How to lose weight in winter. How to lose weight in winter at home. Sample winter menu for weight loss

In order to avoid panic in the spring about the rollers appearing out of nowhere in the waist area and unsuccessful attempts to fit into clothes that have suddenly become tight, it is important right at this moment to think about how not to gain weight in winter, and even better, how to lose weight during this difficult time. time.

Why is it difficult? Because in winter you can only dream of a variety of vegetables and fruits, and even in the cold, many people are so tempted to snack on something “warming”.

Reasons why many people gain weight in winter

  • There is an opinion that due to the fact that our ancestors winter time long hunger strikes began; our bodies have a genetically built-in tendency to accumulate fat in winter, which is why we intuitively eat the most high-calorie foods.
  • There is less daylight, which means there is less ultraviolet radiation, the mood worsens, but for a large number of people food is almost the only joy and reward...
  • In addition, putting on a lot of warm clothes, we do not pay attention to the fact that our dimensions are increasing - after all, this is natural with all these sweaters, fur coats and down jackets.
  • It was in our childhood that we played snowballs, skated, skied, sledded, so much so that steam came from us - we burned calories so actively. Now, at best, we watch from the sidelines as our children or grandchildren cheerfully go down the slide (dreaming, if only we could do that!). Physical activity comes to a standstill in winter, and the body, which does not burn calories, accumulates them.

  • In the cold season, our cells need vitamins and minerals twice as much as in the warm season; in addition, in winter the lack of vitamin C reaches 80%. All this provokes an increase in appetite - this is how our body tries to make up for the lack of nutrients.

I bring to your attention 11 ways to turn this situation around to your advantage and lose weight in winter no matter what!

Making the right winter diet

  1. Don't rely on strict diets, these “frisky” helpers deceive our vigilance, at first, it seems, promoting fast weight loss. But then, the lost kilograms return along with their friends - new kilograms.

The whole problem is that strict diets help slow down metabolic processes(and this happens to many people in winter), in addition, food depleted in nutrients contributes to a decrease in immunity.

  1. You should also not skip meals. “Lose weight without starving” - this is the motto I try to instill in you every time I write about losing weight. By eating food 5-6 times during the day, you will speed up your metabolism and “calm” your body - with a regular supply of food, there is no need to stock up.
  2. We need water both in summer and winter. So what if we don’t really want to drink in winter? After all, we are 75% water, and every minute water is consumed by our body for a wide variety of needs. The loss of these very percentages of fluid is fraught with serious consequences for the body in the form of metabolic disorders, deterioration in the absorption and excretion of these substances, malfunctions of absolutely all systems and diseases, not to mention deterioration in appearance. Drink plain water and eat foods that contain it. For example, the “richest” sources of water:
  • Watermelon, tomatoes and cucumbers contain 95% water,
  • Eggplants contain 92% water.
  • Carrots contain 88% water,
  • Peaches contain 87% water.
  • Beans contain 77% water,
  • Baked chicken fillet contains 65% water,
  • Grilled salmon contains 62% water.

  1. Due to a lack of vitamin C, not only our immunity suffers, but also our blood vessels and joints, so try to include foods containing this vitamin in every meal. Add pieces of citrus fruits or berries to your breakfasts, an excellent source of vitamin C - sauerkraut - let it be on your table every day for lunch, prepare salads for dinner, where one of the ingredients will be red bell pepper.
  2. It’s good to eat hot soup every day - it will reduce the number of calories eaten per day and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Puree soup is an excellent way not only to satisfy hunger, but also to lose weight, and the feeling of fullness after such soup will last longer than after eating regular soup.

Puree soup doesn’t have to be eaten only for lunch - pureed vegetable soups (for example, bean or pumpkin) are an excellent snack that helps you warm up and not go overboard on calories (provided, of course, that you eat half a serving of this soup for a snack).

  1. Side dishes also matter. In winter they gain weight due to pasta, potatoes, white rice. But there are many dishes that are so necessary for those who do not want to gain weight in winter: stewed cabbage, vegetable stew, various recipes with lentils.
  2. Don’t forget about proteins; dairy products are especially good in winter - they can trigger fat burning mechanisms in cells and contribute to more intensive weight loss. It is enough to eat 3-4 servings of 50-100 g of cottage cheese or hard cheese per day or drink the same amount of milk, natural yogurt or kefir.

