How to choose the right fitball for pregnant women. Exercises and special gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball: how to do exercises on a ball at home? Video “Strengthening the pelvic muscles. Kegel exercises"

Watch your diet, avoid physical and emotional stress, get plenty of rest and think about pleasant things - every pregnant woman hears such advice literally every day. However, minor physical exercise still needed. Such loads include exercises on gymnastic ball, known as “fitball”. Let’s take a closer look at the features of this type of fitness for pregnant women and tell you about the sets of exercises developed for each trimester of pregnancy.

What are the benefits of exercising on a fitball for pregnant women?

Fitball is special big ball for fitness training. Almost everyone can do it. The initial reason for its creation was the search for optimal gymnastics options for pregnant women. As a result, sets of exercises on a large gymnastic ball were developed.

Did you know?This sports equipment is also called a gymnastic, orthopedic, fitness ball, as well as an anti-stress ball.

Gymnastics with a fitball is a source of benefits for the body of pregnant women.

Such activities help:

  • strengthening nervous system, stress relief and complete relaxation of the body;
  • reducing muscle blockages;
  • improving metabolism;
  • stabilization of the spine, as well as reducing the load on it;
  • improving blood flow (which is useful for feeding the fetus, preventing stagnation of venous blood, and, accordingly, the formation of hemorrhoids), as well as the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, internal organs, respiratory system;
  • strengthening and toning the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, back, chest, legs;
  • relieving back pain, which is especially important for pregnant women;
  • improving posture;
  • immediately before childbirth, an orthopedic ball helps to open the cervix and relieve labor pain;
  • the oscillations and vibrations of the ball have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, stomach, and adrenal glands.


The list of contraindications for exercising on an orthopedic ball is much smaller than the list of advantages, but there are still risks.
Exercises on a fitball are contraindicated for the following pathologies:

  • the presence of a risk of miscarriage or premature birth (women should be especially careful in the 1st and 3rd trimesters);
  • increased uterine tone;
  • abnormal position of the fetus;
  • severe spinal diseases;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • if the expectant mother suffers from kidney disease, pneumonia or heart disease.

Did you know?The birthplace of fitball is Italy and Switzerland. It was there that around the second half of the twentieth century an anti-stress ball appeared, which quickly won the hearts of both doctors and their patients.

How to choose the right ball

When selecting sports equipment For activities while expecting a child, it is important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of doctors and trainers:

  1. The best place to purchase fitballs are specialized sporting goods stores, in order to avoid purchasing low-quality products. In the markets they may offer a fake that can burst during exercise, and this is fraught with the possibility of injuring the woman.
  2. Give preference to a durable ball with a smooth surface on which the seams are almost invisible.
  3. The ball must come with a pump. The fact is that during exercise the fitball may deflate a little, and a pump is needed to inflate it again.
  4. Focus on models that can withstand a weight of 150 kg (optimally 300–500 kg), since your husband may want to keep you company.
  5. Don't be tempted by the low price of inventory. Cheap balls are usually of poor quality. Firstly, they can burst and their service life is short. And, secondly, the cheap rubber that is used to make them often has a strong, toxic odor.
  6. The diameter of the ball can be 45–75cm. Its size must be chosen depending on the woman’s height. If it is less than 152 cm, buy a ball with a diameter of 45 cm. For those with a height of 152–156 cm, the optimal diameter is 55 cm. For women with a height of 165–173 cm, a diameter of 65 cm is suitable. And for those who are taller than 173 cm, doctors recommend a diameter of 75 cm. These parameters may fluctuate, it all depends on how comfortable the woman will feel using such equipment.

How to choose a fitball: video

Important! To make sure the stability ball is the correct size,sit down on it and bend your legs so that the angle is 90°. If your feet are loose on the floor- this is your size.

A set of exercises during pregnancy

A set of exercises with a fitball has its own characteristics in each trimester of pregnancy. Combines activities general rule: Each workout should be preceded by a small exercise (warm-up). It is important for warming up the muscles and preparing the body for, albeit minor, loads.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the exercises for each period of gestation and the technique for performing them.

