How to properly teach a child to swim: methods for all ages. How to teach a child to swim - useful tips and exercises How to teach an 11 year old boy to swim

You can start teaching your child to swim from the very beginning. early age, since for a baby water is practically a natural environment, because for all 9 months he was in amniotic fluid. But parents should be extremely careful when teaching children under 1 year of age to swim; it is best to consult with a specialist who will tell you how best to start teaching your child so that he does not get scared and lose his natural skills.

IMPORTANT: Statistical data and expert opinion boil down to the fact that the most optimal age for learning to swim is 4 years. How to teach a child to swim from several months to 12 years, independently or with a coach, you will learn from our article below.

How not to teach swimming

If parents decide to teach their child to swim on their own, then it is necessary to eliminate common mistakes in order for the process to be successful.

IMPORTANT: the most common mistake when teaching children is that parents teach them to keep their heads above the water, row their limbs, and at the same time support the child in the water in such a way that his body is practically on the surface of the water.

The very first step in training is to teach your child to feel confident underwater. Of course, the baby will cry and be afraid of depth - such a psychological reaction is natural, but if the parents dive into the water together with the baby and learn to swim underwater, and start lessons from an early age, then the baby’s fear of water and depth will quickly pass, and further learning to swim will be much easier.

You cannot force a child to swim. This is another common mistake, which in the future can cause psychological stupor and lack of swimming skills. Children under 5 years old learn about the world through play, so the entire learning process should be easy and fun so that the child can enjoy it.

When and how to teach a child to swim?

Depending on the age of the children, there are specific features that should be taken into account during the learning process. Parents wonder at what age can you start teaching? And the answer to this question is - you can immediately! Yes, yes, as soon as I was born, you can already dive under water without risk or danger, read about it further...

Education for children under 1 year old

During this period, it is important to teach the baby not to be afraid of water, to swim underwater and dive. Up to one year old, babies have a pronounced reflex that prevents water from entering the respiratory tract. If you do not develop this skill, then over time it begins to fade and teaching diving and swimming underwater skills is much more difficult. Learning to dive is generally a simple process: you lower your baby to the surface of the water, say loudly: “Dive!”, then lower the doll under the water, slowly carry it in your arms for a few seconds and smoothly pull it to the surface. Repeat the exercise three times during the entire bathing period, for 10 days. At first, the immersion time should not exceed 2-3 seconds, gradually it can be increased to 6-7 seconds.

It is best to start learning in a familiar environment for the baby - in the bathroom. The bathtub should be clean, twice a week it should be thoroughly washed with soda, and before bathing the baby with laundry soap. Swimming lessons should begin at 9 months. The optimal water temperature is from 35 to 37 degrees. You can gradually reduce the temperature by teaching the baby to swim in cool water; then for up to three months, the lowest water temperature for a child is 32 degrees.

This exercise trains the child’s lungs, he gets used to the water, calmly feels completely submerged under water, there is no fear of depth or fear of water. If a child feels calm in the bathtub (swimming pool at an older age), does not begin to panic when immersed in water, actively moves his arms and legs, raises his head, and cries after the procedure - it means that the baby has learned this lesson well, and the water element has suited him to your liking.

Education of children from 1 year to 2 years

During this period, it is important to work on your breathing technique. To do this, take a container of water, immerse a light boat in it and tell your one-year-old child that the boat will float only with his help, that is, he needs to blow hard for the boat to sail. This exercise perfectly develops the lungs.

The second exercise is holding your breath. It's worth starting with the bathroom. The baby must hold his breath, then he dives into the water and stays under water for as long as possible. The water temperature should preferably be around 27-30 degrees.

You can leave the baby to swim on its own with a circle around its neck. He will not slip out of the circle and will acquire the skills of movement in the water. It’s especially good if you ask him to swim to one side of the bathroom, pick up the item and put it on the other side.

Education for children from 3 to 4 years old

This is the most suitable age for learning to swim. You can use game forms. Gradually, you can move on to training the movements of the limbs, which in the future will be the basis of any swimming technique.

At three years old, you can teach your child to make a “frog” with his feet. For this it is better to choose a swimming pool. The baby holds the edge of the pool with his hands, his legs are in an extended position, horizontally with his body. The legs are pressed to the body, then spread apart, and when extended, close together, returning to the starting position.

The second exercise is “hearts” with your hands. Perform while standing in the pool (depth up to the baby doll’s chest), or while sitting in the bathtub. Starting position – arms are bent near the chest. Then they simultaneously stretch forward, spread in different directions, bend at the elbows and return to the bent position near the chest. Something similar to “hearts” on the water is happening.