  1. Hot drinks, just like soups, warm our body in winter, and I’m not talking about sweet hot drinks (they don’t warm us so much as “help” us gain excess weight). Drink green or black tea with ginger, cinnamon or lemon. Just don’t drink strong tea, it negatively affects our nervous system.
  2. Add to your diet, it will give the body the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega3, as well as minerals, vitamins, fiber. Make porridge from it, bake homemade bread, bread meat in it, and use it for baking instead of eggs and wheat flour - flaxseed flour binds the dough perfectly.
  3. Use aromatherapy as a way to lose weight in winter. There are smells that not only improve your mood, but also warm you up, relax you, reduce your appetite and help remove the desire to “eat” stress. Read how to lose weight in winter using aromatic oils.
  4. Remember that we are all unique due to our individuality and uniqueness. If it is difficult for you to eat 5-6 times a day and three meals a day are more comfortable, do not “force” yourself, eat three times a day, but at the same time. And pay attention to what foods trigger your appetite. For some, apples are an ideal snack; for example, after eating an apple, I feel a pang of hunger; for some, soup is not food, but for others, a serving is enough to get through half a day without any problems.

There are common “provocateurs” that most people encounter - these are pasta and products made from white flour, fried foods and sweets, sausages and sausage cuts, sausages. Such products contain a lot of salt, fat and sugar - this “trio” suppresses the feeling of fullness, affecting our brain, which is why many people want to eat it again and again.

Approximate daily diet for weight loss

For breakfast 3 options:

  1. a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened tea or coffee (you can add skim milk),
  2. a portion of porridge cooked in half and half milk with water, with the addition of berries, unsweetened tea,
  3. a serving of protein omelet with tomato slices, unsweetened tea.

For a snack

  1. a glass of warm fruit drink without sugar,
  2. a piece of grain bread with hard cheese.

For lunch options:

  1. puree soup (lentil or asparagus, or zucchini) and a portion of boiled fish or chicken fillet,
  2. Instead of puree soup, you can eat fish or fillet with stewed vegetables, buckwheat or a portion of brown rice.

For afternoon tea you can choose options:

  1. eat a piece of cheese (fat content no more than 17%) and 15 grams of non-roasted nuts.

For dinner any of the options:

  1. steamed or grilled fish,
  2. portion of puree soup,
  3. baked or stewed vegetables.

Last snack

You can follow this diet (or something similar) for six days. On the seventh day, follow the diet described below to maintain weight.

You can stick to this regimen for six weeks, after which you completely switch to a weight-maintenance diet, not forgetting to increase the amount of active physical activity.

Approximate daily diet for weight maintenance

For tomorrow to 3 options:

  1. a portion of 1.5% cottage cheese, unsweetened tea or coffee (you can add skim milk),
  2. a portion of porridge prepared with low-fat milk, with the addition of berries, tea,
  3. portion of omelet with tomato slices, tea.

For a snack(or second breakfast) 2 options:

  1. dried apricots, baked apple, green tea or herbal tea,
  2. fruit, a piece of grain bread with hard cheese.

For lunch options:

  1. cream soup (lentil or asparagus, or zucchini) and a portion of boiled fish or chicken fillet, vegetable salad,
  2. Instead of salad, you can eat fish or fillet with stewed vegetables, buckwheat or a portion of brown rice.

For afternoon tea you can choose options:

  1. drink an unsweetened fruit drink,
  2. eat an apple and half a handful of unroasted nuts,
  3. eat half a serving of low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of dried fruits.

For dinner any of the options:

  1. steamed or grilled poultry or fish with vegetable stew or salad,
  2. vegetable salad with chicken, seasoned with lemon juice, balsamic vinegar or soy sauce,
  3. portion of puree soup with bread.

Last snack an hour before bedtime: 100 ml of natural yogurt or low-fat kefir without added sugar.

As you can see, losing weight in winter is quite possible, you just need to follow these simple tips, do not come up with excuses for yourself and do not hope that you will be able to lose excess weight in the spring. Who, if not you, knows how easy it is to gain this weight and how difficult it is to get rid of it later...

Girls are divided into two categories. Some people believe that in winter, amid a series of holidays, you can relax. But by spring they will have a “deservedly acquired” couple or three extra pounds, Bad mood, skin problems and an obsession with “what to eat to lose weight.”

Others maniacally gnaw carrots at the New Year's table, clock up kilometers on the treadmill and have long forgotten such words as “herring under a fur coat” and “Olivier”. Of course, we admire such girls, but, frankly speaking, we are not always ready for heroic deeds in the name of losing weight.

Today we will talk about how not only not to gain weight, but also to lose weight in winter.

To begin with, let me remind you that weight gain in winter is a harsh physiological reality. Even my cat gains four hundred grams by winter because he eats and sleeps a lot. But this only adds charm to a cat, which cannot be said about a progressive modern girl.

So, the main enemies of the figure in winter are:

Physical inactivity

Remember when in last time did you walk home from work? When were you at the gym? And on weekends, don’t you just lie on the couch with a book and cookies instead of skiing?

Decrease in winter physical activity quite natural. The cold forces us to spend more time indoors. Short daylight hours encourage sleep rather than active evening workouts.

Physical inactivity is quite easy to overcome.

