoon or evening. At the beginning, the picture is the same - you come to class full of glucose. During training, you spend it and may or may not reach the point of wasting glycogen. In any case, you don’t eat any more carbohydrates that day and your body has nowhere to replenish their supply. And it starts to oxidize internal fat. And he does this throughout the evening and all night. As you can see, the second option is much more promising.

Noticed an important point? To start losing weight after a workout, under no circumstances should you eat food containing carbohydrates after it! If this rule is not followed, then your journey will be very, very long.

Is it possible to eat before training if you are losing weight?

There is one more nuance. If you train in the evening, then an hour before training you can still have a snack of fruit, chocolate or cookies - all this will burn during training and will not harm your figure. And if you train an hour or two after lunch and you can no longer eat carbohydrates after training, then it will be quite difficult for the body to work normally without carbohydrates for the rest of the day and night. And it’s not a fact that in an attempt to save energy, it will not begin to slow down its metabolism, which automatically means a slowdown in the weight loss process.

The conclusion is simple: Increased physical activity in any form (fitness, cardio training, walking) can speed up the process of losing weight, but only if, after this activity, the body is deprived of carbohydrates for a long time. And from this point of view, the most rational would be physical activity in evening time(hours from 17 to 21 - whichever is more convenient)

The perfect workout for fat loss

Now let’s look at how to competently structure the training itself.

Most often they say that the best exercises for fast weight loss are cardio exercises - exercise bike, elliptical, treadmill. This is explained by the fact that while running, breathing increases and, accordingly, oxygen consumption increases noticeably.

It is oxygen that serves as a kind of catalyst for accelerating the oxidation of fat (that’s why this process is called that, because any chemical reaction in the presence of oxygen is called oxidation). But, as we know, before internal fat begins to oxidize, the level of glycogen in the blood must first decrease significantly.

Which workout is better? Cardio or strength

It is believed that in the first 30-40 minutes of running, glycogen is spent and only then does fat begin to be burned directly. And fat burns just as long as you continue to run. That is, to actually lose weight, and not just lose fluid, you need to run for at least one and a half to two hours. Very often we simply don’t have that much time.

Strength training for weight loss seems much more effective to me.

I'm talking about workouts that involve the whole body. This can be training in the gym or training at home. The main thing is to use as many muscles as possible. If you train your back and legs and chest and arms and abs, loading your muscles enough, you will start a very interesting process. Firstly, during such a workout you intensively spend glycogen stored in the muscles, Secondly increases the volume of blood pumped through the muscle.

And blood is a transporter for both oxygen and fat droplets that exit fat cells into the bloodstream for use as energy. If droplets of fat in the bloodstream (triglycerides) are not used after exercise, they will be trapped back into fat cells. But we intensely strained the muscles, the body requires a lot of energy to return to a state of rest, and we no longer give it light energy (since we do not eat carbohydrates after training). And he has to oxidize fat. And it travels through the bloodstream in an accessible form. Take it and oxidize it. This approach is very effective.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the most effective workout looks like this: the first 30-40 minutes are spent working with exercise machines, if you are in the gym, or using your own weight, if you are doing home exercises (you can read about one of the options for home workouts). and after that you do cardio training for another 20-30 minutes.

As a result, in 1 hour you will give such an impetus to weight loss that others will not be able to get in 3 hours of regular training.

P.S. The main thing to remember is exercise machines first, then running. For some reason, people always do the opposite.

Maintaining a training program is one of the most important aspects needed to achieve desired result. Very often, people have difficulty creating a training program and many questions arise. How to properly create a training program? What exercises to use? How to combine muscle groups? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Why is it important to create a proper training program?

Often, when a person comes to the gym, he sets himself the goal of gaining athletic build and develop the functional abilities of your body. To achieve this goal, three components are needed: training, proper and balanced nutrition, and rest. Training is the most important component, which is the basis, and the final result will depend on how correctly you train, how well your program is written. That is why it is necessary to understand all the issues and aspects of the training so that the final goal comes closer and closer every day.

Basic principles of a proper training program

When you come to the gym, the question arises, how many days to train? Many people think that the more time they spend in the gym, the faster they will get into the shape they want. As practice shows, such a statement is incorrect. By exposing muscles to frequent and long-term stress, they will not be able to fully recover, and instead of anabolism (building new muscle tissue), the opposite process of catabolism will begin. Therefore, the most effective is three day split.

At the beginning of every training program there should be a warm-up. Warm-up should take 5-10 minutes and warm up all muscle groups, joints and ligaments. It’s good to do some cardio exercise at the beginning of your workout, in the form of running, step, or exercise bikes. This will allow the body to enter the training process by preparing the circulatory and respiratory systems. After cardio exercise, you need to do a light warm-up. It should be noted that each new exercise, especially basic ones, must be started with a warm-up weight; often an empty bar will suffice.

This practice allows the body to remember the mechanics of performing the exercise and will prevent the possibility of injury by warming up the muscles and joints that work during the exercise.

Rules for combining muscle groups in one workout

There is no clear answer to almost all questions in bodybuilding, and the opinions of professionals vary dramatically. This is due to the fact that the human body is unique and reacts differently to the same factors. Therefore, which muscle groups to train in one day, you often need to decide for yourself using the “trial and error” method. But, nevertheless, there are certain standards that must be adhered to initial stage and they are, to a greater extent, the most effective.