Once these two exercises have been successfully mastered, you can move on to combining them and gradually teach your child to swim in the pool for short distances (up to 10 meters).

IMPORTANT: motivation is always needed. For a small achievement on the part of the baby, praise is required. It is approval from the teaching person that is a strong motivation for the little one to develop further.

Education for ages 5, 6 to 7 years

During this period, it is best to start training with breathing training. A useful exercise that can be done at home, in the bathroom. Place any heavy objects at the bottom of the tub that will not float to the surface. Together (precisely together) with your child, dip your heads under the water, open your eyes and collect all the objects from the bottom of the bathtub. This will teach you to hold your breath and swim with your eyes open.

IMPORTANT: make sure that the preschooler does not accidentally drink water. If this happens, you need to carefully remove the baby from the bath, wrap him in a towel, give him the opportunity to cough well so that all the water comes out of his lungs, and calm him down. It is better to repeat the exercise the next day.

At this age, you can teach your child to swim crawl. To do this, he must lie with his body on the water, with his arms and legs extended. The head is immersed in water at the moment of swimming. To inhale, you should slightly raise your head to the surface and turn it to the side. The legs move up and down, the legs are extended, only the heels are visible on the surface of the water. One hand rises up, the second at this moment is along the body, the hand makes a small semicircle and lowers into the water, the second at this moment rises up. The first arm, in a slightly bent state, is pulled towards the body, the second makes a semicircle and lowers into the water, then the arm movements are repeated. Breathing at this moment: the head turns to the side and the offspring inhales when one of the arms rises up, exhales when the arm goes down.

Swimming lessons for school-age children 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old

Teaching children school age Swimming must begin with getting used to the water.

If a student has a fear of water, then exercises are performed that will help overcome the psychological barrier. To do this, it is best to start training with a trainer who will select individual program exercises.

Breathing training. Starting on land - exercises to develop the lungs. Simple exercises: the child takes a deep breath, and after a few seconds exhales smoothly. Then breathing exercises should be continued in the water. A schoolboy, standing chest-deep in water, takes the deepest possible breath, dives under the water, bends his knees and brings him to his chest. He should remain in this position for as long as he is allowed

lungs. Repeat the exercise five times in one session. With each workout, the time spent in water will increase, and for some it reaches 1 minute.

Schoolchildren can begin training with the crawl technique, which was described in detail above. Also, simple technique swimming - breaststroke. Starting position – lying on the water, arms and legs extended. The arms are spread to the side, making a powerful push forward, at this moment the legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the chest. The arms complete the stroke, bend at the elbows and return to the starting position. At this time, the legs spread to the sides, return and, in an extended position, return to the starting position. Inhalation is done through the nose along with a stroke with the arms, exit is made with the mouth into the water when the legs complete their movement.

Swimming techniques

There are many swimming techniques, with their own characteristics, both in coordination of movements and in breathing techniques.

Games for children in the water

Playing in the water is very important in the process of learning to swim, as it allows you to get used to the water, train your breathing and reaction, and just have fun and useful time.

Game Dwarfs - Giants

All players stand in one line, their bodies waist-deep in water. The presenter says the word “Dwarfs” and everyone plunges headlong into the water; at the word “Giants” - everyone jumps out of the water. The presenter can alternate these two words in any order; the one who never makes a mistake and executes the command correctly will win.

Sea battle

Players are divided equally and stand in two lines, face to face with the opposing team. When the leader gives a command, the children begin to actively splash water at each other. The winner will be the participant who lasts the longest, does not wipe his face with his hands from the splashes and turns his body to the sides.


The players are divided into two teams. The entire gameplay is performed at a depth of no more than 50 cm. The participants of each team stand in one line. The first participant takes the position while lying down, on his hands and, performing movements with his legs, begins to move forward to the set point, after which he returns back in exactly the same position and passes the baton to the next participant. The team in which all participants complete this exercise the fastest wins.

Where can I learn to swim?

  • If we are talking about the smallest toddlers from 3-4 months to 1-2-3 years, then it is better to teach them to swim at home in the bathroom at a temperature of at least 30 degrees. This is the optimal place for such diving, as it can be done at any time and you can perfectly control all dives.
  • From about 4, 5, 6 years old and beyond, you can teach children in a lake, sea or pool. The main thing is to introduce the little one to the environment at the very beginning so that he can watch you, stop being afraid and can stand and sit in the water on his own. Give your child a bucket with a scoop and let him run into the water, collect water and sand and build forts. Thus, while playing on the seashore, he will be able to get used to it very quickly. If you are very worried, you can put inflatable armbands on your child, but when you start teaching him and supporting him, it is better to do this without special devices.
  • And if you have a desire to teach your little one in the pool, then the doors are always open for you and experienced trainers will teach you the necessary skills.