In the 1st trimester

Be sure to discuss your decision to use a fitball with your doctor. In the first period of waiting for the baby, it is important not to overload the body and not forget about rest.
The set of classes for this stage includes the following:

  1. Sit on the ball and rotate your pelvis in a circle in different directions, about 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other direction.
  2. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, extend your arms up above your head, placing the fitball on them. Try to do circular movements body clockwise, then in the other direction. The main rule of this exercise is a perfectly straight posture.
  3. Sitting on the floor, hold the fitball between your legs and do the following movements: alternately squeeze and unclench the ball with your feet (about 20 times).
  4. If your stomach is not yet enlarged, try lying down on the equipment with your feet on the floor and slowly ride it from your lower abdomen to your chest and vice versa.
  5. In a sitting position, lean in different directions. At the same time, remember that your back should be perfectly straight, your legs should be shoulder-width apart, and your arms should be in different directions. You only need to bend over while exhaling. One approach includes 10 inclinations (2 approaches are recommended).

Important! Keep track of your training time, it should not exceed 10 in the first trimester-15 minutes. Optimal time- 8 minutes. Keep your movements slow and smooth. Jumping and stretching are strictly prohibited.

Fitball exercises in the 1st trimester: video

In the 2nd trimester

The best time for training is the 12th–14th week. During this period, the woman’s condition normalizes and attacks of toxicosis decrease. It is recommended to perform each movement approximately 10 times, 2-3 approaches. Exercises during this period are aimed at training muscles.

  1. While sitting on the ball, place your hands on your shoulders and alternately align them in front of you. At the same time, you should move forward a little with the fitball. The main rule is a perfectly straight back.
  2. The “bending back” exercise is also done while sitting on a ball. It consists of moving your arms back and bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible, bending back a little.
  3. The set of exercises of this period includes turns. They are done while sitting on your heels. Inventory must be kept in outstretched arms. Rotate your chest to the left (as you inhale), doing the same manipulations with the fitball in your hands. After returning to the starting position (as you exhale), turn to the right.
  4. Lie down on the floor and “hug” your wayward exercise machine with your knees bent. After this, tilt your legs to the right and left, but at a slight angle so as not to strain your abdominal muscles. In a similar position, you can do another exercise: here you need to tilt your legs one by one and place them back on the equipment.
  5. Sitting on the ball, spread your legs in different directions, and lean your hands on your equipment. Try to lean as far as possible to the left, then to the right. In this case, you need to balance with your legs and arms to maintain balance.

Important! For this stage of pregnancy, abdominal exercises and those that are accompanied by heavy loads on the back are contraindicated.

Exercises for pregnant women 2nd and 3rd trimester: video

In the 3rd trimester

During the last period of pregnancy, carefully monitor your well-being and listen to your body’s signals. You can’t overload, it’s better to do fewer exercises, but do them regularly.

Here are examples of what can be done if there are no contraindications:

  1. Lie on your side with your head on your arm. One leg is bent at the knee, place the other on an anti-stress ball. Roll the equipment with your foot towards the perineum area, while bending your leg.
  2. Sit on the ball and try to breathe shallowly like a dog.
  3. Taking a comfortable position, sitting on a fitball, alternate contraction and relaxation of the vaginal muscles.
  4. Standing perfectly straight, place one foot on the ball and easily move the foot with the ball in a circle. Then do the same with the other leg. If you have difficulty maintaining your balance, you can use your hands to support yourself.
  5. Take the ball in your hands and lift it above your head, then move your hands with the ball back a little, while alternately putting back your right hand and then your right hand. left leg.
  6. Do the exercise called “rolling” while leaning on a wall. The ball must be held between the back and the wall and slowly lowered down (while rolling the fitball) until the legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90°. Then climb back up.

Important! If you experience the slightest deterioration in your health, contact your doctor immediately.