First of all, you will need comfortable, warm winter clothes and shoes. If you feel comfortable on the street, you will also have a tendency to walk, the main thing is to start. If you are too lazy to go to the gym, download at least a set of exercises. For winter training, it is very important to maintain a reasonable balance between strength and aerobic exercise.

Unjustified increase aerobic exercise(more than 6 hours a week) will only lead to decreased immunity, not weight loss. Remember that power training are also important for weight loss, they allow us to expend more calories in a “resting state”.

Work out with dumbbells or attend Gym 2-3 times a week. Find an alternative to the sofa and long gatherings in a cafe on the weekend.

You don't like winter views sports? Go to the bathhouse, just forget to take beer and high-calorie snacks with you, better stock up on non-carbonated mineral water and cosmetics for the bathhouse.

Winter - best time to start going to if you have never done it before. You will still have time to learn a lot about fitness before the gyms are attacked in March-April by crowds of people who want to “lose weight quickly and forever by summer.”

Increased appetite

Indeed, in winter we eat more high-calorie foods and drink less fluids. In winter, there are few really fresh and high-quality vegetables and fruits, and a sea of ​​temptations in the form of the New Year and Christmas table.

It would be a bad idea to try to eat the same foods in winter as in summer. Indeed, the body requires more calories during the cold season. In addition, overeating can be caused by a complex of psychological reasons. However, all this is not a reason to refuse to lose weight until spring.

The hardest thing is if you are at the table with your parents or older relatives. This is where you most often find a high-calorie meal, after which you want to urgently sit down on some kefir. Here it is better to postpone this “unloading” to the time “before the feast.” On day X, eat green apples and low-fat cottage cheese, for example.

I'm not a fan of eating before going on a visit. Don't kid yourself, you'll still eat at a party. At the table, choose a portion of a meat dish and a vegetable salad. Don't forget that you don't eat crispy crusts!! After the main course, you go help your mother clear the table, wash the dishes, in short, do anything but sit at the table.

At “friendly” parties, as a rule, the main enemy of the “weight loss” is alcohol. Don't forget to bring a bottle of dry wine or brut. This is exactly what you will drink; in extreme cases, you drink vodka with citrus or tomato juice, but in no case with tonic.

Remember to have a sense of proportion. Otherwise, with a hangover, you will want to eat something “kind of fatty-sweet-salty-spicy.”

The simplest thing is to refrain from overeating at dinner. Why did you even come there? Eat? So do what you came for, you can eat at home.

As a result, I will note that the most important thing in the process of winter weight loss is not to lose inner peace and optimism.

In winter, it is more important than ever to remember that self-denial and self-hatred have never made anyone beautiful and happy. Don’t scold yourself, don’t isolate yourself from society and remember that you don’t live for the next portion of Olivier salad.

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Let's start with this aspect proper nutrition. In order to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. For women, the average calorie intake (depending on weight and type of activity) can be 1800-2000 kcal. To lose weight, you need a deficit of 20% (according to some sources - 500 kcal). You can calculate how many calories you consume using special apps for smartphones - this is the simplest option; or - use food calorie tables.

The normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be considered 3/3/4, although in winter you can slightly increase the amount of protein. Traditional advice - exclude simple carbohydrates - sweets, flour and baked goods. Give yourself one day a week when you treat yourself to your favorite foods - have a cheat meal.

What to eat in winter

In winter, we have a deficiency of many vitamins, in particular vitamin D, which is produced by our body under the influence of sunlight. Of course, sunbathing in winter is not easy, but try to take a daytime walk at least once a week, and also include cheeses, low-fat milk and eggs in your diet - they contain the “sunshine vitamin”.

It is very important to consume enough vitamin C during the cold season - it helps us fight colds and is an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, kiwi and sauerkraut. Include these foods in your diet daily.

It is very important to monitor the amount of protein in winter - we need it not only as an energy carrier, but also as a supplier of amino acids, which are used by our body to build protection against negative external influences.

Be sure to include vegetable side dishes in your diet - they are tasty, healthy and varied. In addition, vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For those losing weight great importance has the fact that vegetables are quite low in calories.

Be sure to eat a lot of greens - parsley, onions, dill, arugula. This will add zest to your dishes and saturate your body with vitamins and minerals. Greens can be added not only to salads, but also used in the preparation of soups and side dishes - the taste of the dishes will be brighter and more original.

Losing weight in winter is, of course, more difficult than in summer. But it is still possible. You just need to know certain rules and use them.


Method one

So, one of the most simple ways losing weight in the cold season means eating hot and thick foods. Soups are ideal for this purpose. The soup first warms the stomach, then causes a rush of blood to other organs. In addition, soups satisfy hunger very well and suppress appetite. Receptors located in the upper part of the stomach are more quickly activated and send a signal to the brain about satiety. In addition, soups can be made thick by adding a large amount of low-calorie vegetables, and then adding some meat, chicken, and fish. Puree soups are even better digestible and satiating, the main thing is not to put potatoes, cereals, pasta and hot seasonings in them, which whet the appetite.