Study with a trainer

An experienced coach knows how to properly teach a child to swim. Young children are easy to learn to swim, they learn quickly, and swim several meters away in the first or second lesson. It is best if the training takes place under the supervision of a trainer. The trainer will be able to select an individual and interesting program for the child and will monitor correct execution all exercises.

It is best to choose pools that accommodate a group of children age category your son or daughter. Such groups are trained according to specially developed programs, under the supervision of experienced trainers. It is best to look at the reviews of parents who already take their children to any groups in order to choose the most professional coach with effective program training.

You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to adapt to the group’s schedule, since skipping classes is a waste of money and irregular training will not be as effective. Also, you should be prepared for the fact that such classes are not cheap. Will have to purchase additional inventory in the form of a bathing suit, cap, fins and additional swimming devices.

The water in the pool is cool, so children with weak immune system Those who are often exposed to colds should first get used to cool water at home. Try taking baths at temperatures up to 30 degrees several times a week.

In addition, you will probably be interested to see how your tomboy is taught to swim in the pool. Some pools are equipped with an auditorium where you can watch your progress over a cup of coffee.

Benefits of swimming for children

Swimming has the following positive aspects:

  1. The muscles of the body are always in good shape. Active work during swimming the muscles of the whole body, plus additional warm-up before training - all this will help maintain muscles with early childhood in good shape.
  2. Active activities are an excellent pacemaker. Any workout, especially swimming, stimulates the work of the heart and circulatory system, as the muscles begin to contract several times more actively, and the blood circulates faster. Thus, the process of cardiac stimulation occurs.
  3. Useful for school-age children, as swimming prevents the development of scoliosis. Swimming is great charger for the whole body, including the spine. Schoolchildren need physical exercise, since sitting at school or at home doing homework is the main reason for the development of scoliosis.
  4. Great time, especially in winter period time when physical activity is beneficial for every person. In winter, children spend most of their time at school or at home in front of the TV or computer. To strengthen health, muscles, and prevent the development of poor vision, it is better to direct all your energy to water activities.
  5. Prevents development excess weight. Swimming burns a large number of calories, which is why many people use swimming to lose weight.

What can you swim on?

    1. Necessary swimming aids for people who do not know how to float well are arm guards, swimming boards and noodles. All of these small devices were specially designed to support some part of the body and give the muscles a little rest, but at the same time continue to swim and keep the body on the surface of the water. But it is better to teach the baby without them, since the child must immediately get used to the position of the body in the water and rely only on his own strength.
    2. Surf. A surfboard is an item that belongs to extreme species sports It is best to study in the open ocean, directly on the waves, but if this is not possible, get basic rules Surfing is also possible in specialized centers, where imitation waves are created and you can try to glide over the waves while standing on the surf. Children love to surf and you can teach a boy or girl to do this from an early age, especially since it is becoming available in various modern indoor complexes.
    3. Boats. Currently there are a large number of boats ranging from inflatable boats, ending with models with a hydraulic motor. It all depends on the purpose of your vacation, but in any case, a boat is an excellent means of spending your vacation with big company. If your children love to dive, then you can swim from the shore and have a great dive into the clear lake. Be sure to let your baby steer the boat. After all, the faster he learns to swim on various watercraft, the more skillful he will be, and you will be calmer.
    4. Mattress. The air mattress is designed for swimming without having to touch the water at all. Mattresses come in different types and sizes, there are models with additional massage inserts, and there are models for children. It is ideal for learning to swim as it is a lot of fun to dive from.


    • catch up if he floats away from the wind;
    • tow while holding with one hand;
    • overcome enormous distances, since there is no fear of swimming far and becoming exhausted;
    • You can always relax on it.

It is best to start teaching your child to swim from an early age. This process must be taken seriously. The main thing is that there is no extreme. That is, throwing one baby into a pool or pond with the goal that the instinct of self-preservation will help him learn to swim is a bad idea, since the baby may not only not learn to swim, get scared, but also acquire a psychological barrier of fear of water, which is very difficult to fight. Gradual training in the pool, preferably with a trainer, can give positive results in a short time. Or maybe it’s growing in your family future champion? If a child likes the water element, it is necessary to support and develop this direction.