Fitball exercises in the 3rd trimester: video

Class Rules

There is a list of rules that a pregnant woman who decides to do exercises on a gymnastic ball must adhere to:

  1. It is recommended to conduct training in a special center under the guidance of experienced specialists.
  2. If you decide to practice at home, then choose the most spacious room and remove any sharp or cutting objects that could puncture the ball.
  3. Beginners are advised to cover the base of the ball with towels to avoid falls if they lose their balance.
  4. It is important that your breathing is moderate while exercising and balancing on the ball.
  5. Make sure that your equipment does not overheat, that it does not lie close to heaters or in the open sun.
  6. If your health has worsened (fever, dizziness, stomach ache, nausea), exercise is strictly prohibited.
  7. You cannot overload the body: exercise should be moderate.
  8. It is important to monitor your heart rate and pulse rate.
  9. It is recommended to do the training in the morning or in the evening, before going to bed.
  10. In the 1st and 3rd trimesters, the duration of training can be 10–15 minutes, in the second - up to 30 minutes.
  11. If you did fitball before pregnancy, then forget the exercises you did. A pregnant woman is strictly prohibited from performing difficult gymnastic exercises- only the recommended set of classes.

So, a fitball can be called the optimal fitness equipment for pregnant women. Classes on it will help you properly prepare for childbirth and train muscle groups that will be involved in the birth process. The main rule of such training is to strictly coordinate it with your doctor and select correct complex exercise, provided that the pregnancy proceeds without problems.


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Pregnancy requires special preparation, both in terms of fortifying the body, psychologically, and physically. In order for the period to proceed without complications, it is necessary to do gymnastics for pregnant women. Doctors recommend doing exercises in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters at home.

Gymnastics for pregnant women helps during labor. It is more likely that the birth will occur successfully, without complications. Some women regularly exercise before pregnancy.

It is important to understand that pregnancy is not a disease and there is no need to interrupt classes during this period. You just need to adjust them a little together with your doctor and master them special exercises, which are indicated for pregnant women.

It has long been proven by medical specialists who observe pregnant women that gymnastics for pregnant women, regardless of trimester, benefits not only the mother, but also the baby:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • gives strength to ligaments and muscles;
  • helps to improve mood and vigor;
  • improves the well-being of the pregnant woman;
  • promotes active burning of calories;
  • thanks to it, the volume of oxygen supplied to the child increases;
  • pain in the spine associated with heavy workload subsides.

From the moment of fertilization to the moment of childbirth, changes occur in a woman’s body every day: the body, muscles and bones change. A woman quickly gains weight, her muscles become elastic, and the entire load falls on her joints and bones. You can help your body cope with such a load only by keeping your muscles toned and doing special exercises.

When not to do gymnastics

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters brings great benefits, but there are times when engaging in any type of sports activity is contraindicated, even at home.

A pregnant woman should not do gymnastics in the following situations:

Regardless of the recommendations of medical specialists who have approved preventive gymnastics, it is important, when starting exercise, to first of all listen to your body. If something goes wrong or pain is felt, you should urgently stop all exercises and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Why do you need a warm-up and how to do it

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester at home includes several sets of exercises. Their difference depends on the trimester of pregnancy, but there is one common and important feature between them - warming up before any type of exercise. It helps warm up the muscles of the body and prepare the ligaments. Warm-up exercises must be careful and unobtrusive.

Light exercises for warming up before gymnastics can be like this:

After the warm-up is done, you can safely move on to the basic gymnastic exercises.

A set of exercises for the 1st trimester in pictures

Gymnastics for pregnant women, regardless of trimester, be it 1st, 2nd or 3rd, always provides positive impact on the body of mother and baby, performing it especially responsibly at home. It includes many exercises of varying degrees of stress.

For each trimester of pregnancy, there are different activities and techniques for performing them. You need to understand that the first trimester is an adjustment period. During this period, the vital organs of the fetus are formed. Therefore, it is necessary to select exercises with a specialist who knows all the nuances and techniques.

During this period of pregnancy, calm and moderate loads are indicated, such as:

You need to do all the exercises no more than 20 minutes, preferably some time after breakfast. If discomfort or pain occurs, you should stop training. You can start them only after consulting a doctor.

Exercises for the 2nd trimester with photos

The second trimester of pregnancy begins in the fourth month and ends in the sixth. Of all, it is the safest and most conducive to physical activity. By this time, toxicosis has passed. Now physical exercise useful, they will help prepare the body for the process of childbirth.

You have gained a lot of weight and need to lose it gradually. They will help with this active activities sports. Exercising during pregnancy will later help to easily restore a woman’s body after pregnancy. Be sure to do a warm-up before any type of sports activity.

