How to correctly take body measurements. Anthropometry. how to take measurements correctly? what do you need to know? what parameters are important? Anthropometry: body mass index, pulse and energy expenditure

When a person loses weight, he tries to track the results of diet and exercise. Many people use scales, but measurements are much more accurate. Especially when all you have to do is lose the hated 3 kg that just won’t go away. Or when you are working on terrain. The weight may even increase, but the body will become more and more perfect. In addition, the scale will not show changes in body proportions.

How to take measurements to see the results of your training?

We have written in detail about everything related to weighing on scales. Follow the link and read: at what time and how to weigh yourself correctly, and what you should absolutely not do. Therefore, we will not dwell on this method in detail and go straight to the main thing -

How to take body measurements correctly

Body measurements are a more accurate way to track your weight loss results. Body measurements are taken with a measuring tape or even regular thread (the thread pieces are then simply measured with a ruler). So, how to take measurements when losing weight?

Correct body measurements are not limited to bust, waist and hips. So the usual 90 – 60 – 90 will have to be expanded a little. In order not to miss anything, keep a notebook - there will be a lot of numbers!

  • Wrist measured at the thinnest point.
  • Forearm measured, on the contrary, at the thickest part, first in a relaxed position, then in a tense position. First, the arm hangs along the body, then the arm needs to be bent at a right angle and the muscles tense. Write down both numbers.
  • Shoulder. The shoulder is also measured in a calm and relaxed state. In a calm state, the hand is along the body; in a tense state, the hand is raised and clenched into a fist.
  • Neck. Measured in a calm state. Stand straight with your chin slightly raised. You should not lower your head to your chest or stretch your neck - stay in a natural position.
  • Chest, chest. At the most protruding points - for women, at the widest point - for men.
  • Waist. Measured at the thinnest point. If you have a tummy, on the contrary, measure where it is thicker and wider. Do not try to pull in or strain your stomach, otherwise the data will be distorted. You are doing this for yourself, so don’t be disingenuous!
  • Buttocks. Measured in a relaxed state at the most prominent points.
  • Hips. Also measured at the widest point. This is usually done while standing.
  • Shins. We take measurements at the widest point. In a relaxed state, place your foot on a chair to relieve the pressure on your calves. In a tense situation, we stand on the toe of the leg that we are measuring.
  • Ankles. We measure while standing on straight legs, at the thinnest part.

These measurements are suitable for both men and women - both when losing weight and when working on relief. A measuring tape shows any changes well, unlike scales.

Basic rules for body measurement

  1. Body measurements when losing weight should be taken in the same places (taking into account left-right - i.e. today the left wrist and in a week it will also necessarily be the left).
  2. Measure yourself better in the morning(after the toilet and on an empty stomach). By evening the body may swell, so the first half of the day is optimal time. There is also no need to measure yourself after training, the muscles increase in size and the results will not be accurate. And be sure to mark where the volume is in a relaxed state and where in a tense state.
  3. If you are losing weight, take measurements once a week; if you are gaining muscle mass– once every 2 weeks.
  4. It is difficult to take measurements yourself, it is better if someone helps you. Take note of this.
  5. Don’t despair if your weight and volume are “stuck”. Unless you have serious health problems, you will still lose weight. Perhaps it is worth reviewing your diet and training program, and the result will definitely come.

If you have just started losing weight and are not in a hurry to get on stage, you can limit yourself to measurements according to the minimum program. For example: shoulder, chest, waist, buttocks, hips. Once you get used to it, you can measure your body completely according to the plan that we gave above.

Now we know how to correctly take body measurements for women and men. You can also keep a photo diary or look at clothes - also effective and visual, but less accurate. But everything taken together will be great. And control of results, and motivation and pleasure from what has been achieved.

Data is one of the elements of all human anthropometry and represents the circumference of various parts of the body. The ability to take correct measurements is necessary in fitness and bodybuilding.

Why do you need to take measurements?

To understand the essence of the measurements, you first need to record them. From a fitness point of view, one-time measurements do not give you any benefit yet. After a certain period of time (from 1 week to 3 months), you must re-measure your body parts. Now you can compare previous measurements with current ones and determine for yourself whether your body is changing (whether you are progressing, stagnating, or your shape has deteriorated). Actually, this is the meaning of the measurements. You will be able to learn about even the slightest change in the girth of one or another part of the body, while visually it will seem that nothing is changing. And based on the data received, you will clearly understand whether you need to change anything in your training program and nutrition or not.