Water is the natural environment for all living things, so swimming is of great benefit. In this process, all muscle groups are involved, the functioning of the lungs and heart improves. This great way relax and improve your health. Many parents think about how to teach their child to swim from birth.

Can newborns swim?

Most pediatricians have a positive attitude towards early swimming. It strengthens the body and calms nervous system. Classes can begin two to three weeks after birth, when the umbilical wound has completely healed. Before three months The baby still has innate swimming reflexes, so he feels great in the water.

Be sure to consult your doctor. He will examine the baby and tell him whether he can swim.

  • Teach baby better at home. Wash the tub with soap and rinse well. Bathing water should be clean, without any additives, as the baby may swallow a small amount.
  • The optimal temperature of the water is 35° C. During the procedure, it will gradually cool down, hardening the child.
  • You need to train no earlier than an hour after feeding. During this time, the food has time to be absorbed.
  • The baby should get a good night's sleep before bathing. Then he won't be capricious.

To teach your baby to swim, you will need to support his head. When he is in the water with his tummy down, hold him so that the baby's chin is in your palm. If your baby is swimming on his back, hold him by the back of his head, lifting his head above the water.

For complete safety, purchase a special rubber cap with foam and a lifebuoy. They will protect the child's ears from moisture and prevent him from plunging headlong into water.

Play with your baby by doing simple exercises. Press his feet against the wall of the tub. He will begin to push off from it and make his first swimming movements. Then place the baby on his stomach, holding his head above the water, and begin to gently rock and slowly turn his body, first in one direction and then in the other. Lightly slap the water with your palm and show the baby the splashes.

Regular exercise gives results. Babies quickly learn to float on water and by the age of one year they are excellent swimmers.

How to overcome hydrophobia

Children who are not accustomed to water from infancy often experience a fear of swimming in a pool or river at the age of 3-4 years. Before you teach your child to swim, you need to overcome hydrophobia.

There are many reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • perhaps he once bumped or slipped while swimming;
  • drank water;
  • imagined that a monster lives in a pond;
  • heard scary story on TV;
  • feels his parents' subconscious fear for him.

First of all, find out what exactly the child is afraid of. Try to calm him down and cheer him up. To make your child fall in love with water procedures, carefully choose where to teach your child to swim.

  • The swimming area must be safe.
  • The water is clean and clear.
  • The weather is warm, the water temperature is not less than 23° C.
  • Choose a sandy bottom with a gentle slope without algae and mud.
  • Make sure that there are no strong currents or whirlpools in the reservoir.

If there is no such place nearby, sign up for a swimming pool with your child. There ideal conditions for training. Optimal depth, no current or waves.

To rid your child of hydrophobia and instill a love of swimming, it is important to conduct lessons in a playful way. First, pour the crumbs' legs from a watering can and sprinkle some water on it. Show with your appearance that swimming is not scary, but fun and interesting.

If the pond is located in a busy place, then the child, feeling the calmness of the parents and seeing children having fun in the water, will definitely want to enter.

  • At first, hold his hand and do not allow the water to rise above his waist.
  • When he gets comfortable, offer to play. Good exercise, helping to overcome fear, “Water Battle”. Stand with your child opposite each other and start splashing, scooping up the water with your hands.
  • The battle should continue until one of the players retreats. After such a game, the baby will no longer be afraid of drops of water getting on his face and body.

Scatter plastic and rubber toys in shallow water near the shore. At the signal, run to them with your child, collect them and take them one by one to the shore. While playing, the baby will learn to move in the water and feel confident in it.

After a while you should move on to more difficult workouts. Explain to your child that the main thing is to inhale above the water, retain oxygen in the lungs and exhale under water. Go deeper into the water. When it reaches your baby's chest, stop. Ask him to take a deep breath, hold his breath, lower his face into the water for a couple of seconds, exhale and raise his head. Usually, having learned to breathe correctly, babies get rid of their fear of bathing.

Then take your hands and squat one by one, plunging your head into the pond. Eyes can be left open. Such exercises help you control your breathing and believe in your abilities.

What to do next?

To quickly teach a child to float on the water, it is useful to perform the “Float”. The water should be at chest level. Ask your baby to inhale, lower himself into the water, clasp his hands around his knees, and press his chin to his chest. Due to the fact that the lungs are filled with air, his body will quickly rise to the surface, like a float. Control is required on your part.