Sport exercises:

  1. You need to raise your arms up and stretch, using all the muscles in the body. It is useful to tilt in different directions. Actions are careful and slow. Do the exercise 3 times and rest.
  2. Sit on a hard surface, legs crossed, back straight. Perform smooth turns of the head and body in different directions. The arms are spread to the sides, perform rotational movements with the hands, then with the elbows, shoulder joints. Repeat 8 times and rest for a minute.
  3. Accept sitting position, palms close together, elbows should be at chest level. Perform pressing movements one by one. Continue without stopping 8 times. Perform several approaches.
  4. Sit down on the side of your thigh, stretch your legs forward, leaning on one hand. The other is pulled up and moved slightly to the side. Smoothly lower it down and return it back. The same is repeated on the other side of the body. You need to do it 10 times.
  5. While lying down on a hard surface, stretch your arms forward and place one on top of the other. Turn the body to one side with the arm abducted as much as possible, but not less than 180 degrees. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Breathing exercise. You should sit up straight and straighten your back. One hand rests on the abdominal area, the other on the chest area. Inhale - raise your stomach, exhale - lower it. After 5 repetitions, change the chest with the stomach. Inhale - rises rib cage, exhale - lowers.
  7. This exercise will help you relax. It's better to do it at the end. You should sit on the floor. Legs are under the buttocks, knees should be spread apart. Perform smooth maximum forward bends. Do the movement 5 times.

It is important to be in a good mood when performing all exercises and think about how useful they are at a given time.

Gymnastic complex - 3rd trimester: instructions with pictures

The third trimester is the final one. It is during this period that heavy loads are placed on the woman’s spine and back muscles.

Gymnastics gives tone to all the muscles of a pregnant woman and prepares the body as much as possible for the upcoming birth. Sports loads of a moderate nature help to increase the elasticity of the body, develop the muscles of the perineum, increase joint mobility, give strength and increase elastic properties pelvic floor.

In order to engage in physical activity without fear, you need a qualified consultation with your doctor and a fitness specialist for pregnant women. You need to exercise every day for 20 minutes. It is necessary to dress only in comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement.

Important exercises:

These are the most important exercises that women should do in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Breathing exercises: basic exercises for any period

Proper breathing during pregnancy is extremely important. During this period, the body of the child and mother must receive a large volume of oxygen, which facilitates the supply of nutrients.

Advantages breathing exercises:

  • Blood circulation in the uterus and placenta improves.
  • The good functioning of all organs of the child and mother is ensured.
  • Preparations are underway for proper breathing in the birth process.
  • The muscles of the chest and abdomen are strengthened.

Basic exercises:

A set of exercises based on the Alice Stockham method

Gymnastics at home for pregnant women from writer Alice Stockham is more suitable not for the 1st trimester, but for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

  • Take a standing position, counting to four, tilt your body as far forward as possible, without lifting your heels. Do this exercise 6 times.
  • In a standing position, bend to the left and to the right side. It is important not to bend your knee joints. Repeat 6 times.
  • While standing, place your hands on your hips, slowly lower your body forward and, also slowly, return to the starting position. Perform 5 approaches.
  • In a standing position, take a full breath, touch your shoulders with your fingers, and slowly bring your elbows together at chest level. They make a circular motion and return to their original position. Perform 6 approaches.
  • In a kneeling position on a pillow, spread your legs wide. Raise your arms up and bend forward as much as possible without changing the position of your legs. Return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  • Take a supine position. They rest their elbows on the floor and perform rocking movements from side to side with their legs bent at the knee joints. Perform 6 approaches.
  • IN supine position rest on their toes and elbow joints lift the body. Perform 4 approaches.

A set of Kegel exercises for pregnant women

The purpose of Kegel exercises is to ease the labor process. They are aimed at increasing the strength of the internal muscles of the vagina for easy advancement of the baby.