When to take measurements

It is best to record measurements immediately after waking up, that is, in the morning, preferably at the same time. Measurements must be taken on an empty stomach. By observing these two simple rules, you will reduce the error when obtaining measurements. Accordingly, if you do not follow these rules, the error will be higher.

How often to take measurements

It is necessary to systematically measure the girth of body parts. The length of time between measurements may vary and depends on your training goals. If maintaining your current shape is enough for you, then take measurements once every 2-3 months. If your goal is increased weight gain or loss excess weight, then it is recommended to take measurements once a week.

How to take measurements

Measurements must be taken using a measuring tape. It should bend around the part of the body along the axis of the bone, and not across or diagonally. The measuring tape should fit fairly snugly against your body during measurement, but at the same time not squeeze it.

There is no one correct way to find out the measurements of your body parts. The main thing is that the measurement method is convenient for you and that you always take measurements the same way, using the same system. Below will be presented exactly my method of taking measurements. In my opinion, it is very convenient, simple and optimal.

How to take body measurements


Position and condition: the arm should be bent at the elbow; From this position you can more conveniently and accurately measure your wrist. The arm muscles are relaxed.
Measurement location: at the narrowest point of the forearm, at some distance from the hand.


Position and condition: it is necessary to bend the arm at the elbow so that the angle between the forearm and shoulder is approximately 90 degrees. Next you need to bend the brush towards internal muscles forearms (also at an angle of 90 degrees). The fist is clenched, and all the muscles of the arm are as tense as possible.
Measurement location: the widest part of the forearm, located at a distance of 1-2 cm from the transition to the shoulder (from the elbow).


Position and condition: When taking measurements, hold your arm so that the angle between your shoulder and forearm is 70 degrees (or so). From this position, tense all the muscles in your arm as much as possible.
Measurement location: the most massive part of the shoulder, approximately the middle of the biceps or the place of its peak (if there is a peak).


Position and condition: The neck should be straight during measurement. To do this, stand up straight and slightly raise your head so that the tip of your nose looks forward along the horizon. The neck muscles are relaxed.
Measurement location: approximately the middle of the neck, slightly below the level of the Adam's apple.

Shoulder girdle

Position and Condition: Stand straight, arms down and shoulders back. The muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are relaxed.
Measurement location: the measuring tape should run along the entire shoulder girdle along the following path - top of the chest, middle deltoid muscles, top part shoulder blades


Position and condition: stand straight, chest slightly forward and shoulders back. Breathing should be smooth and shallow. All torso muscles are relaxed.
Measurement location: the most massive part of the chest; in most cases it will be at nipple level or 1-2 cm higher.


Position and condition: stand up straight, breathing smoothly and lightly, without deep inhalations and exhalations. The torso muscles should be slightly tense in a static mode so that the abdomen is grouped. But there is no need to specifically contract the abdominal muscles or pull in the stomach.
Measurement location: middle of the abdomen, slightly above the navel. This place is supposedly considered the waist, that is, the thinnest part of the abdomen. On the other hand, if the volume of your body is large, then this place will, on the contrary, be the widest part.


Position and condition: stand up straight. Gluteal muscles relaxed.
Measurement location: the most massive part of the pelvis; focus on the middle of the gluteal muscles.


Position and condition: stand up straight, transfer your body weight to the leg that will be measured. Knee-joint must be straightened and secured. In this position, you can contract the thigh muscles even more significantly; the leg is as tense as possible.
Measurement location: the most voluminous part of the thigh, located almost at the very top, only 5-7 cm below the transition of the pelvis to the thigh.


Position and condition: measurement is taken from a sitting position (for convenience). The shin itself should be perpendicular to the floor. The muscles need to be tensed, partially standing on your toes.
Measurement location: the largest part of the lower leg, located approximately 5-7 cm below the junction of the thigh and lower leg.


Position and condition: Ankle measurement is done while sitting (for convenience). The shin is perpendicular to the floor. The leg muscles are relaxed.
Measurement location: the narrowest part of the lower leg, located 2-3 cm above the foot.

Measurement rules and answers to questions


Let's consider general rules measurements and answers to the most common questions.