It doesn't matter where the classes take place. You can teach your child to swim in the pool, at sea or in the river. The main thing is to convince him not to be afraid of different situations on the water and to feel confident in it. For example, kids like the “Star” exercise.

  • Place your baby waist-deep in water.
  • Let him raise his arms and gently lie on his back.
  • On initial stage be sure to support him.
  • Spread your baby's arms and legs, make sure the ears and back of the head are in the water, and ask him to relax his body.
  • This activity helps you realize that staying on the water is easy.

You can make a “star” on your stomach. To do this, the baby must fill his lungs with air, hold his breath, push off the bottom with his feet and lie on his tummy on the water. You need to keep your head straight, immersing your face in the water. After a couple of seconds, help the child get up so that he can take a breath.

  • Diving ability - important condition for swimming. Ask your baby to stretch out his arms as he dives into the water.
  • Squeeze his palms, quickly pull him underwater a few steps and pull him up.
  • Convince your baby that you are in complete control of the situation and that there is no need to be afraid.
  • Repeat the exercise, gradually increasing the distance, until the baby begins to emerge on his own.

When the student can dive on time on his own, show him how to dive correctly. Fold his arms into a boat, lift him up and ask him to dive into the water with his hands. Having mastered diving and surfacing without adult insurance, you can begin to study other swimming movements.

Stand close to your baby, ask him to dive headlong into the water and swim towards you. Before doing this, tell us how to push off the bottom with your feet and move your arms to move faster underwater. Children love this game. They enjoy diving in races with their peers, gradually increasing the time they spend under water.

The final stage

If a child dives confidently and knows how to breathe correctly, he has become completely comfortable in the water element and has almost learned to swim. There is little left to complete the job. Practice rowing with your arms and oscillating with your legs underwater.

Ask him to do the following exercise:

  • show the baby the target and tell him that he can easily swim to it underwater, emerging to breathe and diving again;
  • Children often rise to their feet when they inhale. If you constantly train, they stop doing this;
  • Explain to them that when diving, it is not necessary to put their feet on the bottom. You can simply push off, come to the surface, inhale air and dive again;
  • Tell him that you are constantly there, supporting him and monitoring his safety.

It is easy for children to learn the principle of movement under water, so after a few lessons they can swim a significant distance. Make your baby happy. Say that he swims like a dolphin. At this stage of learning, it is useful to organize competitions between children. Place toys in the water. Let the kids swim to them underwater. Whoever reaches the goal first is the winner.

When the science of diving and swimming underwater has been mastered, the question of how to teach a child to swim is no longer relevant. He knows how to do this and quickly understands how to stay on the surface of the water without diving deeper.

Swimming technique

Many parents first teach their children to swim on their back. For everything to work out, the baby should not be afraid. Constantly insure your child, support his body and help.

  • Start your lesson in shallow water. Place the baby on the bottom and ask him to lie on his back. Explain that he should stretch out, plunging the back of his head and shoulders slightly into the pond.
  • Let him take a deep breath and relax his muscles. The body will confidently float on the water.
  • In order to not just lie on your back, but swim, you need to perform certain movements.
  • Show your baby how to row properly by raising your arms above the water above your shoulders and diving deep into the water.
  • You need to bend your knees slightly and make smooth oscillatory movements under water.

Swimming on your back is easy and healthy. This strengthens the muscles. Swimming is a good prevention of poor posture. We teach children to be confident on the water to improve their health. This skill will be useful in different life situations and will provide many pleasant moments on vacation.

Many parents are puzzled by the problem of how to teach their child to swim. And no matter how much adults worry about their child and his safety on the water, few would argue that Swimming is very beneficial for the body, especially a growing one.

All muscle groups and lungs actively develop, the spine is strengthened and the cardiovascular system, the body's immune defense increases, the risk of developing colds. Noted positive influence and on the psycho-emotional sphere. At the same time, there are practically no contraindications for swimming. Even people with physical or intellectual disabilities are encouraged to swim.

Teaching a child to swim has its own characteristics at different ages. . You definitely need to know about them so that success in your business is achieved as quickly as possible. Our club provides swimming lessons for children. different ages. Many parents will be able to learn a lot of useful things from these trainings.

First swimming lessons for babies

There is a general opinion that the sooner you start teaching your child to swim, the better. And that's true. But does everyone know that a baby can and should be introduced to swimming from just a few weeks or even days of life?

The fact is that newborns have an unconditioned reflex that allows them to hold their breath when water gets on their face and make swimming movements if they get into the water element. Nature has provided for everything.