When performing these exercises, only the muscles of the reproductive system, namely between the vagina and anus, should be maximally involved:

  1. In a lying position on a gymnastic mat, bend your legs in knee joint and spread apart. This is reminiscent of the position during the birth process. It is necessary to relax and inhale and exhale evenly, as deeply as possible. The perineal muscle is tensed as much as possible and held in this state for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Starting position – lying on a gymnastic mat. They put lower limbs on the support. Make tensing and relaxing movements with the muscles of the perineum. Perform tension smoothly.
  3. Sitting on the mat in the “lotus” position, you need to hold your breath and gently push. Vaginal muscles must be served outside. While inhaling, contract the muscles of the perineum.
  4. When sitting, bend your legs slightly. They compress the vagina, moving deeper, as if dividing it into segments. You need to hold each compression for 3 seconds. There is no need to suddenly relax; you need to act gradually.

Yoga for pregnant women at home

Yoga for pregnant women is very beneficial. By performing all of its exercises correctly, you can achieve peace of mind and peace of mind. They can be performed at home.

  • Lotus pose. Take a sitting position on a gymnastic mat, bringing your legs together. Place your hands palm to palm at chest level. You need to sit in this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Mountain pose. Take a standing position. Hands are placed along the body. Perform tension and relaxation upper muscles bodies.
  • Cat pose. Take a straight standing position with your arms extended upward. Raise the right leg and bend it at the knee, placing the foot on inside hips. You should stand like this for a few seconds.
  • Hero pose. Sitting on your knees, with your legs brought together, carefully and slowly perform straining movements.
  • Butterfly pose. In a sitting position with a straight back on the mat, the feet are placed as close to the body as possible and turned outward. The knees are directed in different directions.

It is better to perform such exercises after consulting a doctor and trainer.

Exercises on a ball (fitball)

By doing gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball, a pregnant woman at any stage (in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester) takes care of the proper functioning of the heart, improves mood and helps stabilize blood pressure.

There are many exercises that are easy to do and can be done at home. The optimal ball size is 65 cm in diameter. For stability, the fitball should be lowered slightly.

Gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball is allowed for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester at home

Simple exercises:

Exercises you should not do during pregnancy

In addition to the permitted exercises, there are periods when certain exercises cannot be performed:

  1. In the first trimester When the fetus is forming, under no circumstances should you perform exercises aimed at the abs.
  2. In the second trimester you need to remove from the list exercises where you need to transfer weight on one leg. All activities must take place in a bandage. It is also better not to do exercises while lying on your back.
  3. Regarding the third trimester, almost all exercises are allowed, the main thing is that there is no tone.

Gymnastics for pregnant women at home is very useful activity. Regardless of what trimester of pregnancy - 1,2 or 3, there will always be suitable exercises to maintain the health of mother and baby. In order not to harm yourself when performing exercises, it is necessary to take into account contraindications, doctor’s recommendations, and restrictions.

Video on the topic: gymnastics for pregnant women

Exercise complex for pregnant women in the second trimester:

Gymnastics for pregnant women 3rd trimester. Set of exercises:

Exercises on the ball strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which will undoubtedly help as the baby passes through the birth canal.

Therefore, many women who do not have pregnancy complications or chronic diseases are recommended to exercise on a fitball. This is the best option for physical activity, which does not involve strength training and excessive overexertion.

From the 27th week of pregnancy, you should pay attention to a set of Kegel exercises on a ball, because it is thanks to it that the muscles are prepared for childbirth and it will be possible to avoid ruptures or episiotomy. Moreover, fitball is actively used in the birth process at the stage of contractions.

Correctly performed exercises help relieve pain in the lower back, which is the most common occurrence in women in labor.

And soft jumping helps to open the cervix by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

What's the benefit?

Benefits for the body expectant mother from exercises on the ball is as follows:

  • back muscles relax;
  • blood flow in organs improves;
  • the muscles of the abdominal wall are strengthened;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the vestibular apparatus is trained;
  • exercise helps avoid gaining extra pounds;
  • the cardiovascular system is toned;
  • exercise relieves stress;
  • the pelvic floor muscles become stronger.

Fitball exercises will also be beneficial for your child:

  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, due to which the baby receives more oxygen;
  • good mood mother has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the fetus.

Possible harm

Any sports training may cause injury. Although exercising on a fitball does not involve dangerous or overly active exercises, the risk of falling from the ball is quite high.