Measure in the same place

To minimize the error in measurements, you need to remember exactly where you place the measuring tape. To do this, try to highlight for yourself certain identification marks, marks on the body that will help you remember exactly where you need to measure. Over time, you will adapt to recording measurements in the same places, and doing it quickly and accurately, without thinking for a long time and without checking the measurement location.

Measure several times

Fix one or another part of the body several times. This will help you ensure that the resulting value is accurate.

Do you need to tense your muscles?

The difference between a contracted muscle and a relaxed one is very small (precisely in the numerical value of the girth, and not visually), so it is not so important how exactly you want to record your measurements. You can completely rely on your individual preference and convenience. Personally, I only measure the tension of the forearm, shoulder, thigh and lower leg (this is written above, where it is explained in detail how to take body measurements).

Indeed, you have the right to take measurements as you wish, but it is important to be aware of why it is this way and not otherwise. As an example, if you are training for yourself, then measuring body parts in a relaxed state is justified. You won’t be walking around the city and straining your muscles, and therefore, there is no point in straining them during measurements. If you are a competitive athlete or plan to become one, then it makes a certain sense to measure body parts under tension, since on stage you will need to contract your muscles as much as possible.

Is it possible to measure the chest while inhaling/exhaling or pulling in the stomach?

If you compete in bodybuilding or fitness, and while posing you additionally draw air into your lungs so that your chest appears more voluminous, then it makes sense for you to record your chest measurement while inhaling. The situation is similar with the stomach. If you professional sportsman, and on stage you make a vacuum (retract your stomach), then it will be quite rational to measure the retracted stomach.

If you do not plan to perform on stage, that is, you are engaged in amateur sports, then I recommend taking measurements of the chest and abdomen in a neutral, calm state, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, in Everyday life It is not useful to know your chest girth as you inhale or the measurement of your retracted abdomen - which means it is wiser to take the measurement in a calm state. The second reason is that during inhalation and vacuum, the measurement values ​​at different people can be quite different. And this is bad, because in this way the objectivity of evaluating and comparing the measurements of different athletes with each other will be lost. More specifically, swimmers or people who play wind musical instruments have a very mobile and developed chest; their inhalation girth will be much higher than that of many other people. For those who practice martial arts, yoga, qigong, the vacuum will be very strongly developed, while the average person will not be able to draw in the stomach even approximately that much. Therefore, in order to average the measurements, it is much easier for everyone to fix the chest and abdomen in a neutral state.

If you do something differently

Above is information on how to take body measurements as simply, conveniently and thoughtfully as possible. However, if you measure it any other way, it is completely uncritical. You can take measurements anywhere, anytime, with different conditions, straining the muscles or not, but the main thing is to always do it the same way. In this case, your history of body changes (based on measurements) will still show you in which direction you are moving, whether progress is happening or not.

Ask for help with measurements

If you wish, you can measure all parts of the body yourself (and even shoulder girdle). But this is often quite problematic, and there will likely be a significant error in the girth of some parts of the body. Therefore, it is advisable to ask your friend or relative for help so that they can help you take measurements in difficult areas (shoulder girdle, chest, neck).

What to do if you don't have a measuring tape

The measuring tape can easily be replaced with thread or a cut strip of paper. Moreover, paper in this case is more practical than thread, since it is more similar to a measuring tape in structure and size (if you make a strip of a convenient width, about 1 cm). The thread will curl strongly, become deformed, and this will interfere with the measurement. Using thread and paper is simple - you measure a part of the body, use your finger to fix the measurement location on a homemade measuring device, and finally, using a ruler, measure the distance from the beginning of the thread, paper, to the place that you recorded. But this is much less convenient than using a measuring tape, and there will be a very significant error. Still, the best option is to buy a measuring tape. You can find it in any sewing store.

Using a measuring tape

Over time, the measuring tape stretches and loses its properties. To control this process, it is necessary to measure the tape approximately once a year with a regular ruler, thereby double-checking the correctness of the numerical values. If the values ​​do not match, the error is large, then you should buy a new measuring tape.

Let's sum it up


Body measurements. Brief information:

  1. It is necessary to take measurements in order to track the dynamics of changes in your body.
  2. Record measurements using a centimeter tape.

In order for the measurement values ​​to be the most accurate, without error, you need to:

  1. Record measurements in the morning and on an empty stomach.
  2. Remember exactly where you measure the part of the body, and next time measure exactly there.
  3. Measure the same body part several times.