For nine months of intrauterine life the baby was in aquatic environment and after birth he feels comfortable when immersed in water. The swimming and holding the breath reflex persists for 2 months after birth, but over time it is lost, so then it will have to be learned again.

The first lessons should begin when the child’s umbilical wound has healed. It is advisable to carry them out at home in a special bathtub. The water temperature should be 37°C, but within a year you need to reach 28°C.

If the baby is lying on his stomach, he needs to be held by the chin, if on his back - by the buttocks and the back of the head.

Over time, you and your child can go to. Under the guidance of trainers, the baby will learn to move freely under water.

It has been noted that swimming at such a tender age contributes to the active development of the baby. The child begins to sit, stand and walk earlier and more confidently. In general, such babies are more balanced and calm.

Subtleties of teaching swimming to a child over 1 year old

If in the first year of life the baby could not be taught to swim, then this can be done later. You can already attend classes in the pool, where professional trainers will tell you how to behave on the water and what to do so that your child learns to swim faster.

  1. First of all, the child must first be taught to stay under water, and not above water. The baby simply won’t be able to keep his head above the water surface yet.
  2. Very important point– teach your child to feel comfortable in the water and not be afraid of it. Fear (if there is one) constrains movement and makes breathing difficult, so overcoming it will help you learn to swim much faster. Show how you can hold your breath and dive under water for a short time - at a depth where the baby can stand on his feet at any moment. An exercise such as “barrel” or “float” is suitable, when the child holds his breath, clasps his legs with his hands, plunges into the water for a few seconds and then floats up.
  3. If your child really doesn’t like the discomfort of water getting into his eyes when he opens them while diving, then buy him swimming goggles. It will be much more interesting for him if he can examine in detail what is under water.
  4. Once diving and swimming underwater have been mastered, it’s time to start teaching your child how to keep his head above water. You need to start with the simplest. Let the baby first learn to keep his nose above the surface of the water. It is not necessary for this to happen exclusively in a horizontal position. One can cite the example of hippopotamuses or crocodiles, which show only their eyes and nose from the water. Let the child take air into his lungs, and, squatting, dive under the water so much that his eyes and nose are above the surface. In this case, the mouth is tightly closed, and the ears can also be immersed in water. Over time, you need to add rowing movements with your hands. This way the baby will learn to swim and breathe through his nose at the same time.
  5. Teach your child to exhale air in water. This method helps prevent liquid from entering the nose and also helps regulate pressure in the nasopharynx.
  6. To teach your baby to stay on the water for as long as possible, you should teach him the ability to rest directly while swimming. The baby should know that when he is tired, he can lie on his back and leave his eyes and nose above the surface. During this, you can make smooth rowing movements with your arms and light floundering with your legs. This method allows you to restore your breathing and relax.

In order to teach a child to swim, patience on the part of the parents and more than one lesson will be required. And often you also need the help of swimming coaches.

Swimming in a pool or in open water – which is better?

It is believed that swimming in the clean air under the sun has a positive effect on the child's body. This is partly true. Not every body of water is suitable for splashing around in the water.

  • Firstly, on many beaches, visitors themselves leave a lot of garbage, which eventually ends up in the water.
  • Secondly, the quality of water may not meet sanitary and hygienic standards due to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it.
  • Thirdly, often on free beaches there are no rescue swimmers who will respond in time to an emergency. For a baby, water procedures in such places may be unsafe.

It is much preferable to swim in a pool, where the water is regularly disinfected and the risk of contracting any infection is minimal. In our pool, with professionals in their field, parents and children will feel completely safe.

If you still want to go to the beach with your child, then it is advisable to choose one where garbage is regularly collected and sanitary and epidemiological control is carried out.

Parents who decide to teach their child to swim should remember that the emotional state of adults is very subtly felt by children. If dad or mom experiences uncertainty, irritation, or fear, this will not contribute to successful learning. If you need qualified help in this matter or are afraid of not being able to cope on your own, they will help you and your child.

To teach a child to swim, you need to know

6 rules for parents

1. A baby can learn to swim at any age, but the optimal age for this is considered

  • The child's age is 5 - 7 years.

2. You should start exercising in water no earlier than 1 hour after eating.

3. If swimming lessons are not held in a pool, choose a convenient place for lessons.

  • Shore -

- flat, flat, sandy or small pebbles.

  • Water -

— calm, without significant waves (at sea);
— current no more than 1 km/hour (in the river).

  • Water temperature ≥27 o C
  • Water transparency is at least 1 meter deep.