Especially if the woman has no prior sports training and only in the last trimester I decided to take up gymnastics.

To minimize the possibility of falling from a fitball, you should choose the right ball. The ball must be designed for the weight of the pregnant woman and selected according to height. Exercising on a fitball can harm the expectant mother only if she does not follow safety precautions and invents the exercises herself.

If you fall, you can get a hematoma, dislocation, or fracture of a limb if you fall without grouping yourself (and this is quite big belly almost impossible to do). From the point of view of harm from a fitball for a child, it cannot be unless the mother is injured.


Despite the fact that fitball is a safe form of gymnastics, there are a number of contraindications for practicing it:

  • first weeks of pregnancy;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the presence of an obstetric pessary on the cervix;
  • incorrect presentation of the fetus - pelvic, transverse;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • history of miscarriage and antenatal fetal death.

Before you start exercising on the ball, you should consult a gynecologist. to avoid negative consequences.


There are no special restrictions during exercises on the ball. You just have to be mindful of your pregnancy and don't lean on your stomach.

It must be remembered that the position on the fitball should be comfortable, so that the center of gravity does not shift and there is constant support on the feet.

Swinging on the ball should be done with low amplitude and very slowly, because regularity is the main principle of any gymnastics during pregnancy.

If you experience any discomfort, you should immediately stop exercising.(if there is nagging pain in the lower abdomen, your back hurts or bleeding begins). These symptoms may be the beginning of labor, so it is better to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

Exercises with the ball, which involve lying on your back for a long time, are contraindicated in the third trimester, because The vena cava may be compressed. In this case, the child does not receive additional oxygen, and the expectant mother experiences dizziness. If such a situation arises, to alleviate the condition, you should turn on your left side and lie on it for 10 minutes.

Gymnastics at home

Before childbirth, it is worth giving a small load not only to the pelvic muscles, but also to all the others - arms, legs, lower back and abs. The body must be in shape for the birth process to proceed without delay.. The complex is designed for half an hour, maximum 40 minutes.

It should be performed twice a week on an empty (but not empty) stomach. Best time for sports - before lunch, it is in the first half that a surge of strength and energy is noted. Let's imagine a set of exercises on a ball from 27 to 40 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. For hands: sit on a fitball, place your feet shoulder-width apart, your back should be straight - stretch the top of your head up. You can take small dumbbells or 500 g bottles of water in your hands. Your arms should be bent and unbent at the elbows, you can do this simultaneously or alternately. Number of repetitions – 5-6 times.
  2. For the chest: Without changing the starting position, you should bend your arms with dumbbells at chest level in front of you. Spread your limbs apart and return to the beginning of the exercise. Repeat 8 times.
  3. For the buttocks: lie down on a gymnastics mat, bend your left leg at the knee, place it on the ball. The right leg should rest completely on the foot. You need to slightly straighten your left leg and roll the fitball forward. Do the same exercise on the other leg. Repeat 15 times.
  4. For the back: you need to stand in a knee-elbow position, your back should be rounded, then lean on the ball with both hands, your head can be bowed on your hands. Stand like this for 5 minutes.
  5. For balance: while sitting on the ball, you should do light rocking left and right and back and forth, there is no need to lift your buttocks off the fitball! 15 times on each side will be enough.
  6. For the pelvic floor muscles - Kegel exercises: you need to sit on the ball, spread your legs wider, but there should be support on your feet.

    The vaginal muscles should be “pulled in” to the maximum, and then held for 4 seconds at the peak.

    Slowly relax and lower the muscles, as if pressing them into a fitball. Repeat 5-10 times.

Each lesson should end with breathing exercises. The inhalation should be deep and slow, and the exhalation should be gradual. To improve blood circulation, you should raise your arms up while taking in air and lower them as you exhale.

This straightens the chest and gives the baby extra space. During breathing exercises, you should pay attention to your posture.– the back should be straight, but not tense.

If you experience nausea, dark vision, or dizziness while performing any exercise, you should stop exercising on the ball and consult your gynecologist.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video that presents a set of exercises for a pregnant woman in the trimester of pregnancy:


Fitball classes in the last trimester are not only a good option keeping yourself in shape, but also excellent preparation for childbirth. Exercises on the ball help relieve back tension, prepare the cervix for dilation, improve mood.