Additional Information

It is important for men to record the girth of all parts of the body, but for girls it is enough to measure the stomach, pelvis, thigh, and lower leg. There is no point in regularly taking wrist and ankle measurements if you already know their girth (this applies to both men and women). Only with a colossal difference in weight can these parts of the body change in girth.

A slight asymmetry regarding the right and left sides is quite natural.

It is advisable to take measurements without outer clothing.

Training progress is important to you? Do you know how to track even your minimal success? The fact is that it can be difficult to determine positive dynamics by eye. But more on that below. It’s just very important to take body measurements: waist, shoulders, calves, biceps . All those parts that you sweat over in the gym. The generally accepted measure of physical progress are banal bathroom scales and, of course, a mirror (and also acquaintances whom we have not seen for a long time). We have already written why the mirror is not quite suitable - only sudden and significant changes in your body can be “detected” by eye. At the beginning of the journey, such changes usually do not occur. In general, it’s the same with scales.

By periodically weighing yourself, you may notice that your weight has not changed! This pattern is especially often observed when strength training. Well, one frustration.

But the point is that it is probably impossible to determine what the inflated numbers on the scale are made up of - fat, muscle (which is heavier than fat) or water. It is impossible to determine the ratio of one, the other and the third in your body by ordinary weighing. For example, when women lose weight on all sorts of T-slims, they lose weight due to the removal excess liquid from the body.

What do body measurements tell?

Oh, and this is the most accurate way to evaluate how effectively you bench press. If you work out to the fullest, eat rationally, and the main measurements NOT change - it means something is wrong with your training program. We'll have to change it. After all, why do you need a program that NOT works?

How to measure?
This thing is called a sewing “centimeter”. A flexible measuring tape that every young lady who knows how to sew is familiar with. And she doesn’t know how either, because it’s so convenient for them to measure their waist.

Do you want to really achieve something in the gym? Then this IS YOURS tool!

What exactly to measure?
You need to measure those parts of the body whose proportions are so important for the overall impression of the figure.
This is, of course:
- shoulders;
- forearms;
- biceps;
- rib cage;
- waist;
- hips;
- shin ( calf muscles);
- neck.

How to take measurements correctly?
You need to measure your parameters (and weight too) in the morning, on an empty stomach, bladder, etc. In general, your body should not carry anything foreign in itself.
Well, with weight it’s clear why it needs to be measured on an empty stomach. Why “add” the weight of what you eat to your weight?!

But taking measurements in the morning?
Yes exactly.

At the end of the day, your parameters may change slightly - your legs, for example, swell in the evening. And after training, blood flows to the muscles, increasing their volume. Don't deceive yourself, measure yourself in the morning.

Another rule is to take measurements in the same place and several times in a row(for greater authenticity). Try to remember it and take measurements there. Use the mirror in full height(or waist-deep) for “difficult” areas, the measurement of which is difficult to control by eye (shoulders, for example). When taking measurements, it is important not to allow the centimeter to sag or become distorted (the tape should run horizontally along the entire perimeter). Even a slight shift of the tape can cause an error in the result.

Where to measure?
Here are a couple of guidelines for you to measure your body at one, constant level. So to speak, anchor points.

  1. Breast. For the chest, the anchor points are the nipples (when inhaling).
    Advice: measure volume chest during tense latissimus muscles back and arms freely positioned along the body.
  2. Waist- 2-3 cm above the level of the navel with a relaxed press, as you exhale. Don't suck in your stomach!
  3. Hip- measured standing. The muscles are relaxed. The tape runs in the most voluminous part of the thigh (under the buttocks).
  4. Biceps. Measure it in the most voluminous place, without tension, bending your arm at the elbow parallel to the floor.
  5. Forearm- make a fist and measure the central part of the forearm.
  6. Shin(calf muscles) - standing on your toes, measure the central part of the calf.
  7. Neck- measured in its most voluminous place, above the trapezius muscles.
By the way, get your girlfriend on the rocking chair. And then you will measure not only OWN body.

How often should body measurements be taken?

Once every 2-3 weeks is enough. If you take measurements more often, you simply risk not noticing the difference in the numbers, because muscles do not grow as quickly as we would like.
Advice: keep a diary of measurements and start collecting a personal photo archive.