4. The duration of the first lessons in water should not exceed 15 - 30 minutes.

  • If a child experiences chills, lethargy, dizziness, or blue lips, immediately stop working with him.

5. In water, the child should do:

  • Always facing the shore.
  • No deeper than chest deep.
  • Always with your eyes open.

It is advisable to purchase special swimming goggles for your child.

6. To teach a child to swim, training should be carried out without life-saving equipment (inflatable arm sleeves, rings, vests, etc.).

The baby should always practice in the presence of experienced swimmers who can provide assistance if necessary. To teach a child to swim, it is important that he is not afraid of water, gets used to it, and feels free in it.

How to teach a child to drink water.

/all exercises are performed in the form of a fun game/
  • Step 1.

Ball game.
An adult stands in shallow water facing the shore, a child stands on the shore.
Both throw the ball to each other.
An adult sometimes “accidentally” almost throws the ball to the shore - the child is forced to take the toy out of the water in order to continue playing.
So he himself, without fear, will learn to enter the water.

  • Step 2.

Enter the water with your child so that it reaches his waist. The child stands facing the shore.
The baby squats in the water so that his chin touches its surface.
Without changing body position (under the guidance of an adult), the child takes a deep breath through his mouth and blows on the water.
Then teach your baby to wash his face with water without closing his eyes.

  • Step 3.

The child stands waist-deep in water.
He squats, touches the surface with his chin, takes a full breath through his mouth, holds his breath, squats deeper and plunges his head into the water for a few seconds, then straightens up and emerges. Eyes open.

  • Step 4. (performed with school-age children)

The child is in water up to his chest.
He takes a full breath, holds his breath, squats and plunges headlong into the water.
He bends his legs, clasps them with his arms and pulls them to his chest. He bends his head to his knees, his eyes are open. Without changing the position of the body, the child mentally counts to ten, at which time his body floats to the surface.
After this, he straightens up, emerges and places his feet on the bottom.
Before starting this exercise, an adult explains to the student the technique of performing it.

  • Step 5.

This exercise will teach your child to float (lie motionless) on his back.
Having realized that the water itself pushes the relaxed body to the surface, children quickly master other swimming skills.
The child stands in water up to his chest, with his back to the shore.
He squats, touches the water with his chin, takes a deep breath with his mouth, holds his breath, tilts his head back and calmly lies on his back (an adult supports him with his hand from below), stretches out his arms and legs, throws his head back so that his mouth and nose are on the surface of the water.

Don't be alarmed if water covers your child's face for a second.
The child should keep his body straight, relaxed, without arching his spine. If the student's legs do not float, have him raise his fingers above the water - then the legs will rise to the surface.

  • Step 6.

The child stands chest-deep in water facing the shore. He squats, touches the water with his chin, stretches his arms in front of him, takes a full breath through his mouth, holds his breath, lowers his face into the water and, pushing off with his feet from the bottom, slides through the water to the shore. Eyes open.
The described exercise is included in the training of both beginners and experienced swimmers.
Gradually teach your child to glide through the water, raising his head to inhale: lift his chin above the water - inhale through his mouth - immerse his chin in the water and exhale, slightly opening his mouth for this. Eyes are always open.

  • Mastering leg movements.

The child stands in shallow water facing the shore.
He squats, rests his hands on the bottom, straightens his legs and makes swimming movements with them.
He then slides through the water (Step 6), making a swimming motion with his legs.

  • We master hand movements.

The child stands in water up to his chest, facing the shore.
An adult shows him swimming movements of his hands. The student squats, touches the surface of the water with his chin and performs appropriate movements with his hands.
The student then performs the slide (Step 6) while making swimming movements with the arms and legs, periodically lifting the chin out of the water to inhale. Eyes open.

Before teaching your child to swim, give him the opportunity to observe swimming technique. good athletes, show him how you swim yourself. It may take some time for your baby to achieve coordinated movements of his arms and legs in the water. Having mastered all the steps, he will not be afraid of water and will be able to easily keep his body on its surface.

To teach a child to swim, it is important to instill this desire in him. The support and optimism of adults will very soon help him achieve excellent results in conquering the water element.

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Children who regularly engage in swimming differ from their peers in increased immunity, self-confidence, their movements are more flexible and coordinated. This sport has beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory system. Has maintained a passion for swimming since a young age healthy spine in adulthood.

When and where can you teach children to swim?

You can teach a child to swim at any age, the main thing is that he has no fear of water. The ideal option is for the lessons to be conducted under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

When studying independently in a natural reservoir, pay attention to the key factors:

  • The water should warm up to at least 18° and be clear;
  • The bottom is flat, sandy;
  • No wind or current.