Winter soup recipe for weight loss

Onions, celery (root), carrots, parsley (root), sweet peppers, white and cauliflower cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, green peas, green beans. All these ingredients (or only those that are on hand) must be chopped, poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and boiled until fully cooked. Add mild seasonings: basil, coriander, rosemary, turmeric, bay leaf, etc. You can puree the vegetables and make a puree soup, you can eat it like that. If desired, season the soup with tomato juice and boil again.

This soup can be eaten throughout the day; additionally add 100-150g of lean boiled meat, skinless chicken or fish per day. Drink about 1.5 liters of clean water per day and tea, coffee with honey. In addition, you should add 100g of low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or cheese to one of your meals. In a week of this diet you will lose about 2-4 kg.


Lose weight in a week. Method two

Meat diet

This diet helps you lose weight quickly in winter, you can easily lose 3-4 kg in a week. In addition, it is ideal for those who cannot stand sitting on vegetables alone. A meat diet helps reduce appetite, gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness and comfort, which ensures its good tolerance. In addition, it fills the body with all the necessary substances.

Breakfast you can choose: a boiled egg or oatmeal, buckwheat, millet porridge, or a steam omelette with mushrooms or tomatoes. Tea, coffee with honey.

Second breakfast: apple or pear, or 20g cheese

Dinner: water soup with chicken, fish, lean meat or vegetarian. Choose any vegetables, except potatoes, fried. Cereals and pasta are also prohibited.

Afternoon snack: 100g low-fat kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt. Choose what you like best, alternate foods every day.

Dinner: casserole of carrots with prunes or apple on one egg without flour, or baked apples, or grated carrots with apple and honey, tea with honey

Two to three hours before bedtime: grapefruit or grated apple or low-fat kefir


Third way

Express weight loss

This diet is suitable just before the holidays, when you need lose weight quickly, but it is better to use it no more than once a year. With its help you can lose 10 kg in two weeks.

So, first day– low-fat kefir

Second day- boiled chicken

The third day– raw or boiled vegetables, except potatoes

Fourth day– kefir and chicken or lean fish

Fifth day- hen and vegetables

Sixth day– vegetables and kefir

Then you repeat everything from the beginning. The last two days you can eat vegetables, kefir and chicken, but in small quantities. Drink plenty and take multivitamins.

Below you will find out which are the most healthy foods V winter period, and how to combine them.

During the cold season, it is more difficult to get rid of extra pounds, because the body needs more calories to withstand low temperatures and resist diseases. However, there is special diet for winter, which will help you quickly get yourself in order and maintain slimness.

Is it possible to diet in winter?

During the cold months, the body requires a large amount of nutrients, which can only be provided by a balanced and varied diet. Harsh weight loss methods are not suitable for winter; they can weaken immune system, worsen the condition of nails, hair, skin and even lead to hormonal disorders. Therefore, if you want to lose weight in winter, you need to do it carefully.

  • Eat warm food. Warm dishes with spices will not only help you warm up, but also speed up digestion.
  • Watch your vitamins. The winter diet should include vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, nuts, grains and protein-rich foods.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. To speed up your metabolism and prevent dry hair and skin, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.
  • Reduce the amount of sweets and baked goods. In winter, it is better not to indulge in “dangerous” carbohydrates, and also limit the amount of coffee and hot chocolate.
During the cold months, it is important to exercise, go for walks fresh air and healthy sleep - all this will help fight appetite and look in the refrigerator much less often

Diet for winter

If you couldn’t maintain your slim figure, you shouldn’t sharply limit yourself in nutrition. Get rid of excess weight During the cold period, a special diet will help. In winter, to lose weight and maintain health, the daily caloric intake should not be below the norm by more than 30%.

The “winter” diet is based on foods such as:

  • proteins - fish, mushrooms, meat and legumes;
  • fats – vegetable oils, nuts and seeds;
  • carbohydrates – cereals, vegetables, fresh and dried fruits.

You can create a menu yourself or use a ready-made example:

  • breakfast options - 100 g of boiled meat, 2 eggs, porridge with milk, a sandwich with butter, cheese and sweet tea;
  • lunch options - baked or boiled meat with vegetables, vegetable, mushroom, pea or meat soup;
  • dinner options - carrot, apple and honey salad, cottage cheese casserole with fruits or berries, baked fish with vegetables.

The best snacks are: fruit and nut mixture with hot tea, fresh fruit, 1 tbsp kefir, milk or fresh juice.

In order not to weaken the immune system, you can go on a “winter” diet for no longer than 2 months. Having reached the desired weight, it is better to stop and keep in shape by following simple recommendations given at the beginning of our article.