Taking a three-day split as a basis, it is necessary to divide the main muscle groups into three groups, which include: legs, back, chest. And three so-called small groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders. The next step is to combine the large and small muscle groups on the same day. There are two approaches here:

  • On the same day, antagonist muscles are trained (muscles that work opposite each other, for example, biceps-triceps, chest-back, hamstrings-quadriceps). Proponents of this approach believe that each muscle requires a point load, and when it plays the role of a stabilizer when performing an exercise on another muscle, it receives a less effective load;
  • On the same day, synergistic muscles are trained (muscles that work simultaneously and in the same direction when performing an exercise, for example, chest, triceps, back, biceps). Proponents of this approach believe that when receiving an indirect load, the muscle is already pre-tired and only a final exercise on it is necessary to bring it to failure.

These two approaches are effectively used in training practice, and you can only find out which one is right for you by trying them on yourself. According to these approaches, training can be divided into two types:

  • Training with antagonists. The first day is back-triceps, the second day is chest-biceps, the third day is legs-shoulders. Based on this, it turns out that the basis should be done on isolating exercises in simulators, because in basic exercises, one way or another, other muscles are included. This approach is suitable for professionals who can specifically train for a specific muscle group that requires sharpening their form, etc. Beginners will gain very little from this practice, so training with synergists is an excellent option for them.
  • Training with synergists. The first day is back biceps, the second day is chest-triceps, the third day is legs-shoulders. Between the day of the back and legs, a special break is taken, because during the performance of such a basic exercise as deadlift, the thigh biceps works very well, which will not have time to recover in a day and will become a hindrance effective training legs When performing exercises on basic muscle groups, small ones work, which receive a very good load.

When creating a training program, you should take into account muscle recovery time, especially if you use natural training, without the use of doping. So large muscle groups, such as legs, chest, back, are completely restored in 5-7 days, and small muscles can recover in 1-3 days. This is why it is not recommended to train major muscle groups more than once a week. The number of exercises for a large muscle group is 2-3, for a small muscle group 1-2. Abdominal muscles can be added to any of the training days.

The most effective exercises for each muscle group

Each muscle group has a list of exercises that bring maximum effect. I propose to consider the list of the most effective exercises for each muscle group that you can use in your training program:

  1. Back. Deadlifts, pull-ups, barbell rows different grips, T-bar row, upper and lower block rows with different handles, hyperextension;
  2. Breast. Barbell press at different angles, dumbbell press at different angles, dumbbell flyes at different angles, crossover, butterfly machine, machine presses;
  3. Legs. Squats with a barbell with different leg positions, leg presses, leg extensions and curls in the machine, lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, various calf raises;
  4. Shoulders. Barbell overhead press, barbell chest press, dumbbell swings at different angles, barbell rows to the chin;
  5. Biceps. Barbell curls for biceps, dumbbell curls not biceps, hammer;
  6. Triceps. Press narrow grip, French press, arm extensions in a block, rope;
  7. Abdominal muscles. Twisting at different angles, leg lifts;
  8. Trapeze. Shrugs with barbells, dumbbells, plates.

The most popular exercises for each muscle group are described above, from which you need to choose from 1 to 3 that are most effective for you.

Features of building workouts for weight gain and weight loss

Training programs for gaining weight and losing weight are radically different from each other. If you are pursuing the goal of gaining weight, then you need to build a training program based on basic exercises with heavy weights. The best exercises The following are considered to gain weight: deadlifts, squats and bench presses; it is recommended to perform them in different days. The number of approaches and repetitions should be minimal, while the weight of the projectile should be maximum. The most effective principles are using 3 sets of 8 repetitions, or 5 sets of 5 repetitions. In this case, the training should last no more than an hour including warm-up.

As for training for weight loss, it’s the other way around. First of all, intensity is needed, the use of supersets, dropsets, etc. The muscles must be in use for a long time, so a lot of repeated training is used from 15 to 30 repetitions. In addition, you need to add cardio exercise in the form of running, step classes, exercise bikes, which you can use as before strength training, and after. The training time increases and is approximately one and a half hours.

Changing the training program during training

Having compiled a program for yourself, taking into account everything written above, one way or another, it will need to be edited and changed. This is due to two factors. Firstly, the body gets used to the load and over a long period of time will cease to adequately respond to the same load. Secondly, often during training people realize that this or that exercise is not suitable for them. For example, they do not feel the muscle that the exercise is aimed at, or performing it causes discomfort and the risk of injury. Therefore, you need to experiment and find the exercises that you think are most effective for you.

How to understand that the program is compiled correctly?

First of all, the answer to this question should be progress in the form of an increase in body weight, or an increase strength indicators. But nevertheless, it should be noted that nutrition and rest play an important role, the absence of which completely neutralizes the effect of even the most well-chosen training program.

It is worth understanding that in order to achieve the goal it is necessary to comply sport mode, which consists of three components: the training process, nutrition, and rest. Muscles grow during rest, with the help of nutrients received during meals, which become building material for muscle tissue destroyed during training.