Make it a rule not only to note dry statistical figures in your notebook, but also to support them with photographs. This way you will be able to imagine more clearly, from WHAT and to WHAT You came. In addition, you can share your triumph with friends on social networks) After all, everyone loves to look at “Before and After” photos.
You can also take photos yourself, in front of a mirror. Or you can ask someone. This will give you more informative pictures. Record three standard angles - front, full face and profile.

And do you know ideal parameters athletic male figure? Ideal female proportions are known to everyone, but male ones... But they are not :) At least in digital terms.

But the ideal athletic build is considered to be the same parameters of the biceps, neck and calves. What we wish for you too. Patience, work and everything will work out! Good luck!

Anthropometric measurements were partially touched upon in our previous article. There we also described the importance of carrying them out and for what purpose they are carried out. Many questions remain unanswered, and it is here, in the second part of the article about the human body, that we will try to illuminate them.

As we already said, before we begin physical activity, you need to fix three things: the starting point, the desired goal and the path to achieve it. In other words, it is necessary to record the current state of health and shape, as well as indicators associated with them. Determine the final desired result (we talked about this in the article). And by comparing the initial data with the desired end result, choose the optimal way to achieve the goal. These are three mandatory steps that personal trainer(or you yourself) should be guided in working with clients.

Body measurements themselves will not give you much unless you conduct a comparative analysis with tables of ideal height, weight, age, fat content, and volumes of body parts. A comparative analysis is carried out to determine at what stage physical development You are in this moment, as well as in order to understand what is worth striving for and what to start from. And if we looked at the indicators of height, weight, age and fat content in the previous article, here we will first look at tables of ideal indicators for men and women, then we will learn how to take measurements, and in the end, how often progress should be recorded.

Ideal volumes for men

So, let's start with anthropometric measurements by determining the ideal coefficients of your body. They must satisfy the relationships shown in the table below. To determine your coefficient, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in centimeters. If your weight is, say, 80 kg, and your height is, for example, 185 cm and you want to know your ideal chest, waist and hip size, divide 80/185 = 0.432. Thus, checking the table, we see that the coefficient is between 0.423 and 0.451. This means that to determine breast volume, let’s calculate the arithmetic mean between 101.7 and 105.2. We get 101.7 + 105.2 = 206.9 / 2 = 103.4 cm. This will be your ideal chest volume. You understand how to carry out calculations, and now we will present a table with which you will compare the data obtained.

You can measure other parts of the body in the same way. The numbers that you can get from this table are only a certain reference value. If you have never had to lift weights before and have not subjected your body to stress, you can consider these numbers as a starting point in building a muscular body. Write them down and remember them as where you started. In the future, when taking body measurements, it will be interesting to look at your starting point and evaluate how far you have come and what work you have done.

Ideal volumes for women

Below are tables reflecting the ideal (reference) indicators of height, weight, age, waist, hips and more. I emphasize that the information below concerns ideal proportions for women. Men can safely skip this block.

There are various formulas for determining your ideal weight. For some time, in practice, the ratio of weight and height was used according to Brock’s formula: “Ideal weight equals height minus 100.” However, it is now believed that this formula is designed for women 40-50 years old. The optimal weight for women 20-30 years old should be reduced by 10-12%, and after 50 years old it should be increased by 5-7%. Today, tables and formulas are increasingly being used that also adjust for body composition. Using the following table, you can quickly and accurately set your ideal weight taking into account height, age and physique.

Here we also provide a table of ideal hip volumes, taking into account height, age and body type.

For girls, it is worth noting that these indicators are ideal and your body may not currently correspond to them. This is not a reason to be upset at all! On the contrary, these discrepancies can serve as a reason to sign up for a gym and start adjusting your figure in accordance with your preferences, and the tables given here will only help with this and tell you in which direction to move.

Body measurements

Now we come directly to how exactly anthropometric measurements should be carried out.

ADVICE. Before we get started, we need to consider the following tips. First: Body measurements should be taken with a regular measuring tape. Second: the most suitable time for measurements is the morning, that is, when the muscles are most relaxed. Third: The measuring tape should not sag or, conversely, be overtightened. Fourth: for a more accurate assessment, take measurements in the same place several times (2-3). Fifth: Keep a diary of measurements and photographs to track progress.

Regarding the last point, we have already talked about in our article, and we were talking about the fact that the diary is primarily important based on the considerations that without it it will be difficult to track progress. If you do not keep a diary, then the progress, which occurs gradually, and perhaps in volumes will amount to several millimeters, will simply not be noticeable to the eye and it will seem to you that you are marking time. And this, in turn, can lead you to a loss of interest, decreased motivation and, ultimately, a complete reluctance to train, which in our case is naturally unacceptable. In order to avoid such dire consequences, you need to keep a diary.

You can often hear people say that their numbers are different. This often happens due to the fact that they take body measurements at different times of the day. After training, it is pointless to take measurements, since blood flows to the muscles and they increase in volume. Over time, blood will flow out and muscle volume will decrease, which will also affect the measurement results. As I said above, measurements must be taken in the morning.

Try to avoid embellishing the numbers. Very often you want results to appear faster, and in such a situation some people suck in their stomachs, others pull the tape, others take a deep breath of air, etc. Of course, everyone wants to achieve results by any means necessary. desired result, but there is no need to deceive yourself. This won't work in your favor. Be objective.

The figure shows exactly where you need to take measurements of a particular part of the body: 1- biceps; 2- neck; 3- chest; 4- waist; 5- forearm; 6- wrist; 7- pelvis; 8- thigh; 9- shin; 10- ankle.

Thus, based on all the above data, you have the power to manage your progress and adjust your nutrition and training program on the fly, based on what works for you and what doesn’t. This process may seem difficult at first, but when you see the first results in the mirror, it will begin to motivate you to continue moving forward towards your goal.

Photo recording

Just like anthropometric measurements, it is a fairly working means of tracking one’s own progress. The numbers look good on paper, but they don't. the best way observing an improvement in shape than seeing one’s own figure at all stages of its development.

First of all, before you start practicing physical exercise, it will be enough to take a full-length photograph in three positions: front, back and side. Later, when you begin to progress and build muscle, you can move to a more advanced level and, as a person seriously involved in fitness and/or bodybuilding, be photographed in the positions of performing athletes: abs and thighs in the front, double biceps in the back, triceps on the side, etc. d.

Thus, regarding measurements and fixation, the main thing remains to be said. It is optimal to take body measurements and photographic recordings once a month. You can link to a specific calendar date. For example, every month on the first day of the morning, record all parameters: weight, fat, muscle volume, take photographs and record the results in a diary. Why once a month? Because this is the minimum period of time during which you can track specific visible progress without the use of any drugs or means that accelerate this progress.


As indicated at the beginning of the article, in order to move somewhere, you need to determine the current state of things, the ultimate goal and the path to achieve it. The purpose of this article was to help determine the current state of affairs, learn how to take anthropometric measurements and record progress. Be patient in training, follow a diet, be objective in measurements and be critical of the results of photographic recording, since, as we know, there is no limit to perfection.

Each person is naturally given certain parameters of his body parts (sizes). And if you decide to engage in bodybuilding, then you simply need to determine the initial data with which you will subsequently have to work.

In order to monitor your achievements and the results obtained from training, it is useful to study anthropometry. The ideal body proportions in bodybuilding have long been calculated, and we will try to strive for them.

In order to correctly change your body, you should know not only height, weight, but also other physiological parameters. It turns out that any athlete must learn to correctly take the necessary measurements in order to understand which muscles he needs to pay attention to working with.

The topic of how to build muscles is very useful for studying among those who have just started training in gym and those who have been practicing for quite some time. The fact is that the time you spend in the gym may not be used effectively at all! Read the article and find out how to build muscle and what supercompensation is.

Ideal proportions for a bodybuilder

In the modern world everything more people play sports or want to lose weight. People have always strived to be attractive. That is why the topic of ideal proportions will be relevant, especially among bodybuilders whose main goal is to achieve body beauty.

The name bodybuilding itself can be translated as build your body. At the same time, there are certain parameters that every athlete strives for. First of all, it is a properly built body: symmetrical, athletic and beautiful. It is the maximum proximity of the athlete’s body size to ideal proportions that is the main criterion, based on which judges at various bodybuilding tournaments identify the winner. The symmetry and harmonious development of muscles is also assessed.