Plus, a woman who became acquainted with a fitball during pregnancy will know how to correctly take a comfortable and most relaxing position during contractions. And this is an invaluable benefit in facilitating the birth process.

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life. At this time, her daily routine, preferences, and habits completely change. During pregnancy you must adhere to proper nutrition, take vitamins, carefully monitor your condition and carry out a number of many other activities. This also includes physical exercise. They will be especially useful in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Why is moderate exercise important during pregnancy?

The beneficial effects of sports on the human body can hardly be overestimated, especially for pregnant women. Many of them neglect physical activity, mistakenly believing that they can harm their unborn child. There are several main undeniable advantages of sports:

  • Health promotion. Increasing immunity and resistance to infectious viral diseases. Beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improvement of blood circulation. Prevention of swelling. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Improved appearance. The skin noticeably tightens and becomes smoother, beautiful posture is formed, and the muscles become stronger.
  • Fast recovery after childbirth. By playing sports during pregnancy, a woman does not have to worry about overweight. After giving birth she is the shortest possible time will return to its former form.
  • Beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. As a rule, physical activity gives a good mood, a boost of vigor, and protects against stress and depression.
  • Effective preparation for childbirth. Having picked up correct exercises, you can learn to hear your body, breathe correctly, and train the necessary muscle groups. The process can do it all easy birth and practically painless.

Moderate physical activity during pregnancy gives excellent results. It is only important to choose exercises that correspond to the trimester and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body: age, height, physique.

Fitball - what is it?

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Fitball is one of the most popular elements sports equipment. It is a voluminous rubber ball. During production, a special system is built into it to eliminate the possibility of an explosion. This is why the fitball is great for doing various exercises pregnant women without causing safety concerns.

Highest strength and beneficial features provides internationally recognized Swiss quality. The ball was invented and first produced in this country.

Exercises for pregnant women on a fitball reduce pain in the back during the 3rd trimester, strengthen muscles and activate the blood supply to the internal organs of the expectant mother. This great way maintain physical activity during pregnancy without harm to your own health and the fetus.

Is it possible to exercise on a ball in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters?

Balloon classes are available to expectant mothers from the very beginning of pregnancy. This sport is absolutely harmless to their body and fetus. If a woman did not exercise on a ball in the first months of pregnancy, you can start exercising in the 2nd trimester. Classes are also shown in the 3rd trimester. It is worth remembering that the process must take place under the close supervision of a trainer.

In the 2nd trimester, the rates that were used at the beginning of pregnancy are acceptable. This is the period when you can stretch, train muscles, shape beautiful posture. In the 3rd trimester, the pace must be reduced. Contraindicated for women before childbirth sudden movements and increased loads. Relatively quiet sessions to work out intimate and pelvic muscles.

How to choose a ball?

The benefits from classes will only be if you take the choice of fitball seriously. It must be a quality product purchased from a trusted store sports equipment. You can always contact a sales consultant, but there are several basic recommendations for choosing a ball:

  • Size. It is necessary to choose the size based on the individual body parameters of the expectant mother. Many experts recommend focusing on arm length when choosing. For example, with a size of 45–55 cm, a ball with a diameter of 45 cm is suitable, with a diameter of 55–65 cm, 55 cm, respectively.
  • Elasticity. This is one of the most important criteria when choosing a fitball. To assess the degree of elasticity, it is necessary to see and test the inflated ball. If such a model is not presented on the sales floor, you need to ask the seller to prepare a fitball.
  • Comfort. Even at the purchase stage, you need to check how convenient the use of a particular ball is. You should pay attention to the angle between the knee and foot. The indicator should be exactly 90 degrees.
  • Design and additions. There are elements with massage pimples, arms, and legs. The additions are suitable for those mothers who value convenience and comfort. Fitballs with handles and legs are safer and doubly protect against possible damage and falls. Massage balls should not be purchased by those who plan to use them with their baby after giving birth. In this case, regular smooth fitballs are more suitable.
  • Quality. It is necessary to purchase reliable products from trusted manufacturers. Only in this case can we hope for long and safe operation.