When choosing a pool, keep in mind that you need to visit it at least 2 times a week, and also make sure that:

  • The swimming area complies with safety regulations.
  • Water temperature from 23° (for preschoolers).
  • The filling of the pool meets sanitary standards.

The two-year-old toddler takes great pleasure in moving independently in the water. At three years old he dives easily and floats on his back. At four years old, he can easily overcome about 10-12 meters. The pace of development is different for everyone; the task of parents is to motivate the child to overcome difficulties.

For a little person, it is important that mom or dad are nearby. When mastering a new environment, he needs the support and encouragement of positive-minded close people.

What exercises will help a child quickly learn to swim?

So that the training is successful and brings maximum benefit– teach children by playing. You should not expect rapid results from a beginner, since the labor-intensive preparation process consists of conquering 4 steps.

No. 1 Training on land and in water

  • Correct breathing is a quick inhale through the mouth, a long exhale through the nose.
  • Bends, body turns, squats.
  • Describing circles with your hands: standing still, moving, bending over.
  • We learn to maintain balance, walk, run, lift our legs (introduction to water resistance).

#2 Diving - overcoming fear

Children are initially afraid of being completely immersed. Trying not to drown, they desperately flounder, preventing themselves from swimming. Having learned to be underwater, holding their breath, they relax, stop frantically beating their arms, trying to stay on the surface, and swim.


  • Hold your breath (holding your nose), close your eyes, lower your face into the water - dive. Join your child, show by personal example that this is not scary at all. The first training can be done at home, using a regular basin of water.
  • Let's pretend hippopotamus We take a deep breath, purse our lips, begin the dive (squatting), only the eyes remain above the surface, exhale through the mouth. Over time, move on to full immersion (with eyes open, closed, with or without glasses).
  • Submarine, tug . Ask the young tester to dive with his arms straight, pull him under the water, and at the end of the dive push him to the surface. Increase the distance each time.
  • Diver . We take out objects from the bottom (whoever is larger).

No. 3 Floating on the water is a useful skill

  • Lie on the water, spreading your arms and legs to the sides - star .
  • Push off from the bottom and swim with with outstretched arms and with your feet, sliding like arrow .
  • Balance on the surface like float , clasping your knees with your hands and pressing your head to them.

#4 Movements that will come in handy while swimming

  • We place our hands in front of us in the water, drawing hearts (bras element).
  • Using the support of an adult (then independently in oversleeves), the child demonstrates how duck moves his paws.
  • Now let's show with our legs little frog, We'll join him in a couple of days heart .
  • The baby swims from one adult to another (we gradually increase the distance).
  • The child wanted to test his strength. Let him go into the river up to his neck, and let him swim towards the shore (at any time he will be able to reach the bottom without having time to get scared).

After swimming, do not forget to dry the future champion with a towel. If necessary, warm up with a light jog or squats.

Special training will help you more easily understand the basics of swimming: opening your eyes, exhaling in the water, complete immersion; floating; rowing movements with legs and arms; sliding on the surface. Preparatory exercises an important step towards mastering the simplest.

How not to teach children to swim - common mistakes

The learning process will become effective if you take into account the following points:

  • Swimming immediately after eating is contraindicated; maintain an interval of 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • The time of the first bath should not exceed 5-10 minutes, and can gradually be increased to 30-40 minutes.
  • If you experience dizziness, chills, or lethargy, immediately go ashore.
  • An inflatable ring is a useless, even harmful accessory; the baby’s body is in an unnatural position, which hinders the development of correct skills.
  • The use of fins in the first stages of training spoils the kicking technique.
  • If the child is afraid - don't ignore, respect his feelings, reschedule classes for a more appropriate moment.
  • To prevent the baby from developing deep psychological trauma and persistent aversion to water - don't throw it into the water . This is a cruel, non-pedagogical method. The instinct of self-preservation may help you float to the surface, but trust in you will be undermined. Seconds of horror can develop into an insurmountable lifelong phobia.

Swimming promotes the harmonious development of muscles, builds character, strengthens, trains the heart and lungs. Exposure to water has a positive effect on the nervous system: relieves fatigue and calms. After classes, the child falls asleep faster, his sleep is more sound, memory and attention improve. When the body is in water, the load on all muscle groups is distributed evenly, so injuries are practically eliminated.

Swimming skill is sometimes vitally important, because most accidents in open waters occur precisely because of its absence.