In this case, the presence of a pile of muscles is not at all necessary. A person with less muscle mass, but with more correct body proportions, has a better chance of winning a tournament than an athlete with huge mass who simply works on his muscles without delving into their proportions. To make it more clear, we can consider bodybuilders and athletes involved in by force sports This once again shows that in bodybuilding, the main importance is the beauty and harmonious development of the body, and not maximum strength and endurance.

A closer look at athletes training in gyms reveals serious discrepancies in the proportions of their bodies. Even in people who have been training for several years, the upper body is much more developed than the lower body. There is also a combination of a thin neck and undeveloped shoulders with with huge hands. And there are quite a lot of such variants of asymmetrical and inharmonious bodies, you just have to pay attention to those who exercise on exercise machines around.

In order for training to make great progress, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the body. Preparedness, training conditions, rhythm of life, rest and nutrition - all these are parts of the large process of properly building the body. Often people neglect these components and believe that working out hard in the gym is enough. But this is not true at all! Entrust the preparation of your training and nutrition program to professionals! This money will pay for itself very quickly!

Many beginners in bodybuilding do not consider it necessary to delve into the specifics of proportional muscle development, since they do not plan to compete. But even for those who study for themselves, it is necessary to know the proportions in order to accurately determine their capabilities and parameters to which they need to strive. It will also be clear to what limit you can pump up your muscle mass. In addition to determining the potential that is genetically inherent in the body, new knowledge will allow you to improve the training itself. Knowing which muscles are lagging behind in development overall, you can make changes to the selected system. It is quite common that people train without a clearly defined goal. They may lift particularly heavy weights with untrained hands or squat with weak legs. Thus, having studied the proportions, many errors will be eliminated. That is why it is necessary to analyze the technical side of the ideal proportions that are followed in bodybuilding.

Body proportionality

Based on the numbers, we can say that the attractiveness of a particular athlete depends on his proportions. Since numbers are directly related to mathematics, proportions are described by a clearly formulated formula. The name of this formula is the golden ratio. The resulting number describes the human body as a whole and helps determine the proportions that can be considered the most correct by nature. The most striking example of a description of ideal proportions is the man of Leonardo da Vinci, who is depicted in a square and a circle. Thanks to this illustration, one can reveal the triumph of regular geometric shapes in human proportions. The so-called “golden ratio” determines the ratio 1:1.618. Thus, if we take the thigh as a unit, then the entire leg (thigh + lower leg) should be equal to 1.618 times the size of the thigh.

Since man is a rational being, the desire for harmony and symmetry is constant. That is why the beauty of the body is assessed based on the parameters prescribed by the golden ratio. If we talk about bodybuilding or fitness, then first of all, it is worth understanding that comprehensive muscle development comes first. The waist-to-shoulder ratio is especially pronounced. If you change this attitude, the development of body harmony will significantly advance in a positive direction.


Many athletes who take measurements regularly report that their readings fluctuate. This is possible precisely because of measurements at different times of the day. It is clear that immediately after training the results will be impressive, since the blood flows to the muscles as much as possible as a result of pumping. But after a while, the indicators drop significantly.

It is important that when taking measurements the measuring tape does not sag and is not too stretched.

In some cases, the desire to see the desired numbers is stronger than objectivity. Therefore, many people want to look better than they really are. Because of this, various tricks are used. The most common are the retraction of the abdomen when measuring the waist or the intake of air in the diaphragm when measuring the chest. Of course, I would like to see the cherished numbers at least in this way. But objectivity and accuracy are more important in bodybuilding. Therefore, you should not cheat to add or, on the contrary, remove extra centimeters.

Another rule is to take measurements several times. To obtain more accurate results, measurements can be carried out two or three times. This is necessary to determine the exact result. It is important to note for yourself the place where measurements are taken. Each specific zone is distinguished by its features, to which a measuring tape is applied.

Journaling is also important rule. It wouldn’t hurt to have a personal photo archive. Take photos in front of the mirror in three main angles - frontal, side and profile. The frequency of creating photographs is 2-3 months. Thanks to this, the results will be visible not only in comparing numbers, but also visually. Seeing your results will give you additional motivation, which will spur you on to longer and more persistent workouts. And this will greatly contribute to your progress.

Thus, having identified your parameters and individual characteristics, you can manage your training and change the program as necessary. At first, regular measurements may seem boring and useless, but over time it will become clear that this is not so. Having seen your results in the mirror, you will want to continue the work you started and achieve higher goals.

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