The stores offer a wide selection of sports equipment, so the expectant mother should not have any problems purchasing a fitball. A correctly selected high-quality product is the key effective training and the health of women and babies.

There are many options for conducting such classes. Among them there are also complicated ones, with elements of breathing exercises, strength training. You can record a training video. The main list of exercises on a fitball for pregnant women includes the following exercises:

  • The basic element of this course is maintaining balance while sitting on the ball. You need to sit on a fitball, place your feet shoulder-width apart so that the pose is as stable as possible. In this case, you need to monitor your posture. You need to sit in this position for as long as possible, trying to maintain balance. After this you need to move back and forth, left and right.
  • Squeezing a fitball. You need to sit on the ball and place it so that it is between your knees. You need to monitor your breathing: as you exhale, squeeze the fitball, while inhaling, release it. This great exercise to strengthen the muscles of the hips and pelvis.
  • Abdominal breathing training. You need to lie on the exercise ball with your chest so as not to touch its surface with your stomach. When inhaling, inflate abdominal cavity, when exhaling – draw in. This is an excellent workout that will significantly ease the period of contractions during childbirth. In addition, the exercise relaxes the muscles of the back and spine, significantly relieves pain in the recent months pregnancy.
  • Turns. You need to sit on the floor in a Turkish style, having previously laid out a special gymnastic mat. Take the fitball in your hands and place it above your head. In this position, you need to make circular movements with your body clockwise and then counterclockwise. In this case, the hands should be in the original position. You also need to carefully monitor your back - your posture should be as straight as possible.
  • Footwork. You need to lie on the floor and grab the fitball with your feet. Then you should carefully move your legs to the sides one by one. In this case, you need to monitor the angle of retraction, since a large amplitude can cause overstrain of the abdominal cavity.

When are classes contraindicated?

Despite the fact that exercises with a fitball are one of the safest types physical activity During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to existing contraindications. Exercises with a ball are not recommended:

  • if a woman is expecting more than one child (twins or triplets);
  • with sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • women who have a difficult pregnancy: with toxicosis, gestosis, inflammatory processes;
  • for pathologies: uterine hypertonicity, placental abruption.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women can be an excellent alternative to other types of fitness and sports. The fitball reduces the level of stress on the spine and legs, but at the same time allows you to remain mobile enough to perform various dynamic and static exercises.

How different things are useful for athletes gymnastic apparatus and exercise equipment, a fitball for pregnant women is also useful.

How to choose the right fitball?

How to choose the right fitball, taking into account your individual characteristics? There is no single rule for choosing. Usually the most big balls, with a diameter from 60 to 85 cm.

You can choose the size based on the height of the expectant mother:

  • for heights up to 165 cm, a ball with a diameter of 55 to 60 cm is suitable;
  • with a height from 165 to 185 cm - with a diameter of 60 -65 cm;
  • with height from 185 to 200 cm – 70-75 cm;
  • over 2 meters - with a diameter of more than 85 cm.

It should be noted, however, that these values ​​are advisory in nature. You need to choose a ball so that you can practice on it comfortably. That's why The best way- try different sizes fitballs and determine which one is more convenient.

Another subtlety: exercises on a fitball for pregnant women should be carried out with maximum relaxation of the back muscles. This means the ball should be soft, slightly deflated. There is no need to pump it up to maximum elasticity.

When to start exercising on fitball?

If they feel well, expectant mothers begin to exercise with the ball already in the first months of pregnancy. But even if this does not happen, you can start classes in both the 2nd trimester and the 3rd trimester.

Sometimes the reason for development is discomfort in the lumbar region and calf muscles. Indeed, fitball helps eliminate these problems.

While practicing with the ball, you can do the following: strength exercises and stretching exercises. You can use dumbbells or body bars - it all depends on the initial level of training and well-being of the expectant mother.

But even basic springy movements on the ball will bring enormous benefits to your health: they will speed up blood flow, relieve spasms from overworked muscles and help you stay in shape and your baby to develop properly. And most importantly, you can exercise even while watching TV. You just have to show your desire, and everything will work out in the best possible way!

Fitball exercises for pregnant women on video:

Lesson with a trainer: